
Human Rights News | Today’s Latest Stories | Reuters

  • Myanmar’s military government has ramped up killings and arrests in an apparent bid to silence opponents and recruit soldiers in an escalating conflict, with tens of thousands detained since a 2021 coup, a U.N. report said on Tuesday.

  • Les parlementaires géorgiens ont approuvé mardi en troisième et dernière lecture une loi sur les “valeurs familiales et la protection des mineurs” qui impose des restrictions radicales aux droits des personnes lesbienne, gay, bisexuelle et transgenre (LGBT).

  • Georgian lawmakers on Tuesday approved the third and final reading of a law on “family values and the protection of minors” that would impose sweeping curbs on LGBT rights.

  • Ukrainian prosecutors said on Tuesday they had opened an investigation into a suspected Russian execution of a Ukrainian serviceman found dead with a sword in his body.

  • Bangladesh said on Tuesday the World Bank has committed to providing over $2 billion in new financing this fiscal year to support the country’s ongoing reform efforts, flood response initiatives, and improvements in air quality and healthcare.

  • Maria Ponomarenko, a journalist from Siberia serving a six-year prison sentence for speaking out against the war in Ukraine, has declared a hunger strike, according to her publication and a supporter.

  • Ten civilians were killed in a midnight attack by the CODECO militia on a village in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ituri province, the head of local administration and a civil society leader said on Tuesday.

  • Iran has granted an early release from prison to Austrian citizen Christian Weber, who was convicted of offences that originally included spying, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said on Tuesday.

  • President Nicolas Maduro’s government escalated repressive tactics to crush peaceful protests and keep power after Venezuela’s disputed election in July, a U.N. report said on Tuesday.

  • A lawyer for TikTok argued a ban violates free speech protections.

  • The United States worked for some time to secure the freedom of American Pastor David Lin ahead of his release from China and is still seeking the release of other Americans held there, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Monday.

  • Police in Ann Arbor, Michigan, said late on Sunday they were investigating an attack on a 19-year-old Jewish man as a “bias-motivated assault” after the man told police that attackers asked about his religion.

  • A federal judge in Chicago has ruled that a nonprofit medical center is unlikely to prevail in its challenge to the structure of the National Labor Relations Board, and declined to block the agency’s case against the center from moving forward.

  • British Prime Minister Keir Starmer hailed Italy’s efforts to tackle illegal immigration on Monday, saying the two countries would share intelligence and work more closely together to “smash” the people smuggling gangs.

  • Germany reintroduced temporary border checks including at its frontiers with France and the Netherlands on Monday as part of efforts to combat irregular migration and cross-border crime.

  • The trial is an effort to end a carve-out that allows military academies to still employ affirmative action policies.

  • U.N. human rights experts criticised mostly Western states on Monday for continuing to support Israel despite what they described as a genocide in Gaza which might turn Israel into a “pariah” nation.

  • L’Allemagne a réintroduit lundi des contrôles temporaires à ses frontières, avec la France et les Pays-Bas notamment, avec l’objectif de lutter contre l’immigration irrégulière et la criminalité transfrontalière.

  • Ukraine said on Monday it had asked the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to join humanitarian efforts in Russia’s Kursk region following a cross-border incursion by Ukrainian forces.

  • A Colorado judge on Friday reduced to probation the prison sentence of a paramedic convicted in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain, a young Black man who died after police put him in a chokehold, a court official said.