Author: Michael Hirsh

  • The New Meaning of ‘Munich’

    The New Meaning of ‘Munich’

    For more than eight decades, the word “Munich” has meant one thing in international relations: a catastrophic policy of appeasement. Now, “Munich” may soon take on a fresh—and possibly even more fraught—meaning: the voluntary surrender of global hegemony. In a series of remarks leading up to the just-ended Munich Security Conference, senior Trump administration officials—including…

  • Jimmy Carter Was the True Change Agent of the Cold War

    Jimmy Carter Was the True Change Agent of the Cold War

    The morning after U.S. presidential candidate Ronald Reagan crushed incumbent President Jimmy Carter with a 44-state landslide in 1980, the New York Times reported that demand for a “tougher American foreign policy” was a big part of the outcome. By almost a 2-1 ratio, voters in exit polls said, “They wanted this country to be…