Author: Fariba Amini
On Int’l Women’s Day: In Memory of Iranian Women who have Struggled for Freedom
Newark, Delaware (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – When Ruhollah Khomeini was still in Neauphle-le-Château, in various declarations and interviews, he had promised that women would have the freedom to choose their attire. That they would have the same rights as men. “In an interview with a left-leaning Lebanese newspaper, he said that Islam believes in the total…
Interview with Miko Peled, Director of Palestine Freedom House
“I believe in life and in people. I feel obliged to advocate their highest ideals as long as I believe them to be true. I also seem myself compelled to revolt against ideals I believe to be false, since recoiling from rebellion would be a form of treason.” — Naghuib Mahfouz Interview by Fariba Amini with Miko…
On the 46th Anniversary of Iranian Revolution: An Interview with Amb. John Limbert
“No one should be surprised that the Iranian Revolution took a religious form. The fact that God appears on almost every page does not reflect religious convictions of my own, nor for that matter any conscious design at all, but simply arises from the circumstance that in any description of the fabric of Iranian life…
“Trump is the one to Blame” for Current Iran Crisis: An Interview with Gary Sick (Pt. 2)
This is part II of Fariba Amini’s two-part interview with Columbia University Political Scientist and former National Security Council Adviser (to President Jimmy Carter) Gary Sick, among America’s foremost Iran specialists. Part I is here. Gary Sick. Courtesy Columbia University. Fariba Amini: How do you see Trump’s internal and foreign policy agenda in the coming…
Why is Iran so Central to US Policy? An Interview with Doyen of US Iran Experts, Gary Sick (Pt. 1)
Gary Sick was the national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter. He was present at the White House during some turbulent times- the Iranian revolution, Camp David Accord and more. He had served previously under President Ford and, for a short period, under Reagan. Later, he taught at Columbia University and for nearly 30 years…
Is Iran Next?
Newark, Del. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – In 2005, in the summer of that year, while visiting Iran, I happened to meet an opinionated man. The first thing he asked me was whether I was coming from abroad. He could tell. I replied, yes. He told me, well you are lucky. Here we’re suffering. …