Effective healthcare waste management is crucial due to the presence of disease-causing agents, necessitating effective waste management procedures to reduce potential risks. Aside from healthcare waste, this category of waste is also referred to using alternative terms such as medical waste, biomedical waste, hospital waste, and clinical waste. Proper healthcare waste management importance has increased during the coronavirus pandemic, evident from the rise in research articles. Due to the lack of comprehensive recent bibliometric research on healthcare waste management, especially post-pandemic trends, there is a need for an updated bibliometric study on this topic. This paper aims to fill the gap in research by providing an updated bibliometric study on healthcare waste management from 1995 to 2022, analyzing global research status and growth trends, as well as identifying influential journals, leading countries, sponsors, authors, and author keywords. Results showed that 97 countries have participated in the publication of 877 papers as journal articles (707, 80%), reviews (85, 10%), and conference papers (85, 10%). The top 10 major journals, produced approximately 23.6% of documents of the total numbers from which waste management and research (68, 7.7%), and waste management (38, 4.3%) are the two most productive ones. The top 10 productive countries cover 75.37% of all documents. India leads in publications, with China closely behind in second place, showing significant investment in research. Besides, the keywords COVID-19, hospital, hazardous waste, infectious waste, and knowledge had the highest number of occurrences during the studied period.
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Sabour, M.R., Amron, R. A systematic analysis of research trends on healthcare waste management during 1995–2022. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-024-05770-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-024-05770-x