Author: Benjamin Weinthal
Germany Again Omits Iran from Its Antisemitism Report
Outgoing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks to the media at a European Union summit. Shutterstock The outgoing left-of-center German government has failed for a second time to include Iran-promoted antisemitism as a threat to Jews in its new federal report on the world’s oldest hatred. The 98-page document, “Second report on combating antisemitism,” made no…
German Think Tank Cancels Talk by Pro-Iran Regime Lobbyist
Trita Parsi serves as the executive vice president of the Quincy Institute, a well-known think tank that agitates for Iranian and Qatari interests in the U.S. He was scheduled to speak in Berlin on February 17, 2025 but his talk was cancelled after complaints from human rights activists in the Iranian diaspora. Ralph Alswang/Ralph Alswang/Flickr…
German Official Condemns Think Tank for Hosting Defender of Iranian Terror
A think tank with close ties to the German Foreign Ministry has been condemned for hosting Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former diplomat for the regime for the Islamic Republic of Iran (above), at an event in Hamburg last year. (Photo Wikipedia) A high-ranking official charged with combating antisemitism in Hamburg has condemned an influential think…
A Conspiracy of Silence at Oberlin College?
The campus of Oberlin College in Ohio in winter. Shutterstock After a three-year Alliance Against Islamic Regime of Iran Apologists campaign against Oberlin College’s Islamic studies professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, the progressive college let the former Iranian regime ambassador to the United Nations go in November 2023. The cover-up, however, continued. The student paper, The…
FWI Exclusive: PayPal Closes Account of Iranian-Controlled Institute in Berlin
The U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned Al-Mustafa International University located in Quom, Iran, for enabling terrorism. An offshoot of the university, the Al-Mustafa Institute, is now under intense scrutiny from German security officials. The U.S.-based international online financial platform, PayPal, has terminated the account of the Berlin-based Al-Mustafa Institute—an organization controlled by the Islamic…