• 22 July 2024

    The IRGC confirmed that it had seized a Togo-flagged, UAE-bound tanker and detained its crew, asserting that the ship had been “systematically engaged in fuel smuggling”.

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  • 19 July 2024

    Iranian authorities reported that one police officer had been killed and another injured in a “terrorist attack” in the south east.

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  • 16 July 2024

    Media reports cited U.S. officials regarding intelligence indicating Iranian plotting to target former U.S. president and 2024 Republican nominee Donald Trump, who was injured in a 13 July assassination attempt. A spokesperson for the National Security Council indicated that ongoing investigations had “not identified ties between the shooter and any accomplice or co-conspirator”, while noting: “We have been tracking Iranian threats against former Trump administration officials for years… We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority”. Iran’s government maintained that “these accusations are unsubstantiated and malicious”.

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  • 13 July 2024

    A spokesperson for the company that had chartered a tanker seized by Iran in April 2023 said “we are pleased to see the safe release of the vessel and crew”.

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  • 5 July 2024

    After none of the candidates reached a majority of votes cast in 28 June elections, Masoud Pezeshkian was elected to succeed Ebrahim Raisi as Iran’s president, securing just under 16.4 million votes from a total of 30 million cast in the runoff.

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  • 1 July 2024

    Iran’s acting foreign minister warned that “any new mistake they [ie, Israel] make in Lebanon will create new conditions at the regional level to the detriment of the Zionists”. The next day, a senior advisor to Iran’s supreme leader emphasised that “all Lebanese people, Arab countries and members of the axis of resistance will support Lebanon against Israel. There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged… In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hizbollah by all means”.

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  • 28 June 2024

    The IAEA reported that Iran had completed installation of four more “IR-6 cascades in Unit 1 at FFEP (Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant)”, completing six out of eight cascades it announced earlier this month. “Iran has not specified to the Agency when it would start feeding any of the cascades in Unit 1 with UF6 or the planned enrichment level”, the report added.

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  • 23 June 2024

    Bahrain’s foreign minister met with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran, and according to a joint statement, they “agreed to establish the necessary mechanisms to start talks between the two countries to examine the resumption of political ties”.

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  • 14 June 2024

    The U.S. and other Group of Seven countries issued a joint statement calling on “Tehran to cease and reverse nuclear escalations, and stop the continuing uranium enrichment activities that have no credible civilian justifications”. They further urged “Iran to stop assisting Russia’s war in Ukraine and not to transfer ballistic missiles and related technology, as this would represent a substantive material escalation and a direct threat to European security. We are prepared to respond in a swift and coordinated manner, including with new and significant measures”. The G7 also expressed readiness “to adopt further sanctions or take other measures in response to further destabilising initiatives”.

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  • 13 June 2024

    The IAEA reported that “on 9 and 10 June… Iran informed the Agency that eight cascades each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges would be installed over the next three to four weeks in Unit 1 of FFEP (Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant)”, adding: “On 11 June… the Agency verified at FFEP that Iran had completed the installation of IR-6 centrifuges in two cascades in Unit 1. Installation of IR-6 centrifuges in four additional cascades was ongoing”. Iran also informed the IAEA of plans to install eighteen IR-2m cascades in Natanz. The U.S. asserted that “Iran aims to continue expanding its nuclear program in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose. These planned actions further undermine Iran’s claims to the contrary. If Iran implements these plans, we will respond accordingly”.

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  • 5 June 2024

    With 20 votes in favour, two against and twelve abstentions, the IAEA Board of Governors adopted an E3-drafted resolution urging Iran to cooperate with the Agency over safeguards matters. The U.S. voted in favour, with its envoy noting: “This resolution should be a first step in a strategy aimed at achieving a sustainable, effective solution to Iran’s nuclear program that includes full cooperation with the IAEA, especially as we look ahead to October 2025, when the UN Security Council could close consideration of Iran’s nuclear issue under Security Council Resolution 2231. This will be a natural inflection point for the international community’s quest to make certain that Iran’s program remains exclusively peaceful”. Iran’s foreign ministry condemned the resolution as “a politically-motivated and unconstructive move”.

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  • 3 June 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium continues to increase, including that enriched up to 60 per cent. The Agency has lost continuity of knowledge in relation to the production and inventory of centrifuges, rotors and bellows, heavy water and uranium ore concentrate”. Grossi also noted “no progress in resolving the outstanding safeguards issues”, adding: “Further public statements made in Iran regarding its technical capabilities to produce nuclear weapons and possible changes to Iran’s nuclear doctrine only increase my concerns about the correctness and completeness of Iran’s safeguards declarations”. He further said: “I deeply regret that Iran has yet to reverse its decision to withdraw the designations for several experienced Agency inspectors. Nevertheless, I welcome Iran’s agreement that the [March 2023] Joint Statement continues to provide a framework for cooperation with the Agency and for addressing the outstanding issues”.

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  • 24 May 2024

    Acting Foreign Minister Bagheri-Kani told a senior Hamas leader that “the Islamic Republic of Iran will do its best to defend the oppressed people of Palestine and their legitimate resistance against the Zionist occupation and stop the regime’s crimes”.

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  • 20 May 2024

    Iranian authorities confirmed the death of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a helicopter crash in north-western Iran the previous day; Mohammad Mokhber, Raisi’s vice president, took over as acting president, and presidential elections were set for 28 June. The U.S. shared “official condolences”, adding that “as Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms”. Relatedly, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson said that “we were asked for assistance by the Iranian Government. We did make clear to them that we would offer assistance, as we would do in response to any request by a foreign government in this sort of situation.… Ultimately, largely for logistical reasons, we weren’t able to provide that assistance”.

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  • 19 May 2024

    Following reports of indirect U.S.-Iran talks in Oman, Iran’s UN mission noted an “ongoing process… These talks were neither the first nor the last”.

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  • 14 May 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi warned that “we are moving closer to a situation where there is a big, huge question mark about what they [ie, Iran] are doing and why they are doing it…Without meaningful engagement, without us being able to have capacity to see and to see more in Iran, my ability to guarantee that everything is for peaceful uses in Iran would be limited and perhaps approaching the moment where I would not be able to say that any more… It would be a very critical juncture because the international community would have to grapple with the reality that we don’t know what Iran may or may not have and the countries will draw their conclusions”. He also noted: “I see in them a recognition that it is better to have some engagement than to continue on a completely divergent course, leading to more escalation and perhaps even more danger, including war”.

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  • 13 May 2024

    Addressing a deal between India and Iran over Iran’s Chabahar port, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson said: “U.S. sanctions on Iran remain in place and we’ll continue to enforce them… Any entity, anyone considering business deals with Iran, they need to be aware of the potential risk that they are opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions”.

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  • 13 May 2024

    A senior advisor to Iran’s supreme leader warned that “if the Israeli regime threatens Iran with nuclear weapons, we are forced to reconsider our nuclear doctrine… We are advocates of diplomacy to make the Middle East a nuclear-free region. But, in case the Israeli regime threatens us with nuclear weapons, we surely cannot sit idle and wait for permission from others”. Addressing the U.S., he asserted: “You were the ones who left the nuclear deal, and today, you show no more interest in negotiating to revive it. If you return to the deal, we can discuss about making the region a nuclear-free zone”. In response, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “[the U.S.] will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, period. We continue to assess, though, that Iran is not currently undertaking the key activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device, and we don’t believe that the supreme leader has yet made a decision to resume the weaponisation program that we judge Iran suspended or stopped at the end of 2003”.

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  • 13 May 2024

    Addressing the annual Iranian-Arab Dialogue Conference in Tehran, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian asserted: “We have passed the stage of Iranian-Arabic dialogues and have entered the stage of regional dialogues and cooperation”. He further commented on Iran-Saudi rapprochement and noted “good successes of the multi-layered development of cooperation, although we are still at the beginning of the path”. Highlighting “improved bilateral relations between Iran and the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Kuwait”, Amirabdollahian referred to “ongoing efforts to restore relations with Bahrain”, praising its “release of political prisoners as a positive step”.

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  • 13 May 2024

    A U.S. representative told the UN Security Council that “we must collectively call Iran out for its destabilising role and insist that it cannot hide behind the Houthis. We reiterate our call for Iran to cease its unlawful weapons transfers and enablement of the Houthi’s illegal and reckless attacks… We must do more to strengthen enforcement and deter sanctions violators. The scale and diversity of materiel currently being transferred to the Houthis in violation of UNSCRs in unprecedented”. On 17 May, Iran’s UN envoy characterised the claims as “lies and misinformation”, asserting that Iran had “made it clear that it is committed to the Security Council’s relevant resolutions… And has not engaged in activities in contravention of those resolutions”.

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  • 9 May 2024

    A senior advisor to Iran’s supreme leader asserted that “we have no decision to build a nuclear bomb but should Iran’s existence be threatened, there will be no choice but to change our military doctrine”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson described the remarks as “irresponsible”, adding: “The U.S. will ensure one way or another that Iran will never have a nuclear weapon. We continue to use a variety of… tools in pursuit of that goal and all options remain on the table. Ultimately, we believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve a sustainable, effective solution, but given their escalation across the board – including their failure to cooperate with the IAEA – we are far away from anything like that right now”.

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  • 6 May 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi visited Iran and offered what he described as “a set of concrete practical measures for the revitalisation of the 4 March 2023 Joint Statement with aim of restoring process of confidence building and increasing transparency”. “I want results and I want them soon. And I think they understand that as well”, he noted during a subsequent press conference. The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran said: “It is important to be careful that the hostile actions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which the Zionists [ie, Israelis] are [the] source of… do not affect the interactions between Iran and the agency”.

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  • 3 May 2024

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian reported that Iran had released the crew of MSC Aries, seized on 13 April, though the vessel remained under what he termed “judicial detention”.

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  • 2 May 2024

    Iran’s government sanctioned twelve American individuals and entities it claimed were “involved in terrorism and serious human rights violating in supporting Israeli regime’s barbaric acts against the Palestinians”, as well as thirteen UK designees.

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  • 25 April 2024

    Iranian media reported that security forces had killed two “terrorists” of undisclosed affiliation in a drone strike in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 23 April 2024

    President Ebrahim Raisi asserted that “the Iranian nation stands against the corruption, extravagance and oppression of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and will continue to do so… If the Zionist regime once against makes a mistake and invades the holy land of Iran, the situation will be different and it is not clear that there will be anything left of this regime”.

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  • 23 April 2024

    The U.S. designated “two companies and four individuals involved in malicious cyber activity on behalf of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Cyber Electronic Command (IRGC-CEC)”, with the Treasury Department asserting that those sanctioned had “targeted more than a dozen U.S. companies and government entities through cyber operations, including spear phishing and malware attacks”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson rejected what he described as “baseless labels”.

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  • 22 April 2024

    For the first time since 2015, Iranians travelled to Saudi Arabia for the umrah pilgrimage.

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  • 19 April 2024

    Iranian authorities reported that air defence systems in Esfahan had downed “suspicious objects”, without causing casualties or damage, while unnamed Israel officials confirmed an Israeli strike against a military air base in response to Iran’s 13 April attack on Israel. Reports citing unnamed U.S. officials indicated that Israel had fired “three missiles… targeting an air defence radar site near Esfahan that’s part of the protection of the Natanz nuclear facility”; the official was cited as indicating that the operation “was intended to send a signal to Iran that Israel has these capabilities, but was not looking to escalate the situation”. The IAEA confirmed “no damage to Iran’s nuclear sites”, urging “extreme restraint from everybody… nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflicts”. 

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  • 18 April 2024

    An IRGC general warned that if Israel “decides to take action against our nuclear facilities and centres, it will definitely face our reaction… For a tit-for-tat retaliation, the regime’s nuclear facilities will be attacked with advanced weapons”. He further asserted that should Israel “use the threat of attacking our country’s nuclear centres as a tool to put pressure on Iran, it is possible and conceivable to revise the nuclear doctrine and policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and deviate from the previously declared considerations”. On 22 April, the foreign ministry’s spokesperson maintained: “Iran has repeatedly said its nuclear program only serves peaceful purposes. Nuclear weapons have no place in our nuclear doctrine”.

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  • 14 April 2024

    Discussing Iran’s 13 April retaliatory airstrikes against Israel, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian said: “If the UN had condemned the Israeli strike [on Iran’s consulate in Damascus], we would have thought twice about our response”. He added: “We do not seek to target American people and bases in the region and we do not welcome the extension of tensions… We will target U.S. bases if they are used to aid Zionist [ie, Israeli] aggression [against Iran]”.

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  • 13 April 2024

    In response to the 1 April strike, attributed to Israel, against its consulate and senior IRGC commanders in Damascus, Iran launched airstrikes against Israel. According to the IDF, Israel and allied forces intercepted 99 per cent of 300-plus missiles and drones fired from Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. “Only a few [ballistic missiles] crossed into Israeli territory… These fell at the Nevatim Air Force Base, causing only minor damage to infrastructure”, an Israeli military spokesperson indicated. President Biden condemned what he described as “an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in Israel”. The following day, Iran’s military chief of staff highlighted that “our operations are over and we have no intention to continue them”, with the IRGC commander warning: “From now on, if the Zionist regime attacks our interests, assets, figures and citizens at any point, it will face counterattack from within the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

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  • 13 April 2024

    The IRGC seized MCS Aries, a Portuguese-registered merchant vessel described as “linked to Israel”, in the Gulf of Oman. On April 15, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson claimed that “the vessel was diverted into Iran’s territorial waters as a result of violating maritime laws and not answering calls made by Iranian authorities”.

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  • 11 April 2024

    Amid reports that was Iran preparing to retaliate for the 1 April strike in Damascus attributed to Israel, an Israeli military spokesperson asserted that “we are ready for attack and defence using a variety of capabilities that the IDF has, and also ready with our strategic partners… Our strategic relationship with the U.S. armed forces is strong and tight”. He further affirmed that “an attack from Iranian territory would be clear proof of Iranian intentions to escalate the situation in the Middle East, and to stop hiding behind the proxies”. The same day, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to several foreign counterparts “to make clear that escalation is not in anyone’s interest and that countries should urge Iran not to escalate”, while a White House spokesperson said: “We have warned Iran not to use this attack as a pretext to escalate further in the region or to attack U.S. facilities or personnel”.

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  • 10 April 2024

    Referring to the 1 April strike in Damascus attributed to Israel, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted: “Attacking our consulate is like attacking our soil… The malicious [Israeli] regime has made a wrong move in this case. It should be punished and it will be punished”. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz countered that “if Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will respond and attack in Iran”, while Defence Minister Yoav Gallant asserted: “Any enemy that tries to attack us, will first of all be met with a strong defence… But we will know how to react very quickly with a decisive offensive action against the territory of whoever attacks our territory, no matter where it is, in the entire Middle East”. President Biden, noting that Iran was “threatening to launch a significant attack in Israel”, declared: “Our commitment to Israel’s security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad”.

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  • 9 April 2024

    Iranian authorities reported five fatalities among law enforcement officers in south east Iran during a terrorist attack attributed to Jaish al-Adl.

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  • 8 April 2024

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian inaugurated a consular facility in Damascus after the previous site was targeted in a deadly strike attributed to Israel. Amirabdollahian reiterated that along with Israel, “the U.S. is responsible for this incident and must be held accountable… The refusal of the U.S. and two European countries to issue a statement in condemnation of this attack bespeaks America’s green light”.

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  • 6 April 2024

     Iranian authorities reported the arrest of several ISIS members, including a “senior operative”, in and near Tehran.

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  • 5 April 2024

    Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned that “[Israel] will regret it if it launches any war on Lebanon… We have not used the main weapons nor the main forces and we have not called in the reserves”. He further highlighted that “our stance regarding the Lebanese front has not changed: when the war stops in Gaza it will stop here”. Nasrallah went on to describe a 1 April strike, attributed to Israel, which killed several senior IRGC commanders and personnel in Damascus, as a “pivotal incident… Everyone must prepare themselves, arrange their matters and be careful when the Iranian side responds to the targeting of the Iranian consulate and to the Zionist enemy’s possible response to the Iranian response”. The same day, a senior Iranian official asserted that Tehran had told Washington “not to get dragged in Netanyahu’s trap… Stay away so you won’t get hurt”. “In response, [the] U.S. asked Iran not to target American facilities”, he claimed.

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  • 4 April 2024

    The IRGC reported ten fatalities among Iranian security forces in clashes with Jaish al-Adl in south east Iran; an Iranian official asserted that the attack was aimed at “seizing the IRGC headquarters in Chabahar and Rask”, with eighteen members of the militant group killed.

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  • 1 April 2024

    Syria state media reported Israeli strikes against the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The IRGC confirmed seven fatalities, including two senior commanders. Iran’s UN mission urged the Security Council to “take all necessary measures”, asserting: “Iran reserves its legitimate and inherent right… to take a decisive response to such reprehensible acts”. The following day, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pledged that Israel would “be punished by our courageous men. We will make them regret this and other crimes like it”. Relatedly, Iran’s foreign ministry conveyed to the U.S. via the Swiss embassy in Tehran that as Israel’s “supporter”, the U.S. “should be held accountable”. A White House official asserted that “we had nothing to do with the strike in Damascus… We weren’t involved in any way”.

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  • 26 March 2024

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met with senior Hamas officials in Tehran, praising what he described as the “exceptional resistance demonstrated by the Palestinian Resistance forces” against “the crimes and brutalities committed by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], with full support from the West”. He further asserted that “Iran will not hesitate to support the cause of Palestine and the oppressed and resistant people of Gaza”. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant described the meeting as “the clearest sign that there is a war going on between the free world and the axis which promotes terror”. On 28 March, Khamenei met with a senior official from Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

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  • 26 March 2024

    Syrian state media reported what it alleged were U.S. strikes against several targets, including military sites, in the Deir al-Zor region, causing tens of casualties. Israeli media reported that Israel had been “targeting Iranian assets and operatives involved in a recent plot to smuggle advanced arms to West Bank terrorists”; Iranian media reported the death of an IRGC “military advisor”.

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  • 25 March 2024

    Iranian state media reported that a law enforcement official and a civilian were killed during a clash with a “terrorist” group in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 7 March 2024

    A U.S. envoy told the IAEA Board of Governors that “we and the broader international community must consider anew how to respond to Iran’s continued stonewalling [on safeguards]… Iran’s continuing lack of credible cooperation provides grounds for pursuing further Board of Governors action, including the possibility of additional resolutions and consideration of whether Iran is once again in noncompliance with its safeguards obligations”. The ambassador further noted that “if we cannot look forward to a dispositive report from the Director General… It would be appropriate to request from the Director General a comprehensive summary report based on the information and access so far available to inspectors”.

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  • 4 March 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium continues to increase, even though the level of uranium enriched up to 60 per cent has fallen slightly”, adding: “The Agency has lost continuity of knowledge in relation to the production and inventory of centrifuges, rotors and bellows, heavy water and uranium ore concentrate. It is three years since Iran stopped provisionally applying its Additional Protocol”. Grossi further noted that “no progress in resolving the outstanding safeguards issues… Public statements made in Iran regarding its technical capabilities to produce nuclear weapons only increase my concerns about the correctness and completeness of Iran’s safeguards declarations”. He also raised concerns about Iran having “unilaterally stopped implementing the [March 2023] Joint Statement”, adding “that Iran has yet to reverse its decision to withdraw the designations for several experienced Agency inspectors”.

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  • 1 March 2024

    The IRGC Navy confirmed the death of a member serving as a “military advisor in Syria”, in addition to two Hizbollah fighters, in an alleged Israeli strike.

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  • 21 February 2024

    Iran’s oil minister attributed 14 February attacks on gas pipelines to Israel, asserting that “the enemy intended to disrupt households’ gas supplies”.

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  • 20 February 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi pegged Iran’s accumulation of uranium enriched to 60 per cent at 7kg per month, and asserted: “This slowdown, speedup thing is like a cycle that for me does not alter the fundamental trend, which is a trend of constant increase in inventory of highly enriched uranium”. “We seem to be drifting apart”, he added. “Iran says they are not getting incentives from the West, but I find this logic very complicated to understand because they should work with us… It should never be contingent on economic or other incentives”.

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  • 13 February 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi asserted that Tehran was “presenting a face which is not entirely transparent when it comes to its nuclear activities… There’s loose talk about nuclear weapons more and more, including in Iran recently. A very high official said, in fact, we have everything, its disassembled. Well, please let me know what you have”.

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  • 12 February 2024

    The Houthis claimed to have successfully targeted “the American ship Star Iris in the Red Sea with a number of suitable naval missiles”. Industry sources indicated that the ship was carrying an Iran-bound corn shipment. U.S. Central Command reported that the vessel remained “seaworthy with minor damage and no injuries to the crew”, and confirmed that its destination was Iran.

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  • 9 February 2024

    During a visit to Beirut, Iran’s foreign minister contended that “Hizbollah and the resistance in Lebanon have courageously and wisely carried out their deterring and effective role”, adding that Iran would maintain “its strong support to the resistance in Lebanon, as we consider Lebanon’s security as the security of Iran and the region”.

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  • 7 February 2024

    Marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, President Raisi asserted: “The presence of American forces in our region has no justification and the problems of the region should be resolved with the presence of the regional officials… [it] does not create security in any way, but rather disturbs the security of the region”.

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  • 5 February 2024

    Iran’s UN ambassador told the Security Council that “all of the resistance groups in the region are independent and their decisions and actions are motivated by… ending the illegal presence of the U.S. in their territories, stopping the genocide in Gaza and ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories. Therefore, any attempt to attribute these actions to Iran or its Armed forces is misleading, baseless and unacceptable”. He further claimed that “Iran has no military presence in Iraq, nor does it have bases or military advisers… In Syria, Iranian military advisers are legally present since they were invited officially by the Syrian government to fight terrorism… Claims that Iran’s bases in Iraq and Syria were attacked are rejected as unfounded and regarded as attempts to shift attention away from the U.S.’s aggressive actions”.

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  • 1 February 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi indicated that “there is a bit of a slowing down [in Iran’s accumulation of uranium enriched to 60 per cent]… They are still adding to the stockpile but more slowly”.

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  • 29 January 2024

    Iranian state media reported the execution of “four people convicted [in September 2023] of working for the Israeli Mossad spy agency and plotting a bomb attack against a Defence Ministry factory in the country’s central province of Isfahan”.

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  • 29 January 2024

    Iranian authorities reported uncovering “a terrorist team” in south east Iran allegedly “trying to enter the country with significant amounts of weapons, ammunition, and explosives with the aim of conducting acts of sabotage”.

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  • 28 January 2024

    Iranian state media reported that the Defence Ministry had successfully launched three satellites using the Simorgh satellite carrier.

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  • 23 January 2024

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told the UN Security Council that U.S.-led strikes against the Houthis were “a strategic mistake… which will result in the risk of further expanding the scope of the war”, describing an end to the Gaza war as “the main key to the restoration of security to the region”. He further noted that “the U.S. repeatedly expressed its grave concern about the spillover of tension in the region, and yet continues its full support to the Israeli regime’s war machine… The U.S. must bear the responsibility for its consequences”. “Instead of calling on others to exercise restraint”, he contended, “the U.S. must compel the Israeli regime to stop the war and pull itself out of the trap that the Israeli regime has set to drag the U.S. into direct conflict”.

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  • 20 January 2024

    The IRGC’s Aerospace Force reported “successfully launching the Soraya (Sky) satellite to an altitude of 750km above the earth’s surface for the first time”. On January 26, the E3 condemned the launch, noting: “This SLV uses technology essential for the development of a long-range ballistic missile system… We have longstanding concerns over Iran’s activity related to ballistic missile technologies that are capable of delivering nuclear weapons. These concerns are reinforced by Iran’s continued nuclear escalation beyond all credible civilian justification”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson criticised the statement as “interventionist”, asserting that “in spite of a series of arbitrary interpretations rooted in the unilateral tendencies of certain parties, there are no limits to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s scientific and applied activities in the sphere of space research”.

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  • 20 January 2024

    Iran confirmed the deaths of five IRGC “military advisors” in alleged Israeli strikes in Damascus. President Raisi warned that “the continuation of such terrorist and criminal acts… will not go unanswered”.

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  • 17 January 2024

    The IRGC reported clashes with a group of “terrorists” affiliated with Jaish al-Adl near the south-eastern border, asserting that it had killed one, with the rest retreating into Pakistani territory. The same day, the IRGC confirmed that a “group of assailants” killed a colonel in the same province.

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  • 16 January 2024

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “Iran is the only non-nuclear weapon state which is enriching uranium at this very, very high level … A snapshot shows a program which is galloping ahead, moving ahead with ambitious goals. We have nothing against that. But we say the visibility of the international inspectorate, the IAEA, must be commensurate with those activities”. “Iran is party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, they should abide by this commitment”, he added, while characterising limits on inspectors as “contrary to the spirit of our work”.

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  • 15 January 2024

    The IRGC announced that “in response to the recent evil acts of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] in martyring IRGC and resistance commanders”, it had fired missiles at what was alleged to be “one of the main headquarters of Israel’s spying agency Mossad in Iraq’s Kurdistan region… This Mossad headquarters has been working for espionage operations and a center for terror attacks planning in the region”. The prime minister of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq condemned the attack, which led to several civilian fatalities, and the U.S. likewise denounced what it called a “reckless” action. The IRGC also declared that “in response to the recent crimes of terrorist groups… in Kerman and Rasak, [it] identified and destroyed a number of key terror commanders and elements, especially Daesh [ie, ISIS], in the occupied territories of Syria”. The following day, Iranian media reported Iranian missile strikes against Jaish al-Adl targets in Pakistan, whose foreign ministry denounced the attack as “completely unacceptable” while confirming two civilian fatalities. On 18 January, Pakistan conducted what it described as “a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes against terrorist hideouts” in south east Iran.

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  • 15 January 2024

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the Security Council and UN Secretary-General rejecting U.S. claims about Iran’s involvement in Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, while asserting that “recent incidents in the Red Sea are directly related to Israel’s continued atrocities against the Palestinian people in Gaza”. He further argued that the Houthi group “maintains independent sovereignty, making decisions and taking actions in its own interest”.

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  • 11 January 2024

    Iran’s Navy declared that in response to the 2023 U.S. seizure of an Iranian oil cargo aboard the Suez Rajan, they had seized “the oil tanker renamed St Nicholas” in the Gulf of Oman. A Turkish refiner confirmed that it had purchased the Marshall Islands-flagged vessel’s cargo from Iraq. The White House said Iran’s “provocative and unacceptable actions need to stop”, and urged the ship’s release.

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  • 11 January 2024

    President Biden announced that “U.S. military forces – together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands – successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation… These strikes are in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea – including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history”. He further asserted that “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary”. The Houthis confirmed five fatalities and condemned the attacks, contending that “the American, British presence and those who allied with them under false pretenses in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab are unacceptable… Yemen is concerned with dealing with it in an appropriate manner”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the attack, contending it would “have no result other than fueling insecurity and instability in the region”. Saudi Arabia called on “all parties involved to avoid further escalation”.

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  • 10 January 2024

    Iranian authorities reported that “gunmen attacked a checkpoint” in south-eastern Iran, killing a police officer; Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack.

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  • 9 January 2024

    Discussing the Gaza war, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “today the Resistance remains strong… [Israel] is exhausted, humiliated and filled with regret”. “The Resistance should target and strike the enemy whenever and wherever possible”, he added. 

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  • 8 January 2024

    In response to U.S. claims at the UN Security Council about Iran having been “deeply involved in planning operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea”, Iran’s envoy wrote to the Council that “Iran unequivocally condemns and categorically rejects the unfounded allegations… Incidents in the Red Sea are directly related to Israel’s continued atrocities against the Palestinian people in Gaza”.

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  • 3 January 2024

    Iranian authorities reported several dozen fatalities and over 200 injuries in Kerman after two explosions hit an event marking the January 2020 death of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani. President Raisi affirmed that “the perpetrators and masterminds of this cowardly act will soon be identified and brought to justice”. The following day, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

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  • 31 December 2023

    The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council met with a senior Houthi official in Tehran, discussing “issues of mutual interest and regional security” and praising the Houthis’ “actions in supporting the Palestinian people against the aggression and brutal attacks of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian likewise expressed thanks to the Houthi official for “throwing its weight behind the oppressed Palestinian people”, and also noted Iran’s “satisfaction with the progress in talks between Yemen and Saudi Arabia”.

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  • 29 December 2023

    The judiciary announced the execution of four individuals convicted of spying for Israel.

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  • 26 December 2023

    The IAEA informed member states that Iran had “increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous output reduction from mid-2023… Since the end of November 2023, the rate at which Iran has been producing uranium enriched up to 60 per cent U-235 at these two facilities [Natanz and Fordow] has increased to approximately 9kg per month”. The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran maintained: “we have neither changed our work nor expanded our capacity… This is media propaganda”, while a White House official asserted: “Iran’s nuclear escalation is all the more concerning at a time when Iran-backed proxies continue their dangerous and destabilising activities in the region”.

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  • 25 December 2023

    Iran confirmed the death of a senior IRGC official in Syria in what it asserted was an Israeli missile strike in Damascus. President Ebrahim Raisi contended that “this heinous act is another sign of frustration and helplessness of the usurping Zionist regime [ie, Israel] in the region, and it will definitely pay for this crime”.

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  • 18 December 2023

    The UN under-secretary-general presented the sixteen biannual report on Security Council Resolution 2231’s implementation.

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  • 18 December 2023

    The National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company confirmed disruption at petrol stations across Iran, attributing it to a “technical problem” caused by the “conspiracy of enemies to overshadow the welfare and comfort of the people”.

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  • 15 December 2023

    Iranian authorities reported a “terrorist attack” against a police station in south east Iran, killing eleven personnel; Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack.

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  • 14 December 2023

    Reacting to U.S. plans to form a multinational task-force “to provide a greater level of security through the Red Sea”, Iran’s defence minister warned: “if they make such an irrational move, they will be faced with extraordinary problems… Nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance”.

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  • 9 December 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian conferred with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the Israel-Gaza war. Discussing his conversations with senior officials in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Amirabdollahian maintained: “As long as the U.S. backs the Zionist regime’s [ie, Israel’s] crimes and the continuation of war [in Gaza], not only is the ongoing war likely to spread, but also the situation in the region could explode”.

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  • 1 December 2023

    Citing Hamas violations, Israel declared the end of the pause in the Israel-Gaza war, adding: “Upon the resumption of fighting… Israel is committed to achieving the goals of the war: Releasing the hostages, eliminating Hamas and ensuring that Gaza never again constitutes a threat to the residents of Israel”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken blamed Hamas for having “reneged on commitments it made”, and noted that “we’re… very much focused, as we’ve been all along, on trying to make sure that this conflict doesn’t spread, that it doesn’t escalate in other places. But we’re also using our diplomacy to look at not only what’s happening today and how we’re handling that, but also what happens the day after in Gaza and how we can get on the path to a just, lasting and secure peace”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson accused Israel of violating the pause, asserting: “The political and legal responsibility for continuing the aggression and brutal killing of the Palestinian people, in addition to the criminals of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], lies with the U.S. government and a few governments supporting the apartheid regime”.

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  • 29 November 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei opined that Hamas’s 7 October attack against Israel had been “against the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] but it is aimed at de-Americanisation. This incident literally managed to disrupt the table of American policies in the region, and God willing, if this Storm continues, it will wipe out the whole table”. He further maintained that “the Islamic Republic believes in a referendum in Palestine based on the Palestinian public opinion. The Islamic Republic is not of the view of throwing Zionists and Jews into the sea”.

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  • 28 November 2023

    A senior Iranian defence official was cited as indicating that “plans have been finalised for [Russian-made] Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, Mil Mi-28 attack helicopters and Yak-130 jet trainers to join the combat units of the Iranian Armed Forces”.

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  • 22 November 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “Iran’s stockpiles of uranium enriched up to five per cent, enriched up to 20 per cent and enriched up to 60 per cent – high enriched uranium – have all increased… With the increase of the 60 per cent continuing at the same rate as I reported at the time of the last Board”. He further expressed “regret that no further progress has been made in implementing the [March 2023] Joint Statement… A way forward must include an honest and cooperative implementation of the commitments we agreed”. Grossi further criticised “Iran’s sudden withdrawal of the designations of several experienced inspectors… I express the hope that this matter will be resolved promptly”.

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  • 16 November 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian said that “over the past 40 days, messages have been exchanged between Iran and the U.S… we said that Iran does not want the [Gaza] war to spread, but due to the approach adopted by the U.S. and Israel in the region, if the crimes against the people of Gaza and the West Bank are not stopped, any possibility could be considered, and a wider conflict could prove inevitable”.

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  • 6 November 2023

    Iraq’s prime minister visited Tehran and discussed the Gaza war with senior Iranian officials. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told the Iraqi premier that Israel had “so far failed in this incident because it has not been able to restore its lost reputation and it will not be able to restore it”; he also opined that “the longer the current war goes on, the evidence showing the direct role of the U.S. in directing the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza becomes more pronounced”.

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  • 1 November 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei posited that “if it were not for the support of the U.S. and its arms support, the corrupt, fake, and fictitious Zionist government [ie, Israel] would have collapsed that very first week. Thus, the atrocities in Gaza today by the Zionists have in fact been created with the support of and at the hands of the U.S.”. The same day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian warned that “if there is no immediate stop to the war and the continuation of joint attacks by the U.S. and Israel against civilians, the consequences will be severe, and the warmongers will definitely not be able to bear the consequences”.

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  • 28 October 2023

    President Raisi, discussing the Israel-Gaza war, contended that Israel’s “crimes have crossed the red lines, which may force everyone to take action. Washington asks us to not do anything, but they keep giving widespread support to Israel. The U.S. sent messages to the Axis of Resistance but received a clear response on the battlefield”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian asserted that “if the U.S. interests are targeted by any group… linking it to the Republic of Iran without offering any piece of proof is totally wrong. They are not receiving orders from us”. “They act according to their own interests”, Amirabdollahian maintained. “Also, what happened, what was carried the out by Hamas, it was totally Palestinian”.

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  • 26 October 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian, addressing the UN General Assembly, stated: “I say frankly to the American statesmen and military forces who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome the expansion and scope of the war in the region, but I warn if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire… We do not compromise with any party and any side and have no reservations when it comes to our home’s security”. The following day, he noted that “the resistance in Lebanon and also the Palestinian groups… have their finger on the trigger”, adding: “If this situation continues and women and children and civilians are still killed in Gaza and the West Bank, anything will be possible … They have their own calculations for their own security, and as I’ve said they decide for themselves”.

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  • 25 October 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “the U.S. is a definite accomplice of the criminals [ie, Israel]… In fact, [the U.S.] is somehow managing the crimes being committed in Gaza”. The same day, an Israeli military spokesperson claimed that “Iran directly aided Hamas before the war, with training, supplying weapons, money and technological know-how… Even now, Iranian aid to Hamas in the form of intelligence and online incitement against the State of Israel continues”.

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  • 23 October 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “the Americans have been fanning the flames of war on Gaza during the past two weeks by sending thousands of arms consignments [to Israel] and supporting the regime… Therefore, we warn all the countries that have been involved in the recent escalation [in Gaza], including the U.S. and the Zionist regime, to stop the massacre before it is too late”.

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  • 18 October 2023

    Marking the automatic expiration of certain restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missile program set by UN Security Council resolution 2231 which endorsed the JCPOA, 47 state members of the Proliferation Security Initiative, including UK, France, Germany and the U.S., issued a statement arguing that “Resolution 2231 was based on the assumption that Iran would take the necessary steps towards restoring confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program. This has not happened. In this context, it is imperative that all States continue to take steps to counter Iran’s destabilising ballistic missile-related activities through ongoing counterproliferation cooperation”. They further expressed their commitment, with regard to Iran, “to take all necessary measures to prevent the supply, sale or transfer of ballistic missile-related items, materials, equipment, goods, and technology, to protect peace and stability in the region and beyond”. The same day, the U.S. designated, in total, thirteen individuals, twelve entities and one vessel based in Iran, Russia, Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Venezuela in relation to Iran’s ballistic missile and UAV programs, in addition to issuing an advisory “to private industry regarding Iranian missile procurement and related U.S. sanctions and export restrictions”. Iran’s foreign ministry issued a statement insisting that the 2231 restrictions had “unconditionally” terminated.

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  • 17 October 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned that in the event of a continuation of Israeli attacks against Gaza, which he described as “crimes”, “Muslims and the Resistance forces will lose their patience and no one will be able to stop them. They should know this and they should not expect others to stop certain groups from doing certain things”. The same day, a senior IRGC commander contended that “another shockwave is on the way if Israel does not end atrocities in Gaza”.

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  • 17 October 2023

    The European Council announced its decision “to maintain the restrictive measures under the EU non-proliferation regime on Iran” due to expire as part of “Transition Day”, adding: “The Council’s decision is in line with the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and the JCPOA, in view of Iran not fulfilling its commitments under the JCPOA”. The statement highlighted that “these steps do not amount to the imposition of additional EU sanctions on Iran. Moreover, all EU sanctions that had already been lifted under the JCPOA remain lifted”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the move as “unilateral, illegal and politically unjustifiable”.

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  • 15 October 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian met with senior Hamas officials in Qatar and asserted that “if the Israeli regime’s crimes in Gaza continue, any possibility in the region is likely, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its attempts to halt Israeli war crimes”. Separately, he underscored in a media interview that “if the measures aimed at immediately stopping the Israeli attacks that are killing children in the Gaza Strip end in a deadlock, it is highly probable that many other fronts will be opened. This option is not ruled out and this is becoming increasingly more probable”. “If the Zionist entity [ie, Israel] decides to enter Gaza”, he warned, “resistance leaders will turn it into a graveyard of the occupation soldiers”.

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  • 13 October 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian visited Beirut and met with Lebanese, Hizbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials. During his visit, he emphasised that continuation Israeli attacks against Gaza, what he described as “war crimes”, would “be followed by other reactions on other axes [of resistance], for which the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and its supporters would be responsible”. The following day, Amirabdollahian contended that “the leaders of resistance enjoy remarkable cohesion, have designed the whole scenarios and everyone’s finger is on the trigger”.

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  • 12 October 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian, during a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Sudani in Baghdad, said that “the possibility of opening a new front in the region… depends on the actions of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] in Gaza”. “No one in the region asks us for permission to open new fronts”, he insisted, while asserting: “What happened was a reaction to the aggressive actions and extremism of the Netanyahu administration”.

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  • 11 October 2023

    Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi spoke with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, emphasising that “Iran is committed to deepening and strengthening relations with Saudi Arabia… and we believe that the relations between the two sides have the capacity to help stabilise, strengthen and promote the security and stability of the region”. They also discussed the war between Israel and Gaza, with bin Salman stressing Riyadh’s “maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation”.

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  • 10 October 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, discussing the war sparked by Hamas’ 7 October attack on Israel, remarked that “we kiss the foreheads and arms of the skillful and intelligent designers and Palestinian youth, but those who say that the recent epic is the work of non-Palestinians suffer from miscalculation… The actions of the Zionists [ie, Israel] brought this disaster on them. When cruelty and crime passes the limit, when rapacity reaches its peak, one should wait for the storm”. He also warned that “with the massacre of the people of Gaza, they will receive a heavier slap”.

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  • 9 October 2023

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the accusations linked to an Iranian role [in the 7 October Hamas attack against Israel]… are based on political reasons”, rejecting Iran’s intervention “in the decision-making of other countries, including Palestine”. An Israeli military spokesperson indicated “Iran is a major player but we can’t yet say if it was involved in the planning or training”.

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  • 7 October 2023

    Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that “we are at war” after Hamas launched a major attack against Israel. President Isaac Herzog asserted that Hamas was “supported and directed by their proxy commanders in Iran”, and called for “clear, unequivocal condemnation of Hamas, its allies and its backers in Iran”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson applauded what he called “a turning point and a new chapter… [that] shows the Palestinian resistance is confidently capable of conducting hybrid and multilateral operations against the occupiers”.

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  • 1 October 2023

    The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali-Akbar Ahmadian, told his Iraqi counterpart that “the security agreement between the two countries guarantees the security of the borders of the two countries and a reasonable and appropriate road map to eliminate insecure components in the two countries and the region”, urging “strict and complete implementation of this agreement”.

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  • 28 September 2023

    Iran’s intelligence minister announced what he claimed was “a plot aimed at the serial assassination of several Sunni clerics, judges and members of the country’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps”, with the purported goal of “fueling ethnic and religious differences… [and] afflicting the country’s eastern borders with insecurity”.

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  • 27 September 2023

    The IRGC Aerospace Force reported the successful launch of Nour-3, an imaging satellite. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami indicated that “we use the collection of what we receive [from the satellite]… to meet the IRGC’s intelligence demands”.

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  • 27 September 2023

    Citing Prime Minister Netanyahu saying “Iran must face a credible nuclear threat”, which his office had corrected as a “credible military threat”, Iran’s UN ambassador wrote to the General Assembly and Security Council to denounce “the Israeli regime’s perilous threat to use nuclear weapons against Iran”, affirming Iran’s “legitimate and inherent rights… to respond resolutely to any threats and unlawful acts”.

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  • 26 September 2023

    Asked about Iranian reference to a Japanese initiative for reviving the JCPOA, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson said: “I am not aware of that specific initiative… As we’ve said before, we believe diplomacy is the best way to ensure that Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon”, while reaffirming: “Iran must take de-escalatory steps if it wants to reduce tensions and create a space for diplomacy. We have not yet seen indications, despite some of these public comments, that Iran is serious about addressing the concerns that we have, the concerns that other countries have about its nuclear program… In the last few weeks we’ve seen Iran take steps to undermine the International Atomic Energy Agency’s ability to do its work. So if Iran really is serious about taking de-escalatory steps, the first thing it could do would be to cooperate with the IAEA. We have not seen them fully do that”.

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  • 25 September 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the IAEA General Conference that “implementing the activities set out in the most recent Joint Statement between myself and Iran – in March this year – has not made the progress I was hoping for… Only full co-operation by Iran, and tangible results, will take us to the credible assurances that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”. The same day, Grossi met with the head of Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran and stressed the IAEA’s “willingness to engage and make concrete progress in the spirit of the March 4 statement to provide credible assurances that nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”.

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  • 24 September 2023

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced it had uncovered what it asserted was a “plot to carry out 30 simultaneous bombing attacks” in Tehran, arresting 28 individuals who were allegedly affiliated with ISIS and confiscating an array of explosives and arms. The ministry further claimed that “the design of their plot and their behavioural pattern… significantly conform to the patterns and mechanisms of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”.

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  • 23 September 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian met with his Saudi counterpart and underscored Iran’s readiness “to sign a comprehensive partnership agreement with the Kingdom”. He also discussed the necessity of “a joint economic commission to expand their ties in different areas, especially in the trade and economic fields”, in addition to “Iran’s proposal to form a forum for dialog and cooperation between the eight northern and southern countries of the Persian Gulf”.

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  • 21 September 2023

    Iran’s foreign minister met with the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), who asserted that “the Council looks forward to entering a new phase of relations [with Iran] based on common interests and mutual respect, which contributes to the stability and security of the region” .

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  • 20 September 2023

    Russia’s defence minister, who on a visit to Tehran met with the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council as well as senior military officials, remarked that “we are aiming at an entire range of planned activities, despite opposition from the U.S. and its Western allies… Sanctions pressure on Russia and Iran shows its futility, while Russian-Iranian interaction is reaching a new level”.

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  • 20 September 2023

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell met with Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian and discussed, inter alia, the JCPOA, highlighting “the importance of following a path of de-escalation” and calling on “Iran to reconsider its decision to withdraw the official designation of several experienced IAEA inspectors and to improve cooperation with the IAEA”. Borrell further urged Iran “to stop its continued military cooperation with Russia in the illegal war of aggression against Ukraine”. The exchange followed a meeting between Iran’s deputy foreign minister and senior E3 diplomats.

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  • 19 September 2023

    Addressing the 78th UN General Assembly, President Biden remarked that “we’re working with our partners to address Iran’s destabilising activities that threaten regional and global security and remain steadfast in our commitment that Iran must never acquire a nuclear weapon”. During the same event, President Raisi criticised the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA and said: “America has actually prescribed lawlessness and coercion instead of cooperation… America needs to prove by building trust that it has good intentions and has a real will to fulfil its commitments and finalise the path. The Europeans, who after years of not adhering to their commitments, including the cancellation of sanctions, are now violating the JCPOA and UN Security Council Resolution 2231”. He further insisted that “nuclear weapons have no place in the defence doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, adding: “Iran will in no way abandon the inalienable rights of its nation to peacefully benefit from nuclear technology”.

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  • 19 September 2023

    The U.S. and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states concluded a ministerial meeting with a statement supporting “diplomatic engagement by Saudi Arabia and other GCC states with Iran to pursue regional de-escalation”. They also reiterated “their commitment to ensuring freedom of navigation and maritime security in the region and their determination to deter illegal actions at sea or elsewhere that might threaten shipping lanes, international trade and oil installations in the GCC states”. Participants further urged “Iran to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency” and “to cease its proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles and other dangerous weapons that pose a grave security threat to the region”. The joint statement went on to reaffirm “their commitment to work together to deter and address threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity and other destabilising activities”, while expressing “support for the United Arab Emirates’ call to reach a peaceful solution to the dispute over the three islands”. On 22 September, Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Swiss chargé d’affaires, whose country represents U.S. interests in Iran, describing the statement’s claims as “baseless”.

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  • 18 September 2023

    Five U.S. citizens who had been detained in Iran were released, and Iran confirmed the parallel release of five nationals in jail in the U.S. The Qatari foreign ministry confirmed that “as part of the implementation of the agreement, the Iranian frozen funds in the Republic of Korea were transferred to Doha” under what the State Department described as “the Humanitarian Channel in Qatar for Iran to purchase humanitarian goods like food, medicine, medical devices and agricultural products”. The same day, the U.S. sanctioned “Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in connection with the MOIS’s involvement in the wrongful detention of U.S citizens and former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his support to MOIS”, in addition to imposing “visa restrictions on three Iranian government officials believed to be responsible for or complicit in serious abuses or violations of human rights, as well as hostage-taking or wrongful, arbitrary, or otherwise unjust detention of U.S. and foreign nationals”.

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  • 16 September 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi announced and criticised Iran’s decision “to withdraw the designation of several experienced Agency inspectors assigned to conduct verification activities in Iran under the NPT Safeguards Agreement”. “With today’s decision”, he asserted, “Iran has effectively removed about one third of the core group of the Agency’s most experienced inspectors designated for Iran… [which] affects in a direct and severe way the ability of the IAEA to conduct effectively its inspections in Iran”. On 18 September, the U.S., UK, Germany and France jointly condemned Iran’s action and urged it to “immediately reverse these inspector de-designations and fully cooperate with the Agency to enable them to provide assurances that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”.

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  • 15 September 2023

    In a letter to the Secretary-General, Iran’s UN ambassador criticised “inflammatory and bellicose comments by the head of Mossad”, asserting that they “not only constitute a flagrant violation of international law… but also serve as a clear illustration of the acts of terrorism this illegitimate regime has always used to maintain its existence”. He went on to warn against “adventurism and malicious activities”. Relatedly, the IRGC’s commander declared that Israeli had “resorted to empty rhetoric and threats… Go ahead if your previous assassination operations have increased your security. However, you should know that if you make threats against [Iran’s] security, we will have more options and your life will be cut short”.

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  • 14 September 2023

    France, Germany and the UK announced that “in direct response to Iran’s consistent and severe non-compliance with its JCPOA commitments since 2019, the [three] governments… intend to maintain nuclear proliferation-related measures on Iran, as well as arms and missile embargoes, after JCPOA Transition Day on 18 October 2023”. Iran’s foreign ministry warned that “undoubtedly, Iran will respond appropriately to this…. action which clearly violates the obligations of the EU, France, Germany and Britain under the JCPOA and the [UNSC] Resolution 2231.

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  • 12 September 2023

    Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced that “based on the agreement between Iraq and Iran, necessary measures were taken to remove [Iranian Kurdish separatist] groups from the border areas and they were housed in camps deep inside Iraqi Kurdistan”, adding: “We will discuss with the Iranian side not to threaten to use violence and not to threaten to attack some areas in the Kurdistan region of Iraq”. The following day, speaking alongside his Iranian counterpart, Hussein highlighted that “the Constitution of Iraq clearly indicates that it does not allow any group to use Iraqi lands to attack another country… The groups on the Iraqi-Iranian border have been disarmed and refugee camps have been established”.

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  • 11 September 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “no further progress has been made in implementing the activities set out in the Joint Statement signed in Tehran on 4 March”, urging “Iran to work with the Agency in earnest and in a sustained way towards the fulfilment of the commitments contained in the Joint Statement”. Separately, during a press conference he indicated that “there is a certain routinisation of what is going on there [in Iran] and I am concerned about this, because the issues are as valid today as they were before”.

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  • 6 September 2023

    The intelligence ministry and the IRGC intelligence organisation jointly claimed to have uncovered an alleged U.S.-funded “riot organisation network”.

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  • 5 September 2023

    The Saudi ambassador to Iran, Abdullah bin Saud Al-Anzi, took up his post in Tehran, and Iran’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia landed in Riyadh. Al-Anzi stated: “Both the Kingdom and Iran are neighbouring countries with abundant economic resources, natural resources and advantages that contribute to enhancing development, prosperity, stability and security in the region”.

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  • 1 September 2023

    During a visit to Beirut, Iran’s foreign minister told his Lebanese counterpart that Iran-Saudi rapprochement “will have a positive impact on the entire region and Lebanon”, while “any normalisation of relations with the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] will be detrimental to the region”. He further emphasised that “Iranian companies are ready to contribute to solving the electricity problem in Lebanon. We are also ready to hold a joint economic cooperation commission between the two countries in Tehran immediately after the formation of a new government in Lebanon”. Amirabdollahian also met with senior officials from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, as well as Hezbollah.

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  • 31 August 2023

    The defence ministry reported foiling what was billed as an Israeli “sabotage plot”, claiming that “a network of Mossad agents sought to introduce defective parts into the production of advanced missiles”.

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  • 30 August 2023

    During a visit to Damascus, Iran’s foreign minister denounced Israeli strikes in Syria and asserted that “no acts of aggression and crimes by the Zionist regime have gone unanswered and nor will it in the future”. He further called on U.S. forces “to return home and we advise the American authorities to leave the region to the people of the region”.

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  • 30 August 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei emphasised that “we should not have conflicts with any of our neighbors. If there is a conflict, it should be turned into cooperation. Certain steps have been taken in this regard, and this needs to be continued”. He further noted that “work is being done to terminate the sanctions, and negotiations are taking place. This is the right thing to do and good. But at the same time, there should be effort made parallel to these measures to neutralise the sanctions”.

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  • 30 August 2023

    The intelligence ministry announced uncovering what it claimed was “a number of terrorist cells affiliated with the Israeli regime in four provinces”; fourteen individuals were arrested and explosives, including “43 powerful ready-to-detonate bombs” were said to have been seized.

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  • 28 August 2023

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “an agreement has been struck between Iran and Iraq, in which Iraq has committed to disarm armed separatists and terrorist groups present in its territory, close their bases, and relocate them to other locations before 19 September”.

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  • 23 August 2023

    A senior advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader spoke with senior Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizbollah officials, congratulating them on what he described as their “recent victories” against Israel, and emphasising that “the outcome of the unity [between the Palestinian groups and Hizbollah] will be ultimate victory”.

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  • 21 August 2023

    After an oil tanker seized by the U.S. for carrying Iranian crude oil reportedly offloaded its cargo, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained: “I have no confirmed information. There is a general principle that says the era of hit-and-run is over. Iran will not stand idly by in relation to any violation of the nation’s rights and will cut the hands of the aggressors… Acts of trespassing on tankers carrying Iranian oil are a clear example of piracy”. On 28 August, the official confirmed that the foreign ministry had summoned the Swiss chargé d’affaires, whose country represents U.S. interests in Iran, over the seizure.

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  • 17 August 2023

    Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian travelled to Riyadh, and asserted that “relations with Tehran and Saudi are on the right track and we are witnessing progress”. His Saudi counterpart stated that “our meeting today is a continuation of the steps taken towards implementing the agreement to resume diplomatic relations, which represents a pivotal platform in the history of the two countries and the path of regional security”. The following day, Amirabdollahian met Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, and subsequently asserted: “We had frank, clear and direct conversations… The idea of security and development for everyone was emphasised by both sides”.

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  • 13 August 2023

    Iranian officials reported what was characterised as a terrorist attack against a shrine in Shiraz, killing two and injuring seven, and confirmed the arrest of a Tajik attacker and other foreign nationals connected to the incident.

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  • 11 August 2023

    Asked to comment on a report about Iran having “significantly slowed” its accumulation of 60 per cent enriched uranium, a spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council said: “We’re not in active negotiations about the nuclear program. But certainly, those sorts of steps, if they were to be true, would be welcome”.

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  • 10 August 2023

    A spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council confirmed that Iran had “released from prison five Americans who were unjustly detained and has placed them on house arrest… Negotiations for their eventual release remain ongoing and are delicate. We will, therefore, have little in the way of details to provide about the state of their house arrest or about our efforts to secure their freedom”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat indicated that “the process of releasing billions of dollars of Iranian assets, illegally seized by the U.S. for several years, has commenced. Tehran has received the guarantee of Washington’s commitments. The release of several Iranians who were illegally detained in America is in this context”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken underscored that “Iran will not be receiving any sanctions relief. And in any instance where we would engage in such efforts to bring Americans home from Iran, Iran’s own funds would be used and transferred to restricted accounts such that the monies can only be used for humanitarian purposes, which, as you know, is permitted under our sanctions… We will continue to enforce all of our sanctions”. A White House official the following day elaborated that “the funds can only be accessed for food, medicine, medical equipment… And there will be a rigorous process of due diligence and standards with input from the U.S. Treasury Department”.

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  • 7 August 2023

    Asked to comment on reports about a fifth Iranian-American detainee in Iran, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson asserted: “Our top priority is obtaining their release and their safe passage from the country… It’s obviously a very sensitive topic and I don’t think it’s productive for me to comment on it in detail”.

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  • 3 August 2023

    The IRGC announced the arrest of a network it said had “affiliation to a foreign-sponsored terrorist group”, who were allegedly planning “destructive and terrorist acts” in south east Iran.

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  • 3 August 2023

    The Saudi foreign ministry reiterated that “the natural resources in the maritime ‘Divided Area’, including the entire Al-Durra gas field, are exclusively owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as the two countries have the full sovereign rights to exploit the resources of the area”, It further renewed the invitation for “Iran to engage in negotiations concerning the eastern border of the maritime Divided Area, with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait to be represented as one negotiating party, while Iran represents the other party”.

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  • 31 July 2023

    After Kuwait’s oil minister remarked that Kuwait would begin drilling in the Arash/Al-Durra gas field, shared with Saudi Arabia, without waiting for an agreement with Iran over disputed areas, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson affirmed that “we want joint exploitation of the Arash gas field, and we announced our readiness for talks with the Kuwaiti side in this regard…However, if perhaps there is no desire for joint exploitation of the field, Iran has naturally put on its agenda its own rights and interests concerning the exploration and exploitation of its resources and it will not tolerate any violation of the rights of the Iranian nation”.

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  • 31 July 2023

    Israel’s foreign minister asserted that “we are the closest we have ever been to a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia”; the same day Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that “we consider any action aimed at recognising the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and establishing relations with this regime neither in the interest of Palestine’s cause nor peace in the region”.

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  • 26 July 2023

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) indicated that Iran had provided the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with “detailed answers” toward the IAEA’s safeguards investigation into past activities at undeclared sites, asserting: “We have sent evidence and documents to the agency. If they are not accepted, we will clarify [our position] and provide further evidence and documents”.

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  • 25 July 2023

    Iran’s military unveiled what state media described as “the first homegrown long-range naval cruise missile that employs artificial intelligence in the software”; the defence minister claimed that “with the mass production of the Abu Mahdi missile, we will be able to fire at the enemy’s moving targets in the sea from the depths of the Iranian soil and entirely hidden places at the maximum operating pace, and complete destroy the enemy’s ships, frigates and destroyers”.

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  • 24 July 2023

    The intelligence ministry claimed to have rounded up what it described as a “terrorist network… connected to the Zionist regime’s [ie, Israel’s] espionage organisation through terrorist centers located in Denmark and the Netherlands”.

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  • 11 July 2023

    Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “there are armed separatist groups in northern Iraq that foment insecurity on our borders… We will wait until September when it is the deadline for the Iraqi government [to meet its] obligation… [If terrorist groups remain armed or carry out operations], our attacks against these groups will be definitely repeated with more intensity”.

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  • 11 July 2023

    In response to a joint Russia-GCC statement expressing support for “all peaceful efforts, including the initiative of the United Arab Emirates and its endeavours to reach a peaceful solution to the issue of the three islands, Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted: “These islands belong to Iran forever and issuing such statements is in contradiction with the friendly relations between Iran and its neighbours”. The following day, Iran’s foreign ministry summoned Russia’s ambassador and “demanded that the Russian Federation rectify its stance on the matter”.

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  • 8 July 2023

    An Iranian police chief reported that “four armed terrorist” attacked a police station in south east Iran, killing two officers; all of the assailants were also killed. Iranian Sunni militant group Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack.

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  • 6 July 2023

    The UN under-secretary-general presented the fifteenth biannual report, dated 29 June, on Security Council Resolution 2231’s implementation. The U.S. representative told the Security Council that Iranian UAV transfers to Russia constituted “a flagrant violation of Resolution 2231”, and further asserted that “Iran’s ballistic missile activity… is an enduring threat to regional and international peace and stability”. “Iran should take actions that build international confidence and deescalate tensions, not continue nuclear provocations that pose grave proliferation risks”, he added. Iran’s UN envoy also addressed the Council, rejecting calls from some members for a Secretariat investigation into UAV transfers and maintaining that “Iran is fully determined to vigorously pursue its peaceful nuclear activities, including enrichment at various levels required, under the monitoring and verification of the IAEA”. He went on assert that “we are prepared to resume negotiations at the earliest opportunity to restore the JCPOA and ensure its full implementation by all”.

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  • 5 July 2023

    The U.S. military reported that its “forces prevented two attempted commercial tanker seizures by the Iranian Navy after the Iranians have opened fire in one of the incidents near the coast of Oman”. According to a statement from U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, “one Iranian naval vessel approached the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker TRF Moss in international waters in the Gulf of Oman. The Iranian vessel departed the scene when U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74) arrived on station”. Subsequently, “the U.S. Navy received a distress call from Bahamian-flagged oil tanker Richmond Voyager… Another Iranian naval vessel had closed within one mile of Richmond Voyager while hailing the commercial tanker to stop… Prior to McFaul’s arrival on scene, Iranian personnel fired multiple, long bursts from both small arms and crew-served weapons. Richmond Voyager sustained no casualties or significant damage. However, several rounds hit the ship’s hull near crew living spaces. The Iranian navy vessel departed when McFaul arrived”. The following day, Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organisation claimed that Richmond Voyager had “ignored basic international maritime laws by escaping the scene of a collision with an Iranian vessel”, in which it said five crew members had been injured. It further noted: “Iran has informed Omani authorities of the case and will continue efforts to confiscate the ship”. Chevron, which managed the Richmond Voyager, denied Iran’s claims.

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  • 4 July 2023

    After an Iranian oil ministry official announced Iran’s readiness to start drilling in the Arash/Al-Durra gas field, a Saudi official asserted that “the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait alone have full sovereign rights to exploit the wealth in that region”, while calling on Iran to negotiate over disputed areas.

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  • 2 July 2023

    The head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad remarked that “there was a great focus in order for the West Bank to move from a state of coexistence and calm to a state of resistance that we see today, and of course, all of this coincides with the directives of [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei], and during our last meeting with him in Tehran, he renewed the call for that and for the development of work in the West Bank”. He further asserted: “We acknowledge that the Islamic Republic of Iran has provided assistance to the Palestinian resistance, including expertise and training”.

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  • 29 June 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, discussing the implementation of a March 2023 agreement with Iran, assessed that “I don’t think it’s working at the level and at the pace I would like to see it working… what we agreed is that Iran would be collaborating with the Agency limiting some activities, allowing us to add more verification, monitoring capacities. We have been able to do some of that, not all of that”. He further noted that “Iran is continuing its enrichment activities and of course this is raising concerns. So this is why we are telling our Iranian counterparts that the only way for them to get some confidence internationally is to help and to contribute and to work together with us”.

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  • 26 June 2023

    Iranian media reported that a border guard in south-eastern Iran had been killed “in clashes with terrorists seeking to sneak into the country”.

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  • 22 June 2023

    Concluding a tour of Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the UAE, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian opined that “cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the countries on the southern coast of the Persian Gulf has entered a new chapter”, adding: “We discussed with each of these countries about removing obstacles and facilitating economic, commercial, tourism, scientific and technological cooperation and other areas of interest”. He further indicated that “the idea of forming a dialogue and regional cooperation forum was proposed and it was welcomed by each of the four countries”.

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  • 22 June 2023

    The Financial Action Task Force retained Iran’s classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action.

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  • 21 June 2023

    EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora met Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Ali Bagheri-Kani, in Doha. During what Mora described as “intense talks” on 20-21 June, the two sides discussed “a range of difficult bilateral, regional and international issues, including the way forward on the JCPOA” and the March 2023 agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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  • 19 June 2023

    A Hamas delegation travelled to Tehran and met with senior Iranian officials on 19-21 June. President Raisi told them that “the resistance movement is stronger than ever”, and contended that “even those who once sought to negotiate and reach an agreement with the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]… concluded that it is useless to negotiate with this regime and the only possible way to face it is resistance”. The Hamas leaders also met Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who stressed the “need to focus more on the issue of unity and harmony” between Palestinian groups. The trip came on the heels of a visit by senior leaders from Palestinian Islamic Jihad to Iran, who met President Raisi and other senior Iranian officials.

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  • 18 June 2023

    President Raisi remarked that “some people in the world think that the creation of power lies in the production of nuclear weapons, but the Islamic Republic of Iran has stated many times that even though such capability exists in the country… we will never go towards the production of nuclear weapons”. He further emphasised that “we must transfer the abilities and technologies acquired in the nuclear industry to other industries, especially automobile manufacturing, so that they reach this level of success”.

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  • 17 June 2023

    Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan visited Iran and met President Raisi and other senior Iranian officials. Speaking alongside his Iranian counterpart, bin Farhan described the talks as “positive and clear”, and emphasised “the importance of cooperation between the two countries in enhancing regional security, especially the security of navigation and maritime routes”, as well as that of “cooperation among all countries of the region to ensure that it is… free of weapons of mass destruction”. Amirabdollahian characterised the visit as “a positive step toward… promoting their ties and opening a new chapter in ties between the two Muslim and neighboring countries”. He also expressed support for “any move to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between the two countries”, and suggested “joint consultation committees and exchange of expert views” in different fields.

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  • 16 June 2023

    The IRGC confirmed one Basij fatality during clashes with “anti-revolution outlaws” in Kurdistan province, pledging “operations to ensure security and rid the entire north-western region of the anti-revolution and terrorist groups”.

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  • 16 June 2023

    The IRGC reported that it had uncovered a “terrorist group” in south east Iran; a Basij member was killed during the clash, while two members of the unidentified group were killed and six arrested. Two days later, Iranian border guards claimed to have engaged another “armed terrorist group” in the same province, killing one.

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  • 14 June 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad that “the growing power of the Resistance groups in the West Bank is the key to bringing the Zionist enemy [ie, Israel] to its knees, and this path must continue”, while pledging that Iran would “continue to offer its support to the Palestinian people and to the Palestinian fighters”.

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  • 13 June 2023

    Iran’s deputy foreign minister and lead nuclear negotiator reported having met with E3 counterparts in the UAE for discussions on “a range of issues and mutual concerns”.

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  • 12 June 2023

    Commenting on media reports of indirect talks with the U.S. in Muscat, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson said: “We welcomed the mediation proposal put forward by senior Omani officials several weeks ago, and exchanged messages with the opposite side, with the aim of activating the sanctions removal talks… The exchange of messages continues and the diplomatic apparatus uses all capacities within the framework of Iran’s principled policies to secure national interests”.

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  • 11 June 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “if this Islamic belief [against producing weapons of mass destruction] did not exist and if we had wanted to build nuclear weapons, we would have done so and the enemies know that they could not have done anything to stop us”. He further emphasised the importance of “developing the commercialisation of nuclear products and services” and “increasing scientific cooperation with aligned and non-hostile countries so as to make use of the facilities and progress of the world as much as possible”. Khamenei also advised assembled nuclear experts to cooperate with the IAEA but not “anything more than the safeguards regulations”, and to “maintain the existing infrastructures of the nuclear industry”. “You need to be careful these infrastructures remain untouched in case of reaching agreements”, he asserted.

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  • 6 June 2023

    Iran reopened its embassy in Riyadh following the March agreement to restore diplomatic ties. Iran’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia remarked that “we want more cooperation with each other and we consider the security in the region as a priority… Militarising security is a big mistake. Security in its new sense should be achieved through economic, commercial, social and cultural development”. The following day, Iran reopened its consulate in Jeddah.

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  • 6 June 2023

    The IRGC unveiled a missile described as “a hypersonic maneuverable missile that can easily change its plan of movement in space”. A senior commander claimed that the missile, dubbed Fattah, “can bypass the most advanced anti-ballistic missile systems of the U.S. and the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], including Israel’s Iron Dome”. 

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  • 5 June 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has risen by over a quarter in three months. This includes its stockpile of uranium enriched up to 20 per cent U-235, which is approaching half a ton, and its stockpile of high enriched uranium – enriched up to 60 per cent U-235 – which is well over 100kg”. He also reported on the “implementation of the Joint Statement of 4 March”, which he described as “a fraction of what we envisaged”, emphasising: “What needs to happen now is a sustained and uninterrupted process that leads to all the commitments contained in the Joint Statement being fulfilled without further delay”. Grossi further elaborated on his safeguards report and noted that “Iran has provided a possible explanation for the presence of depleted uranium in one part of the location known as Marivan… Our assessment for the location still stands and I reiterate that the remaining outstanding safeguards issues… still need to be resolved for the Agency to be in a position to provide assurance that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”.

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  • 29 May 2023

    The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Ali-Akbar Ahmadian, told his Iraqi counterpart that “we, within the framework of the [March] agreement, expect the Iraqi government to guarantee the security of the country’s borders with Iran as soon as possible, while ending the presence of counterrevolutionary elements in the country”.

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  • 29 May 2023

    An Iranian official reported the arrest of fourteen individuals described as a “terrorist team affiliated with Israel”, who were allegedly “seeking to identify and assassinate [various] individuals”.

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  • 25 May 2023

    State media reported the successful testing of a 2000km-range precision guided missile. On the sideline of the unveiling ceremony, Iran’s defence minister highlighted: “Our message to Iran’s enemies is that we will defend the country and its achievements. Our message to our friends is that we want to help regional stability”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson reacted: “Iran’s development and proliferation of ballistic missiles poses a serious threat to regional and international security and remains a significant nonproliferation challenge. We continue to use a variety of nonproliferation tools, including sanctions, to counter the further advancement of Iran’s ballistic missile program and its ability to proliferate missiles and related technology to others”. “Iran continues to seek a range of missile technologies from foreign suppliers and to conduct ballistic missile tests in defiance of the [UNSC 2231] resolution”, he added.

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  • 24 May 2023

    Asked about reports of Iran building an underground nuclear site in Natanz, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran remarked that “Iran operates according to the standards of the agency [ie, the IAEA] and safeguards, and whenever it wants to carry out an activity, it establishes its settings with the agency and acts accordingly”.

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  • 23 May 2023

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced it had uncovered a spy network alleged to have “been gathering data on Iranians leaving and entering the country, including those who worked in important government positions or had access to sensitive information in sensitive institutions”.

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  • 21 May 2023

    Iran’s intelligence minister remarked that “with the cooperation of the new Iraqi government and the guarantees given, we hope to see security on the western borders… and emphasise the responsibility of the Iraqi [Kurdistan] region”. “If insecurity is created for the Islamic Republic”, he warned, “any action on the borders will be met with a decisive and overwhelming response”.

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  • 13 May 2023

    Iran’s foreign ministry summoned Iraq’s ambassador over what it described as “the continuation of terrorist groups’ movements in Iraq’s Kurdistan region… contrary to the recent security agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq”.

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  • 12 May 2023

    U.S. Naval Central Command announced that “U.S. 5th Fleet is working with regional allies and partners to increase the rotation of ships and aircraft patrolling in and around the Strait of Hormuz following Iran’s recent unlawful merchant vessel seizures”, in addition to “bolstering international maritime security collaboration among the International Maritime Security Construct and European Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson on 17 May insisted that “the new accusations against Iran… are aimed at justifying the continuation or intensification of interventionist presence in the region”. He went on to assert that “the presence and destabilising actions of American forces double Iran’s responsibility in ensuring the security of the region and the Strait of Hormuz and in dealing with lawbreakers”, adding: “Iran considers the continued presence of foreign military forces in the waters of the Persian Gulf as a threat to the security of navigation in this strategic waterway”.

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  • 8 May 2023

    Iran’s defence minister met with his Syrian counterpart, and expressed readiness “to cooperate with the Syrian Arab Republic in establishing factories and launching production lines of strategic defence equipment”.

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  • 4 May 2023

    U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan remarked that “we are… engaging Iran diplomatically regarding its nuclear program, and we continue to believe that it was a tragic mistake to leave the deal with nothing at all to replace it. But we have made clear to Iran that it can never be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon. As President Biden has repeatedly reaffirmed, he will take the actions that are necessary to stand by this statement, including by recognising Israel’s freedom of action”. He further explained that “on the deterrence side, working with our partners – including working very closely with Israel… we will continue to send a clear message about the costs and consequences of going too far, while at the same time continuing to seek the possibility of a diplomatically brokered outcome that puts Iran’s nuclear program back in the box”. “This is an issue that occupies the president’s attention, my attention, on a daily basis”, Sullivan added, while warning: “Iran’s program has advanced considerably. It is a genuine danger to regional security and to global security, and, indeed, to the U.S.”. The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said that Sullivan’s remarks meant the “U.S. has been and will be responsible for all terrorist acts of Zionists [ie, Israel] against Iran’s facilities and people, accepting its consequences”.

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  • 3 May 2023

    President Raisi visited Syria and met with President Bashar al-Assad, asserting: “Just as the Islamic Republic stood by the Syrian government and nation in the fight against terrorism, it will also stand by its Syrian brothers in the field of development and progress”. The two sides inked a “Comprehensive Program of Strategic and Long-Term Cooperation”, and fourteen other agreements in various fields, including oil and energy. Raisi, who described his trip within Iran’s ”framework of supporting the resistance”, also reiterated that “the presence of Americans in Syria not only does not create security, but also disrupts the security of Syria and the region. The faster the Americans leave Syria, the more secure Syria will be”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “the Iranian regime and the Assad regime continuing to deepen their ties should be of great concern to not just our allies and partners and countries in the region, but also the world broadly”, adding: “We will not normalise relations with the Assad regime. And we do not support others normalising with Damascus either… The U.S. believes that a political solution that is outlined in UN Security Council Resolution 2254 is the only viable solution to this conflict in Syria”. The following day, Raisi met with Palestinians in Damascus, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials, insisting that “the unity and cohesion of the resistance forces, the region and the Islamic world is necessary to accelerate the defeat of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and the liberation of the Holy Quds and the sovereignty of the Palestinians over their destiny”.

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  • 26 April 2023

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson rejected media reports of Iran sending to Russia “large quantities of… artillery shells and other ammunition across the Caspian Sea to resupply troops fighting in Ukraine”.

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  • 22 April 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “the Resistance Front and all Islamic countries should focus on strengthening the fighting elements inside Palestine”, arguing that the “decline [of Israel], which began a few years ago, has accelerated now and the Islamic world must take advantage of this great opportunity”. The same day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian spoke with senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials, expressing “Iran’s continued spiritual and political support for the Palestinian people and resistance in their struggle to liberate the occupied”.

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  • 20 April 2023

    Iran’s navy commander claimed that an Iranian submarine had “detected an American nuclear-powered submarine that was cruising under escort in the Strait of Hormuz stealthily and forced it to surface and change its track” after approaching Iran’s territorial waters. The U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet rejected the claim as “absolutely false”, saying: “A U.S. submarine has not transited the Strait of Hormuz recently. The claim represents more Iranian disinformation that destabilises the region”.

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  • 20 April 2023

    The IRGC announced that it had uncovered two “foreign-based terrorist groups” in south-western Iran, with two members of Jaish al-Adl arrested as “they were trying to sneak through the border” from Pakistan. The same day, a judiciary official confirmed that intelligence forces had detained a member of Mojahedin-e Khalq opposition group.

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  • 18 April 2023

    G7 foreign ministers expressed “our clear determination that Iran must never develop a nuclear weapon, and urge[d] Iran to cease nuclear escalation”, which they indicated was coming “dangerously close to actual weapons-related activities”. They further underscored that “a diplomatic solution remains our preferred way”, and referred to the JCPOA as “a useful reference”. The ministers went on to note “grave concern regarding Iran’s continued destabilising activities”, as well as “profound concern over Iran’s systematic human rights violations and abuses”. The following day, Iran’s foreign ministry characterised the accusations as “baseless and meddlesome”, urging the G7 countries to “adopt a realistic approach based on mutual respect, in which case, Iran will give a positive response”.

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  • 18 April 2023

    President Raisi asserted that “the enemies of the Islamic revolution, especially the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], have received the message of the power of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran that the slightest mistake against our country will be responded with a harsh response and will be accompanied by the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv”.

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  • 6 April 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian and his Saudi counterpart, Faisal bin Farhan, met in Beijing. Per a joint statement, “the two sides discussed the importance of activating and pursuing the implementation of the [March 2023] Beijing Agreement, thus enhancing mutual trust and expanding cooperation, and contributing to realising security, stability and prosperity in the region”. They also “agreed to reopen their diplomatic missions within the agreed period, proceed with the necessary measures to open the embassies of the two countries in Riyadh and Tehran, and their consulates general in Jeddah and Mashhad, and continue coordination between the two sides’ technical teams to explore ways of boosting cooperation” in different areas.

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  • 5 April 2023

    Iranian media reported that a defence ministry facility in Isfahan had been “the target of a failed attack by a small drone which was foiled by defence systems”; Iran’s interior minister did not confirm the report, saying: “It needs verification”.

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  • 3 April 2023

    Iran’s UN ambassador wrote to the Security Council condemning U.S. 23 March strikes in Syria, and maintaining that Iran had “never been involved, directly or indirectly, in any attacks against the U.S. military forces in Syria and Iraq”. He called on the U.S. to “end its illegal occupation” of Syrian territory, while maintaining: “Iran’s presence in Syria is fully legal and is based on a formal request and consent from the Syrian government to provide assistance and support in the fight against terrorism. The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its inherent right to self-defence under international law and will take decisive measures to protect its forces, interests and facilities from any threat or unlawful act perpetrated by the U.S. or others”.

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  • 2 April 2023

    Iran’s Navy reported that it had “identified and warned off a U.S. spy aircraft after it entered the country’s borders near the Sea of Oman”.

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  • 31 March 2023

    Syrian state media reported Israeli airstrikes “targeting a site in Damascus countryside”. Iran’s IRGC confirmed the death of two IRGC personnel during the attack, pledging revenge against Israel.

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  • 29 March 2023

    Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that he and his Azeri counterpart had “agreed on forming a united front in the face of Iran… We must work together to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear capability and will be best achieve that goal through political and economic means, while a credible military threat is understood”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson characterised the statement as “another piece of evidence proving the Zionist regime’s [Israel’s] evil intentions to turn the Republic of Azerbaijan’s territory into a threat against the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran… Iran cannot remain indifferent to the conspiracy that the Zionist regime advances against it from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

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  • 25 March 2023

    The spokesperson for Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) warned that “any pretext for attacking the bases created at the request of the Syrian government to fight with terrorism and ISIL[/ISIS] operatives in that country will be immediately met with a reciprocal response… Iran has suffered a lot in the battle against foreign-backed terrorism to reestablish durable security in Syria, and it opposes any action that endangers the stability of that country”. He also claimed that “the U.S. role in creating and supporting ISIL as a proxy in line with its political objectives in Syria and Iraq is evident… In the past two days, American helicopters with several sorties have transferred ISIL terrorists in Syria with the aim of increasing instability in the country, something that they have to be held to account for”.

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  • 23 March 2023

    The Pentagon announced it had carried out airstrikes in eastern Syria targeting what it described as “facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)” in response to a UAV attack that killed a U.S. contractor; six others (one contractor and five service members) were injured. It further noted that “the intelligence community assess the UAV to be of Iranian origin”. The following day, U.S. Central Command reported that a compound housing troops from the U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition had been targeted with ten rockets. There were no injuries or damages at the facility, but four civilians were wounded in the attack. A U.S. service member was injured in a separate incident at Mission Support Site Conoco. President Biden asserted that “the U.S. does not… seek conflict with Iran, but be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people”. On 25 March, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the U.S. strikes against what he described as “civilian targets”, rejected U.S. allegations against Iran and emphasised that “Iran’s military advisors are in Syria at the request of the Syrian government for the purpose of helping the country in its struggle against terrorism”.

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  • 22 March 2023

    A senior Iranian diplomat confirmed that he had met with British, French and German diplomats in Oslo and discussed “a range of issues of mutual interest and concern”. “We spare no opportunity to clarify our views and warn against certain miscalculations”, he emphasised.

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  • 22 March 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian and his Saudi counterpart spoke and decided “to hold a bilateral meeting soon to pave the way for the reopening of embassies and consulates”. 

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  • 21 March 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned about what he described as “hybrid warfare” against Iran and maintained: “There is no military attack… But foreign propagandists and their followers in the country attack the political and religious beliefs of the people… the enemy uses the media and cultural, security, and economic elements as well as its influence”. He further insisted: “During recent unrest, U.S. president and heads of states of certain European countries openly offered weapons and financial and security support to rioters”. Khamenei went on to “categorically deny any presence in the Ukraine war”.

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  • 19 March 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian stated that “an agreement was reached two months ago for Iranian and Bahraini technical delegations to visit the embassies of the two countries. We hope that some obstacles between Iran and Bahrain will be removed and we will take basic steps to reopen the embassies”.

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  • 19 March 2023

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) secretary Ali Shamkhani signed a security agreement in Iraq which, according to Iranian state media, would “have a decisive impact on reducing and managing the unwanted security challenges between the two states, which are caused due to the mischief of anti-Islamic establishment elements residing in Iraq’s Kurdistan region”. Shamkhani told his counterpart that “the careful implementation of such an agreement will lead to a significant decrease in terrorist threats and border insecurity, and prepare the ground for fostering bilateral ties in security, economic and political fields more than ever before”. Separately, he told Prime Minister al-Sudani that “a united, integrated and powerful Iraq is the pillar of stability in the region”, adding: “We should not allow the two countries’ interests to fall victim to the U.S.’s mischief and its terrorist mercenaries”. The following day, Shamkhani announced “a new arrangement to use Iranian funds that remain blocked in Iraq because of U.S. sanctions… The funds will be used to purchase basic goods and to settle payments owed by Iranian merchants to trade partners in Iraq”.

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  • 14 March 2023

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “the promotion of relations with regional countries, including Bahrain, is among the [Iranian] administration’s policies”, adding: “In view of a promising prospect, we can witness the realisation of new conditions in relations with the regional countries, including Bahrain… We are witnessing good diplomatic moves in this regard as well. Parliamentary diplomacy has also been almost activated in this regard”.

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  • 13 March 2023

    The UN’s special envoy for Yemen met Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian and other senior Iranian officials in Tehran, conferring on “the need for regional support for the start of an inclusive, Yemeni-led political process under UN auspices to sustainably end the conflict”. Amirabdollahian emphasised that “Iran supports the continuation of the ceasefire in Yemen… [and] any negotiations which would help establish peace and stability in Yemen”.

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  • 12 March 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian claimed that Iran and the U.S. had “reached an agreement in the recent days and everything goes well on the U.S. side, I think we will witness a prisoner exchange in a short period”. However, the following day White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasised that “there’s no deal. And the last thing that we want to do is give false hope to families that have been waiting for a long time for their loved ones to come home”.

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  • 10 March 2023

    Following talks in Beijing, Iran, Saudi Arabia and China jointly announced an agreement between Tehran and Riyadh to “resume diplomatic relations… and re-open their embassies and missions within a period not exceeding two months, and the agreement includes their affirmation of the respect for the sovereignty of states and non-interference in internal affairs of states”. A White House spokesperson indicated that “if this deal can be sustained… and the war in Yemen can end, and Saudi Arabia doesn’t have to continually try to defend itself against attacks from the Huthis who are funded and supported by Iran, in the end we welcome that”. 

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  • 6 March 2023

    Following a trip to Tehran, during which he met senior Iranian officials and concluded a joint statement with Iran’s atomic energy organisation, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that “the Agency has not been able to perform JCPOA verification and monitoring activities in relation to the production and inventory of centrifuges, rotors and bellows, heavy water and uranium ore concentrate (UOC) for two years… I note Iran’s agreement to allow the Agency to proceed with further monitoring and verification measures indispensable to the Agency fulfilling its mission”. “Achieving this will be very important because it would allow the Agency to begin to establish a new baseline necessary in the event of a resumption of Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA”, Grossi added, while listing several safeguards concerns and noting “important work ahead of us” in technical discussions with Iran.  

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  • 1 March 2023

    Citing remarks by Prime Minister Netanyahu, Iran’s UN envoy urged the Security Council to “unequivocally condemn the Israeli regime’s warmongering statements and malevolent activities [against Iran], which are a real threat to international peace and security”, warning that Iran would “not hesitate to take the necessary measures, in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, to respond decisively to any threat posed by the Israeli regime wherever and whenever it deems it necessary and to defend its national and security interests as well as to protect its people”. “All those who will aid, abet or otherwise assist, support and facilitate the Israeli regime to carry out any military action must bear responsibility and accountability for their part in such an internationally wrongful act”, he added.

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  • 27 February 2023

    A senior IRGC commander declared: “We warn the Americans that any support for the measures taken by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] against Iran means endangering the lives of U.S. soldiers in the region… Any country cooperating with the Zionist regime to threaten Iran’s national security will pay for its actions, and our strong armed forces will mount powerful attack on the origin of any aggression as well as all coordinating centers and bases, and the airspace used to take those actions”. The same day, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami accused Europe of “spearheading the economic sanctions against the Iranian people” and allowing “gathering of anti-Iranian separatists and fugitives”, warning: “Iran has the ability to increase the range of military equipment and deal a heavy blow to them… but we haven’t done that yet”. “The lives of Europeans hinge on oil and security, and they have to be careful not to put themselves in danger”, he added.

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  • 24 February 2023

    The Financial Action Task Force retained Iran’s classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action, one of three countries on the FATF’s blacklist.

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  • 24 February 2023

    Iranian state television declared that “Syria needs to rebuild its air defence network and requires precision bombs for its fighter plans… It is very likely that we will witness the supply by Iran of radars and defence missiles, such as the 15 Khordad system, to reinforce Syria’s air defences”.

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  • 20 February 2023

    Reacting to media reports that IAEA inspectors in Iran had found uranium enriched to 84 per cent, the spokesperson for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) stated that “what matters is the final product and the Islamic Republic of Iran has never embarked on [uranium] enrichment at a level above 60 per cent… In various cases in the past, different levels of enrichment have been observed and have been accounted for, and this latest issue will be definitely clarified as well”. He further contended that “publicising these issues through media once again shows that, unfortunately, the IAEA has lost its professional and impartial standing… It intentionally provides Western media with technical information”. The IAEA indicated that it was “discussing with Iran the results of recent Agency verification activities and will inform the IAEA Board of Governors as appropriate”.

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  • 15 February 2023

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “our assessment aligns with that of the UN… that Saif al-Adel [considered de facto leader of al-Qaeda in a “predominant view” of member states] is based in Iran”, adding: “Offering safe haven to al-Qaeda is just another example of Iran’s wide-ranging support for terrorism, its destabilising activities in the Middle East and beyond”. In response, Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian urged the U.S. “to stop the failed Iranophobia game”, rejecting any linkage between Iran and al-Qaeda.

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  • 8 February 2023

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “even though U.S. statesmen have frequently declared that they are not after regime change in Iran, they continue to draw up plans on how to topple the Islamic establishment”, adding: “Sowing pessimism between political groups and distrust among people toward each other and toward the government and creating pessimism between organisations are among the strategies of Iran’s ill-wishers to achieve their goals”.

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  • 6 February 2023

    A media outlet close to Iran’s Supreme National Security Council asserted that “Iran is not involved in any independent or joint plan to produce drones in Russia, and the news published by Western media in this regard is pure lies. It is better for Western strategists to prepare more believable excuses for continuation of the war in Ukraine”.

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  • 3 February 2023

    The U.S., jointly with the UK, France and Germany issued a statement regarding what the IAEA had reported as an undeclared “substantial change” at Fordow, describing the move as “inconsistent with Iran’s obligations under its NPT-required Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement”. “Such lack of required notification undermines the Agency’s ability to maintain timely detection at Iran’s nuclear facilities”, they emphasised, while asserting: “The production of high-enriched uranium by Iran at the Fordow Enrichment Plant carries significant proliferation-related risks and is without any credible civilian justification”. The four governments also underscored: “Iran has also offered no credible answer yet to the IAEA’s outstanding questions as part of the IAEA’s safeguards investigation”.

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  • 1 February 2023

    The IAEA informed member states that it was “concerned that Iran implemented a substantial change in the design information of FFEP [Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant] in relation to the production of high enriched uranium without informing the Agency in advance… This is inconsistent with Iran’s obligations under its Safeguards Agreement and undermines the Agency’s ability to adjust the safeguards approach for FFEP and implement effective safeguards measures at this facility”. The IAEA further noted that “the Agency has increased the frequency and intensity of its verification activities at FFEP. However, some other safeguards measures are still required and are being discussed with Iran”. The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran characterised the report as “incorrect”, asserting: “We immediately provided the explanation [to the IAEA]… the agency’s inspector found out they had made a mistake”.

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  • 1 February 2023

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the Security Council accusing Israel of responsibility for a 28 January drone attack against a military facility in Isfahan. He also maintained that “the Israeli regime persists… its threats to use force against Iran’s critical infrastructure, including Iran’s peaceful nuclear facilities”, and asserted: “Iran reserves its legitimate and inherent right… to defend its national security and respond resolutely to any threats or wrongful actions by the Israeli regime, wherever and whenever deemed necessary”. The same day, a media outlet close to Iran’s Supreme National Security Council asserted that the components for UAVs used in the attack had “entered Iran with the participation and guidance of Kurdish opposition groups based in the Kurdistan region of Iraq… on the order of a foreign security service”. It further noted: “The necessity of preventing destructive and anti-security actions of Kurdish opposition groups based in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, has been repeatedly pointed out to the government of this country. The continuation of the terrorist activities of these groups against Iran shows that the Iraqi government has not yet been able to completely fulfill its legal responsibilities in this regard”.

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  • 28 January 2023

    Iran’s Defence Ministry acknowledged an attack against what was described as a “military workshop” in Isfahan using micro aerial vehicles, asserting that it had “caused no disruption to the equipment and operations of the complex”. A Pentagon spokesperson denied U.S. military involvement in the strike, while media reports widely suggested an Israeli role.

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  • 24 January 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi stated that Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile was sufficient for “several nuclear weapons”, adding: “That doesn’t mean they have a nuclear weapon. So they haven’t proliferated yet”. Grossi also described the JCPOA as “an empty shell”, and went on to assert that “nobody has declared it dead, but no obligation is being pursued, and… every limit that existed in the JCPOA has been violated several time”.

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  • 18 January 2023

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “I’m expecting to get a better engagement from the Iranian authorities. It’s been difficult these past few months. We have not been getting responses … I hope to be able to visit Iran and to reset what needs to be a relationship based on trust which is faulting at this point in time”. He further maintained that “Iran has been getting more last generation centrifuges, is accumulating more material at five, 20 and 60 per cent enrichment which is quite close to weapon-grade… These are all factors that as I have been telling my Iranian counterparts are… configurating a situation that is getting more and more complex as time passes”. Grossi added: “It’s getting also more difficult for us to ascertain the situation there because our visibility in the Islamic Republic has been reduced because of the disconnection of some of our cameras and other systems that we had… We need to sit down at the highest possible political level to talk honestly and agree that this cannot continue”.

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  • 13 January 2023

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian opined that “Saudi Arabia is still not ready to return to normal relations. We have the needed intention and will to normalise with Saudi Arabia. If such an intention is seen in the real sense on the Saudi side, the normalisation of relations will be quick and achievable”.

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  • 10 January 2023

    The intelligence ministry announced that it had uncovered what it described as “two espionage and terrorist teams linked with the Mossad”, detaining more than a dozen individuals who allegedly “planned to murder a military official and carry out several acts of sabotage in major cities”.

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  • 3 January 2023

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the secretary-general and president of the Security Council regarding what he described as Israel’s “inflammatory and belligerent statements threatening to use force against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program”, stating that: “Iran reserves its legitimate right… to respond to any threat posed by the Israeli regime and protect its people as well as national security interests at any time it deems appropriate”.

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  • 2 January 2023

    The intelligence ministry announced the arrest of what it claimed were “members of a network that were financing and providing assistance to the MKO [Mojahedin-e Khalq opposition group] operational teams inside the country”.

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  • 1 January 2023

    Iranian media reported that the Alborz, a destroyer, had entered the Red Sea.

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  • 20 December 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian met with EU High Representative Josep Borrell, who described the meeting as “necessary… amidst deteriorating Iran-EU relations”. Borrell said he had “stressed [the] need [for Iran] to immediately stop military support to Russia and internal repression”, adding: “Agreed we must keep communication open and restore JCPOA on basis of Vienna negotiations”.

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  • 20 December 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian asserted that while attending the Baghdad II summit in Jordan, he had met with his Saudi counterpart, who reiterated Riyadh’s readiness “to continue negotiation with Iran”.

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  • 19 December 2022

    The UN under-secretary-general presented the fourteen biannual report, dated 12 December, on Security Council Resolution 2231’s implementation. The U.S. representative told the Security Council that “the door for diplomacy remainsopen. Unfortunately, Irans actionssuggest this goal is not theirpriority. Irans conduct since September… reinforceour skepticism about Irans willingness and capability of reaching a deal and explains why there have been no active negotiations since then”. He also called Iran’s transfer of drones to Russia a violation of Resolution 2231 and maintained: “Given Iran’s increasing integration into Russia’s defense sector, we fear additional violations in the future. Russia may even be tempted to further violate Resolution 2231 by importing complete ballistic missiles from Iran”. Iran’s envoy reiterated readiness “to resume the Vienna talks… if the U.S. demonstrates genuine political will and stands ready to work towards a satisfying solution and agrees to fully comply with its obligations. The U.S. now has the ball in its court”. On the issue of drone transfers, he emphasised that “Iran has not transferred to Russia, any item that is covered by… resolution 2231”.

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  • 19 December 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “irresponsible and arbitrary positions and interventions of the U.S. and some [other] Western countries… which were aimed at inciting riots [ie, anti-government protests] in Iran through political means as well as cognitive, media and hybrid forms of warfare represented their maximum effort to destabilise the country… Iran has warned meddlesome parties against any intervention in its domestic affairs and is carefully observing such illegitimate interventions and will give a strong response to them”.

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  • 19 December 2022

    The IRGC announced that a senior officer, along with three Basij members, were killed in south east Iran during “a fierce exchange of fire with counterrevolutionary elements”, who, according to the statement, “had to flee toward Pakistan”.

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  • 19 December 2022

    An IAEA delegation visited Tehran and met with the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) and other senior officials, discussing, per an Iranian readout, “the safeguard issues, cooperation fields and the coming mutual programs”.

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  • 16 December 2022

    Asked about Iran’s role in Russia’s war against Ukraine, CIA Director Bill Burns assessed that “what’s beginning to emerge is at least the beginnings of a full-fledged defence partnership between Russia and Iran, with the Iranians supplying drones to the Russians, which are killing Ukrainian civilians as we speak today, and the Russians beginning to look at ways in which, technologically or technically, they can support the Iranians, which poses real threats to Iran’s own neighbourhood, to many of our friends and partners in Iran’s neighbourhood as well”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently described the claims as a “propaganda war…based on lies and deception”.

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  • 14 December 2022

    A majority in the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) voted in favor of a U.S.-led move to remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the move as part of a “psychological war” against the government.

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  • 10 December 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian affirmed that “the three islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb in the Persian Gulf are inseparable parts of Iranian soil and eternally belong to this motherland. We have no qualms about the necessity of other parties respecting Iran’s territorial integrity”. His remarks came in response to a joint GCC-China statement that had expressed “support for all peaceful efforts, including the initiative and endeavours of the United Arab Emirates to reach a peaceful solution to the [sovereignty] issue of the three islands”.

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  • 8 December 2022

    Discussing sites subject to an IAEA safeguards investigation, the head of Iran’s atomic energy agency maintained that evidence of past nuclear activity did “not mean the place of discovery was a nuclear site or that it was an undeclared nuclear activity… They were not nuclear substances from our own manufacturing but perhaps traces from previous use in the country of origin”. 

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  • 6 December 2022

    The intelligence ministry announced the arrest of ten individuals it linked to the Mojahedin-e Khalq opposition group who allegedly “carried out terrorist attacks and numerous mortar attacks” in the course of anti-government protests.

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  • 4 December 2022

    The judiciary announced the execution of four individuals arrested in June and convicted on accusations of links to Israeli intelligence.

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  • 3 December 2022

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) began construction of a new nuclear power plant in south-west Iran. The head of the agency remarked that “the government is moving towards the production of low-cost energy and fuel; therefore, the development of nuclear power plants is on the agenda of this organisation”.

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  • 2 December 2022

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi remarked that “we don’t seem to be seeing eye-to-eye with Iran over their obligations to the IAEA… We need to put our relationship back on track”. He further noted that “Iran informed us they were tripling, not doubling, tripling their capacity to enrich uranium at 60 per cent, which is very close to military level, which is 90 per cent”, warning: “This is not banal. This is something that has consequences. It gives them an inventory of nuclear material for which it cannot be excluded … that there might be another use. We need to go [to Iran]. We need to verify”.

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  • 29 November 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told Iraqi Prime Minister al-Sudani that efforts to undermine Iran’s security were “currently taking place in some areas of Iraq. The only solution is for the Iraqi central government to extend its authority to those areas as well”. He added: “If any party intends to disrupt the country’s security, we will stand up firmly in front of any party seeking to undermine Iraq’s security… Iraq’s security is Iran’s security, in the same way that Iran’s security also has an effect on the security of Iraq”. According to an Iraqi readout, the premier emphasised that “the government is committed to the Iraqi constitution, which prohibits making Iraq a launchpad for aggression against its neighbours”. The same day, President Raisi, during a joint press conference with al-Sudani, asserted: “The presence of outsiders does not bring security at all, but causes many problems for the region… Definitely, the withdrawal of the Americans from the region will lead to an increase in peace, stability and security”.

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  • 26 November 2022

    An Iranian news agency said it had been the subject of a “complex hacking and cyberattack operation”, adding: “cyberattacks against Fars news agency are carried out almost daily from different countries, including the occupied territories [Israel]”.

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  • 26 November 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “negotiations will not solve our problems with America. Only one thing would solve our problem with America and that is paying ransom to America, but not just one ransom, they are demanding permanent ransom”.

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  • 24 November 2022

    The UN Human Rights Council voted to launch a fact-finding mission investigating “alleged human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September”. The U.S., which was among the 25 countries voting in favour (six were against, and fifteen abstained) emphasised: “It is also important that the international community work in partnership to ensure that Iran plays no role on UN or other international bodies charged with protecting and promoting human rights of women”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson on 28 November declared the government would “not engage in any cooperation, whatsoever, with the political committee called the ‘fact-finding committee’”.

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  • 23 November 2022

    The IRGC announced that a colonel “serving as a military adviser in Syria, was martyred by the Zionist regime’s [ie, Israel’s] agents through a roadside bomb near Damascus”. It added that there would “undoubtedly” be a response.

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  • 22 November 2022

    In reaction to a 17 November IAEA censure resolution on Iran’s lack of safeguards cooperation with the agency, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran announced that enrichment to 60 per cent had commenced at the bunkered Fordow enrichment facility, along with additional deployment of advanced centrifuges at both the Fordow and Natanz nuclear facilities.

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  • 22 November 2022

    The IRGC carried out missile and drone strikes against Kurdish opposition groups near Kikuk. The U.S. denounced the “repeated and brazen violations of Iraq’s territorial integrity” and urged “Iran to refrain from further threats and violence”. The same day, Iran’s ambassador to Iraq claimed that “some of our vital military centers have been attacked from the Iraqi Kurdistan region’s soil and we have informed the Iraqi side, both the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and the central government in Iraq, of this issue. We [provided them] with maps and documents”. Too, a senior IRGC commander emphasised that “the attack on the headquarters and bases of armed criminals and terrorist groups will continue until the threat is eliminated”.

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  • 21 November 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “at the current level of production of this enriched uranium, Iran has accumulated already enough material to have more than one [nuclear] device, if they chose to do that. But we don’t have any information that would indicate that Iran has a nuclear weapon program at the moment… We haven’t reached that point. But we need to work very hard so we don’t get there”.

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  • 20 November 2022

    The IRGC renewed missile and drone operations against Kurdish separatist groups in northern Iraq. The following day it stated that it had been bolstering its presence in north-western Iran “following the movements of villains and anti-Iran separatist terrorist groups… and the creation of villainy and insecurity in some areas”, while highlighting “the security of the region and the honorable and valiant people of the border provinces of the north west as our red line”. The Kurdistan Regional government condemned the attack in “the strongest terms… Iran’s repeated violations of the sovereignty of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq are inexcusable and a gross infringement of international law and neighbourly relations”. The U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition denounced the strikes and emphasised: “These attacks place innocent civilians at risk. Such acts jeopardise the security and stability of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region”.

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  • 18 November 2022

    The IRGC reported the arrest of  a purported “terrorist team… trying to smuggle weapons and ammunition into the country”. 

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  • 17 November 2022

    With 26 votes in favour and two against, the IAEA Board of Governors adopted a U.S/E3 drafted resolution noting “profound concern” over the lack of progress in the IAEA’s safeguards probes, and deeming it “essential and urgent in order to ensure verification of the non-diversion of nuclear material that Iran act to fulfil its legal obligations without delay”. Iran’s IAEA envoy condemned the resolution as “a political, unconstructive and incorrect action”, insisting: “The political goals of the founders of this anti-Iranian resolution will not be realised, but its approval can affect the process of cooperation and constructive interactions between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the IAEA”.

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  • 16 November 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that limited monitoring and verification in Iran “will have a significant impact on the Agency’s ability to recover and re-establish the necessary continuity of knowledge in the event of a full resumption of implementation by Iran of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA. Any future baseline for such JCPOA verification and monitoring activities would take a considerable time to establish and would have a degree of uncertainty. The longer the current situation persists the greater such uncertainty becomes”. Grossi also shared “serious concern that there has been no progress in clarifying and resolving the outstanding safeguards issues”, adding: “I hope that the planned technical meeting between the Agency and Iran takes place, but I want to stress that this meeting should be aimed at effectively clarifying and resolving those issues”. The head of Iran’s atomic agency the same day indicated that “for now no trip by the agency is on the agenda”, and, referring to a U.S./E3 draft censure resolution, asserted: “If they had goodwill and they want to continue negotiations, they would not have offered such a resolution”.

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  • 15 November 2022

    The U.S. 5th Fleet revealed that on 8 November it interdicted a vessel “in the Gulf of Oman smuggling lethal aid, including a large quantity of explosive material, from Iran to Yemen”; the four Yemeni crewmembers were repatriated and the ship sunk. A U.S. commander maintained that the 70 tonnes of ammonium perchlorate found abroad “was a massive amount of explosive material, enough to fuel more than a dozen medium-range ballistic missiles depending on the size”. The U.S. statement also highlighted that “the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer of weapons to the Huthis violates UN Security Council Resolution 2216 and international law”. Iran maintained it had “not taken any action against the resolution, and is actively cooperating with the sanctions committee formed to oversee the arms embargo”.

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  • 15 November 2022

    The U.S. sanctioned “six senior employees of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), the Iranian state-run media corporation that has broadcast hundreds of forced confessions of Iranian, dual national and international detainees in Iran”. The State Department asserted that “IRIB acts not as an objective media outlet but rather as a key tool in the Iranian government’s mass suppression and censorship campaign… The U.S. is steadfast in our commitment to supporting the Iranian people protesting nationwide and demanding accountability for their government”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the sanctions, countering: “Allowing terrorist networks and media outlets to make mischief against the Iranian nation and sanctioning IRIB and Press TV to block Iran’s views from being conveyed to the world is the continuation of the American administration’s blatant violation of the Iranian nation’s rights”.

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  • 14 November 2022

    The IRGC targeted what it described as bases of “terrorist separatist groups” in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region using drones and missiles, citing “continued inaction and some evident oversights, which were sometimes intentional, by officials of the northern Iraqi [Kurdistan] region in dealing with the activities of counterrevolutionary and anti-Iran terrorist and separatist groups that have carved out a safe haven in the region to hatch plots and conduct attacks against the Iranian nation”. Multiple casualties were reported. The Iraqi foreign ministry denounced the attack “in strong and repeated terms” and its minister emphasised to his Iranian counterpart “the importance of dialogue as a way to stop this unjustified hostile escalation, describing the continuation of these unilateral actions as dangerous”. The U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition denounced the Iranian strikes “as a violation of Iraqi sovereignty”.

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  • 9 November 2022

    Iran’s intelligence minister blamed the U.S., UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia for the anti-government protests in the country, while warning Riyadh: “Any instability in Iran can be contagious to the countries of the region. Faraway countries are the destabilisers of the region… Iran has so far adopted strategic patience with pure rationality, but it does not give any guarantee for the continuation of this strategic patience in case of the continuation of hostilities. Undoubtedly, if Iran decides to reciprocate and punish these countries, the glass castles will collapse and these states will not see stability”.

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  • 5 November 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that on “the fuss made by some western countries that Iran has provided Russia with missiles and drones to help it in the Ukraine war, claims about the missile part is completely wrong and the drone part is correct”, adding that the UAV transfer preceded the Ukraine war. U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley reacted to Amirabdollahian’s statement by saying: “Iran didn’t give a limited number of drones before the war. They transferred dozens just this summer and have military personnel in occupied Ukraine helping Russia use them against Ukrainian civilians. Confronted with evidence, they need a new policy, not a new story”.

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  • 5 November 2022

    The IRCG reported the successful testing of a solid fuel satellite carrier, dubbed Qaem 100. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson said “such actions are unhelpful and destablising… the U.S. remains concerned with Iran’s continued development of space launch vehicles (SLVs), which pose a significant proliferation concern… [and] defy United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231”. “[The U.S.] continues to usea variety of non-proliferation tools, including sanctions, to counter the further advancement of Iran’s ballistic missile program andits ability to proliferatemissiles and related technology to others”, the spokesperson added.

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  • 4 November 2022

    President Biden remarked that “we’re gonna free Iran. They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon”. President Raisi countered that “Iran was freed 43 years ago, and it is determined not to be captured by you… The U.S. knows that Iran is progressing, and that is why they seek to isolate Iran, but all of their plots against our country have failed”. A White House spokesperson asserted that Biden “was expressing, again, our solidarity” with anti-government protesters, adding: “we’re going to continue to look for ways to hold the regime accountable for the way that they’re threatening their own people”.

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  • 4 November 2022

    On the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, the IRGC’s commander contended that “the enemies are well aware that we will definitely respond to their interventionist and mischievous behaviour; but now, we cannot say where and how this will take place”. Iran’s army also issued a statement claiming that “the White House rulers, in cooperation with their regional allies like the Zionist [ie, Israel] and Saudi regimes, have launched a hybrid war, with a focus on the warfare of perception, using their media empire against the Iranian nation, not least the youth”. Marking the anniversary, the State Department asserted: “We remain committed to securing the release of all wrongfully detained U.S. citizens” in Iran.

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  • 3 November 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian spoke with EU High Representative Josep Borrell, conveying what he described as “Iran’s absolute readiness to conclude [nuclear] negotiations as soon as possible”, and adding: “The U.S. must stop double-dealing. Genuine will is needed. We remain fully committed to secure rights of our people”. He also repeated Iranian denials of military support for Russia in Ukraine as “fabricated and unsubstantiated”, while dismissing Western criticism of the government’s crackdown against protesters as “hypocritical”. Borrell said he had “stressed that Europe stands united in condemning Iran’s crack down on ongoing protest… [and] reiterated urgent need for Iran’s credible cooperation with the IAEA towards tangible outcomes” on safeguard issues.

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  • 2 November 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei insisted that “the events that took place these past few weeks [ie, nationwide anti-government protests] were not merely street riots. They were detailed plots. The enemy initiated hybrid warfare. The enemy, namely the U.S., the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], some insidious and malicious European powers and some groups, came to the scene with all of their capabilities”. He also reiterated that Iran’s retaliation for the killing by the U.S. in 2020 of former IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani would “happen at the right time, at the right place”.

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  • 31 October 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry announced sanctions against fourteen U.S. individuals and entities on the basis of “interfering in the Islamic Republic’s internal affairs and provoking riots”; the list included the CIA and several senior military commanders.

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  • 28 October 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry and IRGC intelligence issued a joint statement claiming: “Intelligence evidence shows that the CIA had devised an extensive plan with the cooperation of allied spy services and reactionary proxies before the start of the unrest to initiate a nationwide chaos with the aim of committing crimes against the great Iranian nation and the country’s territorial integrity as well as paving the ground for increasing foreign pressures”.

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  • 28 October 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Ukrainian counterpart that “we have good relations with Russia and have had defence cooperation in the past, but our policy toward the war in Ukraine is to respect the territorial integrity of [both] countries, not to send weapons to the warring parties, and [calling for] an end to the war and displacement of people”. The Ukrainian minister said had “demanded Iran to immediately cease the flow of weapons to Russia used to kill civilians and destroy critical infrastructure in Ukraine”.

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  • 28 October 2022

    Referring to Iran’s nuclear activity, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “I see every day through my inspectors how this problem is getting more and more relevant, and I’m choosing a word which is neutral. It’s an even more relevant problem every day”. He further emphasised: “I will never do anything in the verification area under political pretences or for political reasons. The IAEA has to do what it has to do… I’ve said it to my Iranian counterparts many times when they request that we look elsewhere”.

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  • 26 October 2022

    Iranian security officials reported what was described as a terrorist attack against a shrine in Shiraz, killing fifteen and injuring dozens; ISIS made a claim of responsibility. The IRGC reported foiling a bomb attack in Shiraz the same day.

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  • 26 October 2022

    At the UN Security Council, the U.S. representative contended that “Russia and Iran teamed up to violate Resolution 2231. Iran, in violation of Resolution 2231, provided Russia with drones to wreak havoc and inflict destruction on Ukrainian civilians. Russia, in violation of Resolution 2231, procured them… There is no doubt that the transfer occurred without approval by the Council, and thus in violation of Resolution 2231”. During the same session, Iran’s envoy reiterated that “Iran has never provided the parties with weapons for use in the Ukraine conflict”.

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  • 24 October 2022

    Iran’s judiciary announced the arrest of ten individuals it accused of spying for Israel in north-western Iran.

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  • 23 October 2022

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) confirmed a cyberattack against a subsidiary company, adding: “The content in users’ emails contains technical messages and routine and daily exchanges of emails… The purpose of such illegal attempts, which is a desperate move, is to draw public attention and a part of a psychological operation”.

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  • 21 October 2022

    The U.S. military denied claims by a senior Iranian commander regarding the seizure of two naval drones. 

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  • 21 October 2022

    The Financial Action Task Force retained Iran’s classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action.

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  • 19 October 2022

    The U.S., UK and France raised “the issue of Iran’s transfer of UAVs to Russia at a meeting of the UN Security Council, where Council members received expert briefings from the UN Secretariat on reports of the transfer of these dangerous weapons”. A U.S. readout noted “grave concerns about Russia’s acquisition of these UAVs from Iran in violation of UN Security Council resolution 2231”, adding: “We will not hesitate to use our sanctions and other appropriate tools on all involved in these transfers. We will also continue to surge unprecedented security assistance to Ukraine, including air defense capabilities, so that Ukraine can defend itself from these weapons”.

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  • 18 October 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson rejected reports of arms transfers, including drones, to Russia, describing them as a “propaganda campaign waged by media of some countries against the Islamic Republic of Iran” and expressing willingness to engage “with Ukraine to dispel such allegations”. The remarks came a day after Ukraine’s foreign ministry asserted that Russia had deployed “more than a hundred Iranian kamikaze drones” over the past week, and urged the EU to adopt sanctions over the weapons supplies.

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  • 17 October 2022

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami warned Saudi Arabia to “mind its behaviour and control its media [outlets] or [the actions] will backfire on itself” amid ongoing protests in Iran. He further called on “the neighbouring countries not to let Israel into Islamic territories because they seek to foment insecurity”.

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  • 17 October 2022

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson said that “there’s extensive proof” of Russian use of Iranian drones in Ukraine, and added: “Russia deepening an alliance with Iran is something the whole world should, especially those in the region and across the world, frankly, should be seen as a profound threat and something that any country should pay very close attention to”.

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  • 16 October 2022

    Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian told a group of senior Iraqi security officials that “we do not expect the Kurdistan region of Iraq to be a haven for terrorist acts and a threat against Iran… We want nothing but good for the Iraqi government and nation, but we will not tolerate the continued armed presence of terrorists in the Kurdistan region and their actions against Iran’s security”.

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  • 15 October 2022

    President Biden stated that “the Iranian government is so oppressive, you can’t have anything but an enormous amount of respect for those people marching in the street… It’s been really amazing. But they’re not a good group, in the government”. President Raisi subsequently  asserted that saying Biden, “who allows himself through his comments to incite chaos, terror and destruction in another country, should be reminded of the eternal words of the founder of the Islamic Republic, who called America and great satan”.

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  • 11 October 2022

    An Iranian judicial official claimed that the IRGC had arrested an individual for spying for Israel who was allegedly planning “to carry out anti-security measures and acts of sabotage”.

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  • 11 October 2022

    After Iraq’s UN envoy condemned Iran at the Security Council for conducting “reckless acts” in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Iran’s representative wrote to the Council contending that “terrorist and separatist groups… have continued to use Iraqi territory to conduct armed and terrorist attacks against civilians and Iran’s vital infrastructure. These armed groups… have set up several terrorist training camps on Iraqi territory in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in order to recruit, train, incite, plan, organise, support and carry out terrorist acts as well as sabotage operations within Iranian territory”. “Despite our repeated objections and warnings, neither the Government of the Republic of Iraq nor officials from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region have taken effective and concrete measures to comply with their international obligations”, he added, while underscoring Iran’s right “to respond to any terrorist threat or attack… at any time it deems appropriate and necessary”.

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  • 10 October 2022

    The IAEA informed member states that Iran had completed the installation of, but not yet activated, seven cascades of IR-2m and IR-4 centrifuges at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), with work underway on two of three additional planned IR-2m cascades.

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  • 4 October 2022

    Iran’s Space Agency announced that it had successfully tested a “space tug capable of shifting satellites between orbits and transferring spaceborne cargo from one orbit to another”.

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  • 4 October 2022

    Iranian media reported that the IRGC had launched drones and rockets against “the positions of terrorist groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region”, the latest in a series of attacks since late September.

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  • 3 October 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed that nationwide anti-government protests “were planned by America, the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and their acolytes. Their main problem is with a strong and independent Iran and the country’s progress… If it were not for the young girl [whose death while in police custody sparked the unrest], they would have invented another excuse to create insecurity and trigger riots in the country”.

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  • 1 October 2022

    The UN Secretary-General announced that “our former colleague Baquer Namazi has been permitted to leave Iran for medical treatment abroad… Baquer Namazi’s son, Siamak Namazi, has been released from detention”. The State Department said it was “deeply gratified” by the news regarding the two U.S. nationals, adding: “Our efforts are far from over. We remain committed and determined to securing the freedom of all Americans unjustly detained in Iran and elsewhere”.

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  • 30 September 2022

    Military Chief of Staff Bagheri cautioned “the U.S. forces against cooperating with anti-Iranian terrorists in the Iraqi Kurdistan region”. Referring to the U.S. downing an Iranian drone during 28 September IRGC attacks against what was described as “anti-Iranian terrorist groups” in northern Iraq as evidence of collaboration between them and the U.S., he warned that “we will deal with it at a proper time and place”, adding: “If any hostile measure against the Islamic Republic of Iran, its national security, and its national interests are adopted by American bases in… neighbouring states, we will certainly respond to these bases”.

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  • 30 September 2022

    The IRGC confirmed the death of a senior intelligence official in what it described as “clashes with anti-revolution elements” in south-eastern Iran; the governor of Sistan and Baluchestan province estimated that there were nearly 40 casualties.

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  • 28 September 2022

    The IRGC confirmed that it had fired 73 ballistic missiles and dozens of UAVs targeting sites belonging to what it called “anti-Iranian terrorist groups” in northern Iraq. CENTCOM reported downing an Iranian drone “headed in the direction of Erbil as it appeared as a threat to CENTCOM forces in the area”. The Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s president denounced the operation, which led to dozens of casualties, and affirmed, “The Kurdistan Region… will not allow any security threat to the neighbouring countries from its borders… [and it] should not be used as a battleground to settle disputes among rival parties”. Iraq’ foreign ministry summoned the Iranian ambassador on 29 September and delivered a “strong note of protests”, warning of operation’s “repercussions on the societal peace of both countries, and on regional security and stability”. The U.S. State Department criticised the attack as “an unjustified violation of Iraqi sovereignty and territorial integrity”, and further condemned “comments from the government of Iran threatening additional attacks against Iraq”, while National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said “Iran cannot deflect blame from its internal problems and the legitimate grievances of its population with attacks across its borders… the U.S. will continue to pursue sanctions and other means to disrupt Iran’s destabilising activities across the Middle East region”.  The following day, the U.S. confirmed the death of one of its citizens during the attack.  

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  • 26 September 2022

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi reiterated that “in the event of a full resumption of Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, the Agency will need to address the gap in its knowledge of what took place while our surveillance and monitoring equipment related to the JCPOA was not in operation. There will be considerable challenges to confirming the consistency with the situation prior to 21 February 2021 of Iran’s declared inventory of centrifuges and heavy water”. He added: “the Agency has made efforts to engage with Iran to resolve outstanding issues related to the presence of uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at three undeclared locations in Iran. Since June, Iran has not engaged with the Agency. Consequently, these issues have not been resolved and the Agency is not in a position to provide assurance that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”. Meanwhile, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) maintained: “There are no undeclared nuclear activities or material in Iran. All accusations are merely based on fake and incorrect information provided by the usurping regime of Israel”. Grossi and the AEOI chief met the same day.

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  • 26 September 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that the IAEA “has questions about three alleged sites that they say they have found uranium, and we are ready to provide answers to those questions”, adding: “baseless allegations against Iran that have been put on the agenda of the agency need to be removed first… to do so, there has to be some technical work. But parallel to that, just like in the year 2015, there needs to be a political will to close the case of these allegations”. He also asserted: “There has been some progress… on the guarantees and the duration of the agreements, but we are still far from the ideal point”.

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  • 24 September 2022

    The IRGC reported that it had targeted with artillery what it claimed were “the positions of anti-Iran terrorist groups affiliated with global arrogance [ie, the West] in northern Iraq who have in recent days trespassed on Iran’s north-western borders and attacked some border bases of our country”. It further noted that “Iran on many occasions has warned officials of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region about the terrorist groups’ activities in the region but they have failed to pay necessary attention to the warnings and take proper measures to prevent terrorist moves”, adding: “The operation will continued until the Iraqi Kurdish officials accept their responsibilities”. On 26 September, Iranian media reported a “new round of [IRGC] artillery and drone attacks against terrorists in northern Iraq”.

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  • 21 September 2022

    The IAEA Director General emphasised that Iran’s safeguards “issues are not going to be wished away”, adding: “The IAEA has limited access to Iran’s nuclear facilities… We are ready to re-engage with Iran”.

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  • 21 September 2022

    Speaking at the 77th Session of UN General Assembly, President Raisi reiterated that “Iran is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons and such weapons have no place in our defence doctrine. This ruling was announced in the fatwa of the Supreme Leader… [which] is more effective than any international supervision”. He further remarked that “we have before us the experience of America’s withdrawal from the JCPOA and the delay of the current American government in returning to its commitments for more than a year and a half. Today, when the American government is talking about its intention to return to its obligations, another voice is heard from inside that country, which questions the commitment of the United States. With that experience and this perspective, can we act with tolerance in the important issue of ensuring the stability of the agreement?” Raisi went on to assert that “we will find our way regardless of any agreement and continue with strength. Besides, in the serious negotiations we have had, we have shown that if the interests of the Iranian nation are guaranteed, we have a strong will to solve this issue fairly”.

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  • 20 September 2022

    President Raisi told his French counterpart that given “the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. from the [nuclear] agreement and the resulting damages, the desire of the Islamic Republic of Iran to receive reassuring guarantees is a completely reasonable and logical demand”. He further asserted that the IAEA’s “approach to [safeguards] issues should be technical and away from the pressures and suggestions of others, and we believe that without the closure of Iran’s cases, it is not possible to reach an agreement” to revive the JCPOA.

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  • 18 September 2022

    Asked about the Holocaust, President Raisi posited that “historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians. There are some signs that it happened. If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched”. In response, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi asserted that “anyone who distorts and denies the painful and solid truth of history lies easily today and will naturally lie in the future. This is another reminder that such people should not be allowed to possess any capacity of any kind to develop weapons of mass destruction”.

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  • 18 September 2022

    President Raisi, discussing the Vienna talks, remarked that if “a good deal and fair deal [is on the table], we would be serious about reaching an agreement. It needs to be lasting. There needs to be guarantees. If there were a guarantee, then the Americans could not withdraw from the deal”.  He further argued that “the new administration in the U.S., they claim that they are different from the Trump administration. They have said it in their messages to us. But we haven’t witnessed any changes in reality”. “It is important to us to have the sanctions lifted”, he added, while noting: “There’s a number of countries that are being sanctioned. By doing this, they are bringing them closer together, making them more united. And this will render American sanctions ineffective”. Raisi also commented on a prisoner swap with the U.S. and maintained: “It can be conducted separately from the nuclear talks… It is a humanitarian issue”.

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  • 16 September 2022

    Discussing the nuclear negotiations, President Raisi emphasised that the “removal of sanctions should be accompanied with the resolution of safeguards. There are some political and baseless accusations against Islamic Republic of Iran when it comes to safeguard issues”. “Regarding the guarantees”, he added, “if we have the trustworthy guarantees, and we have the lasting removal of the sanctions, not temporary removal of sanctions, and if there is a lasting solution for the safeguard issues, for sure it is possible to reach agreement”.

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  • 12 September 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that since February 2021, JCPOA-related nuclear monitoring and verification activities “have been seriously affected by Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of those commitments, including its commitments under the Additional Protocol”, and noted “considerable challenges… in order to confirm the consistency of the situation” even if the deal were restored. Grossi also presented his reports on the Agency’s safeguards investigations in Iran and maintained: “Iran has not engaged with the Agency… Therefore, all of these safeguards issues remain outstanding”.  Stressing the need for Iran to provide  “technically credible explanations”, he added: “Because it has not yet done so, the Agency is not in a position to provide assurance that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful”.

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  • 11 September 2022

    A senior Iranian military commander announced that Iran had designed a drone “specifically designed to target Haifa and Tel Aviv” in Israel.

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  • 10 September 2022

    France, Germany and the UK jointly issued a statement maintaining that “while we were edging closer to an agreement, Iran reopened separate issues that relate to its legally binding international obligations under the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its NPT safeguards agreement concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This latest demand raises serious doubts as to Iran’s intentions and commitment to a successful outcome on the JCPOA”. They further stressed that “it is up to Iran to provide technically credible answers to the IAEA’s questions on the whereabouts of all nuclear material on its territory. The JCPOA can in no way be used to release Iran from legally binding obligations that are essential to the global non-proliferation Regime”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “by [issuing] such an ill-considered statement, the three European countries have followed in the footsteps of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] down a path that will lead to the failure of negotiations… It is obvious that if such an approach continues, the E3 should also accept responsibility for its consequences”.

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  • 8 September 2022

    The spokesperson for Iran’s atomic energy agency criticised the IAEA’s quarterly reports as “a repetition of the previous baseless issues with political purposes”, adding: “They should not expect Iran to be open to inspections beyond the Safeguards Agreement when they do not fulfill their obligations and while their oppressive sanctions against the Iranian nation continue”.  

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  • 7 September 2022

    The U.S National Security Council accused Iran of conducting what it described as a “reckless and irresponsible cyberattack” against Albania on 15 July that “destroyed government data and disrupted government services to the public”. “The U.S. will take further action to hold Iran accountable for actions that threaten the security of a U.S. ally and set a troubling precedent for cyberspace”, a spokesperson asserted. The same day, Tirana cut diplomatic ties with Tehran. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson rejected the allegation, asserting that “Iran rejects and condemns any use of cyberspace as a means to attack the infrastructure of other countries”. On 8 September, the Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence assessed that “the messaging and target selection indicate Tehran likely used the attacks as retaliation for cyberattacks Iran perceives were carried out by Israel and the Mojahedin Khalq (MEK), an Iranian dissident group largely based in Albania”.

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  • 7 September 2022

    Chief of Staff Bagheri, referring to CENTCOM’s inclusion of Israel to its area of responsibility, emphasised that “such a development means that the espionage and operational capacities of the U.S. and its allies will be at the disposal of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] as well, which would in turn add to the threats against Iran”. “Apart from the written announcements and warnings and conveying messages… to the countries hosting the U.S. army, we have declared and continue to declare our preparedness and warnings by extending presence, expanding aerial and naval patrols, deepening the intelligence dominance and holding various naval, missile and drone war games”, Bagheri said, adding: “regional security requires fraternity and cooperation among the regional countries themselves without reliance on outsiders”.

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  • 5 September 2022

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell remarked that “the last interaction [between Iran and the U.S. over the JCPOA] is not converging, it is diverging… That is very much worrisome – if the process does not converge, the whole process is in danger”. “[I] keep consulting with all the other JCPOA participants, and in particular the U.S. because it is a request [by Iran] that has to be fulfilled by the U.S. – in particular, not the only one, how to proceed”, he added, while assessing: “I am less confident today… about the convergence of the negotiation process and about the prospect of closing the deal right now”. 

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  • 1 September 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson announced that Iran had, via the EU, replied to U.S. comments on Iran’s proposed amendments to an EU-tabled draft agreement. “The text that was sent has a constructive approach aimed at finalising the negotiations”, he added. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson confirmed receipt of the response and described it as “not constructive”.

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  • 30 August 2022

    A White House spokesperson confirmed that according to U.S. assessments, “Russia received both Mohajer-6 and Shahed-series UAVs from Iran over the course of several days in August. Russian transport aircraft loaded the UAV equipment at an airfield in Iran and subsequently flew from Iran to Russia”. The Pentagon asserted: “Russia deepening their alliance with Iran is something that the whole world – and especially those in the region – should watch and see as a profound threat… We will vigorously enforce all U.S. sanctions on both the Russian and Iranian arms trade and will stand with our allies and partners throughout the region against the Iranian threat”. On 1 September, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “a number of the world’s top-ranking powers are willing to purchase military and defense equipment from the Islamic Republic. Indeed, this process has materialised as they are currently using [Iranian arms] and receiving training”.

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  • 29 August 2022

    President Raisi insisted that “without the resolution of the safeguard issues, there is no meaning of an agreement [to revive the JCPOA], the agreement must be accompanied by the resolution of the safeguard issues and its termination”. Relatedly, a website close to Iran’s Supreme National Security Council contended: “[IAEA Director General] Rafael Grossi’s political and non-legal behaviour towards Iran could be considered a serious obstacle to the conclusion of the agreement in Vienna talks, and will also darken the prospect of providing the ground for the implementation of the initial commitments of parties”. The same day, Israeli President Herzog affirmed that “the IAEA’s independence is critical. It should be strictly adhered to, including its ability to investigate violations of nuclear developments in Iran”, adding: “The Iranian President’s statement today is perfectly clear: it says, ‘We don’t respect the independence of the IAEA to investigate open cases’, which are major cases involving enriched uranium, located by IAEA inspectors”.

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  • 29 August 2022

    President Raisi underscored that “the threats of the Zionist Regime [ie, Israel] have not –and will not- go anywhere. The assassination of our precious nuclear scientists… [and] many acts of vandalism and sedition were meant to stop us, but we did not”. He further warned that Israel “should first see whether it can deal with the resistance forces in Palestine… Yesterday, it could withstand their stones, but today, can they cope with their rockets?”. The same day, Israeli President Herzog contended that “Iran has sworn itself to Israel’s destruction and is working tirelessly to destabilise our region and the entire world… Iran’s activities cannot go unpunished. And most critically, such a state must not be allowed to possess nuclear capabilities”.

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  • 29 August 2022

    The IAEA informed member states that it had it had “verified at FEP [the Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz] that Iran was feeding UF6 enriched up to 2 per cent U-235 into the IR-6 cascade [installed in early August]… for the production of UF6 enriched up to 5 per cent U-235”. On 31 August, the Agency reported that Iran had begun using another IR-6 cascade to enrich uranium to the same level.

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  • 24 August 2022

    The Biden administration confirmed that it had “responded to the EU” regarding Iran’s comments on an EU-tabled draft that served as the basis for multilateral early August discussions in Vienna. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson confirmed receipt of Washington’s reply and asserted: “The careful review of the response has started in Tehran”.

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  • 23 August 2022

    CENTCOM confirmed U.S. airstrikes in Deir al-Zor “intended to defend and protect U.S. forces from attacks like the ones on August 15 against U.S. personnel by Iran-backed groups. The U.S. strikes targeted infrastructure facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson called the operation “a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”, and asserted: “The sites targeted had no links to the Islamic Republic”. A senior Pentagon official said “we believe we have Iran dead to rights on attribution” regarding the 15 August attacks, adding: “Whether the JCPOA is reborn or not, it actually has nothing to do without willingness and resolve to defend ourselves. And I think the strike… was a pretty clear communication to the Iranians, that these things are on different tracks”. On 24 August CENTCOM announced that “U.S. forces responded… to rocket attacks at two sites in Syria” that injured three U.S. service members, with “initial assessments… that two or three suspected Iran-backed militants conducting one of the attacks were killed”. The following day it reported that operations with helicopters and artillery against “Iran affiliated militants… result[ed] in four enemy fighters killed and seven enemy rocket launchers destroyed”. 

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  • 22 August 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson posited that “the Americans are procrastinating [in the JCPOA negotiations] and there is inaction from the European sides… America and Europe need an agreement more than Iran”. The spokesperson also underscored that “the exchange of prisoners with Washington is a separate issue and it has nothing to do with the process of negotiations to revive the 2015 pact”. In related remarks, the EU facilitator of the nuclear talks described Iran’s response to European proposals as “reasonable”, adding: “It was transmitted to the U.S. which has not yet responded formally… I hope the response will put an end to the negotiations”.  

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  • 22 August 2022

    Discussing the IAEA’s safeguards investigations in Iran, Director General Rafael Grossi urged Tehran to “give us necessary answers, people and places so we can clarify the many things needed for clarification… So far Iran has not given us the technically credible explanations we need to explain origins of many traces of uranium, the presence of equipment at places”. “This idea that politically we are going to stop doing our job is unacceptable for us”, he added. “Let us have an explanation. Where is it now? At that moment we will be able to have a report saying, yes, we have clarified this issue”.

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  • 17 August 2022

    After senior U.S. officials reiterated calls for the release of four U.S. nationals detained in Iran, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson asserted that Iran had “repeated announced its readiness to the American side through various channels to address the issue of prisoners”, adding: “By implementing this agreement, we are ready to get the innocent Iranians imprisoned in the U.S… released”.

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  • 15 August 2022

    An EU official confirmed that Iran had responded to an EU-tabled draft that served as the basis for multilateral early August discussions in Vienna. Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “there are three issues that if resolved, we can reach an agreement in the coming days”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson on 16 August noted that “we’re in the process of studying [Iran’s comments]. We are at the same time engaged in consultations with the EU and our European allies on the way ahead”. An unnamed Israeli official subsequently opined that “despite the differences and gaps, there is a momentum and a more positive dialogue toward reaching an agreement… Israel sees the current agreement as a bad agreement and emphasises to its partners the danger of signing such an agreement. The Iranians operate in a well-known tactic of shuffling and stalling for more concessions”.

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  • 14 August 2022

    Following an attack against the author Salman Rushdie, Secretary of State Antony Blinken contended that “Iranian state institutions have incited violence against Rushdie for generations, and state-affiliated media recently gloated about the attempt on his life. This is despicable. The U.S. and partners will not waver in our determination to stand up to these threats, using every appropriate tool at our disposal”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted: “We do not consider anyone other than [Rushdie] and his supporters worth of blame”, while “categorically and seriously deny[ing] any connection of the assailant with Iran”.

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  • 10 August 2022

    The Justice Department charged a member of Iran’s IRGC for plotting “the murder of former National Security Adviser John Bolton, likely in retaliation for the January 2020 death of IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani”. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned that “should Iran attack any of our citizens, to include those who continue to serve the United States or those who formerly served, Iran will face severe consequences”.  Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the allegation as “baseless” and cautioned “against any action against Iranian citizens under the pretext of such ridiculous accusations”.

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  • 9 August 2022

    Iran’s Minister of Communication and Information Technology confirmed that Russia had launched an Iranian satellite from a site in Kazakhstan, calling it the “beginning of strategic cooperation between Iran and Russia in the space industry”. “The high-resolution images [taken by Khayyam] could be used to improve the space applications in the country in the environmental and agricultural sectors”, he added. Iran’s space agency had previously asserted Iran would be in full control of the satellite, rejecting media reports that Moscow would use it for military purposes. A U.S. spokesperson claimed that the spacecraft had “significant spying capabilities” and warned: “The fact that Russia is strengthening its alliance with Iran is something the world should consider a serious threat”.

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  • 8 August 2022

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced that after several days of talks in Vienna, “what can be negotiated [to revive the JCPOA] has been negotiated, and it’s now in a final text. However, behind every technical issue and every paragraph lies a political decision that needs to be taken in the capitals. If these answers are positive, then we can sign this deal”.

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  • 4 August 2022

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) maintained that “as long as other JCPOA parties fail to return to their obligations and do not set aside their false [safeguard] accusations against the country”, Iran would not switch on the IAEA surveillance cameras it had previously dismantled.

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  • 4 August 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of what it claimed were ten ISIS members linked to Israel who were planning attacks during a forthcoming religious commemoration. 

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  • 3 August 2022

    EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora announced that he would be going to Vienna for the resumption of JCPOA talks “on the basis of the [EU] coordinator’s text tabled on 20 July”. U.S. Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley stated that “our expectations are in check, but the U.S. welcomes EU efforts and is prepared for a good faith attempt to reach a deal. It will shortly be clear if Iran is prepared for the same”. The same day, Iran’s top negotiator, Ali Bagheri-Kani, posited: “The onus is on those who breached the deal and have failed to distance from ominous legacy. The U.S. must seize the opportunity offered by the JCPOA partners’ generosity; [the] ball is in their court to show maturity and act responsibly”.

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  • 2 August 2022

    After comments by a senior Israeli official about Israel having “acted not infrequently over the last year… in Iran”, Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the Secretary-General and Security Council president to say: “These statements clearly confirm the Israeli regime’s accountability for acts of sabotage and terrorist acts in Iran… It must be held accountable and accept all likely consequences of such crimes”.

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  • 2 August 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, commenting on Iran’s nuclear program, stressed that “good words will not do it. What you need to do is to be transparent and compliant and work with us. We are ready and I hope they will be as well… They have a very ambitious nuclear program that needs to be verified in the appropriate way. The program is moving ahead very, very fast and not only ahead, but sideways as well, because it’s growing in ambition and in capacity”. The following day, speaking at the NPT Review Conference, Grossi emphasised: “If we are to offer credible assurances that Iran’s sizable and growing nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes, Iran must grant IAEA inspectors access commensurate to the size of that program and provide us complete information… The lack of progress in verifying the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program will have consequences on the regional security landscape”.

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  • 1 August 2022

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s spokesperson announced that per a 2020 law, it had “launched and injected gas into hundreds of centrifuge machines including advanced [IR-6] machines”, noting that the IAEA had been informed. The head of the AEOI reiterated that “Iran has the technical ability to build an atomic bomb, but such a program is not on the agenda”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian said that the move was in reaction to the latest round of U.S. sanctions. On 3 August, the IAEA confirmed that Iran had “completed installing three advanced IR-6 centrifuge cascades at its Natanz fuel enrichment plant (FEP)” and had notified “the agency it plans to install an additional six IR-2m cascades at the FEP in a new operating unit”.

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  • 30 July 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of a Swedish national on espionage charges.

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  • 26 July 2022

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced he had “put on the table a text that addresses, in precise detail, the sanctions lifting as well as the nuclear steps needed to restore the JCPOA”, adding: “I see no other comprehensive or effective alternative in reach”. “It is now time for swift political decisions to conclude the Vienna negotiations on the basis of my proposed text”, he added and warned: “If the deal is rejected, we risk a dangerous nuclear crisis, set against the prospect of increased isolation for Iran and its people”. Iran’s lead negotiator stated that “we, too, have our own ideas, both in substance and form, to conclude the negotiations which would be shared”. The U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we are studying the changes” from previous iterations, adding: “We hope that Iran finally and ultimately decides to seize the opportunity that has been before it for some time now”.

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  • 25 July 2022

    Commenting on Iraq-mediated talks between Saudi and Iranian officials, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “due to the positive will of the parties, it is possible to hold the next meeting at the official and political level in Baghdad, and take a step in the direction of improving and resuming the relations between the two countries”.

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  • 25 July 2022

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) contended that “the West continues to level accusations against Iran on the basis of stolen and alleged documents… Iran agreed to the JCPOA to dispel doubts and build confidence. Iran accepted to restrict its [nuclear] activities to pave the way for confidence building. However, they [ie, the West] did not abide by their commitments”. “The [IAEA] cameras [which were installed] under the JCPOA were meant to put an end to those accusations. If those accusations are going to remain in place, there is no more need for the existence of JCPOA cameras”, he added. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “Unfortunately, Iran’s constructive actions have not been met with a constructive and mutual response on the part of the IAEA and its director general”. He further described IAEA chief Grossi’s approach as “not helpful and constructive”.

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  • 23 July 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of “a terrorist group… who were in contact with Mossad agents through one of the neighbouring countries” and had entered Iran “from Iraq’s Kurdistan region”. The detainees purportedly “intended to carry out acts of sabotage and terrorist attacks in some sensitive areas”. Media reports later alleged that the network “had been planning to detonate one of the country’s sensitive centers in Isfahan under the guidance of the head of the Mossad in the Kurdistan region of Iraq”. On 28 July, authorities announced the arrest of five individuals alleged to be part of an Israeli-affiliated “espionage network”. 

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  • 22 July 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “for almost five weeks I have had very limited visibility, with a nuclear program [in Iran] that is galloping ahead and, therefore, if there is an agreement, it is going to be very difficult for me to reconstruct the puzzle of this whole period of forced blindness… It is not impossible, but it is going to require a very complex task and perhaps some specific agreements”. Grossi added: “The agency needed to reconstruct a database, without which any agreement will rest on a very fragile basis, because if we don’t know what’s there, how can we determine how much material to export, how many centrifuges to leave unused?”

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  • 21 July 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “we have a ready text in front of us and we agree on more than 95 to 96 per cent of its content, but there’s still an important flaw in this text: we need to get the full economic benefits of the agreement. We don’t want to be bitten twice”. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson remarked that the “false dichotomy between JCPOA (of which Iran, unlike the U.S., remains a party) and good ties between Iran and its neighbours, including Russia, doesn’t hide the fact that indecision of the unfaithful U.S. is the main hurdle for a deal. Our neighbourly policy is not contingent on JCPOA or U.S. permission”.

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  • 21 July 2022

    Media reports indicated that Israeli intelligence had “interrogated a senior IRGC official… in Iranian territory”, who admitted “his role in transferring weapons to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen”.

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  • 20 July 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry summoned Argentina’s envoy in Tehran to lodge “strong protest” over its “move to ban the departure of five Iranian nationals who are the crew members of a Venezuelan cargo plane”, while lamenting “unfounded accusations” from Israeli media.

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  • 20 July 2022

    Reacting to a Senate bill calling for a government task force “to monitor and regularly report… on Iran’s nuclear weapons and missile activities”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underscored that “Iran regards the U.S. and its institutions as one unified unit and any unconstructive measure by the U.S. government will naturally affect the course of talks, and the Islamic Republic will adjust its actions accordingly”.

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  • 20 July 2022

    Iran, Russia and Turkey convened a meeting of the “Astana Process” talks over Syria and jointly reaffirmed “their determination to continue working together to combat terrorism”, “rejected all attempts to create new realities on the ground under the pretext of combating terrorism, including illegitimate self-rule initiatives” and “expressed their opposition to the illegal seizure and transfer of oil revenues that should belong to Syria”. The three countries also condemned “the continuing Israeli military attacks in Syria including civilian infrastructures… as destabilising and intensifying the tension in the region”.

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  • 19 July 2022

    A senior Iranian military commander was quoted as saying that “Iran is ready to export military equipment and weapons to the friendly nations”, adding: “Iran’s army has been able to develop the most advanced UAVs, which are used in long-distance and cross-border reconnaissance, and combat operations”.

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  • 16 July 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry announced sanctions against 61 U.S. officials and lawmakers, past and current, citing their “deliberate support” of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

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  • 16 July 2022

    A senior advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader asserted: “Iran is on the nuclear threshold and that is not something secret… Iran has the capability to build [a] nuclear bomb but it has [taken] no decision”. He also maintained that “the U.S. has not provided guarantees on preserving the nuclear deal and this ruins the possibility of any agreement”.  

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  • 14 July 2022

    Speaking alongside President Biden in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Yair Lapid said with respect to Iran that “world will stop them… Diplomacy will not stop them. The only thing that will stop Iran is knowing that if they continue to develop their nuclear program, the free world will use force. The only way to stop them is to put a credible military threat on the table”. Biden underscored “America’s commitment to ensuring Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon… I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome”. He further affirmed that the U.S. would “continue to work with Israel to counter other threats from Iran throughout the region”. The two sides also issued The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration, in which the U.S. said “it is prepared to use all elements of its national power” to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile, President Raisi warned the U.S. and its regional allies that “Iran does not accept any insecurity and crisis in the region, and committing any mistake in this region will be responded with a decisive and regrettable response”; Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson declared: “As long as the fake state of Israel is the first stop on the American presidents visits to the region and their first goal is to maintain its security and superiority, the regional nations and countries will not achieve peace and stability”.

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  • 9 July 2022

    Ahead of a trip to the Middle East, President Biden wrote that the U.S. would “continue to increase diplomatic and economic pressure until Iran is ready to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, as I remain prepared to do”. Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian subsequently emphasised that Biden “cannot impose U.S.’s one-sided views through accusation and sanction. Diplomacy is not a one-way street. Reaching [a] final agreement needs [the] U.S.’s acceptance of realities, flexibility and initiatives”.

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  • 9 July 2022

    The IRGC announced that it had uncovered “a team of terrorists… as they were trying to infiltrate the country” from the north west, adding: “A considerable amount of weapons, ammunition and communication equipment were also seized”.

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  • 9 July 2022

    The IAEA confirmed that “Iran had begun feeding UF6 enriched up to 5 per cent U-235 into the cascade of 166 IR-6 centrifuges with modified sub-headers [at Fordow] for the declared purpose of producing UF6 enriched up to 20 per cent U-235”. Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) spokesperson described media coverage as “hyped”, and said the action “was the final technical part of the previously-announced move… as part of internal planning to launch 1,000 IR-6 centrifuges in six cascades and inject gas into them”.

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  • 8 July 2022

    A White House official noted that “bilaterally we’re talking with nations across the region about air defence capabilities specifically and what we can do to assist with their defence and then, exploring the idea of being able to kind of integrate all those air defenses together”. “There really is effective coverage to deal with Iran”, he added. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson described the U.S. goal as “Iranophobia and division among the countries in the region”, while a website close to Iran’s Supreme National Security council warned: “Creation of joint defense pact in the region by the U.S. with participation and hidden management of Zionists [ie, Israel] is a threatening act. If the implementation of such plans threatens security of Iran in any way, it will face initial decisive response to the nearest and most accessible targets”.

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  • 7 July 2022

    After Iranian media reported that the IRGC had detained a number of foreign nationals accused of espionage, the Polish foreign ministry confirmed the arrest of one of its citizens, described as a “highly reputed scientist”, in September 2021.

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  • 6 July 2022

    Meeting with the Qatari Foreign Minister in Tehran, Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani discussed the EU-mediated U.S.-Iran talks in Doha, saying Iran would “adhere to diplomacy until the realisation of its legal rights”. He also maintained that “Iran’s permanent policy towards its neighbours is the development of all-out and strategic relations along with good neighbourliness”. Shamkhani further asserted that “any coalition with the Zionist regime will threaten the stability and security in the region”.

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  • 5 July 2022

    The U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, described EU-mediated talks in Doha as “a wasted occasion”, and remarked that the Iranian side had “added demands that I think anyone looking at this would be viewed as having nothing to do with the nuclear deal. “The discussion that really needs to take place right now”, he added, “is not so much between us and Iran, although we’re prepared to have that. It’s between Iran and itself. They need to come to a conclusion about whether they are now prepared to come back into compliance with the deal”. He also said: “They’re much closer to having enough fissile material for a bomb. To our knowledge, they have not resumed their weaponisation program… But we’re, of course, alarmed, as are our partners, about the progress they’ve made in the enrichment field, and that’s why we think that getting back to the deal is in our nonproliferation interest”. The same day, EU High Representative Josep Borrell spoke with Iran’s foreign minister and asserted: “If we want to conclude an agreement, decisions are needed now. This is still possible, but the political space to revive the JCPOA may narrow soon”.

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  • 5 July 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi stated that given Iran’s nuclear advances, “we are now in a situation where Iran’s neighbours could start to fear the worst and plan accordingly. There are countries in the region today looking very carefully at what is happening with Iran, and tensions in the region are rising… [Some had] openly stated they would actively seek nuclear weapons if Iran were to pose a nuclear threat”.

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  • 2 July 2022

    The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian dissident group, claimed that “defiant youth in Tehran attacked the headquarters of the IRGC known as Malek Ashtar”. An Iranian parliamentarian subsequently asserted that two explosive devises, which he described as “very weak”, had gone off at the facility.

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  • 30 June 2022

    Addressing a UN Security Council session on the thirteen biannual report on UNSC Resolution 2231’s implementation, the ​U.S. representative stated: Iran “continues to carry out activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons in defiance of Annex B of Resolution 2231. Launches of space launch vehicles… relied on technology virtually identical to, and interchangeable with, those used in ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons”. “The Security Council must be clear and united in condemning this activity. When Iran defies the Security Council repeatedly – without consequence – it undermines the fundamental credibility of this Council”, the U.S. diplomat emphasised. Addressing the same session, Iran’s UN envoy countered that “our space and missile programs, fall outside the purview or competence of the UNSC resolution 2231 and its annexes and are not subject for negotiations”.

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  • 30 June 2022

    The UN ​under-secretary-general presented the thirteen biannual report, dated 23 June, regarding Security Council Resolution 2231​’s implementation​, urging both Iran and the U.S. “to resolve the remaining issues” preventing restoration of the JCPOA. The U.S. ambassador told the Security Council that “a deal has been available since March, but we can only conclude a deal, and implement it, if Iran drops its additional demands that are outside the scope of the JCPOA”, adding: “Iran has yet to demonstrate any real urgency to conclude a deal, end the current nuclear crisis and achieve important sanctions lifting”. Iran’s envoy asserted that “Iran has demanded verifiable and objective guarantees… [as] the minimum requirements for determining the deal’s long-term viability”. “The ball is in [the] U.S.’s court and if the U.S. acts realistically and shows its serious intention to implement its obligations, the agreement is not out of reach”, he added.

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  • 29 June 2022

    After two days of indirect U.S.-Iran talks in Qatar, EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora announced: “Unfortunately, not yet the progress the EU team as coordinator had hoped-for. We will keep working with even greater urgency to bring back on track a key deal for non-proliferation and regional stability”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Qatari counterpart that “Iran is determined to continue the negotiation until a realistic agreement is reached”, assessing the talks “as constructive and positive”.

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  • 28 June 2022

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced the start of indirect, EU-facilitated talks between Iran and the U.S. in Qatar.

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  • 27 June 2022

    Anonymous hackers operating under the name “Gonjeshke Darande” claimed credit for a cyberattack that targeted three Iranian steel companies. The following day, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett asserted that “just like there’s nuclear deterrence, there’s going to be cyber deterrence… My approach generally with our enemies, especially Iran, is, we don’t go around just wreaking havoc in Tehran. That’s never been our policy. Our policy is, though, that if you mess with Israel, you’ll pay a price. And you can no longer hit Israel indirectly through proxies, through Hizbollah, through Hamas, and think you’ll get away with it”. “If anyone attacks us on cyber, we’re going to attack back. We’re not going to be feeble”, he added.

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  • 26 June 2022

    Iraqi Prime Minister al-Kadhimi traveled to Saudi Arabia and then Iran, where he met with senior Iranian officials. President Raisi told al-Kadhimi that “the talks of the countries’ officials can solve the region’s problems”, highlighting “the need for the officials of the countries in the region to negotiate to solve problems and issues with each other”. He further maintained that “normalisation of relations with Israel or the presence of foreigners in the region will not solve any problem”. Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told al-Kadhimi that “Iran wishes nothing but the welfare of the region and supports the reopening of [Iranian and Saudi] embassies in the capitals of the two countries”. The two also conferred on Yemen, where Amirabdollahian reiterated “Iran’s support for the continuation of ceasefire”.

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  • 26 June 2022

    The defence ministry announced that Iran had test-fired a solid fuel satellite carrier.

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  • 25 June 2022

    During a visit to Tehran, EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced that “we managed to deblock the situation. And in the coming days… we will restart the [nuclear] discussion… And the U.S. and Iran will talk, not directly but with a facilitation by me and my team as Coordinator”. He further noted that “on the economic and nuclear side, I think the agreement is there. But at the end, it is also political consideration from both sides”. Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian stressed that “what is important to Iran is the economic benefit from the agreement”, while the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, separately asserted that “Iran’s retaliatory actions in the nuclear sector are merely legal and rational responses to U.S. unilateralism and European inaction and will continue as long as the West’s illegal practices are not changed”.

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  • 20 June 2022

    An IRGC commander confirmed that the death of an engineer at the Parchin facility on 26 May was due to “an act of industrial sabotage”.

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  • 20 June 2022

    The IAEA reported that Iran had started bringing online an additional cascade of IR-6 centrifuges at Fordow, adding: “The Agency has yet to receive clarification from Iran as to which mode of production it intends to implement for the aforementioned cascade”. The following day, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we are deeply concerned by the current state of Iran’s nuclear program. It’s precisely why we want to see those strict [JCPOA] limits, that verification and monitoring regime reimposed on Iran”.

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  • 17 June 2022

    The Financial Action Task Force retained Iran’s classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action, one of two countries on the FATF’s blacklist.

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  • 16 June 2022

    The IRGC announced the arrest of what was described as a major fuel smuggling network. The same day, an Iranian official reported the seizure of a vessel carrying smuggled fuel off Iran’s southern coast, and detention of its six crewmembers.

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  • 16 June 2022

    The U.S. designated “a network of Iranian petrochemical producers, as well as front companies in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that support…  entities instrumental in brokering the sale of Iranian petrochemicals abroad”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken affirmed that “the Biden administration has been sincere and steadfast in pursuing a path of meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA. Absent a deal, we will continue to use our sanctions authorities to limit exports of petroleum, petroleum products and petrochemical products from Iran”. The following day, President Raisi contended that “on the one hand, the Americans are sending the message that they are ready to negotiate, but on the other hand, they are adding to the sanctions. The world should give us the right not to trust them”.

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  • 12 June 2022

    Discussing a Venezuelan-owned aircraft, whose crew included several Iranian nationals, being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s security minister said that foreign intelligence sources had “advised that part of the crew belonged to companies related to the [IRGC’s] Quds Force”.

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  • 12 June 2022

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi confirmed that Iran had disabled IAEA 27 cameras and online monitoring systems, and asserted: “This is obviously a very, very serious thing with regards to not only the possibility of reviving the 2015 agreement, the JCPOA, but in general terms… In such a situation I might no longer be in a position to confirm the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program writ large”. He further maintained that “the longer the lapse without the visibility we need, the more difficult it [reviving the JCPOA] will be because no one, no one can go into an agreement without knowing what your baseline is”. Addressing Iranian authorities, Grossi emphasised: “We have to sit down now, we have to address the situation, we have to continue working together”.

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  • 9 June 2022

    A day after the IAEA Board of Governors passed a resolution on Iran’s lack of safeguards cooperation, Director General Rafael Grossi reported that Tehran had informed the agency of plans to remove 27 IAEA cameras installed per the JCPOA. Grossi assessed that the move “would be a fatal blow [to reviving the deal]”. Relatedly, Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasised that “further nuclear provocations and further reductions of transparency… would be counterproductive and would further complicate our efforts to return to full implementation of the JCPOA. The only outcome of such a path will be a deepening nuclear crisis and further economic and political isolation for Iran. We continue to press Iran to choose diplomacy and de-escalation instead”. The same day, President Raisi asserted that “the Iranian nation is serious about its right. Did you think that if you issue a resolution… we will withdraw from our positions?” “We will not take a single step back from our positions”, he affirmed.

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  • 8 June 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denounced an IAEA Board of Governors resolution on Iran’s lack of safeguards cooperation as “miscalculated and ill-advised” and warned: “The initiators are responsible for the consequences. Iran’s response is firm and proportionate”. The same day, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) issued a statement asserting that “Iran has so far had extensive cooperation with the IAEA, but unfortunately having failed to consider such cooperation which has derived from Iran’s goodwill, the Agency has not appreciated it, and instead has considered it a duty”. In response, the statement read, Iran “decided that the operation of the cameras of the On-Line Enrichment Monitor (OLEM) and the IAEA’s flow meter should be stopped from today”. The same day, the IAEA reported that “Iran had started to install IR-6 centrifuges in the… single cascade previously declared by Iran” at Natanz, with intentions to install two more. Iran subsequently confirmed injecting fuel into the installed cascade.

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  • 7 June 2022

    A senior military commander warned that upon instruction from Iran’s leadership, the army would “raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground for any mistake made by the enemy”, while highlighting that “the range of drones and operational missiles of the Army’s Ground Force has increased”.

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  • 6 June 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that since February 2021, JCPOA-related nuclear monitoring and verification “have been seriously affected by Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, including the Additional Protocol”. Grossi also presented his conclusion on “the correctness and completeness of Iran’s declarations under its Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol”, based on the 5 March roadmap between Iran and the Agency. He stated: “Iran has not provided explanations that are technically credible in relation to the Agency’s findings at three undeclared locations in Iran. Nor has Iran informed the Agency of the current location, or locations, of the nuclear material and/or of the equipment contaminated with nuclear material, that was moved from Turquzabad in 2018… Therefore, the safeguards issues related to these three locations remain outstanding”.

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  • 3 June 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told EU High Representative Josef Borrell that “the recent move by the U.S. and the European troika to prepare a draft resolution at the UN atomic watchdog against Iran is an undiplomatic, hasty and unconstructive behavior that will only make the process of talks more difficult and more complicated”. Referring to “a law approved by the Iranian parliament”, Amirabdollahian cautioned that “any move by the U.S. and the European troika at the International Atomic Energy Agency will be definitely met with an appropriate, effective and immediate response”.

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  • 3 June 2022

    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett voiced to IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi “Israel’s deep concern regarding Iran’s continued progress toward achieving nuclear weapons while deceiving the international community by using false information and lies”. He further underlined “the urgent need in mobilising the international community to take action against Iran, using all means, in order to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons”, and called for “a clear and unequivocal message” from the Board of Governors. Bennett went on to assert that although “Israel prefers diplomacy… It reserves the right to self-defence and action against Iran to block its nuclear program should the international community not succeed in the relevant time frame”. Iran’s foreign minister asserted that Grossi’s visit to Israel was “at odds with the principle of neutrality and the body’s technical and professional capacity”.

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  • 2 June 2022

    Iranian media reported that the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) had conducted cyber attacks against government-run infrastructure, including security cameras of Tehran’s municipality. The group claimed to have “hacked into over 5,000 cameras around Tehran”.

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  • 1 June 2022

    Amid reports that the U.S. and E3 had drafted a resolution for the IAEA Board of Governors calling on Tehran “to act on an urgent basis” with respect to the agency’s safeguards probe, Iran’s foreign ministry warned that it would “respond firmly and appropriately to any unconstructive action”.

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  • 1 June 2022

    The Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) ministerial council underlined “the need for negotiations on the Iranian nuclear file, and any future negotiations with Iran, to include its destabilising behaviour in the region, its sponsorship of terrorism and sectarian militias, its missile program and the safety of international navigation and oil installations”. The ministers also emphasised “the need for the GCC states to participate in those negotiations and all regional and international discussions and meetings related to this matter”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson described the statement as “groundless and unjustifiable” with respect to the JCPOA, while highlighting: “Iran has always considered neighbourly interactions and cooperation as a solution to regional issues and welcomes all initiatives regarding the development of relations”.

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  • 27 May 2022

    Following reports of the U.S. seizing Iranian oil aboard a tanker off the coast of Greece, the IRGC declared that it had seized two Greek oil tankers, identified as Prudent Warrior and Delta Poseidon. According to industry sources, the former was carrying a U.S.-bound cargo from Iraq and the latter was heading from Iraq to Greece. The Greek foreign ministry delivered a “strong-worded demarche” to Iran’s ambassador, condemned what it described as “actions… essentially tantamount to acts of piracy” and “called for the immediate release of the ships and their crews”. On 30 May, speaking with his Greek counterpart, Secretary of State Antony Blinken denounced the seizure “in the strongest terms” and contended: “Iran’s continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights and freedoms are a threat to maritime security and the global economy”. 

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  • 26 May 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “we have reached a point that if the American side makes a realistic decision [regarding the Vienna talks], an agreement would be within reach”, adding: “When we talk about [a] return to the JCPOA, it means resumption of normal economic and trade activities of Iran within the context of international economy and global trade… We say out loud that the main factor [that has stalled the negotiations] is that Iran and the people of Iran must avail themselves of full economic advantages of the JCPOA”. “The IRGC being on the U.S. blacklist of terrorist groups is a secondary issue that has been magnified by the pro-Israeli lobby”, he claimed.

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  • 26 May 2022

    Media reports indicated that the U.S. had “confiscated Iranian oil held on a Russian-operated ship near Greece”, intending to “send the cargo to the U.S. aboard another vessel”.

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  • 26 May 2022

    Iran’s defence ministry reported that “an accident that took place in one of the [ministry’s] research units” near Tehran, resulting in the death of an engineer and one injury at the Parchin facility.

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  • 26 May 2022

    After Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian referred to possibility of a meeting with his Saudi counterpart, a Saudi official denied any scheduled meeting between the two, described the progress of Iran-Saudi talks as “not enough” and asserted: “Iran must build confidence for future cooperation, and there are several issues that can be discussed with Tehran if it has the desire to de-escalate tensions in the region”.

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  • 25 May 2022

    Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) reported that Greece had seized an Iranian-flagged tanker reportedly operated by Russia and its cargo based on “a court order and in coordination with the U.S. Government”, while claiming that U.S. forces had begun “to discharge the cargo on board”. Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned the senior Greek diplomat in Tehran and denounced “Greece’s surrender to U.S. pressure in this regard as unacceptable”. It also summoned the Swiss envoy, whose country represents U.S. interests in Iran, expressing “grave concern and outrage at the U.S.” and requesting “the immediate release of the ship and its cargo”.

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  • 22 May 2022

    The IRGC announced the death of a Quds Force colonel, identified as Sayad Khodai, who was shot in Tehran. President Raisi said he had “agreed for our security forces to seriously follow up on this matter and I have no doubt that revenge for the pure blood of our martyr will be taken”; Iran’s military chief of staff and IRGC commander Hossein Salami echoed the sentiment. The IRGC’s spokesperson warned that “thugs, rogue elements and remnants of terrorist groups affiliated with the global arrogance and Zionism [ie, the U.S. and Israel] will be punished for their criminal acts”. The same day as Khodai’s killing, the IRGC claimed to have arrested what was described as “a network of thugs affiliated with Israel’s spy services”.

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  • 21 May 2022

    A senior advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader remarked that “Iran and Saudi Arabia… can complement each other’s capacities to ensure peace and stability and development in the region. The two countries have chosen the path of dialogue to resolve their differences”. He further contended that “the presence of foreign forces in the region has always led to successive conflicts and even war”.

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  • 15 May 2022

    Referring to protests following increased food prices in Iran, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “the Iranian people have a right to hold their government accountable. We support their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression online and offline – without fear of violence and reprisal”. The next day, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson contended that “such an over-rejoicing of the U.S. government is indicative of the fact that the approach the Iranian government has adopted… worried the Americans”.

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  • 13 May 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora’s visit to Iran was “another opportunity to focus on initiatives to resolve the remaining issues” in nuclear talks, adding: “a good and reliable outcome is within reach if [the] U.S. makes its decision and adheres to its commitments”. EU High Representative Josep Borrell evaluated Mora’s meetings “very much positively”, noting: “Mora visited Iran with a concrete message from my side, saying that we could not continue like this. The answer has been positive enough in order to believe that we can relaunch the work between the parties… The negotiations were blocked, and they have been un-blocked. It means there is a perspective of reaching a final agreement”. A U.S. official indicated that “a deal remains far from certain. Iran needs to decide whether it insists on extraneous conditions and whether it wants to conclude a deal quickly… We and our partners are ready, and have been for some time”.

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  • 11 May 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of two European nationals whom it claimed “had entered the country tasked with provoking riots”.

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  • 10 May 2022

    The IRGC reported having “detained five members of [a] terrorist team who were trying to infiltrate the country and commit acts of sabotage” in western Iran. The following day, it fired artillery against what were described as “terrorist bases” in Erbil; Iraq’s foreign ministry condemned the attack.

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  • 10 May 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi discussed the status of the 5 March roadmap reached with Iran on resolving safeguards concerns and said: “The situation does not look very good. Iran, for the time being, has not been forthcoming in the kind of information we need from them… We are extremely concerned about this”. Grossi also indicated that “we are, of course, still hopeful that some agreement [to revive the JCPOA] is going to be reached within a reasonable timeframe, although we have to recognise that the window of opportunity could be closed anytime”.

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  • 8 May 2022

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  • 3 May 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Irish counterpart, whose government serves as facilitator for UNSC resolution 2231, that “Iran has repeatedly shown in practice the will required to reach a good, strong and lasting agreement… it is the American side that must move to correct Trump’s unlawful behaviour through a realistic approach and to take steps in the direction of political initiatives”. The same day, Amirabdollahian indicated that the Vienna talks “continue in another process… through the exchange of written messages” and called on the U.S. “to be realistic”, adding: “Removing sanctions in all areas and receiving economic guarantees are among the most important items on our negotiating team’s agenda”.

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  • 29 April 2022

    IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani claimed that Iran had successfully conducted two drone operations over the Israeli territory, without specifying when.

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  • 29 April 2022

    Marking Quds Day, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei affirmed that “Iran advocates and supports the camp of Resistance. It advocates and supports the Palestinian Resistance… We condemn the treacherous move to normalise relations” with Israel. On the same occasion, IRGC commander Hossein Salami warned Israel by saying: “Stop your vicious deeds. You know well that we are people of action and reaction… Our responses are painful. You create conditions for your own destruction. We will not leave you alone”. Too, Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani contended that “it is better for the Zionists to return to their original homelands in Europe or any other place from which they came before it is too late… Israel is heading towards extinction”.

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  • 29 April 2022

    The IRGC reported arresting in western Iran “all members of a counterrevolutionary terrorist group… who were led from abroad and had a history of terrorist acts and assassinations of citizens”.

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  • 27 April 2022

    The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, told Iraq’s parliament speaker that “Tehran is monitoring the meddlesome presence of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and the U.S. in the region and will react quickly and decisively to any security action with might”. In a separate meeting, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told the Iraqi official that “anti-Iran separatists and anti-revolution agents should not find a safe haven in Iraq to threaten the Islamic Republic”.

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  • 25 April 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson confirmed that “the fifth round of talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Baghdad was held [on 21 April]… with the efforts of the Iraqi government and the preparations and assistance of the Omani government”, adding: “The talks were forward-moving and positive”.

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  • 25 April 2022

    A government cyber security unit reported disrupting what it described as “a large-scale cyberattack originating from IPs in Western states against the country’s infrastructure”.

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  • 21 April 2022

    A senior IRGC commander maintained that “the enemy keeps sending messages that if we give up on avenging Soleimani, they will give us some concessions or lift some sanctions… This is pure fantasy. The Supreme Leader has emphasised the need for revenge and the Revolutionary Guards’ top commander has said that revenge is inevitable and that we will choose the time and place for it”. In response, a U.S. spokesperson noted that “if Iran wants sanctions lifting that goes beyond the JCPOA, they will need to address concerns of ours beyond the JCPOA. Conversely, if they do not want to use these talks to resolve other bilateral issues beyond the JCPOA, then we are confident that we can very quickly reach an understanding on the JCPOA and begin reimplementing the deal”. The U.S. official added: “Under any return to the JCPOA, the U.S. would retain and aggressively use our powerful tools to address Iran’s destabilising activities and its support for terrorism and terrorist proxies, and especially to counter the IRGC”.

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  • 20 April 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of three individuals alleged to be “Mossad spies” in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 18 April 2022

    Addressing Israel, President Raisi warned that “if you seek to normalise relations with the countries of the region, you should know that your slightest move is not hidden from the eyes of our armed forces and our intelligence and security forces… Just know that if the slightest move on your part occurs against our nation, our armed forces will target the centre of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], and the power of our armed forces will not leave you at rest”. Asked to comment on Raisi’s remarks, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson contended that Iran’s “support for terrorism threatens international security and our partners throughout the region and elsewhere. Of course, that includes Israel. This administration’s commitment to Israel’s security is sacrosanct… We will use every appropriate tool to confront the IRGC’s destabilising role in the region including working closely with our partners in Israel”.

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  • 14 April 2022

    President Raisi told the Iraqi foreign minister that “Tehran seriously expects neighbouring countries, especially Iraq, not to allow anything that disrupts the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whether in areas controlled by the federal government or in areas controlled by the Kurdistan Region”. “Iran is closely watching the Zionist Regime’s [ie, Israel’s] actions… and we will not allow them to endanger the security of the region through any country, including Iraq”, he added. Raisi further emphasised that “the security of Iraq must be provided by the Iraqis themselves and that the presence of outsiders in Iraq does not provide security”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Iraqi counterpart that “Iran cannot accept facing threats by the U.S., Israel as well as terrorist and separatist elements and seeing its security undermined through its own borders”.

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  • 14 April 2022

    IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani asserted that “if an act of aggression is carried out against the interests of the Islamic establishment anywhere in the world, we will respond with seriousness… Whenever we identify [an Israeli threat], we will definitely confront the Zionist regime harshly. They are too small to confront us”. “If we have certain reservations, that concerns ourselves and has nothing to do with [concerns] over your [ie, Israel’s] power”, he maintained.

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  • 13 April 2022

    The Saudi foreign ministry announced that the Kingdom and Kuwait had “agreed to expedite the development and exploitation of the Dorra field”, noting that they “had previously invited the Islamic Republic of Iran to negotiate the delimitation of the eastern boundary of the submerged divided zone but these call were not met”.  The two countries “as a single negotiating party, renew their invitation to the Islamic Republic of Iran to hold these negotiations”, Riyadh indicated.

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  • 13 April 2022

    The IRGC Ground Force’s commander remarked with reference to the late commander of the Quds Force that “if all American leaders are killed, this will still not avenge his assassination… We should avenge him by following Soleimani’s path and through other methods”.

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  • 13 April 2022

    Following earlier reports on Iran having moved equipment at the centrifuge component production workshop at the TESA Karaj complex to Natanz, the IAEA reportedly confirmed that “it had finished installing surveillance cameras at the location on April 12 and had then removed the seals from the machines”. “On 13 April”, the IAEA indicated, “Iran informed the Agency that the machines would start operating at the new workshop the same day”. The following day, Iran’s IAEA envoy noted that the agency “wasn’t allowed to have access to the footages of the surveillance cameras and wouldn’t be allowed until Iran resumes full compliance with the JCPOA”.

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  • 13 April 2022

    Iran’s foreign minister asserted that in discussions with Iraq’s top diplomat they “agreed on welcoming the ceasefire in Yemen and the importance of Yemeni-Yemini talks and the lifting of the inhumane siege”. He also “welcomed the Iraqi government’s efforts to resume the Iranian-Saudi dialogue”.

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  • 12 April 2022

    Addressing Saudi Arabia, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted: “There is no chance of victory [in Yemen]. So why does a war in which there is no chance of victory continue? Find a way out of this war”.

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  • 12 April 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told government officials that “you should by no means keep waiting [for the outcome of the Vienna talks] and move things forward”, adding: “Negotiations are going well… Our negotiating team has so far resisted the excessive demands of the other side, and God willing, it will continue to do so”.

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  • 10 April 2022

    Iran’s foreign minister contended that “if Biden has intentions to lift sanctions and return to the nuclear deal, he should issue an executive order to show his goodwill… On multiple occasions, we have told Americans they should bring forward one or two practical points prior to any agreement, for example by releasing some of Iran’s assets withheld in foreign banks”. The following day, a foreign ministry spokesperson asserted that “we really don’t know whether we’d reach a deal or not, because the U.S. has not still exhibited the necessary determination to reach an agreement… What are still outstanding are more than one subject. All components of the maximum pressure must be removed”.

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  • 9 April 2022

    In remarks marking Iran’s nuclear technology day, President Raisi said “we declare for the hundredth time that the nuclear activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are peaceful and non-acceptance of them will never stop our work… Iran has not left the talks and will not stop them, but our strategy is the same strategy announced by the Supreme Leader and always the same strategy that obliges the government to protect the rights of the nation and the achievements of scientists”. 

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  • 9 April 2022

    Iran’s foreign ministry announced sanctions against nine U.S. citizens on counter-terrorism grounds, and a further fifteen for human rights violations.

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  • 6 April 2022

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) indicated that “we have handed over the documents [related to the IAEA’s safeguards probe] on 20 March to the agency. They are reviewing those documents and probably the agency’s representatives will travel to Iran for further talks and then the IAEA will present its conclusion”.

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  • 4 April 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we are ready for the continuation of talks [with Saudi Arabia] and for the settlement of differences. We have submitted our views in written form to the Saudi side, and they should express their views”.

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  • 4 April 2022

    The IAEA confirmed that Iran had moved the equipment at the centrifuge component production workshop at the TESA Karaj complex to Natanz, adding that the “machines remained under agency seal at this location… and, therefore, were not operating”. Too, the agency highlighted that “without access to the data and recordings collected by… [the previously installed] cameras, the agency is unable to confirm whether the production of centrifuge components… in Esfahan has begun”. Iran’s IAEA envoy indicated that the cameras’ memory cards would “not be provided to the Agency until Iran resumes implementation of JCPOA”.

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  • 3 April 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that “we are close to an agreement in the [Vienna] negotiations and we have conveyed our proposals on the remaining issues through the European Union’s top negotiator to the U.S. side, and the ball is now in the U.S.’s court”. Relatedly, during a conversation with his Omani counterpart, Amirabdollahian argued that “Iran is ready for a good and lasting deal but the U.S. side is directly responsible for the prolongation of the talks up until now because it is making excessive demands”.

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  • 3 April 2022

    President Raisi told his Iraqi counterpart that “we consider the slightest insecurity in Iraq to be to the detriment of the whole region, so we welcome the realisation of the interests of the Iraqi people and the establishment of a strong government in this country”. He further highlighted that “we are determined to promote the level of relations and cooperation between the two countries in all fields… and lead to closer relations at the international level”. Raisi further contended that “any country in the region that neglects the hegemonic goals of the U.S. and the Zionist Regime [ie, Israel] will both disregard the interests of its nation and will spur Muslim nations’ anger”.

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  • 1 April 2022

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen announced that “the parties to the conflict have responded positively to a United Nations proposal for a two-month Truce which comes into effect tomorrow”. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan expressed hope that the “initiative will establish a new foundation for political talks and a lasting settlement”. Noting 30 March U.S. sanctions linked to Iran’s ballistic missile program, he further asserted that “even as we work to end the war in Yemen, there can be no doubt about President Biden’s commitment to supporting the defence of our partners, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia… We will continue to use all appropriate authorities to hold Iran and its proxy groups accountable for threats against our friends and partners”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson welcomed the ceasefire announcement and reiterated support for “a political initiative to resolve the Yemen crisis”.

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  • 31 March 2022

    President Raisi remarked that “we have not left the negotiation table… but in no way have we tied people’s lives and economy to the JCPOA and negotiations”. “No matter what the results of the negotiations are, we have our plans in the management of the national economy”, he added.

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  • 30 March 2022

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “some regimes to the south of the Persian Gulf have established political and security relations with the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], which poses a serious threat to the security of the region and especially those regimes… The continuation of such relations are not acceptable at all, and they should know that the existence of the evil Zionist regime everywhere is a cause of insecurity”.

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  • 28 March 2022

    Top diplomats from Israel, the U.S., Bahrain, Morocco, Egypt and the UAE convened the Negev Summit which, according to Foreign Minister Yair Lapid would become “a permanent forum”. “This new architecture, the shared capabilities we are building, intimidates and deters our common enemies – first and foremost Iran and its proxies – they certainly have something to fear”, he asserted. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the summit, cautioned against Israeli “sedition in the region” and expressed “Iran’s readiness to cooperate and expand bilateral relations with the countries of the region to counter the Zionist-American conspiracy”.

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  • 27 March 2022

    During a visit by EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora to Tehran, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian asserted that “the lack of a political decision on the part of America to remove the sanctions, to which the Iranian nation’s economic benefits are tied, currently poses an obstacle to the achievement of final results. Collecting all the economic dividends and an effective removal of the sanctions constitute a principal priority for us”.

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  • 27 March 2022

    An advisor to Iran’s supreme leader asserted that “the IRGC should be removed from the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organisations (FTO). The IRGC is a national army and no national army can be considered a terrorist group”. The same day, a senior U.S. diplomat underscored that “regardless of what happens to the IRGC… our view of the IRGC, the sanctions, and many other sanctions on the IRGC will remain… This is not a deal that seeks to resolve that issue”.

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  • 26 March 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait over developing a gas field as “illegal”, maintaining that “parts of it are located in areas between Iran and Kuwait whose water boundaries have not been defined” and stating Tehran’s willingness to engage in bilateral and trilateral negotiations on the matter. He also noted that Iran “reserves the right to tap the Arash/Al-Durra gas field”. On 29 March, Kuwait’s foreign minister insisted that the field was “purely a Kuwaiti-Saudi field”.

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  • 25 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told the Lebanese prime minister that “we are optimistic about the outcome of the [Vienna] talks… A deal must be such that it will remove most of the U.S. sanctions. Iran wants the deal to also be such that it will be beneficial to all the region”. He also asserted that Iran “does not seek a prolongation of the process and will not cross its own red lines”. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan noted that “there still are issues left… But we are still seeking a diplomatic outcome here that puts Iran’s nuclear program back in a box. Of course, if diplomacy doesn’t succeed, then we will work very closely with our international partners to increase the pressure on Iran”.

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  • 25 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told the Lebanese prime minister that “we are optimistic about the outcome of the [Vienna] talks… A deal must be such that it will remove most of the U.S. sanctions. Iran wants the deal to also be such that it will be beneficial to all the region”. He also asserted that Iran “does not seek a prolongation of the process and will not cross its own red lines”. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan noted that “there still are issues left… But we are still seeking a diplomatic outcome here that puts Iran’s nuclear program back in a box. Of course, if diplomacy doesn’t succeed, then we will work very closely with our international partners to increase the pressure on Iran”.

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  • 24 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that Iran “welcomes a natural return to bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia. However, mixed messages have been received from the Kingdom. We expect that the Saudis will act in the interest of the region”.

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  • 24 March 2022

    During a visit to Lebanon, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian underscored that “we are ready to continue our support and important trade and economic cooperation with Lebanon”. He further noted that Iran had expressed “readiness to establish two 1,000-megawatt power stations in Lebanon”, adding: “We have made other proposals to work with Lebanon to overcome the current difficult economic situation”. The following day, Amirabdollahian again emphasised Iran’s willingness to fulfil Lebanon’s “energy needs, including in the fields of electricity and gas”.

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  • 24 March 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi indicated that “the JCPOA that we are going to have to be monitoring now will be more complex than the one that was originally signed in 2015… now you have an Iran that produces uranium metal. Now you have an Iran that has developed the most sophisticated centrifuges. Now you have an Iran that is enriching uranium at 60 per cent, which is, in every practical sense, almost military level. So, more facilities are there in place. So, we will have our work of reconciling facts, figures. Going back to baseline is going to be huge”.

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  • 23 March 2022

    During a visit to Damascus, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian conferred with President Bashar al-Assad on, inter alia, “the expansion of economic cooperation” and also hailed “the trend of the normalisation of ties between regional countries and Syria”, while highlighting that “as for regional tensions, the Islamic Republic opposes any war and supports resolution of disputes through dialogue and political means”.

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  • 23 March 2022

    The IRGC’s commander warned Israel that “we will not only take part in the funeral of our martyrs, but also immediately take their revenge. This is a real and serious message. If your mischief is repeated, you will once again experience our attacks and suffer the bitter taste of our missile blows”.

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  • 23 March 2022

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson reaffirmed that “an agreement [with Iran] is neither imminent nor certain. We are preparing for both scenarios; that is to say, a scenario in which we have a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA and in which the original members of the JCPOA… that would once again reimpose stringent, verifiable, permanent limits on Iran’s ability to ever obtain and obtain a nuclear weapon, and a scenario in which we do not have a JCPOA but in which we will be equally committed to the President’s commitment that Iran will never be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon”. The following day, Iran’s foreign minister asserted that “some matters are still pending and they are related to lifting the unjust sanctions… the U.S. should move on the right track instead of wasting time. We are ready to reach a strong, good and lasting agreement as long [as] it does not cross the Islamic Republic of Iran’s red lines”.

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  • 21 March 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei opined that “the country’s economy should not be tied to U.S. sanctions. Despite sanctions, the government has been able to increase foreign trade, sign new regional contracts and make improvements in the issue of oil and other economic matters”. “I’m not saying at all that we mustn’t seek to remove sanctions. But we must manage the country in such a way that sanctions cannot inflict a major blow”, he added.

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  • 21 March 2022

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “we are prepared to make difficult decisions to return Iran’s nuclear program to its JCPOA limits”, while highlighting: “There has been significant progress in recent weeks, but… an agreement is neither imminent nor is it certain. And in fact, we are preparing equally for scenarios with and without a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA”. The official went on to note that “Iran is unjustly detaining innocent Americans and others, and should release them immediately”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian indicated that “about the few, but very important remaining issue we have presented initiatives… Now it is the Americans who should prove the good will that they claim to have in practice to us”.

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  • 20 March 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi posited that “it is hard to imagine that anyone can reach a comprehensive agreement like the current JCPOA when [Iran’s] talks with the IAEA in the second negotiations are deadlocked”, adding: “Much hinges on the fruits of this cooperation [on safeguards]… I made very clear to them [ie, Iranians]: If you want normalcy you must exercise transparency. Otherwise, it would be completely impossible”.

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  • 17 March 2022

    Commenting on Iran’s 13 March missile attack against an alleged Israeli “strategic center for conspiracy” in Erbil, Iraq, an IRGC spokesperson asserted that “it is our natural right to destroy any base from which any attack is carried out against the security of Iran and this is a red line… If Iraqi officials do not take action to remove other bases… we will respond without hesitation”. He also claimed that the Israelis “had admitted themselves that [in mid-February] their drones, which flew over a [military] base in [Iran’s] Kermanshah [province], had taken off from their bases in Erbil”.

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  • 16 March 2022

    Iran’s judiciary announced the release two Iranian-British detainees convicted of espionage. The UK foreign minister confirmed that “in parallel, we have also settled the IMS (International Military Services) debt [to Iran]… in full compliance with UK and international sanctions and all legal obligations. These funds will be ring-fenced solely for the purchase of humanitarian goods”.

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  • 16 March 2022

    Media reports citing an IAEA report shared with member states indicated that “between 6 March and 9 March the IAEA verified that Iran had converted 2.1 kg of its up to 60 per cent uranium into 1.7 kg in a different form enriched to the same level suitable for making small ‘targets’ for irradiation”. By mid-March Iran had produced 88 targets containing a total of 515.7 grams of uranium enriched up to 60 per cent, the agency was said to report.

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  • 15 March 2022

    During a visit to Moscow, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Russian counterpart that “developing relations with… Russia will be defined and continue regardless of any third party or international developments, and regardless of the outcome of the talks in Vienna”. He further asserted that “the ball is in America’s court, and if Washington responds to the few remaining important issues and refrains from killing the time any further, the parties can return to Vienna as soon as possible”. Russia’s foreign minister stated that Moscow had been given U.S. “written guarantees” such that “all projects and areas of activity envisaged by the JCPOA have been protected, including the direct involvement of our companies and specialists”. The same day, a U.S. spokesperson emphasised that “the JCPOA is not going to be an escape hatch for the Russian Federation and the sanctions that have been imposed on it because of the war in Ukraine. But… we are not going to sanction Russia for undertaking, for participating in nuclear projects that are part of the JCPOA”.

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  • 14 March 2022

    The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, asserted that “we will remain in the Vienna talks until we reach a ‘strong agreement’ that meets all our legal and logical demands”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “there are still two or three main clauses between Iran and the U.S. that need to be resolved… In addition, the issue of Russia’s request is a new development”. The same day, the Russian foreign ministry stated that a return to the JCPOA would require “restoring a balance between the nuclear and economic aspects of the deal, as well as between the relevant interests of all the parties”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson highlighted that “if external factors make JCPOA reimplementation impossible, we will of course be open to diplomatic alternatives”. 

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  • 14 March 2022

    Iran’s intelligence ministry claimed to have uncovered “two foreign-backed terrorist teams, which were plotting to assassinate several foreign nationals working on infrastructure projects” in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 13 March 2022

    The IRGC declared that it had fired twelve ballistic missiles at what it described as an Israeli “strategic center for conspiracy” in Erbil, Iraq, in response to the killing on 7 March of two IRGC members in an alleged Israeli strike in Syria. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underlined that “Iran by no means accepts that one of its neighbours, who has deep relations and interaction with it, will be the centre of threat to Iran”. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi called the event “an attack on the security of our people” and the foreign ministry summoned Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan condemned the attack “in the strongest terms”, indicated it had “targeted a civilian residence”, and asserted: “We will support the Government of Iraq in holding Iran accountable, and we will support our partners throughout the Middle East in confronting similar threats from Iran”. The State Department said “the strikes were an outrageous violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. No U.S. facilities were damaged or personnel injured, and we have no indications the attack was directed at the U.S.”. Secretary Blinken also spoke with Iraq’s prime minister.

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  • 13 March 2022

    Iranian media reported that Iran had suspended the fifth round of the talks with Saudi Arabia, which according to Iraq’s foreign minister had been scheduled for 16 March.

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  • 13 March 2022

    An Iranian intelligence official reported uncovering what he claimed was an Israeli spy network in north-western Iran “trying to carry out acts of sabotage”. The following day, the IRGC reported the arrest of members of a purported Mossad-linked “group which had planned sabotage acts at the Fordow Nuclear Facility”.

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  • 11 March 2022

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell announced that “a pause in Vienna Talks is needed, due to external factors. A final text is essentially ready and on the table. As coordinator, I will, with my team, continue to be in touch with all JCPOA participants and the U.S. to overcome the current situation and to close the agreement”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that the “pause in Vienna Talks could be a momentum for resolving any remaining issue and a final return… No external factor will affect our joint will to go forward for a collective agreement”. Relatedly, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson stated that “there will need to be decisions made in places like Tehran and Moscow. And if that political will is there, if that seriousness of purpose is there, we remain confident that we can achieve a mutual return to compliance in fairly short order”.

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  • 10 March 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “regional involvement gives us strategic depth and more national strength. Why should we stop this approach? Progress in the nuclear sciences too is related to meeting the needs of the country in the near future”. He further argued that “giving in to the U.S. or any other power in order to be immune from their sanctions is a grave mistake and a blow to our political strength”.

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  • 10 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told EU High Representative Josep Borrell that “if all sides behave realistically, we are still close to reaching a good and robust deal”, adding: “The making of new demands by the U.S. has no logical justification and this is at odds with the country’s stance on swiftly reaching an agreement… the main issues and sanctions removal must not be affected by the excessive demands on the part of the U.S.”

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  • 8 March 2022

    The IRGC announced that it had successfully launched Nour-2, a satellite “expected to carry out a range of military and civilian missions”.

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  • 7 March 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi briefed the Board of Governors on the agency’s latest quarterly report on Iran’s JCPOA compliance, noting: “The repeated prolongation of the agreement I reached with Iran in February last year… will pose a significant challenge to the Agency’s ability to restore continuity of knowledge, which has been widely recognised as essential in relation to a return to the JCPOA”. Grossi also discussed his safeguards report and the 5 March roadmap reached with Iran.

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  • 7 March 2022

    Syrian state media reported that Israel had conducted missile strikes near Damascus, killing two and causing material damage. The following day, Iran announced the death of two IRGC members in the attack, warning that Israel would “pay the price of this atrocity”. On 10 March, Iran’s UN ambassador told the Security Council that “Iran reserves its inherent right to self-defence… to respond to such criminal act whenever it deems appropriate”.

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  • 7 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Russian counterpart that “good progress has been made so far, but despite the progress, some issues have not yet been resolved in Vienna [talks], which requires a political decision by the western side…Reaching an agreement in Vienna can expand the different fields of cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries, including its partners”. “We are against war and imposition of sanctions… Cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and any country, including Russia, should not be affected by the atmosphere of sanctions”, he added. In turn, the Russian foreign minister asserted that “the revival of the JCPOA must provide for all participants to have equal rights in relation to the unhindered development of cooperation in all areas without any discrimination”.

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  • 6 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that Tehran and Riyadh “have different views and approaches on some issues in the region, but the management of those differences by the two sides can serve the interests of the two nations, as well as friendly and brotherly countries”. He further said that bilateral contacts had “created a good atmosphere and yielded results, albeit small ones, and we are pleased that Saudi Arabia has taken the path of dialogue. Such a view, if held continuously, can lead to positive results”.

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  • 5 March 2022

    Russia’s foreign minister remarked that “we need guarantees that sanctions will not affect in any way the regime of trade, economic and investment ties set out in the JCPOA on Iran’s nuclear program. We asked our American colleagues (because they are running the whole show here) to give us guarantees in writing, at least at the level of Secretary of State, that the current process launched by the U.S. will not impinge in any way on our free full-scale trade, economic, investment and military-technical cooperation with the Islamic Republic”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken maintained that “the sanctions that are being put in place and that have been put in place on Russia have nothing to do with the Iran nuclear deal and the prospects of getting back into that agreement… It’s also in Russia’s interest, irrespective of anything else for Iran not to be able to have a nuclear weapon or… have the capacity to produce a weapon on very, very short order”.

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  • 5 March 2022

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi and the head of Iran’s nuclear agency announced an agreement “to accelerate and strengthen their cooperation and dialogue aimed at the resolution of the [safeguard] issues”.

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  • 4 March 2022

    The Financial Action Task Force announced Iran’s continued classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action, one of two countries on the FATF’s blacklist.

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  • 4 March 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told EU High Representative Josep Borrell that “the rush on the part of the Western side [in the Vienna talks] will not cause Iran to cross its red lines”. He also “welcomed the finalising of the agreement as soon as possible” but asserted that “the prerequisite for the presence of foreign ministers and the announcement of a final deal is contingent upon respecting the red lines of Iran including effective economic guarantees”.

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  • 2 March 2022

    Commenting on Iran’s safeguards probe, Director General Rafael Grossi asserted that “the IAEA will never abandon a process that it launched… because of a political reason. It is not how the IAEA works and I as Director General would never do that. So what we need to do with Iran is to sit around the table and… clarify these issues”.

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  • 28 February 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reported that “over 98 per cent of the prepared draft [Vienna agreement] has been jointly written… there have also been discussions on sanctions removal, assurances and some claims on Iran’s peaceful nuclear activity which should be settled on a proper ground”. He went on to note that “in case of a deal… the quality and quantity of enrichment will go back to what was stipulated in the JCPOA”. The same day, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “we are prepared to walk away if Iran displays an intransigence to making progress. But let me be clear that walking away won’t mean leaving the status quo. We have talked about the alternatives, at least in general terms, the alternatives that we have developed and we are prepared to pursue together with our allies and partners if the Iranians are unwilling to engage in good faith in a constructive way on the remaining outstanding issues”.

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  • 27 February 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “we have answered the IAEA‘s questions or even politically-motivated claims that we think were baseless about our certain measures… This dossier should be closed”.

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  • 26 February 2022

    Iran’s UN ambassador told the Security Council that “the fight against terrorism cannot be used as an excuse to undermine Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The illegal presence of foreign forces in parts of Syria which has provided favorable conditions for terrorist activities in Syria, must end immediately”. The Iranian diplomat further denounced Israel’s “repeated violations of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity… We call on the Security Council to hold this regime accountable for such acts of aggression and its malign activities as well as its open threats to use force against other regional countries”. The following day, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, met with his Syrian counterpart.

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  • 26 February 2022

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council reportedly convened to review the status of the Vienna talks and underscored “the need to quickly resolve the remaining issues that put the negotiations on the border between agreement and dead end”. Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told EU High Representative Josep Borrell that “Iran seeks a good agreement, but within the framework of its national interests and in line with its red lines in the negotiations… the remaining important issues can be resolved and a final agreement can be reached if a realistic approach is taken by the West”.

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  • 25 February 2022

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran stated that “[Uranium] enrichment… continues with a maximum ceiling of 60 per cent, which led Westerners to rush to negotiations, and it will continue with the lifting of sanctions by both 20 and 5 per cent”.

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  • 25 February 2022

    Asked about the impact of Russia’s Ukraine invasion on the nuclear negotiations, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “it remains in our interest to see to it that Iran is never able to acquire a nuclear weapon. The fact that Russia has now invaded Ukraine should not give Iran the green light to develop a nuclear weapon, to weaponise, to move towards the point at which it can quickly acquire a nuclear weapon. It remains as in our interest today to deny Iran that ability”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson on 28 February similarly indicated that “the Ukraine war has nothing to do diplomatically with the ongoing talks in Vienna”.

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  • 23 February 2022

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “there has been significant progress [in Vienna], and we are close to a possible deal, but at the same time, a number of very difficult issues remain unresolved. What we know is that there is very little time remaining to reach a deal”. He further maintained that “if Iran shows seriousness… we can and should reach an understanding on a potential mutual return to compliance in short order, potentially within days. But anything much beyond that, if this were to drag on any longer than that, would put the possibility of return to the deal at grave and profound risk”. The following day, Iran’s lead negotiator posited that “being near the finish line is no guarantee to crossing that. It requires extra caution, much perseverance, additional creativity and balanced approach to take the last step. To finish the job, there are certain decisions that our Western interlocutors need to take”.

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  • 21 February 2022

    Speaking alongside the Emir of Qatar, President Raisi remarked that “Iran seeks to help strengthen and promote regional relations… The countries of the region should pursue and operate crises and issues within the region through further consultations and talks”. “I extend my hand of friendship to all countries in the region, especially our neighbours, in the interests of the nations and maximum interaction”, he remarked. Raisi also told the Qatari Emir that “the expansion of the Zionist regime’s [ie, Israel’s] presence in the region is to the detriment of all countries, because this regime will overshadow the stability and security of other countries”.

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  • 21 February 2022

    President Raisi contended that “the U.S. must demonstrate its willingness to lift key sanctions”, indicating that “securing the interests of the Iranian people, especially the lifting of sanctions… valid guarantees… and closing the cases of political claims” were essential to restoring the JCPOA.

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  • 21 February 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “we have never been this close to reaching a good agreement [in Vienna]… the Iranian team showed good initiatives and flexibility. But now, to the western side”. “There are some issues that are part of our red lines”, he added. “We have not yet received a practical and reliable initiative from the American side [on guarantees]. We believe that all the issues, the nuclear issue and the removal of sanctions should be resolved in the form of a package”. Amirabdollahian further argued that “it cannot be that we should both accept the strict supervision system by the IAEA, but at the same time, see that some of our issues still remain part of the agenda of the board of governors… In 2015 also, the issue of safeguards were resolved in a political agreement. We think we can repeat that model”.

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  • 19 February 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian conveyed to his Iraq counterpart “Iran’s readiness to continue talks with Saudi Arabia”, noting: “This depends above all on the will of the other side”. The same day, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan expressed interests in the resumption of bilateral talks with Tehran, while noting a “lack of substantive progress” in prior discussions. He also maintained that a revived JCPOA would be “a starting point, not an end point” in tackling regional issues, adding: “That will indeed require from our neighbours in Iran a serious desire to address the underlying issues that exist… We hope that there is a serious desire to find a new modus operandi… If we see substantive progress on those files, then yes rapprochement is possible. So far we have not seen that”.

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  • 17 February 2022

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “the reason for the enemy’s focus on the Iranian nuclear issue and imposing oppressive sanctions, despite their knowledge of our peaceful intentions, and their utterance of nonsense such as Iran being close to producing nuclear weapons, is to prevent the country’s scientific progress for meeting the future needs of Iran”. He went on to state that “the way to confront economic pressures is to work inside the country and nullify the effect of the sanctions… Diplomacy is also good and our good, revolutionary brothers are working to have the sanctions lifted”.

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  • 16 February 2022

    Iran’s top negotiator in Vienna asserted that “after weeks of intensive talks, we are closer than ever to an agreement; nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, though. Our negotiating partners need to be realistic, avoid intransigence and heed lessons of [the] past four years. Time for their serious decisions”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “as a matter of principle, public opinion in Iran cannot accept as a guarantee the words of a head of state, let alone the U.S., due to the withdrawal of Americans from the JCPOA… At least their parliaments or parliament speakers, including the U.S. Congress, can declare in the form of a political statement their commitment to the agreement”. He also indicated that “any direct dialogue, contact and negotiation with the U.S. would have very huge costs for my government. We are not ready to enter into the process of direct talks with the U.S. if we do not have a clear and promising outlook to reach a good agreement with sustainable guarantees in front of us”.

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  • 15 February 2022

    Iran’s top negotiator in Vienna conferred with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi on “bilateral issues… and ongoing JCPOA discussions”.

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  • 14 February 2022

    The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, asserted that the “Vienna talks have reached a stage where outcome can be announced without speculation and with certainty. The U.S. political decision to realise or refuse to accept the requirements of a credible and lasting deal based on the principles accepted in JCPOA can replace speculation”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “If the American side and the three European countries are serious about returning to fulfilling their obligations under the JCPOA, a good agreement can be reached… We are in a hurry to reach a good agreement, but within the framework of rational negotiations and achieving the rights and interests of our people”.

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  • 11 February 2022

    President Raisi maintained that “our relations in foreign policy are to create a balance. Looking to the west has made the country unbalanced. We must pay attention to all countries and capacities, especially our neighbours… We never hope in Vienna and New York”.

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  • 9 February 2022

    During an unveiling ceremony for a new long-range missile, Iran’s military chief of staff, Mohammad Baqeri, maintained that “Iran is consistently improving its missile capabilities to counter aggressors, oppressors, global arrogance [ie, the U.S.] as well as murderous Zionists [ie, Israel]”.  Relatedly, a Pentagon spokesperson remarked that the Iranians were “advancing a ballistic missile program that is designed for offensive purposes to inflict harm and damage potentially lethal so on other states, other peoples, and our allies and partners. We don’t look at this as a messaging issue. We look at it as a legitimate national security threat issue in the region to our people, to our facilities, and to those of our allies and partners”. 

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  • 8 February 2022

    The eighth round of JCPOA talks resumed in Vienna. EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora maintained that “we need spirit of compromise to take us back to full implementation. In view of different undesirable trends undermining the JCPOA, there is a need to swiftly conclude these negotiations”.

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  • 5 February 2022

    President Raisi told Iraq’s foreign minister that “the problems in the region are the result of the Americans’ extravagance, and if they are expelled from the region in a real way, we will see that the countries of the region themselves can fully establish peace, stability and security by working together in the region”.

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  • 4 February 2022

    The U.S. State Department notified Congress of sanctions waivers, revoked in 2020, for JCPOA-related civilian nuclear projects in Iran. “The waiver… is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran’s return to performance of its JCPOA commitments”, the notification read. “It is also designed to serve U.S. nonproliferation and nuclear safety interests and constrain Iran’s nuclear activities… It is being issued as a matter of policy discretion with these objectives in mind, and not pursuant to a commitment or as part of a quid pro quo”. France, Germany and the UK hailed the move and stated that “this should facilitate technical discussions necessary to support talks on JCPOA return in Vienna”. They also urged Iran to “take quick advantage of this opportunity, because the timing of the waiver underscores… [that] we have very little time left to bring JCPOA talks to a successful conclusion”. Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “the removal of some sanctions can, in the true sense of the word, translate into the goodwill that the Americans are talking about. What happens on paper is good, but not enough”.

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  • 3 February 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian conferred with his Iraqi counterpart on, inter alia, “Yemen, and the need to try to end the war in this country which causes insecurity and instability in the whole region”. Amirabdollahian told his Emirati counterpart the day before that “the continuation of the [Yemen] war and the escalation of hostilities do not serve the interests of either side or the region”. He also insisted that “the presence of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] in the region poses a threat to all countries and the region”.

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  • 31 January 2022

    During a visit by Israel’s president to Dubai, the UAE Defence Ministry reported downing a Huthi ballistic missile. A Huthi military spokesperson claimed they had attacked “important targets” in Abu Dhabi and Dubai with multiple drones and missiles, and warned that “the Emirati enemy state will remain unsafe as long as the tools of the Israeli enemy in Abu Dhabi and Dubai continue to launch aggression against the Yemeni people”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the cycle of violation begun by some countries in Yemen has no end point unless they [the Saudi-led coalition] put an end to their aggressive actions”. He also denounced the Israeli president’s visit. The U.S. condemned the attack, stating: “While Israel’s president is visiting the UAE to build bridges and promote stability across the region, the Huthis continue to launch attacks that threaten civilians”.

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  • 31 January 2022

    The IAEA reported that Iran had “informed the Agency that it intended to produce centrifuge rotor tubes and bellows at a new location in Isfahan, instead of at the centrifuge component production workshop at the TESA Karaj complex, and that the Agency could adjust its surveillance and monitoring measures accordingly”. It also noted that as of 24 January, “production… at this new workshop had yet to commence”. Iran’s IAEA envoy maintained that “the information gathered through… [the Agency’s] surveillance process will remain in Iran and the IAEA will not have access to it until Tehran resumes its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA”.

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  • 31 January 2022

    The IRGC reported that “Iran’s border guards killed a terrorist trying to attack an IRGC base” in south-eastern Iran; another assailant was wounded.

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  • 28 January 2022

    EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora announced that “the eighth round of the Vienna talks, which started 27 December, so far the longest, takes a break. Participants will go back to capital for consultations and instructions to come back next week. Political decisions are needed now”.

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  • 27 January 2022

    President Raisi told the Qatari foreign minister that “Tehran recognises and welcomes regional cooperation for the benefit of peace, security and development of the region”, while insisting that the “presence of foreigners in the West Asia region only leads to increased insecurity and raises concerns”.

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  • 27 January 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “history, experience and a study of the U.S. behaviour have shown that the U.S. politicians and rulers cannot be trusted. For us, the criterion for any judgment will be the observation of the practical behaviour of the U.S.”. He also noted: “As for the issue of sanctions removal, all interests of Iran must be realised and things must change tangibly on the ground”. The following day, briefing parliament, Amirabdollahian emphasised that “Iran’s determination to reach a good, lasting and reliable deal is absolute”.

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  • 25 January 2022

    President Raisi emphasised that “the government operates in two areas. One; Neutralising sanctions, and two; Lifting sanctions. One of the ways to neutralise sanctions is to have relations with our neighbours”. He further maintained that “if the parties are ready to lift the oppressive sanctions against the Iranian nation, there is opportunity for any kind of agreement”.

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  • 24 January 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “if we reach a stage in the negotiation process where a good agreement is needed to have a dialogue with the U.S., we will not ignore it”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that “we are prepared to meet directly… it would be much more productive to engage with Iran directly on both JCPOA negotiations and on other issues. This extends to bilateral as well as multilateral formats”. “Meeting directly would enable more efficient communication, which is urgently needed to swiftly reach an understanding on a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA”, he added. “The Iranians have insisted on this indirect format… Indirect talks, especially on an issue of this complexity and of this importance, is a hindrance”.

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  • 23 January 2022

    U.S. Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley remarked that “it is very hard for us to imagine getting back into the nuclear deal while four innocent Americans are being held hostage by Iran… even as we’re conducting talks with Iran indirectly on the nuclear file we are conducting, again indirectly, discussions with them to ensure the release of our hostages”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson the following day asserted that “Iran has not accepted any preconditions from the onset of [Vienna] talks”, adding: “The case with Iranian and U.S. citizens… is of different nature. This humanitarian issue can be resolved in the shortest possible time if the U.S. adheres to the agreements it has already made”.

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  • 23 January 2022

    The South Korean Foreign Ministry announced that on 21 January its “government, in close cooperation with the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the United Nations (UN) Secretariat, completed the payment of Iran’s UN contributions… using Iranian frozen assets in Korea”. Iran’s UN envoy confirmed that Iran had regained its UN voting right after the payment.

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  • 20 January 2022

    Speaking in Moscow, President Raisi asserted that “we are not looking for a nuclear weapon, and such weapons have no place in our defence strategy… Iran is serious about reaching an agreement if the other parties are serious about lifting the sanctions effectively and operationally”.

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  • 13 January 2022

    The head of the IRGC Aerospace Division announced that “during the past two years, all Iranian satellite carriers, which were tested, operated on liquid fuel. But in [a recent] test, we succeeded to use solid-fuel engine”.

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  • 12 January 2022

    The South Korean foreign ministry announced “the issuance of an OFAC specific license, dated 6 January, with regard to the remittance of the arbitral award” made in a dispute settlement between the Korean government and shareholders in an Iranian company.

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  • 12 January 2022

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “for the second year in a row, and due to cruel and illegal sanctions of the U.S., the payments [for UN membership fees] by our country have hit a roadblock”, which resulted in suspension of Iran’s UN voting rights. “Iran… is engaged in the necessary consultations to resolve the matter. At the same time, creation of a safe channel for faster payment of the membership fee is under consideration”, he added.

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  • 8 January 2022

    Iran sanctioned 51 American individuals, including current and former officials, citing their role in the January 2020 killing of Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan noted that the announcement came “as Iran’s proxy militias continue to attack American troops in the Middle East, and as Iranian officials threaten to carry out terror operations inside the U.S. and elsewhere… Make no mistake: the U.S. will protect and defend its citizens”. “We will work with our allies and partners to deter and respond to any attacks carried out by Iran. Should Iran attack any of our nationals, including any of the 51 people named… it will face severe consequences”, Sullivan warned. The following day, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami maintained that “we have taken part of the harsh revenge [against the U.S.], and the other part still remains. Everybody is definitely aware of it. U.S. officials must bear in mind that it is impossible to take an act of aggression on a nation, and then evade the revenge”.

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  • 6 January 2022

    IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani contended that “all Americans will be expelled … from this region… they must leave Iraq, otherwise; the resistance front inside Iraq will make the Americans miserable and they will have to leave Iraq under more humiliated [sic] conditions than what they experienced in Afghanistan”.

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  • 6 January 2022

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “lifting sanctions means lifting all forms of sanctions stipulated in the nuclear agreement, and the sanctions that Trump reimposed contradict the terms of the agreement… We demand guarantees that include not imposing any new sanctions, and not reimposing sanctions after lifting them under any pretext”. Amirabdollahian further noted “an informal and an indirect exchange of message with the Americans in Vienna – we hear good words from that delegation, but what is important to us is to see practical and serious American actions”.

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  • 30 December 2021

    Iran’s defence ministry announced what is said was the successful launch of “three research cargoes into the space” via a Simorgh rocket, asserting that “the intended research objectives of this launch were achieved” and noting: “This was done as a preliminary launch… we will have an operational launch soon”. The U.S. expressed “concern[] with Iran’s development of space launch vehicles, which pose a significant proliferation concern”. The following day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “no [UNSC] resolution prevents the Islamic Republic of Iran from continuing its space program and the related experiments, including in the field of satellites-carriers”, while a defence official indicated that the payloads had been too slow to enter orbit.

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  • 27 December 2021

    The eighth round of JCPOA negations began in Vienna with a meeting of the Joint Commission. The senior EU official coordinating the talks indicated that “if we work hard in the days and weeks ahead we should have a positive result… it’s going to be very hard. Difficult political decisions have to be taken both in Tehran and in Washington”. “There is a sense of urgency in all delegations that this negotiation has to be finished in a relatively reasonable period of time… We are talking about weeks, not about months”, he added. Iran’s foreign minister maintained that “we must reach a point where, first, Iranian oil can be sold easily and without any restrictions, and oil money can be deposited in foreign currency in Iranian bank accounts, and we take full advantage of the economic benefits envisaged in the JCPOA”.

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  • 25 December 2021

    Asked whether Iran would “exceed the uranium enrichment level of 60 per cent” if nuclear negotiations failed, the head of Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran responded: “No. All our goals in terms of uranium enrichment are to meet our industrial, production needs, as well as the needs of our consumers for those goods that our country and our population need today. All our atomic activities are carried out within the framework of agreements, statutes and regulations of the IAEA”.

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  • 24 December 2021

    The IRGC concluded a five-day drill by testing sixteen ballistic missiles as well as drones. Iran’s military chief of staff indicated that the drill had been “planned in advance, but the numerous, empty threats of the Zionist regime’s [ie, Israel] officials in recent days caused this exercise to take place at this time”.

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  • 23 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian met with his Iraqi counterpart in Tehran and hailed “Baghdad’s initiative to host talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia”. He also announced that “last week, Saudi Arabia agreed to grant visas to three of our diplomats who will start work at the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Jeddah”. Amirabdollahian further indicated that “we offered a set of practical and constructive proposals to the Saudi side” in prior discussions, voicing hope that “the two countries’ delegations will meet in Baghdad in the near future and will work on the implementation of the next phase of the agreements”. Discussing the JCPOA negotiations, Iraq’s top diplomat posited: “the time has come for direct talks between Washington and Tehran to reach common understandings not just on the nuclear issue, but also on sanctions”.

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  • 23 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian asserted that the E3’s position in JCPOA negotiations “were in general not constructive… they did not put forward any new initiative in the talks”. “We will pursue our serious negotiations in Vienna with goodwill and seriousness and with an eye on achieving a good agreement”, he added. “if they [P4+1 and U.S.] want to give one concession and get ten concessions [in return], the Islamic Republic of Iran will never accept such an approach… if you want your concerns about Iran’s peaceful nuclear to be dispelled, all sanctions imposed in relation with the JCPOA must be removed”. Amirabdollahian also noted that there had been “unwritten messages” from the U.S. during the talks, met with “suitable responses”.

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  • 22 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian accused Saudi Arabia of being “very late in making a decision” regarding the evacuation of Iran’s ambassador to the Huthis back to Tehran while he was suffering from what was described as a fatal COVID-19 infection. The Saudi-led coalition described Iran’s claim as “defamatory” and noted that Riyadh “had commenced the facilitation of evacuating the aforementioned person for humanitarian considerations, and in recognition of the diplomatic mediation by the brotherly Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Iraq in less than 48 hours of reporting his health condition”.

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  • 20 December 2021

    An Iranian official explained that reports of explosions in the vicinity of the Bushehr nuclear plant related to “anti-aircraft fire, which was part of military drills in the area”.

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  • 20 December 2021

    A senior IRGC commander assessed that “no threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear and military centers from the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] would be possible without the U.S.’s green light and support”. He went on to warn that in the event of an attack, Iran would “immediately launch crushing attacks on all centres, bases, routes and spaces used for passing [of aircraft] as well as the origin of the aggression according to the operational plans that have been exercised”.

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  • 17 December 2021

    The seventh round of JCPOA negotiations concluded with a Joint Commission session. A senior U.S. official indicated that proceedings were “better than it might have been… worse that it should have been, which leaves us in an uncertain position”. “We now have a common understanding of what the text will be that will serve as the basis for negotiations on nuclear issues”, the official asserted. “What we’ve done is define the items on the agenda that need to be discussed. They have not been discussed, let alone resolved in this round”. The official added: “regardless of whatever progress was made, the pace at which we are moving won’t suffice to save the JCPOA… the pace needs to accelerate, or Iran’s nuclear program has to – they have to curb their nuclear program and exercise genuine self-restraint”. Iran’s top negotiator maintained that “we have made good progress this week… and will continue the talks after a break of a few days”.

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  • 17 December 2021

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi expressed “doubts” regarding Iranian accounts that missing footage from an agency camera at the Karaj centrifuge facility was due to the destruction of a memory card. “I’m hopeful that they are going to come up with an answer because it’s very strange that it disappears”, Grossi asserted.

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  • 17 December 2021

    The IRGC reported a clash with what it described as “a terrorist team that was planning to carry out an act of sabotage and terrorism” in south-eastern Iran, with four fatalities and a seizure of arms.

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  • 15 December 2021

    The IAEA announced an agreement with Tehran to “install new surveillance cameras at Iran’s Karaj centrifuge component manufacturing workshop”. The statement added that “the Agency and Iran will continue to work on remaining outstanding safeguards issues with the aim of resolving them. To this end, Iran and the Agency will conduct a series of exchanges of information and assessments including through meetings of experts”. Director General Rafael Grossi described the understanding as “an important development… It will enable us to resume necessary continuity of knowledge at this facility”.

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  • 14 December 2021

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi asserted that “if the international community through us, through the IAEA, is not seeing clearly how many centrifuges or what is the capacity that they [ie, the Iranians] have… what you have is a very blurred image”. “The more time passes and you lose the ability to record what is going on, then the moment this capability is restored, inspectors come back and start to put the jigsaw puzzle together again. There might be gaps. And these gaps are not a good thing to have”, Grossi added. He went on to state that “we are dealing with a very different Iran. 2022 is so different from 2015 that there will have to be adjustments that take into consideration these new realities so our inspectors can inspect whatever the countries agree at the political table”.

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  • 14 December 2021

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi asserted that “if the international community through us, through the IAEA, is not seeing clearly how many centrifuges or what is the capacity that they [ie, the Iranians] have… what you have is a very blurred image”. “The more time passes and you lose the ability to record what is going on, then the moment this capability is restored, inspectors come back and start to put the jigsaw puzzle together again. There might be gaps. And these gaps are not a good thing to have”, Grossi added. He went on to state that “we are dealing with a very different Iran. 2022 is so different from 2015 that there will have to be adjustments that take into consideration these new realities so our inspectors can inspect whatever the countries agree at the political table”.

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  • 14 December 2021

    The UN Security Council discussed the implementation of Resolution 2231 in light of the Secretary-General’s latest biannual report, with remarks from, inter alia, the U.S.IranianE3 and Russian envoys.  

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  • 13 December 2021

    Iran’s government criticised Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the UAE, asserting that it “disturbs regional security and is against expediency and interests”.

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  • 13 December 2021

    The UK, Germany and France jointly stated that “we still have not been able to get down to real negotiations… Time is running out. Without swift progress, in light of Iran’s fast-forwarding of its nuclear program, the JCPOA will very soon become an empty shell”. “We are losing precious time dealing with new Iranian positions inconsistent with the JCPOA or that go beyond it”, the E3 added. The following day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated: “we continue in this hour, on this day, to pursue diplomacy because it remains, at this moment, the best option. But we are actively engaging with allies and partners on alternatives”. Relatedly, Iran’s top negotiator in Vienna asserted that “the sanctions, which are in contradiction and inconsistent with the JCPOA, need to be removed immediately. These sanctions have been imposed either during the Obama, Trump, or Biden administrations. All of them need to be removed”.

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  • 9 December 2021

    The JCPOA Joint Commission reconvened in Vienna. Iran’s lead negotiator indicated that Iran would “continue the path of dialogue based on its own positions and views, which it has already stated, and has a serious will to enter into serious negotiations… Iran will not see any obstacle to reaching an agreement if the necessary grounds are provided”. “The fact that the parties have a serious will to continue the talks shows that the two sides want to get closer to each other”, he remarked.

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  • 7 December 2021

    The Treasury Department designated “seven Iranian individuals and two Iranian law enforcement entities in connection with serious human rights abuse”; in parallel the State Department blacklisted “two entities and two individuals who are responsible for certain gross violations of internationally recognised human rights in Iran”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighted that “the U.S. is committed to promoting democracy and accountability for those who abuse human rights around the world… [and] will utilise its full range of tools to highlight and disrupt these abuses of human rights”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson riposted that “even amid the Vienna talks, the U.S. cannot stop imposing sanctions against Iran… Doubling down on sanctions won’t create leverage – and is anything but seriousness and goodwill”.

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  • 6 December 2021

    Meeting the UAE’s National Security Advisor, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, affirmed that “warm and friendly relations with neighbours as well as an exchange of economic, trade and investment capacities are the Islamic Republic of Iran’s main foreign policy priorities… Through cooperation and collective efforts, countries in the Persian Gulf region can both bring prosperity to their nations and also play an important role as an energy hub in the regional and international economy”. During a separate meeting, President Raisi asserted that “the security of the countries of the region is intertwined and Iran supports the security of the Persian Gulf littoral states”.

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  • 6 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “Iran took part in the first meeting of the new [round] of [nuclear] talks with goodwill, initiative and a plan”, lamenting that the European participants “lacked any serious initiative and determination”.  “Our demands are totally in line with the JCPOA”, Iran’s top diplomat asserted, adding: “we… do not think about a Plan B while [we are at] the negotiating table”. He also underscored that “Iran does not consider a temporary agreement a good agreement. We will wait and try to achieve progress expected by the Iranian nation through strong and firm negotiations aimed at removing sanctions”.. Amirabdollahian further rejected media reports on Iran “taking technical steps to prepare to enrich uranium to 90 per cent purity”, affirming that the country “continues enrichment at 20 per cent and higher levels only within the framework that it has declared transparently and within the framework of the JCPOA”.

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  • 6 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian met with his Syrian counterpart and noted “the need for special focus on promoting economic and trade relations”. He further denounced “the Zionist [ie, Israeli] regime’s aggression against Syria”, and charachterised “the military presence of foreign forces without coordination with and permission from the Syrian government as a source of insecurity in the region, particularly in Syria”. The Syrian minister also met with President Raisi, who asserted that “comprehensive planning should be done to develop and deepen relations”.

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  • 6 December 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “the main goal of the Vienna talks should be the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA, as well as the normalisation of trade relations and sustainable economic cooperation… Iran must fully become the beneficiary of the lifting of all sanctions. Iran, subject to the provision of guarantees, compensation for damage and effective and verifiable lifting of sanctions, is ready to stop its compensatory measures”.

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  • 4 December 2021

    Iranian defence officials indicated that reports of an explosion near Natanz were the result of a missile exercise “to test the performance of rapid reaction units”. Asked to comment on the incident, a senior Israeli defence official indicated that “we don’t ask a man what he did at night, but we are currently trying to bring about a change in the motivations of the whole world through diplomatic means”, adding: “we have used force against our enemies in the past and we are convinced that in extreme situations, there is a need to act using military means… We hope the whole world will be mobilised for the mission. For that, we’ve allocated a significant sum to increase our readiness”.

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  • 4 December 2021

    The IRGC announced that it had seized a weapons cache in north-western Iran belonging to “anti-Revolution adversary armed groups [who] were trying to deliver these weapons to the elements affiliated with them with the aim of creating insecurity and riots inside the country”.

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  • 3 December 2021

    The JCPOA’s Joint Commission convened in Vienna, after which EU’s Enrique Mora remarked that “now is the time to consult with capitals… We have substantial challenges ahead, time is not unlimited, there is an obvious sense of urgency”. E3 officials asserted that Iran had during the seventh round “backtracked on diplomatic progress… breaking with almost all of the difficult compromises crafted in months of tough negotiations and is demanding substantial changes to the text”. Iran’s lead negotiator maintained that “it’s true that European parties were not very satisfied with some of our proposals, but these proposals were based on common principles between the two sides”. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that “what we’ve seen in the last couple of days is that Iran right now does not seem to be serious about doing what’s necessary to return to compliance, which is why we ended this round of talks”. “We’re going to be consulting very closely and carefully with all of our partners in the process itself… and we will see if Iran has any interest in engaging seriously”, he added.

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  • 1 December 2021

    The IAEA confirmed that “Iran had started the process of enriching uranium to up to 20 per cent purity with one cascade, or cluster, of 166 advanced IR-6 machines at Fordow” Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), in addition to having “94 IR-6 machines… in a cascade at Fordow that is not yet operating”. The Agency also indicated that it had “decided, and Iran has agreed to increase the frequency of verification activities at FFEP and will continue consultations with Iran on practical arrangements to facilitate implementation of these activities”. Iran’s mission in Vienna asserted that the IAEA’s report was “an ordinary update in line with regular verification”.

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  • 29 November 2021

    Against the backdrop of nuclear talks, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian reiterated that “the likely return of the U.S. to the nuclear deal would not be meaningful unless guarantees are presented to prevent the recurrence of the bitter experience of the past and Iran’s trade partners could confidently enter into long term economic engagement with Iran free from any concern”. “Iran will not accept requests beyond the JCPOA”, he asserted, underscoring that “this opportunity is not a window that could remain open forever… Iran, while making its determined, strong and active diplomatic efforts to remove the oppressive U.S. sanctions, has devised an effective program to neutralise the sanctions in line with its sustainable economic development program”. Relatedly, Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna emphasised the importance of “the removal of all post-JCPOA sanctions”, and affirmed: “we remain prepared to react proportionately to any pressure and reciprocate any goodwill gesture”.

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  • 25 November 2021

    Ahead of the resumption of JCPOA talks, Iran’s top negotiator asserted that “the removal of all JCPOA-related sanctions such as the sanctions imposed within the framework of [the] ‘maximum pressure’ campaign is the necessary condition for success… Demanding guarantees from the other party not to exit the deal, not to impose and enforce new sanctions, and not to reinstate and reapply the previous sanctions is aimed at neutralising the possibility that political chaos in the U.S. could have an impact on its international behaviour”. He also contended that “Europeans should make amends for their non-compliance regarding the JCPOA through implementing practical steps”. The following day, Iran’s foreign minister told the EU’s Josep Borrell that “if the opposing sides are prepared to return to their full obligations and the lifting of sanctions, a good and even immediate agreement can be reached”.

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  • 24 November 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the Board of Governors that his discussions with senior Iranian officials in Tehran the previous day had “proved inconclusive”. He also reported that  “the repeated prolongation of the [February Iran-IAEA] agreement… is becoming a significant challenge to the Agency’s ability to restore this continuity of knowledge”, and indicated that denial of access to a facility in Karaj was “seriously affecting the Agency’s ability to restore continuity of knowledge at the workshop, which has been widely recognised as essential in relation to a return to the JCPOA”. He also updated the Board on safeguards concerns.

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  • 23 November 2021

    During a visit to Tehran, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “the agency is seeking to continue and deepen the dialogue with the government of Iran… We agreed to continue our joint work on transparency and this will continue”. Speaking alongside Grossi, Iran’s nuclear chief indicated that “all the issues between Iran and the IAEA are technical… Iran answered the IAEA’s questions regarding documents that Iran’s foes deliver to the international body as evidence… some questions are left and some others are related to the issues that have been closed in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal”. In a separate meeting, Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian assured Grossi “of Iran’s firm determination to constructively interact with the agency within the framework of safeguards agreement”, and emphasised “the need for the agency to ignore foreign political pressures”. The following day, Amirabdollahian tweeted that they had “reached good agreements on continuing cooperation. Yet, to work out a text, we need work on a few words. Agreement is possible”.

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  • 22 November 2021

    Iran’s deputy foreign minister asserted that “Iran continues its nuclear activities legitimately within the [JCPOA] framework… Until the violating and non-compliant party to the deal does not demonstrate, in practice, its commitment to the JCPOA, there is no reason for Iran to abandon its rights and entitlements guaranteed by the deal”. “The U.S. and the EU must show that they have the political will to implement what they agreed to do in 2015”, he contended. “They must overcome domestic considerations to resolve this”.

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  • 21 November 2021

    Mahan Air, Iran’s second-biggest carrier, reported a cyberattack against its “internal systems”, with a spokesperson for the airline maintaining it had failed to create any “major issue”.

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  • 20 November 2021

    The IRGC Navy’s commander claimed Iran had “slap[ed] the Americans six times in one and a half years of confrontation, many of which have not been covered by the media yet”. “We in the IRGC Navy have sacrificed nine martyrs in direct battles with the Americans to defend the territory of our beloved country in the Persian Gulf… [and in return] we were able to give them nine memorable slaps”, he added.

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  • 19 November 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “the effective, altogether and verifiable removal of sanctions is a condition for the U.S. to return to the JCPOA… If the U.S. enters the Vienna talks with the same approach and is ready to lift the sanctions altogether in a verifiable manner, the agreement will definitely be attainable in the shortest possible time”. “However”, he added, “we want guarantees that the U.S. will not ridicule international law again… The U.S., including the current U.S. administration, has shown that it cannot abide by its guarantees and the signature of the U.S. President is not as reliable and valuable as they claim”.

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  • 17 November 2021

    Iran’s UN ambassador told the General Assembly that “Iran is ready to fully implement the JCPOA if the other parties fully and effectively implement their commitments and verifiable removal of all illegal sanctions and guarantees that they will not violate their obligations again”. The following day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian underscored that “the lifting of illegal sanctions against Iran is the goal of his country in the [JCPOA] talks”.

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  • 16 November 2021

    President Ebrahim Raisi told his Russian counterpart that “Iran is very serious in the [nuclear] negotiations and we are equally serious in ensuring the rights of our nation to lift sanctions as well”. The same day, he told parliament that “the country’s international interactions are pursued with the priority of diplomacy with neighbours and based on mutual respect and the principles of dignity, wisdom and expediency, and the country’s diplomacy has turned from passive to active”.

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  • 15 November 2021

    Iran’s deputy foreign minister told his Chinese and Russian counterparts that “it is necessary that the entire sanctions contrary to the JCPOA and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231… be removed in line with interests of the Iranian economy and normalising Iran’s economic and commercial ties, as a condition for the success of the upcoming negotiations”.

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  • 12 November 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian emphasised that Iran “has no intention to be locked in the stalemate remaining from the previous [nuclear] negotiations”. He added: “Iran is determined to achieve a good agreement, but it requires effective and verifiable removal of sanctions and all parties return to obligations … U.S. actions and violations, including its new sanctions against the Islamic Republic, have made it an unavoidable necessity for the U.S. to present objective guarantees”.

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  • 12 November 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi indicated that other than a meeting with the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran in September, he had “not had any contact with this [Iranian] government… that has been there for more than five months”. He added that “We should have had this contact much earlier… There’s a long list of things we need to discuss”.

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  • 11 November 2021

    Commenting on U.S. sanction-related commitments under the JCPOA, Iran’s deputy foreign minister maintained that “we need verification, and this remains unresolved”, while emphasising: “this is about an agreement not a policy. If there is a peace agreement between two states, it has the effect of a treaty… It is not intended that domestic laws of the U.S. can prevail over an international agreement”.  Ali Bagheri-Kani also noted that “the JCPOA has a clear framework and other issues are not relevant. We are not going to negotiate on our defence capabilities or our security… Iran’s relations with other countries did not need a guardian”.

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  • 10 November 2021

    During a visit to France, Iran’s deputy foreign minister noted that “we do not have nuclear talks, because the nuclear issue was resolved in 2015… the main issue we are facing now is the consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, which are limited to the illegal sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

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  • 8 November 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that the U.S. “must lift the oppressive sanctions completely and effectively” and “should show that it has the capability and will to provide guarantees that it will not abandon the deal again if the talks to revive the deal succeed”. He added that “Iran will not stop its remedial actions until it is confident that U.S. sanctions will be lifted in an effective and verifiable manner with the necessary and objective guarantees”.

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  • 7 November 2021

    The Iraqi military reported a drone “assassination attempt” against Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. President Biden “strongly” denounced the attack, offering “all appropriate assistance to Iraq’s security forces” in their investigation process. Too, the UN Security Council members voiced condemnation “in the strongest terms”, while expressing “support for the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, democratic process and prosperity of Iraq”. Relatedly, a Pentagon official stated that “there are multiple groups operating inside Iraq that are that are backed by Iran, who are capable of these kinds of attacks”. The following day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson deplored the incident and asserted: “we must all help so that the culprits and the orchestrators of this incident are found… The path to stability in Iraq relies on such cooperation on the rule of law”. The same day, IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani reportedly visited Iraq and met with the prime minister and other senior officials. 

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  • 6 November 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told his Russian counterpart that “fast progress in talks is contingent upon the European troika and the U.S. adopting a realistic and constructive approach through avoiding demanding too much of Iran and making demands beyond the nuclear deal”. He added that “Iran takes into account the process and records of previous talks in Vienna… [and] will insist on its demands forcefully”. In a separate conversation with the Chinese foreign minister, Amirabdollahian asserted that “the U.S. cannot push ahead with its failed maximum pressure policy and economic terrorism and at the same time claim it wants talks and an agreement”.

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  • 4 November 2021

    Speaking one day after the announcement that JCPOA talks would resume at the end of November, President Raisi asserted that “our negotiation is a result-oriented negotiation… We will not leave the negotiation table, but we will also stand against the excessive demands that lead to the loss of the interests and rights of the Iranian people. At the same time, we will pursue the lifting of sanctions and the neutralisation of sanctions”.

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  • 4 November 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi maintained that “it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to do the job [on Iran’s nuclear activities]… If they want to have someone saying that things are correct and there is no deviation or whatever, we have to have the ability to do what we need to do and at this moment we don’t have it”. “We need the access that is commensurate with a nuclear program of such sophistication and ambition”, he added. Grossi went on to assert: “we need to verify. Without verifying, how are the powers that be going to walk into a negotiation without knowing what is the real situation on the ground?”

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  • 4 November 2021

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s spokesperson stated that per a 2020 law, “we were tasked to produce 120kg of 20 per cent enriched uranium, while now we have exceeded 210kg… So far, we have produced 25kg of 60 per cent enriched uranium which no country is able to produce, except for countries with nuclear weapons”.

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  • 3 November 2021

    The EU announced that “the Joint Commission of the JCPOA will convene in a physical format on 29 November in Vienna… [to] continue the discussions on the prospect of a possible return of the U.S. to the JCPOA and how to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement by all sides”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “it remains possible to quickly reach and implement an understanding on a mutual return to compliance… This window of opportunity will not be open forever, especially if Iran continues to take provocative nuclear steps”.

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  • 3 November 2021

    The IRGC claimed to have “thwarted an attack by U.S. terrorist forces on an Iranian tanker to confiscate its oil in the Sea of Oman” on 25 October. The Pentagon called the account “totally false and untrue”, with a spokesperson asserting that “the only seizing that was done was by Iran”. The vessel in question was identified as MV Southys, sailing under a Vietnamese flag. The Vietnamese foreign ministry indicated that they would “continue to closely follow the developments and work closely with Iranian authorities to resolve this issue”. On 10 November, the IRGC announced the tanker’s release after unloading its oil cargo in Iran.

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  • 2 November 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “the White House calls for negotiations with Iran and claims to be ready to return to the JCPOA. Yet it simultaneously imposes new sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities… The purpose of negotiations is not talking for the sake of talking, but to achieve tangible results on the basis of respect for mutual interests”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that the “onus is on the U.S. president to convince [the] international community – including all JCPOA participants – that his signature means something. For that, ‘objective guarantees’ [are] needed. No one would accept anything less”.

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  • 2 November 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, commenting on the Agency’s monitoring and verification activities in Iran, indicated that “we are flying in a heavily clouded sky… we are flying and we can continue in this way, but not for too long”. He also asserted that providing full IAEA access “is in their [ie, the Iranians] interest as much as it is in the international community’s interest, because if they take seriously their intentions to continue with their nuclear program for civil purposes, they have to give the guarantees of what is going on there”. “One has to, at some point, come to grips with this situation”, Grossi said. “Otherwise we are going to be in a very uncertain territory, and I hope that will not be the case”. He also acknowledged that “together with the change of government, we have seen increased levels of tight security around their facilities… this has led on occasion to some difficult moments with our inspectors”.

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  • 31 October 2021

    Discussing a 26 October nationwide cyberattack against Iranian gas stations, a senior Iranian official indicated that “we are still unable to say forensically, but analytically I believe it was carried out by the Zionist Regime [ie, Israel], the Americans and their agents”. He also attributed to Israel and the U.S. 2020 cyberattacks on Iran’s railroad system and a southern port.

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  • 31 October 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “the lifting of anti-Iran sanctions will bring about positive impacts, so the speculations that the new Iranian negotiating team would follow up [in] a way that would lead to a standstill have nothing to do with realities on the ground”. He also contended that “President Joe Biden can issue an executive order to return to the point that his predecessor Donald Trump withdrew from the [JCPOA]… The problem here is that Biden pretends that he is against his predecessor’s foreign policies because when it comes to Iran the U.S. president pursues the same policies that Trump had”. Amirabdollahian went on to assert that “Iran’s economic development should not be tied to nuclear negotiations and the JCPOA, so the country requires other channels to nullify the negative impacts of the U.S.’s sanctions”.

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  • 29 October 2021

    The U.S. sanctioned six individuals and entities that, according to the Treasury Department, “provided critical support to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) programs of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its expeditionary unit”. The statement went on to assert that the IRGC’s Quds Force had “used and proliferated lethal UAVs for use by Iran-supported groups, including Hizbollah, Hamas, Kataeb Hizbollah and the Huthis, and to Ethiopia… Lethal UAVs have also been used in attacks on international shipping and on U.S. forces”. In response to the announcement, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson asserted that “the imposition of new sanctions exposes the quite contradictory behaviour of the White House”, and represented “continuation of the Trump administration’s failed ‘maximum pressure’ policy”.

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  • 28 October 2021

    The IRGC reported uncovering “an armed terrorist outfit that intended to infiltrate and carry out sabotage operations in Iran’s north-western area”.

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  • 28 October 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “our relationship with Iran is a permanent one, it’s not predicated on the JCPOA or other things. It’s a permanent relationship based on their membership on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons… There are ups and downs as in any relationship, and we are always making every possible effort to keep it at a good level”. He went on to assert that “diplomacy cannot fail. We have to make sure that every element is there and it is possible to have a sort of a modus vivendi”, adding: “Iran can continue with its nuclear program within important limitations and giving, at the same time, all the necessary assurances to the international community that nothing is incorrect or not in the way it should be. And for that, you have the inspectors”.

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  • 27 October 2021

    Iran’s deputy foreign minister met with the EU’s Joint Commission coordinator and emphasised the importance of “effective lifting of sanctions and normalisation of trade and economic relations between other countries and Iran”, while asserting that “Iran will not relinquish its demand for a guarantee that negligence and illegal behaviour on [the] part of other sides will not happen again”. The Iranian diplomat subsequently announced that “we agree to start negotiations before the end of November”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we are prepared to return to Vienna, and we believe that it remains possible to quickly reach and implement an understanding to return to full mutual [JCPOA] compliance… This window will not remain open forever as Iran continues to take provocative nuclear steps, so we hope that they come to Vienna to negotiate quickly and in good faith”. The same day, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that “we don’t want to enter the Vienna negotiations from the deadlock point of the Vienna negotiations [in June]”.

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  • 26 October 2021

    Iranian authorities acknowledged a cyberattack against gas stations nationwide; A senior cybersecurity official speculated that the attack may have been state-sponsored, without offering specific attribution.

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  • 25 October 2021

    Confirming imminent discussions with the EU’s Joint Commission coordinator, a senior Iranian diplomat affirmed that “Iran is determined to engage in negotiations that would remove unlawful and cruel sanctions in a full and effective manner, secure normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran and provide credible guarantee for no further reneging”. “The question is if our partners are genuinely ready to fulfill their commitments”, he noted, adding: “the continuation of the failed maximum pressure policy definitely will not remove any obstacle… rather will add more to already existing negotiations’ complexities”. In related comments the day before, President Raisi had asserted that “we are committed to what we promised, but the U.S. and the Europeans are in a decision-making crisis”.

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  • 25 October 2021

    The IAEA reported “that Iran began feeding [uranium hexafluoride gas] enriched up to 20 per cent U-235 into a single IR-6 centrifuge in R&D line 2 at PFEP [the Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz] and that the resulting product and tails streams were being re-combined”.

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  • 24 October 2021

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “some governments made a mistake… They sinned by normalising relations with the usurping, despotic Zionist regime [ie, Israel]. This move is against Islamic unity and solidarity. They should turn back from this path and compensate for this grave mistake”.

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  • 23 October 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi indicated the agency’s monitoring capability in Iran was “no longer intact” after Tehran had restricted access to a centrifuge facility in Karaj. “It hasn’t paralysed what we are doing there, but damage that has been done, with a potential of us not being able to reconstruct the picture, the jigsaw puzzle”, he added, while noting: “if and when the JCPOA will be restarted, I know that for the JCPOA partners to go back to an agreement, they will have to know where they are putting their feet”. Grossi further stated that so far he had seen “no indication” of Iran trying to make a nuclear weapon, but asserted that “the case of the DPRK should remind us of what may happen if diplomatic efforts go wrong… If diplomacy fails, you may be confronted with a situation that would have enormous political impact in the Middle East and beyond”.

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  • 21 October 2021

    The Financial Action Task Force announced Iran’s continued classification as a high-risk jurisdiction subject to a call for action, one of two countries on the FATF’s blacklist.

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  • 19 October 2021

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the Security Council criticising Israel over what he called “yet another explicit threat… against the Islamic Republic of Iran and its peaceful nuclear program”, adding that “the number and intensity of such provocative and adventuristic threats have consistently grown and reached an alarming level”. Contending that Israel had attacked Iran’s nuclear sites “beyond any doubt”, the ambassador “warn[ed] against any miscalculation and possible military adventurism and called on the council to “hold that regime fully accountable for the consequences of its unlawful measures”, while maintaining that “Iran reserves its inherent right to self-defence to decisively respond to any threat or wrongful act perpetrated by the Israeli regime”.

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  • 18 October 2021

    President Raisi asserted that “we will seriously pursue the policy of the economy of resistance and do not tie people’s livelihood and the market to these [nuclear] negotiations, but… we are definitely serious about outcome-oriented negotiations”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that “if parties to the JCPOA live up to their obligations fully, Iran will return to fulfilling its commitments too”. He also maintained that “we consider the issue of prisoners [ie, foreign nationals detained in Iran] to be humanitarian and we do not want this issue to be tied to the nuclear talks”.

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  • 14 October 2021

    EU Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora visited Iran to highlight “the urgency to resume JCPOA negotiations in Vienna”, saying it was “crucial to pick up talks from where we left last June to continue diplomatic work”. Iran’s deputy foreign minister told Mora that “it is important for Iran to achieve tangible results… Iran is always ready for serious negotiations that result in a practical agreement, not a paper agreement”. According to Iran’s foreign ministry, “at the end of this meeting, the two sides agreed to continue dialogue on questions of mutual interest in the coming days in Brussels”. The following day, EU High Representative Josep Borrell remarked that “I’m ready to do that if they want to come to Brussels. But time is pressing… I understand that the new [Iranian] government requires time to study the [nuclear] file, to instruct the negotiation team, but this time has already passed. It’s time to go back to the negotiations”. “No ‘Plan B’ that I could imagine would be a good one”, Borrell added.

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  • 14 October 2021

    Iran’s UN ambassador wrote to the president of the Security Council regarding “yet another explicit threat by the Israeli regime against the Islamic Republic of Iran and its peaceful nuclear program”, and argued that “the fact that the Israeli regime has admitted that it will continue to ‘destroy Iranian capabilities’ proves beyond any doubt that it has been responsible for the terrorist attacks against our peaceful nuclear program in the past”. The ambassador went on to “warn against any miscalculation and possible military adventurism”, and called for Israel to be held “fully accountable for the consequences of its unlawful measures”.

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  • 12 October 2021

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest in Bushehr province of ten people whom it claimed “were linked to foreign intelligence services”.

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  • 9 October 2021

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) criticised the IAEA “for failing to denounce the [June] sabotage operation against Iran’s Karaj nuclear”, arguing that “the IAEA’s silence effectively encouraged such terrorist acts”. He further noted that “the IAEA was informed that it was not necessary to replace damaged cameras at the sabotaged site”. The official also reported that “Iran possesses over 120 kg of 20 per cent enriched uranium to supply its research reactor in Tehran with fuel”.

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  • 8 October 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian reiterated that “we will return to the Vienna talks. For the new government of Iran, which is a pragmatic and result-oriented government, it is very important that the interests and rights of the Iranian people be fully secured in the [JCPOA] negotiations”. “We will not waste our time in negotiations”, he added. “It is important for us to receive signals from the other side, including the U.S., that the Americans have a strong intention to fully return to their commitments”.

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  • 7 October 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian visited Beirut and met with senior Lebanese officials. He expressed Iran’s “steadfast support for Lebanon and its readiness to provide Beirut with full support in the areas it requires, especially in the difficult economic conditions it is going through”, while voicing Iran’s willingness “to play an active role in development plans in Lebanon, particularly in power plant projects”.

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  • 6 October 2021

    During a trip to Moscow, Iranian Foreign Minister Amiradollahian reaffirmed that “we will resume the [JCPOA] talks soon”, adding: “Iran is interested in dialogue and negotiation, but a negotiation that guarantees the rights of the Iranian people and forces all parties to return to their commitments”. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the JCPOA with his Russian counterpart the same day, and, describing Russia as “an important participant” in efforts to resume mutual compliance, said he had conveyed to Moscow a sense that “the runway is getting shorter and shorter on that prospect”.

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  • 5 October 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that “we will return to [JCPOA talks in] Vienna as soon as our internal review process is concluded”, while asserting that “[there are] no preconditions”. “Our sole aim is to ensure talks will secure our rights—including sufficient guarantees that the U.S. will actually stick to the deal this time”, he added.

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  • 3 October 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell maintained that “time is running and it is urgent that [JCPOA] negotiations resume. I understand Iran needs time to study the file, but the other participants of the JCPOA are becoming worried by the delay”.

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  • 30 September 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reaffirmed Iran’s intention to resume nuclear negotiations, while indicating that the government was still assessing “all the negotiations that have already been conducted to clarify all the dimensions, before entering into an active and effective dialogue”. “As soon as this reassessment takes place”, he added, “we will not waste an hour before arriving in Vienna”.

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  • 28 September 2021

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry reported uncovering “a terrorist team that was supported and guided by the spy services of adversary countries” and intended “to carry out acts of sabotage inside the country”. According to the ministry, the group’s leader was killed and an unspecified number arrested.

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  • 28 September 2021

    Iran’s representative to the IAEA asserted that “if [the] IAEA wants to implement supervision activity, it must act responsibly and explicitly condemn the terrorist attacks on Iran’s technical centers”, calling too on Washington and European governments to “prevent terrorist acts” by Israel. He further underscored that the “activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are completely peaceful and do not conflict with its obligations under JCPOA”.

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  • 26 September 2021

    The IAEA reported that “Iran from 20 to 22 September permitted IAEA inspectors to service identified agency monitoring and surveillance equipment and to replace storage media at all necessary locations in Iran with the exception of the centrifuge component manufacturing workshop at the TESA Karaj complex”, which Director General Rafael Gossi described as “contrary to the agreed terms of the [Iran-IAEA] joint statement issued on 12 September”. Iran’s IAEA representative maintained “since TESA Karaj Complex is still under security and judicial investigations, equipment related to this Complex are not included for servicing”, and contended that the IAEA’s characterisation “isn’t accurate and goes beyond the agreed terms of the Joint Statement”. The U.S. representative told the Board of Governors that Washington was “deeply troubled” by Iran’s lack of cooperation and underscored that “Iran should provide the IAEA with required cooperation on an urgent basis”. “If Iran fails to do so, we will be closely consulting with other Board Members in the coming days on an appropriate response”, the U.S. official warned.

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  • 24 September 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian contended that despite the Biden administration’s stated willingness to return to the JCPOA, “there is no action taken in order to show and prove the true will to the new Iranian administration, to the Iranian nation. And worse than that, simultaneously, they have managed to put on new sanctions”. He further indicated that “we will keep the window of diplomacy and negotiations open. And we will very soon return to the negotiations”.

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  • 23 September 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “there has been remarkable progress in the talks over security in the Persian Gulf… talks [between Tehran and Riyadh] have never stopped  and messages have been exchanged in proper level after the new administration in Iran took office”. He further said that “if Saudi Arabia pays serious attention to Iran’s message that the solution to the region’s problems lies in the region itself and there should be an inclusive regional solution, the two countries may have a good, sustainable relationship”.

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  • 22 September 2021

    Iran’s foreign minister told EU High Representative Josep Borrell that the Raisi administration “seeks a practical result in the nuclear negotiations”. “We are seriously reviewing the records of the negotiations and the new administration will resume the talks”, he indicated, while positing that “the U.S. is one hundred per cent mistaken if it thinks pressures on Iran will pay off”. “All signatories to the deal should understand that the agreement must be fruitful for Iran and that Tehran must see all sanctions lifted in light of it”, Amirabdollahian asserted, adding: “If other sides return to their commitments and this is verified, we are also ready to stop our retaliatory measures”. Borrell, in turn, highlighted “the need for [Iran’s] full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)” and “the great importance of a quick resumption of the Vienna talks”. The same day, Borrell met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and highlighted that “the JCPOA remains a key instrument for global non-proliferation, peace in the region and for international security, but time to return to its implementation is not indefinite, if we want to ensure it delivers fully”.

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  • 22 September 2021

    Iran’s foreign minister joined senior officials from the Gulf in an Iraqi-chaired follow-up to the Baghdad Conference on Cooperation and Partnership, and remarked that Iran had “always emphasised that we need endogenous and indigenous security arrangements to create stability and security in the region”. Amirabdollahian underscored that “foreign presence and intervention in any form are contrary to the goals of peace and security in the region… the priority of the new government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to strengthen and develop relations with its neighbours and the region”. According to Iran’s Foreign Ministry, attendees reiterated “their support for the Iraqi government and people… and stressed the need to solve them through cooperation and mutual benefit and in accordance with the principles of international law, good neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries”.

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  • 21 September 2021

    President Ebrahim Raisi told the UN General Assembly that a U.S. “policy of ‘maximum oppression’ is still on” against Iran, adding: “We want nothing more than what is rightfully ours”. He added that nuclear weapons “have no place in our defence doctrine and deterrence policy”, underscoring that “the Islamic Republic considers the useful talks whose ultimate outcome is the lifting of all oppressive sanctions”. The same day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “the Vienna talks will resume soon in the next few weeks, and this has been announced to the P4 + 1”.

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  • 21 September 2021

    Addressing the UN General Assembly, President Ebrahim Raisi maintained that “the security-making model of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on forming intra-regional mechanisms through diplomacy that is pivoted on and free from outside interferences… It has been our policy to strive for the preservation of stability and territorial integrity of all the countries of the region”. “Iran is keen to have large-scale political and economic cooperation and convergence with the rest of the world. I seek effective interaction with all the countries of the world especially with our neighbours and shake their hands warmly”, he emphasised.

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  • 21 September 2021

    Addressing the UN General Assembly, President Ebrahim Raisi maintained that “the security-making model of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on forming intra-regional mechanisms through diplomacy that is pivoted on and free from outside interferences… It has been our policy to strive for the preservation of stability and territorial integrity of all the countries of the region”. “Iran is keen to have large-scale political and economic cooperation and convergence with the rest of the world. I seek effective interaction with all the countries of the world especially with our neighbours and shake their hands warmly”, he emphasised.

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  • 20 September 2021

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran told the IAEA’s General Conference that the Agency should “avoid politicisation and maintain its independence, impartiality and professionalism”. He also asserted that “issues related to terrorism and cyber-attacks are the most significant nuclear security threats… My country’s IAEA safeguarded installations have been under sabotage and terrorist attacks for several times. It is clear that Iran will defend itself by all possible means and manners, but it is a necessity that the world community unequivocally and strongly condemn and take a stand on the act of terrorism against safeguarded nuclear installations”. He also met with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi.

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  • 20 September 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “unilateral and oppressive pressure [by the U.S.] on the Iranian people are continuing, and once this approach is put aside in practice and we make sure that the U.S. is credible and that we can verify what the U.S. claims, then the Vienna path will be different”. “We do not make any more commitments to anyone than the JCPOA, and we do not accept any profit from the JCPOA less than the JCPOA”, he noted. “The U.S. must come to Vienna with a different approach”.

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  • 19 September 2021

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced that it had demolished “an anti-revolutionary team of terrorists” in north-western Iran, whom in claimed was “planning to carry out assassinations against military and law enforcement forces… extort money… [and] threaten and beat some local residents and prominent figures in the region”. According to the ministry, “a large volume of weapons and ammunition were also seized from the terrorist team”. The following day, the IRGC reported targeting “four headquarters of the anti-revolutionary groups… by precision-guided weapons in response to their movements on the border of our country with northern Iraq”. It also claimed that the groups were sponsored by “the adversary foreign intelligence services and some Arab states”.

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  • 15 September 2021

    Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence reported uncovering “a terrorist team sponsored by intelligence services of adversary countries… planning to attack and commit acts of terrorism against some of the most sensitive and vital centers of the country”.

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  • 15 September 2021

    Iran’s IAEA representative told the Board of Governors that “until the sanctions on Iran are not removed, no one should expect more forbearance from Iran. Our nuclear activities, including enrichment at different levels and production of metallic based uranium fuel are completely peaceful, in line with our rights under the NPT, and are under the safeguards monitoring and verification of the Agency”. He further maintained that “the [nuclear] negotiations should be result oriented. It is important that the outcome of these efforts ensure that all sanctions are lifted in an effective and verifiable manner, we do not want to face, once again, the catastrophe in which the U.S. withdraws from the agreement or abuses the mechanisms in the JCPOA and violates all of its commitments therein while Iran is in full compliance with the provisions of the deal”. The following day, the envoy insisted that “there is no safeguards related issue regarding Iran’s ongoing nuclear activities”, adding: “Iran has voluntarily continued practical and constructive interactions and working relations with the Agency to address questions about a few immaterial and insignificant issues. Despite sincere efforts, it is profoundly inadequate that, the Secretariat has taken a counterproductive and hasty approach in reporting the matter”.

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  • 14 September 2021

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) acknowledged that “in recent months, there have been some incidents related to security checks of Agency inspectors at one Iranian facility… the Agency immediately and firmly raised this issue with Iran to explain in very clear and unequivocal terms that such security-related incidents involving Agency staff are unacceptable and must not happen again”. “Iran has provided explanations related to reinforced security procedures following events at one of their facilities”, the IAEA added. “As a result of this exchange between the Agency and Iran there have been no further incidents”. Iran’s IAEA representative indicated that “security measures at the nuclear facilities in Iran are, reasonably, tightened. The IAEA inspectors have gradually come up with the new rules and regulations”. The following day, the U.S. IAEA representative told the Board of Governors that “harassment of IAEA inspectors is absolutely unacceptable and any repeat of such conduct would be of serious concern… Should additional incidents occur, the U.S. stands ready to work with other Board members to take appropriate action”.

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  • 13 September 2021

    IAEA Director General Grossi told the Board of Governors that “Iran’s failure to respond to the Agency’s requests for access to its monitoring equipment was seriously compromising the Agency’s technical capability to maintain continuity of knowledge… The Agency’s confidence that it could maintain continuity of knowledge had been declining over time and had recently significantly further declined. This confidence could continue to decline unless the situation were immediately rectified by Iran”. Grossi further expressed concern that “after some two years, the safeguards issues… in relation to the four locations in Iran not declared to the Agency, remain unresolved”. He also reported on “constructive discussions” on his trip to Iran a day earlier, and expressed hope that “through a direct, cooperative and productive dialogue with the new Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran these urgent matters can be addressed”.

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  • 12 September 2021

    President Raisi told Prime Minister al-Kadhimi that “Iran supports the role of Iraq in the region and we seek to institutionalise security in [the] region revolving around Iran, Iraq and neighbouring countries without intervention of foreign forces”. “The presence of foreign forces, especially Americans, in any of the countries in the region is detrimental to security and stability in the region and the implementation of the Iraqi parliament’s law on expelling American forces from the country can be useful in this regard”, he emphasised. The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, separately expressed concerns to the Iraqi premier over “the growing movements of terrorist groups that have bases in the Iraqi Kurdistan region”, calling for “their immediate disarmament and expulsion from Iraq”.

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  • 12 September 2021

    Following a visit to Tehran by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, the IAEA and Iran issued a joint statement indicating they had agreed “to maintain their mutual interactions and meetings at relevant levels… with the aim of enhancing cooperation between Iran and the IAEA in different fields and discussing current issues of mutual interest”. Too, it was announced that “IAEA’s inspectors are permitted to service the identified equipment and replace their storage media which will be kept under the joint IAEA and AEOI seals in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The way and the timing are agreed by the two sides”. Grossi acknowledged that “we had a major, major communication breakdown with Iran… and I think that was solved”, further noting that “the reconstruction and the coming together of the jigsaw puzzle will come when there is an agreement at the JCPOA level. But at that time, we will have all this information and there will not have been a gap… This cannot be a permanent solution”.

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  • 9 September 2021

    Iran’s envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency asserted that the “IAEA cannot disassociate itself from the destiny of the JCPOA. And counterproductive action disrupts the negotiation process… Depoliticisation, impartiality, independence and professionalism are essential for the credibility of the IAEA and member states’ trust in its work. The Agency should plan for increasing cooperation and interaction with its member states rather to incept mistrust”.

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  • 9 September 2021

    Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian told the UN Secretary-General that “the U.S. made a miscalculation by maintaining their illegal sanctions on Iran and they mistakenly think they can use the sanctions as a bargaining chip… The negotiating parties should come to Vienna with a realistic understanding and pay serious attention to the rights and interests of the Iranian people, and Iran believes negotiations will be acceptable if they lead to a tangible result”.

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  • 9 September 2021

    The Saudi foreign minister chaired a session of the Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee that discussed, inter alia, “strengthening joint coordination to stop Iranian interference in the region and its financing of the Huthi militia in Yemen and other terrorist groups”, as well as “the importance of imposing the mechanisms for a rapid and comprehensive inspection of all Iranian nuclear sites”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson dismissed what he described as “absurd accusations” by the grouping of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt.

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  • 8 September 2021

    President Raisi remarked that “in the case of a non-constructive treatment in the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is unreasonable to expect Iran to have a constructive response. Non-constructive actions naturally disrupt the [JCPOA] negotiation process as well”. Raisi went on to argue that “the Trump administration has left the White House and the Biden administration came to power, but in practice there has been no change in U.S. policy on Iran and the same approach and measures, namely sanctions and pressure against Iran remains”.

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  • 6 September 2021

    Referring to relations with the IAEA, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson emphasised that “neither side should make a miscalculation and move in a direction that will affect the negotiations in Vienna. The political use of the IAEA technical platform will lead to a different response from Iran”.

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  • 6 September 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian maintained that the Raisi administration “considers negotiation as an effective tool of diplomacy and we will not distance ourselves from [JCPOA] negotiations in any way… but we believe that negotiations for negotiations’ sake will not benefit the Iranian nation and other sides”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson affirmed that “Iran will not wait forever for the U.S. to put pressure on the Iranian people with the illegal leverage of sanctions, and this window will not be open for Washington forever… If verified and exactly Iran’s interests are served under the JCPOA, Iran will fulfill its obligations as a committed party”.

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  • 6 September 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian remarked that “our foreign policy will be balanced. Accordingly, a major priority for us will be our neighbours”, and Asia, which he described as “two axes in our foreign policy priorities”, adding: “our priority over neighbours and Asia does not mean ignoring the rest of the world”. Amirabdollahian further noted that “we view dialogue with regional nations as a principle and consider regional talks as a serious way out of the current situation in the region”, while arguing: “Foreign interference and efforts to resolve regional issues through military means are detrimental to the region”.

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  • 4 September 2021

    Commenting on the JCPOA talks, President Raisi affirmed that “negotiation is an option as a diplomacy tool, but negotiation under pressure and threats is not acceptable at all… The focus of our talks is the interests of the Iranian people and the complete lifting of sanctions, from which we will not take a step back”.

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  • 1 September 2021

    The IRGC claimed to have “spotted and dismantled a terrorist team” that had infiltrated Iran’s western border, resulting in “several deaths and injuries” and a seizure of weapons.

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  • 31 August 2021

    Iran’s ambassador to Iraq confirmed that “through the cooperation of the Iraqi government, we held three rounds of talks with Saudi Arabia in Baghdad, and the fourth round will be held following the formation of the new Iranian government”.

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  • 30 August 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reaffirmed that “the Vienna talks are not aimed at reaching a new agreement… Tehran seeks to ensure the implementation of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal”. He further argued that “if the U.S. facilitates the release of Iranian prisoners and fulfills its commitments in this regard, it will be better for the Vienna talks”.

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  • 30 August 2021

    Commenting on the JCPOA talks, Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian indicated that “Iran welcomes a logical negotiation, and we certainly do not seek to escape from the negotiating table, but it is a very important point that the… [Raisi] administration believes in negotiations that have tangible achievements in the interests of the Iranian people”. He further noted that “it will take two to three months for the new government to take office and plan for any decision”. France’s foreign minister subsequently conveyed to Amirabdollahian “the importance and the urgency of an immediate resumption of negotiations”, a sentiment similarly echoed by the German government.

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  • 29 August 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian visited Syria and met with senior officials including President Bashar al-Assad. According to a Syrian readout, the two conferred on, inter alia, “steps… to enhance bilateral cooperation with the aim of reaching a higher level of partnerships at various levels, particularly in the economic and trade fields, in a way that enables the two peoples to continue facing the repercussions of the blockade and sanctions imposed on the two countries”.

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  • 28 August 2021

    At the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian reiterated that “peace is possible only through dialogue and negotiation within the region”, and called for “mutual trust, reliance on national capabilities, strengthening relations and good neighbourliness as well as through the non-intervention of extra-regional governments”. He went on to describe Iran’s approach as “balanced, active and smart”. Amirabdollahian also discussed bilateral issues with senior Iraqi leaders including Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi and President Barham Salih.

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  • 27 August 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell emphasised “the great importance of a quick resumption of the Vienna talks to bring the JCPOA back on track” to Iran’s foreign minister, who in turn asserted that “a negotiation that has tangible and practical results and is accompanied by securing the rights and interests of the people is acceptable”.

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  • 27 August 2021

    Meeting with Israeli premier Naftali Bennett, President Biden remarked that the two would “discuss the threat from Iran and our commitment to ensure Iran never develops a nuclear weapon… We’re putting diplomacy first and seeing where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we’re ready to turn to other options”. Bennett stated that he was “happy to hear your clear words that Iran will never be able to acquire a nuclear weapon and that you emphasised that you’ll try the diplomatic route, but there’s other options if that doesn’t work out… If a radical Islamic regime acquired a nuclear weapon, that marriage would be a nuclear nightmare for the entire world”. Bennett added: “We’ve developed a comprehensive strategy that we’re going to be talking about with two goals: The first is to stop Iran on its regional aggression and start rolling it back into the box; and the second is to permanently keep Iran away from ever being able to break out their nuclear weapon”. A senior Iranian official subsequently asserted that “the emphasis on using ‘other options’ against Iran, while being an illegal threat to another country, establishes the Islamic Republic of Iran’s right to reciprocal response to available options”.

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  • 26 August 2021

    President Raisi argued that “the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and the region does not provide security… The role of other countries, including neighbours, should only be a facilitator to the establishment of an inclusive and participatory government with the presence of all Afghan groups”.

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  • 26 August 2021

    The Pentagon confirmed twelve U.S. fatalities, later revised to thirteen, following an ISIS attack at Kabul airport; a further fifteen service members were injured. President Biden subsequently remarked that “we will continue the evacuation” from Afghanistan, adding that he had instructed the military “to develop operational plans to strike ISIS-K assets, leadership and facilities”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson extended “deepest condolences” over the incident, which killed an estimated 60 Afghans, while calling for “the immediate establishment of a broad-based government in Kabul”.

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  • 23 August 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson emphasised that “there is no military solution to the problems of Afghanistan and all groups and parties must resolve the issues through negotiation and dialogue”. He further indicated that Tehran was “not at the stage right now” of recognising Taliban rule, adding: “We are now at a stage where we must strive to form an all-inclusive government in Afghanistan that reflects all the realities of Afghanistan and the ethnic and popular composition”.

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  • 23 August 2021

    The State Department’s spokesperson underscored that “it remains profoundly in our national interest to seek to effect a mutual return to compliance of the JCPOA… [the Iranians] have decisions to make about their orientation not only towards the international community, but specifically toward diplomacy in the context of Vienna and diplomacy to test the proposition that we can effect a mutual return to compliance”. Iran’s foreign ministry the same day indicated that “our positions have not changed. The effective lifting of all U.S. sanctions and other sides’ compliance with the JCPOA are still a prelude to any agreement… Time in not on JCPOA’s side”.

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  • 23 August 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “we sell oil according to our own decisions and upon the announcement of demand from our friends… We express readiness to sell fuel to the Lebanese government if it is also willing, in addition to the fuel that has been purchased by the Shiite business people of Lebanon”. Asked about Iranian oil exports to Lebanon, a U.S. official maintained: “All of the sanctions that are in place on Iran remain in place. When it comes to petroleum, when it comes to oil, that has not changed”.

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  • 19 August 2021

    France, Germany and the UK expressed “grave concern [over] the latest reports by the IAEA confirming that Iran has produced uranium metal enriched up to 20 per cent for the first time, and has significantly increased its production capacity of uranium enriched up to 60 per cent”. The three countries added that “both [advancements] are key steps in the development of a nuclear weapon and Iran has no credible civilian need for either measure”. They further asserted that “Iran’s activities are all the more troubling given the fact talks in Vienna have been interrupted upon Tehran’s request for two months now and that Iran has not yet committed to a date for their resumption… Iran must halt all activities in violation of the JCPOA without delay”. “Time is on no-one’s side”, they warned.

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  • 17 August 2021

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran had increased the number of centrifuge cascades enriching uranium to 60 per cent from one to two. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “Iran’s remedial reduction of its JCPOA commitments has been done according to mechanisms within the 2015 nuclear deal”, adding: “Iran will move forward with its peaceful nuclear program merely based on its needs and the decisions made by its leadership and within its Safeguards commitments, unless the U.S. and other JCPOA parties return to the full and unconditional implementation of the JCPOA”.

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  • 17 August 2021

    Following an Iraqi invitation for Iranian attendance at a regional summit, President Raisi told Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi that “we consider it our pleasure to participate in this summit, and we will support any initiative that brings about stability in Iraq and increases the role of the country in the region”. “Foreign interference in the affairs of the region is neither a platform for security building and stability, nor a basis for development and progress”, Raisi argued. “Only the countries of the region can decide on the fate of the region”.

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  • 16 August 2021

    The IAEA told member states that it had verified Iran’s using “257g of uranium enriched up to 20 per cent U-235 in the form of UF4 (uranium tetrafluoride) to produce 200g of uranium metal enriched up to 20 per cent U-235”. The U.S. diplomatic spokesperson characterised Iran’s actions as “unconstructive and inconsistent with a return to mutual [JCPOA] compliance… Iran has no credible need to produce uranium metal, which has direct relevance to nuclear weapons development”. He further warned: “We are not imposing a deadline for negotiations, but this window will not remain open indefinitely”.

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  • 16 August 2021

    As the Taliban swept into Kabul, President Biden maintained that “there was only the cold reality of either following through on the agreement to withdraw our forces or escalating the conflict… American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves”. He went on to assert that “as we carry out this departure, we have made it clear to the Taliban: If they attack our personnel or disrupt our operation, the U.S. presence will be swift and the response will be swift and forceful… our current military mission will be short in time, limited in scope, and focused in its objectives: Get our people and our allies to safety as quickly as possible. And once we have completed this mission, we will conclude our military withdrawal”. The same day, President Raisi maintained that “the military defeat and the withdrawal of the U.S. from Afghanistan should become an opportunity to restore life, security and lasting peace in the country”. “Iran will work for establishing stability… [and] calls on all groups to reach a national agreement”, he added. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson raised concerns over “a new wave of displaced people” and reaffirmed Iran’s “readiness to facilitate the resolution of the Afghan question through intra-Afghan, Afghan-owned dialogue, as well as to contribute to a regional consensus on Afghanistan”.

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  • 10 August 2021

    Meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hossein, President Raisi emphasised that “cooperation and synergy among the countries of the region, without the intervention of foreigners, are a necessary condition for the stability of regional security”. Hussein also extended Iraq’s invitation for Iranian participation in a summit that he said would “create a basis for dialogue between the countries of the region”. The Iraqi diplomat also met with other senior Iranian officials, including Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

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  • 5 August 2021

    Ebrahim Raisi was sworn in as Iran’s president, and asserted that “sanctions against Iran must be lifted and we will support any diplomatic plan that achieved this goal”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we hope that Iran seizes the opportunity now to advance diplomatic solutions and the diplomatic solutions that are before all of us… We are prepared to return to Vienna to resume negotiations”. The spokesperson also warned that “the opportunity to achieve a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA won’t last forever. The longer this goes on, the advantages to our national security that would be accrued by a mutual return to compliance will start to chip away by the advancements that Iran is able to make while the shackles are at present removed from its nuclear program”.

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  • 3 August 2021

    United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) issued a warning notice regarding a “potential hijack” off the UAE coast; industry sources reported that a Panama-flagged tanker had been boarded by “armed forces… directing it towards Iran”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “reports on the occurrence of successive security incidents for ships in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman is completely suspicious”; An IRGC spokesperson also characterised the report as “psychological warfare”. The following day, the UKMTO reported that “boarders have left the vessel… incident complete”.

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  • 3 August 2021

    United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) issued a warning notice regarding a “potential hijack” off the UAE coast; industry sources reported that a Panama-flagged tanker had been boarded by “armed forces… directing it towards Iran”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “reports on the occurrence of successive security incidents for ships in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman is completely suspicious”.

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  • 1 August 2021

    Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett contended that “with absolute certainty – Iran carried out the attack” against the M/T Mercer Street, adding: “The intelligence evidence for this exists and we expect the international community will make it clear to the Iranian regime that they have made a serious mistake. In any case, we know how to send a message to Iran in our own way”. The U.S. condemned the attack, adding: “We are confident that Iran conducted this attack, which killed two innocent people, using one-way explosive UAVs, a lethal capability it is increasingly employing throughout the region”; the State Department also indicated that “an appropriate response… will be forthcoming”. The British government, one of whose citizens had been killed in the incident, similarly assessed that “this attack was deliberate, targeted and a clear violation of international law by Iran”, and noted that London was working with our international partners on a concerted response”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson blasted the statements as “provocative”, warning that “any anti-Iran adventurism will receive an immediate and decisive response”.

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  • 28 July 2021

    Meeting with the outgoing Rouhani government, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “it became clear in this administration that trusting the West will not work… Whenever you made our affairs contingent on reaching an agreement with the West and the U.S., you were unsuccessful”. On the Vienna talks, he said: “The Americans have stuck to their obstinate position. On paper and in words, they promise to remove the sanctions, but they have not and will not remove them… They say, ‘If you want the sanctions to be removed, we should include a clause in the agreement which states that we must negotiate and agree over certain matters in the future’”. “This clause is actually a pretext for their future interference”, Khamenei contended, adding: “This is about the JCOPA itself, about renewing it and about various other matters such as missiles and regional issues. If we say later on that we are not going to negotiate over these matters… they will say that there is no deal because we have supposedly violated it”. He also emphasised that “when they [ie, the U.S.] are told to promise and guarantee that they will not violate [the deal] another time, they respond that they cannot give such a guarantee”.

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  • 27 July 2021

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced that it had uncovered “a network of agents” it claimed were linked to Israel, and seized “a large shipment of weapons and ammunition”.

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  • 27 July 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson asserted that “we are still committed to [the] return of all parties to their JCPOA obligations… As long as the U.S. and the other P4+1 members have not complied with all their commitments in the JCPOA, it would [be] meaningless to talk or even think about negotiations beyond that”.

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  • 26 July 2021

    An Iranian judicial official announced the arrest of a “terrorist group” which he claimed “intended to carry out simultaneous terrorist operations in several provinces of the country which was plotted with the intelligence and financial cooperation of two intelligence services of the European countries and certain regional states”.

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  • 22 July 2021

    President Rouhani argued that “if the parliamentary law had not stopped us, we would have lifted the sanctions before Nowruz [March 2021].

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  • 20 July 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson maintained that “regional negotiations are a constant necessity… We look at the negotiations with Saudi Arabia in a positive light”. He further indicated that “bilateral talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia is [sic] continuing through appropriate channels. We are committed to continuing consultations to resolve all disputes between the two countries, and if there is a need to raise the level of dialogue and it is agreed, we have no restrictions”.

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  • 20 July 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson remarked that “the main part of the [JCPOA] negotiations has taken place and the initial agreements have been reached on the lifting of most of the sanctions”. “However”, he added, “the committee formed in the Supreme National Security Council, which is responsible for implementing the text of the memorandum with the law of the Parliament approved in December 2020, has recognised this memorandum as incompatible with it”. “The negotiations will be postponed until after the complete transfer of the administration, and the new negotiating team will be responsible for it”, the spokesperson noted. IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi contended that Iran’s decision “leaves us in a rather uncomfortable situation… I’m talking about the agency, I don’t know about the others [ie, the U.S. and P4+1], but I suppose they would rather be negotiating that waiting”. “We still have a number of questions, issues that we are trying to clarify with Iran, and we will have to wait and start anew with the new team when they are in office”, Grossi noted.  

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  • 17 July 2021

    Iran’s lead JCPOA negotiator indicated that “Vienna talks must… obviously await our new administration”; he further asserted that “the U.S. and the UK need to understand this and stop linking a humanitarian exchange—ready to be implemented—with the JCPOA…  Ten prisoners on all sides may be released tomorrow if the U.S. and the UK fulfill their part of deal”. The U.S. State Department described the remarks as “an outrageous effort to deflect blame for the current impasse”, and asserted that “there is no agreed deal yet on the matter of the detainees… While it would be more effective to make progress if we were meeting in Vienna, we are also prepared to continue with talks on detainees during this period”.

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  • 15 July 2021

    Facebook announced that it had removed 200 accounts linked to “a group of hackers in Iran to disrupt their ability to use their infrastructure to abuse our platform, distribute malware and conduct espionage operations across the internet, targeting primarily the U.S.”. The company added that “this group is known in the security industry as Tortoiseshell, whose activity was previously reported to mainly focus on the information technology industry in the Middle East. In an apparent expansion of malicious activity to other regions and industries, our investigation found them targeting military personnel and companies in the defense and aerospace industries primarily in the U.S., and to a lesser extent in the UK and Europe”. 

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  • 14 July 2021

    President Rouhani maintained that Iran’s atomic energy agency “has shown in recent months what capabilities it has by enriching 20 per cent and 60 per cent in a short time… if we need it one day, and our reactors needs 90 per cent enrichment, we can do it and we can do anything within the framework of peaceful activities”. Referring to internal debates regarding the Vienna talks, Rouhani contended that “they took away the opportunity to reach an agreement from this government. We deeply regret missing this opportunity”.

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  • 14 July 2021

    The IRGC reported that it had “thwarted the plot of the anti-revolutionary group that intended to enter the country” via north-western Iran.  

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  • 14 July 2021

    The IRGC reported that it had “thwarted the plot of the anti-revolutionary group that intended to enter the country” via north-western Iran.  

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  • 13 July 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson remarked that “negotiations are under way on the exchange of prisoners between Iran and America, and we will issue more information if Iranian prisoners are released and the country’s interests are secured and the talks reach a conclusion”. “Iran is ready to exchange all American political prisoners in exchange for the release of all Iranian prisoners who have been detained around the world at the behest of America”, he added. Relatedly, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson noted “indirect but active discussions taking place”, and also indicated that “we are treating the issue of detainees independently from discussions of the JCPOA”. “We’re also working with our allies, many of whom also have citizens currently arbitrarily or wrongfully detained by the Iranian Government”, he added. “Iran’s unjust imprisonment of U.S. citizens for use as political leverage, it’s abhorrent, it’s outrageous. Our priority is bringing these individuals home as possible and resolving the cases of missing and abducted U.S. citizens just as quickly as we can”.

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  • 13 July 2021

    A U.S. court indicted “four Iranian nationals with conspiracies related to kidnapping, sanctions violations, bank and wire fraud, and money laundering”; a fifth individual was also charged for having “provided financial services that supported the plot”. According to a judicial official, “four of the defendants monitored and planned to kidnap a U.S. citizen of Iranian origin who has been critical of the regime’s autocracy, and to forcibly take their intended victim to Iran, where the victim’s fate would have been uncertain at best”. U.S. Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley “strongly condemn[ed] Iran’s continued attempts at kidnapping journalists and critics of the regime in order to silence dissent”, and asserted that “even as the U.S. remains willing to engage in diplomacy toward a mutual return to the JCPOA, we will not hesitate to defend our citizens and call out Iran’s human rights abuses”. Tehran called the allegations “baseless and ridiculous”.

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  • 12 July 2021

    The U.S. State Department asserted that “we are prepared to return to a seventh round [of nuclear negotiations]… we’re not imposing a deadline on these talks, but… we are conscious that as time proceeds, Iran’s nuclear advances will have a bearing on our view of ultimately returning to the JCPOA”. A spokesperson went on to reiterate that “diplomacy is the most effective means at our disposal to achieve what we seek, and that is verifiably and permanently ensuring that Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon”. The same day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we are close to the end of the Vienna talks. Some unresolved issues remain, but what matters is that the weight of unresolved issues far outweighs the unresolved issues… we hope that the other parties can make their own decisions so that we too can reach an agreement that will be in everyone’s interests”.

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  • 12 July 2021

    During a meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged “Iran to uphold and fully implement all its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its safeguard agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and refrain from all activities which are inconsistent with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231”. Iran’s embassy in Brussels maintained that “such remarks are either misguided or a grossly irresponsible spinning of facts”.

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  • 7 July 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif hosted a meeting with Taliban and Afghan government officials, voicing Iran’s “readiness… to support the process of inter-Afghan peace talks” and its “commitment to contribute to the comprehensive political, economic and social development of Afghanistan after the establishment of peace”. The participants subsequently jointly asserted that “all efforts must be directed towards a political and peaceful solution”, while deeming “the intra-Afghan meeting held in Tehran as a new opportunity to strengthen the political solution to the Afghanistan problem”. Commenting on the talks, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “Afghanistan’s neighbours and countries in the region, they too have a stake in Afghanistan’s future. They need to use their influence in ways that are positive… What Iran is trying to do or is in the process of doing by hosting this meeting may well be constructive. I think the jury is still out”. 

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  • 7 July 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that manufacturing enriched uranium metal was “merely for peaceful purposes… and its production is by no means contradictory to observation of any non-proliferation or nuclear treaty”. He further reiterated that “Iran is ready to halt its remunerative measures and return to observing its full JCPOA commitments as soon as the unjust sanctions are terminated, but no one should expect Iran to unilaterally observe its JCPOA commitments, as it once did before”.

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  • 6 July 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson indicated that “some progress has been made” in talks with Saudi Arabia, adding that “in some cases, disputes may have complexities that take time to resolve”. He went to assert that “we are always ready to continue this dialogue seriously, relying on mutual goodwill and securing the interests and concerns of both sides”.

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  • 6 July 2021

    Referring to a 23 June incident at an Iranian nuclear facility in Karaj, an Iranian official acknowledged a “sabotage act” and asserted it had “not led to significant human and equipment damage”. He also maintained that “the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] carried out these actions to signal it can stop Iran and to say that there is no need to talk with Iran… But whenever sabotage has happened, our strength has increased”.

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  • 6 July 2021

    The IAEA received and conveyed to the Board of Governors Iranian notification that “UO2 [uranium oxide] enriched up to 20 per cent U-235 would be shipped to the R&D laboratory at the Fuel Fabrication Plan in Isfahan, where it would be converted to UF4 [uranium tetrafluoride] and then to uranium metal enriched to 20 per cent U-235, before using it to manufacture the fuel”. The E3 jointly expressed “grave concern” at the development, adding that “this further step in Iran’s escalation of its nuclear violations is all the more concerning at a time when no date has been set for the continuation of the negotiations in Vienna… [and] in the context of Iran having significantly curtailed IAEA accesses”. “Iran is threatening a successful outcome to the Vienna talks despite the progress achieved in six rounds of negotiations”, Berlin, Paris and London warned. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “it is worrying that Iran is choosing to continue to escalate its nonperformance of its JCPOA commitments, especially with experiments that have value for nuclear weapons research”. “We have made clear that such provocative steps would not and will not provide Iran with any leverage in negotiations”, he added. “They would only intensify our concerns with Iran’s activities, and we continue to urge Iran to stop this brinksmanship, to return to Vienna prepared for real talks, and to be in a position to be prepared to finish the work that we have started”.

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  • 3 July 2021

    In a letter to the president of the Security Council, Iran’s UN envoy insisted that “Iran has not been involved, directly or indirectly, in any armed attack by any entity or individual against U.S. personnel or facilities in Iraq”. The ambassador also condemned “in the strongest terms” 27 June U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, adding: “the argument of the U.S. that such attacks were conducted to deter the Islamic Republic of Iran and the so-called Iran-backed militia groups from conducting or supporting further attacks on U.S. personnel or facilities has no factual or legal ground, as it is founded on mere fabrication as well as arbitrary interpretation” of the UN charter.

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  • 3 July 2021

    A cargo vessel travelling from Saudi Arabia to the UAE was reportedly “attacked in the Indian Ocean”; the Tyndall did not suffer major damage and unnamed Israeli officials assessed that the ship had been targeted by Iran.

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  • 30 June 2021

    Briefing the Security Council on the implementation of resolution 2231, a senior UN official noted that “the continued diplomatic efforts in Vienna offer a critical opportunity for both the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran to return to the full and effective implementation of the [JCPOA]… This would be a welcome and crucial development”.  She drew attention to the Secretary-General’s call that Washington “extend the waivers with regard to the trade in oil with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and fully renew waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects”, while urging Iran to fully implement its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA. The U.S. envoy told the Council that “Iran continues its escalatory steps, including many that exceed the JCPOA’s nuclear limits”, while urging “Iran to refrain from taking further escalatory steps and to return to full implementation of all its JCPOA commitments”. He further asserted that “the U.S. is committed to ensuring Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon, and we believe diplomacy, in coordination with our allies and regional partners, is the best path to achieve that goal”, adding: “The last few rounds of discussions in Vienna have helped to crystallise the choices that need to be made by Iran and by the U.S. in order achieve a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA”. The U.S. representative also underscored that “we will continue to use all the tools at our disposal to counter Iran’s destabilising activities in the region, and to promote implementation of other Security Council resolutions to address Iranian conventional weapons proliferation”.

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  • 30 June 2021

    President Rouhani contended that “if Biden[‘s administration] procrastinates the implementation of the JCPOA in any way, it has betrayed the vote of the American people”, while asserting that “we have never sought weapons of mass destruction and Iran’s nuclear activities are completely peaceful”.

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  • 30 June 2021

    Iran’s envoy told the UN Security Council that “given years of serious violations of the JCPOA by other sides, it is essential to secure enough assurances that all sanctions are removed verifiably; and the U.S. will not, once again, withdraw from the JCPOA or abuse its mechanism to create another implementation crisis to deprive Iran of its benefits from the deal”. He further asserted that “Iran’s ballistic missiles are designed to deliver conventional warheads and are ‘not designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons’, and accordingly are outside the purview of Resolution 2231”. The ambassador also referred to “clear indications pointing to the Israeli regime’s responsibility” in the 2020 killing of a nuclear scientist and April 2021 incident at Natanz, calling on the Security Council to “hold the Israeli regime to account for such adventuristic practices”.

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  • 28 June 2021

    Referring to the technical agreement between Iran and the IAEA that expired on 24 June, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “no new decision has yet been made” on extending it.

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  • 28 June 2021

    The Pentagon announced that it had carried out “defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region”, noting that “these facilities are utilised by Iran-backed militias that are engaged in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attacks against U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserted that “we took necessary, appropriate, deliberate action that is designed to limit the risk of escalation, but also to send a clear and unambiguous deterrent message”. An Iraqi defence official argued that the operation constituted “a blatant and unacceptable violation of Iraqi sovereignty”, and Iran’s foreign ministry maintained that the U.S. was “upsetting security in the region”. Later in the day, a spokesperson for the U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition confirmed that “U.S. Forces in Syria were attacked by multiple rockets”, with no casualties reported, and subsequently announced that “U.S. Forces in Syria, while under multiple rocket attack, acted in self-defence and conducted counter-battery artillery fire at rocket launching positions”.

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  • 28 June 2021

    The Pentagon announced that it had carried out “defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region”, noting that “these facilities are utilised by Iran-backed militias that are engaged in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attacks against U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserted that “we took necessary, appropriate, deliberate action that is designed to limit the risk of escalation, but also to send a clear and unambiguous deterrent message”. An Iraqi defence official argued that the operation constituted “a blatant and unacceptable violation of Iraqi sovereignty”, and Iran’s foreign ministry maintained that the U.S. was “upsetting security in the region”. Later in the day, a spokesperson for the U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition confirmed that “U.S. Forces in Syria were attacked by multiple rockets”, with no casualties reported, and subsequently announced that “U.S. Forces in Syria, while under multiple rocket attack, acted in self-defence and conducted counter-battery artillery fire at rocket launching positions”.

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  • 27 June 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna remarked that “when the U.S. withdrew from the JCPOA and Iran decided to stay in the deal, it was Iran’s big and difficult decision… Now it is the other party’s turn to decide and reach a conclusion on the JCPOA[‘s] revival based on the negotiations we have had”.

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  • 25 June 2021

    The IAEA called for “an immediate response from Iran” regarding the technical agreement with Iran that expired on 24 June, adding: “The Director General stresses the vital importance of continuing the Agency’s necessary verification and monitoring activities in Iran, including the uninterrupted collection and storage of data by its monitoring and surveillance equipment”. Iran’s IAEA envoy contended that “the basis of this agreement is to facilitate political negotiations, not Iran’s obligation to implement the Agency’s request”. The same day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken underscored that “this remains a serious concern, a concern that we’ve communicated to Iran, and it needs to be resolved”.

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  • 23 June 2021

    Iranian media reported that “an act of sabotage targeting one of the buildings belonging to the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI)” had been stymied, adding that “the attack did not result in any casualties or damage”.

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  • 22 June 2021

    A Pentagon spokesperson stated that “U.S. Space Command is aware of the Iranian rocket launch failure which occurred early 12 June”. Iran’s telecommunications minister subsequently maintained that “the report on the unsuccessful launch of the satellite is not true”.

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  • 22 June 2021

    The U.S. Department of Justice announced the seizure of “33 websites used by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union (IRTVU) and three websites operated by Kataeb Hizbollah (KH), in violation of U.S. sanctions”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the move and said: “The current U.S. administration is exactly following the previous U.S. administration’s path, which will result in nothing but a double failure for Washington”.

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  • 22 June 2021

    The IAEA confirmed receiving updated information from Iran’s atomic energy organisation “regarding the technical problem at Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant” that resulted in a temporary shutdown of the facility. Per the AEOI, “the technical problem occurred in the electrical generator of the plant, and after resolving it, the plant will be reconnected to the national electricity grid”.

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  • 21 June 2021

    The IRGC reported uncovering “three counter-revolutionary terrorist teams who were trying to endanger the security of the country during [the 18 June presidential] elections”.

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  • 21 June 2021

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “if and when we are able to achieve that mutual return to [JCPOA] compliance, we will be in a stronger position to, through diplomacy, take on these other areas that have been such a challenge: the ballistic missile program, support for proxies and terrorist groups and human rights, among others”. The spokesperson also noted that “the Iranians have no doubt about where we stand on the issue of this follow-on diplomacy… they have heard it in no uncertain terms as well”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson the same day asserted that “there will never be a discussion about a new JCPOA”, adding: “if anyone wants to be sure of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, it is better to put the full implementation of the JCPOA on its agenda”. He further highlighted that “the U.S. once showed during the Trump era that it can arrogantly ignore the interests of other countries, so Iran wants guarantees from the current U.S. administration”.

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  • 21 June 2021

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson described Iran’s 18 June presidential elections as “pre-manufactured. This was not a free and fair election process in which Iranians were denied their right to choose their own leaders”. He also noted that “ultimately, it is Iran’s supreme leader who determines Iran’s policy on a range of important issues”. Relatedly, a White House spokesperson asserted that President-elect Ebrahim Raisi “will, of course, be held accountable for violations of human rights on his watch going forward”, adding: “We strongly urge the Iranian government, regardless of who’s in power, to release political prisoners, improve respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all Iranians”. An Iranian government spokesperson maintained that “such remarks are nothing new and Iran considers them as intervention in its internal affairs and in contrast with the international law”.

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  • 20 June 2021

    Commenting on the technical agreement between Iran and the IAEA, set to expire on 24 June, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi maintained that “it is becoming increasingly difficult to extend or keep this arrangement”, adding: “this temporary agreement is not a sustainable solution. This agreement cannot be seen as a replacement for a correct verification approach… We are on a ventilator”. Grossi further indicated that “I cannot see any advantage for them [ie, the Iranians] to sever ties with the IAEA or pursue a policy of confrontation with the IAEA. This will only create problems for Iran at every level, and it is not in their interest”.

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  • 19 June 2021

    Ebrahim Raisi was elected to succeed Hassan Rouhani as Iran’s president, winning just under 18 million votes from a total of 29 million cast.

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  • 18 June 2021

    Ahead of the 24 June expiration of a technical agreement between Iran and the IAEA, Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna talks conferred with IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi on “the latest developments around the JCPOA negotiations and possible assistance of the IAEA in this process”.

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  • 17 June 2021

    The U.S. Treasury Department issued a general license related to Iran to “build upon… existing authorisations for COVID-19-related transactions and activities”, adding that “these new authorisations will further support the critical work of governments, international organisations, non-governmental organisations and private sector actors in providing COVID-19-related assistance to the people in certain sanctioned jurisdictions”. It further “encourage[d] those interested in providing COVID-19-related relief to Iran… to avail themselves of the available exemptions, exceptions and authorisations pertaining to humanitarian assistance”.

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  • 16 June 2021

    In a speech ahead of Iranian presidential elections, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed that “American and British media are trying very hard to decrease the people’s presence at the ballot box. Of course, experience has shown that the people have done the opposite of what the enemy wanted. This will be the case this time too… The people’s support of the system must be shown to the enemy”.

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  • 16 June 2021

    Referring to Iran’s 18 June presidential election in the context of ongoing JCPOA negotiations, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi remarked that “it will be necessary to wait for the new Iranian government”. “The discussions that have been going on for weeks have dealt with very complex and delicate technical questions, but what is needed is the political will of the parties”, he added.

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  • 15 June 2021

    After meeting with President Biden, the Swiss foreign minister, referencing the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement with Iran (SHTA), indicated that “the trouble is it hasn’t been used enough, and why? Because there are transfers of funds that still require approval, and I think on this the U.S. is willing to accelerate their decisions so that this channel can be used to its full effect”. He also said that Switzerland “is always ready to provide help for prisoner exchanges, especially for countries where it plays the role of a protecting power”.

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  • 14 June 2021

    With a sixth round of JCPOA talks underway in Vienna, Iran’s lead negotiator remarked that “a good deal is when our key concerns are addressed and our key objectives are met, without which we don’t have a deal… We continue negotiations, we are not in a hurry. We don’t have any deadline for ourselves”. Acknowledging that “there are many technicalities to be resolved”, he went on to posit that the other parties “have to make their difficult decisions and they have to make sure, this is very important, they have to assure the Islamic Republic of Iran that what happened in the past is not going to be repeated in the future”.

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  • 14 June 2021

    IAEA chief Rafael Grossi indicated that “there is no information” suggesting that Iran’s nuclear program had an ongoing military dimension. However, he went on to note that “when you enrich at 60 per cent, you are very close. It’s technically indistinguishable from weapon-grade material. So when you combine this with the fact that our inspection access is being curtailed, then I start to worry”.

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  • 14 June 2021

    President Rouhani remarked that “everyone saw that Iran… did 63 per cent [uranium] enrichment, and if necessary, we can do higher enrichment at any time, but at the same time we are not looking for nuclear weapons”. He further noted that “we do not intend war and tension, but at the same time we will not bow down to the aggressor powers. Today in the Vienna talks, it is clear that if the Americans and the rest of the P5+1 fulfil all their obligations without exception, the Islamic Republic of Iran will fulfil all its obligations without delay and after the verification”.

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  • 12 June 2021

    Iran’s mission to the UN maintained, with reference to comments by the former head of Israel’s Mossad, that “lawlessness has reached a point when the former official of this regime is shamelessly and blatantly threatening our nuclear scientists with death… This madness must not be tolerated”.

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  • 11 June 2021

    Iran’s UN ambassador indicated that “illegal U.S. sanctions have not just deprived our people of medicine; they have also prevented Iran from paying our dues in arrears to the UN. After six months of working on it, the UN today announced it has received the funds”. The funds reportedly drew on Iranian assets in South Korea, the transfer of which was facilitated by the U.S.

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  • 10 June 2021

    A senior Iranian military official confirmed that “the 77th strategic naval fleet of the Navy, comprising of the Sahand destroyer and the Markan ship, is present in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time to demonstrate the capabilities of Iran in the maritime arena”. Asked about the vessels, the State Department noted that the U.S. was “prepared to leverage our applicable authorities, including sanctions, against any actor that enables Iran’s ongoing provision of weapons to violent partners and to proxies”. Noting that “freedom of navigation is something that we espouse for ourselves and for our international partners”, a spokesperson underscored that “if Iran would seek to effect the transfer of weapons or other illicit materials, we would be prepared to hold Iran accountable”.

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  • 10 June 2021

    The Biden administration told the IAEA Board of Governors that “although we welcome the ongoing discussions focused on a mutual return to JCPOA… we note that Iran’s obligations under its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement are separate from its JCPOA commitments. They cannot be set aside. Failing to hold Iran to them would both undermine the integrity of the international safeguards system and set a troubling precedent for international efforts to ensure that Iran is adhering to all of its nonproliferation commitments”. Further referencing “with serious concern developments related to Iran’s decision to suspend implementation of provisions of its Additional Protocol as of 23 February”, the U.S. asked the IAEA to provide continued safeguard reporting “sufficiently in advance of the September Board so that the Board may consider any necessary response”. Meanwhile, Iran’s envoy asserted that the “recurrence of sabotage acts and assassination of nuclear scientists will be responded [to] decisively, but also certainly leave no option for Iran but to reconsider its transparency measures and cooperation policy with the Agency”.

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  • 10 June 2021

    The U.S. sanctioned “members of a smuggling network that helps fund Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force and the Huthis in Yemen” based on counterterrorism authorities. The Treasury Department asserted that “the Huthis have relied on support from the IRGC-QF to wage their campaign against the internationally recognised Yemeni government and the Saudi-led Coalition”, and indicated that the blacklisted “network generates tens of millions of dollars in revenue from the sale of commodities, like Iranian petroleum”. In a statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on “the Huthis to accept a ceasefire and for all parties to resume pollical talks”, adding: “The U.S. will continue to apply pressure to the Huthis, including through targeted sanctions, to advance those goals”. Washington also announced that it was “lifting sanctions on three former Government of Iran officials, and two companies”, explaining that “these delistings are a result of a verified change in behaviour or status on the part of the sanctioned parties”.

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  • 9 June 2021

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) derestricted its latest quarterly report on Iran’s nuclear program, dated 31 May.

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  • 8 June 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with the UN Special Envoy for Yemen and stressed that “we can end the current miserable situation in Yemen… only through political dialogue and peaceful means”.

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  • 8 June 2021

    The U.S. told the IAEA Board of Governors that Iran should “refrain from taking further steps beyond the JCPOA’s limits and to return to all of its JCPOA commitments, including by allowing the IAEA to have unimpeded access to sites and activities necessary to fulfill its monitoring and verification responsibilities under the JCPOA, and by fully implementing the Additional Protocol”. The U.S. statement went on to “urge Iran to join the U.S. in reaching and implementing an understanding for a mutual return to full compliance with the JCPOA”. Iran’s IAEA envoy subsequently maintained that “Iran [is] engaged seriously in JCPOA negotiations. It’s important that the outcome secures enough assurances that all sanctions are lifted in a verifiable manner and we do not face, once again, the crisis situation in which the U.S. withdraws from the deal or abuse mechanisms therein… It is yet to be observed whether the U.S. is serious enough”.

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  • 7 June 2021

    IAEA Director General Grossi briefed the Board of Governors on the agency’s safeguards concerns and noted that “Iran has provided no new information in relation to one location, has not answered any of the Agency’s questions nor provided any information in relation to two other locations and provided a written statement on a fourth location without any substantiating documentation”. “I reiterate the requirement for Iran to clarify and resolve these issues without further delay”, he added. Grossi went on to underscore that “the lack of progress in clarifying the agency’s questions concerning the correctness and completeness of Iran’s safeguards declarations seriously affects the ability of the IAEA to provide assurance of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program”. Iran’s IAEA envoy subsequently criticised what he deemed “the biased approach of the [IAEA] Secretariat vis-à-vis its interactions with Iran, which ignores the level of cooperation and engagement”, warning that “this approach could turn into an obstacle for future good-will interactions between the two sides”.

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  • 4 June 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “one cannot merely rely on words and promises. Concerning the issue of nuclear negotiations… I have always told officials that actions speak louder than words and one cannot rely on mere promises”.

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  • 4 June 2021

    Iraqi Prime Minister al-Kadhimi stated that he was “proud that Iraq’s relations with Iran are at their best now”, adding: “We have established balanced relations with all neighbours. No exchanges were made at the expense of another country, especially with Iran”. He also expressed “hope that the Iranian-Arab, Iranian-Saudi and even Iranian relationships with other countries of the region would grow… Iraq endeavours to pave the way, if requested to do so, to get the views of the conflicted parties in the region closer”. “Everyone thinks that there is an opportunity for stability”, al-Kadhimi asserted.  

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  • 3 June 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressing “strong dismay over the announcement that the Islamic Republic of Iran will lose its voting privileges in the UN General Assembly due to arrears in the payment of its financial contribution”, explaining: “Iran’s inability to fulfil its financial obligation toward the United Nations is directly caused by ‘unlawful, unilateral sanctions’ imposed by the U.S.”. “The people of Iran have been under the most unprecedented economic warfare – and indeed economic terrorism – following the Trump administration’s U.S. unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA (shamelessly continued to this day by its successor as so-called ‘bargaining leverage’)”, he added. In a tweet, Zarif also referred to the U.S. having sold seized Iranian oil and maintained: “The UN can also collect from $110m that the U.S. stole in recent piracy”.

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  • 2 June 2021

    The Kharq, an Iranian navy vessel used for logistics and training, sank off the coast of Jask; a military spokesperson said a fire “had started from the engine house” and proved uncontainable.

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  • 2 June 2021

    President Rouhani asserted that “the [JCPOA] negotiations in Vienna today are going well… the main issues with the U.S. have been resolved, and if there is a will do to this in this government’s term, this government has done it”. Relatedly, Iran’s lead negotiator indicated that “disputes have reached a point where everyone believes that it is not impossible to resolve, but details are important anyway, and our firm positions are important to be respected”. The Joint Commission met later in the day and concluded the fifth round of talks.

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  • 1 June 2021

    Following media reports on the possibility of two Iranian ships heading to Venezuela, Iran’s government spokesperson maintained that “there is nothing abnormal in the friendly and traditional relations between Iran and Venezuela”, and posited that “our relations with Venezuela are not against any third country”. The foreign ministry underscored that “Iran is always present in international waters and has this right under international law”; a spokesperson also cautioned Washington against “miscalculations”.

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  • 31 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna indicated that “we are now at a point where the obvious differences that are being addressed. The texts of negotiation have been prepared and a large number of texts are ready, but differences are under consideration”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson noted that “there is no deadlock in the Vienna talks… We do not allow the talks to erode, nor do we rush”. “The JCPOA must be implemented exactly”, he added. “There has never been any discussion about the new JCPOA and we have not had any new negotiations with the U.S.”.

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  • 26 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator at the JCPOA negotiations remarked that “serious and important issues still remained in Vienna talks that need to be resolved. Of course, the number of these issues has decreased, and we have advanced a lot in writing the draft in previous periods. We can move forward further, but the few issues that remain are still key issues that need to be decided”. He further noted that “time is not the criterion for us. Securing the interests of the country is the criterion for us, and until these interests are secured, the negotiations will continue”. The same day, President Rouhani asserted that “our negotiators are negotiating very decisively, firmly and carefully in Vienna, and their progress is remarkable… today everything is ready for an agreement”.

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  • 26 May 2021

    IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi warned that the development of Iran’s nuclear program was “very concerning”, noting that “a country enriching [uranium] at 60 per cent is a very serious thing — only countries making bombs are reaching this level”. “You cannot put the genie back into the bottle — once you know how to do stuff, you know, and the only way to check this is through verification”, Grossi highlighted. “The Iranian program has grown, become more sophisticated so the linear return to 2015 is no longer possible. What you can do is keep their activities below the parameters of 2015”. Grossi also discussed the IAEA investigation over traces of uranium at undeclared sites, which he described as “a big problem”, and maintained: “They know they have to provide explanations… This is going to affect the credibility of your country in general and the chances for any bigger wider agreement that you want to enter with your counterparts in the JCPOA”.

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  • 25 May 2021

    Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami indicated that “strengthening and upgrading the missile power of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the first goal of the Ministry of Defence”, adding: “We have gained various achievements in various fields, which are not limited to ground combat… in the field of missiles, we are undoubtedly one of the world powers, and in the field of UAVs, we are even better than the world’s top powers”.

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  • 24 May 2021

    The IAEA announced that it had “agreed with Iran to extend by one month the necessary verification and monitoring activities carried out by the Agency in the country”. Relatedly, the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, indicated that Iran was continue to enrich uranium up to 60 per cent, claiming that Tehran had amassed 2.5kg, 90kg and 5 tons at 60, 20 and 5 per cent respectively. The following day, Iran’s government spokesperson expressed “hope that this constructive move will send a clear message to the P4+1, the U.S. and the IAEA that the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to conclude the [JCPOA] negotiations as soon as possible”. He further insisted that Iran would “not tolerate talks of attrition”, warning that “every day of delay in this process complicates resolving the disputes”.

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  • 23 May 2021

    Iran’s intelligence ministry reported apprehending “three foreign-backed terrorist teams” in south east and north west Iran.

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  • 22 May 2021

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami spoke with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas officials and asserted that “Iran is ready to provide all kinds of assistance to the Palestinian nation and resistance forces in all areas and it will spare no effort in this regard”.

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  • 21 May 2021

    A day after the announcement of a ceasefire following confrontations across Israel-Palestine, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei hailed “the victory of the Palestinian nation over the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”, and contended that “Muslim governments should earnestly enter the field to support the Palestinian nation in both military and financial areas”. In a statement, the IRGC said that the “‘hit and run era’ and destruction of homes and displacement of oppressed and defenseless Palestinians is over”. Iran also unveiled a drone named after Gaza. Too, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told the UN General Assembly that “the people of Palestine are fully entitled to defend themselves and to defy the tyrannical tactics of this racist apartheid regime”, and criticised “the futility of normalisation” of relations between Israel and some Gulf Arab states.

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  • 20 May 2021

    Amidst a flare-up across Israel-Palestine, IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani reportedly wrote to a Hamas military official that “no matter how much pressure mounts [on Iran] and to what degree sanctions are intensified, we will never let Palestine be alone… We will not stop until the usurping Zionist regime [ie, Israel] is annihilated and every inch of the land of Palestine is liberated”. Referring to the Abraham Accord normalising relations between Israel and some Gulf Arab states, Qaani contended that “those who were involved in the process of selling out Palestine… will soon regret what they have done”.

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  • 20 May 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell indicated that “teams in Vienna made good progress in past weeks. All sides now need to take necessary political decisions, so we can conclude negotiations and get back to full [JCPOA] implementation”. He also asserted that “[it’s] crucial for the IAEA to continue its verification activities”. The same day, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told Borrell that “it would not be acceptable to see… President Joe Biden continue to use the illegal and inhumane sanctions imposed by his predecessor Donald Trump as leverage in the talks”. “A fundamental change in this approach is a sine qua non for the Vienna talks to be fruitful, and this is a political decision that the U.S. president should adopt”, he added.

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  • 19 May 2021

    U.S. Senator Chris Murphy met with Iran’s UN envoy and called on “the Iranians to engage with seriousness and urgency in nuclear negotiations, pressure the Huthis to end the war in Yemen, urge Hamas to accept a ceasefire and end rocket attacks into Israel and release Morad Tahbaz from prison”. In turn, the Iranian side emphasised “the need for practical removal of all U.S. sanctions on Iran” and expressed “Iran’s will for a peaceful settlement of the war in Yemen”, noting in particular that “any solution to the Yemeni crisis must ensure the complete lifting of the siege and impeded delivery of humanitarian aid to the country and a ceasefire”.

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  • 19 May 2021

    After a Joint Commission meeting in Vienna, EU High Representative Enrique Mora indicated that “I am quite sure that there will be a final agreement… I think we are on the right track”. Iran’s lead negotiator remarked that “good progress has been made, and there are certain key issues that call for more consultation and decisions to be made in the capitals, which we hope will be reached in the next few days so that we can reach a conclusion on them in the next round of the talks”. The following day, President Rouhani said that “the other sides… [had] accepted to lift all the main sanctions, including oil, petrochemical, shipping, insurance, central bank and banks, and in this regard, the main agreement has been reached and we are discussing some issues to reach a final agreement”. A senior U.S. diplomat indicated that proceedings had been “positive and we saw meaningful progress… Nevertheless, important differences remain, which still need to be addressed”.

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  • 17 May 2021

    Referring to the three-month 21 February technical agreement between Iran and the IAEA, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “the access of the Agency beyond the safeguards has been suspended… If the [Vienna] talks are concluded [by 21 May], those films will be delivered to the IAEA”. “If the negotiations remain on the right track by that day”, he added, “Iran may decide to give another opportunity to IAEA, but in either case, accesses beyond safeguards will not be granted to the Agency”.

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  • 16 May 2021

    Amidst a flare-up across Israel-Palestine, IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani spoke with the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and, the following day, with the head of Hamas’s political bureau maintaining that “Iran will never stop supporting the Palestinian people and the brave Resistance”.

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  • 14 May 2021

    Iran’s foreign ministry underscored the position that “the only solution to settle the Palestinian crisis is to hold a referendum”, adding: “Until that day arrives, all-out resistance will be the only way to prevent… widespread oppression”. 

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  • 12 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna affirmed that the “resumption of voluntary application of Additional Protocol [to the NPT] by Iran is predicated on sanctions being lifted. We’d like to get to it before 21 May [the end date of Iran’s technical agreement with the IAEA], if possible”. He further asserted that “we’re serious and determined, ready to do it even tomorrow: once sanctions are verifiably lifted, we’ll return to full implementation of JCPOA”.

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  • 12 May 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with his Syrian counterpart and discussed, inter alia, “Tehran’s support for the Syrian nation and government against the inauspicious phenomena of extremism and terrorism”; Zarif also posited that U.S. sanctions were “depriving the Iranian and Syrian people of [the] COVID-19 vaccine”. According to an Iranian readout, the Syrian official “appreciated Iran’s support for the people and government of Syria, and underlined the necessity of the two countries’ cooperation”. Zarif also met President Bashar al-Assad and noted the “role that can be played… by pioneering countries behind the Axis of Resistance” in supporting the Palestinian cause, and updated Assad regarding “the latest developments in the Vienna nuclear talks… as well as the regional movements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in relations with other countries in the region”.

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  • 12 May 2021

    Amid violence in Israel and Gaza, the IRGC issued a statement calling the U.S. “guarantors of the Zionist regime’s atrocities and deplorable crimes”, and pledged that “it continues to support and accompany [the Palestinians] with greater intelligence and power than ever before”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke with the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) expressing Iran’s “preparedness to support the Palestinian people and resistance”. In related remarks a day earlier, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei condemned what he described as “malicious behaviour” by Israel and opined that “only can only talk with the language of strength with these criminals. [The Palestinians] must increase their strength, stand strong and confront them”.

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  • 12 May 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “We have had connections with Saudi Arabia, and we hope these contacts would yield results through later cooperation… for the sake of regional peace and security, particularly Yemen, which is suffering huge humanitarian catastrophe”. The following day, President Rouhani told the Qatari Emir that “there is no military solution to the crisis in Yemen”, emphasised “the need for cooperation and efforts to resolve the crisis in the country” and voiced “hope that UN-led peaceful motives for peace in Yemen would yield desired results”.

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  • 12 May 2021

    The IRGC seized an arms shipment in western Iran that it claimed “were planned to be transported to the central regions inside the country in order to be used in terrorist attacks in the run-up to the June presidential elections”. The same day, the IRGC reported killing seven “anti-revolution terrorists who had infiltrated into the country from Turkey”; two IRGC members also died in the clash.

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  • 11 May 2021

    The IAEA reported that “according to Iran, fluctuations of the enrichment levels… were experienced” at Natanz, adding: “The Agency’s analysis of the ES [environmental samples] taken on 22 April 2021 shows an enrichment level of up to 63 per cent U-235, which is consistent with the fluctuations of the enrichment levels [described by Iran]”.

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  • 10 May 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson confirmed that Iran-Saudi “talks focused on both bilateral and regional issues”, adding: “It is definitely in the interest of both countries and the region to de-escalate tensions. We hope to reach a meaningful understanding of bilateral relations and regional developments by changing the atmosphere… We will do our best in this regard”. He also “welcome[d] any initiative to finally resolve the Yemeni crisis”. The following day, a government spokesperson indicated that “in order to resolve the issues and misunderstandings around the crisis of Yemen and Syria, two rounds of negotiations have been held… at the level of special representatives”.

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  • 10 May 2021

    Iran’s foreign ministry summoned the Iraqi ambassador and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke to his Iraqi counterpart after an attack against the Iranian consulate in Karbala. A spokesperson said that “Iran strongly condemns the attack on its diplomatic missions in Iraq and… hopes that the Iraqi government will fulfill its obligations to protect and safeguard Iran’s diplomatic missions”.

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  • 10 May 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “the Vienna talks have entered the drafting phase about the nuclear issue and the lifting of sanctions… The U.S. has accepted much of what it must do and what we consider necessary and binding”. He further commented on the 5 May G-7 statement and underlined Iran’s “definite sanctity for the production, stockpiling and use of any weapon of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons”, adding: “The missiles of Iran and the Iranian defence program are part of the country’s defence system, and there is really no violation of Resolution 2231 in the Iranian missile program”.

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  • 10 May 2021

    The Pentagon announced that “thirteen ‘fast boats’ with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy precariously approached U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels that were operating in the Strait of Hormuz. After those ships failed to heed warnings to move away to a safe distance, the U.S. fired warning shots”. A spokesperson asserted that “harassment by the IRGC Navy is not a new phenomenon… this kind of activity is the kind of activity that could lead to somebody getting hurt, and could lead to a real miscalculation in the region, and that doesn’t serve anybody’s interests”. The IRGC Navy asserted that the U.S. was “making false and unrealistic allegations”, and contended that the “Americans must strictly abide by international regulations and the laws of navigation”. The IRGC statement further characterised “the illegal, unprofessional and high-risk behavior of foreign forces, especially the U.S. Navy Fleet, which poses a threat to the maritime security of this sensitive area, as their red line”.

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  • 8 May 2021

    The U.S. Navy announced that it had “seized an illicit shipment of weapons from a stateless dhow in international water of the North Arabian Sea”. The contents “included dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launches”. Media reports citing an unnamed U.S. defence official indicated that “the Navy’s initial investigation found the vessel came from Iran”, and purportedly intended for Yemen. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denied the claim and asserted that “Iran has only a diplomatic presence in Yemen”.

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  • 7 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna indicated that the U.S. side “announced their readiness to lift a big part of their sanctions. Of course, in our opinion, it is not complete yet, and that is why the negotiations will continue until all our demands are met”. “If our demands are met”, he added, “Iran is also quite serious about returning to the full JCPOA implementation”. The official also maintained that “we are trying to reach a final conclusion as soon as possible with regards to JCPOA but we will not rush unnecessarily, we will not rush to reduce the accuracy, and we will not allow the negotiations to be protracted, so that we will do our job and responsibility carefully”.

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  • 7 May 2021

    Marking Quds Day, Supreme Leader Khamenei contended that “Israel is not a country, rather it is a terrorist camp against the Palestinian nation and other Muslim nations. Fighting against this despotic regime is fighting against oppression and terrorism. And this is a collective responsibility”. Referring to the Abraham Accord normalising relations between Israel and some Gulf Arab states, Khamenei asserted that “these attempts will not get them anywhere. The downward movement of the Zionist enemy has started and it will not stop moving downward”.

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  • 7 May 2021

    A senior Saudi official confirmed discussions with Tehran, which he indicated “aim to explore ways to reduce tensions in the region”. “We hope they prove successful, but it is too early, and premature, to reach any definitive conclusions. Our evaluation will be based on verifiable deeds, and not proclamations”, he added. In related comments the previous day, a senior U.S. official alluded to “great discussions between Iran and some of their neighbours, and that’s something that the U.S., of course, welcomes”. The official also posited that “there needs to be those discussions… in terms of de-escalating the situation in the region and enhancing regional security, which does mean seeing changes in Iranian policy”.

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  • 6 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna conferred with IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi on “the latest developments on JCPOA revival talks and the role of the IAEA as well as mutually interested issues between Iran and the Agency”. The following day, the Iranian diplomat was cited as saying that “Iran hopes enough progress will be made [in the Vienna talks] so that there will be no need for an extension” of the 21 February technical agreement between Iran and the IAEA. “If needed”, he added, “Iran will consider an extension at a proper time”.

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  • 5 May 2021

    Iraqi President Barham Salih confirmed that Baghdad had hosted talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia “more than once”. “It is ongoing, and it is important and it is significant, and for Iraq to be able to play that convening role between these regional actors is important”, he added.

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  • 5 May 2021

    President Hassan Rouhani opined that “the sanctions have broken and they will be lifted soon if we are all united”. In related comments, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson acknowledged that “there are many differences between Iran and the U.S. in Vienna, and some U.S. positions in Vienna have not been acceptable”.

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  • 3 May 2021

    Asked about reports of talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken posited that “if they’re talking, I think that’s generally a good thing… Does it lead to results? That’s another question. But talking, trying to take down tensions, trying to see if there’s a modus vivendi, trying to get countries to take actions on things they’re doing that you don’t like – that’s good, that’s positive”. “We have… when we’re acting at our best, a greater ability than any other country to mobilise others in positive, collective action”, Blinken added. “But if countries are talking directly together without us in the middle, that’s maybe even better”.

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  • 1 May 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator at JCPOA talks in Vienna remarked that the “the discussions have reached maturity, both on the issues that are contentious and the issues over which there is agreement”. “In some areas, we have entered the drafting stage and this is where the work happens very slowly”, he added, while noting: “Sanctions … on Iran’s energy sector, which include oil and gas, or those on the automotive industry, financial, banking and port sanctions, all should be lifted based on agreements reached so far”.

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  • 1 May 2021

    IRGC intelligence reported dismantling “Descent of Iran”, an opposition group that it claimed aimed to “overthrow the Islamic Republic by spreading false news and despair among the people”. The statement added that “monarchists were the group’s prominent supporters, relying on Western and Saudi governments to carry out their plans in Iran”.

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  • 30 April 2021

    Meeting with the Kuwaiti prime minister after visits to Qatar, Iraq and Oman, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “his tour of the region at a time when Vienna negotiations are underway indicates Iran’s special attention to regional issues and relations with neighbouring countries”. He also called for efforts to “further promote multilateral cooperation among regional countries”. “It is necessary that regional states rely on their own potential to secure constructive cooperation that would lead to further stability”, Zarif told his Kuwaiti counterpart.

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  • 29 April 2021

    An Iranian official reported the arrest of ten “terrorists affiliated to foreign spy services” in southern Iran, claiming that “the terrorists were attempting to carry out acts of terror and harassment, [and] create insecurity through violent measure”.

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  • 27 April 2021

    Iran’s government spokesperson reiterated that “we want the release of all those held unjustly in U.S. jails over sanctions. Iran is pursuing this due to humanitarian and moral considerations…but this will depend on action by the American side”. He also noted that “announcing the names of prisoners may be detrimental to them. We will announce details after efforts are finalised”.

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  • 27 April 2021

    Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna asserted that “the U.S. must first lift all sanctions, and Iran will return to its obligations only after verifying the lifting of U.S. sanctions”. He further noted “good progress” in the talks, adding: “we have lots of challenges ahead of us, important challenges that we have to address… As soon as we see that the other side is not serious and tries to waste the time for other purposes, we will certainly stop negotiations”.

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  • 27 April 2021

    Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman remarked that “all what we ask for is to have a good and distinguished relationship with Iran… we want it [ie, Iran] to prosper and grow as we have Saudi interests in Iran, and they have Iranian interests in Saudi Arabia, which is to drive prosperity and growth”. He added: “The problem that we have lies with certain negative behaviours they have, whether in terms of their nuclear program, their support of illegal militias… or their ballistic missile program. We are working now with out partners in the region and the world to find solutions for these problems”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently noted that “with constructive views and a dialogue-oriented approach, Iran and Saudi Arabia… can enter a new chapter of interaction and cooperation to achieve peace, stability and regional development by overcoming differences”.

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  • 26 April 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with his Iraqi counterpart and thanked Baghdad “for its efforts to establish dialogue in the region”, adding: “we hope that these efforts will lead to more serious dialogues in the region”. Zarif went on to say: “All of us will always be together in this region and we must build our relations based on friendship, brotherhood and good neighbourliness, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs, and this is the policy of the Islamic Republic in this region”. Zarif also met with President Barham Salih, who noted that “there should be a joint coordination and collaboration, where there could be further dialogue to bridge the difference and to put an end to the conflicts and disputes” in the region. The following day, Zarif visited Erbil and met with senior Kurdistan Regional Government officials. According to an Iranian media reports, Zarif and the KRG prime minister underlined “the need for spread of stability and calm in Iraq as well as not-allowing anti-Iranian measures in [the] Iraqi Kurdistan region”.

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  • 25 April 2021

    Meeting with his Qatari counterpart, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif highlighted that “Iran’s approach is to further boost its relations with the regional countries”, and, per a readout from Iran’s foreign ministry, hailed “regional dialogue to help establish stability in the region, describing it as an absolute necessity”.

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  • 23 April 2021

    Iran’s foreign ministry “denied the remarks recently made by [senior IRGC official] Rostam Qassemi… regarding Iran’s military assistance and the presence of Iranian military advisors in Yemen”, adding that Qassemi’s remarks “are contrary to the reality and policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Yemen”. The ministry further underscored that “Iran’s support for Yemen is of [a] political type, and the Islamic Republic backs the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis”.

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  • 22 April 2021

    The IAEA confirmed “that Iran had changed the mode by which it was producing UF6 enriched up to 60 per cent U-235 at [the Natanz Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant].

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  • 21 April 2021

    The IAEA verified that at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), Iran had installed “six cascades of up to 1,044 IR-2m centrifuges; and two cascades of up to 348 IR-4 centrifuges… of which a number were being used”. According to the agency, Iran intended to install four more IR-4 cascades at the facility.

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  • 21 April 2021

    The IRGC reported skirmishes “with a team of terrorists affiliated with anti-Revolution armed groups” in western Iran. According to the statement, “two terrorist elements were killed, a few of them were wounded… Two IRGC servicemen were also martyred”.

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  • 20 April 2021

    The JCPOA Joint Commission’s convened in Vienna, where, according to a chair’s statement, “participants took stock of progress made in the ongoing discussions in Vienna regarding specific measures needed in terms of sanctions lifting and nuclear implementation for the possible return of the U.S. to the JCPOA and its full and effective implementation”. “The Joint Commission decided to create a third expert group to start looking into the possible sequencing of respective measures”, the statement added.

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  • 20 April 2021

    Iran’s negotiator at JCPOA talks in Vienna maintained that “Iran is only talking about the final step in lifting the oppressive sanctions against the Iranian nation, and rumors such as step-by-step plans or an interim agreement are baseless”. Relatedly, President Rouhani suggested that “talks have progressed about 60, 70 per cent” while an Iranian government spokesperson posited that “the U.S. administration can return, in a short time, to the JCPOA obligations… we can quickly verify [the process] and… will swiftly return to our commitments”. The same day, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson opined that “there has been some progress, but there remains a long road ahead”, while emphasising: “Our goal is to have Iran back into compliance, and what that means is to have Iran once again subject to the most stringent verification and monitoring regime ever negotiated”. He further underscored that “we do remain from there focused on lengthening and strengthening the provisions of that deal, and from there, working on addressing other areas of malign Iranian behaviour”. “We think we have a good deal of partnership and seek to leverage cooperation with our allies and partners, including our partners in the region”, he added.

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  • 19 April 2021

    Commenting on media reports of Iran-Saudi talks in Baghdad, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson noted “conflicting quotes”, adding: “Iran has always welcomed dialogue with the Saudi kingdom and considered it in the interest of the peoples of the two countries as well as regional peace and stability. [Iran] will continue to think this way”.

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  • 19 April 2021

    The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that the agency “and Iran began… to engage in a focused process aimed at clarifying outstanding safeguards issues” in Vienna.

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  • 16 April 2021

    Iran announced that it had started producing 60 per cent enriched uranium at the Natanz Enrichment Facility, in parallel to continued enrichment at 20 per cent. A senior Iranian official asserted that “Iranian [nuclear] progress will not be stopped through the assassination of nuclear scientists and damaging nuclear facilities”. The following day, the IAEA confirmed “production of UF6 enriched up to 60 per cent… at the [above-ground] Natanz Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant”.

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  • 15 April 2021

    A military advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader affirmed that “Iran’s missile power is a red line and cannot be negotiated”, while noting: “Increasing the range of Iranian missiles is related to threats, and we increase the range of our missiles according to the types of threats we face”.

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  • 15 April 2021

    President Rouhani asserted that “after the full implementation of the commitments by the U.S., we will return to our [JCPOA] commitments after the verification [of U.S. actions], which will not take long”. He further insisted that “concerns about Iran’s 60 per cent enrichment… paving the way for the production of bombs is completely wrong”, adding: “We can enrich 90 per cent today, but we stand by our word and we are not looking for an atomic bomb”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat underscored that Iran’s objective at the Vienna talks was “not negotiations for negotiation’s sake… if the talks take up the expected constructive path, they will naturally continue”.

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  • 14 April 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reaffirmed that “sanctions must be removed first. Once we are certain that has been done, we will carry out our commitments. He further asserted that nuclear talks “should not reach a point where the other signatories wish to keep drawing it out, because that would be detrimental to the country”. The same day, referring to the 11 April Natanz sabotage incident, President Rouhani maintained: “you want us to attend the negotiations with empty hands, but we attend the negotiations with full hands… we do 60 per cent enrichment, but at the same time, our activities will be only and definitely peaceful and will continue to be under the supervision of the IAEA”. “We are not in a hurry for negotiations and this depends on the other side”, he added. “As soon as the other side returns to its obligations, we will return to ours as well, provided that we see in practice that the fulfilment of these obligations is real… Verifying this will not take much time”.

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  • 13 April 2021

    Meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, President Rouhani was quoted as contending that “allowing the Israeli regime a foothold in the Persian Gulf region is ‘dangerous’, given the fact that the regime is a ‘destabilising and provocative’ element”. In a separate conversation with the Qatari Emir, President Rouhani underlined “the need to resolve regional issues and crises, including the Yemeni crisis, through dialogue and negotiation”, adding: “the only successful way to ensure security, peace and stability in the region is resolving issues peacefully, responsibility and taking into account the collective interests, and we believe that militarism cannot resolve regional issues”.

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  • 13 April 2021

    Foreign minister Javad Zarif remarked that “it is… necessary for the U.S. to return to its commitments without any delay and to lift all sanctions, and Iran will take action after the verification as well”, adding: “The Americans should know that neither sanctions nor sabotage will give them the means to negotiate. These measures will only make the situation more difficult for them”. Referring to the 11 April sabotage incident at Natanz enrichment facility, Zarif contended that “if the Zionists [ie, Israelis] think they can prevent the lifting of sanctions against the Iranian people, they are wrong. Iran will be stronger both in terms of negotiations and nuclear issues after this incident”.

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  • 13 April 2021

    Iran announced its intent “to start 60 per cent uranium enrichment” at Natanz. A senior Iranian diplomat declared that “not only will Iran soon replace the centrifuges that were damaged in the [11 April] act of sabotage at Natanz, but will also install an additional 1,000 centrifuges of a 50-per cent higher enrichment capacity at the facility”. Iran’s IAEA envoy indicated that “enriching UF6 up to 60 per cent will be done in two cascades of IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges in Natanz. Modification of the process just started and we expect to accumulate the product next week”. “This will improve significantly both the quality and quantity of radiopharmaceutical products”, he added. The following day, the IAEA confirmed that “Iran had almost completed preparations to start producing UF6 enriched up to 60 per cent U-235”. A White House spokesperson noted that “we are certainly concerned about these provocative announcements. But our goal remains seeing through a diplomatic process… in Vienna”. France, Germany and the UK jointly expressed “grave concern” over Iran’s decision, maintaining that “the production of highly enriched uranium constitutes an important step in the production of a nuclear weapon. Iran has no credible civilian need for enrichment at this level”. “In light of recent developments, we reject all escalatory measures by any actor and call upon Iran not to further complicate the diplomatic process”, the E3 added.

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  • 12 April 2021

    Iraq’s National Security Advisor met with senior Iranian officials in Tehran. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “foreign forces must leave the region” while affirming Iranian’s support for Iraq’s “independence, security, territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Iraq”. In a separate meeting, Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami asserted that “the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq within the framework of the wise legislation approved by this country’s parliament will help the establishment and improvement of security and stability in Iraq and the region”.

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  • 11 April 2021

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) confirmed an “incident… in a part of the electricity distribution network of the Natanz Enrichment Facility”, which the head of AEOI described as “nuclear terrorism”. The following day, he indicated that “a number of [centrifuge] machines went off-grid… and a number of others need to be re-examined. The ones that have been damaged will be replaced”. Iran’s foreign ministry linked the incident to Israel and warned that “Iran’s response will be taking revenge… in due time and place”. Writing to the UN Secretary-General, Foreign Minister Zarif characterised the action as “reckless criminal nuclear terrorism”, noting also that “Iran is refraining from any final judgment as to the culprit while a thorough investigation over the sabotage and its perpetrators is underway”. Zarif went on to assert that “if the U.S. wants to avert the drastic consequences of foolish gambles by its terrorist stooges, it must cease to consider unlawful measures… as negotiating leverage and remove all sanctions imposed, re-imposed or relabeled since the adoption of the JCPOA”. A White House spokesperson remarked that “the U.S. was not involved in any manner” in the incident, while media reports citing unnamed “intelligence officials” indicated that Israeli intelligence was behind the incident.

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  • 10 April 2021

    Marking National Nuclear Technology Day, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) unveiled “133 new nuclear achievements”. It also started “injecting gas to a new generation of centrifuges at Natanz enrichment facility… [and] began the mechanical testing of IR-9 centrifuges and launched an assembly line for its new generation of centrifuges”. An AEOI spokesperson asserted that “we are moving forward in the nuclear field, and if nothing happens in the field of lifting sanctions, we will make great technical progress, and our situation will be better as time goes on”. President Rouhani maintained that “all Iran’s nuclear activities are peaceful and civilian”, adding: “As the [Supreme] Leader has stated on several occasions… it is forbidden to pursue a weapon that can be a great danger to a large society”.

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  • 10 April 2021

    A senior Iranian diplomat asserted that “we want a complete lifting of sanctions imposed against the country and this includes sanctions which have been imposed on Iran during former U.S. President Trump’s administration as well as all JCPOA-related sanctions”. He further underlined that “we do not believe in ‘step-by-step’ or ‘stage-by-stage’ lifting of sanctions”, emphasising: “Iran should see the effects of these sanctions lifting in practice”.

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  • 9 April 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif laid out what he characterised as a “logical path to full JCPOA compliance: The U.S., which caused this crisis, should return to full compliance first; Iran will reciprocate following rapid verification”. He further contended that “all Trump sanctions were anti-JCPOA and must be removed without distinction between arbitrary designations”. Relatedly, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “verification means selling oil in an official manner, with ease and under normal conditions, and its money be received by Iran”. The same day, a senior Iranian diplomat indicated that Iran’s continued engagement in JCPOA talks “depends on the political will and seriousness of the other parties, otherwise there will be no reason to continue negotiations”.

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  • 9 April 2021

    Iran’s foreign ministry confirmed the release of a South Korean oil tanker seized by the IRGC in January, purportedly “due to the violation of environmental rules”. “Following the completion of the investigation into the violation of the Korean ship and at the request of the owner and the Korean government for the release, the prosecutor ordered the release of the ship”, the spokesperson noted.

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  • 9 April 2021

    The IAEA reported that “at the Fuel Plate Fabrication Plant at Esfahan… Iran had dissolved six unirradiated scrap fuel plates for the TRR (Tehran Research Reactor) containing 0.43 kg of uranium enriched up to 20 per cent U-235”.“A uranyl nitrate solution was extracted and converted into ammonium uranyl carbonate”, the report added.

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  • 8 April 2021

    President Rouhani reiterated that “the U.S. must return to the JCPOA, first, by lifting the sanctions and adopting practical arrangements… The Islamic Republic of Iran will but respond to U.S. action by positive action”.

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  • 8 April 2021

    IAEA General Director Rafael Grossi met with a senior Iranian diplomat and described a “thorough exchange… on current [JCPOA] consultations and ongoing bilateral activities in Iran”. “The IAEA will continue its professional technical verification and monitoring in Iran, in support of the JCPOA and other matters”, Grossi noted. The Iranian official emphasised that the Agency’s concerns over Iran’s safeguard obligations “can be resolved in a constructive interaction if there is goodwill”.

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  • 7 April 2021

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry confirmed that an Iranian ship, the Saviz, was hit the day before by an explosion in the Red Sea, causing “minor damage with no casualties”. “The Saviz civilian ship was stationed… to provide maritime security along the shipping lanes and to fight pirates”, the ministry added, placing the incident near the Djibouti coast. Washington denied involvement in the incident, while media reports citing a U.S. official indicated that “the Israelis had notified the U.S. that its forces had struck the vessel… [in] retaliation for earlier Iranian strikes on Israeli vessels”.

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  • 7 April 2021

    The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) announced that “55kg of 20 per cent enriched uranium has been produced so far and with this speed, we can reach the determined aim [ie, 120kg per year required by a December 2020 law] in less than eight months”.

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  • 6 April 2021

    After a Joint Commission meeting in Vienna, EU High Representative Enrique Mora indicated that “there’s unity and ambition for a joint diplomatic process with two expert groups on nuclear implementation and sanctions lifting”. “As [JCPOA] Coordinator I will intensify separate contacts… with all relevant parties, including [the] U.S.”, Mora added. Iran’s deputy foreign minister called the discussions “constructive”, while a government spokesperson remarked that “we are not optimistic or pessimistic… but we are confident that we are on the right track. If the will, seriousness and sincerity of the U.S. is proven, it could be a good sign for a better future for this agreement and its final implementation in the coming weeks”. The U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, asserted that the proceedings would “involve discussions about identifying the steps that the U.S. has to take and identifying the steps that Iran is going to have to take… because they’ve been increasingly in noncompliance with their nuclear commitments”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “we do see this as a necessary but insufficient step, albeit an important early one, to seek to return to compliance with the JCPOA, consistent with Iran also doing so”.

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  • 5 April 2021

    A senior Iranian intelligence official reported the arrest of “an Israeli spy and several others affiliated with the espionage services of other countries” in north-western Iran.

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  • 4 April 2021

    A senior Iranian diplomat reaffirmed that “we will not have any talks with the Americans in Vienna, either directly or indirectly. We will negotiate with the Joint Commission and the P4+1 countries”. “Our demand… is that the U.S. first fulfill all its JCPOA obligations and lift all sanctions, and then we will return after verify [the U.S. moves]”, he remarked, adding: “Our talks with the P4+1 in Vienna are technical and will cover the sanctions that need to be lifted and what needs to be done by the Americans in this regard… We do not accept any step-by-step plans”. Relatedly, a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we’re going to talk about nuclear steps that Iran would need to take in order to return to compliance with the terms of the JCPOA and, we won’t preview any specific sanctions, but we’ll definitely say that sanction relief steps that the U.S. would need to take in order to return to that compliance as well, we’ll [sic] be up for discussion”. The comment followed remarks by U.S. Special Envoy Robert Malley, who acknowledged that Washington would “have to remove those sanctions that are inconsistent with the deal, if Iran is prepared to… reverse the steps that it is taking in violation of its nuclear commitments”.

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  • 4 April 2021

    Saudi Foreign Minister Prince bin Farhan indicated that “we are confident the international community will work hard to ensure that the deficiencies in the [JCPOA] are eventually addressed and they will also address the regional instability that is caused by Iran’s activities”. He also expressed readiness for dialogue “if Iran changes its behaviour”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently contended that “it is deplorable that Riyadh’s view is still focused on the capitals outside the region… We advise Saudi Arabia to join the course of intra-regional negotiations and distance itself from the path of rebellion”.

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  • 2 April 2021

    The P4+1 and Iran convened for a meeting of the JCPOA’s Joint Commission. According to the chair’s statement, “participants recognised the prospect of a full return of the U.S. to the JCPOA, and underlined their readiness to positively address this in a joint effort”; they also “discussed modalities to ensure the return to its full and effective implementation”. The statement added that all sides decided “to resume this session of the Joint Commission in Vienna next week, in order to clearly identify sanctions lifting and nuclear implementation measures, including through convening meetings of the relevant expert groups… the coordinator will also intensify separate contacts in Vienna with all JCPOA participants and the U.S.”. A senior Iranian diplomat asserted that “the Iranian delegation will not have any negotiations with the American delegation at any level… However, if other signatories to the deal seek bilateral or multilateral consultations with the U.S., whether in Vienna or elsewhere, it is up to them”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we don’t anticipate an immediate breakthrough as there will be difficult discussions ahead. But we believe this is a healthy step forward”. “We do not anticipate presently that there will be direct talks between the U.S. and Iran through this process, though the U.S. remains open to them”, he added.

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  • 31 March 2021

    President Rouhani contended that “if there is a serious resolve, the U.S. can return to all its [JCPOA] obligations in a single day, and we can also return to all our commitments”. He further noted that the U.S. “has said things, but in practice, we have not seen anything happen. Sanctions and pressure are still in place”. The same day, an unnamed U.S. official indicated that Iran “may be… not interested in [discussing] initial steps but in a road map for return to full compliance”. “If that’s what Iran wants to talk about, we are happy to talk about it”, he added. “If Iran is serious about wanting to come back to the JCPOA and see us back in the JCPOA”, another U.S. official said, “there are two options that ought to be ruled out: that Iran does everything first, then the U.S. lifts sanctions; and that the U.S. does everything first, then Iran [reverses the breaches of its JCPOA commitments]… in between, there could be pragmatic sequencing”. The official went on to highlight that “we could go at a good pace. It could go faster if we sit down with them, and have significantly more effective discussions”.

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  • 31 March 2021

    The IAEA confirmed that “Iran had begun feeding natural UF6 into a fourth cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges” in Natanz, noting: “as of 31 March 2021, the Agency verified that Iran was using 5,060 IR-1 centrifuges installed in 30 cascades, 696 IR-2m centrifuges installed in four cascades and 174 IR-4 centrifuges installed in one cascade to enrich natural UF6 up to 5 per cent U-235 at FEP”.

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  • 29 March 2021

    After media reports citing unnamed U.S. officials indicated that Washington had plans to offer “a new proposal to jump-start the [nuclear] talks”, Iran’s permanent mission to the UN maintained that Tehran “is in touch with the remaining participants in the JCPOA. No proposal is needed for the U.S. to rejoin the JCPOA. It only requires a political decision by the U.S. to fully and immediately implement all of its obligations under the accord and abide by UNSCR 2231”. Relatedly, an anonymous Iranian official asserted that “20 per cent uranium enrichment… will be stopped only if the U.S. lifts all the sanctions”, adding: “The Biden administration is losing time, and if it fails to lift the sanctions soon, Iran will take the next steps, which will be further reduction of its JCPOA commitments”. A White House spokesperson subsequently indicated that “we remain ready to re-engage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA commitments. And that offer to discuss and engage is on the table”. 

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  • 27 March 2021

    Meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif underscored “the need for the U.S. to implement all its commitments under the JCPOA”, asserting that “the removal of anti-Iran sanctions can pave the way for full implementation of the nuclear deal”. In a separate meeting, President Rouhani maintained: “cooperation to implement the JCPOA and act on commitments by European countries are very important and can change the current situation”. In turn, the Chinese diplomat asserted that “maximum pressure is an illegal and inhumane act” and contended that “the JCPOA should be acted upon precisely by all countries involved”.

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  • 25 March 2021

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry released a fact sheet on JCPOA implementation, concluding that “the ball is firmly in the U.S. court. If it claims interest in the JCPOA, it must abandon its unlawful violations and verifiably remove all sanctions imposed, re-imposed and re-labeled since 20 January 2017”. It further underscored that “Iran will stop all of its remedial measures upon verification of a U.S. return to compliance”.

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  • 24 March 2021

    Citing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Rouhani addressed JCPOA signatories and said: “‘If you practically and seriously return to your commitments, we will return to our obligations as well’, without carving out a single exception”. Rouhani added: “Presently, we do not intend to raise the issue of damages… That issue will be dealt with later by Iranian officials”.

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  • 24 March 2021

    Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and EU High Representative Josep Borrell issued a joint statement, characterising the JCPOA as “a key achievement of multilateral diplomacy despite existing difficulties”. Blinken and Borrell “shared concerns about Iran’s continued departure from its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA and underlined their full support for the work of the IAEA to independently monitor Iran’s nuclear commitments”, and Blinken reiterated “the U.S. readiness to reengage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA”. The statement further noted “support for the ongoing diplomatic efforts, and the contacts of the High Representative as JCPOA Coordinator with all relevant partners, to ensure full implementation of the JCPOA nuclear and sanctions lifting commitments. The U.S. expressed readiness to engage in result-oriented discussions to that end”.

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  • 23 March 2021

    Marking the sixth anniversary of the Yemen war, Iran’s Foreign Ministry reiterated that “the Yemen crisis has no military solution… Iran supports any peace plan focused on ending the aggression, declaring a nationwide ceasefire, ending the occupation, lifting the economic siege, starting the political dialogue and finally letting Yemenis take the helm of shaping their political future free from any foreign interference”. The following day, Iran’s ambassador to Sanaa contended that “the [22 March] Saudi initiative for Yemen is a project of permanent war; it will keep up occupation and war crimes there, and will not put an end to the war”.

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  • 23 March 2021

    Discussing the presence of uranium traces at undeclared locations in Iran, IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi said: “We need to know what was going on there, we need to know exactly what kind of activities were taking place there, and we need to know if there was material, where is this material now?”. He further maintained that “my obligation is to make sure that everything is duly accounted for, otherwise we may repeat past experiences where the IAEA was accounting for things in other places forbidden or undeclared activities were ongoing so it is an urgent matter. It is something that requires clarification, because, without that, the shadow of the cloud will be looming large over anything we do with Iran”. Iran’s IAEA representative asserted that Grossi’s remarks “only further undermine the IAEA’s credibility with Iran and create serious obstacle ahead of success of any of IAEA Director-General’s subsequent initiatives”. The “JCPOA faces many problems and complexities and there is no need to complicate it with such strange positions”, he added.

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  • 21 March 2021

    The IRGC reported a “terrorist attack” in south-eastern Iran, killing one and injuring three.

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  • 21 March 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reaffirmed that “Americans should lift all sanctions. Then, we will verify that they have been lifted. If the sanctions have truly been lifted, we will return to our JCPOA commitments. This is our definite policy”. He further argued that “Iran has become much stronger now in comparison with 2016. It has been able to stand on its own feet and find confidence in itself… if the JCPOA is to change, it should change to the advantage of Iran, not them”.

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  • 20 March 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “until now, Iran hasn’t received any message, either direct or indirect, from the new U.S. administration”. “Tehran is not planning to dispatch any messages to the U.S. either, especially given the fact that it was Washington that decided to leave [the JCPOA]”, he was cited as indicating. “The problem is that Washington is not willing to budge. Sanctions imposed by former U.S. President Donald Trump are still in place, Iranian diplomats in New York City remain restricted in their movements and the current administration has not taken any steps to punish those responsible for the murder of… Qassem Soleimani”.

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  • 19 March 2021

    After French President Emmanuel Macron said “Iran must make the expected gestures and behave in a responsible way” with regards to the JCPOA, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif countered that “the JCPOA is alive solely because of Iran’s responsible conduct. Instead of coordinating with the number one enemy of the JCPOA, the EU, E3 and the U.S. must act responsibly and comply with UNSCR 2231”.

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  • 17 March 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that “there is nothing to talk about [with the U.S.]. We have an agreement… they know exactly what it takes to go back to compliance, unless they are not serious about what they’re saying”. “They want to use pressure and coercion in order to extract new concessions from Iran”, Zarif argued, while asserting: “We are ready to agree to a choreography—that is, the U.S. taking steps. and as soon as we can confirm that those steps have been taken, we can take our steps. And the process of verification for Iran is very clear; the IAEA will verify that we have complied”. “If the U.S. were to pass the test of JCPOA, then Iran would consider other issues”, he added. Zarif also highlighted that “we are prepared for a universal exchange of all Iranian prisoners, Iranian-Americans and other Iranians … and we will release people who are in here in prison charged with crimes”. The same day, while expecting “action” by the U.S., President Rouhani indicated that some inside Iran “seek to obstruct” the lifting of sanctions, contending that if they desist from doing so “the government knows how to end the sanctions”.

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  • 17 March 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “we are prepared to talk to our neighbours in the region. The UN can provide an umbrella under UNSC Resolution 598, which gives our neighbours in the southern Persian Gulf the assurance that there will be an international umbrella”. “Some of our neighbours in the Persian Gulf have always tried to buy security through proxies”, he argued. “Now they want Netanyahu to be their proxy… What Netanyahu will do is to bring the war to their territory”.

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  • 17 March 2021

    The IAEA confirmed that Iran had “begun feeding a newly-installed cascade of 174 IR-4 centrifuges” at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), with another cascade planned. 

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  • 17 March 2021

    The Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) denounced the 7 March drone attack on a Saudi port and missile strike on an Aramco facility in Dhahran. They also condemned “continuous attacks” by the Huthis, “affirming the GCC’s stand by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in taking all necessary and deterrent measures against these provocative acts”. The six Gulf countries urged “the international community to bear its responsibility toward these terrorist sabotage acts and the parties supporting them”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently contended that the “communique… lacks a realistic understating of surrounding developments and is in line with political pressure from the Saudi regime on the state members of the council”.

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  • 16 March 2021

    Iran’s defence minister maintained that “we should be prepared to defend our nation against all threats and whatever the enemy may one day use as an offensive tool, including chemical, nuclear and biological weapons”. “Our nation should know that it has a vigilant and smart relying point [ie, the Defence Ministry] against enemies, which has adopted all the necessary measures against all threats”, he added.

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  • 15 March 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reiterated that “if the U.S. returns to the implementation of JCPOA, immediately, we will be ready to return to full implementation of our commitments”, adding: “We don’t see any reason for talks; we can go immediately to implementation and then have talks”. He also contended that “there is a time constraint and that is once we go to our [June 2021 presidential] election, it is a lame duck government and will not be able to do anything serious… the U.S. [needs] to move fast and moving fast requires them not to be shy, but take measures that they need to take”.

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  • 15 March 2021

    The IRGC unveiled a “new missile city” housing “missile systems as well as cruise and ballistic missiles with various ranges”. According to Iranian media reports, “the new missiles and missile gear have advanced operational capabilities, such as accurate firing from underground launchers and civil defence sites”.

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  • 15 March 2021

    The U.S. National Intelligence Council declassified a report, “assess[ing] that Iran carried out a multi-pronged covert influence campaign intended to undercut former President Trump’s reelection prospects — though without directly promoting his rivals — undermine public confidence in the electoral process and U.S. institutions, and sow division and exacerbate societal tensions in the U.S.”. “We have high confidence in this assessment”, it added. “We assess that Supreme Leader Khamenei authorised the campaign and Iran’s military and intelligence services implemented it using overt and covert messaging and cyber operations”.

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  • 14 March 2021

    An unnamed senior U.S. official indicated that “we’re not talking about renegotiating the [nuclear] deal”, with Iran, adding: “We are talking about both sides returning into compliance… and only then engaging in follow-on negotiations on strengthening and lengthening the deal and addressing other concerns, knowing that Iran will bring its concerns to the table, too”.

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  • 14 March 2021

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the UN Secretary-General maintaining that “Iran has not been directly or indirectly involved in any armed attack against any U.S. individual or body in Iraq… we deny any claim about our implicit or explicit involvement in attacks against American forces in Iraq”. He also deplored “the U.S.’s unlawful attack on 25 February against Iraqi forces along the Syrian border”, warning: “Such attacks only exacerbate the already tense situation of the region, and in effect only serve the interests of terrorist groups in these countries”.

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  • 14 March 2021

    Asked about Israel’s involvement in a 12 March “terrorist attack” on an Iranian cargo vessel, Defence Minister Benny Gantz maintained that “I’m not saying anything about what we did or didn’t do. We have an obligation to be preemptive on all fronts… By land, they [ie, Iranians] are supporting militias in Iraq and Syria – and by air and sea, they are sending weapons to Lebanon”.  Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently contended that “given the geographical location of the attack it is possible that this terrorist act was carried out by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”. He further asserted that “Iran would consider all options when it finds out who has been involved in this operation, and will resort to them to protect its legitimate rights”.

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  • 14 March 2021

    IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi remarked that Iran’s uranium enrichment level “brings Iran closer to levels for which the development of military uses could not be excluded”. “It is clear that you need a very robust inspection presence, if you want to have credible assurances that there are no military deviations”, he added. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently called on the IAEA “to observe impartiality in commenting on technical issues about Iranian nuclear program to ensure cooperation with Iran”, underscoring: “Iran has provided required access under the IAEA Safeguards Agreement. We gave other accesses in the framework of Additional Protocol which was halted [for three months] with parliamentary legislation… opening a diplomatic window”.

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  • 12 March 2021

    An Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines spokesperson asserted that an Iranian cargo vessel bound for Europe, Shahr-e Kord, had on 10 March been “damaged in [a] terrorist attack in the international waters of the Mediterranean sea”. He further stated that “such terrorist acts amount to naval piracy, and are contrary to international law on commercial shipping security, and legal action will be taken to identify the perpetrators”. The announcement came one day after media reports citing U.S. officials suggested that since 2019 Israel had “targeted at least a dozen vessels bound for Syria and mostly carrying Iranian oil”. 

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  • 12 March 2021

    U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan remarked that “diplomacy with Iran is ongoing, just not in a direct fashion at the moment. There are communications through the Europeans and through others that enable us to explain to the Iranians what our position is, with respect to the compliance-for-compliance approach, and to hear what their position is”. “We’re waiting, at this point, to hear further from the Iranians how they would like to proceed”, he added. “This is not going to be easy, but we believe that we are in a diplomatic process now that we can move forward on, and ultimately secure our objective, which is to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and to do so through diplomacy”. The following day, Tehran confirmed that Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on 12 March wrote EU High Representative Josep Borrell “to elaborate on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s positions on developments related to the JCPOA”, adding: “This letter… contains no plans” and “makes it clear that the first step for the U.S. to fully comply with its commitments is to correct its mistakes with regards to breaching the JCPOA and imposing sanctions on Iran”.

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  • 11 March 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “The Yemenis [ie, the Huthis] have managed to create defensive weapons for themselves by benefiting from certain opportunities… the UN does not condemn the culprit for its six years of bombarding [Yemen], but it condemns the Yemenis because they occasionally defend themselves and because that defence has worked”.

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  • 10 March 2021

    President Rouhani remarked: “The U.S. should know that we are ready to implement the [nuclear] deal; we are ready to perform the JCPOA whole in exchange for whole, as we are also ready to perform part in exchange for part”. The same day, Rouhani spoke with the UK prime minister and maintained that the U.S. “did not withdraw from the deal with negotiation and their return does not require negotiation”. Too, the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) asserted that the “one who has left the JCPOA has to come back first… then we sit on the table within the framework of the 5+1 and talk whatever issues that are deemed to be talked about”. Relatedly, U.S. Special Representative for Iran Rob Malley indicated that “direct talks are more effective and less prone to misunderstanding, but for us the substance is more important than the format”. “Possible U.S. steps with regard to sanctions can be on the table but we need to get into a conversation with Iran, whether direct or indirect”, another senior U.S. official maintained, adding: “the president will not take unilateral steps when it comes to removing sanctions. Any substantial move by the U.S. will have to be part of a process in which both sides take actions”.

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  • 10 March 2021

    Asked about the partial release of Iranian funds blocked in South Korea, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken asserted that “unless and until Iran comes back into [JCPOA] compliance, they won’t be getting that relief”. He also underscored that “the ball is in their court to see if they’re serious about engaging or not”. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif riposted that “the U.S. claims it favors diplomacy; not Trump’s failed policy of ‘maximum pressure’. Yet Secretary Blinken boasts about blocking Korea from transferring our own money to the Swiss Channel—only used for food and medicine”. “Repeating the same policy won’t yield new results”, insisted Zarif. A U.S. official subsequently reiterated that Washington would “not offer any unilateral gestures or incentives to induce the Iranians to come to the table”, adding: “If the Iranians are under the impression that, absent any movement on their part to resume full compliance with the JCPOA, that we will offer favours or unilateral gestures… that’s a misimpression”.  

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  • 9 March 2021

    An Iranian government spokesperson indicated that “we are ready to exchange all inmates [with the U.S.]. Such a thing has not happened so far because the U.S. has not been prepared”. He went on to assert that “there are many Iranians across the world who have been jailed on the U.S.’s orders. Decisions and measures are being adopted in this regard… we can negotiate about all the inmates at once and solve the problem all at once”. 

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  • 8 March 2021

    The IAEA reported having verified that at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant, “Iran had begun feeding natural UF6 into the third cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges”. “The fourth cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges was installed but had yet to be fed with natural UF6; installation of a fifth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges was ongoing; and installation of a sixth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges had yet to begin”, the agency indicated.

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  • 7 March 2021

    Meeting Ireland’s foreign minister, President Rouhani maintained that “Iran is committed to the [nuclear] deal and its preservation, and is the only party that has paid for it, but this cannot continue this way, and full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by all members is essential for maintaining and reviving the JCPOA”. He further underlined that “Iran is ready to take immediate compensatory measures in accordance with the provisions of the JCPOA and fulfil its obligations after the lifting of illegal U.S. sanctions and their abandonment of the policy of intimidation and pressure”.

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  • 6 March 2021

    Speaking with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Kadhimi, President Rouhani asserted that “Iran’s [blocked] assets in Iraq should immediately be released”. He also contended that “the acceleration of implementing the Iraqi parliament’s resolution regarding expelling American troops from the country can help establish peace and stability in the country and the region”. “Regional issues and problems need to be resolved by regional countries themselves”, Rouhani emphasised, while voicing “Iran’s readiness for cooperation with regional countries… with the aim of preserving security and peace”.

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  • 6 March 2021

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the UN Secretary-General rejecting Israeli claims of Iranian responsibility for a 26 February explosion on an Israeli-owned vessel in the Gulf of Oman, maintaining that “the incident has all the characteristics of a complicated false flag operation”. He contended that Israel “threatens Iran on almost daily basis, desperately attempts, through accusing Iran as well as playing victim, to distract attentions away from all its destabilising acts and malign practices across the region”, and warned that Israel “will bear all consequences as a result of any possible miscalculation”.

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  • 4 March 2021

    President Rouhani insisted that “nothing will be added or removed from the JCPOA; it is a fixed text and we will not have a new negotiation within the framework of the JCPOA”. He went on to maintain that “those who want to solve issues through diplomacy should know that the way is to lift sanctions… If time is wasted and opportunity is missed, the U.S. will be directly responsible”.

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  • 4 March 2021

    Addressing the IAEA Board of Governors, France, Germany and the UK (E3) jointly stated that “we remain extremely concerned by Iran’s continued violations of its nuclear-related commitments in recent months”. “We considered tabling a resolution at this Board meeting”, they added. “We have decided to pause on this initiative for now, despite clear support within the IAEA Board of Governors, to allow time for the Director General to conduct the renewed effort… to break the deadlock and to clarify and resolve these issues without further delay”. The E3 further asserted that they would “reserve the right to call an extraordinary Board if there is not sufficient progress”, while urging “Iran to accept, without preconditions, the proposal by the Coordinator of the JCPOA for an informal meeting of the JCPOA participants and the U.S.”. Washington indicated it would “look forward with strong interest for Iran’s willingness to engage in a way that leads to… concrete progress on these issues”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that decision to refrain from a resolution “can maintain the path of diplomacy opened by Iran and the IAEA, and prepare the grounds for the full implementation of commitments by all parties to the JCPOA”. Relatedly, President Rouhani indicated that if U.S. “sanctions are lifted, relations with the [IAEA] will become warmer and its inspectors will be able to carry out their intended inspections within the framework of the law”.

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  • 2 March 2021

    The U.S. blacklisted two senior Huthi officials for having “used their positions… to procure weapons from Iran and to oversee attacks threatening civilians and maritime infrastructure”. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken contended that “Iran’s involvement in Yemen fans the flames of the conflict, threatening greater escalation, miscalculation and regional instability. Ansar Allah [ie, the Huthis] uses Iranian weapons, intelligence, training and support to conduct attacks threatening civilian targets and infrastructure in Yemen and Saudi Arabia”. Blinken went on to assert that “we will ensure Saudi Arabia and our regional partners have the tools they need to defend themselves, including against threats emanating from Yemen that are carried out with weapons and support from Iran. At the same time, the U.S. is working diligently at senior levels alongside the United Nations and others to bring an end to this conflict”.

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  • 2 March 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke with the UN Secretary-General regarding Yemen and expressed “Iran’s support for the UN’s moves to launch fair peace, calling for putting an end to the war, lifting the siege and providing humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people”. Zarif also underscored the importance of “holding inter-Yemeni talks and forming an inclusive government”.

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  • 2 March 2021

    Iranian state media reported that Jaish al-Adl had attacked an IRGC vehicle in south-western Iran, injuring one and leaving another IRGC member unaccounted for.

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  • 2 March 2021

    President Rouhani, speaking to his French counterpart, reiterated that Iran’s JCPOA breaches “can be returned immediately after the fulfilment of the obligations of the other parties”. He further warned that “any unconstructive action or position in the [IAEA] Board of Governors could lead to new challenges and complicate the current situation”. Rouhani also noted that U.S. “sanctions has made it more difficult for Iran to deal with this [COVID-19] disease and made it difficult for the Islamic Republic to access its financial resources, even for the supply of medicine and medical equipment”. According to an Iranian readout, the French president “stressed the need for the continuation of the talks in order for all parties to return to the full implementation of their commitments” and indicated: “Europe is ready to be more active in the coming weeks to revive the JCPOA”. Relatedly, an Iranian government spokesperson contended that “the U.S. has so far avoided taking the slightest step toward confidence-building… Iran is ready to hear any logical and honest suggestion for settling the differences, but it needs to see some action”.

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  • 1 March 2021

    Commenting on a 26 February explosion on an Israeli-owned vessel in the Gulf of Oman, Prime Minister Netanyahu contended that “this was indeed an operation by Iran”, while asserting: “Iran is Israel’s biggest enemy. I am determined to fend it off. We are striking at it all over the region”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denied any involvement in the incident, adding: “the security of the Persian Gulf is extremely important for Iran and we will not allow them to spread fear in the region by such accusations”. He further noted that Iran was “monitoring all the actions made by the [Israeli] regime in security zone of Iran in the past few months, and we will give a response where it happens”.

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  • 1 March 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, referring to reports of a potential IAEA resolution against Iran, indicated that “the Europeans [ie, the UK, France, and Germany] have begun a wrong move at the Board of Governors with the backing of the U.S. We believe such an action would upset the conditions”. “[We] already warned the Board of Governors about the consequences of confusing the status quo… We hope wisdom would prevail, otherwise, we would have [other] approaches”, Zarif added. The next day, an Iranian government spokesperson indicated that “reconsidering the [temporary] agreement with the IAEA” would be an option.

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  • 1 March 2021

    IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi briefed the Board of Governors on the agency’s latest quarterly report on Iran’s JCPOA compliance, elaborating on “a number of notable developments related to Iran’s program over the past few months”. On the IAEA’s 21 February technical agreement with Iran, Grossi indicated that “it is to enable the Agency to resume its full verification and monitoring of Iran’s nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA if and when Iran resumes its implementation of those commitments”. He also presented a report on Iran’s safeguard obligations, indicating that “the presence of multiple uranium particles of anthropogenic origin, including isotopically altered particles, at a location which was not declared by Iran, is a clear indication that nuclear material and/or equipment contaminated by nuclear material has been present at this location”. “After eighteen months, Iran has not provided the necessary, full and technically credible explanation”, Grossi added, while noting: “with regard to three other locations, none of which was declared to the Agency, Iran has not answered any of the Agency’s questions relating to the possible presence at these locations of nuclear material”.

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  • 28 February 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced that “this is not a good time for holding an unofficial meeting [between the U.S. and other JCPOA participants] on the accord as proposed by the EU foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell. There has been no change in the U.S.’s stances and behaviour, and the Biden administration has not only failed to abandon Trump’s failed policy of maximum pressure, but has also failed to declare its commitment to the implementation of all its obligations under the JCPOA and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231”. The White House stated that “while we are disappointed at Iran’s response, we remain ready to reengage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance with JCPOA commitments”.

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  • 27 February 2021

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein visited Tehran. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told his counterpart that Iran denounced “the U.S.’s dangerous move to attack Iraqi forces in [the] border areas of Iraq and Syria”. Zarif also characterised “recent attacks and events in Iraq” as “suspicious”, contending that “they could be aimed at disrupting Tehran-Baghdad relations as well as security and stability in Iraq”. According to an Iranian readout, the Iraqi minister “expressed Baghdad’s readiness to facilitate Tehran’s access to its financial assets” and “gave assurances that the Iraqi government will not allow the recent incidents in Iraq to affect the very good relations between the two sides”.

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  • 26 February 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell remarked that “I am convinced, as coordinator of the JCPOA, we do have a diplomatic space, a diplomatic window of opportunity for dialogue at this moment and to reinvigorate this deal according with the wish explained and expressed by the new Biden administration”. “We need to use this opportunity and focus on solutions to bring the JCPOA back on track, in order for everybody to fulfil their commitments”, he added. “This is an occasion that we cannot miss”.

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  • 24 February 2021

    Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence reported “the neutralisation of a terror operation and killing of two terrorists” in western Iran. The same day, Tehran’s police chief revealed the arrest of a “terrorist” who had been carrying “incendiary material including [a] suicide bomb”. According to the announcement, the suspect “had been recruited by the enemies for some time and he was planning to create insecurity and disturbance in one or two centres near Tehran”.

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  • 24 February 2021

    President Rouhani argued that “anything that calls into question the peaceful nature of our country’s [nuclear] activities is wrong and this is what the enemy wants… we pursue the peaceful nature of our activities based on the moral, religious duty and fatwas of the Supreme Leader, and also, according to the NPT, our activities should be peaceful”. Underscoring that “we firmly want the JCPOA to remain”, he further remarked that “the new U.S. administration is doing a good job, but… [we expect it] to stop the economic terrorist operations”. “When this happens, the path will be clear… and we will talk”, Rouhani added. “We talk in the JCPOA, not on the JCPOA”.

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  • 23 February 2021

    Twitter announced that “based on information provided to us by the FBI, we removed [in September 2020] approximately 130 accounts originating in Iran that were attempting to disrupt the public conversation during the first 2020 U.S. Presidential Debate… after the final investigation was complete, we have suspended a total of 238 accounts operating from Iran for various violations of our platform manipulation policies”. “The accounts had low engagement and did not make an impact on the public conversation”, the statement added. 

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  • 23 February 2021

    South Korea’s Foreign Ministry announced that “our government has been in talks with Iran about ways to use the frozen assets, and the Iran[ian] side has expressed its consent to the proposals we have made… The actual unfreezing of the assets will be carried out through consultations with related countries, including the U.S.”.

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  • 23 February 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif confirmed that Iran had suspended its voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol in accordance with the December 2020 “Strategic Action” Law. He also characterised the decision as “fully compatible with the JCPOA”, adding: “Understandings with IAEA Director General Grossi show our good faith. All remedial measures [are] reversible”. France, Germany and the UK jointly stated that “Iran’s actions are a further violation of its commitments under the JCPOA and significantly reduces safeguards oversight by the IAEA”. They further called on “Iran to stop and reverse all measures that reduce transparency and to ensure full and timely cooperation with the IAEA”, while reiterating: “Our objective remains to preserve the JCPOA and to support ongoing diplomatic efforts for a negotiated solution allowing for the return of Iran and the U.S. to full compliance”. Israeli Foreign Minister Gabby Ashkenazi contended that “Iran’s policy is a declaration of intent as to its desire to continue to secretly develop nuclear capabilities. Israel sees this step as a threat, and it must not go by without response”. 

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  • 23 February 2021

    Commenting on the IAEA’s 21 February technical agreement with Iran, Director General Raphael Grossi explained that “this is a system that allows us to continue to monitor and to register all the key activities that are taking place throughout this period [of three months] so that at the end of it we can recover all this information”. “Some say at the end of it, if Iran wants [to] and there is no agreement, they will destroy this information”, he remarked. “Yes, but if at the end of it there is no agreement everything is destroyed. There is no confidence anymore”. Grossi emphasised: “The situation would not, I repeat, would not be reversible or recoverable [without the agreement]. We would be basically flying blind”.

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  • 22 February 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned that “if Israel attacks Iran, this will amount to committing suicide”, while maintaining that “our goal in Syria is to combat terrorism, and Israel must realise that the policies of supporting terrorist groups will not go unanswered”. He further remarked that “the mistake of our neighbours is that they have allowed Israel to transfer the conflict to their lands, and it will rob them of security and will not defend them”.

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  • 22 February 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei emphasised that “what prevents the Islamic Republic from building nuclear weapons is Islamic principles and ideology because Islam forbids the building of any weapon – be that nuclear or chemical – which is used for the mass destruction of ordinary people”. He further argued that “the issue of building a nuclear weapon is merely an excuse [for the West]. They are even opposed to us having normal weapons because they wish to remove all elements of power from Iran”. Iran “will not back down on the nuclear issue, in the same way that it will not back down on other issues either”, Khamenei asserted, adding: “We are determined to develop our nuclear capabilities in line with the needs of the country. For this reason, Iran’s enrichment will not be limited to 20 per cent, and we will take whatever action is necessary for the country. For example, for developing nuclear propulsion and other activities, we may even increase enrichment to 60 per cent”. Asked about the comment on raising enrichment, a State Department spokesperson remarked: “this is what sounds like a threat. We are not going to respond in specific terms to hypotheticals”.

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  • 22 February 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell remarked that “we need to bring back full implementation of the JCPOA, both as regards nuclear commitments and when it comes to sanctions lifting. This is the only way forward, and is in the interest of global and regional security”. He further revealed that “intense diplomatic contacts are ongoing these days, including with the U.S”. The following day an Iranian government spokesperson indicated that “what we are reviewing is Europe’s proposal for holding an unofficial meeting for dialogue, not negotiation, between Iran and 4+1 and the U.S. as a guest”.

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  • 21 February 2021

    Following a visit to Tehran by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi ahead of an Iranian deadline for limiting agency access, the IAEA and Tehran agreed to “a temporary bilateral technical understanding, compatible with the [December 2020 Iranian “Strategic Action”] Law, whereby the IAEA will continue with its necessary verification and monitoring activities for up to three months”. The following day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson insisted that “no concessions were made to the U.S. during Mr Grossi’s visit, and all the agreements made are within the framework of the law”; parliament submitted a legal complaint to Iran’s judiciary calling the agreement “a clear violation of the law”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson subsequently hailed the IAEA’s “efforts to engage Iran on maintaining the necessary cooperation to verify Iran’s nuclear program”, while expressing concerns regarding Iran’s plan “to cease implementation of the Additional Protocol and other measures” as of 23 February.

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  • 21 February 2021

    U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan maintained that President “Biden is intent, determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon… hardheaded, clear-eyed diplomacy is the best way to do that. And so he’s prepared to go to the table to talk to the Iranians about how we get strict constraints back on their nuclear program”. “That offer still stands because we believe diplomacy is the best way to do it”, Sullivan added. “Iran has not yet responded. But what’s happened as a result is that the script has been flipped. It is Iran that is isolated now diplomatically, not the U.S.”. He further referred to Iran’s detention of U.S. citizens as an “utter outrage” and revealed that “we have begun to communicate with the Iranians on this issue”, adding: “We will not accept a long-term proposition where they continue to hold Americans in an unjust and unlawful manner”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently emphasised that “our policy is to secure freedom of our country’s prisoners in the U.S. and we are ready for this issue, but we have had no direct talks with the U.S.”.

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  • 18 February 2021

    A senior IRGC official asserted that “conventional defence weapons are our right and can absolutely not be negotiated, and this is what all agree on [inside the country]”.

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  • 18 February 2021

    The president of the European Council spoke with President Rouhani and voiced “concern over actions which constituted a departure from Iran’s commitments under the [nuclear] Agreement, including the announced decision to suspend the Additional Protocol”. He further maintained that “the EU will continue to deploy efforts to facilitate the full implementation of the JCPOA and the return of the U.S. to the Agreement”. In turn, President Rouhani suggested that “the EU foreign policy chief [ie, Josep Borrell], as coordinator of the JCPOA, should play a better role in planning the steps” to salvage the deal.

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  • 18 February 2021

    U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his French, German and British counterparts convened and jointly affirmed “their shared objective of Iran’s return to full compliance with its commitments under the JCPOA”, while the U.S. underscored that “if Iran comes back into strict compliance… the U.S. will do the same and is prepared to engage in discussions with Iran toward that end”. The four sides further urged “Iran not to take any additional steps, in particular with respect to the suspension of the Additional Protocol and to any limitations on IAEA verification activities”, adding: “The E3 and the U.S. are united in underlining the dangerous nature of a decision to limit IAEA access, and urge Iran to consider the consequences of such grave action, particularly at this time of renewed diplomatic opportunity”. They also reiterated “their determination to then strengthen the JCPOA and, together with regional parties and the wider international community, address broader security concerns related to Iran’s missile programs and regional activities”, while urging “Iran to release all our arbitrarily detained nationals”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently maintained: “Our remedial measures are a response to U.S. and E3 [JCPOA] violations. Remove the cause if you fear the effect. We’ll follow action with action”.

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  • 18 February 2021

    After an EU official expressed readiness to convene “an informal meeting” of JCPOA participants and the U.S., a U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that Washington “would accept an invitation from the EU High Representative.., to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran’s nuclear program”. A senior U.S. official noted that “the goal of coming together would be to… start what could be a prolonged path of trying to get back to a situation where both the U.S. and Iran were back into compliance”, and then “build on that to broaden and strengthen the deal”. In parallel, the State Department confirmed that it had withdrawn “the previous administration’s position on the UN Security Council Iran sanctions snapback issue”, acknowledging that “Resolution 2231 remains in full effect”; the U.S. UN mission had also “notified the Iranian mission that the U.S. is bringing the domestic travel controls on Iranian representatives back in line with those in place for several other missions to the UN”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently tweeted that “the U.S. [needs to] unconditionally and effectively lift all sanctions imposed, re-imposed or re-labeled by Trump. We will then immediately reverse all remedial measures”.

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  • 17 February 2021

    Iran, Russia and Turkey convened a meeting of the “Astana Process” talks over Syria, jointly reaffirming “determination to combat terrorism in all forms and manifestations and stand against separatist agendas aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria as well as threatening the national security of neighbouring countries”. The three countries also “condemned continuing Israeli military attacks in Syria” and “reaffirmed their commitment to advance viable and lasting Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, UN-facilitated political process in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 2254”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat met with the UN special envoy for Syria.

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  • 17 February 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, discussing the JCPOA, maintained that “we have heard many good words and promises [from the West], but in practice, they have not been honoured. On the contrary, they have acted against those promises… This time, only actions matter. If we see action on the part of the other side, we will take action too”. Relatedly, President Rouhani asserted that “we do not want to have covert nuclear activity… the opinion of the Supreme Leader as a fatwa is the principle for us and we will not break our commitment”. Underscoring that, in light of Iran’s impending suspension of Additional Protocol implementation, “no [IAEA] inspector will be expelled”, Rouhani added: “If the U.S. government lifts the sanctions in practice, the Islamic Republic of Iran will return to all its suspended commitments shortly after receiving the verification of the lifting of sanctions”.

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  • 17 February 2021

    The IAEA informed member states of Iranian “plans to install two additional cascades of 174 IR-2m centrifuges at FEP [ie, the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant] to enrich… up to 5 per cent U-235. This will bring the total number of cascades of IR-2m centrifuges either planned, being installed, or operating in FEP to six”. 

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  • 16 February 2021

    Speaking to his Swiss counterpart, President Rouhani ruled out renegotiating the JCPOA while asserting: “The ball is now in the U.S. court and whenever it effectively lifts illegal sanctions imposed on Iran, everything will be put on the right track”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reiterated that EU High Representative “Borrell can specify the time frame [for Tehran reversing its JCPOA breaches] in consultation with Iran and the U.S. It is clear the U.S. has to take steps first”.

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  • 15 February 2021

    The U.S.-led counter-ISIS coalition confirmed that three rockets had struck Erbil Air Base (EAB), out of fourteen launched. A spokesperson reported one fatality and nine injuries, including five U.S. nationals, one of whom was a service member. The State Department said it was “outraged” at the attack, while underscoring that “we reserve the right to respond at a time and place of our choosing, consistent with our partnership with the people and the government of Iraq”. Iraqi President Barham Salih described the incident as “a dangerous escalation and a criminal terrorist attack”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that Tehran “flatly condemns suspicious attempts to attribute the attack to Iran”, adding: “Iran regards Iraq’s stability and security as a key issue for the region and neighbouring countries, and dismisses any move that would disrupt tranquility and order in this country”. 

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  • 15 February 2021

    Meeting with the Qatari foreign minister in Tehran, President Rouhani asserted that “we remain committed to the Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) initiative and believe that peace and stability in the region will not be achieved except through cooperation and dialogue between the countries of the region, and it is the countries of the region that must decide for their own”.

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  • 15 February 2021

    Iran informed the IAEA of its intention to stop voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, in accordance with a December 2020 Iranian law. Iran’s IAEA envoy maintained that “as of 23 February, cooperation between Iran and the IAEA would be based solely on the country’s Safeguards Agreement with the Agency. If U.S. sanctions are effectively lifted”, he noted, “Iran would resume implementation of all voluntary measures”.

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  • 14 February 2021

    A senior Iranian diplomat asserted that Iran’s “presence in Syria is aimed at combating Daesh [ie, ISIS] and other terrorist groups, but if Israel wants to cross the ‘red lines’, it will face the toughest response, which will make it regret its actions”. “Iran’s presence in Syria will continue as long as the country’s government and people ask for it… those who have illegally come to Syria and occupied its territories are those who should leave the country”, he contended.

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  • 14 February 2021

    The Iranian army announced that it had test fired “medium-range smart missile”.

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  • 11 February 2021

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi reported to “IAEA Member States about the recent developments regarding Iran’s R&D activities on uranium metal production as part of its stated aim to produce fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor”, confirming that the agency had “verified 3.6 gram of uranium metal at Iran’s Fuel Plate Fabrication Plant (FPFP) in Isfahan”. France, Germany and the UK subsequently expressed “grave concern” over the report, while reaffirming that “Iran has no credible civilian justification for these activities, which are a key step in the development of a nuclear weapon”. They further asserted that “in escalating its non-compliance, Iran is undermining the opportunity for renewed diplomacy to fully realise the objectives of the JCPOA”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reacted by asking: “By what logic is the onus on Iran to stop its remedial measures undertaken a full year after the U.S. withdrew from—and continues to violate—the JCPOA? What have E3 done to fulfill their duties?”

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  • 11 February 2021

    President Rouhani remarked that “we have not yet seen goodwill from the new U.S. administration; words have changed but in practice nothing has changed”. “There are still sufferings and problems among our people, so if the new U.S. administration is honest and keeps its words, it must immediately change its course and embark on a new path and make up for the past mistakes as much as possible”, he added.

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  • 10 February 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “with a new administration in Washington there is an opportunity to try a new approach but the current window is fleeting. Soon my government will be compelled to take further remedial action… as directed by our parliament and in accordance with our rights within the JCPOA, [which] entails an enhancement of our nuclear program and a reduction in our cooperation with IAEA inspectors”. “It can be averted”, Zarif added, “only if the U.S. decides to learn from Trump’s maximum failure rather than lean on it”.

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  • 10 February 2021

    A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson stated that “the tendency on the part of some actors to take part in public posturing is just not something we want to do… We have been very clear about what we believe is possible with the formulation of compliance for compliance: Iran resumes its full compliance with the 2015 JCPOA, the U.S. will do the same”. “When it comes to specifics beyond that”, he added, “we’re undertaking… consultations with partners, allies, members of Congress”, while noting: “once we feel that we have a coordinated approach to what is undeniably an urgent challenge would we engage with the Iranians”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently tweeted: “Biden administration officials keep talking about Iran’s compliance with JCPOA. In what capacity? The U.S. ceased participation in May 2018, violated JCPOA and punished those complying with UN resolution. As of today, U.S. remains in exactly the same position. Before spouting off, comply”.

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  • 10 February 2021

    A senior Iranian diplomat visited Damascus and met with President Bashar al-Assad as well as the Syrian foreign minister. The Iranian official discussed with Assad “Iran’s viewpoints and stances regarding the Astana Process and the fifth meeting of Syria’s Constitutional Committee in Geneva”.

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  • 9 February 2021

    President Rouhani underlined that “Iran is ready to talk with all countries in the region and its neighbours, especially the Persian Gulf littoral countries, from Iraq to the six southern countries in accordance with UNSC Resolution 598, and settle regional problems and issues”. The following day, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reaffirmed “readiness for engagement and cooperation towards shared goals and objectives with our neighbours”, while indicating: “Our consistent aim in all our endeavors has been to build a more stable, peaceful and prosperous region”. “I hope that our neighbours will have learned that they cannot bank on outsiders to provide them with security. We need to rely on each other as geography promises that we will remain neighbours forever”, he added.

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  • 9 February 2021

    President Rouhani asserted that “no one should expect Iran to take the first step” in complying with the JCPOA. “The country that has withdrawn from its commitments for three years in violation of international law and its obligations in [UN Security Council Resolution] 2231, is obliged to take the first step”. He further reiterated that “as soon as the P5+1 members fulfill all their obligations, they should know that we will fulfill our obligations the next hour”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat asserted that “we are not prepared to engage in any other subjects, being regional issues, our defence capabilities, whatsoever, especially since the U.S. has proved to be an unworthy party in negotiations. And the Europeans have proved that they are not able to deliver their promises”.

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  • 8 February 2021

    Iran’s Minister of Intelligence remarked that “the Supreme Leader has explicitly said in his fatwa that nuclear weapons are against sharia law and the Islamic Republic sees them as religiously forbidden… But a cornered cat may behave differently from when the cat is free. And if they [ie, Western states] push Iran in that direction, then it’s no longer Iran’s fault”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson subsequently said that “it’s not yet clear to us that… [the minister] was speaking for anyone but himself”, while describing the remarks “very concerning”. He further maintained that “Iran has an obligation under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty – the NPT – never – never, never, never – permanent prohibition to acquire nuclear weapons, and it reaffirmed that commitment under the JCPOA”.

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  • 7 February 2021

    The UN special envoy for Yemen visited Iran and met with senior Iranian officials as part of what his office described as “efforts to support a negotiated political solution to the conflict in Yemen”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told the UN envoy that “a political solution, rather than an imposed war, is the only way to resolve the Yemen crisis”, and expressed Iran’s readiness “to support any effective role played by the UN in settling the crisis considering the very difficult conditions caused by the war and economic siege”.

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  • 7 February 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “if they want Iran to return to its JCPOA commitments, the U.S. should remove all sanctions in action. After they have done this, we will check if the sanctions have truly been removed. Once this is done, we will resume our JCPOA commitments”. He further contended that “the U.S. and the three European countries do not have the right to set terms and conditions because they have violated all of their JCOPA commitments”. The following day, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami described sanctions as a “major historical opportunity” which had resulted in “cutting all dependencies”.

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  • 6 February 2021

    Iran’s UN envoy wrote to the UN Secretary-General that “the Israeli regime has recently not only doubled down on its provocative, warmongering statements against the Islamic Republic of Iran, but has also been planning to carry out its belligerent threats against Iran”. “We are entitled to self-defence and respond definitely to any threat or wrong”, he added, while insisting that “the Israeli regime must shoulder full responsibility for the consequences of its unbridled, wrong actions”.

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  • 4 February 2021

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell remarked that “as coordinator of the JCPOA, I am working hard to keep the JCPOA alive… the new U.S. administration has clearly indicated a new approach and all JCPOA participants are ready to engage”. Borrell went on to emphasise that “we need to move from ‘maximum pressure’ to ‘maximum diplomacy’ through the JCPOA Joint Commission, to try and build a new positive momentum and to ensure once again full implementation of the agreement, including by Iran. The end goal remains to go back to the full implementation of the agreement”. The same day, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan indicated that “we are actively engaged with the European Union right now, particularly the three members of the P5+1: Germany, the UK, and France. We are talking to them at various levels of our government”. “Those consultations”, he added, “will produce a unified front when it comes to our strategy towards Iran and towards dealing with diplomacy around the nuclear file”.

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  • 4 February 2021

    Iran’s defence minister asserted that “Iran does not welcome militarisation of the [Indian Ocean] region and is concerned about unconstructive arms races, accumulation of weapons and transformation of the region into a weapons arsenal”. He further cautioned against what he described as “U.S. and Israeli attempts to use terrorism as a tool to extend their influence in the region”, while voicing “Iran’s willingness to play a more significant and active role in maintaining the security of the Indian Ocean region”.

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  • 3 February 2021

     President Rouhani insisted that “no clause of the [nuclear] deal will change. No one will be added to it. We are either P4+1 or P5+1, and it will not become P5+2 or P5+3”. He further addressed the U.S., saying: “you have violated Resolution 2231… if you come back, we will fulfil our obligations in full. We did not violate the resolution to amend it. We did not leave the deal to return”. “If we see any goodwill, the answer will be goodwill. If we see any action, the answer will be action. If the commitment is completely fulfilled, it will be full commitment on our part”, Rouhani reiterated.

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  • 3 February 2021

    Iraq’s foreign minister visited Tehran and met with senior Iranian officials. President Rouhani told him that “supporting stability, security, independence, territorial integrity, as well as dignity and authority of Iraq, and promoting its regional and international status are of special priority”. He further objected to “any foreign interference in the internal affairs of Iraq”. According to an Iranian readout, the foreign minister asserted that “Baghdad is persistently pursuing the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iran, and this is being done through negotiations and actions that have been taken”. In a separate meeting, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, contended that “the main cause of instability and crisis in the region is the evil presence of foreign forces, especially American forces”, while emphasising “the vitality of implementing Iraq’s ratified law about ousting the U.S. troops”.

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  • 2 February 2021

    An Iranian government spokesperson insisted that “no new negotiations are due to take place on the nuclear deal, and consequently [the] addition of new parties is ruled out. There is only one scenario for the nuclear deal that is comprised of the U.S. return to the deal and fulfillment of undertakings by all parties”. He added: “The process of the U.S. return to the nuclear deal does not obey a complex formula and it can happen quickly with all its requirements with the exercise of political will… As soon as the U.S. government revives its commitments, Iran will fulfill its undertakings completely”.

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  • 2 February 2021

    Iran’s IAEAI envoy confirmed that “two cascades of 348 IR-2m centrifuges with almost four times the capacity of IR-1 are now running with UF6 successfully in Natanz. Installation of two cascades of IR-6 centrifuges has also been started in Fordow”. “There’s more to come soon”, he added.

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  • 2 February 2021

    Iran released the crew of the Hankuk Chemi, a South Korean-flagged tanker seized on 4 January for having caused “environmental pollution”.

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  • 1 February 2021

    Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned that “the time it would take Iran to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon is down to, we think, a few months… it’s a problem that could get more acute, because if Iran continues to lift some of these restraints imposed by the [nuclear] agreement, that could get down to a matter of weeks”. He also underscored President Biden’s view that “if Iran returns to compliance with its obligations under the agreement, we would do the same thing… We would work with them [ie, U.S. allies] to get something that is longer and stronger, and also deal with some of the other challenges that Iran poses”. Discussing U.S. detainees in Iran, Binken asserted that “irrespective of any deal, those Americans need to be released. Period”. The same day, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, referring to Tehran and Washington wanting the other to resume compliance first, indicated that “there can be a mechanism to basically either synchronise it or coordinate what can be done”, suggesting the coordinator of the JCPOA Joint Commission, Josep Borrell, could “choreograph the actions”. An EU spokesperson subsequently indicated that “we’re talking to the American administration to see if those sanctions could be lifted, to see if we can have full implementation of the JCPOA”.

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  • 1 February 2021

    Iran’s Defence Ministry test fired a satellite launch vehicle. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson reacted: “The U.S. remains concerned with Iran’s efforts to development space launch vehicles (SLVs), given these programs’ ability to advance Iran’s ballistic missile development… SLVs incorporate technologies identical to, and interchangeable with, those used in ballistic missiles, including longer-range systems”.

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  • 31 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with a Taliban delegation and “welcomed the idea of formation of an all-inclusive government”. He also voiced “Iran’s readiness to facilitate dialogue among the Taliban, the Afghan government and other Afghan groups”.

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  • 31 January 2021

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “we have come to a point that we have really grown needless of the nuclear deal and we have understood that we should prioritise efforts to become needless of sanctions removal rather than staying in need of the removal of embargos”.

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  • 28 January 2021

    Addressing Iran’s neighbours, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “we have an opportunity to rethink regional security”, adding: “We know that security cannot be bought or established by stockpiling weapons. The only way to establish security and peace is extensive cooperation between the countries of the region, and Iran has always stated its readiness to promote cooperation”.

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  • 27 January 2021

    Secretary of State Anthony Blinken maintained that “if Iran comes back into full compliance with its obligations under the JCPOA, the U.S. would do the same thing and then we would use that as a platform to build, with our allies and partners, what we called a longer and stronger agreement and to deal with a number of other issues that are deeply problematic in the relationship with Iran”. “We are a long way from that point”, he added. “Iran is out of compliance on a number of fronts”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded by contending that “the U.S. violated JCPOA, blocked food and medicine [and] punished adherence to UN Security Council Resolution 2231… now, who should take the first step?” Relatedly, Iran’s UN envoy affirmed that “any delay in the lifting of sanctions will be construed as a sign of continued animosity toward the Iranian people”. Referring to the domestic legislation mandating the expansion of nuclear activities, the envoy asserted that “the Iranian people will not be indifferent to continued collective punishment”, and warned: “The window is closing”.

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  • 26 January 2021

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry confirmed a visit by a Taliban delegation to Tehran for talks concerning the “peace process in Afghanistan and the related issues”. The same day, a senior Iranian diplomat spoke to the UN special representative for Afghanistan, Afghan Foreign Minister and foreign diplomats to discuss the Afghan peace process.

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  • 26 January 2021

    Referring to the possibility of Iran limiting IAEA access in the absence of sanctions relief, as mandated by a December 2020 Iranian law, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that “if favorable actions are taken before that time…Iran will not interfere with the admission of [IAEA] inspectors under the additional protocol”.

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  • 26 January 2021

    An Iranian government spokesperson indicated that “we have not had any talks or contacts with the new U.S. administration so far, and we are still awaiting the official positions of the U.S. administration to clarify on its return to its JCPOA obligations and on the lifting of the illegal sanctions”. He further asserted that “the U.S. will not have time forever, and the opportunity is very limited, not only for the U.S. but also for the European members of the JCPOA”. He also urged the Biden administration “to free the transfer of Iran’s own foreign exchange resources to fight the coronavirus and for health and food, and lift banking sanctions quickly”.

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  • 25 January 2021

    Iran’s UN envoy reiterated that “we are ready to engage on a comprehensive exchange of all prisoners or detainees on both sides, in the U.S., in Iran, and those that are waiting to be extradited to the U.S.”.

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  • 22 January 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posited that the Biden administration could “still salvage the nuclear agreement”, suggesting that such a process “should begin by unconditionally removing, with full effect, all sanctions imposed, reimposed, or relabeled since Trump took office. In turn, Iran would reverse all the remedial measures it has taken”. “The remaining signatories to the deal would then decide whether the U.S. should be allowed to reclaim the seat at the table that it abandoned in 2018”, he added. Noting a law mandating the Iranian government “to boost uranium enrichment and limit UN inspections if sanctions are not removed by February”, Zarif warned: “The window of opportunity for the new U.S. administration will not be open forever. The initiative squarely rests with Washington”.

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  • 22 January 2021

    The IRGC announced the arrest of a “foreign-backed terrorist” whom it said had “assassinated a police chief in August 2018”.

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  • 22 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that Iran would “respond positively to any initiative for regional dialogue advanced in good faith”. He also contended that “neither the U.S. nor its European allies have the prerogative to lead or sponsor future talks. Rather, the Persian Gulf region needs an inclusive regional mechanism to encourage diplomacy and cooperation and to lower the risk of miscalculation and conflict”. He further referred to Iran’s Hormuz Peace Endeavor (HOPE) proposal and said: “The invitation is still on the table”.

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  • 22 January 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posited that the Biden administration could “still salvage the nuclear agreement”, suggesting that such a process “should begin by unconditionally removing, with full effect, all sanctions imposed, reimposed, or relabeled since Trump took office. In turn, Iran would reverse all the remedial measures it has taken”. “The remaining signatories to the deal would then decide whether the U.S. should be allowed to reclaim the seat at the table that it abandoned in 2018”, he added. Noting a law mandating the Iranian government “to boost uranium enrichment and limit UN inspections if sanctions are not removed by February”, Zarif warned: “The window of opportunity for the new U.S. administration will not be open forever. The initiative squarely rests with Washington”.

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  • 20 January 2021

    Joe Biden was inaugurated as president. The White House Press Secretary remarked that “through follow-on diplomacy, the U.S. seeks to lengthen and strengthen nuclear constraints on Iran and address other issues of concern. Iran must resume compliance with significant nuclear constraints under the deal in order for that to proceed”. The same day, President Rouhani remarked: “They [ie, the new U.S. administration] should know that if they sign UN Resolution 2231, in return, Iran will sign it as well and nothing more, if they issue an order, Iran will issue an order, and if they take action, they will see action from us… The ball is in the court of the U.S.”. “If the other side acts honestly and returns to the law and obligations, the problems will be solved very quickly and there would be no legal complexities”, he added.

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  • 19 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told Iran’s parliament that “we are not in a hurry, but if the U.S. fulfills its commitments and lifts sanctions, it can return to the table of [the] JCPOA”. Relatedly, Iran’s government spokesperson remarked that “the new U.S. administration should not act selectively when it comes to compensating for… the stain of shame left by the previous administration”. “The U.S. will soon have a fresh opportunity to sincerely and unconditionally return to its obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and open new horizons for its relations with Iran and the international community”, he added.

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  • 19 January 2021

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry sanctioned current and former senior U.S. officials, including President Trump, “for their role and involvement in… acts of terror against Iran and Iranian nationals and violation of their human rights”.

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  • 19 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif hailed the Qatari foreign minister’s “call for inclusive dialogue” between Iran and GCC states, adding: “the solution to our challenges lies in collaboration to jointly form a ‘strong region’: peaceful, stable, prosperous and free from global or regional hegemony”.

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  • 16 January 2021

    France, Germany and the UK jointly expressed concerns over Iran’s decision “to produce uranium metal”, asserting that it had “no credible civilian use” and “potentially grave military implications”. “Under the JCPOA”, they noted, “Iran committed to not engaging in production of uranium metal or conducting research and development on uranium metallurgy for 15 years”. The E3 further called on “Iran to halt this activity, and return to compliance with its JCPOA commitments without further delay if it is serious about preserving the deal”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently maintained that “this technology is a necessity for Iran… based on humanitarian and peaceful grounds”.

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  • 15 January 2021

    The IRGC test fired ballistic missiles and drones during a military exercise in central Iran. A senior IRGC official claimed that “through the combination of new missile capabilities and drone operation with artificial intelligence, today a new power was born in the IRGC”. On the second day of the drill, a senior IRGC official reported that “various classes of long-range ballistic missiles were launched in the final stage of the war game… to detonate the hypothetical enemy’s warships from a distance of 1,800km north of the Indian Ocean”. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami maintained that “these exercises are held so that the enemies do not make mistakes in their calculations or estimation about Iran’s defence power”.

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  • 13 January 2021

    The IAEA confirmed that its director general had “informed IAEA member states about recent developments regarding Iran’s plans to conduct R&D activities on uranium metal production as part of its declared aim to design an improved type of fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor”.

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  • 12 January 2021

    In remarks entitled “The Iran-al-Qaeda Axis”, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that “for al-Qaeda, Iran is the new home base. Tehran gives sanctuary to the terror group’s senior leaders as they plan attacks against America and our allies”. He also confirmed earlier media reports regarding the killing of a senior al-Qaeda official in Tehran in August 2020. Pompeo further announced sanctions against two al-Qaeda leaders whom he described as Iran-based, and three “leaders of the al-Qaeda Kurdish Battalions (AQKB), an al-Qaeda-linked group that operates on the border between Iran and Iraq”. Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, dismissed Pompeo’s remarks as “warmongering lies”.  

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  • 12 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif insisted that “U.S. participation in JCPOA is only useful if it has economic benefits for Iran“, while noting: “Lifting sanctions is the priority … After that, the issue of U.S. return to the nuclear deal will be considered”. He further emphasised that “Europeans and Americans need to know that we will not renegotiate what we once agreed on”, and added: “if the U.S. seeks to return to the JCPOA and fulfill its commitment, the Islamic Republic will comply with its obligations as well”. Relatedly, a senior aide to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that the sanction snapback mechanism “must be abandoned as an irrational principle in the event of further negotiations”. 

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  • 11 January 2021

    Referring to Iran increasing uranium enrichment to 20 per cent and potentially limiting IAEA inspections under the Additional Protocol, IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi warned that “we don’t have many months ahead of us. We have weeks [for reviving the JCPOA]… I must take it seriously because it’s the [Iranian] law”. He further underscored that “there will have to be a clear understanding on how the initial terms and provisions of the JCPOA are going to be recompiled with”.

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  • 11 January 2021

    The EU reaffirmed “its strong commitment to and continued support for the JCPOA”, while indicating that “the initiation of uranium enrichment to up to 20 per cent by Iran at the underground Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant… is a very serious development”, “inconsistent with the JCPOA’s clear provisions”, “has potentially severe proliferation implications” and “risks undermining efforts aimed at building upon the existing diplomatic process”. The EU went on to call on “Iran to refrain from further escalation and reverse this course of action without delay”, further praising “President-elect Biden’s positive statements on the JCPOA”.

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  • 11 January 2021

    Following a meeting with Qatari officials, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian reiterated Iran’s willingness “to cooperate with regional countries in line with resolving regional problems”, adding: “We keep our regional friends informed of the latest developments and negotiations in Vienna. As neighbours, they have the right to be briefed… [the] peaceful achievements of Iran’s nuclear program can be made available to all neighboring and Muslim countries”.

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  • 9 January 2021

    Citing a law passed by Iran’s parliament on potentially limiting IAEA inspections and comments by an Iranian lawmaker on the expulsion of inspectors, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo contended: “Iran’s threat goes much further than violating the JCPOA… nuclear brinksmanship will not strengthen Iran’s position, but instead lead to further isolation and pressure”. He also underscored that “The world’s top sponsor of terrorism should not be allowed to enrich uranium at any level”, adding: “Iran’s expulsion of international inspectors must be met by universal condemnation”. However, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson explained that “the country will stop inspections beyond the Safeguards if the other parties fail to implement their commitments according to the legislation passed by the Parliament… [which] does not mean the expulsion of the inspectors of the IAEA”.

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  • 8 January 2021

    The IRGC inaugurated an underground missile base on Iran’s southern coast. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “this is one of the several facilities for keeping the strategic missiles of IRGC naval force in which a column of missiles and launching systems are deployed… With a range of hundreds of kilometers, these missiles have pinpointing and high destruction capability to penetrate into the enemy’s electronic war equipment”. He further asserted that “our enemies do not accept the power of logic, but rely on the logic of power. Therefore, we have no option but to strengthen the defensive and offensive deterrent power for preventing the imposition of their hegemonic will and plots”. 

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  • 8 January 2021

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei maintained that “we are in no rush for the U.S. to return to the JCPOA. This is not the issue for us whether the U.S. returns to the JCPOA or not. If the sanctions are not lifted, then the U.S.’s return to the JCPOA might even be to our disadvantage”. Khamenei also commended the increase in Iran’s uranium enrichment rates and argued that “when almost all of the other side’s commitments in the JCPOA are not honoured, it does not make sense for the Islamic Republic to honour all its commitments”, adding: “If they return to their commitments, we will return to ours as well”. He went on to contend that Iran’s “presence in the region is a definite matter, which should and will continue”. Commenting on Iran’s missile capability, Khamenei asserted that “we have no right to leave our country defenseless. We should not do something that emboldens the enemy, and makes us unable to respond”.

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  • 6 January 2021

    President Rouhani remarked that “if Biden says that the U.S. wants to obey the law and fulfil its obligations, our answer is clear and simple and we say that if you fulfil all your obligations, we will fulfil all our [JCPOA] obligations as well”. “If you do not do so, we will not bow down to you”, he added. 

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  • 6 January 2021

    France, Germany and the UK jointly stated that Iran’s decision to enrich uranium up to 20 per cent “has no credible civil justification and carries very significant proliferation-related risks”. Describing the Iranian move as “a serious negative development” and calling for its reversal, the E3 also noted that it risked “compromising the important opportunity for a return to diplomacy with the incoming U.S. Administration”. 

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  • 6 January 2021

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami claimed that Iran had “serious evidence” regarding the role of Israel in the 27 November killing of a senior Iranian nuclear scientist. In a letter distributed to dozens of international defence officials, Hatami further indicated that “Iran sees silence on this terrorist act as an excuse for its repetition and insecurity in the world”, insisting that the country “preserves right to respond to the assassination”.

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  • 5 January 2021

    Media reports citing a South Korean official indicated that the U.S. had given Seoul “special approval” to use Iranian funds for COVID-19 vaccine payment through World Bank’s COVAX Facility.

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  • 5 January 2021

    Referring to the “Al-Ula Declaration”, based on which Qatar and four Arab states reestablished diplomatic ties, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif hailed Qatar “for the success of its brave resistance to pressure and extortion” and addressed “our other Arab neighbours” by saying: “Iran is neither an enemy nor threat. Enough scapegoating – especially with your reckless patron [ie, President Trump] on his way out”. “[It’s] time to take our offer for a strong region”, he added. The same day, Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman told the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit that “we are in utmost need to unite our efforts to advance our region and confront the challenges that surround us, particularly the threats posed by the Iranian regime’s nuclear program, its ballistic missile program, its destructive sabotage projects as well as its terrorist and sectarian activities”. He further urged “the international community to work seriously in order to stop these programs and projects that threaten regional and international peace and security”.

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  • 5 January 2021

    The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) confirmed that it had “produced 20 per cent enriched uranium” using IR-1 centrifuges. The head of the AEOI stated that “we have a production capacity of 8 to 9kg per month to reach the 120kg limit stipulated in law”. “We are currently installing a thousand IR-2m centrifuges, but two cascades are installed and working”, he added. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat emphasised that “20 per cent enrichment is one of the cases that we can easily and swiftly change it to below 3.67 per cent”. He also asserted: “America should return to full compliance with the deal… If they do not have a full return to the JCPOA, Iran will either not return or not return completely”.

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  • 5 January 2021

    Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz argued that “Iran is continuing to ignite the region with instability and chose to raise enrichment to 20 per cent… Everyone needs to join together in the fight against Iran, its regional terror activities and the threat of its nuclear armament”. Relatedly, an unnamed Iranian security official was cited by local media as saying that Israel “should be aware that any aggression against Iran’s interests and security from any side and in any way, whether [Israel] admits or denies responsibility, will face a decisive response from Iran”.

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  • 4 January 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “the actions and moves and some mischief of the U.S. are not hidden from our eyes, and our intelligence, security and military services are fully aware of the seemingly secret moves of the U.S. in the region and Iraq”. “The messages have been clearly conveyed to Washington and the countries of the region”, he added, while reiterating “the role of the agents and allies of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] can be seen in some tensions, especially in Iraq”.

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  • 4 January 2021

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson insisted that “Iran’s defence capability has never been and will not be negotiated… once in the JCPOA and [UN Security Council] Resolution 2231, the issue of missiles has been mentioned and resolved”. His comments came in response to a member of President-elect Joe Biden’s national security team saying that “in that broader negotiation, we can ultimately secure limits on Iran’s ballistic missile technology, and that is what we intend to try to pursue through diplomacy”.

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  • 4 January 2021

    The IRGC Navy announced that it had seized Hankuk Chemi, a South Korean-flagged tanker, and detained its crew of twenty because of “environmental and chemical pollution concerns”, for which Iran asked for compensation. The incident occurred in the Strait of Hormuz. The South Korean government called for “the early release of the ship”. A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson maintained that Iran “continues to threaten navigational rights and freedoms in the Persian Gulf as part of a clear attempt to extort the international community into relieving the pressure of sanctions. We join the Republic of Korea’s call for Iran to immediately release the tanker”. An Iranian government spokesperson subsequently argued that “if there is any hostage-taking, it is Korea’s government that is holding $7 billion, which belongs to us, hostage”.

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  • 4 January 2021

    An Iranian government spokesperson confirmed that Iran had started enriching uranium to 20 per cent in implementation of the Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions law. “The government has clearly declared its view of the law passed by the Parliament, but it is duty-bound to implement” it, he added. The IAEA confirmed that “Iran today began feeding uranium already enriched up to 4.1 per cent U-235 into six centrifuge cascades at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant for further enrichment up to 20 per cent”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif underlined that “our measures are fully reversible upon full [JCPOA] compliance by all”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contended that Iran’s actions could “not be explained in any way other than the further realisation of its plans to develop a military nuclear program”, warning: “Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons”. A U.S. State Department spokesperson described Iran’s move as “a clear attempt to increase its campaign of nuclear extortion”. A European official said that Iran’s “action is in breach of Iran’s nuclear commitments and will have serious implications”. “It is regrettable but it is also highly important… that we maintain the agreement”, he added.

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  • 2 January 2021

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted that “new intelligence from Iraq indicates that Israeli agent-provocateurs are plotting attacks against Americans – putting an outgoing Trump in a bind with a fake casus belli. Be careful of a trap, President Trump. Any fireworks will backfire badly”. An Israeli minister called Zarif’s claim “total nonsense”, adding: “It is a warning sign that Iran is taking aim at Israel looking for excuses to lash out at Israel, and therefore we need to have our finger on the pulse and be at the highest state of alert”.

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  • 2 January 2021

    An IRGC commander indicated that “what you see in missile power existing in Palestine’s Gaza and Lebanon is supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran… Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and other Islamic countries enjoy pinpointing missiles to confront the Zionist regime”. “Iran will support anyone and/or any country that confronts the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”, he underscored.

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  • 1 January 2021

    The IAEA announced that Iran had “informed the agency that in order to comply with a legal act recently passed by the country’s parliament, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) intends to produce low-enriched uranium (LEU) up to 20 per cent at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant”.

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  • 1 January 2021

    The IAEA announced that Iran had “informed the agency that in order to comply with a legal act recently passed by the country’s parliament, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) intends to produce low-enriched uranium (LEU) up to 20 per cent at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant”.

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  • 1 January 2021

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif conferred with his Kuwaiti counterpart about “the establishment of comprehensive stability and security, without foreign interference and free from any tensions”. Zarif further referred to “certain suspicious moves and acts of mischief by the U.S. in the region, and stressed that the responsibility for the consequences of any possible adventure will fall on Washington”.

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  • 1 January 2021

    Marking the first anniversary of the U.S. killing IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami vowed retaliation and asserted that “the path of harsh revenge is the path of collapse of the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and the U.S. in the region and also expulsion of U.S. terrorist forces from the region”. Relatedly, IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani insisted that “American mischief will not deter the Quds Force from carrying on its resistance path”.

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  • 31 December 2020

    Iran wrote to the UN Security Council objecting to increased U.S. “military adventurism… in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea”. “Coupled with a series of systematic disinformation campaign, unfounded accusations and inflammatory statements and threats… such confrontational measures have further deteriorated the already tense security environment of this highly volatile region”, the letter added. “If unchecked, such warmongering tendencies could escalate the situation to an alarming level, and it is self-evident that the U.S. shall bear the full responsibility for all consequences”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif claimed that “intelligence from Iraq indicate plot to fabricate pretext for war”, asserting: “Iran doesn’t seek war but will openly and directly defend its people, security and vital interests”. Relatedly, media reports indicated that “the U.S. has seen increasing indications that Iran could be planning an attack against American forces or interests in the Middle East”, with an unnamed U.S. official describing Iran’s intentions as “difficult and at times unpredictable” to assess.

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  • 29 December 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif talked to his Qatari counterpart about “the need for the participation of all regional countries in ensuring stability and security without foreign interference and free from tensions”. He further asserted that “Washington will be responsible for the consequences of any possible adventurism”.

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  • 28 December 2020

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani decried “the increase of U.S. army provocation in the region” and said: “These measures have increased entropy of insecurity and leads to harmful misunderstandings”. Relatedly, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that Tehran “sent a message to the U.S. and its allies in the region that the U.S. should not resort to any new adventurism in the last days of” the Trump administration. He also responded to reports of an Israeli submarine reportedly en route to the Gulf and an Israeli military spokesperson indicating that “the IDF operates freely in the Middle East and that Israeli submarines sail to ‘different places, far and near’”, asserting: “Everyone knows very well how high the risk is raised if the red lines of Iran are crossed”.

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  • 27 December 2020

    The Iraqi electricity ministry’s spokesperson reported that Iran had “reduced gas exports to Iraq to five million cubic metres from 50 million cubic metres” and informed Iraqi authorities about further cuts “to three million cubic metres”. “We strongly encourage Iraq’s finance ministry to resolve the unpaid bills with Iran to avoid critical shortages of power supplies in Baghdad and other cities”, he added. The following day, the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) confirmed that Iraq owed Iran $6 billion in either unpaid or frozen payments. During a 29 December visit to Baghdad, Iran’s energy minister met with his counterpart and the two sides reached an agreement seeing Iran “urgently resume gas pumping”; the Iranian minister also revealed that “good agreements were reached… to withdraw Iranian funds from Iraq to pay for the purchase of the coronavirus vaccine from Europe using Iran’s existing financial resources in Iraq”. “We hope to use our existing financial resources in Iraq more quickly to purchase basic goods and other needed items in the near future”, he further indicated.

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  • 24 December 2020

    The head of Iran’s central bank reported that the U.S. had authorised an Iranian payment toward COVID-19 vaccines through a Swiss bank. “They [ie, Americans] have put sanctions on all our banks. They accepted this one case under the pressure of world public opinion”, he added.

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  • 23 December 2020

    President Trump tweeted that “our embassy in Baghdad got hit Sunday by several rockets. Three rockets failed to launch. Guess where they were from: IRAN. Now we hear chatter of additional attacks against American in Iraq”. “Some friendly health advice to Iran”, Trump added. “If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible”. Relatedly, U.S. Central Command issued a statement asserting that the attack “was almost certainly conducted by an Iranian-backed rogue militia group”, adding: “These groups are Iranian-backed because Iran provides both material support and direction. They are rogue because they are actually acting on behalf of Iranian interests and direction in a direct betrayal of Iraqi sovereignty”. The statement went on to warn that “the U.S. will hold Iran accountable for the deaths of any Americans that result from the work of these Iranian-backed rogue militia groups”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Trump had referred to “a worthless photo to recklessly accuse Iran” and warned that “Trump will bear full responsibility for any adventurism on his way out”.

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  • 22 December 2020

    The UN Security Council convened to discuss the implementation of resolution 2231 in light of the Secretary-General’s latest biannual report, with remarks from the U.S., Iranian, French, British, Russian and Chinese envoys.  

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  • 22 December 2020

    Bahrain’s U.S. ambassador, commenting on a potential U.S. return to the JCPOA, maintained that “it is important for us to be a part of the conversation, because it is us [in the region] who have a front row seat to any development, and it is us who will have to endure all the consequences”. Relatedly, Israel’s envoy in Washington argued that “if you go back to JCPOA 1.0 in hopes that you will negotiate and get 2.0 it’s never going to happen. You’re giving up all your leverage”. The UAE’s ambassador also maintained that “America should maintain strong relations with all its partners in Europe and the Middle East and show up with both groups at the negotiating table”. Iran’s UN mission subsequently emphasised that Tehran “will not renegotiate an accord already agreed to”, while asserting: “We are ready to negotiate regional issues, but only with neighbours and countries in the region… Iran does not believe that there is any need for foreign powers’ presence at that dialogue”.

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  • 22 December 2020

    The FBI announced that it had “highly credible information indicating Iranian cyber actors almost certainly were responsible for the creation of a website called Enemies of the People, which contained death threats aimed at U.S. election officials in mid-December 2020”. The website showed “an ongoing Iranian intent to create divisions and mistrust in the United States and undermine public confidence in the U.S. electoral process”, the bureau added. An Iranian official subsequently asserted that “Iran is not involved in inciting violence and creating unrest in the U.S.”.

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  • 21 December 2020

    JCPOA participants convened a ministerial meeting and reaffirmed “their commitment to preserve the agreement” as well as “the importance of continued good faith cooperation with the IAEA”. According to their joint statement, “ministers acknowledged the prospect of a return of the U.S. to the JCPOA and underlined their readiness to positively address this in a joint effort”.

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  • 20 December 2020

    The U.S. embassy in Baghdad confirmed “rockets targeting the International Zone resulted in the engagement of embassy defensive systems”, causing “some minor damage on the embassy compound”. The Iraqi military blamed “an outlawed group” for the incident, which wounded one Iraqi and resulted in “material damage to a residential complex”. The U.S. State Department denounced the attack and said: “As Iraq struggles with COVID-19 and an increasingly dire economic crisis, Iran-backed militias are the most serious impediment to helping Iraq return to peace and prosperity. The same militias targeting diplomatic facilities are stealing Iraqi state resources on a massive scale, attacking peaceful protesters and activists, and engaging in sectarian violence”.  It further urged “all Iraqis to support their government’s efforts to reinforce Iraq’s sovereignty, to bring to justice those responsible for these reprehensible attacks and ensure that all the currently Iran-backed militias are under state control”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently maintained that “targeting diplomatic missions and residential areas is unacceptable”, though he also suggested the timing was “dubious” and rejected Secretary Pompeo’s statement.

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  • 19 December 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif insisted that the U.S. “is obliged to act on 2031 [sic] Resolution, which means they have to lift sanctions. We will act on JCPOA when the U.S. lifts sanctions—it should go beyond rhetoric— when Iran gets a permit to sell oil, and when we are allowed to withdraw our capital, then we would undertake the responsibilities the JCPOA oblige us to”.

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  • 19 December 2020

    The U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan denounced “the ongoing high level of violence and… all those who authorise and carry out such attacks across Afghanistan”. He also urged “all sides to reduce violence and move quickly to a ceasefire”, asserting that “the Islamic Republic and the Taliban must respect the demands of their people and reach a political agreement as soon as possible”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif affirmed that “we want a lawful and responsible withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan that should be based on the demands of the Afghan people and it should be a responsible security transition to the Afghan forces. We do not want it in the current form as the Americans go and negotiate with the Taliban… Our stance is that the Afghan people, including the Taliban, should decide their future”. Zarif went on to maintain that “a regional initiative can be helpful for Afghanistan”.

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  • 17 December 2020

    Iran’s UN envoy told the Security Council that “Iran is fully committed to contributing to a political solution of the Syrian crisis” and asserted: “Sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria must be fully respected by all, separatist agendas and illegitimate self-rule initiatives must be rejected and all foreign forces whose presence is not permitted by the Syrian Government, particularly the U.S. forces who are following a hidden agenda, must leave Syria”. He further denounced “Israel’s continued aggression against Syria”, adding that “such provocative military adventurism must stop”.

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  • 16 December 2020

    IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi stated that “there is forward moving in the Iranian nuclear program. The thing is that the IAEA is still there to say what’s happening. The future will depend a lot on what the countries which are party to the [JCPOA]… decide in the future, and I would say in the next few weeks and months, I’m sure there will be renewed activity around it once there is a new administration in Washington and some other factors converge to what we hope will be a negotiation”. Grossi further asserted that “a dialogue with us will be indispensable, adding: “the negotiators… will have to base themselves on the new situation on the ground”. “It is clear that there will have to be a protocol or an agreement or an understanding or some ancillary document which will stipulate clearly what we do”, said Grossi the following day. Iran’s IAEA envoy subsequently contended that “the commitments of the parties and the IAEA tasks have been delicately drafted and agreed and each side knows what to do to implement the deal. There would be no renegotiation on the Deal and in case of its revival, there is no necessity for a new document on the Agency’s role”.

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  • 16 December 2020

    The JCPOA’s Joint Commission convened and reviewed “ongoing work to preserve the JCPOA and how to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement by all sides in light of existing challenges”. Iran’s representative, referring to domestic legislation mandating the expansion of nuclear activities, said that his government “is committed and obligated to carry out the measures… after legal procedures”, further asserting that “Iran cannot afford to pay the whole costs of implementation of the JCPOA and the unlawful behaviour of others”. He also underscored that Iran “is ready to resume honouring its JCPOA commitments… after the U.S.’s return to its JCPOA commitments and restoration of the situation to what is was in January 2017”.

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  • 16 December 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “the lifting of sanctions is in the hands of the enemy, but nullifying them is in our hands… of course we do not mean that we should not seek to have the sanctions lifted, because if the sanctions can be lifted, we should not hesitate for even an hour”. Khamenei also predicted “severe slaps to come”, referring to “expelling the U.S. from the region”; he further indicated that “revenge must be taken on those who ordered the [January 2020] murder of General Soleimani as well as those who did it”. “Do not trust the enemy”, Khamenei warned. “The hostilities are not particular to Trump’s America for this to end when he leaves office”.

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  • 15 December 2020

    The head of Iran’s central bank maintained that “the boycott of the entire Iranian financial system and all Iranian banks is among one of the major violations of the U.S… imports of basic goods and medicine must be done via banks. How would it be possible to do imports without banks?”. He further claimed that “due to U.S. pressure on various European banks, ie, intimidating them from working with Iran and levying heavy fines on them, the destination bank is willing to accept the money if a special and occasional license is issued by the U.S. with all the steps of money transfer explicitly mentioned in it… the Americans have made it clearly stated that they can revoke their licenses at any time”.  “The Americans have issued a public license for imports of humanitarian items to Iran that foreign banks are reluctant to accept”, he added.

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  • 14 December 2020

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that “the U.S. strongly condemns Iran’s unjust, barbaric execution of Ruhollah Zam, an Iranian journalist kidnapped abroad by the regime”. “Zam exposed the brutality and corruption of the regime, which has killed or arrested more than 860 journalists in its 41-year reign of terror”, he added. Zam’s execution was also condemned by the UN and Europe; Iran’s foreign ministry summoned the German and French ambassadors in Tehran to protest their “interfering statements”.  

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  • 14 December 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “we believe that the situation in the next U.S. administration will change… We are interested in expanding relations with European and Western countries and with our neighbours, and we are working on this basis”. Asked about Iranian claims to U.S. compensation over sanctions, Rouhani indicated: “If we say that, it means that the sanctions will continue for another five years… if the P5+1 returns to all its commitments, we will immediately return to all our commitments”. He also underscored that “we will not accept any preconditions from anyone. The JCPOA is not negotiable, nor do we want to re-negotiate it item by item… Either everyone implements it or doesn’t”. “Other issues… like missile and regional issues have nothing to do [with] the nuclear issue”, Rouhani affirmed. “These are not negotiable. What can be on the table is for everyone to return to their full commitments as soon as possible”.

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  • 10 December 2020

    Discussing Iranian legislation mandating the expansion of nuclear activities, IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi warned that “if implemented, these measures would be an even further deviation from the commitments that Iran entered into when it joined the [nuclear] agreement… I cannot imagine who would win from such a situation. If there was any limitation of the IAEA inspectors as a result of this or any other situation were curtailed in their work”. “We would have to be very clear to the world this is happening. And this in itself would not help anyone including Iran”, he added. Referring to IAEA concerns over Iran’s safeguards declarations, Grossi indicated that “we are getting unsatisfactory answers so we are insisting on getting some”.

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  • 9 December 2020

    President Rouhani maintained that “the countries that remained in the JCPOA did not fulfill their obligations properly and now the installation of modern and new IR-2M centrifuges in Natanz is not new for some Europeans to mourn about”. He further emphasised that “returning to the obligations does not take time at all and it only depends on resolve… The next person [ie, U.S. President-elect Biden] can put a good piece of paper on the table and sign it nicely so that we could return to the first place, and it does not take time at all”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif insisted that “the U.S. is responsible for its commitments to the JCPOA, and it should make effort to regain the membership of the deal… The privilege of being a member of the 2015 nuclear deal would be granted to the U.S. if it were faithful to fulfill its commitments”.

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  • 8 December 2020

    An Iranian government spokesperson reiterated that “we expect the U.S. to reverse all the destructive trends as quickly as Trump did, and without any preconditions. The next U.S. administration knows very well what it should do to reassure Iran and what harmful actions it can avoid that could harm diplomacy”. He further argued that “it is not possible to consider new negotiations until the U.S. returns to the point where it has departed from its undertakings”.

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  • 8 December 2020

    Addressing Iran’s neighbours, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked: “Why ask the U.S./E3 for inclusion in talks with Iran when a) There won’t be any talks about our region with them as they’re the problem themselves, b) we can speak directly about our region without outside meddling”. “The Hormuz Peace Endeavour [HOPE] is still on the table”, Zarif added.

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  • 8 December 2020

    The U.S. designated Hassan Irloo, whom it described as “an official in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) and the Iranian regime’s envoy to the Huthi rebels in Yemen” on counterterrorism authorities. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued that “by dispatching Irloo to Yemen, the IRGC-QF is signaling its intent to increase support to the Huthis and further complicate international efforts to reach a negotiated settlement to the conflict”. The U.S. also sanctioned “Al-Mustafa International University for facilitating IRGC-QF recruitment efforts and one individual”. According to the Treasury Department, the university “is used as a recruitment platform by the IRGC-QF for intelligence collection and operations, including recruitment for the IRGC-QF-led foreign militias fighting on behalf of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria”. The following day, Iran blacklisted the U.S. ambassador to Yemen for having “a leading role in organising, financing and arming, directing and carrying out actions of aggressor coalition and formation of human tragedy in Yemen”.

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  • 7 December 2020

    Syrian Foreign Minister Feisal Meqdad visited Tehran and met with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and other senior officials. Discussing the trip, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “political solutions are the only possible option to end the current crisis” in Syria and affirmed that “Iran stands beside the Syrian people and the government in the fight against terrorism”. The following day, President Rouhani called Syrian a “strategic ally” and asserted that Israel “must be confronted until the liberation of the occupied territories, including Golan Heights”. Iran’s Defence Minister, Amir Hatami, also voiced “the determination of Iran to continue cooperation with Syria in the reconstruction phase of this country”.

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  • 7 December 2020

    France, Germany and the UK jointly stated that “Iran’s recent announcement to the IAEA that it intends to install an additional three cascades of advanced centrifuges at the Fuel Enrichment Plant in Natanz is contrary to the JCPOA and deeply worrying. Furthermore, we have taken note, with great concern, of the recent law passed by the Iranian Parliament, which – if implemented – would substantially expand Iran’s nuclear program and limit IAEA monitoring access”. The E3 asserted that “if Iran is serious about preserving a space for diplomacy, it must not implement these steps. Such a move would jeopardise our shared efforts to preserve the JCPOA and risks compromising the important opportunity for a return to diplomacy with the incoming U.S. Administration”. The same day, the European Council maintained that the EU and U.S. “need to work together to preserve the [JCPOA]… and to further its achievements and to address future challenges”.

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  • 7 December 2020

    The head of the Central Bank of Iran asserted that “because the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine has to be done through the official channels of the World Health Organization (WHO), all the paths to pay and transfer the required currency have so far been blocked by the inhumane embargoes of the U.S. government and the need to obtain an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) license”. Referring to Iran’s request of an IMF loan, the Iranian official claimed that “the IMF did not even dare raise the issue… at the fund’s board of directors under the U.S. pressures and threats”. In a statement, the U.S. Treasury Department reiterated that “the U.S. maintains broad exceptions… that allow for the commercial sale and export of humanitarian goods”.

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  • 5 December 2020

    Media reports citing unnamed sources indicated that Iran was “sending its biggest fleet yet of tankers to Venezuela in defiance of U.S. sanctions”, adding that “some of the flotilla of about ten Iranian vessels will also help export Venezuelan crude after discharging fuel”.

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  • 5 December 2020

    Iran’s ambassador to Iraq confirmed that IRGC Quds Force Commander Qaani had visited Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister al-Kadhimi, President Salih and other senior Iraqi officials, highlighting that Qaani “continues the same mission pursued by his predecessor General Qassem Soleimani”. The envoy insisted that “Iran’s movements in Iraq have taken place in the context of strengthening the government and encouraging political factions and movements to integrate”. He further described “the U.S. presence as the source of threats to the region… [which] must end with the withdrawal of U.S. forces”, adding: “Resistance groups have a serious problem with the Americans. Trump should not threaten or provoke anyone… If they act against the resistance groups, [the resistance groups] will surely respond”.

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  • 4 December 2020

    Media reports citing a confidential IAEA report indicated that Iran on 2 December “informed the agency that the operator of the Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) at Natanz ‘intends to start installation of three cascades of IR-2m centrifuge machines’ at FEP”.

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  • 4 December 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that “here’s what… [the] E3 must do before speaking about what Iran should do: Stop despicable COVID Apartheid, honour your obligations under UNSC 2231 Resolution and stop violating the JCPOA. End your malign behaviour in our region: $100 billion arms sales to [the] Persian Gulf and blind support for Israel terror”. Zarif’s comments came after German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had said that “a form of ‘nuclear agreement plus’ is needed”, and expressed “clear expectations for Iran: no nuclear weapons, but also no ballistic rocket program which threatens the whole region. Iran must also play another role in the region”.

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  • 3 December 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “the U.S. must implement without preconditions its obligations under the JCPOA. It has to show its good faith, it has to establish its bona fides, then Iran will go back in full compliance with JCPOA”, adding: “We will not renegotiate a deal which we negotiated”. He also noted that “the issue of missile[s] and the issue of regional security were deliberately put aside by all sides not because they gave a concession to Iran but because the other sides were not prepared to end their malign behaviour is this area”. Discussing the idea of further prisoner swaps, Zarif maintained that “we can always engage in that, it is in the interests of everybody”. “In fact, there are several proposals by Iran on the table… I have suggested a global exchange of Iranian prisoners”, he added

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  • 2 December 2020

    The IRGC reported that it had “captured 3 terrorist elements” in north-western Iran, adding that the detainees “intended to launch a terrorist attack”. “Large quantities of weapons, ammunition and communication equipment have also been seized by the forces”, the IRGC claimed.

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  • 2 December 2020

    Iran’s parliament ratified the outlines of a bill entitled “Strategic Action to Lift Sanctions” requiring the government, inter alia, to increase uranium enrichment to 20 per cent and suspend NPT implementation if the JCPOA’s remaining parties failed to fulfil their commitments two months after the law came into force. President Rouhani maintained that his administration did “not agree with that resolution and considers it detrimental to the process of diplomatic activities”. He further asserted that “in the field of nuclear activities, we are in so much better conditions compared to eight years ago…  We have reached to IR-8 and IR-9 from IR-1 and IR-2, and we are stronger in the field of enrichment than any other year, and the possibility of research and development is better than ever in the country”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently underscored that Iran’s steps under the law would not be “irreversible”. “The Europeans and Americans can come back into compliance with the JCPOA and not only this law will not be implemented, but in fact the actions we have taken… will be rescinded. We will go back to full compliance”, Zarif explained.

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  • 1 December 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “we have clearly told the countries which have normalised their relations with Israel that we will give an immediate response without any hesitation to any security threat against Iran”.

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  • 30 November 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that U.S. Secretary of State Mike “Pompeo’s hurried trips to the region, the trilateral meeting in Saudi Arabia and Netanyahu’s statements all point to this conspiracy that unfortunately emerged in Friday’s [27 November] cowardly terrorist act and the martyrdom of one of the country’s top executives”. A senior Saudi official subsequently maintained that “Zarif is desperate to blame the Kingdom for anything negative that happens in Iran… It is not the policy of Saudi Arabia to engage in assassinations; unlike Iran, which has done so since the Khomeini Revolution in 1979”. Relatedly, Saudi Arabia’s UN envoy maintained that “the loss of a Muslim scientist is a loss to the entire Muslim Umma (world)”, emphasising that “emotional and spontaneous reactions won’t bring positive outcomes”.

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  • 30 November 2020

    Commenting on the “calls by Iranian members of parliament to end [IAEA] inspections following the [27 November] killing” of a senior Iranian nuclear scientist, IAEA Director General Raphael Grossi indicated that “we understand the distress but at the same time it is clear that no-one, starting with Iran, would have anything to win from a decrease, limitation or interruption of the work we do together with them”. He further noted that “we haven’t received any indication of restriction or limitation of their cooperation with us… I do not see any reason to believe that this would be the case now”.

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  • 28 November 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that “one of our country’s eminent scientists in the nuclear and defence fields, Dr Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, has been martyred by brutal mercenaries…  All relevant administrators must seriously place two crucial matters on their agendas: First to investigate this crime and firmly prosecute its perpetrators and its commanders, second to continue the martyr’s scientific and technological efforts in all the sectors where he was active”.

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  • 27 November 2020

    Iran’s Defence Ministry confirmed the death of a senior Iranian nuclear scientist who led the Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND) in what it described as “a terrorist attack”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that “this cowardice – with serious indications of [an] Israeli role – shows [the] desperate warmongering of perpetrators. Iran calls on [the] international community –and especially EU – to end their shameful double standards and condemn this act of state terror”. A military advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei assessed that the U.S. and Israel sought “to intensify pressure on Iran and create a full-blown war”, while Iran’s military chief of staff warned of “severe revenge” against those responsible. President Rouhani on 28 November remarked that “the relevant authorities will respond to this crime at the proper time”, while also indicating that “the Iranian nation is wiser and smarter than to fall in the trap of the Zionists [ie, Israel]”. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres encouraged “restraint and the need to avoid any actions that could lead to an escalation of tensions in the region”. Israeli media subsequently reported that the country had “raised alertness in its embassies around the world”.

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  • 26 November 2020

    Iran’s UN ambassador told the Security Council that “Iran is currently facing the toughest sanctions ever imposed on any other country, and these limitations have severely hampered our efforts to combat the COVID-19 [pandemic]”. “These illegal, immoral and inhumane punishments are a clear symbol of crimes against humanity and economic terrorism”, he added.

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  • 25 November 2020

    President Rouhani expressed “hope that the next [U.S.] administration will explicitly condemn Trump’­s policies against Iran and make up for its anti-human rights and terrorist acts… in its first steps”, adding that Iranian policy “is commitment for commitment, action for action, reduction of tension for reduction of tension, respect for respect and international commitments for international commitments. If there is such a will in the coming American administration, I think it is very easy to settle the problems”. Rouhani also suggested that “Iran and the U.S. can both decide and announce that they will return to the terms of 20 January 2017, and this can be a great solution to many issues and problems, and completely change the course and conditions, and then we can continue taking the next steps on different issues”.

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  • 25 November 2020

    The U.S. State Department sanctioned four China- and Russia-based entities “for supporting Iran’s missile program”, asserting that “we will continue to work to impede Iran’s missile development efforts and use our sanctions to spotlight the foreign suppliers… that provide missile-related materials and technology to Iran”.

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  • 24 November 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posited that “the military approach to building peace [in Afghanistan] has failed, and the presence of foreign troops has been a lingering problem. A responsible exit of foreign troops from Afghanistan — with a smooth and effective assumption of their duties by the Afghan security forces — will be a positive step toward a sustainable peace”. He further emphasised that “Iran has always supported intra-Afghan dialogue, owned and led by Afghans themselves, which should include the Taliban… The UN should be central in facilitating intra-Afghan dialogue, and Iran stands ready to cooperate”. Zarif also contended that “instead of facilitating, the U.S. — through its economic terrorism targeting Iranians and Afghans alike — impedes” cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan.

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  • 24 November 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei maintained that “we tried to remove the sanctions through negotiations one time, but it was fruitless”, adding: “If we can overcome sanctions with diligence, creativity, resistance and endurance in the face of problems, and if the other side sees the futility of its sanctions, they will gradually stop imposing such sanctions”. Khamenei further argued that “the U.S.’s situation is not clear. And as for the Europeans, they are constantly taking a stand against Iran… We cannot trust foreign powers and pin our hopes on them”.

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  • 21 November 2020

    The Iranian embassy in Afghanistan reported that one of nearly two dozen rockets targeting Kabul’s Green Zone had caused material damage to the embassy. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson was cited as describing the attack “as an example of proxy war” and contending that “the U.S. has direct responsibility for such attacks”.

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  • 20 November 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denied media reports that senior Iranian officials had “tried to pass on to [U.S. President-elect] Biden’s advisers through intermediaries Tehran’s insistence that the U.S. return to the Iran deal unconditionally before any talks resume”.

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  • 19 November 2020

    Speaking at the unveiling of an “ocean-going, helicopter and drone-carrying warship”, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami asserted that “we will not be limited to any specific geography to defend our security and vital interests and if anyone wants to threaten the interests of this nation and great country, certainly he/she will not find a safe point on Earth”. “We are never the first to threaten any country; but this defensive strategy has always been accompanied by offensive tactics”, Salami added.

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  • 19 November 2020

    Discussing the latest quarterly IAEA report on Iran’s JCPOA compliance, the country’s envoy told the Board of Governors that “whenever the lost balance between the rights and commitments of the JCPOA participants as stipulated by the deal is restored through lifting sanctions and implementing commitments in this field, Iran is ready to reverse its remedial actions”. Regarding IAEA concerns over Iran’s safeguards declarations, the envoy argued that “it also should not be seen abnormal for Iran to be in need of reasonable time to investigate on the issues raised by the Agency”, while noting that “providing the Agency with the requested access was done in good-will, and this should be seen as a foundation to resolve the issue”. “Despite different understanding of technical matters between the two sides”, he added, “interactions are still ongoing with a view to finalise the resolution of the matter, hence any hasty comments and conclusions should be avoided”.

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  • 19 November 2020

    A senior advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei underscored that “We are not after starting a war. But we are not after negotiations for the sake of negotiations either”. “Iran will not negotiate its defensive power… with anybody under any circumstances”, he added. Commenting on the normalisation of relations between Israel and Bahrain and the UAE, the official assessed that “it is opening an extensive front… Just imagine every Israeli in any military base can be a target for groups who are opposed to Israel”.

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  • 18 November 2020

    The U.S. Treasury Department designated the Islamic Revolution Mostazafan Foundation, which it described as “a key patronage network for the Supreme Leader of Iran” and “an immense conglomerate of some 160 holdings in key sectors of Iran’s economy, including finance, energy, construction and mining”. It also sanctioned “Iran’s Minister of Intelligence and Security… pursuant to human rights authorities”. The State Department additionally blacklisted two senior IRGC officials “for their involvement… in gross violations of human rights, namely the flagrant denial of the right to life in connection with the violent suppression of protests by security forces in November 2019”. “Nations who believe in supporting the freedoms of expression and association should condemn Iran’s egregious human rights violations… by imposing consequences on the regime as we have”, said Secretary Pompeo.

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  • 18 November 2020

    President Rouhani indicated that “some think that when we say things will get better, we mean we will be negotiating with the U.S., but this is not the case”. Rouhani further stated that “with future conditions, we will move from the atmosphere of threat created by this rebel government [ie, the Trump administration] to the atmosphere of opportunity”.

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  • 18 November 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the IAEA Board of Governors that the agency “has now conducted complementary accesses at two locations in Iran not declared to the Agency, and conducted an additional nuclear material inventory verification at a declared facility in Iran”. He further noted that “the presence of multiple uranium particles of anthropogenic origin… at a location in Iran not declared to the Agency still needs to be fully and promptly explained by Iran”. Later in the day, Grossi also confirmed that Iran had begun operating “174 centrifuges [that] had been moved into a new area of the Natanz nuclear site”, adding that “there is no significant increase in the volumes, since… they had already been operating in a different place. So, it’s a nuance there. But of course, it is something that is not within the limits of the JCPOA”.

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  • 18 November 2020

    Addressing the IAEA Bord of Governors, the envoys from France, Germany and the UK asserted that “it is now critical that Iran immediately reverses its steps and returns to full compliance with the JCPOA without further delay. We remain committed to working with all JCPOA participants to find a diplomatic way forward and we intend to pursue these discussions within the framework of the JCPOA”. The E3 further referred to the IAEA concerns over Iran’s safeguards declarations and urged Iran “to fully cooperate with the IAEA”, underscoring that “delays and unsatisfactory responses are unacceptable”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently maintained that “instead of political projections, the three European countries are expected to act in full compliance with their obligations under the JCPOA”, while underscoring that Iranian breaches of the 2015 agreement were “in full accordance with the JCPOA [and] Iran will step back in case other parties meet their obligations”.

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  • 17 November 2020

    Reacting to media reports that President Trump had on 12 November “asked senior advisors … whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site”, an Iranian government spokesperson warned that “any action against the Iranian nation would certainly face a crushing response”. He also ventured that “I personally don’t foresee that it’s probable that they [ie, the U.S.] would want to cause insecurity in the world and the region”. Relatedly, an Israeli minister opined that “if I were the Iranians, I would not feel at ease”, adding: “It is very important that the Iranians know that if, indeed, they suddenly dash toward high levels of enrichment, in the direction of nuclear weaponry, they are liable to encounter the military might of the U.S. – and also, perhaps, of other countries”.

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  • 17 November 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “as a UN member and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the U.S. is duty-bound to implement Resolution 2231. If the resolution is implemented, the sanctions will be removed. Iran has announced that in that case, it will resume honoring its commitments under the JCPOA”. Zarif added: “If the U.S. seeks to join the JCPOA again, we are ready to negotiate the terms and conditions of Washington’s membership in the deal”.

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  • 14 November 2020

    The Iraqi defence minister visited Tehran and met with senior Iranian officials. Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami told his counterpart that Iran “is prepared to strengthen Iraq’s defence power and meet the needs of Iraqi armed forces”. He also argued that “achieving stability and peace in the region would be impossible with the presence of extra-regional forces”. In turn, the Iraqi minister maintained that his visit aimed “to strengthen and enhance the bilateral relations and get acquainted with Iran’s scientific and technological achievements and experiences in the defence industry”. He also thanked Iran for “advisory and arms assistance in the battle against the ISIS terrorist group”, while voicing interest to “expand interaction with Iran in order to increase the capabilities of… [Iraqis] armed forces with the purpose of eradicating the remaining terrorist groups”.

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  • 14 November 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denied media reports regarding the killing of a senior al-Qaeda leader in Tehran in August “by Israeli operatives at the behest of the U.S.”, declaring that “such accusations are undoubtedly part of the full-fledged economic, intelligence and psychological war against the Iranian people”. He additionally rejected “any presence of the terrorist group’s members in Iran”.

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  • 13 November 2020

    The Iranian Law Enforcement Force reported a clash between Iranian guards and “armed counter-revolutionary elements” in north-western Iran, which caused three fatalities and two injuries. The following day, the IRGC announced that it had “targeted the positions of the counter-revolutionary terrorist groups on the other side of the north-western borders… inflicting heavy losses and casualties”.

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  • 12 November 2020

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced the arrest of the leader of ASMLA (Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of al-Ahwaz), what it described as a “terrorist group… directly supported by the Saudi intelligence services and the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] [that] has been managing terrorist operations in Iran”. On 18 November, the ministry released what it described as “some documents and correspondence of the ASMLA with the Saudi intelligence agencies”.

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  • 12 November 2020

    Iranian Petroleum Minister Bijan Zanganeh contended that “U.S. sanctions and depriving Iran of [its] hydrocarbon revenues has caused the country to face problems in handling the new coronavirus [pandemic]. Therefore, I believe that the U.S. administration is responsible for the deaths of [more than] 400 Iranian people every day due to the coronavirus’ pandemic”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian health official reported that “our country’s pre-payment to participate in COVAX is under way, but due to the cowardly sanctions of the Americans and the problems in the transfer of currency, this has not happened yet”.

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  • 11 November 2020

    President Rouhani underscored that “we have not cut ties with the U.S., it is them who cut ties and started hostilities with Iran… Iran and the P4+1 have been in the [nuclear] deal from the beginning, and it is up to them [ie, the U.S.]; if they live up to their obligations, they can choose a new path”. He further stressed that “our goal is to lift the sanctions and to have constructive interaction with the world, and whenever the opportunity arises, we will take action, and no one has the right to lose opportunities, and we will use the opportunities based on national interests and unity”. “These are not partisan issues, but in any step we want to take, we will heed the instructions of the Supreme Leader”, Rouhani added. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat asserted that the “JCPOA is not a gateway where anyone can leave or come back whenever they want… there are rules and conditions that must be negotiated, but the way back is open”.

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  • 10 November 2020

    The U.S. designated “a network of six companies and four individuals that facilitated the procurement of sensitive goods, including U.S.-origin electronic components, for… an Iranian military firm” already sanctioned “for being owned or controlled by Iran’s Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), the overall manager and coordinator of Iran’s ballistic missile program”.

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  • 10 November 2020

    Referring to the projected defeat of President Trump in the U.S. presidential elections, President Rouhani opined that “the U.S. people saw the world’s response to bullying, law aversion, breaches of international commitments… and decided to bring about a change”. He went on to suggest that the incoming administration “grasp the message of their people and translate this determination for change into their foreign policies and their ties with other countries and states”. “Re-embracing adherence to recognised international laws, regulations and obligations, honouring other nations’ rights and compensating the losses incurred are prerequisites to healing the U.S. credibility across the world”, Rouhani remarked.

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  • 9 November 2020

    Iran’s special envoy for Afghanistan urged “the UN and its Secretary-General to play a more significant role in helping the progress of intra-Afghan talks and international negotiations” in conversation with a senior UN official, while voicing “Iran’s support and preparedness for cooperation with the UN in this regard”. He also asserted that “Tehran considers Afghan peace and security as its own, and will support a peace process led and owned by Afghans”. According to an Iranian readout, “the two sides also expressed concerns over the escalation of violence in Afghanistan in the past three months, and called for de-escalation of violence and prevention of civilian casualties”.

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  • 9 November 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “it would be naive to think that it is possible to renegotiate the JCPOA. The deal has been struck and sealed… Iran has announced repeatedly that the JCPOA relates to the past and could not be discussed again or renegotiated”. He further asserted that “the U.S. is not in a position to set conditions for anybody… When an administration in the U.S. wants to return to the JCPOA there will be a table for them to respond for violation of [their] commitments”.

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  • 8 November 2020

    With Joe Biden projected as winner of the U.S. 2020 presidential election, President Rouhani remarked that “now is the time for the next administration of the U.S. to make up for past mistakes and return to the path of adherence to international obligations and respecting global regulations… Iran has always adhered to its obligations if all other parties do so in a responsible manner, and we consider constructive interaction with the world as our strategy”. Rouhani also urged “the promotion of security and development in the region in the shadow of cooperation and synergy between Iran and its neighbours, and to follow the path of stability and economic growth of the country”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted: “A sincere message to our neighbours: Trump’s gone in 70 days but we’ll remain here forever. Betting on outsiders to provide security is never a good gamble. We extend our hand to our neighbours for dialog to resolve differences”.

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  • 7 November 2020

    After Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that the U.S. 2020 presidential election showed “the ugly reality of liberal democracy inside the U.S.”, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo riposted that “your elections are a joke, with hundreds of candidates disqualified from even running. Today, your people starve because you spend billions on proxy wars to protect your kleptocracy”. “We welcome the day when the Iranian people get their wish – and you know what that is”, Pompeo added.

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  • 5 November 2020

    On a visit to Caracas, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke at a panel entitled “Venezuela and Iran in Defence of the Emerging Modern World” alongside his Venezuelan counterpart and met with other senior Venezuelan officials, including President Maduro. Maduro maintained that Zarif’s trip “underlines the unwavering spirit of the strategic relations of cooperation and solidarity between Iran and Venezuela”. During a media presence on 7 November, Zarif stressed that “we have excellent relations between Iran and Venezuela”, while noting that “Iran will continue to cooperate with Venezuela in various fields, including defence, and that cooperation has nothing to do with the U.S.”.

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  • 4 November 2020

    President Rouhani insisted that “we do not care who is elected [president] in the U.S… If we are respected instead of illegal and oppressive sanctions, then things will be different, and if honour and respect replace threats, and enforcing the law replaces breaking one’s promises, things will be different”.  

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  • 3 November 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei emphasised that “no matter who wins the U.S. elections, it won’t affect our policy toward the U.S. Some people talk about what will happen if this or that one is elected. Yes, certain events may happen but they don’t concern us. Our policy is calculated and clear”. Khamenei also described as “treacherous [and] contemptible” the normalisation of relations with Israel by several regional countries, maintaining that “Palestine will be free, while the bogus Zionist regime [ie, Israel] will perish”.

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  • 2 November 2020

    Commenting on the U.S. presidential election, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif assessed that “the statements by the Biden camp have been more promising, but we will have to wait and see… What is important for us is how the White House behaves after the election, not what promises are there, what slogans are made. The behaviour of the U.S. is important”. He added that “reengagement does not mean renegotiation [of the JCPOA]. It means the U.S. coming back to the negotiating table”.

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  • 2 November 2020

    A top Huthi diplomat maintained that “Iran does not interfere in Yemen’s internal affairs”, and argued that “with respect to weapons and military strikes, we carry out these attacks ourselves, relying on our own weapons depots”. “Iran, God willing, will be one of the parties to peace”, he added. On 5 November, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif described the two sides’ relations as “good and strategic”.

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  • 29 October 2020

    The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled sanctions designations against “eight entities for their involvement in the sale and purchase of Iranian petrochemical products”; the State Department issued additional designations in parallel. Separately, the Justice Department said it had filed “a complaint to forfeit two shipments of Iranian missiles that the U.S. Navy seized in transit from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to militant groups in Yemen, as well as the sale of approximately 1.1 million barrels of Iranian petroleum that the U.S. previously obtained from four foreign-flagged oil tankers bound for Venezuela”. “These actions represent the government’s largest-ever forfeitures actions for fuel and weapons shipments from Iran”, the statement added.

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  • 28 October 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson deplored the “assassination” of a Huthi official and maintained: “Like other crimes committed by the aggressors against Yemen, such cowardly assassination undoubtedly reveals only the weakness of the aggressors that have reached an impasse in confrontation with the resisting and determined nation in that country”.

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  • 27 October 2020

    A senior Iranian official remarked that “our conditions for the full fulfilment of our obligations in the JCPOA are clear… returning to commitments is reversible. It does not matter to us who becomes the next president of the U.S. and decides to return to the JCPOA. We welcome any president who makes such a decision”. He went on to assert that “it is necessary for the U.S. to be ready to respond to the damages it has inflicted on the Iranian people since its withdrawal”, and further indicated that “the U.S. must be prepared to make further commitments to prevent a recurrence of such sabotage”.

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  • 27 October 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi was cited as confirming that “Iran has started building an underground centrifuge assembly plant” following the 2 July “sabotage” incident at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP). “It’s not completed… It’s a long process”, he added. Referring to the 26 August agreement between the IAEA and Iran, Grossi maintained that “since then we have kept the good level of cooperation in the sense that our inspectors are regularly present and visiting the sites”.

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  • 26 October 2020

    The U.S. designated “the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) pursuant to… a counterterrorism authority, for their financial support to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)”. The Treasury Department also sanctioned “multiple entities and individuals associated with the Ministry of Petroleum, NIOC and NITC, including front companies, subsidiaries and senior executives” as well as vessels, in addition to “four persons involved in the recent sale of Iranian gasoline to the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela”.

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  • 22 October 2020

    The U.S. Treasury Department designated “five Iranian entities for attempting to influence elections in the U.S.”, including the IRGC and Quds Force. The U.S. additionally designated Iran’s ambassador to Iraq, asserting that he had “helped direct a variety of IRGC-QF activities in Iraq for many years, including training and providing support for Iraqi militia groups and facilitating large-scale financial transactions involving the IRGC-QF”. The Iranian Foreign Ministry subsequently sanctioned the U.S. ambassador to Baghdad and two other U.S. diplomats in Iraq. 

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  • 21 October 2020

    Commenting on the expiry of UN arms restrictions against Iran, President Rouhani asserted that “it doesn’t matter what amounts of weapons we purchase or sell with the arms embargo lifted. What is important is that the logic of right and righteousness and the logic of law and rationalism defeated force and bullying, and that the Iranian nation achieved its rights”. Rouhani also insisted that “it is by no means important for the Islamic Republic of Iran who will win the U.S. presidential election, because any government taking power in the U.S. would have to surrender to the Iranian nation”.

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  • 21 October 2020

    At a press conference on election security, U.S. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced that “some voter registration has been obtained by Iran”, adding that Iran had been “sending spoofed emails designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest and damage President Trump”. Tehran denied what it described as “fabricated, amateurish and deceitful reports from the U.S. regime’s officials”, also underscoring that “Iran has no interest in interfering in the U.S. election and no preference for the outcome”. 

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  • 19 October 2020

    Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami discussed the expiry of UN arms restrictions on Iran and maintained that “the ground for selling and buying weapons is prepared for the Islamic Republic of Iran, but of course, the sales will be more”. “There must not be an arms race, as this would turn the region into a powder keg”, Hatami emphasised, adding: “we are ready to sign military and security agreements with the countries of the Persian Gulf in order to strengthen regional stability”. He further warned that “the normalisation of relations of the UAE and Bahrain with the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] is a direct threat to the security of the Persian Gulf region”, and “any Israeli threat coming from the Persian Gulf will face a clear and direct response”. Hatami went on to affirm that “the Islamic Republic will not negotiate with the U.S. regarding its missile systems”.

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  • 18 October 2020

    The Chairman of the High Council of National Reconciliation in Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah, visited Tehran and met with Iranian senior officials. Foreign Minister Zarif reiterated “Iran’s support for the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the process of peace under the leadership and management of Afghans and the agreements among the participants in the intra-Afghan negotiations”. He also voiced “Iran’s support for the Taliban’s participation in Afghanistan’s political structure”. 

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  • 18 October 2020

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the expiration of UN arms restrictions asserting that “all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from the Islamic Republic of Iran, and all prohibitions regarding the entry into or transit through territories of the United Nations Member States previously imposed on a number of Iranian citizens and military officials, are all automatically terminated”. The statement underscored that “unconventional arms, weapons of mass destruction and a buying spree of conventional arms have no place in Iran’s defence doctrine”. Tehran further warned that in case of “any measure against the provisions of UNSC Resolution 2231, particularly paragraph 1 and its defined timetables… Iran reserves the right to take any necessary countermeasures to secure its national interests”. In parallel, the U.S. State Department insisted that “on September 19, virtually all UN sanctions on Iran returned, including re-imposition of the UN arms embargo… The U.S. is prepared to use its domestic authorities to sanction any individual or entity that materially contributes to the supply, sale or transfer of conventional arms to or from Iran, as well as those who provide technical training, financial support and services, and other assistance related to these arms”.

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  • 14 October 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarked that “Iran claims it doesn’t want a nuclear weapon, then threatens the world with its nuclear program. All nations must reject the regime’s extortion… The U.S. will never allow the world’s leading state sponsor of terror to have the world’s deadliest weapon—and yes, we can prevent it and will”. The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) subsequently asserted that “Iran’s nuclear scientists, following the guidelines of the Supreme Leader, are ready to face the coercion and unilateralism of the U.S. government relating to the use of the nuclear energy”. “Foresight approach in peaceful deployment of nuclear energy is the strategic principle for [the] Islamic Republic of Iran and nuclear power will remain in the dominance of the Iranian nation forever”, AEOI added.

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  • 14 October 2020

    Iran’s information security agency issued “notices to various government departments demanding them to be prepared for potential cyber attacks” after a “major cyber attack” targeted “two government organisations”. On 16 October, the Ports and Maritime Organisation of Iran confirmed that it had “thwarted a cyberattack targeting the electronic infrastructures of the Iranian ports”.

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  • 12 October 2020

    After a U.S. court ruled that Iran had to pay around $1.4 billion in damages to the family of Robert Levinson, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson argued that “the missing person has left Iran, therefore, this American move of accusing Iran is ridiculous… The recent action of the American court is another example of the American’s extravagances and bullying”. 

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  • 12 October 2020

    Iran’s central bank chief announced that Tehran and Baghdad had “reached good agreements to release the financial resources of the central bank [held in Iraq] and use it to secure the import of essential goods” to Iran.

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  • 12 October 2020

    The IRGC announced that it had “launched two successful operations against terrorist groups” in western Iran, indicating that “three terrorist elements were killed and three others were injured, one of whom was captured… Large quantities of weapons, ammunition and communication equipment have also been seized”.

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  • 12 October 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that Iran would “keep up its steadfastness and resistance until turning America’s maximum pressure into maximum disgrace and a source of regret for them”. He further noted that “although many of our problems are related to international issues, their remedy exists inside the country… The remedy should not be sought outside the country because we will not gain anything from foreigners”. “The commotion created by the thugs dominating the U.S. nation should not occupy anyone’s thoughts”, Khamenei advised.

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  • 10 October 2020

    IAEA Director General Grossi remarked that “the Iranians continue to enrich uranium, and to a much higher degree than they have committed themselves to. And this amount is growing by the month”. He further noted that “in the IAEA we do not talk about breakout time. We look at the significant quantity, the minimum amount of enriched uranium or plutonium needed to make an atomic bomb. Iran does not have this significant quantity at the moment”.

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  • 9 October 2020

    President Trump remarked that “If I win [the presidential election] we’ll have a great deal with Iran within one month”, further stating: “Iran is bust because of me, because of sanctions and other things… You don’t see the terror the way used to see the terror”. He also indicated that “they know if they do anything against us they’ll pay a thousand-fold problem”, adding: “they’ve been put on notice… if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before and they understand that”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “the Iranian people aren’t intimidated by the bullying rhetoric of the failing and lawless U.S. regime… We will choose [to] response to U.S. crimes, including sadistic sanctions and [the] criminal assassination of ISIS number one enemy, General [Qassem] Soleimani”.

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  • 8 October 2020

    The U.S. Treasury Department announced that it had “identified the financial sector of the Iranian economy pursuant to… Executive Order (E.O.) 13902, which authorises Treasury to sanction any Iranian financial institution. Subsequently, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eighteen major Iranian banks”. Secretary Mnuchin maintained that the action “reflects our commitment to stop illicit access to U.S. dollars… Our sanctions programs will continue until Iran stops its support of terrorist activities and ends its nuclear programs”. “Today’s actions will continue to allow for humanitarian transactions to support the Iranian people”, he argued. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted: “Amid [the] COVID-19 pandemic, [the] U.S. regime wants to blow up our remaining channels to pay for food and medicine. Iranians will survive this latest of cruelties. But conspiring to starve a population is a crime against humanity”.

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  • 8 October 2020

    Twitter announced that it had “identified a network of primarily compromised accounts on Twitter operating from Iran, which artificially amplified conversations on politically sensitive topics, including Black Lives Matter (BLM), the murder of George Floyd, and other issues of racial and social justice in the U.S… We suspended a total of 104 accounts connected with this campaign”.

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  • 6 October 2020

    A U.S. diplomatic spokeswoman remarked that “the U.S. is concerned by the worsening COVID-19 situation in Iran and we reiterate our offer of assistance”. Her Iranian counterpart dismissed the “empty offers of ‘aid’”, suggesting that Washington “stop blocking Iranian people’s right to use their own money frozen in Korea, Iraq and Japan, to be used for food and medicine” via the Swiss Humanitarian Channel (SHTA). In related remarks, EU High Representative Josep Borrell underscored that “sanctions must not impede humanitarian trade”.

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  • 30 September 2020

    The IAEA announced that “as part of an agreement with Iran to resolve safeguards implementation issues specified by the IAEA, the Agency this week conducted a complementary access at the second location in the country and took environmental samples”.

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  • 30 September 2020

    Twitter announced that “based on intelligence provided by the FBI… we removed approximately 130 accounts that appeared to originate in Iran. They were attempting to disrupt the public conversation during the first 2020 U.S. Presidential Debate”. The accounts “had very low engagement and did not make an impact on the public conversation”, Twitter noted.

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  • 29 September 2020

    The IRGC announced that three of its soldiers had been killed and one injured in an unclaimed attack in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 28 September 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif discussed bilateral relations with his Venezuelan counterpart, Jorge Arreaza. Arreaza described ties between Tehran and Caracas as “at the highest level” and “recognised Iran as a master to face the illegality of unilateral coercive measures and create a system beyond impositions”. According to a Venezuelan readout, Zarif expressed Iran’s support for “the proposal made by President Nicolas Maduro to create a group of countries affected by unilateral coercive measures in order to join efforts, exchange experiences and overcome the blockade”.

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  • 27 September 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “whatever the Americans are saying about their sanctions not affecting humanitarian items, it’s just a lie… It’s basically medical terrorism”. “The U.S. efforts to block Iran’s oil exports have limited Tehran’s ability to respond to the coronavirus crisis”, Zarif was quoted as saying, adding: “Iran does not even have access to some of its funds outside the country to buy medicine”.

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  • 26 September 2020

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hossein visited Tehran and delivered a message from Prime Minister al-Kadhimi to President Rouhani, which, according to an Iraqi readout, “focused on developments in the region, and a review of the most important expected possibilities, and their implications”. Rouhani remarked that “we stand with the government and people of Iraq to contribute to the unity and cohesion of Iraq”, further asserting: “we consider the presence of American armed forces in the region, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan or the Persian Gulf’s southern countries, detrimental to regional security and stability”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif noted “attacks carried out against Iranian diplomatic locations and highlighted the necessity of guaranteeing the dignity and security of Iranian diplomats in Iraq”, while denouncing “any assaults on diplomatic places”, which he described as “unacceptable”.

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  • 24 September 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif visited Moscow to discuss bilateral cooperation, JCPOA-related developments and regional matters. During a joint press conference, Zarif’s Russian counterpart rejected “any U.S. demands to introduce some indefinite arms embargo and invoke the ‘snapback’ mechanism to reimpose the former UN Security Council sanctions resolutions on Iran”. He added that “Resolution 2231… remains fully valid” and “the U.S.’s illegal initiatives and actions cannot have any international legal implications for other countries”.

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  • 23 September 2020

    King Salman told the UN General Assembly that “our experience with the Iranian regime has taught us that partial solutions and appeasement did not stop its threats to international peace and security. A comprehensive solution and a firm international position are required to ensure fundamental solutions to the Iranian regime’s attempt to obtain weapons of mass destruction, and its ballistic missile program, and its interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and its sponsorship of terrorism”. On Yemen, he maintained that Tehran “interfered… by supporting the coup carried out by its surrogate, the Huthi militia”, adding: “the Kingdom will not hesitate to defend its national security, nor will it abandon the fraternal people of Yemen until they regain their complete sovereignty and independence from Iranian hegemony”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently noted: “Saudi Arabia has, for years, been pursuing a blame-game policy and seeking to distort realities in order to escape the realities and not to be held accountable for its crimes”. He further highlighted Iran’s “fundamental policy of boosting diplomatic and dialogue-oriented talks in the region and the promotion of relations with all neighbours”.

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  • 23 September 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “the U.S. started an economic war two and a half years ago based on illusions and miscalculations against our country”, adding that “the first goal of the Americans… was to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran and at least tear down and destroy the 2231 agreement, but they did not achieve any of their goals”. “Today, we can and are ready to succeed in the economic war”, Rouhani added.

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  • 22 September 2020

    An Iranian military spokesperson confirmed that “we provided… [Yemenis] with the experiences in technology in the defence sphere, as they have learned how to produce missiles, drones and weapons in Yemen by themselves”. “The resistance front countries have armies and forces themselves. We provide them with advisory help. In order to share our experiences with the people of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, our experienced forces go there and give them intellectual assistance, but this is the people and armies of those countries who stand against the enemies in practice”, he added.

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  • 22 September 2020

    President Rouhani told the UN General Assembly that “the U.S. can impose neither negotiations, nor war on us. Life is hard under sanctions. However, harder, is life without independence”. He further asserted that “we are not a bargaining chip in U.S. elections and domestic policy. Any U.S. administration after the upcoming [presidential] elections will have no choice but to surrender to the resilience of the Iranian nation”.

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  • 21 September 2020

    President Trump announced “new actions to restrict Iran’s nuclear, ballistic missile and conventional weapons pursuits”, issuing an Executive Order aimed at “restoring UN sanctions on Iran and imposing new sanctions and export controls on more than two dozen entities and individuals that support nuclear, missile and conventional arms-related activities”. The announcement was accompanied by an interagency event rolling out designations by the State Department, the Treasury Department and the Commerce Department. “My actions today send a clear message to the Iranian regime and those in the international community who refuse to stand up to Iran… My administration will use every tool at our disposal to stop Iran’s nuclear, ballistic missile and conventional weapons pursuits”, Trump asserted.

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  • 21 September 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reiterated that “it’s immaterial for us who sits in the White House. For us, what is important is how they behave… the U.S. [has] to prove to the rest of the JCPOA participants, particularly to Iran, that it’s going to act responsibly, that it’s not going to make demands outside the scope of the JCPOA, and it’s going to basically stop causing damage to Iran, and compensate us for all the damages”. “We do not renegotiate what we already negotiated”. Zarif added. Referring to Iranian prisoners in the U.S., he declared that “we are prepared to exchange all of them… Let’s not put one person in front of another. Let’s do a universal deal”. He went on to remark with respect to the killing of Qassem Soleimani that “I’m not in the business of making threats, but the book is not closed”. The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Elliot Abrams, reacted by warning that “should Iran commit acts of terrorism against Americans, you can be sure that they will pay a very heavy price”.

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  • 19 September 2020

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami addressed President Trump and warned that “our promise to take revenge for the martyrdom of [Quds Force Commander] General Soleimani is decisive, serious and completely genuine”, proceeding to ask: “Do you think we would target a female ambassador in South Africa for the blood of our martyred brother?… We will target whoever had a role in the cowardly assassination”.

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  • 19 September 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared “the return of virtually all previously terminated UN sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran” following the contested U.S. claim to initiating the snapback process. “In addition to the arms embargo”, Pompeo explained, “this includes restrictions such as the ban on Iran engaging in enrichment and reprocessing-related activities, the prohibition on ballistic missile testing and development by Iran and sanctions on the transfer of nuclear- and missile-related technologies to Iran, among others”. He further warned that “if UN Member States fail to fulfill their obligations to implement these sanctions, the U.S. is prepared to use our domestic authorities to impose consequences for those failures”. “Our maximum pressure campaign on the Iranian regime will continue until Iran reaches a comprehensive agreement with us to rein in its proliferation threats and stops spreading chaos, violence and bloodshed”, Pompeo asserted. Iran’s Foreign Ministry maintained that the U.S. position was “groundless and invalid and lacks any legal effect”, and warned: “if the U.S. makes any move in line with these threats, whether alone or in cahoots with the few cronies of its own, it will be met with serious reaction and will be responsible for all the dangerous consequences of its move”.

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  • 18 September 2020

    The UK, Germany and France wrote to the Security Council that the U.S. snapback of UN sanctions on Iran “would be incapable of legal effect”. “We have worked tirelessly to preserve the nuclear agreement and remain committed to do so”, the E3 added. The following day, Russia and China in separate letters likewise contested the U.S. position.

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  • 17 September 2020

    The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned “Iranian cyber threat group Advanced Persistent Threat 39 (APT39), 45 associated individuals and one front company”. According to the State Department, “these groups and individuals targeted at least fifteen countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as hundreds of individuals and entities in 30 additional countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and North America”. “Today’s action is another reminder of the great risk that the Iranian regime poses to international cyber security as well as to the Iranian people, who face the continued threat of digital darkness and high-tech silencing”, asserted Secretary of State Pompeo. 

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  • 16 September 2020

    In a joint statement to the IAEA Board of Governors, the E3 expressed their “continued commitment to the preservation and full implementation of the nuclear agreement”, while being “extremely concerned by Iran’s continued violation of its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA, which seriously undermines the non-proliferation benefits of the agreement. Some of these measures have irreversible consequences”. “We will pursue further discussions within Joint Commission processes”, the statement noted, further underscoring their “hope this Board can send a clear message to Iran that it is crucial that it reverses all nuclear measures contrary to the agreement”.

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  • 16 September 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted that Iranian foreign minister Javad “Zarif’s government executed a young man – after brutally torturing him – to intimidate Iranian protesters… Democracies around the world have a moral obligation to stand firm and reject this regime’s brutality”. Pompeo added: “world leaders have taken an important first step and cancelled Zarif’s visits. They should not be rescheduled until Iran releases Navid [Afkari]’s brothers from prison and returns all wrongfully detained foreigners”.  Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned Pompeo’s remarks and argued that Pompeo “who is witnessing the failure of the policy of maximum pressure and unilateralism on Iran more and more, is attempting desperately to retrieve part of the lost prestige of Trump’s regime by claiming to advocate human rights”.

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  • 16 September 2020

    President Rouhani dismissed the U.S. effort to snap back UN sanctions against Iran, asserting that Washington “has not been able to start this process” and claiming that “this defeat of the U.S. is one of the great historical victories and successes for Iran”.

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  • 15 September 2020

    Addressing the IAEA Boards of Governors, Iran’s representative remarked that “the Islamic Republic of Iran continues its cooperation with the Agency, but there is a valid question to be raised: ‘whether the JCPOA and the verification activities in accordance with this deal can resist the pressures exerted by the U.S. creating an extremely difficult situation for its viability?’ The answer to this question could be both yes and no. Everything depends on international community and remaining participants of the JCPOA”. He further maintained that “the so-called Maximum Pressure approach has inflicted immense damages… The U.S. shall be held responsible for its internationally wrongful acts and is obliged to compensate the injuries incurred upon Iran”. “Iran is using its remedial rights within the framework of the deal [ie, reducing its nuclear commitments]. However, we are ready to reverse the steps which have been taken as soon as we can enjoy freely the rights enshrined in the deal”, the envoy asserted.

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  • 14 September 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson denied media reports that, according to U.S. officials, “the Iranian government is weighing an assassination attempt against the American ambassador to South Africa” in retaliation for the U.S. killing of Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani in January 2020. The spokesperson contended that “it was predictable that the U.S. regime would resort to anti-Iran accusations and falsification ahead of the U.S. presidential election, coupled with that regime’s pressures to abuse the United Nations Security Council’s mechanisms”. “Iran will press on with international legal action at all levels in connection with the criminal and cowardly assassination of General Soleimani, and will neither forgive nor forget the act of terrorism”, he added. President Trump subsequently warned that “any attack by Iran, in any form, against the U.S. will be met with an attack on Iran that will be 1,000 times greater in magnitude!” An Iranian spokesperson reacted: “we hope that the U.S. would not commit another strategic mistake and certainly, if that happens, Iran will give an appropriate response”. On 18 September, the South African government stated that “at present, the information provided [by U.S. officials] is not sufficient to sustain the allegation that there is a credible threat against the U.S. ambassador to South Africa”.

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  • 14 September 2020

    IAEA Director General Grossi briefed the Board of Governors on the agency’s latest quarterly report on Iran, saying that the IAEA “continues to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. Evaluations regarding the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities for Iran continue”. He also noted that following a 26 August agreement with Iran on access to two sites of concern, the IAEA had “ conducted a complementary access, under the Additional Protocol, at one of the two locations specified by us. Our inspectors took environmental samples which will be analysed. A complementary access at the second specified location will take place later this month”. The IAEA derestricted the quarterly report, dated 4 September, on 16 September.

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  • 12 September 2020

    Addressing the intra-Afghan talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “welcome[d] the Taliban commitment not to host international terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, nor to allow them to use Afghan territory to train, recruit or to fundraise” and likewise acknowledged “the same commitments by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan that they should never permit their nation to serve as a base for international terrorists to threaten other countries”. “The U.S. is a proponent of a sovereign, unified and representative Afghanistan that is at peace with itself and with its neighbours”, he added. “We’re prepared to support your negotiations should you ask, but this time is yours”. Iran praised the start of the talks, expressing “hopes that the talks will be held within a context of comprehensive understanding among Afghans and without any foreign interference… [and] lead to the desired results”. Highlighting Iran’s “readiness to assist in advancing the peace process”, the foreign ministry denounced “any political opportunism and profiteering from the intra-Afghan talks, especially by the U.S. government for electoral purposes”.

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  • 11 September 2020

    The U.S., Israel and Bahrain jointly announced an agreement “to the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Israel”. Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned the announcement and posited that “from now on, the Bahraini rulers will be an accomplice in the crimes committed by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] as the constant source of threat to security in the region and the Muslim world and as the root cause of decades of violence, massacre, wars, terror and bloodshed in oppressed Palestine and the region”. The Bahraini foreign minister responded: “for years Iran has claimed support for Palestine, but it did nothing, on the contrary, it seeks to destabilise security and interfere in the internal affairs of Arab countries, arm and support terrorist militias and does not call for peace and coexistence with others”.

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  • 10 September 2020

    Iranian media reported that the IRGC had conducted “a series of large-scale multi-pronged military operations against positions of terror groups along the country’s north-western borders in the past week… Drones, artillery fire and smart missiles were used in the operations, which killed and wounded a large number of key counter-revolutionary elements”.

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  • 10 September 2020

    A senior Microsoft official announced that the company had “detected cyberattacks [from Iran, China and Russia] targeting people and organisations involved in the upcoming presidential election”, noting that “Phosphorus, operating from Iran, has continued to attack the personal accounts of people associated with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign”.  He went on to indicate that “last month, as part of our ongoing efforts to disrupt Phosphorus activity, Microsoft was again given permission by a federal court in Washington D.C. to take control of 25 new internet domains used by the Phosphorus… To date, we have used this method to take control of 155 Phosphorus domains”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently argued that “the U.S. has interfered in elections in other countries, including Iran, and it is not in the position to make such farcical claims”. He added that “Iran is not concerned about who will take presidency… What is important is Washington’s commitment to international law, regulation and norms and also non-interference in other countries’ affairs”.

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  • 10 September 2020

    The foreign ministers of France, Germany and the UK (E3) and EU High Representative Josep Borrell met to discuss Iran. According to a German readout, the E3 agreed to “reject the U.S. snapback attempt and remain committed to preserving the nuclear agreement”, while asserting: “Iran urgently needs to return to full compliance”. The UK foreign minister underscored that “Iran must never develop a nuclear weapon. It must comply with its nuclear commitments and preserve the JCPOA – that was the conclusion of the E3… We are committed to holding Iran to account”. The same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “Iran rejects nuclear weapons for religious and strategic reasons—far weightier than any ‘deal’. But if E3/EU want full implementation of confidence building measures and enhanced transparency that JCPOA provides, they should reject U.S. economic terrorism just as they’ve rejected its vandalism in the UN Security Council”.

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  • 9 September 2020

    Prior to a military drill near the Strait of Hormuz, a senior Iranian military official posited that “the security of West Asia and its strategic waters depends on the localisation of the security and constructive cooperation between all regional countries and not allowing transregional forces to be present in the regional waters”. “The enemies of the Islamic Republic should know that in case they commit any strategic mistake, the geography of battle and the stage of Iran’s response to their measures will not be limited to the West Asian region”, he warned. The drill kicked off the following day. An Iranian military spokesperson indicated that Iran’s Air Force had notified “all foreign drones flying near the exercise site to leave”, and claimed that “since then, we have been witnessing a noticeable change in the activities of U.S. drones”.

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  • 8 September 2020

    Iran’s health minister wrote to the World Health Organisation that “Iran is facing a unilateral, unlawful and flagrant violation of international laws by the U.S… Blocking Iran’s access to global banking channels has damaged Iran’s economy and disrupting key trade activities, including medicine and medical equipment. Thus, the health of the people has been the most targeted and damaged, particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak”. He further called on the WHO “to take necessary measures to end the illegitimate and unilateral sanctions of the U.S.”.

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  • 8 September 2020

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that following the 2 July “sabotage” incident at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), “it was decided to build a more modern, larger and more comprehensive hall in all dimensions in the heart of the mountain near Natanz. Of course, the work has begun”.

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  • 7 September 2020

    Meeting with the Swiss foreign minister in Tehran, President Rouhani asserted that “any day that the U.S. decides to admit to its mistakes, make up for its illegal actions and return to Resolution 2231 and the JCPOA, the path is clear for them… [the U.S.] will not achieve their goal through pressure and sanctions”. Rouhani further urged “decisive and explicit [European] action against the U.S. economic terrorism” and “a more active part on Switzerland’s financial channel”. In turn, according to an Iranian readout, the Swiss diplomat underscored that “we will try increase the useful role of this channel”, while the Swiss noted that “Iran thanked Switzerland for the work it carries out under its protecting power mandates”. During his visit, the foreign minister also expressed “Switzerland’s readiness to continue to promote and facilitate constructive dialogue between the countries of the region”, while calling “on Iran to comply with the nuclear deal”.

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  • 7 September 2020

    After the UK defence minister indicated that extending the UN arms restrictions “is one of the tool[s] that we can all explore”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson noted: “what Britain has done so far has been in line with that of the JCPOA… [However,] Iran has informed [the parties] that if Resolution 2231 is violated, it would mean the end of the JCPOA”.

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  • 5 September 2020

    Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami estimated that 90 per cent of Iranian weapons were produced domestically, and underscored that after the lifting of UN arms restrictions in October, “we can use this legal right to interact with friendly countries… there are excellent products and technical capacities in the country’s defence industry that can be used in the export of products and services”. He added: “Under Resolution 2231… many defence industry products were not defined as weapons and we were not prohibited from exporting them. Certainly, after lifting of sanctions, we can export, as in many other countries, within the framework of national and international policies and regulations”. 

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  • 5 September 2020

    The Iranian embassy in Afghanistan announced that a high-ranking delegation visited Kabul, and stated: “Iran strongly backs presidential elections in Afghanistan and makes effort to remove misunderstandings occurred between political rivals in that country after holding the elections”. “In the current situation that the issue of formation of Inter-Afghan talks… is underway, the Iranian delegation traveled to Afghanistan to negotiate with top Afghan officials including the president”, the embassy added.

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  • 4 September 2020

    Reacting to a Russian offer “to support direct dialogue between the U.S. and Iran”, a senior Iranian official asserted that “we have no intention of negotiating with the Americans, and we have declared our stance very clearly… [the] Americans must return to the JCPOA and speak within the framework of the JCPOA, otherwise, no other action would yield results”.

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  • 4 September 2020

    Media reports citing the IAEA’s quarterly Iran report ahead of its publication indicated that “Iran as of 25 August had stockpiled 2,105.4kg of low-enriched uranium, up from 1,571.6kg… Iran has also been continuing to enrich uranium to a purity of up to 4.5 per cent”. Referring to the IAEA’s concerns over two locations in Iran to which Tehran had on 26 August agreed to provide access, the agency indicated that “inspectors had already visited one site and would visit the other this month”. On September 6, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran’s (AEOI) spokesperson reported that “we are in possession of over three tons of enriched uranium and… we produce 250kg to 300kg of enriched uranium in a month which is equal to the country’s monthly production before the nuclear deal”. He added that “the IR-6, IR-8 and IR-9 centrifuges are being well tested and we are currently in the process of completing research… if decided, it will be possible to industrially produce these machines”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently declared that “the E3 and other nations must wake up to the reality that the nuclear deal is history and should join us in imposing strong sanctions. Pressure and comprehensive talks are the only path forward”.

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  • 1 September 2020

    Referring to the normalisation of Israel-UAE relations following the Abraham Accord, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “the UAE betrayed the world of Islam, Arab nations, regional countries and Palestine itself. Of course, this betrayal will not last long, but the stain of this infamy will remain on them forever”.

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  • 1 September 2020

    The JCPOA’s Joint Commission convened in Vienna. According to the chair’s statement, the participants reiterated “the importance of preserving the agreement” and posited that “full implementation of the agreement by all sides remains crucial”. Noting that Washington “unilaterally announced its cessation of participation in the JCPOA”, the statement underscored that the U.S. “could not be considered as a participant State” and “cannot initiate the process of reinstating UN sanctions under UNSC resolution 2231”. The parties further “recalled the important role of the IAEA as the sole impartial and independent international organisation responsible for the monitoring and verification of nuclear non-proliferation commitments”, and “reiterated the importance of nuclear non-proliferation projects, in particular the Arak Moderanisation Project and the stable isotope project in Fordow”.

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  • 31 August 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “the Iranian nation and government… welcome further expansion of bilateral and regional ties with neighbouring states”. “We should sincerely join hands with all our brothers in the region and Iran’s neighbours to develop the entire region”, he added. “A coordinated and common economic system in the region will help establish peace and security”.

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  • 26 August 2020

    Iran and the IAEA jointly announced that they had “reached an agreement on the resolution of the safeguards implementation issues specified by the IAEA… Iran is voluntarily providing the IAEA with access to the two locations specified by the IAEA and facilitating the IAEA verification activities to resolve these issues”. The statement additionally noted that “in this present context, based on analysis of available information to the IAEA, the IAEA does not have further questions to Iran and further requests for access to locations other than those declared by Iran under its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) and the Additional Protocol (AP)”.

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  • 25 August 2020

    Referring to the U.S. triggering snapback of pre-JCPOA UN sanctions, the president of the U.N. Security Council remarked that “it is clear to me that there is one member which has a particular position on the issues, while there are significant numbers of members who have contesting views… In my view there is no consensus in the council. Thus, the president is not in the position to take further action”. The U.S. mission to the UN asserted that Washington was “on firm legal ground to initiate the restoration of sanctions”, and the U.S. ambassador told the council that “the Trump administration has no fear in standing in limited company on this matter… I only regret that other members of this council have lost their way and now find themselves standing in the company of terrorists”. Iran’s UN mission underscored that “today’s deliberations in the Security Council showed once more the U.S. isolation on the JCPOA and Resolution 2231… Iran trusts that the council members will continue preventing that country from undermining the UN, including the Security Council”.

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  • 24 August 2020

    The IRGC announced that “a hostile team consisting of three members entered the country from the Turkish border… All the three aggressors were killed and their weapons, military equipment and ammunition were seized”.

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  • 24 August 2020

    IAEA Director General Grossi visited Tehran to discuss “outstanding questions related to safeguards in Iran”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif rejected a connection between the visit and the U.S. triggering snapback of pre-JCPOA UN sanctions and maintained: “we will not allow the U.S. and the Israeli regime, which possess nuclear weapons in the region and have already used such weapons, to ridicule the IAEA’s goals”. “We are always ready to continue our cooperation with the IAEA”, he added. The following day, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, described his meeting with Grossi as “constructive” and remarked: “a new chapter has opened between Iran and the IAEA and with Grossi’s visit to Iran, our cooperation will further expand”. He further contended that “enemies will not stay silent and we will foil their malicious measures… We accept no illegal demand beyond nuclear commitments and we act based on our interests”. In turn, Grossi, according to an Iranian readout, emphasised that “the agency is not swayed by any third party, but naturally there is some pressure which the agency will not bow to”. “There has been no negative change in relations between the IAEA and Tehran… However, there have always been technical questions over IAEA-Tehran relations for further transparency”, he added.

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  • 23 August 2020

    Referring to the 2 July incident at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran’s (AEOI) spokesperson announced that “security investigations confirm the sabotage nature of this action and what is certain is that the explosion took place in Natanz… security officials will announce the details of the explosion and how it took place in due time”.

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  • 23 August 2020

    A senior Iranian military official confirmed that border guards had “killed a notorious terrorist and wounded several armed outlaws” in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 23 August 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei emphasised that “economic planning for the country should not wait for the sanctions to be lifted or for election results in such and such a country… we should suppose that sanctions will continue for another ten years. Therefore, we should focus on domestic capacities and resources. Of course, they may make good decisions, and in that case, we will benefit from them. However, the economic matters of the country should not be dependent on foreign developments”. In related remarks on 23 August, President Rouhani underscored that “Washington’s maximum pressure policy on Iran has failed 100 per cent… If Washington wants an agreement with us, then they should apologise for exiting the [nuclear] deal and return to it”. “The next president, whether it is Trump or someone else, must adopt a different approach towards Iran”, Rouhani added. 

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  • 20 August 2020

    The Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the UAE’s chargé d’affaires after UAE coast guards on 17 August reportedly opened fire at Iranian fishing vessels, killing two, and seized a boat (subsequently released, along with its crew). The ministry also announced that the same day “a UAE vessel was intercepted and its crew arrested by Iranian border guard boats for illegally entering Iranian waters”. On 8 October, a senior Iranian diplomat confirmed that the UAE had paid “blood money” for the two Iranian fishermen killed in the incident.

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  • 20 August 2020

    Iran unveiled a ballistic missile and cruise missile with ranges of 1,400km and 1,000km respectively. President Rouhani remarked that “these inaugurations show the success of the country in the field of production of strategic, deterrent and defence weapons” and the IRGC maintained that “the two missiles are the symbol of the Iranian nation’s determination and will, as well as following up the doctrine of defensive and aggressive deterrence”.

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  • 20 August 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that he had notified the UN that “the U.S. is initiating the restoration of virtually all UN sanctions on Iran lifted under UN Security Council Resolution 2231. This process will lead to those sanctions coming back into effect 30 days from today”. “We expect every UN member to comply with their obligations”, Pompeo underscored. “We have every confidence that when these sanctions snap back that every nation will execute them”. In a joint statement, France, Germany and the UK asserted: “the U.S. ceased to be a participant to the JCPOA following their withdrawal from the deal”; the point was echoed by EU High Representative Borrell as well as China and Russia. Iran also voiced its rejection of the U.S. position in a letter to the UN Security Council and released a factsheet entitled “The Illegitimate and Felonious U.S. attempt to Re-Impose UN sanctions on Iran”.

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  • 17 August 2020

    The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces issued a declaration on cyber security. While maintaining that “Iran do[es] not initiate any conflict in cyberspace as in the physical space”, the document highlighted that the military “reserve the right to react to any threat at any level in a firm and decisive manner if any of the policies included in the present instrument may be violated by any state, group or any other person or entity supported, controlled or directed by any state”.

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  • 16 August 2020

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami, referring to the October expiration of UN arms restrictions on Iran, maintained that “ Iran will export its arms and weapons after sanctions lift. As Iran moves towards the right path, the sanctions could not create obstacles for achieving industrial goals, rather, the country attained all progresses and achievements in the defense industry in sanctions condition”.

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  • 15 August 2020

    Following the failure of a U.S. resolution on extending UN arms restrictions against Iran, President Rouhani hailed the vote as “a great victory” and argued that “the reason why the resolution had eleven abstentions and two votes against it was because everyone believes that maintaining the JCPOA is necessary for world security, and the U.S. failed miserably in this area”. The same day, President Trump indicated that “we knew what the vote was going to be but we’ll be doing a snapback”, and said he would “probably not” participate in a summit proposed by Russia convening the P5+1 and Iran. EU High Representative Josep Borrell subsequently asserted that “given that the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA in May 2018 and has not participated in any JCPOA structures or activities subsequently, the U.S. cannot be considered as a JCPOA participant… We therefore consider that the U.S. is not in a position to resort to mechanisms reserved for JCPOA participants [such as snapback]”.

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  • 15 August 2020

    Referring to the 14 August announcement of an agreement between the U.S., Israel and the UAE on “full normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE”, President Rouhani indicated that “the rulers of the UAE should know that if they think they can get closer to the enemies of Islam and Iran, they can buy security for themselves, they have gone in the wrong direction… We warn them not to want to invite Israel to the region, in which case they will be treated differently”. The IRGC condemned the agreement as “shameful” and Iran’s Armed Forces warned that the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi “will face negative consequences of this shameful action like ousted Egyptian President Anwar Sadat”. The following day, Iran’s Chief of Staff remarked that “we consider any tension in the region as a consequence of this move” and urged the UAE to “leave the path that undermines its own security and the security of the region”. The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) subsequently condemned Iran’s “threats” and asserted that “Iran must adhere to the UN Charter and refrain from interfering in the domestic affairs of other nations”.

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  • 14 August 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif visited Beirut and met with senior Lebanese officials. During his trip, Zarif voiced “Iran’s readiness to help reconstruct the damages caused by the explosion at Beirut’s port in various fields, particularly in the sphere of supplying power, construction and providing medicine and treatment”.

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  • 14 August 2020

    A U.S. resolution on extending UN arms restrictions on Iran failed at the Security Council. The vote was two in favour, two opposed, with eleven abstentions. Secretary of State Pompeo declared that “the Security Council’s failure to act decisively in defence of international peace and security is inexcusable… We will continue to work to ensure that the theocratic terror regime does not have the freedom to purchase and sell weapons that threaten the heart of Europe, the Middle East and beyond”. The U.S. ambassador to the UN stated that “the U.S. stands sickened – but not surprised – as the clear majority of Council members gave the green light to Iran to buy and sell all manner of conventional weapons”. She further underscored that “under Resolution 2231, the U.S. has every right to initiate snapback… in the coming days, the U.S. will follow through on that promise to stop at nothing to extend the arms embargo”. 

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  • 12 August 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “the Islamic Republic of Iran will not fail in the economic sector despite U.S. pressure”. He also addressed a draft U.S. resolution on extending UN arms restrictions, stating: “If a resolution is passed against a part of Resolution 2231, it will mean a blatant violation of the UN Security Council, and the consequences will be borne by its perpetrators… I believe that the U.S. will fail in all its actions”. The same day, Rouhani told his French counterpart that the “embargo must be lifted” and further emphasised: “the preservation of the JCPOA and Resolution 2231 is a fundamental commitment of all countries that have remained in the JCPOA today, and we expect that whether in the IAEA or the Board of Governors or the UN Security Council, careful consultation and cooperation between Iran and the three European countries and Russia and China should be done to prevent the opponents of the JCPOA from achieving their goals”.

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  • 11 August 2020

    Discussing efforts to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran beyond October, the U.S. ambassador to the UN argued that “there’s a choice between the number one state sponsor of terrorism or peace and security around the world. The U.S. stands very firm… The U.S. will use every tool in our toolbox to make certain that the arms embargo is renewed”. The same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote that extending the embargo “would be a generational setback for the cause of multilateralism should the Security Council be bullied into torpedoing its own resolution”.

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  • 11 August 2020

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced that it had uncovered “five teams of spies” who had been “attempting to spy on Iran’s nuclear, political, economic, military and infrastructural projects… under the auspices of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Israeli spy agency Mossad and those of some European countries”. The same day, the judiciary confirmed the arrest of five Iranian nationals, two of whom were already sentenced to prison, on suspicion of “spying for Israel, Britain and Germany”.

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  • 9 August 2020

    Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA reportedly called on the agency “to conduct a transparent probe into Saudi Arabia’s very hidden nuclear program and present a report to the members”. He further argued that “despite the fact that Saudi Arabia is an NPT member, it still refuses to accept the IAEA’s safeguards inspections, and despite repeated requests by the agency for several years, it has not amended its obligations so as to allow the inspectors in”.

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  • 5 August 2020

    A sound bomb hit a police car in south-eastern Iran, injuring four. On 9 August, the IRGC announced that it had “arrested the main perpetrator” and indicated that “the necessary follow-up is underway to arrest other perpetrators of the terrorist act”.

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  • 2 August 2020

    Iran designated a former U.S. official for being “actively involved in economic terrorism against the interests of the government and citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

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  • 1 August 2020

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced the arrest of an individual described as “the ringleader of a U.S.-based Tondar (Thunder) terrorist group”. In remarks the following day, the intelligence minister claimed the individual “was strongly supported by American and Israeli intelligence services… He and his associate planned some 27 acts of terror all of which were thwarted”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the U.S. should be [held] responsible for supporting this terrorist group and criminals from inside the U.S. who lead sabotage, armed and terrorist operations”, while Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “the west must cease financing and harbouring terrorists”.

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  • 31 July 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that U.S. sanctions “appear to be against a political system, they are actually against a nation”. He argued that “their short-term goal is to make people tired. When people are tired and perplexed, they will stand up against the government… their mid-term goal in imposing sanctions is to prevent the country from progressing”. He went on to contend that “destroying the economy of the country is another goal”, adding that “they want to disconnect the relations between the Islamic Republic and the Resistance Forces in the region”. Khamenei also posited that President Trump “in mentioning negotiations with Iran… seeks personal benefits for elections, etc. Of course, the U.S. political system seeks to eliminate Iran’s defence capabilities and regional authority using negotiations, which will definitely not happen”.

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  • 30 July 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that “we see the Islamic Republic of Iran for what it is: an aggressor, not a victim. We’ve gone full bore on our maximum pressure campaign… there’s more work to do. The Security Council must renew the UN arms embargo before it expires on 18 October”. “Should the Security Council fail to act, Iran will have a freer hand to sow destruction across the Middle East, and indeed the world”, Pompeo warned, further underscoring that if that were to happen “we have the capacity to execute snapback and we’re going to use it in a way that protects and defends America”. In related comments, a senior Iranian official contended that “lifting Iran’s arms embargo is one of the JCPOA’s most important commitments… JCPOA will not continue without lifting Iran’s arms embargo”.

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  • 29 July 2020

    Referring to U.S. efforts to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran beyond October, President Rouhani maintained that “they have been walking here and there from the White House from morning till night like a broker, but they have not succeeded until today, and if they do after this, we will give a decisive response”. Rouhani also referred to the U.S. 23 July “visual inspection” of an Iranian airliner over Syrian airspace, asserting: “the new campaign of the enemies is arrogance and dangerous actions in the international skies… This action is exactly air terrorism and should undoubtedly be treated as terrorism”. He further addressed the White House and said: “there is no other way for you against Iran and that is the implementation of rights, laws and regulations and compensation for the damage you have done to the Iranian nation, if you think the Iranian nation will be humble against your misconduct, you are wrong, our people will not be disappointed and will not give up resistance”.

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  • 29 July 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “Our eternal concerns are helping innocent Palestine and showing sympathy to the injured body of Yemen and to the consternations of Muslims subject to oppression in any part of the world. We also consider it our duty to offer words of advice to the heads of some Muslim countries who have resorted to the bosom of the enemy instead of relying on their Muslim brothers”. “These are people who condone the survival of the usurping and oppressive Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and who extend their hand of friendship to them privately and openly… I warn them about the bitter consequences of this behaviour” Khamenei added. He also remarked that “we regard the presence of the U.S. in west Asia as detrimental to regional nations and as a cause of insecurity, destruction and backwardness for countries”.

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  • 27 July 2020

    The Swiss government confirmed an initial transaction via the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA) channel with Iran, adding “that the operationalisation of the SHTA is progressing and a number of companies have already been approved, more companies will follow. Further transactions should be carried out shortly”.

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  • 26 July 2020

    A senior Iranian diplomat indicated that “whenever our interests regarding the nuclear deal are served, we will be ready to return to all our JCPOA related commitments”. “As a responsible and accountable country to the international community”, he added, “Iran has responded to all ambiguities and misinformation regarding its nuclear activities”.

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  • 23 July 2020

    Iranian diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “thousands of cyber attacks are conducted against the country’s infrastructures on a daily basis, which is nothing new; most of them are repelled without any effect… in recent months, several broader cyber attacks have taken place on the country’s infrastructures, which, based on technical analyses, can be said to have been supported or carried out by some governments”. Maintaining that “recent fires have nothing to do with cyber attacks”, he went on to state that “it is very natural to say that from now on, the U.S. government will be the main suspect of any cyber attack waged on Iran, unless it is proven otherwise”, adding: “Iran reserves the legitimate right to take appropriate reciprocal measures in due course. Iran may use any means, whether cyberspace or other weapons, to defend itself against cyber attacks”.

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  • 23 July 2020

    The U.S. military stated that “a U.S. F-15 on a routine air mission in the vicinity of CJTF-OIR Al-Tanf garrison in Syria conducted a standard visual inspection of a Mahan Air passenger airliner at a safe distance of approximately 1,000m… The visual inspection occurred to ensure the safety of coalition personnel at Al-Tanf garrison”. “Once the F-15 pilot identified the aircraft as a Mahan Air passenger plan, the F-15 safely opened distance from the aircraft”, a CENTCOM spokesperson said, adding: “the professional intercept was conducted in accordance with international standards”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that Tehran “leaves no hostile action against the Iranian nation unanswered and will give a firm and appropriate response to any unwise measure when the time is ripe”. He further argued that “the presence of U.S. troops in Syria is illegal, and so is the mission of its fighter jets”, adding: “no safe distance was being observed”. The pilot of the airliner reportedly “change[d] altitude quickly to avoid collision”, causing “minor injuries” to some passengers. On 7 August, Iran indicated it would “pursue the issue through relevant international bodies”, and called on the UN “to reject such an unlawful and yet adventuristic act”.

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  • 22 July 2020

    During a visit to Moscow, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif discussed a draft U.S. UN Security Council resolution aiming to extend Iran’s arms embargo beyond October and asserted: “three JCPOA members [ie, Russia, Iran and China] are totally against these steps… [and] don’t agree with the concerns and compromise proposals of some European parties to the JCPOA, since any steps in this area would violate Resolution 2231”.

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  • 21 July 2020

    Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi visited Iran and met with Iranian senior officials. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told al-Kadhimi that “Iran is definitely opposed to anything that weakens the Iraqi government. Of course, the Americans’ outlook concerning Iraq is the exact opposite of ours… it does not wish to see an independent, strong Iraq”. “The presence of the U.S. in any country will bring about corruption, ruin and destruction”, Khamenei opined, adding that Iran “expects the decision made by the Iraqi government, nation and parliament to expel the Americans to be implemented because their presence leads to insecurity”. In a separate meeting with President Rouhani, al-Kadhimi affirmed that “Iraq is a country that will never allow any threat from its territory to the Islamic Republic of Iran because the relations between the two countries go back hundreds of years and we must support these long-standing relations”.

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  • 21 July 2020

    Referring to the January 2020 killing by the U.S. of Qassem Soleimani, Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei remarked that “Iran will never forget this, and it will definitely strike a reciprocal blow to the Americans”. In related comments, Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani pledged that “Iran and Iraq are avengers of these martyrs [ie, Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a senior commander of the pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite militia] and will not rest until the perpetrators are punished. Harder revenge is on the way”.

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  • 19 July 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif visited Baghdad and discussed bilateral relations, “including the political, economic and security cooperation”, with senior Iraqi officials. Prime Minister al-Kadhimi stressed cooperation “to support the security and stability of the region” and told Zarif that “Iraq seeks to affirm its balanced and positive role in the making of peace and progress in the region”. President Barham underscored that “Iraq attaches particular importance to safeguard its sovereignty, its security and its stability, and it looks forward to further cooperation with the allied and friendly states on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs”. Zarif also traveled to Erbil. Discussing the trip the following day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stressed that “Iran believes in negotiation with the regional countries without foreign interventions… The only way to establish stability and security and even to develop the economy is regional cooperation and synergy”.

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  • 17 July 2020

    EU High Representative Josep Borrell stated that after Iran triggered the JCPOA’s Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM) on 3 July, “due to COVID 19 pandemic, it has not been possible so far to convene a regular meeting of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA… notwithstanding differences on modalities, there is agreement that more time is needed due to the complexity of the issues involved. The timeline is therefore extended”.

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  • 16 July 2020

    IRGC forces purportedly “identified and dismantled a terrorist cell affiliated with the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq (MEK)” in south west Iran. “The cell was dismantled before conducting its intended operation… [and] all the terrorists have been arrested”, reports indicated. The same day, IRGC announced that “Basiji forces… came under attack by the anti-revolutionary terrorists affiliated to the world arrogant powers” in western Iran; two fatalities and one injury were reported.

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  • 15 July 2020

    Marking the fifth anniversary of the nuclear deal, Iran’s Foreign Ministry affirmed that “any companionship of some remaining participants of the JCPOA with U.S. conspiracies against the agreement, particularly to destruct and undermine of the very text of the UNSC Resolution 2231, inter alia, lifting of arms restrictions in the fifth year of adoption of the JCPOA in October 2020, is matter of grave concern… The renegotiation of the provisions of JCPOA and amending of the sanctions lifting regime will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and the response of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be firm and decisive”. The statement went on to call upon ”the E3 to adhere to their commitments, and to preserve and fully implement the UN Security Council instead of moving in the direction of the U.S. maximum pressure policy”.

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  • 15 July 2020

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo contended that “virtually everyone agrees that the [UN] arms embargo [on Iran] should be extended. Our European counterparts too are very concerned about what will happen if the arms embargo itself expires on October 18th of this year. And so there’s enormous consensus around the objective. How to achieve that objective, there’s different views on”. Pompeo added that “we’ve made clear to – both publicly and in private to all the members of the Security Council – we intend to ensure that this arms embargo continues. We hope that this can be done by a UN Security Council resolution… But in the event that that’s not the case we are still going to do everything in our power to achieve that, and we think we’ll be successful ultimately in doing that”. Pompeo went on to warn that “work between Iran and Chinese Communist Party may well commence rapidly and robustly on 19 October if we’re not successful at extending the UN embargo”. In related remarks, President Rouhani asserted that “with the vigilance of countries, especially the P4+1 member states, regarding the end of the arms embargo on Iran, the U.S. will fail to advance its political and legal actions against Tehran”.

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  • 15 July 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi underscored that “it will be bad” if Iran failed to grant the Agency access to two sites of concern, adding: “I keep insisting on the absolute necessity for us to resolve this issue very soon… [This] isn’t going to go away”. “I don’t think it’s on the basis of threats or warnings that we can work”, he also noted.

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  • 14 July 2020

    Iran’s judiciary announced the execution the previous week of an individual it claimed “had worked for many years in the [Defence] Ministry and had been linked with CIA during the final years of his tenure and after retirement, selling some data relating to the country’s missile program to the American intelligence service”.

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  • 14 July 2020

    On the fifth anniversary of the Iran nuclear deal, EU High Representative Josep Borrell underscored that “the full implementation of the JCPOA by all sides remains crucial… I am determined to do everything possible together with the remaining participants of the JCPOA and the international community to preserve the agreement”. “We should not assume that an opportunity will arise again in the future for the international community to address Iran’s nuclear program in such a comprehensive manner”, he advised.

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  • 13 July 2020

    Referring to the 2 July incident at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson warned that “if a regime or a government is involved in the Natanz incident, Iran will react decisively”. Relatedly, an Iranian nuclear official stated that “Iran will adopt its measures based on the country’s interests. The strategic and inviolable policy of the Islamic Republic in different cases and positions is a smart and wise reaction based on the three principles of honor, wisdom and expediency”.

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  • 12 July 2020

    A senior IRGC official maintained that Iran “enjoys high capability and potential in manufacturing military arms and weapons and is able to produce all these weapons inside the country… people do not accept JCPOA with any justification and do not care about arms embargoes”.

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  • 8 July 2020

    Iran’s military chief of staff, Mohammad Baqeri, met with the Syrian Minister of Defence in Damascus and inked “a comprehensive military cooperation agreement”. Baqeri reportedly expressed Tehran’s commitment to “strengthen Syria’s air defence systems in line with the reinvigoration of military cooperation between the two countries”, and said the deal “will increase our determination for joint cooperation to confront the U.S. pressures”. The following day, Baqeri met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who remarked that “this agreement reflects the strategic level of relations between Iran and Syria”. A U.S. military spokesperson subsequently asserted that “the mission of U.S. forces in Syria today remains the same as it was when they first began operations in 2014… U.S. service members will continue to execute the Defeat ISIS mission in Syria, working in conjunction with vetted local forces in northeast Syria and around Al-Tanf Garrison”.

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  • 6 July 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “anyone who will become the next U.S. president should work for compensating the losses that have been imposed by the U.S. on Iran”. He also asserted that “Iran has not achieved economic benefits from [the JCPOA] due to obstructionism of certain parties and Europeans’ noncompliance”, while maintaining that should the Europeans “return to their commitments, Iran is ready to resume all its obligations”.

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  • 5 July 2020

    Referring to the 2 July incident at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran’s (AEOI) spokesperson acknowledged that “the incident has caused significant damage” and “could slow down the development and production of advanced centrifuges in the medium term”. “Iran will replace the damaged building with a bigger one that has more advanced equipment”, he added.

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  • 3 July 2020

    An Iranian government spokesperson indicated that “if the government and people of Venezuela need foods and basic goods in the future, Iran will send them if required according to its potential… U.S. threats will have no impact on our determination to do free trade and business with Venezuela”. On 6 July, a senior Maduro aide visited Tehran and met with the Iranian presidential chief of staff, who remarked that “we have to prevent any harm to the people’s well-being by the enemies’ sanctions through solidarity and expansion of cooperation and relations”. 

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  • 3 July 2020

    EU High Representative Josef Borrell announced that he had received “a letter from the Foreign Minister of Iran referring Iran’s concerns regarding implementation issues by France, Germany and the UK under the JCPOA to the Joint Commission for resolution through the Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM)”. Borrell emphasised that “the DRM requires intensive efforts in good faith by all… I expect all JCPOA participants to approach this process in this spirit within the framework of the JCPOA”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “the letter was written following the irresponsible and illegal move by the three European states in presenting the draft resolution at the IAEA Board of Governors, as well as the continued non-abidance with the commitments under the deal”. On 4 July a UK diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “the UK remains committed to JCPOA, but it is being put at risk by systematic Iranian non-compliance… [Iran] must engage constructively with the DRM process initiated by the E3, and implement its commitments under the deal”.

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  • 2 July 2020

    The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) confirmed that “an incident occurred in one of the under-construction sheds in Natanz nuclear facility”, causing “no major damage” or casualties. The IAEA subsequently issued a statement indicating that it had “been informed about a fire in a building at the site of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility… Iran also informed the IAEA late on Thursday that the fire was quickly extinguished and that there had been no nuclear material or other radioactive material in the building”. “Iran said the cause was not yet known”, according to the agency. An Iranian official on 3 July claimed that the cause “has been specified precisely” but would “be announced in appropriate time due to some security considerations”.

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  • 30 June 2020

    The UN Security Council convened to discuss the implementation of resolution 2231 following the Secretary-General’s ninth biannual report. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the Council that its members had “a choice: stand for international peace and security… or let the arms embargo on the Islamic Republic of Iran expire [in October], betraying the UN’s mission and its finest ideals”. “Iran is already violating the arms embargo, even before its expiration date”, he remarked. “Imagine if Iranian activity were sanctioned, authorised by this group, if the restrictions were lifted… renewing the embargo will exert more pressure on Tehran to start behaving like a normal nation”. Later in the session, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “the timetable for the removal of arms restrictions embodied in resolution 2231 is an inseparable part of the hard-won compromise enabling the JCPOA participants to finally agree on the overall package of the JCPOA and resolution 2231… the Council must not allow a single State to abuse the process”. Zarif further cautioned that “any new restriction by the Security Council is against the fundamental commitments made to the Iranian people. In such a scenario, Iran’s options, as already notified to the remaining JCPOA participants, will be firm. And the U.S. and any entity which may assist it – or acquiesce in its illegal behavior – will bear full responsibility”.

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  • 30 June 2020

    Jaish al-Adl reportedly claimed responsibility for an attack against IRGC vehicles in south-eastern Iran. An Iranian official confirmed the “terrorist attack” and indicated that there had been no casualties.

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  • 30 June 2020

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, maintained that “we’ve made very clear, the president has, that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon, and the military option is always on the table”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently asserted that “military option on the Americans’ table is a moldy option that has been on the table of delusional U.S. presidents for years”, adding: “as long as the U.S. officials talk too much about the military option against the Iranian people and delay its withdrawal from the region, Islamic Republic of Iran will spare no legitimate effort to strengthen its military might by relying upon its domestic capacity”.

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  • 29 June 2020

    An Iranian official announced that “Iran’s judiciary has issued an arrest warrant for a total of 36 individuals involved in the assassination of Lt. General [Qassem] Soleimani, including political and military officials from the U.S. and other governments, and the international police have been notified”. “President Donald Trump is at the top of the list, and his prosecution will be pursued even after his term is over”, he added. The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, subsequently indicated that “our assessment is that Interpol does not intervene and issue red notices… [of] a political nature. This is a political nature. This has nothing to do with national security, international peace or promoting stability… It is a propaganda stunt that no-one takes seriously”.

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  • 29 June 2020

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, met with senior Saudi officials in Riyadh. According to a U.S. readout, the two sides “highlighted the importance of extending the United Nations arms embargo on Iran” and “discussed joint diplomatic efforts at the UN and around the world to extend the embargo” beyond October 2020. At a joint press conference with Hook, a senior Saudi official warned that “despite the embargo, Iran seeks to provide weapons to terrorist groups, so what will happen if the embargo is lifted? Iran will be become more ferocious and aggressive”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded: “it is time that… countries [like Saudi Arabia] give up injudicious remarks and blind obedience to the U.S… The only way to establish stability and security in the region is to change hostile behaviour and turn to regional cooperation”, he added.

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  • 27 June 2020

    Discussing the UN Security Council arms embargo on Iran, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami argued that “the arms sanctions have created an opportunity for our scientists to build and manufacture defensive needs by reliance on domestic power”, and extending the embargo beyond October “will not affect our defence power”.

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  • 24 June 2020

    The U.S. designated “the captains of the five ships that U.S.-sanctioned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) and National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) used to deliver Iranian gasoline to the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela”. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “the rogue regimes in Caracas and Tehran are unified by their penchant for repressing their people, corruption, self-enrichment and gross mismanagement of their peoples’ wealth… Iran’s continued support to Venezuela is yet another instance of Iran wasting its people’s resources on ill-conceived foreign adventurism that prolongs suffering abroad”. He went on caution that “mariners who are considering work with Iran and Venezuela should understand that aiding these oppressive regimes is simply not worth the risk. Individuals and entities will face consequences from the U.S. if they do business with the Iranian regime, Maduro or his cronies”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson opined that the designations “signal the miserable failure of the so-called ‘maximum pressure’… Iran and Venezuela remain steadfast in countering unlawful American sanctions”.

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  • 24 June 2020

    Discussing a 19 June IAEA resolution urging Iran to fully cooperate with the Agency, President Rouhani argued that Israel and the U.S. were “deceiving the IAEA and deviating it from its path… the IAEA must maintain its independence and do not deviate from its legal path under pressure”. He further declared that “Iran is ready to continue to work closely with the IAEA, albeit within the framework of the law and regulations”. Referring to President Trump encouraging Iran to negotiate before U.S. presidential elections, Rouhani maintained: “we are not procrastinating anything for before or after the election, we are always ready… this is simple, an apology to the Iranian nation, compensation, reimbursement and returning to the 5+1 framework can be the solution”. He further assessed that Trump’s “statements are baseless because of the problems they faced for the elections. If it is real, if they do not lie, if they are not looking for solving their own problems, it is easy to apologise and return to the law”. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently remarked that “we’re happy to engage in conversations with them when the time is right, but the conditions that suggest somehow, we give a bunch of money to the Iranians so they can foment terror around the world is simply ludicrous. It’s just not how this administration behaves”.

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  • 23 June 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued that “if the UN arms embargo on Iran expires in October, Iran will be able to buy new fighter aircraft like Russia’s SU-30 and China’s J-10. With these highly lethal aircraft, Europe and Asia could be in Iran’s crosshairs. The U.S. will never let this happen”. The same day, media reports indicated that the U.S. circulated a resolution draft in the UN Security Council to extend the embargo.

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  • 21 June 2020

    The acting Afghan foreign minister, Mohammad Hanif Atmar, led an Afghan delegation for meetings with Iranian senior officials in Tehran. Atmar and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif discussed bilateral matters including, inter alia, “security and border cooperation”, “the issue of Afghan nationals and refugees” and the peace process. They also conferred on a “document of comprehensive cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan, which was agreed to be finalised” within three months. The two-day visit was concluded with a joint statement.

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  • 19 June 2020

    The IAEA Board of Governors adopted a resolution tabled by France, Germany and the UK urging “Iran to fully cooperate with the Agency and satisfy the Agency’s requests without any further delay, including by providing prompt access to the locations specified by the Agency”. The resolution was passed with 25 votes in favour, two against (Russia and China) and seven abstentions. Iran’s IAEA envoy subsequently contended that “we consider the current state of affairs as a trap set by the U.S. and Israeli regimes”, and noted that “Iran is applying the Additional Protocol voluntarily and provisionally… Iran does not consider it as a legal obligation”. He further maintained that “this resolution will neither encourage Iran to grant access to the Agency based on fabricated and unfounded allegations, nor will it force Iran to come down from its principal positions. Iran categorically deplores this resolution and will take appropriate action in response, the repercussions of which would be upon the sponsors of this resolution”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to the resolution by stressing that “Iran must immediately comply with its IAEA safeguards obligations and provide the IAEA nothing short of full cooperation. If Iran fails to cooperate, the international community must be prepared to take further action”.

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  • 19 June 2020

    France, Germany and the UK jointly stated that “they are ready to engage in a meaningful and realistic approach and await a constructive Iranian response [on the JCPOA]. We will seek a ministerial meeting to urge Iran to cooperate and to take stock of where we stand in the DRM process”. The E3 further noted that “the planned lifting of the UN conventional arms embargo established by Resolution 2231 next October would have major implications for regional security and stability… We wish to address the issue in close coordination with Russia and China as remaining participants to the JCPOA, as well as with all other Security Council Members”. They further asserted that “any unilateral attempt to trigger UN sanctions snapback would have serious adverse consequences in the UNSC. We would not support such a decision which would be incompatible with our current efforts to preserve the JCPOA”.

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  • 18 June 2020

    Iraq’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad and “delivered a letter of protest on the Iranian artillery bombardment of the border villages… in the governorate of Erbil” on 16 June. The ministry further noted “the condemnation of these actions, and the importance of the Iranian side’s respect of the sovereignty of Iraq and to ​​stop undertaking such actions, and explore ways of joint bilateral cooperation in controlling security and achieving stability on the shared border”.

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  • 17 June 2020

    In response to the IAEA Director General’s report on Iran refusing to grant the Agency access to two locations, Iran’s representative told the IAEA Board that “Iran has raised two main ambiguities and concerns… first, the requests by the IAEA are based on invalid and safeguards-irrelevant information which are neither publicly available (open-source information), nor valid and verifiable… second, Iran has also expressed its serious concerns over attempts to open an endless process of verifying and cleaning-up of ever-continuing fabricated allegations”. He further argued that “these allegations date back to more than seventeen years ago, have not been proved, do not enjoy any urgency and do not pose any risk of proliferation… one of the two locations is a farm and the other a desert”. “As a matter of sovereignty”, the Iranian envoy added, “no country opens its territory to the inspections only based on continuous allegations provided by its own enemy, even if it is evident that the result of which will prove those allegations to be false”.

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  • 16 June 2020

    The IAEA derestricted its quarterly report dated 5 June estimating that as of 20 May “Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile… was 1571.6kg”, with enrichment rates topping out at 4.5 per cent. Addressing the Agency’s board, the U.S. representative maintained: “Iran has continued to expand its proliferation-sensitive activities and is showing no signs of slowing its destablising nuclear escalation… Iran’s actions are simply transparent attempts at extortion that seek to intimidate the international community”. She further noted that “we remain ready and willing to negotiate with Iran a comprehensive deal”, adding: “the long-term stability of any diplomatic solution with Iran will require a firm basis in verification”.  Relatedly, in a joint statement, the E3 countries stated that “we are extremely concerned by Iran’s violation of its nuclear commitments, which have grave and irreversible proliferation consequences”. They further reiterated “regret and concern regarding the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA including by not extending sanction waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects”, and affirmed: “we will continue to contribute to the Arak Modernisation Project and support EU-led civil nuclear cooperation projects”.

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  • 16 June 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, meeting with his Russian counterpart in Moscow, “welcome[d] the Russian government’s initiatives to strengthen Iran-IAEA relations” and affirmed: “we will not allow the IAEA to become a tool in the hands of the Trump administration to destroy the JCPOA”. In turn, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that “we are determined to counter any attempts to use the situation to manipulate the UN Security Council and promote the anti-Iranian agenda… We will undoubtedly raise the issue within all multilateral international formats”. Lavrov also indicated that he and Zarif had “underlined the important of preserving this agreement [ie, JCPOA] in spite of the brazen destructive policy advanced by the U.S. as it remains an important element of maintaining international security”.

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  • 15 June 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the IAEA Board of Governors that since “Iran announced in January that its nuclear program would no longer be ‘subject to any restrictions in the operational sphere’… the Agency has not observed any changes to Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments in connection with this particular announcement, or in the level of cooperation by Iran in relation to Agency verification and monitoring activities under the JCPOA”. He further noted “with serious concern that for over four months, Iran has denied us access to two locations and that, for almost a year, it has not engaged in substantive discussions to clarify our questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities. This is adversely affecting the Agency’s ability to resolve the questions and to provide credible assurance of the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities at these locations in Iran”. Grossi urged “Iran to cooperate immediately and fully with the Agency, including by providing prompt access to the locations specified by us”.

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  • 12 June 2020

    Iran’s foreign ministry stated that it “categorically rejects the allegations of the UN Secretariat” as contained in the Secretary-General’s latest report on the implementation of resolution 2231, and further “expresses its deep concern over the abuse of the UN Secretariat for political purposes”. Raising its concern “that the report has been prepared under direction of the U.S.”, the ministry went on to urge “that the UN Secretariat not move in the pre-planned U.S. scenario to prevent the lifting of Iran’s arms restrictions and not assist a violating State in this dangerous process by circulating such unlawful reports”.

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  • 11 June 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “if there will be grounds for prisoners swap between two countries [ie, Iran and the U.S.], we will pursue the innocence of the Iranian citizens who are accused of circumventing U.S. unilateral and baseless sanctions”.

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  • 10 June 2020

    President Rouhani indicated that “since we are approaching a point [in October] where all Iran’s arms embargo are being lifted based on resolution 2231, they [ie, the U.S.] are angry and upset about this important day in the history of Iran’s defence and intend to prepare a resolution and take it to the Security Council. We expect the four permanent members of the Security Council to stand up to this conspiracy… Especially from our two friendly countries, Russia and China”. Rouhani further maintained that “the Americans need to know that no matter what they do, Iran’s defence capabilities will be developed under all circumstances”.

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  • 9 June 2020

    Iran’s judiciary announced that a court had issued, and Iran’s supreme court confirmed, the death sentence for an individual “who had been connected with Mossad and CIA services and had collected and transmitted intelligence on the location of Martyr General [Qassem] Soleimani”.

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  • 9 June 2020

    Iran’s IAEA mission submitted to the agency’s secretariat an Explanatory Note responding to the Director General’s 5 June report, along with a separate information note. Iran’s envoy said Tehran “expects that the Agency does not take any information at face value” and that “the Agency and the Member states have the reasonability to show wisdom in addressing such issues in a diligent manner”. He further indicated that “while Iran stands ready to continue its consultations with the Agency with a view to settle the thematic differences and resolve the issues at hand as soon as possible, release of the current report by the Director General is received with deep regret and disappointment”.

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  • 8 June 2020

    In a letter to the IAEA Director General, Iran’s envoy to the agency described the 27 May U.S. decision to cancel JCPOA nuclear cooperation waivers as part of a series of U.S. actions “intended to substantially prevent Iran, other participant and the international community from implementing their commitments under the JCPOA”. “These acts by the U.S. not only continue a significant material breach of the [UN] Security Council resolution 2231, but also are in clear violation of its obligations under the relevant IAEA instruments”, the envoy asserted. He went on to caution that “while the Islamic Republic of Iran is entitled to take remedial measures, which the Agency will be duly informed at any stage of its development, the U.S. shall bear full responsibility for the consequences of its wrongful acts”.

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  • 8 June 2020

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov wrote to the UN Secretary-General to posit that “the United Nations should not become hostage to the political situation in the U.S., which has decided to withdraw from the plan [ie, JCPOA]… There are no valid grounds for raising in the Security Council the issue of an arms embargo against Iran”. “A party which disowns or does not fulfill its own obligations cannot be recognised as retaining the rights which it claims to derive from a relationship”, he added. The following day, the EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, asserted that “the U.S. has withdrawn from the JCPOA, and now they cannot claim that they are still part of the JCPOA in order to deal with this issue from the JCPOA agreement. They withdraw. It’s clear”.

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  • 7 June 2020

    Three days after a prisoner exchange facilitated by the Swiss, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson suggested that “if the Swiss government continues to cooperate, we are ready to repatriate the rest of the Iranians who are in U.S. custody”. Relatedly, an Iranian government spokesperson opined that “no sign of the U.S. administration’s inclination towards serious and effective talks can be seen in these tweets [by President Trump thanking Iran and calling for “the big deal”]. If America is eager to hold talks with Iran, it can return to the JCPOA and continue talks with Iran along with the remaining parties to the accord”.

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  • 4 June 2020

    Iran released Michael White, a U.S. citizen detained in 2018, and the U.S. allowed Majid Taheri, an Iranian-American dual national jailed for sanctions violations, to visit Iran. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said he was “pleased that Dr. Majid Taheri and Mr. White will soon be joining their families… this can happen for all prisoners. No need for cherry picking. Iranian hostages held in, and on behalf of, the U.S. should come home”. In a statement, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “while we are pleased that Iran was constructive in this matter, there is more work to do. The U.S. will not rest until we bring every American detained in Iran and around the world back home to their loved ones”. President Trump tweeted “thank you to Iran, it shows a deal is possible!”, and a few hours later, again by Twitter, said: “Thank you to Iran. Don’t wait until after the U.S. election to make the big deal. I’m going to win. You’ll make a better deal now!”. Zarif replied: “we achieved humanitarian swap despite your subordinates’ efforts… and we had a deal when you entered office. Iran and other JCPOA participants never left the table. Your advisors – mostly fired by now – made a dumb bet. Up to you do decide when you want to fix it”.   

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  • 3 June 2020

    Sirous Asghari, an Iranian national detained in the U.S. in 2017, returned to Iran. The State Department’s spokesperson indicated that “the U.S. has tried to deport Sirous Asghari since December 2019, but the Iranian government repeatedly has held up the process”, adding: “as the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed… Asghari is not and has never been a participant in any prisoner swap with Iran”.

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  • 2 June 2020

    President Rouhani reiterated to his Finnish counterpart Iran’s position that “as soon as the EU starts complying with its eleven-paragraph commitments under the JCPOA, we will also be committed to our commitments as well”. He also remarked with respect to INSTEX and the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement: “unfortunately, these financial channels have not been effective yet and the European Union should take more active steps to activate these financial mechanisms”.

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  • 2 June 2020

    A senior IRGC official claimed that “we are in possession of precise intelligence on the Americans pressuring the anti-revolutionary forces and terrorists to carry out operations and foment insecurity in Iran or wait for a halt of their financial support from the U.S.”. He also argued that “the Americans have since the start of this year begun extensive moves in the neighbouring states to equip, train and back up the terrorists to enable them to disrupt security of the borders and the nearby towns in a specially-designed situation”. The official added: “the Americans are well aware of the Islamic Republic’s power and know that our response will be equal to the level of their aggression and threats”.

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  • 1 June 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “Iran practices its free trade rights with Venezuela and we are ready to send more ships if Caracas demands more supplies from Iran”. Relatedly, a senior Iranian diplomat maintained that Venezuela offered “good markets for the Iranian oil sector and downstream products… If they agree, we plan to continue our cooperation with them in this sector”. He also indicated that “Venezuela has demanded for help in repairing some of its installations and their demands are under study”. Meanwhile, Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani declared that “the claim of U.S. superpower, threat of waging war, assassination and sanctions were turned ‘null and void’ by the presence of Iranian oil tankers in Caribbean”.

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  • 30 May 2020

    The EU and E3 (France, Germany and the UK) jointly announced that they “deeply regret the U.S. decision to end the three waivers covering key JCPOA nuclear projects in Iran”. Describing the projects as promoting “the non-proliferation interests of all”, the EU/E3 indicated that they were “consulting with our partners to assess the consequences of this decision by the U.S.” They also noted that “we have worked continuously with the aim of ensuring the full and effective implementation of commitments under the JCPOA, in particular the return of Iran to full compliance with its nuclear commitments without delay”. The same day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underlined that the waiver termination ignored “Iran’s innate rights and disrupts international public order”, warning that “if it leads to negative impacts on Iran’s nuclear rights in accordance with international regulations and the provisions of the JCPOA, it will take the necessary practical and legal steps”.

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  • 29 May 2020

    South Korea announced a shipment of medical supplies to Iran “as the first case of the export of humanitarian goods to Iran that resumed on 6 April”. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Korea continued close consultations with the U.S. and Iran in order to facilitate humanitarian trade with Iran with won-currency deposits”, leading to the reopening in April of “humanitarian trade… which was suspended after the U.S. tightened sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran in September 2019”. “The ROK government will continue consultations with the U.S. and Iran on ways to broaden the scope of trade items to include not only medicine and medical equipment, which are currently the main trade items, but also foods and agricultural products”, the statement added. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently indicated that “we have held two long years of negotiations on this matter, however, the Koreans listen to the Americans, and they have been waiting to receive a green light from the U.S.”. He added that “we are willing to retake all our assets from South Korea; this is a small but positive step, which comes with procrastination, to remind the Koreans that the long-standing ties between the two countries should not be marred by the interventions of a third country”.

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  • 29 May 2020

    Iranian media reported that “three Iranian border guards were killed during clashes with a terrorist outfit” in western Iran, with an unspecified number of “armed terrorists” also killed in the incident.

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  • 29 May 2020

    Referring to the death of George Floyd and subsequent protests in the U.S., the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that “Iran regrets the tragic murder of black Americans, denounces deadly racial profiling in the U.S. and urges authorities to do justice for every case. The protestors’ voice must be heard… suppressing the suffering Americans and freedom of press must urgently be stopped”. Two days later, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien named Iran when discussing countries that “foment more unrest here in the U.S.”.

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  • 28 May 2020

    An unnamed U.S. official indicated that “we have been in contact with the shipowners” of two Venezuela-bound tankers bearing Iranian fuel, “and they are under great risk for sanctions”.  The official further indicated “currently, the ships are not headed to Venezuela”.

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  • 28 May 2020

    Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami asserted that “with the delivery of [112] domestically-built offensive boats to the IRGC’s naval fleet, the security belt of the Persian Gulf, specially the strategic Strait of Hormuz, will be more tightened than before”. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami also emphasised that “we will not bow to enemies… Defence is our logic in war but not in the sense of passivity against the enemy. Our operations and tactics are offensive and we have shown it in the battlefield”. He went on to declare that “the most important and dangerous part of our power is unknown. Our enemies will see this power the day when they pursue an evil intention against this land… they will get to see the real firepower of our forces at the sea and in the sky, and the battlefield will turn into a hell for the enemies of Iran and Islam”.

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  • 27 May 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that the U.S. sought “to interfere in the normal trade between Iran and a friendly country [ie, Venezuela] in carrying an oil product, and this is something that has nothing to do with them and is not compatible with any law”. Rouhani went on to assess that “if there had been no unity within the country between the government, other branches and the armed forces, the Americans might have succeeded in their aggression and [caused] another Gibraltar in the Caribbean, but unity and solidarity prevented such a thing from happening”.

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  • 27 May 2020

    The U.S. ended “the sanctions waiver covering all remaining JCPOA-originating nuclear projects in Iran – the Arak reactor conversion, the provision of enriched uranium for the Tehran Research Reactor and the export of Iran’s spent and scrap research reactor fuel”, effective in 60 days. A separate waiver for the Bushehr plant was extended by 90 days. The U.S. also designated two Iranians “for engaging or attempting to engage in activities that have materially contributed to, or pose a risk of materially contributing to, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction”. Secretary Pompeo stressed that “the [Iranian] regime’s nuclear extortion will lead to increased pressure on Iran and further isolate the regime from the international community”. An Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran spokesperson indicated that the waiver termination “will not in practice have any effect on Iran’s work… Of course America wants its actions to have an effect in line with pressure on Iran, but in practice nothing will happen”.

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  • 27 May 2020

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, asserted that “President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign has constrained and countered Iran in unprecedented ways. We have deprived the clerical rulers of vast amounts of revenue. We have disrupted their financial networks and their sectarian networks. Because of our pressure, Iran’s leaders are facing a decision: either negotiate with us or manage economic collapse… The U.S. will continue its successful strategy of maximum economic pressure and diplomatic isolation”. Hook also noted that “we are pressing ahead with diplomacy. We are working methodically to build support in the [UN Security] Council to extend the [arms] embargo. We have drafted a resolution, we certainly hope it will pass, and our efforts are focused on securing passage in the Council”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded: “we do shatter your maximum pressure campaign with maximum resistance, stiffening resolve and reliance on the national capabilities…It is you who face a choice: either admit the defeat and start respecting the Iranian nation or further keep being hated, humiliating and isolating yourselves”.

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  • 26 May 2020

    Speaking with his Swiss counterpart, President Rouhani discussed the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA) and maintained that “creating this mechanism can be very effective in this difficult situation, and we expect this financial mechanism to become more active and Iran’s financial resources in some countries be processed through this route”.

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  • 24 May 2020

    The Fortune, one of five Iranian fuel tankers en route to Venezuela, entered Venezuelan waters  and proceeded with Venezuelan military escort. President Nicolás Maduro emphasised that his country and Iran had “the right to trade freely”, adding: “revolutionary peoples who will never kneel down before the North American empire”. The U.S. State Department contended that “Venezuelans need free and fair presidential elections leading to democracy and economic recovery, not Maduro’s expensive deals with another pariah state”.

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  • 23 May 2020

    President Rouhani asserted that “some U.S. actions in different parts of the world have created unacceptable conditions, but by no means we do not initiate escalation of tensions and conflict”. He further warned that “if our tankers in the Caribbean or anywhere in the world face any problems caused by the Americans, they will face problems as well… We have always considered the legitimate right to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity and to serve our national interests, and we hope that the Americans will not make a mistake”. Rouhani also emphasised that “the security of our region, especially maritime security in the region, is provided by the countries of the region, and we have always stated our readiness to cooperate more with our neighbours”.

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  • 22 May 2020

    The State Department released a fact sheet entitled “Iran’s Assassinations and Terrorist Activity Abroad”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson described the document as “an amalgam of fantasy and bogus accusations”, and contended that “the U.S. has by no means the political, legal and moral competence to make a judgement about other countries, and has better deal with its own nasty and dark record first”.

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  • 22 May 2020

    The chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces asserted that the military maintained “a thorough intelligence command of the status, location, tactics and movements of [Iran’s] enemies big and small, including America’s adventurist, terrorist and antihuman military, in the region and remote territories”. “[We] will give an appropriate response to any miscalculated move by those forces against… Iran’s national interests anywhere in the world”, he added. Relatedly, the Defence Ministry indicated that “Iran’s defence industry is focused on breaking the sanctions and upgrading its deterrent power as it did over the past forty years… We cannot talk to an irrational and coercive enemy except with authority and from a position of power”.

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  • 22 May 2020

    In Quds Day remarks entitled “The ‘Virus of Zionism’ Won’t Last Long and Will Be Eliminated”, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed that U.S. and Israeli policy “is to transfer conflicts to behind the frontlines of the front of resistance. Staging civil wars in Syria, the military siege and constant killings in Yemen, the assassinations, the destruction, the creation of ISIS in Iraq… are all machinations to divert the attention of the resistance front and to provide opportunities for the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”. He also asserted that “certain Arab governments in the region, which act as the minions of the U.S., have been preparing the ground for… normalisation [with Israel] by establishing economic ties and the like. These efforts are completely vain and futile”. Khamenei went on to state that “everyone must contribute to the Palestinian fighters… we will proudly do everything in our power on this path”. Khamenei went on to propose a referendum as “the only solution for the challenges which Palestine is facing”, emphasising that “that which should definitely go is the Zionist regime”. Prime Minister Netanyahu subsequently reiterated that “anyone who threatens to destroy Israel will put themselves in a similar danger”. Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz also assessed that “the arrogant words of our enemies are a sign of weakness, but we will be ready for any threat, by any means”.

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  • 20 May 2020

    The IRGC revealed that it had clashed with a group of eight “anti-revolution terrorists” in western Iran, killing two and injuring four.

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  • 20 May 2020

    The U.S. designated “Iran’s Interior Minister for his role in serious human rights abuses against Iranians, as well as seven senior officials of Iran’s Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) and a provincial commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)”. Also sanctioned was “Bonyad Taavon NAJA, which is translated as LEF Cooperative Foundation, along with its director and members of the board of trustees”. According to the Treasury Department, the foundation is “controlled by the LEF and is active in Iran’s energy, construction, services, technology and banking industries”. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the action was “a message of support to the Iranian people that we will continue to support their demands for transparent and accountable governance and speak out for those who are being silenced by this regime”. He further urged “technology companies in the U.S. and globally to do their part to improve the free flow of information to the Iranian people”.  Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson argued that the designations “indicate the weakness, desperation and confusion of the U.S. regime” and were “another blatant violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231”.

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  • 20 May 2020

    President Rouhani stated that “resisting the oppressors and supporting the oppressed is one of the main pillars of the Islamic Republic of Iran… the people of Islamic Iran do not accept or tolerate oppression against the Palestinians in any way”. Rouhani went on to indicate that “we are pleased that we are witnessing the formation of a new government in Iraq… and the disagreements in Afghanistan have also led to a good agreement”.

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  • 20 May 2020

    After Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s website published a poster headlined “Palestine will be free” and subtitled “the final solution: Resistance until referendum”, Prime Minister Netanyahu asserted that “Khamenei’s threats to carry out ‘The Final Solution’ against Israel bring to mind the Nazi ‘Final Solution’ plan to annihilate the Jewish People. He should know that any regime that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel faces a similar danger”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned “disgusting and hateful anti-Semitic remarks” by Khamenei, adding: “the leader of the world’s top sponsor of terrorism and anti-Semitism denies the Holocaust, sends money and weapons to anti-Israel terrorists and now has invoked the Nazi call for the Final Solution. I ask all nations: Is this someone who can be trusted with deadly weapons?” Later in the day, Khamenei’s social media account argued that “eliminating the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] doesn’t mean eliminating Jews. We aren’t against Jews. It means abolishing the imposed regime and Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians choose their own government”. “We will support and assist any nation or any group anywhere who opposes and fights the Zionist regime, and we do not hesitate to say this”, Khamenei added.

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  • 19 May 2020

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami maintained that “any disruption to [our] tankers is against international regulations and security… the Americans and others know that we will certainly not hesitate to react to this issue, and if the harassment intensifies and continues, it will certainly face a decisive response”. The following day, the Venezuelan Defence Minister indicated that when the Iranian tankers “enter our exclusive economic zone, they will be escorted by Bolivarian National Armed Forces boats and planes to welcome them in and thank the Iranian people for their solidarity and cooperation”.

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  • 18 May 2020

    President Rouhani told his Iraqi counterpart that “Iran is alongside the Iraqi government and nation like before, and favours protecting Iraqi sovereignty and non-interference of foreign powers in the future of the country’s government and people”. According to an Iraqi readout, the two presidents “discussed the ways of strengthening Baghdad-Tehran relations” and “agreed and emphasised that enhancing Iraq’s sovereignty and security is of particular importance in regional and international levels”.

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  • 18 May 2020

    Multiple media reports citing unnamed intelligence officials suggested that Israel was behind a 9 May hack of an Iranian port facility. An Iranian official acknowledged that “some [minor] disruptions at the computer systems last week can be the result of a cyberattack”, though port officials maintained “there has been no disruption in operations” at the facility.

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  • 18 May 2020

    Iran’s parliament passed, without opposition, a bill entitled “Confronting the Hostile Acts of the Zionist Regime against Peace and Security”.

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  • 17 May 2020

    After a U.S. official indicated that Washington was “looking at measures that can be taken” in response to Iranian tankers en route to Venezuela, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, in a letter to the UN Secretary-General, “warned the U.S. about sending troops to the Caribbean Sea with the aim of interfering with the transfer of Iran’s fuel to Venezuela”. Zarif also “underlined Iran’s right to adopt appropriate and necessary measures to counter these threats”. The Iranian foreign ministry also summoned the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, whose country represents U.S. interests, and requested he “relay to Washington’s officials Iran’s serious warning over any possible threat by the U.S. against Iranian tankers”. According to the foreign ministry, a senior Iranian diplomat told the ambassador that “any threat against Iranian tankers will be met with Iran’s immediate and firm response, and the U.S. government will be responsible for its consequences”.

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  • 17 May 2020

    President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah signed a power-sharing agreement. Iran’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, along with counterparts from China, Russia and Pakistan, issued a joint communique welcoming the agreement, while maintaining that they “support the process of peace and reconciliation under the ownership and guidance of Afghanistan, and believe that inclusive intra-Afghan negotiations will be the only way for national reconciliation and an immediate end to the prolonged disputes”. The four countries also urged “foreign forces to withdraw in an orderly and responsible manner, in such a way that the situation in Afghanistan would experience a trouble-free transition”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also congratulated Ghani and Abdullah and “noted that he regretted the time lost during the political impasse”. Pompeo further “reiterated that the priority for the U.S. remains a political settlement to end the conflict”.

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  • 17 May 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “the Americans openly say that they have deployed their forces in Syria because there is oil there. Of course, they will not stay for long either in Iraq or in Syria. They will certainly have to leave those countries, and they will definitely be expelled”.

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  • 13 May 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “there is a strange group in the White House, and when you look at the regime’s secretary of state, it looks like as if he has never seen or read the alphabet of politics in his entire life. America has always been a terrorist, but this is so unprecedented that even during coronavirus, it makes entering medicine to the country difficult”.

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  • 12 May 2020

    Iran and Syria were listed among five countries that the U.S. State Department “certified under Section 40A(a) of the Arms Export Control Act as ‘not cooperating fully’ with U.S. counterterrorism efforts in 2019… This certification prohibits the sale or license for export of defence articles and services and notifies the U.S. public and international community that these countries are not fully cooperating with U.S. counterterrorism efforts”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently contended: “with a history of founding, funding and arming different terrorist groups, a record of state terrorism, and its outright support for another terrorist regime, the U.S. is not a good yardstick for measuring anti-terrorism efforts”.

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  • 11 May 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that Sirous Asgari, an Iranian national detained in the U.S., “has been acquitted of charges and if his coronavirus test proves negative, he will return to the country with the first flight”. Zarif also told a parliamentary committee that “there is no problem in exchange of prisoners and detainees between Iran and the U.S. and we do not need negotiations and we will not hold any negotiations with the U.S. as well”, according to a parliamentary spokesperson.  A senior U.S. official subsequently addressed Zarif by saying that “after months of stalling the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as we have been trying to return Sirous Asgari, you suddenly woke up one day recently and say you actually want him back… We have eleven of your citizens who are illegal aliens who we have been trying to return to your country. You suddenly say you want them back, so how about you send a charter plane over and we’ll return all eleven at once?” Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded: “stop talking rubbish! Since September 2018, Zarif has put a ‘universal prisoners swap’ offer on the table and urged the U.S. to act responsibly with the Iranian hostages in the U.S. and elsewhere. Your regime has reacted callously and risked their lives… Let our citizens go!” Relatedly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to his Swiss counterpart and “thanked the foreign minister for Switzerland’s continued and constructive role as our protecting power in Iran and for its assistance in repatriating U.S. citizens from Iran”.

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  • 11 May 2020

    Nineteen Iranian navy personnel were killed and another fifteen injured in an accident during a naval exercise off the country’s southern coast. Their vessel, Konarak, was reportedly struck by a missile fired by an Iranian warship.

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  • 10 May 2020

    A government spokesperson reiterated that “there is readiness to exchange all prisoners and discuss their release without any preconditions, but the U.S. has refused to respond… We hope that in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, which threatens the lives of Iranian citizens in U.S. prisons, the American government will finally put caring for human lives ahead of politics”.

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  • 9 May 2020

    In a statement marking the second anniversary of the U.S.’s JCPOA withdrawal, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo maintained that “we have built the strongest sanctions in history and prevented Iran from funding and equipping terrorists with many billions of dollars. Today, the American people are safer and the Middle East is more peaceful than if we had stayed in the JCPOA”. Pompeo further appealed to “the international community to join us to stop the world’s leading state sponsor of anti-Semitism”, and pledged that “the U.S. will exercise all diplomatic options to ensure the UN arms embargo [on Iran] is extended. We will not accept their status quo level of violence and terror. And we will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reacted by contending: “only a rogue regime with zero sense of moral responsibility can take pride in dishonoring its international commitments and violating international law. Mark my words: 8 May 2018 will remain an everlasting disgrace for American polity”.

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  • 8 May 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the JCPOA is neither the first nor the last of the multilateral achievements Trump withdrew from. The U.S. regime has sought to secure its short-term interests at the cost of nations’ long-term prosperity. The regime must end its abject unilateralism”.

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  • 8 May 2020

    A senior Swiss official revealed that “no transactions have yet been carried out [via the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA) with Iran]. Unfortunately, this whole process has been slower than expected because of the COVID-19 pandemic”. “We are currently working on transfers to put additional funds into the SHTA with support from the U.S. side”, he added.

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  • 8 May 2020

    In a letter to the UN Secretary-General on the second anniversary of the U.S.’s JCPOA withdrawal, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “it is time for the Security Council and its members to ensure and guarantee the full implementation of the JCPOA by all sides…the Council should strongly condemn the U.S. for (re)imposing its illegal sanctions against Iranians in violation of the UN Charter, UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) and international law. The U.S. should be held responsible for these damages, and the Iranian nation must be compensated adequately”. Zarif further emphasised that “Iran remains prepared to continue dialogue at all levels to ensure the full implementation of the JCPOA by all participants and will continue its full and effective cooperation with the IAEA”. Referring to U.S. efforts to renew the UN arms embargo on Iran expiring in October 2020, Zarif warned that “any new sanction or restriction by the Security Council is against the fundamental commitments made to Iran. In such a scenario, Iran’s options, as already notified to the remaining participants of the JCPOA, would be firm and the U.S. and any entity which may assist the U.S. – or acquiesce in its illegal behaviour – would bear the responsibility”. “My nation has already shown its good faith and full responsibility. Now this is the turn for the international community to reciprocate the Iranian people”, Zarif added.

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  • 8 May 2020

    In a letter to the UN Secretary-General, Israel’s ambassador asserted that “in November 2019, imagery surfaced of four Iranian ‘Dehlaviyeh’ anti-tank guided missile systems being employed by militias associated with General Haftar’s forces in Libya. The presence of this advanced Iranian-manufactured system on Libyan soil is another grave violation of Security Council resolution 2231”.

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  • 6 May 2020

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced that it had “managed to monitor and eliminate two terrorist teams, affiliated with separatist groups, that had entered the country from neighboring countries to carry out acts of terrorism”. The ministry claimed to have made sixteen arrests and arms seizures during the operation in western Iran, and said “the leader of this terrorist group is residing in Europe and being supported by an Arab reactionary country”.

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  • 6 May 2020

    President Rouhani asserted that “we have withdrawn from our [JCPOA] commitments in an equal scale. The U.S. has fully withdrawn and the P4+1 has stood back to a lot of extent; therefore, we are in an equal situation and any time they are ready to observe their full commitments under the JCPOA, we will return to the JCPOA the same day”. He further indicated that he had written the P4+1 to explain “what serious consequences would befall them” if the UN arms embargo was extended. Rouhani underscored that “Iran will not in any way accept the violation of Resolution 2231. And it is Iran’s undisputed right to exit the arms embargo soon within the framework of the resolution. Whether we build weapons or buy them it is for defending ourselves and nations. Our weapons are not being used to pour gasoline on the fire”. He further advised the U.S. “to repent, return to JCPOA, apologise to the Iranian nation, pay compensation and act. This is the best way to do it, but of course this group that is in power today will not come to such a conclusion”.

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  • 6 May 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised Switzerland “for its efforts to extend Michael White’s medical furlough… and seeking humanitarian furloughs for Siamak Namazi and Morad Tahbaz and bringing home all U.S. citizens wrongfully detained. We welcome their assistance and we appreciate all that they’ve done”.

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  • 6 May 2020

    The Iraqi parliament approved Mustafa al-Kadhimi as Prime Minister. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif congratulated al-Kadhimi and underscored that “Iran always stands with the Iraqi people and their choice of administration”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to al-Kadhimi and welcomed his government. According to a U.S. readout, the two “discussed the urgent hard work ahead for the Iraqi government, implementing reforms, addressing COVID-19 and fighting corruption”. Pompeo also indicated that “in support of the new government the U.S. will move forward with a 120-day electricity waiver as a display of our desire to help provide the right conditions for success”. 

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  • 5 May 2020

    Facebook revealed that it had in April “removed 118 Pages, 389 Facebook accounts, 27 Groups and six Instagram accounts that were involved in foreign interference which is coordinated inauthentic behaviour on behalf of a foreign entity… This activity originated in Iran”. The company also noted that “although the people behind this activity attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to the [state-owned] Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Corporation (IRIB)”.

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  • 5 May 2020

    President Rouhani told Japanese Prime Minister Abe that “in the hard times of fighting coronavirus and its severe economic consequences, the U.S.’s illegal sanctions against the Iranian nation have intensified… we are facing many problems even in the field of medical equipment and food supply”. Rouhani further stated that “we are sorry that in recent weeks we have seen tensions created by the U.S. in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region, not to mention that tensions in the region have always begun by the U.S.”

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  • 4 May 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “for years, the U.S. has imposed unilateral and illegal sanctions, not only depriving the Iranian people of access to their rights, but also threatening multilateralism and international cooperation”. He further noted that “while all countries in the world are planning and cooperating to counter this [COVID-19] threat and supply the items they need from other countries, Iran is also looking to supply its own medical requirements and equipment according to its medical needs, but unfortunately, due to the U.S.’s illegal and unilateral sanctions, [foreign] companies producing these items are not able to offer their products to Iran when needed”. “Due to this anti-human rights action by the U.S., the provision of medical supplies for Iran has naturally been longer and sometimes impossible, and Iran’s targeted program to combat the spread of the virus has become difficult and challenging”, Rouhani added.

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  • 2 May 2020

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani warned that “the JCPOA will die forever by circumventing [UN Security Council Resolution] 2231 and continuing Iran’s illegal weapons sanctions”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently also underscored that “Iran will serve an appropriate and decisive response” if the UN embargo was extended, adding: “we are waiting to see the direction in which circumstances are going to develop, and will then act based on them and deliver a response”.

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  • 29 April 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reported that “over the last few days, multiple aircraft belonging to [Iran’s] Mahan Air have transferred unknown support to the Maduro regime [in Venezuela]… This is the same terrorist airline that Iran uses to move weapons and fighters around the Middle East”. He further asserted that “these flights must stop, and countries should do their part to deny overflights, just as many have already denied landing rights to this sanctioned airline”. Relatedly, the U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, argued that “the [Iranian] regime regularly claims things that are false, including that they were helping Venezuela’s oil industry. But I think we can probably safely assume it’s not limited to that”. Iran’s Foreign Ministry subsequently posited that U.S. policies in Venezuela “have ended in failure”, and that Washington “is making such accusations in an attempt to obstruct the Venezuelan government’s plans for reviving that country’s refineries and producing oil products, including gasoline, a shortage of which has been caused by the cruel American sanctions”.

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  • 27 April 2020

    In a statement, Iran’s Armed Forces argued that “dangerous behaviours that are disruptive to the security of shipping transit [in the Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and Sea of Oman] began when some adventurous and terrorist countries such as the U.S. and a number of its allies tried to gain a foothold in this region. By increasing harmful traffic and establishing military bases, the U.S. has virtually become the source of insecurity and chaos in the region”. The statement added that Iran’s military “considers the presence of the U.S. and its allies illegitimate and the source of evil and insecurity… The only safe alternative to stabilise peace is the withdrawal of U.S. troops and their allies from the region”. The statement also underscored “Iran has not and will not initiate any tensions and conflicts in the region, but it will always defend its territorial integrity with readiness, strength and power, and it is obvious that any adventure and provocative actions will be responded [to] strongly”.

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  • 26 April 2020

    Following reports that some Iranian media website domains had been blocked by U.S. authorities, Iran’s Foreign Ministry declared that “the [U.S.] regime’s act of silencing the alternative media movement has reduced America to the main violator of the law-based international order”.

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  • 25 April 2020

    In a conversation with the Emir of Qatar, President Rouhani noted that “Iran closely monitors and pursues the U.S.’s activities, but will never initiate any conflict or tension in the region”. Speaking with his Chinese counterpart two days later, President Rouhani indicated that “for Iran, the security of the region and waterways is important, but unfortunately, the dangerous behaviour of the U.S. may disrupt the stability of the Persian Gulf region”.

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  • 23 April 2020

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani emphasised that “sanctions and threats cannot slow down our trend to pursue… national interests and legal rights. The continuous production of power and use of up-to-date knowledge for the security and welfare of Iranian people from hospitals to space will continue. New surprises are on the way”.

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  • 22 April 2020

    EU High Representative Josef Borrell indicated that “we supported first to soften the sanctions and second, the request by Iran to the International Monetary Fund for financial help… I regret that the Americans are, at this stage, opposing the International Monetary Fund from taking this decision. From a humanitarian point of view, this request should have been accepted”.

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  • 22 April 2020

    President Trump declared that he had “instructed the U.S. Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea”. Iranian IRGC Commander Hossein Salami subsequently announced that “we have ordered our naval units to target any vessel or combat unit of the terrorist U.S. forces who want to threaten the security of our non-combat ships or combat vessels”. Iran’s Foreign Ministry also summoned the Swiss ambassador, whose country represents U.S. interests in Iran, and gave him a letter in which “the U.S. administration has been reminded about the importance of observing international maritime safety regulations and shipping freedom”. 

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  • 22 April 2020

    Iran’s IRGC launched Nour-1, a “multi-purpose satellite”. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami asserted that “today, we can see the world from space and this means expansion of the strategic intelligence and information of IRGC’s powerful defence force”. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “the Iranians have consistently said that these missile programs were disconnected from their military… today’s launch proves what we’ve been saying all along here in the U.S.: the IRGC, a designated terrorist organisation, launched a missile today”. Pompeo went on to say that “every nation has an obligation to go to the UN and evaluate whether this missile launch was consistent with… Security Council resolution [2231]. I don’t think it remotely is, and I think Iran needs to be held accountable for what they’ve done”. Israel condemned the launch and said it was “just a façade for Iran’s continues [sic] development of advanced missile technology”. Contending that Iran had carried out “a breach both of Security Council’s resolution 2231, and Iran’s previous commitments to the international community”, a diplomatic spokesperson urged “the international community to condemn this latest launch, and impose further sanctions on the Iranian regime… in order to deter it from continuing such dangerous and opposing activity”.

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  • 20 April 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with President Bashar al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials during a visit to Damascus. Zarif told Assad that “the U.S.’s true intentions have come to light with regards to its refusal to lift unfair sanctions against nations during tough times of fighting” COVID-19, and the two sides discussed bilateral and regional matters including the Astana Peace Process. The U.S. Special Representative for Syria Engagement, James Jeffrey, reacted to Zarif’s trip by asserting: “if Iran were truly concerned about the health and safety of the Syrian people, it would support the UN-led political process under UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and withdraw IRGC, Hizbollah and other terrorist forces under its command from the entirety of Syria… Iran’s only contributions to Syria have been violence and instability”. He went on to stress that “we continue to offer humanitarian assistance to help address the coronavirus outbreak, while the Assad regime, Russia and Iran obstruct aid and starve the Syrian people of food and medicine”. 

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  • 19 April 2020

    Iran’s IRGC Navy issued a statement indicating that “in recent weeks, we have witnessed the recurrence of unprofessional behaviour of the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf threatening the security and stability of the region and posing new risks… Accordingly, IRGC has increased the capacity of its naval patrols in the waters of the Persian Gulf to prevent the continued illegal, unprofessional, dangerous and even adventurous behaviour of American terrorists, as well as to strengthen the security of domestic vessels and combat fuel smuggling”. The statement also rejected the U.S. account of a 15 April naval interaction between the two sides, asserting that the U.S. vessels had carried out “unprofessional and provocative actions”. It went to warn that “the IRGC navy and the powerful armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will consider the dangerous behaviour of foreigners in the region as a threat to their national security, and give a definite response to any computational error”.

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  • 18 April 2020

    President Trump maintained that “when I came in [to office], Iran was a terror. We had 82 points of fighting. We had eighteen points of major confliction… Meaning, Yemen and Syria and all – Iraq.  They were going into Iraq all over the place.  They’re a much a different nation right now. I stopped that horrible deal [ie, JCPOA]”. “I think we would have had a deal if it wasn’t for John Kerry”, he added. Trump went on to assert that “right now, they [ie, Iran] just want to survive. They’re having protests every week. They’re loaded up with the [COVID-19] plague – which I don’t want; I’ve offered to help them if they want. If they need ventilators, which they do, I would send them ventilators”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif retorted: “Iran will be exporting ventilators in a few months, President Trump. All you need to do is stop interfering in the affairs of other nations; mine especially. And believe me, we do not take advice from any American politician”.

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  • 15 April 2020

    U.S. Naval Forces Central Command reported that “eleven Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) vessels repeatedly conducted dangerous and harassing approaches” toward six U.S. vessels “conducting joint integration operations with U.S. Army AH-64E Apache attack helicopters in the international waters of the North Arabian Gulf”. The statement assessed that “the IRGCN’s dangerous and provocative actions increased the risk of miscalculation and collision”, adding: “U.S. naval forces continue to remain vigilant and are trained to act in a professional manner, while our commanding officers retain the inherent right to act in self-defence”. Iranian Minister of Defence Amir Hatami subsequently argued that “what creates insecurity in the Persian Gulf region is in fact the illegal and aggressive presence of Americans, who have come near our borders from the other side of the world”.

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  • 13 April 2020

    President Rouhani told his Venezuelan counterpart that “the oppressive and illegal sanctions of the U.S. in the field of oil production against Iran and Venezuela are contrary to international rules and human principles”. Relatedly, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that “despite U.S. sanctions, Iran has made significant progress in fighting the [COVID-19] pandemic, thanks to its human and scientific resources, and friends abroad. COVID-19 was an opportunity for the U.S. to kick its addiction to sanctions. Instead, it will now live in infamy in the memory of our people”.

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  • 12 April 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke to the acting Afghan foreign minister, Mohammad Hanif Atmar, and “underlined the necessity for unity among various Afghan groups, establishment of peace and stability in the country and expansion of bilateral collaborations”. Zarif subsequently talked to the UN Secretary-General and “presented a report on Tehran’s diplomatic efforts to resolve the political crisis in Afghanistan and advance the peace process in the neighbouring country”. Afghanistan was also a topic of discussion in Zarif’s conversations with counterparts in Russia, India, Turkey and Qatar.

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  • 11 April 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif spoke with the UN Secretary-General discussing, inter alia, “latest developments in Yemen”. The two spoke again the following day. According to an Iranian readout, “the UN chief gave a report on the international body’s efforts to maintain the ceasefire in Yemen”, and “Zarif expressed support for the Secretary-General’s efforts… stating that the Yemeni crisis has no military solution. He also called the establishment of a lasting ceasefire a prelude for the launch of political process to resolve the crisis”.

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  • 10 April 2020

    A South Korean official revealed that “on 6 April, the humanitarian export process [to Iran] based on the [U.S.] General License No. 8 got under way… Our companies and banks should prepare documents needed to carry out enhanced due diligence, and we think that the shipments may begin about a month later”.

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  • 9 April 2020

    President Barham Salih appointed Mustafa al-Kadhimi as Iraq’s prime minister after Adnan al-Zurfi failed to form a government. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson welcomed the nomination by describing it as “a right step in the right direction” and expressed “full readiness to cooperate with the Iraqi government so that it can overcome the problems and achieve the great goals of the Iraqi people and the top religious authority”. A senior U.S. official said “it’s a sad defeat for the people of Iraq that Zurfi did not get a change after being designated to present his slate of ministers”. He also described al-Kadhimi, as “impressive in his own right” and opined: “if he is an Iraqi patriot, which he appears to be, and is going to be fighting for reform against corruption and for Iraqi sovereignty, as the Iraqi patriot that he is, then this is something that’s also going to create problems for Iran, undoubtedly”.

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  • 7 April 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “Iran is rich in human and natural resources. We don’t need charity from President Trump – who’s forced to buy ventilators from sources he’s sanctioned. What we want is for him to stop preventing Iran from selling oil and other products, buying its needs and making and receiving payments”.

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  • 6 April 2020

    President Rouhani told his French counterpart that “we expect that friendly countries put America under pressure for lifting these cruel, unilateral sanctions… If all sanctions are lifted, we are ready to return to our nuclear obligations”. Rouhani also described the INSTEX mechanism, which on 31 March completed its first transaction, as “positive but insufficient”. “This route must not be limited to medical and food items, and we must be able to use it for meeting all our country’s needs”, he urged. According to a French readout, President Macron affirmed French and European willingness “to continue… humanitarian cooperation” over the COVID-19 pandemic, and “hoped that Iran would return to the respect of its nuclear obligations, refrain from taking new measures contrary to the JCPOA and contribute to the easing of regional tensions”.

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  • 2 April 2020

    Iran’s military chief of staff denied Iranian involvement in a series of rocket attacks against Iraqi bases hosting U.S. forces. He contended that the attacks were “a natural reaction by Iraqi people” to the U.S. killing of Qassem Soleimeni and a senior Iraqi militia commander in January, and posited that the “Americans are trying to pin them on us as part of their blame game”. He warned that “if [Americans] take the smallest step against the security of our country, they will be faced with the most severe reaction”, going on to claim that “recent days have witnessed an increase, to some extent, in the U.S.’s military activities across Iraq and the Persian Gulf. On the psychological and media fronts, too, they are engaged in massive dissemination of news denoting that they have plans against resistance groups in Iraq and Hashd al-Shaabi”.

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  • 2 April 2020

    Twitter announced that it had “removed 2,541 accounts in an Egypt-based network… The media group created inauthentic accounts to amplify messaging critical of Iran, Qatar and Turkey. Information we gained externally indicates it was taking direction from the Egyptian government”.

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  • 1 April 2020

    President Rouhani described U.S. sanctions as “wrong, cruel, incorrect and illegal” and argued that the COVID-19 crisis “was the best historic opportunity for Americans to return from their wrong path” by lifting sanctions against Iran. “They have always acted against the Iranian nation, but today their animosity towards the Iranian nation is more obvious”, said Rouhani.

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  • 1 April 2020

    President Trump declared that “upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif cautioned Trump against being “misled by usual warmongers, again” and added: “Iran has friends. No one can have millions of ‘proxies’. Unlike the U.S. – which surreptitiously lies, cheats and assassinates – Iran only acts in self-defence. Openly Iran starts no wars, but teaches lessons to those who do”.

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  • 1 April 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “reports that Iranian diplomats were involved in an assassination of a dissident in Turkey are disturbing but fully consistent with their assignments – Iran’s ‘diplomats’ are agents of terror and have conducted multiple assassinations and bomb plots in Europe over the past decade”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson hit back saying: “U.S. ‘diplomats’ have long been in the business of coups, arming terrorists, fueling sectarian violence, supporting narcotics cartels, bullying governments and companies, spying on even U.S. allies, flirting with dictators, butchers and terrorists, etc… But Secretary Pompeo (Mr. CIA also known as Secretary of Hate) and his masters have taken the ‘job’ to a whole new level: Medical terrorism. That’s why he has a consistence so filled with guilt that resorts to such psychological projection”.

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  • 31 March 2020

    On the anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic, the IRGC issued a statement warning that “the slightest mistake by vicious and adventurist enemies at any point against the Islamic Republic of Iran will be their last mistake… The decisive and destructive responses of the Islamic Revolution Front will be astonishing and will not even give the enemies the chance to express regret”.

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  • 31 March 2020

    The governments of France, Germany and the UK (E3) jointly announced that “INSTEX [Instrument in Support of Trade Exchange] has successfully concluded its first transaction, facilitating the export of medical goods from Europe to Iran. These goods are now in Iran”. “INSTEX aims to provide a sustainable, long-term solution for legitimate trade between Europe and Iran as part of the continued efforts to preserve the JCPOA”, the statement added. “Now the first transaction is complete, INSTEX and its Iranian counterpart STFI will work on more transactions and enhancing the mechanism”.

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  • 31 March 2020

    Bahrain’s High Criminal Court convicted three officials at Iran’s Future Bank and three Iranian banks on money laundering charges. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the rulings have been issued on the basis of a fabricated case, and the bogus accusations against the convicts in the case lack any legal value and bear the Bahraini government’s responsibility for their consequences”. “Needless to say, Iran will not hesitate to defend the interests and rights of its nationals”, he added.

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  • 30 March 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that addressing the COVID-19 pandemic “is not related to the borders and interests… wherever we fail, the whole world has failed”. He added: “what doubles the suffering of Iranians [from COVID-19], what limits their choices in crisis management and what aggravates concerns for citizens’ livelihood, is that sanctions and coronavirus are coming at the same time… the combination of sanctions and coronavirus is a more dangerous enemy and a more serious complication which makes the corona bolder and makes crisis management decisions more difficult”. “The world needs a moral will against the U.S.’s excessive demands, and complying with sanctions should not lead to more war crimes”, he urged. “This is the nastiest face of a government, addicted to sanctions, that [is] seeking to revive the failed campaign of maximum pressure by weakening Iran against coronavirus”.

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  • 29 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stressed that “the U.S. has gone from sabotage and assassinations to waging an economic war and economic terrorism on Iranians – to medical terror amidst COVID-19 in Iran. This even ‘exceeds what would be permissible on the battlefield’. Stop aiding war crimes. Stop obeying immoral and illegal U.S. sanctions”. The U.S. diplomatic spokesperson responded: “Stop lying. Stop stealing. If the Iranian regime needs funds to deal with the coronavirus, it can access billions in Supreme Leader Khamenei’s tax-free hedge fund. It’s not the sanctions. It’s the regime”.

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  • 28 March 2020

    IRGC commander Hossein Salami opined that “when the Americans are in the region, they will both harm themselves and the nations of the region, and their existence results in nothing but the deterioration of their own power and damage to the nations of the region”. He further contended that “the U.S. has tested the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and knows very well how Iran will react to any efforts to undermine it”. “Instead of deploying their troops around the world to displace people”, Salami added, “it is better to keep their army in the U.S. to solve the problems of its people, like Iran, which has used its armed forces to fight coronavirus”.

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  • 27 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “the U.S. has taken several Iranian scientists hostage – without charge or on spurious sanctions charges – and [is] not releasing them; even when its own courts reject the absurd charges. The U.S. even refuses medical furlough – amid COVID-19 – for innocent men jailed in horrific facilities. Release our men”.

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  • 26 March 2020

    After Robert Levinson’s family announced that they had “received information from U.S. officials… that [Levinson] died while in Iranian custody”, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “only Iran knows for certain what happened to Bob since his abduction more than thirteen years ago. As President Trump said, we call on the Iranian regime to provide a full accounting of Bob’s fate and will not rest until all Americans wrongfully detained by Iran are back home”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently claimed that “Mr. Levinson left Iran for an unknown destination years ago… Iran has made all its utmost efforts in recent years for acquiring documentation on the precise fate of Mr. Levinson after he left Iran but has not thus far obtained any sign of his being alive”.

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  • 26 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that “COVID-19 ravages the world, sparing no nation. Even the world’s largest economy [ie, the U.S.] needs others to help it fight the pandemic yet refuses to halt its economic terrorism against Iran. Does the U.S. want a ‘forever pandemic’? Moral imperative to stop observing the bully’s sanctions”.

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  • 22 March 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stressed that “our most malicious enemy and the enemy of the Islamic government is the U.S. The U.S. officials are untruthful, treacherous, brazen and greedy. They are deceitful in every way… They are oppressive and cruel. They are terrorists as well”. He further noted that “the Americans have said several times that they are willing to help us in terms of medication and in treating the Coronavirus. This is very surprising. First of all, according to what your own officials have said, you have shortages… Secondly, you are accused of having created this virus. I do not know how accurate this claim is, but considering the circumstances that exist, which reasonable individual can trust you? You might give us a medicine that would spread the disease even more or make it last longer. Some people even say that some forms of the virus are particular to Iranian genes and thus produced on the basis of genetic science”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently released a statement entitled “Khamenei’s Lies About the Wuhan Virus Put Lives at Risk”, and the State Department published “Iran: COVID-19 Disinformation Fact-Sheet”.

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  • 21 March 2020

    Iran released a French citizen detained since June 2019, while France freed an Iranian national whom the U.S. wanted extradited on the basis of “multiple outstanding U.S. charges against him related to the illegal export of equipment with military applications in violation of U.S. sanctions”. The State Department asserted that “the U.S. deeply regrets France’s unilateral decision to release Iranian national Jalal Rohollahnejad from its custody”, adding that “it is regrettable in this instance that France failed to uphold its treaty obligations and prevented justice from being pursued”.

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  • 21 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “banking and financial restrictions imposed [by the U.S.] do not identify whether you are purchasing humanitarian items or not. When a bank deems it risky to do business with Iran it simply closes the door”. Describing U.S. sanctions as “a crime against humanity”, Zarif went on to dismiss U.S. offers of assistance with the COVID-19 outbreak as “hypocritical” and stated: “all the U.S. needs to do is to stop interfering… We will take care of ourselves and have enough friends in the world to help us. Stop economic terrorism. If you are not ready to do this, then we ask the world to stop just watching this bullying”.

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  • 20 March 2020

    In a Nowruz letter addressed to “the American people”, President Rouhani wrote that “the Iranian people are harmed by both the deadly coronavirus and the callous U.S. government policy of economic terrorism inflicted on them. Yet, even under the circumstances of the pandemic, the U.S. government has failed to abandon its malicious policy of maximum pressure; and is thus in practice aiding the spread of this virus with its sanctions”. Rouhani further warned that “any hostile actor seeking to undermine Iran’s health system and restricting the needed financial resources to tackle the crisis will undermine the fight against the pandemic all over the world”. Calling on the “American people to speak loudly and hold their government accountable”, Rouhani added that “we react to the language of force with the language of resistance and to the language of dignity with the language of respect”.

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  • 19 March 2020

    The U.S. State Department reported that “Michael White, who has been wrongfully detained by the Iranian regime since 2018 and is serving a 13-year sentence, was released today on a medical furlough. His release on humanitarian grounds was conditioned upon him staying in Iran… the U.S. will continue to work for Michael’s full release as well as the release of all wrongfully detained Americans in Iran”.

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  • 13 March 2020

    President Rouhani wrote world leaders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, noting the economic impact of U.S. sanctions against Iran and contending that “no country can manage this huge, dangerous crisis alone, let alone if it has many difficulties accessing international financial markets and supplying its needed goods… any policy that weakens the economic structure and medical system, and limits financial resources for crisis management, will have direct effects on the fight against the epidemic in other countries”. He urged “the international community to stand up to the U.S.’s illegal and inhumane bullying and not let unjust U.S. sanctions against Iran affect the fight against the deadly virus”, describing the sanctions as “a collective punishment against all humanity”.

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  • 12 March 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei decreed the establishment of a “Health and Treatment Base” by Iran’s military for combatting the COVID-19 virus, and noted that “this measure may also be regarded as a biological defence exercise and add to our national sovereignty and power given the evidence that suggests the likelihood of this being a ‘biological attack’”. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subsequently riposted that “the best biological defence would’ve been to tell the Iranian people the truth about the Wuhan virus when it spread to Iran from China. Instead, he [ie, Khamenei] kept Mahan Air flights coming and going to the epicenter in China and jailed those who spoke out”.

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  • 12 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote the UN Secretary-General to contend that “while other nations debate how to control the spread of the [COVID-19] virus – and while their economies suffer and fear takes hold among their populations – our people not only suffer from its effects without the full benefits of adequate medical equipment and supplies, but also the many other ways in which U.S. economic terrorism had devastated many households prior to the inception of COVID-19, and only made worse since its arrival in Iran”. Zarif further asserted that “it is imperative that the Government of the U.S. immediate half its campaign of economic terrorism against the Iranian people and lift all sanctions it has illegally imposed on my country in contravention of UN Security Council Resolution 2231”. On 17 March, Zarif reiterated that “U.S. sanctions drained Iran’s economic resources, impairing the ability to fight COVID-19… it is immoral to observe them”. “Join the growing global campaign to disregard sanctions on Iran”, he urged.

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  • 11 March 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reported that “it has been three weeks since we started negotiating with one of the countries in which we have financial resources and they say that [the] Americans are creating obstacle for the transfer of Iran’s financial resources into the [Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA)] channel… we asked them to allow our other financial resources in various countries to enter this chancel in order to provide medicines and medical equipment but they [ie, the U.S.] did not allow it”.

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  • 9 March 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told the IAEA Board of Governors that “the Agency has identified a number of questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities at three locations that have not been declared by Iran. The Agency sought access to two of the locations. Iran has not provided access to these locations and has not engaged in substantive discussions to clarify the Agency’s questions”. Grossi indicated that “this is adversely affecting the Agency’s ability to clarify and resolve these questions and to provide credible assurance of the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran”, and urged “Iran to cooperate immediately and fully with the Agency, including by providing prompt access to the locations specified by the Agency”. He also reported that since 5 January, when Iran announced the “fifth and final remedial step” in its incremental breaches of the JCPOA, “the Agency has not observed any changes to Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA in connection with this announcement, or in the level of cooperation by Iran in relation to Agency verification and monitoring activities under the JCPOA”.

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  • 8 March 2020

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry reported that “following a series of complicated and vast intelligence operations on the other side of the borders [in Pakistan], a terrorist team which was affiliated to the terrorist group of Jaish al-Adl was detected by the intelligence forces of Sistan-Balochistan province as soon as they… entered the country”. According to the ministry, government forces killed the team’s leader and captured weapons and bomb-making equipment.

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  • 7 March 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to argue that “President Trump is maliciously tightening the U.S.’s illegal sanctions with the aim of draining Iran’s resources needed in the fight against COVID-19 while our citizens are dying from it. The world can no longer be silent as U.S. economic terrorism is supplanted by its medical terrorism”.

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  • 3 March 2020

    The IAEA estimated that Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile stood at 1021kg through 19 February 2020, with enrichment rates topping out at 4.5 per cent. Separately from its quarterly report, the IAEA issued a report in which the director general indicated that “as a result of its ongoing investigations, the Agency identified a number of questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities at three locations in Iran that had not been declared by Iran”. It further noted that “Iran has not provided access to the Agency to two locations… and not engaged in substantive discussions to clarify Agency questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities”. In an interview, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi asserted that “Iran must decide to cooperate in a clearer manner with the agency to give the necessary clarifications… The fact that we found traces [of uranium] is very important. That means there is the possibility of nuclear activities and material that are not under international supervision and about which we know not the origin or the intent”. Iran’s IAEA envoy maintained that “the U.S. and the Israeli regime are trying to disrupt the active and constructive cooperation and relations between the IAEA and Iran by pressuring the Agency to step outside its constitutional duties”, adding that “the IAEA’s request for clarification or additional access on the basis of fabricated information provided by spy services, including the Zionist regime [ie, Israel], is not only inconsistent with the Agency’s founding documents and verification regime, but it also makes no obligation for Iran to comply with these demands”.

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  • 29 February 2020

    The U.S. and Taliban signed an agreement on a phased U.S. military drawdown, Taliban guarantees to sever ties with terrorist groups and swift initiation of peace negotiations among Afghan parties to the war. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarked that “no one is under any illusion that this will be straightforward. We have built an important base where can begin to bring American soldiers home, reduce the risk of the loss of life of any American in Afghanistan, and hopefully set the conditions so the Afghan people can build out a peaceful resolution to their now, what for them, is a 40-year struggle”.  Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that “after nineteen years of humiliation, the U.S. has tendered its surrender. Whether in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or Yemen, the U.S. is the problem. It will leave – while leaving a huge mess behind”.

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  • 28 February 2020

    The State Department declared that “the U.S. stands with the people of Iran during the public health crisis caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The U.S. government is prepared to assist the Iranian people in their response efforts. This offer of support to the Iranian people… has been formally conveyed to Iran through the Government of Switzerland”. Urging Tehran “to cooperate fully and transparently with international aid and health organisations”, the statement went on to underscore “that certain donations to Iran intended to relieve human suffering, including the donation of medicine, are exempt from U.S. sanctions”. On 4 March, President Rouhani asserted that “unfortunately, those who even imposed drugs and food sanctions on people have done the most vicious act against the Iranian people in these past two years; they came up with a mask of compassion pretending to help… you [ie, the U.S.] had better lift the drug sanctions at least”.

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  • 26 February 2020

    The JCPOA’s Joint Commission convened in Vienna. According to the chair’s statement, “serious concerns were expressed regarding the implementation of Iran’s nuclear commitments under the agreement. Participants also acknowledged that the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions did not allow Iran to reap the full benefits arising from sanctions-lifting”. The statement added that “all participants reaffirmed the importance of preserving the agreement”. It went on to note that “participants welcomed positive developments in the processing of first transactions by INSTEX”, and also “welcomed continued efforts by the Arak Working Group Co-Chairs, China and the United Kingdom, in taking the Arak Modernisation Project forward. They took note of recent developments concerning the Fordow facility and expressed strong support for the work of Russia in continuing the implementation of the stable isotope project”.

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  • 25 February 2020

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “the U.S. is deeply concerned by information indicating the Iranian regime may have suppressed vital details about the [COVID-19] outbreak in that country… all nations, including Iran, should tell the truth about the coronavirus and cooperate with international aid organisations”. President Hassan Rouhani, citing Iran’s health ministry, maintained that “the virus is being controlled” and urged that “we must all continue our work and activities, because it is one of the enemies’ plots to spread fear in our country and close down the country”. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to posit: “like other viruses – including terrorism – COVID-19 knows no borders and doesn’t distinguish between ethnicities or faiths… In line with HOPE (Hormuz Peace Endeavour), Iran calls for more regional cooperation including long overdue Joint Center for Disease Control and Prevention”.

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  • 24 February 2020

    A senior advisor to Iran’s supreme leader assessed that “militarily, today we are definitely in a better position than three years ago when Mr. Trump came to power… our influence in the region has increased despite all this [U.S.] pressure”. He also pledged that “we will never abandon our regional allies”, and went on to assert that “the U.S. thinks we are in a weak position and need to negotiate… The U.S. wants to negotiate with us to say ‘why do you have missiles, why are you present in the region and why do you have military capabilities?’ What kind of negotiations are these?”

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  • 21 February 2020

    The Financial Action Task Force announced that “given Iran’s failure to enact the Palermo and Terrorist Financing Conventions in line with the FATF Standards, the FATF fully lifts the suspension of counter-measures and calls on its members and urges all jurisdictions to apply effective counter-measures”. “Iran will remain on the FATF statement on [High Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action] until the full Action Plan has been completed”, the statement added. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo applauded the decision and said “the regime must face consequences for its continued failure to abide by international norms, in particular its inaction in ratifying the Palermo and CFT… Iran must cease its reckless behaviour and act like a normal nation if it wants its isolation to end”. President Rouhani indicated that “the administration and Majlis had clear views and they did all executive measures and approved all four bills, including Palermo and CFT”. “We were trying not to let America and the Zionist Regime [ie, Israel] announce us as the violator of these actions”, Rouhani maintained, adding that “the FATF took the undecidedness of a group [in the Iranian government], which is out of the authority of the administration and the parliament, as pretext to make a decision against the interests of the Iranian nation, and as it was expected, it made the U.S. happy, justifying intensification of unjust, inhumane sanctions”.

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  • 18 February 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei characterised the statements by senior U.S. officials about election integrity in Iran as “gibberish” and assessed that their intention was “to have an impact on the [21 February parliamentary] election. They want to make people disappointed and to make them lose hope in the ballot box”. Khamenei also commented on U.S. presence in the region by stating that “there are tens of American military bases in different countries surrounding us. However… these bases are useless for America and useless for those miserable people who pay for them and have hope in them [for protection]”.

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  • 18 February 2020

    Senator Chris Murphy, a Democratic Senator from Connecticut, confirmed that he had met with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in Munich. “It’s dangerous not to talk to adversaries, especially amidst a cycle of escalation”, he maintained in a Tweet. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underscored that “these measures are part of [Iran’s] general diplomacy, which includes meetings with elites and think tanks as well as interviews and briefings with press representatives”.

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  • 17 February 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced the release and repatriation of an Iranian citizen who had been detained in Germany over allegation of violating U.S. sanctions. Iran’s judiciary spokesperson subsequently reported that Iran had released a German citizen, who was arrested on espionage charges.

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  • 17 February 2020

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami threatened Israel: “all your positions are within our reach and we have many options for destroying you. Neither your walls nor your troops who are scared of death are not going to save you”. He further discussed Iran’s 8 January attack on Iraqi bases hosting U.S. forces and stated that “it was not the end of our tactical response but it was a beginning. Our responses [are] to be continued and the Americans will regret it and will be punished”.

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  • 16 February 2020

    President Rouhani assessed that “what the U.S. is seeking by maximum pressure and putting pressure on people is to force the government to the negotiation table but this is impossible… We will never go to the negotiation table with weakness… Therefore, our path is the path of resistance and steadfastness and progress in the coming year”. On the JCPOA, Rouhani stated: “we hope the Europeans can find a solution so that we can come to an understanding that they will return to their commitments under the JCPOA and that we will fully return to our commitments. In this regard, the Europeans have more or less promised to work in this area, and we hope that this process will work”.

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  • 15 February 2020

    At the Munich Security Conference, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif underscored that “we have no intention of having trouble with any of our neighbours… We would run to the assistance of Saudi Arabia if anybody attacks Saudi Arabia”. Zarif added: “my message to my brothers: I’m not asking them to stop their relations with the U.S. That’s none of my business… What is our business is that the U.S. will not give you protection. Israel will not give you protection. You need to get protection from within. Security cannot be purchased”. He further accused Saudi Arabia of funding “every Iranian terrorist organisation”. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan indicated that “our message to Iran has been that once they are willing to admit that their regional behaviour is the main source of instability and that activities such as firing ballistic missiles at your neighbouring states is not contributory to security, then we can discuss the potential of talks”.

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  • 14 February 2020

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, questioned election integrity in Iran by stating that “the Iranian regime is holding what it calls [parliamentary] elections on 21 February… But the real voting takes place in secret and long before 21 February. The clerics pick the winners and losers before the ballots are even cast… Today, the Iranian regime is facing a crisis of legitimacy and credibility”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently stated that “instead of questioning the voting in Iran, the U.S. officials had better answer questions… over the ambiguous and complex mechanisms of presidential elections in their own country in which the majority’s vote is ignored”. “The U.S. regime”, Mousavi added, “should also explain its extensive ties with countries that are alien to even the simplest forms of elections”.

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  • 14 February 2020

    Discussing Iran’s response to the killing by the U.S. of Qassem Soleimani, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “Iranian military response [ie, 8 January attack against Ain al-Assad] has been carried out and has been concluded. But what the U.S. did was to hurt the emotions and feelings of millions of people who came to the streets [for Soleimani’s funeral]… The reaction of the people [is not over]. And I think the first reaction of the people reflected itself into the decision of the parliament of Iraq to ask the government to kick the U.S. out of Iraq”. Responding to a question on possible further actions of militia groups close to Iran against the U.S. in the region, Zarif stated: “we have made it very clear that we do not control these people… People respond to attacks against their countrymen. People respond to occupation. The U.S. has been occupying Iraq against the will of Iraqi people, now against the expressed announcement of the Iraqi parliament and the Iraqi government. There are consequences”.

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  • 13 February 2020

    At a memorial ceremony for Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s IRGC Commander Hossein Salami addressed the U.S. and Israel and warned that “If you take any erroneous action, we will hit you both”. Referring to Iran’s 8 January missile attacks against Iraqi bases hosting U.S. forces, Salami noted: “the U.S. was dealt a slap in the face. But the big and final slap is yet to come, until the last American trooper exits Muslim territories”. Another senior IRGC official predicted that “the cowardly and craven assassination of commander Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis by the Americans will lead to the liberation of Jerusalem”.

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  • 13 February 2020

    The U.S. contended that the UN Security Council’s Final Report of the Panel of Experts on Yemen supported “the conclusion of the U.S., France, Germany, and the United Kingdom that Iran bears responsibility” for the 14 September attack on Saudi oil facilities, arguing that since then “Iran has continued its program of terrorism, nuclear extortion and destabilising behaviour”. “The Security Council,” the statement added, “now has less than 36 weeks until the October expiration of the UN arms embargo to renew sanctions forbidding the sale of certain weapons systems to Iran”. According to the UN report, “despite claims to the contrary, the Huthi forces are unlikely to be responsible for the [September 2019] attack, as the estimated range of the weapon systems used does not allow for a launch from Huthi-controlled territory. Nevertheless, a number of other attacks on Saudi Arabia can clearly be attributed to the Houthi forces”. The Panel also reported “the continued reception by Huthi forces of military support” and indicated that “some of those weapons have technical characteristics similar to arms manufactured in the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

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  • 12 February 2020

    Responding to statements by senior Israeli officials about countering Iran in Syria, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “Iran will not compromise and hesitate for a moment to defend its presence in Syria and also defend its national security and regional interests. Consequently, Iran will give a decisive and crushing response to any aggression or stupid act by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel]”.

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  • 11 February 2020

    Reacting to Iran’s 9 February attempt to launch a satellite, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued that “the technologies used to launch satellites into orbit are virtually identical and interchangeable with those used in longer range systems, including intercontinental ballistic missiles. Each launch, whether failed or not, further allows Iran to gain experience using such technologies that could benefit its missile programs under the guise of a peaceful space program”. Asserting that “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism should not be allowed to develop and test ballistic missiles”, Pompeo indicated that “the U.S. will continue to build support around the world to confront the Iranian regime’s reckless ballistic missile activity, and we will continue to impose enormous pressure on the regime to change its behaviour”. Iran’s Defence Minister subsequently remarked that “the issue of satellite launch… is not related to missile subject”. He also asserted that “what is forbidden is the manufacture and launch of missiles with the capability of carrying nuclear warheads that do not exist in the Islamic Republic of Iran”, and stated: “Iran does not need any other kinds of missile as these missiles [that it has] are with high accuracy and the Americans have also seen the precision of our missile on U.S. military base Ain al-Assad in Iraq”.

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  • 11 February 2020

    In a speech marking the Iranian revolution’s 41st anniversary, President Rouhani assessed that “America and Zionism [ie, Israel] are the sworn enemy of this nation and revolution”, adding that “America tells us you should go back to 41 years ago and our people say that we will not go backwards… this enmity for the past 41 years has manifested in different forms, but the path of our revolution is the same as the first day”. He further stated: “there are some times we need to choose between this or that, but in many instances, we must not choose. Either resistance or diplomacy, no, both of them; either interaction with the world or resistance, no, both of them. Either self-sufficiency or trade with the world, no, both of them”.

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  • 10 February 2020

    President Rouhani told foreign diplomats based in Tehran that “despite America’s all-out pressures in the past twenty months, all economic indices since the past eight months show that Iran’s conditions are completely stable and we have successfully overcome these sanctions and that America has made a mistake”. He also maintained that “our precision-guided and modern missiles are to be used against terror and crime; we have never built missiles for aggression, and will never do so”. “We assure all our neighbours and regional peoples that we want peaceful coexistence”, Rouhani added. “We are willing to negotiate with all our neighbours, without exception, to settle issues”.

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  • 10 February 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi commented on Iran’s cooperation with the agency and noted: “it’s a work in progress… It cannot stop, quite clearly. There are a number of things that have to do with the implementation of the JCPOA on the one hand and also there are other more permanent safeguards obligations that the Islamic Republic has”. He added that “we have not reached a point where we have received, according to our technical judgement, a complete assessment of what’s going on so I’m really looking forward, in this context, to continuing engagement with the Iranian authorities at the highest possible level”. Grossi met the following day with the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi. Salehi indicated that “relations with the IAEA are very good … as an international authority, this organisation and its decisions should not be influenced by political inclinations”. “Iran welcomes negotiation and logic but will not make any decisions under pressure”, Salehi added.

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  • 9 February 2020

    A senior Iranian official indicated that “hired hackers launched a cyberattack against Iran’s infrastructures” and described it as “the biggest attack in the country’s history”.

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  • 8 February 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with the UN Special Envoy for Syria, describing a “political solution as the only way out of the crisis” and underscoring “Tehran’s full preparedness for any cooperation within the framework of respecting the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria”.

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  • 7 February 2020

    EU High Representative Josef Borrell assessed that “without the deal, Iran would for sure be a nuclear power” and suggested “to try to keep the deal alive and go back to full compliance for everyone”. “This deal is not just a nuclear deal… it’s nuclear on one side and economic on the other side”, he underscored.

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  • 6 February 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused President Trump of “economic terrorism”, “cultural terrorism” and “state terrorism” and maintained that “Iran will launch legal proceedings against Trump on these three charges… we will follow up on this issue with other [international legal] authorities”. Referring to the killing by the U.S. of Qassem Soleimani, Zarif asserted that “by doing this, Trump put an end to presence of the U.S. in the region”. He further assessed that “the U.S. is more Zionist than the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] itself… The ‘deal of the century’ [ie, Peace to Prosperity] proposed by Mr. Trump actually gives the Zionists more concessions than all that they had asked for any time before”.

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  • 5 February 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif held conversations with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas officials expressing Iran’s condemnation of the U.S. Peace to Prosperity plan. Zarif also spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, affirming that “Iran will defend the Palestinian people’s rights to determine their fate and to form a Palestinian government with Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital”.

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  • 5 February 2020

    President Rouhani stated that “today, America is not the enemy of a government, America is a terrorist today and is conducting a terrorist action, imposing sanctions on a great nation… but it is very important that this does not force us to change our course”. He added that “we want a free logical atmosphere to prevail in the negotiations. They [the U.S.] want to subdue us in a cruel, unequal and uninitiated negotiation… They want to force us to surrender in unequal negotiations, and that is not possible, no matter who the president or government is, our nation will not surrender”.

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  • 5 February 2020

    Reacting to the U.S. Peace to Prosperity plan, which he predicted would “certainly achieve no results”, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “we… consider it to be our duty to support the Palestinian resistance groups. We are going to support them, as much as we can and with all the means at our disposal”. He also asserted that “the Palestinian nation, personages and organisations should force out the Zionists [ie, Israel] and the U.S. with their selfless Jihad. This is the only effective solution. All the Muslim world should also help and support the Palestinians”.

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  • 4 February 2020

    Iran’s judiciary spokesperson confirmed the death sentence for an individual said to have “spied for the CIA and received huge amounts of money and attempted to provide the U.S. intelligence service with a part of Iran’s nuclear information”. He also reported that two other people had been “sentenced to ten years of prison for espionage operations and five more years for acting against security”.

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  • 4 February 2020

    During a trip to Tehran, EU High Representative Josef Borrell indicated that the E3’s triggering of the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism “does not mean that these countries want to go to the [UN] Security Council in order to definitely cancel the nuclear deal… all of them insisted that this is not a measure oriented to finish with the deal, but to try to keep it alive”. He added that “all of them agreed on enlarging and continuously postponing the dates and the time limits that the regulation of the JCPOA foresees”. Borrell also indicated that he had “asked the Iranian authorities, and I think they agreed, to continue with the surveillance by the IAEA”. He went on to state that “we expect some positive steps on the nuclear side and Iranian expect some positive aspects on the economic side… we are all in agreement not to go directly to a strict time table which would oblige us to go to the UN Security Council. This is the most important thing I can say about it. Our will is not to start a process that ends the JCPOA, but that keeps it alive”.   

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  • 4 February 2020

    IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi underscored that “the cooperation of Iran as an inspected state has not been interrupted. We are there, our inspectors are there. They are carrying out their activities, which is very important”. “At the same time”, Grossi added, “what our inspectors have been verifying is the diminishing degree of compliance of the agreement in 2015”. He also noted: “the Iranians have said ‘we don’t have any restrictions any more’ but they haven’t done anything concrete to follow [up] on that announcement”. Grossi further indicated that “we haven’t had for the time being satisfactory clarification” regarding the presence of anthropogenic uranium particles at a warehouse in Turquzabad.

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  • 3 February 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif described the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA) as “a very small step. The Swiss government has made efforts and we appreciate it but this is neither a sign of the U.S. goodwill nor even the smallest step to implement its undertakings based on the International Court of Justice’s temporary order, let alone the nuclear [deal]”.

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  • 3 February 2020

    Meeting with EU High Representative Josep Borrell in Tehran, President Rouhani maintained that “Iran is still fully ready to interact and cooperate with the European Union to settle issues and whenever the other side lives up to its commitments completely, Iran is ready to return to its [JCPOA] commitments”. He also indicated that “Iran remains committed to the IAEA’s monitoring, the process of which has been continuing to date and it will continue unless we face new conditions”.

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  • 3 February 2020

    The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) announced the arrest of three members of an Iranian opposition group, ASMLA (Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of al-Ahwaz). The three individuals were “charged with espionage in Denmark on behalf of a Saudi intelligence service”, which according to PET took place between 2012 and 2018. A fourth person was detained in the Netherlands.

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  • 2 February 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reported that “the Saudi government has barred the Islamic Republic” from an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting called “to discuss the OIC’s stance on the Palestinian cause” after release of the U.S. Peace to Prosperity plan.

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  • 1 February 2020

    Iran’s IRGC Qods Force Commander Esmael Qhaani spoke with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials following the release of the U.S. Peace to Prosperity plan. Qhaani maintained that the initiative was “doomed to fail”, adding that Iran “will stand with the Palestinian nation and the axis of resistance till the collapse of the U.S. and Zionism [ie, Israel]”.

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  • 31 January 2020

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded to reports of a UN panel assessing that the Huthis had obtained materiel “similar to Iran’s” by contending that “all that glitters is not gold and any similar weapon is not necessarily as an Iranian weapon”.

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  • 28 January 2020

    President Trump unveiledPeace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”. Prime Minister Netanyahu told Trump that the initiative “strikes the right balance where others have failed… It’s a great plan for Israel. It’s a great plan for peace”. He also praised the president as “the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House”, going on to cite, inter alia, Trump’s moves “to stand up to Iran, to pull out of that dangerous Iran deal… to eliminate Qassem Soleimani”. President Rouhani called the U.S. initiative “abhorrent to all Muslims and freedom seekers in the world”. Saudi Arabia welcomed Trump’s efforts and urged “the start of direct peace negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, under the auspices of the U.S., and to resolve any disagreements with aspects of the plan through negotiations”.

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  • 27 January 2020

    President Rouhani stated that “the assassination of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by some global terrorists like the White House, Zionism [ie, Israel] and some reactionaries in the Arab region was due to the fact that Iran has begun moving towards economic growth… enemies are trying to tell the world that Iran is an isolated island and we must disappoint them”. He went on to urge that “we must all stand together and not let Trump succeed. We should not let the White House terrorists succeed, they are assassinating Iran’s relations with the world’s banks. We have to be careful. They are assassinating people’s trust with the system”.

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  • 27 January 2020

    Iran’s IRGC Commander Hossein Salami warned that “those who have threatened to assassinate our commanders will certainly regret what they have said”. “If they continue this game”, Salami added, “our responses will be totally different from [those in] the past, and their scale will also be different. They [enemies] will face new conditions, which they will not be able to manage and control”.

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  • 25 January 2020

    A senior official at the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) confirmed that “at the moment, if [Iranian authorities] make the decision… [AEOI] will be able to enrich uranium at any percentage”, adding that “the volume of the enriched uranium stockpile is being increased at full speed”.  

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  • 25 January 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “for us, it doesn’t matter who is sitting in the White House. What matters is how they behave. The Trump administration can correct its past, lift the sanctions and come back to the negotiating table. We’re still at the negotiating table”. President Trump subsequently reacted by tweeting that the “Iranian Foreign Minister says Iran wants to negotiate with the U.S., but wants sanctions removed. No Thanks!”

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  • 24 January 2020

    Following the E3’s 14 January decision to trigger the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism, EU High Representative Josep Borrell noted that “all JCPOA participants reconfirmed their determination to preserve the agreement which is in the interest of all”. He further announced that “notwithstanding differences on modalities, there is agreement that more time is needed due to the complexity of the issues involved. The timeline is therefore extended”.

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  • 22 January 2020

    Discussing the E3’s 14 January decision to trigger the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism, President Rouhani maintained: “the day you [ie, E3] return to your commitments, we will be committed as well the same day, and if you do not return, no matter how much you chant slogans and hold meetings and make threats, it is worthless… If you violate a commitment, you are responsible for all its consequences”. He went on to emphasise that “even if the JCPOA and the Safeguards are gone, whether our country’s relations with the IAEA are good or bad, we will not seek nuclear weapons. This is based on our dear Leader’s fatwa and ethical commitments. But in the meantime, we also want to have good relations with you. If you live up to your commitments, we will too”.

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  • 22 January 2020

    A Basij commander in south-western Iran was assassinated by unknown individuals.

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  • 22 January 2020

    Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal expressed his government’s willingness to negotiate with Iran, adding that “it is really up to Iran”. He noted that talks would require Tehran’s acknowledgement that Iran “cannot further its regional agenda through violence”. In related remarks, a senior Saudi official called Iran “the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world” and reiterated: “pressure needs to be continued on Iran”. Asserting that “the Iranians have to show good faith… change their behaviour and their policies”, he also stated that if Iran “want to be treated as a normal country, they should act as one”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently took to Twitter to maintain that “’normal’ countries don’t operate abattoirs disguised as consulates. ‘Normal’ countries don’t attack their neighbours, cause a humanitarian crisis and refuse to talk. Nonetheless, we don’t set preconditions for dialogue”.

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  • 20 January 2020

    Referring to the E3’s 14 January decision to trigger the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “if the Europeans take another step [and send Iran’s nuclear dossier to the UN Security Council], Iran will consider leaving the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)”. Zarif further indicated that “Iran is designing a new and more effective step that will be taken in case the Europeans do not fulfill their responsibilities to the deal and continue their claims before leaving NPT”.

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  • 18 January 2020

    President Rouhani remarked that “we will take any opportunity for settling issues with the world, and we will not hesitate. Wherever the enemies express remorse and respect the rights of the Iranian nation, we are ready to settle our problems with them”.

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  • 17 January 2020

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif emphasised that “we are ready for negotiations with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf littoral states and we are ready to give proposals regarding security in this region, particularly the Strait of Hormuz”.

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  • 17 January 2020

    Citing U.S. statements in support of the Iranian people, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei riposted that “if you are standing by the Iranian people, it is only to stab them in the heart with your venomous daggers. Of course, you have so far failed to do so, and you will certainly continue to fail”. President Trump subsequently responded in both Persian and English that “the noble people of Iran – who love America – deserve a government that’s more interested in helping them achieve their dreams than killing them for demanding respect. Instead of leading Iran toward ruin, its leaders should abandon terror and make Iran great again!” The same day, Trump said that “the so-called ‘Supreme Leader’ of Iran, who has not been so Supreme lately, had some nasty things to say about the U.S. and Europe. Their economy is crashing, and their people are suffering. He should be very careful with his words!”

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  • 17 January 2020

    Referring to the UK, France and Germany’s 14 January decision to trigger the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “it has been proven that they are truly the footmen of the U.S.”. “These abject countries”, Khamenei continued, “look forward to bringing the Iranian nation to its knees. The U.S. who was bigger than you, your master and your leader, was unable to bring the Iranian nation to its knees. You are not powerful enough to [do so]”. He also stated that Iran’s January 8 attack against Iraqi bases hosting U.S. forces had “destroy[ed] the dignity and awe of the tyrannical, arrogant U.S. government. However, the main punishment will be expulsion [of the U.S.] from the region”. On negotiation, Khamenei emphasised that “we are not afraid of negotiating. Of course, we will not negotiate with the U.S., rather we will negotiate with others. And we will not negotiate from a position of weakness, rather, from a position of strength and power. We are thankfully strong and we will even become stronger by Allah’s favor”.

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  • 16 January 2020

    President Rouahni remarked that “communication with the outside world and foreign policy are important and we cannot say that everyone is our enemy… We have to see what we can do and is there a way or not? There are disagreements in this regard”. He also indicated that “we are enriching more than what we did before the JCPOA. Things are not easy, but we realise that the world of politics, security and economics are closely intertwined”.

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  • 16 January 2020

    Following the UK, France and Germany’s 14 January decision to trigger the 2015 nuclear deal’s dispute resolution mechanism, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif cited media reports to contend “appeasement confirmed. E3 sold out remnants of JCPOA to avoid new Trump tariffs. It won’t work my friends. You only whet his appetite”. “Do not assume high moral or legal ground”, Zarif added. “You don’t have it”.

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  • 14 January 2020

    The UK, France and Germany announced that “we have… been left with no choice, given Iran’s actions, but to register today our concerns that Iran is not meeting its commitments under the JCPOA and to refer this matter to the Joint Commission under the Dispute Resolution Mechanism, as set out in paragraph 36 of the JCPOA”. “We do this in good faith with the overarching objective of preserving the JCPOA and in the sincere hope of finding a way forward”, the E3 statement added, further maintaining that “our three countries are not joining a campaign to implement maximum pressure against Iran”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif characterised the E3’s action as “baseless from a legal point of view and a strategic mistake from political point of view”, while President Rouhani cautioned the Europeans that “if you take the wrong step, it will be to your detriment. Choose the right path, which is returning to the JCPOA”. U.S. Treasury Secretary Munuchin indicated that “we look forward to working with them [ie, the E3] quickly and would expect that the UN sanctions will snap back into place”. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu asserted that “we know exactly what is happening with the Iranian nuclear program. Iran thinks it can achieve nuclear weapons. I reiterate: Israel will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons”. Netanyahu went on to “call on all Western countries to impose snapback sanctions at the UN now”.

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  • 13 January 2020

    In a meeting with the Syrian prime minister, Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani emphasised that “as long as terrorist forces of the U.S. stay in the west Asia region, this region will experience no stability, peace or sustainable security… expulsion of the wicked U.S. is possible through unity of regional nations and governments”.

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  • 11 January 2020

    Iran’s military admitted that it had on January 8 shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane, citing “human error”. President Rouhani explained that “in the atmosphere of threats and intimidation by the aggressive American regime against the Iranian nation after the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani, and in order to defend ourselves against possible attacks by the American army, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran were on full alert, which unfortunately led to this terrible catastrophe”. “Iran is deeply sorry by this disastrous mistake”, Rouhani added.

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  • 8 January 2020

    Iran launched what the Pentagon subsequently assessed were sixteen ballistic missiles into Iraq. According to the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, these struck “two Iraqi bases that hosted American and coalition troops”. In a statement confirming the operation, which followed the killing by the U.S. of Qods Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, the IRGC warned that “all U.S. allies who give their bases to its terrorist army that any territory that in any way becomes the starting point of hostile and aggressive acts against the Islamic Republic of Iran will be targeted”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif emphasised that “Iran took and concluded proportionate measures in self-defence under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens and senior officials were launched”. “We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression”, he added. President Trump’s initial response to the Iranian operation came by tweet, stating that “all is well”.

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  • 8 January 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described Iran’s attacks against Iraqi bases hosting U.S. troops as a “slap” and stated: “what is important about confrontation is that the military action as such is not sufficient. What is important is that the seditious American presence in the region must end”. He further asserted that U.S. officials “keep insisting on negotiation, but these things are a prelude to intervention”. President Rouhani underscored that “if America wants to commit another crime from now on, it must know that it will receive a stronger response”.

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  • 8 January 2020

    Media reports cited a confidential UN report assessing that “Huthi forces did not launch the attacks on Abqaiq and Khurais on 14 September 2019” because the missiles used in the attack did not “have a sufficient range to have been launched from Yemeni territory under the control of the Huthis”. “Abqaiq and Khurais were approached respectively from a north/northwestern and north/northeastern direction, rather than from the south, as one would expect in the case of a launch from Yemeni territory”, the report added.

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  • 8 January 2020

    The U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, assessed that Iranian missiles launched at the Ain al-Assad base on 8 January “were intended to cause structural damage, destroy vehicles and equipment and aircraft, and to kill personnel”. The commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force maintained that “the strikes were not meant to cause fatalities. We… intended to deliver a blow to the enemy’s military machine”. He further argued that “destroying the central command centre lying within Ain al-Assad” was the operation’s primary objective.

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  • 7 January 2020

    Discussing the killing by the U.S. of Iran’s Qods Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “this is an act of aggression against Iran and amounts to an armed attack against Iran, and we will respond. But we will respond proportionally not disproportionally… [and] lawfully”. “The U.S. took an act of war against Iran; it will have to be prepared for the consequences”, Zarif warned. “Then it will have to decide whether it wants to get itself into a quagmire or whether it wants to stop”. “We have nothing against the American people”, he added, “but their government is taking them into the abyss and they should take charge of their own destiny”.

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  • 7 January 2020

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “denying me a visa [to attend a UN Security Council meeting] in violation of 1947 UNHQ Agreement pales in comparison to: [Secretary] Pompeo’s threat to starve Iranians (crime against humanity); Trump’s bluster about cultural heritage (war crime); economic terrorism; cowardly assassination. But what are they really afraid of? Truth?”

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  • 7 January 2020

    Following the killing by the U.S. of Iran’s Qods Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s Parliament unanimously passed a motion designating “all members of the Pentagon, the affiliated companies and institutes and commanders and those who ordered for the assassination” as terrorists. The Parliament also asked the government to allocate 200 million euros to the IRGC Qods Force “to reinforce its defence power in vengeance for General Soleimani’s assassination”.

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  • 7 January 2020

    Following the killing by the U.S. of Iran’s Qods Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani claimed that Iran had “13 revenge scenarios”. “Even the weakest of the 13… will be a historic nightmare for America”, he asserted, adding that “we are aware of the conditions of their military equipment and monitoring the smallest developments [in the region]… If the American forces do not leave our region vertically, we will make their bodies go horizontally”. Relatedly, a senior IRGC official contended that “people similar to [Soleimani] will take a harsh revenge but we will decide about the time and geography of revenge, not the enemies”.

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  • 6 January 2020

    At the funeral of Qassem Soleimani, his replacement as Qods Force commander, Esmael Ghaani, pledged that “giant steps will be taken in line with eradication of presence of the U.S. in the region”. A senior advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “we will take revenge for the blood of martyr General Soleimani… [The] U.S. and its allies should know that if they keep going, Islamic Republic of Iran will turn West Asia into another Vietnam for them”.

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  • 5 January 2020

    Iran announced that “for the fifth step in reducing its [JCPOA] commitments, the Islamic Republic of Iran abandons the last key point of the operational restrictions under the JCPOA, namely the ‘limitation on the number of the centrifuge machines’”. “Iran’s nuclear program will be no more subject to any restrictions in the operational sphere (including the enrichment capacity, percentage of enrichment, the volume of enriched materials, and research and development)”, the statement added. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif highlighted that “this step is within [the] JCPOA and all five steps are reversible upon effective implementation of reciprocal obligations”. “Iran’s full cooperation with the IAEA will continue”, he added.

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  • 5 January 2020

    Following the killing by the U.S. of Iran’s Qods Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, a senior IRGC Navy official stressed that “the IRGC Navy is prepared and waiting impatiently to continue the causes and goals for which Hajj Qassem was martyred, take the big revenge from the criminals, culprits and supporters of this crime and unveil the revolutionary wrath of the Islamic world towards the Zionist [ie, Israeli] and U.S. stream and it is standing the order to start execution of the guidelines and teachings of the Supreme Leader”.

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  • 3 January 2020

    Reacting to the killing of the IRGC Qods force commander Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. strike on January 2, President Rouhani emphasised that “there is no doubt that the great nation of Iran and the other free nations of the region will take revenge on this gruesome crime from criminal America”.  In a statement, the IRGC claimed that Soleimani’s killing “open[s] a new chapter in the path of anti-Zionism resistance and fighting occupying American terrorists in the region”. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, insisted that “the U.S.’s act of international terrorism, targeting and assassinating General Soleimani – the most effective force fighting Daesh (ISIS), al-Nusrah, al-Qaeda et al – is extremely dangerous and a foolish escalation. The U.S. bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism”.

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  • 3 January 2020

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei elevated Esmail Qaani to head of the IRGC Qods Force following the death of Qassem Soleimani.

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  • 2 January 2020

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami emphasised that “the Iranian nation has not started war in the past incidents but it annihilates any aggressor and the U.S. is aware of this… we are not worried about the U.S. threats and it is them who should be worried”. Referring to the 31 December attack on the U.S. Embassy in, Salami contended that it was “a testimony to our power is that the U.S. blames Iran wherever it faces defeat… We do not interfere in countries’ internal affairs”. “We do not lead the country to war, but we are not afraid of any war, and we are telling America to use a proper language in the face of the Iranian nation”, he added.

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  • 2 January 2020

    The head of the IRGC’s Qods force, Qasem Soleimani, was killed in a U.S. strike in Baghdad. The U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that “at the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani”, adding that “Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region”. Iran confirmed Soleimani’s death, and the IRGC said that four other Qods force members along with five Iraqis, notably including a senior Hashd official, were also killed in the operation. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei subsequently asserted that “enemies should bear in mind that the Islamic Republic of Iran will take tough revenge on criminals over the martyrdom of General Soleimani”.

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  • 1 January 2020

    President Rouhani acknowledged that “if we were in normal conditions without sanctions imposed on us, we would have at least $60 billion in oil revenues this year; therefore, the government is under pressure”. He went to assert: “I am not a person to lose any chance… If all our principles are respected, I will hold a meeting and negotiate, as we have done before. We are not to blame for today’s conditions and we have not violated our commitments”. “They [ie, the enemy] make suggestions for negotiation, and whenever we see that the interests and rights of the nation are being met, we will not hesitate to solve the problems of the people”, Rouhani added.

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  • 1 January 2020

    Referring to November protests in Iran, Supreme Leader Ali Khameni posited that “people had demands. The enemy, who had prepared some agents, seized the opportunity and began the destruction… The agents of sedition tried to hide themselves among the people”. He further assessed that “those who abuse the demands of the people are usually linked to the enemy’s intelligence services. There are those who cover their faces and attack gas [stations] and wheat warehouses to set them on fire and try to destroy the infrastructure in the city – whether it is the people’s or the government’s property. Some may do such things in the excitement, but the main leaders are affiliated with foreign intelligence services”.

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  • 1 January 2020

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that U.S. strikes against Kataeb Hizbollah bases in Iraq and Syria on 29 December was “revenge for ISIS from al-Hashd al-Shaabi because al-Hashd al-Shaabi cropped and destroyed ISIS, which they had created and developed… I condemn the American’s malice”. Citing President Trump’s tweets about Iran’s responsibility for turmoil at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and his warnings that Iran could “pay a very big price”, Khamenei riposted that Trump “can’t do anything”, adding that “the people of this region hate the U.S. government”. He went on to say that “We will never lead the country to war, but if others want to impose something on us, we will stand up to them powerfully”.

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  • 31 December 2019

    Discussing the 31 December attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo maintained that “what you saw was Iranian-backed terrorists – many of them are individuals that have been designated terrorists by the U.S. and others – come into the American embassy and posing a risk to American diplomats and personnel inside the embassy”. Pompeo also underscored that “we’re committed to the project that we began when we made the policy decision at President Trump’s direction that we were going to push back against the Islamic Republic of Iran to create stability throughout the Middle East. We’re still fully committed to that mission set”. The following day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson said that the U.S. was “blaming the Islamic Republic of Iran for the protests from the Iraqi people against their own ferocious measures in a blatant and cheap act of pinning the blame on others”.

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  • 30 December 2019

    In a statement following 29 December U.S. strikes against Kataeb Hizbollah bases in Iraq and Syria, the IRGC said the operation “was a violation of Iraq’s national sovereignty” and contended that “the Iraqi people and PMU [Popular Mobilisation Units] have the right to retaliate and respond to the recent great U.S. crime”. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson commented that “the U.S. has demonstrated its decisive support for terrorism and disregard for the independence and sovereignty of nations by launching these attacks”, adding that “it must accept the responsibility for the consequences of such illegal measure”.

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  • 30 December 2019

    President Rouhani predicted that “the time of sanctions and pressure against the Iranian nation will come to an end one day, because the enemies and ill-wishers have understood that they cannot force us to surrender with maximum pressures… the enemies have waged a fully-fledged economic war against Iran, in which they have so far been unsuccessful”. He went on to assert that “our people understand well who has put pressure on them. I[f] we began the war, it would be correct to be under question about why we did it, but we have lived up to our commitments”.

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  • 29 December 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that Iran’s trilateral drill with Russia and China “shows that Iran is willing to cooperate [with other countries] to ensure the security and the free passage of maritime traffic in the important international waterway of Hormuz”. A senior Iranian navy official asserted that “the friends of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the region will be very happy with this move but those who seek to impose undesirable security arrangements, such as the Americans and their sidekicks, will receive a highly significant message from this drill”. “The era of inroads by the Americans in the region has ended and they have to gradually leave the region”, he added. The official further stressed that “the countries of the region can help establish security together and we hope that other countries will join us in the future”.

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  • 27 December 2019

    Iran, Russia and China held a trilateral naval drill in the Indian Ocean and the Sea of Oman. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “Iran has long stated its readiness to work with our neighbours to secure the Persian Gulf. HOPE (Hormuz Peace Endeavour) is on the table right now. Our joint military drills… with our Russian and Chinese partners make clear our broader commitment to secure vital waterways”. A senior Iranian navy official remarked that “the message of this exercise is peace, friendship and lasting security through cooperation and unity… and its effect will be to show that Iran cannot be isolated”.

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  • 25 December 2019

    President Rouhani indicated that “if today the 5+1 countries have the determination to live up to all their commitments and want to correct their past mistakes, we are ready for negotiation… In the recent visit to Japan we announced it clearly and we received suggestions from the Japanese side and us as well that we will follow”.

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  • 23 December 2019

    Syrian state media reported that “army air defences intercepted hostile missiles coming from the occupied lands [ie, Israel]… one of the hostile targets fell in Aqraba region in Damascus countryside”. The Lebanese defence minister subsequently asserted that “this blatant attack is condemned, and I call on the international community to intervene to prevent these repeated attacks on Lebanon’s sovereignty”. A senior advisor to Iran’s supreme leader warned that “Israeli airstrikes against Syria will not go unanswered, and Tel Aviv will regret having committed these crimes… Sooner or later, Israel will receive a response for its aerial attacks on and crimes in Syria”.

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  • 23 December 2019

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran announced that the secondary circuit of Arak heavy water reactor had become operational.

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  • 23 December 2019

    The Huthi envoy to Tehran met with Iran’s defence minister, Amir Hatami. Hatami remarked that “Yemen has reached a level of military capability that can penetrate deep into the enemy’s front, target enemy strongholds from a distance of more than 1000km, create deterrence and disrupt military-political security equations in the region”. He also asserted that “Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue in a peaceful atmosphere with the participation of all parties, groups and political-social currents is the only practical solution to the complicated problems in this country”. The following day, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with a Huthi spokesperson during a visit to Oman.

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  • 23 December 2019

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, asserted that “the Reuters report on the massacre ordered by Khamenei underscores the urgency for the international community to punish the perpetrators and isolate the regime for the murder of 1,500 Iranian citizens”. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz also drew on the figures and stated: “Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei is a war criminal. He ordered the murder of 1500 civilian protestors and the ICC [International Criminal Court] doesn’t even open an investigation”. A senior official at Iran’s Supreme National Security Council rejected the claims and insisted that “the protestations that Reuters made in its report are totally worthless not only in terms of security issues and intelligence but in the field of news and media, and will damage the already-tarnished credibility of this agency”. The following day, Secretary Pompeo stated that “the U.S. strongly denounces the arrest of Pouya Bakhtiari’s parents [who was killed during November protests], and calls for their immediate release. It’s time for the international community to stand together with the Iranian people and hold the regime accountable”.

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  • 22 December 2019

    Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani maintained that “Tehran has started different steps to reduce its peaceful nuclear commitments in order to maintain and balance its commitments under the JCPOA and if the Europeans fail to fulfill their obligations, we will take the fifth step [in reductions]”.

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  • 22 December 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to assert that “the U.S.’s approach to sanctions betrays a pathological and reckless addiction – a condition that renders no bounds or boundary to what the U.S. may or may not do. And this addictive behaviour affects friends and foes alike, unless collectively pushed back”.

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  • 21 December 2019

    During a visit to Japan, President Rouhani asserted that “we have no problem with talking with the U.S. about our problems if they return from the wrong path that they have taken in the past 1.5 years… we should not hail someone who has done something wrong and violated the law, but in the meantime, we should not close the door, giving the wrongdoer the chance to compensate what he has done”. He went on to emphasise that “America claims that they have not created any problem for the Iranian nation’s access to foodstuff and medicine, but you know it well that when they disrupt the banking system, all our economic exchanges will have problems”. “The Americans have made miscalculations. In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Palestine and everywhere, they have made miscalculations, including in Iran”, Rouhani added.

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  • 21 December 2019

    Following a trip to Japan, President Rouhani reported that “Japan supports Iran’s initiative that is the HOPE peace initiative… Japan has also announced that it will not take part in the Americans’ plan for security in the region. We welcome both issues”.

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  • 20 December 2019

    During a visit to Japan, President Rouhani asserted that “U.S. sanctions are considered a kind of economic terrorism and countries that are active in the field of countering terrorism must counter the U.S. move. Iran has exerted all its efforts to save the JCPOA within the framework of its interests, and will continue to do so, and we call on other JCPOA signatories to live up to their commitments”. He further remarked that “we welcome any plan that can increase economic exchanges, especially in the field of energy and increasing oil export and sale… Naturally, we do not turn down any negotiation and agreement that serve our interests”.

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  • 20 December 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that the “U.S. foreign policy team have done their best in vain to intervene in Iran’s internal affairs by raising fabricated and baseless issues with cheap literature, self-degrading in a way unprecedented in American history. The U.S. misses an institution with a strategic view on global issues”.

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  • 19 December 2019

    The UN Security Council convened to discuss the implementation of resolution 2231 following the Secretary-General’s eight biannual report, with remarks from the U.S. and Iranian envoys.  

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  • 18 December 2019

    President Rouhani indicated that “today, our new IR-6 centrifuges are working and the newer IR-9s are being tested”. “I believe that this [U.S.] sanction cannot continue, because it is an illegal move”, he added. “Americans have no choice but to return from this path, and we will force them to do so with our resistance and steadfastness”.

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  • 15 December 2019

    Iran’s telecommunication minister reported that “an organised cyberattack against Iran’s e-government infrastructures was identified and repelled”.

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  • 15 December 2019

    Commenting on the discovery of pills in Iranian confectionery products, Iran’s health minister indicated that it “is a security issue that is aimed at disturbing the public and undermining the country’s food industry”. “More details about the culprits behind this sabotage campaign will soon be announced”, he added.

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  • 15 December 2019

    In remarks at the Doha Forum, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif called for “recognition of the imperative of a regional security and cooperation arrangement under the UN umbrella”, adding that “the Hormuz Peace Endeavour – or HOPE –  is a continuation of our longstanding commitment to an inclusive and comprehensive regional framework for constructive engagement”. He also noted that “like the nuclear accord, no good idea can be pursued by only one party… While everyone could have benefited from the paradigm shift that the JCPOA promised – as a foundation and not a ceiling – it cannot be expected from a single party to be forthcoming while others are pursuing an opposite path”.

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  • 14 December 2019

    The U.S. Secretary of Treasury indicated that “the reason why we’re using sanctions is because they are an important alternative for world military conflicts. And I believe it’s worked”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently took to Twitter and stated: “[the] truth is: ‘Sanctions’ are the war itself. It is indeed the economic war and worse than that, the economic terrorism which unfairly targets civilians especially children, the elderly and the sick”.

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  • 13 December 2019

    In a statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “Iran’s proxies have recently conducted several attacks against bases where Iraqi Security Forces are co-located with U.S. and International Coalition personnel”, citing 9 December and 11 December rocket attacks at Baghdad International Airport. “The U.S. will continue to work hand-in-hand with our Iraqi partners”, Pompeo continued, adding that “we must also use this opportunity to remind Iran’s leaders that any attacks by them, or their proxies of any identity, that harm Americans, our allies or our interests will be met with a decisive U.S. response”. He further underscored that “Iran must respect the sovereignty of its neighbours and immediately cease its provision of lethal aid and support to third parties in Iraq and throughout the region”. Iran’s government spokesperson subsequently insisted that “the U.S. has provided no evidence for its false claim. Not even a witness… The unwarranted situation in Iraq where people are on the streets and ISIS is coming to power and the ambiguous conditions are caused by the Americans themselves”.

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  • 11 December 2019

    President Rouhani maintained that “we should either bypass the sanctions or compel the enemy to repent, and the administration is determined to frustrate this plot [ie, sanctions] both through boosting domestic production and other different means like negotiations”. “But in doing so”, Rouhani noted, “the administration will act in line with the establishment’s red lines and will not cross them”.

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  • 11 December 2019

    Iran’s telecommunication minister revealed that “recently, a highly organised and state-sponsored cyberattack was carried out against our e-government infrastructures, which was successfully identified and repelled by the country’s cyber security shield”. “The attack was really massive”, he added, while indicating that “I cannot say for now which country has conducted the attack”.

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  • 10 December 2019

    The GCC Supreme Council issued a communique expressing “its consistent positions and decisions regarding relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, stressing the need for Iran to adhere to the basic principles based on the Charter of the United Nations and the charters of international law, principles of good-neighbourliness, respect for the sovereignty of states, non-interference in internal affairs, and resolving disputes by peaceful means, not to use force or threaten to resort to force and reject sectarianism”. The council also “expressed its welcome and support for the steps taken by the U.S. to coerce the Iranian regime to stop its destabilising policy of security and stability and its support and sponsor terrorism around the world”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson consequently asserted that “the repetition of groundless allegations in that statement results from the political pressures from a few members of the council, which have made every effort during the past couple of decades to prevent promotion of multilateral cooperation… With their short-sightedness throughout these years, not only have they allowed for the plunder of the neighbouring countries’ wealth, but they have also paved the way for further interference from aliens in this delicate region”.

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  • 10 December 2019

    Referring to the 14 September attacks on Saudi oil facilities, the UN Secretary-General reported to the Security Council that “at this time, it [ie, the UN] is unable to independently corroborate that the cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles used in these attacks are of Iranian origin”, while also noting that Huthi forces “have not shown to be in possession, nor been assessed to be in possession”, of the materiel employed during the operation.

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  • 10 December 2019

    An Iranian defence official warned that “if Israel makes a mistake, even if it is the smallest one, against Iran, we will flatten Tel Aviv into dirt from Lebanon… Our fighters’ fingers are on the trigger on the order of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. If the Leader gives an order to attack Israel with missiles – the Zionists [ie, Israel] will raise their hands and surrender”. Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz subsequently responded by emphasising that “Israel is not the helpless protesters being slaughtered by the ayatollah regime in Iran and Iraq. We will be able to respond forcefully to any threat or attack”. “[Hizbollah chief Hassan] Nasrallah has shown himself as Iran’s doll”, Katz added. Lebanon’s defence minister subsequently asserted that “if what is attributed to the adviser to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard head is true, then it is unfortunate and unacceptable, and it violates the sovereignty of Lebanon, which has ties to the Islamic Republic of Iran, a friendship that cannot affect the independence of Lebanon in any way”. An IRGC spokesperson subsequently maintained that the “remarks have been misinterpreted and misquoted by the media”.

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  • 9 December 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that “negotiation is imperative if it leads to foiling enemy’s plots. In such a situation… negotiation is necessary and revolutionary”.

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  • 9 December 2019

    Referring to the 6 December meeting of the JCPOA’s joint commission, the Iranian participant maintained that “no discussions were held about activation of [the] trigger mechanism, therefore, the issue has been put away now”. “Iran will continue scaling down its [JCPOA] commitments as far as its interests are not met”, he added.

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  • 9 December 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked “there is no military solution in Afghanistan. The presence of foreign forces has never brought stability in our region and has historically provided a recruiting ground for extremists”. “The announcement of a timetable for a responsible exit of foreign troops from Afghanistan”, he added, “would prepare the necessary ground for the Afghan government to promote peace and reconciliation process at the national level. In that regard, we support an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process with the participation of all political groups and factions including the Taliban with the Afghan government in the center”. Zarif went on to maintain that “we would also use every means at our disposal to facilitate a peace process that would preserve the achievements of the 2001 Bonn Conference, in particular, the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as a solid foundation for any political solution”.

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  • 8 December 2019

    Iranian and Saudi Hajj officials met in Mecca and signed an agreement for the 2020 pilgrimage.

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  • 7 December 2019

    The U.S. and Iran swapped detainees in Zurich. In a statement, Secretary of State Pompeo asserted that “Xiyue Wang, who has been held on false charges in Iran for over three years, has now been released… the U.S. will not rest until we bring every American detained in Iran and around the world back home to their loved ones”. Pompeo also noted that “we… are pleased that Tehran has been constructive in this matter”. In a tweet, President Trump said “thank you to Iran on a very fair negotiation. See, we can make a deal together!”; in remarks the same day he asserted that “I think it was great to show that we can do something. It might have been a precursor as to what can be done”. Iran’s foreign ministry in parallel indicated that “Professor Masoud Soleimani, who had been detained on the bogus charge of violating the U.S.’s illegal sanctions… has been released and is going home”. On 9 December, Foreign Minister Zarif asserted that Iran was “fully ready for comprehensive prisoner exchange. The ball is in the U.S.’s court”.

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  • 6 December 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif insisted that “Iran does not see any point in the continuation of the war and siege in Yemen, welcomes peaceful solutions and encourages all parties to move forward in this regard and supports initiatives that call for dialogue to restore prosperity to Yemen”.

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  • 6 December 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, citing reports of what Israel’s defence ministry described as “a launch test… of a rocket motor system”, claimed that “Israel today tested a nuke-missile, aimed at Iran”. Zarif added that the “E3 and U.S. never complain about the only nuclear arsenal in West Asia – armed with missiles actually designed to be capable of carrying nukes – but has fits of apoplexy over our conventional and defensive ones”.

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  • 6 December 2019

    Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, indicated that “we will not allow Iran to produce or obtain nuclear weapons. If the only option left to us is the military option, we’ll act militarily”. He went on to assert that “the actions against Saudi Arabia [on September 14] and the oil tankers make us understand that Iran still feels strong. Our intelligence information tells us that it intends to hit the Gulf countries again. The threat of sanctions is not enough. The only deterrent is a military threat directed against the regime”. “U.S. pressure and sanctions are effective”, Katz added. “We expect Iran’s attempts to procure nuclear weapons and support terrorist groups to decline, but this will be easier if there is support from European countries. As long as the Iranians delude themselves that they have the support of Europe, it will be more difficult for them to bend”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently reacted by stating that “we regard the threats made by the Israeli regime as a sign for its weakness and its effort to conceal the crisis its leaders are facing presently”.

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  • 6 December 2019

    The Joint Commission of the JCPOA convened in Vienna. According to the chair’s statement, “serious concerns were expressed about a series of developments, in particular the recent steps with regard to the implementation of Iran’s nuclear commitments… [the] E3+2 strongly encouraged Iran to take all the necessary steps towards full implementation of its nuclear commitments and to avoid further escalatory steps in this regard, while stressing the importance to preserve Iran’s economic benefits derived from the JCPOA”. The statement added that “participants expressed their appreciation for recent diplomatic efforts undertaken to deescalate tension. They underlined the need for all relevant parties to show enough flexibility to allow such efforts to fruition”.

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  • 5 December 2019

    Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear company, announced that it would halt its work at Fordow. A senior Russian diplomat subsequently emphasised that “the work wasn’t abandoned, but only halted. The spokesperson of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) on 9 December remarked that “we can technically continue the work related to the production of stable isotopes without the Russians; however, politically speaking, it would be better if Russians stay with us… We are sure that the Russians will not abandon their projects in Iran in the wake of the U.S.’s sanctions, because they are currently involved in the construction of Bushehr-2 and -3 power plants”.

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  • 4 December 2019

    President Rouhani contended that “Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] were the key factors in influencing the U.S. to withdraw from the JCPOA and mounting pressures against Iran… It should be recorded in history that Iran signed an agreement with six major world powers, and they violated it, but it was not us who violated it, and we are still living up to it”. He further declared that “whenever the U.S. is ready to lift all illegal, unjust and terrorist sanctions, Iran and P5+1 leaders will meet right away, and we have no problem in this regard”.

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  • 4 December 2019

    France, Germany and the UK wrote the UN Secretary-General to express their “firm conclusion that Iran’s development of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and related technologies is inconsistent” with the UNSC Resolution 2231. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently took to Twitter to contend that the correspondence was “a desperate falsehood to cover up their miserable incompetence in fulfilling bare minimum of their own JCPOA obligations. If [the] E3 want a modicum of global credibility, they can begin by exerting sovereignty rather than bowing to U.S. bullying”. He also released a copy of Iran’s official response.

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  • 3 December 2019

    A senior Iranian diplomat remarked that “no one should question Iran for reducing its commitments under the JCPOA… The current situation is a result of the U.S.’s unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, and the only solution is the lifting of sanctions and return to diplomacy”.

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  • 3 December 2019

    Meeting with the Omani foreign minister in Tehran, President Rouhani remarked that “from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s point of view, there is no problem with expanding relations with neighbours and resuming ties with Saudi Arabia… All countries should stand beside each other to maintain security and stability in the region”. Referring to Iran’s Hormuz Peace Endeavor (HOPE) proposal, Rouhani asserted that “we should maintain security in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz through expanding cooperation and we should not let foreigners interfere”.

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  • 3 December 2019

    President Rouhani noted that “these unprecedented [U.S.] sanctions, which have been the toughest sanctions on Iran as they say, were imposed to bring us to our knees, and not only the U.S., which is a terrorist state, but also other countries thought that it could happen to Iran”. “Despite all these economic pressures and unfair sanctions”, he added, “the Iranian nation kept their dignity and endured the hardships, showing that they will not let enemies achieve their goals”. Rouhani further maintained that “the private messages and requests for negotiations they are sending are contrary to what they announce publically, which Europeans, who are intermediaries, are well aware of”.

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  • 3 December 2019

    Addressing the IAEA’s findings of “natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran not declared to the Agency”, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi emphasised that “to put deadlines [for an explanation from Iran] might not be the best idea”. “This would for me mean that we would be in a very… antagonistic relationship where basically one side would be resisting and then I as DG would need to be putting deadlines”, Grossi explained, adding that “time is always of the essence”.

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  • 2 December 2019

    In a meeting with his Omani counterpart, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif underlined that “Iran will welcome any move or initiative that is based on good will and is after reducing tensions in the region”. Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani also met with Omani foreign minister and emphasised that “the only coalition which is practical in the region and can bring stable security is the one acting without foreigners’ interference… Those countries with the most significant role in sowing tensions, spreading terrorism and igniting wars in the region have never sought peace in the Persian Gulf and are only looking for their own interests”.

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  • 30 November 2019

    Referring to protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, Iran’s military chief of staff claimed that “the enemies… had been waiting for an opportunity like the implementation of the fuel price reform plan to benefit from the wave of public dissatisfaction and to act against the security of the country”. He further asserted that “the incidents of the recent days… were a plot that had been devised and orchestrated against the country”.

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  • 30 November 2019

    Welcoming the decision by the six European countries to join INSTEX, in a statement, the E3 remarked that “this step further strengthens INSTEX and demonstrates European efforts to facilitate legitimate trade between Europe and Iran and is a clear expression of our continuing commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”. They further maintained that “Iran must return to full compliance with its commitments under the JCPOA without delay”, while emphasising their “readiness to consider all mechanisms in the JCPOA, including the dispute resolution mechanism, to resolve the issues related to Iran’s implementation of its JCPOA commitments”. “We remain fully committed to pursuing our efforts towards a diplomatic resolution within the framework of the JCPOA”, the statement added. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, subsequently took to Twitter to state that “instead of arrogant threats or hollow paper promises, the E3/EU—and future INSTEX shareholder Sweden—should start with something very simple; a minimal human duty: Ask Molnlycke [Health Care] to sell products enabling Iranian kids with EB to cover their wounds. Economic terrorism kills”.

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  • 29 November 2019

    In a joint statement, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden announced that “in light of the continuous European support for the [nuclear] agreement and the ongoing efforts to implement the economic part of it and to facilitate legitimate trade between Europe and Iran, we are now in the process of becoming shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) subject to completion of national procedures”.

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  • 28 November 2019

    Iran’s IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that “enemies should be careful because the Iranian nation is great, strong and resistant; we tell the U.S., Britain, Israel and their allies that you would receive a response if you continue your hostile actions… the Iranian nation defeats enemies in any scale”.

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  • 27 November 2019

    A senior Iranian intelligence official announced the detention of eight individuals alleged to be “affiliated with the [U.S.] Central Intelligence Agency who were trying to gather information from recent riots and transfer them abroad”.

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  • 27 November 2019

    Referring to protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices on 15 November, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei contended that “the enemies had spent a great amount of money designing this conspiracy and were waiting for an opportunity to implement it with destruction, killing and villainy. They assumed that the matter of [the policies on] petrol was the desired opportunity they were looking for and brought their army onto the scene”. “The Iranian nation quashed the enemy’s movement with its magnificent display”, Khamenei added.

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  • 27 November 2019

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, met with senior Taliban officials in Tehran and reportedly conveyed “Iran’s readiness to help hold Afghan-Afghan talks with participation of the government and all influential powers in that country”. The meeting were also confirmed by a Taliban spokesperson.

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  • 27 November 2019

    Referring to protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices on 15 November, President Rouhani claimed that “the enemies had planned for this unrest since two years ago… After the change in petrol prices, they began implementing their plans with all their facilities and thought that it could last for months, leading to massacre and civil war”. “They thought that if they set fire on banks and people’s houses”, Rouhani added, “they could take their independence and freedom, but the people showed it explicitly that they do not yield to foreign conspiracies and will resist”. He went on to maintain that “of course, people may have criticisms and expectations, but they will not let some to take advantage of the situation and threat their security”.

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  • 27 November 2019

    A senior IRGC official contended that “today the gun of [U.S.] sanctions is empty of bullets and today the enemy has reached the end of line and it is now Iran’s turn for a counterattack and we should look at the internal capacities and trust the young people”.

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  • 26 November 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “we believe that through a strong neighbourhood, we will be able to achieve our individual goals much easier and much better than individually… Iran is interested in maintaining the same type of relations that it has with its ECO (Economic Cooperation Organisation) partners and extending it to our partners in the Persian Gulf region”. “All of us”, he added, “will benefit from cooperation and all of us will suffer from competition, from conflict. from instability and from insecurity”. Discussing Iran’s Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) proposal, Zarif emphasised that “you cannot be secure if your neighbours are not. That is why we extended the hand of friendship that we have extended to our ECO partners to our partners in the Persian Gulf, hoping that the same type of arrangement that would lead to greater confidence in cooperation could also evolve through cooperation, through joint effort, and through joint thinking also in the Persian Gulf region”.

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  • 25 November 2019

    Discussing protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, IRGC commander Hossein Salami declared that “we were monitoring. The U.S. brought all its power onto the scene, including pressure, maximum psychological warfare and internal mercenary infantry”. In related remarks, Iran’s chief army contended that “people do not keep mum vis-a-vis the rioters who are led by the U.S. and attack the great Iranian nation’s lives, properties and honour”, while a senior IRGC official claimed that “Israel and the U.S. were behind these incidents”.

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  • 25 November 2019

    Addressing Iran’s rivals, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “you have experienced our power in the battlefield and received a powerful slap across your face and could not respond; the world has come to observe some of these slaps, while it has not in some other cases. You should wait. If you cross our redlines, we will annihilate you”. He also advised Israel “not to pin hope on the U.S. It comes too late when you have already been annihilated”.

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  • 25 November 2019

    Discussing U.S. statements on protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “these comments and interferences were not a sign of their goodwill or friendship with the Iranian people; they were aimed at heightening the tensions”. “The Americans’ stance on the recent incidents came in line with their policy of maximum pressure against Iran… They want to put the Iranian government under pressure by provoking the people”, he added.

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  • 24 November 2019

    Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA indicated that “after negotiations between the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran and the IAEA… four new technical cooperation projects for the 2020-21 period were approved for our country”. He elaborated that the initiatives “cover areas including safety improvement of nuclear research reactors, human capacity building in the nuclear energy sector, increasing cereal production capacity and waste management”.

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  • 24 November 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, alleged that Iran had foiled an attack on Assaluyeh oil facility. He maintained that “the enemy appeared to be seeking to avenge what Yemen Ansar Allah did in attacking Saudi facilities [in September], but it failed”.

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  • 22 November 2019

    A senior Iranian military official warned that “any trespassing into Islamic Republic of Iran’s air space will bring nothing for them [ie, Iran’s enemies] except humiliation”. In related comments, a senior IRGC official insisted that “Washington has to act responsibly in protecting and not endangering the lives of American soldiers by avoiding any mistakes in the region, specifically in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz”.

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  • 22 November 2019

    The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Iran’s Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, “for his role in the Iranian regime’s widescale internet censorship”. Secretary of State Pompeo commented that “while Iranian regime leaders maintain access to the internet and social media accounts for themselves and their cronies, they deprive their people of these basic tools of expression and communication. This hypocrisy simultaneously supports a corrupt religious mafia and oppresses the Iranian people”. He further stressed that “while the Iranian regime will seek to protect the abusers of the Iranian people and hide their horrific actions from memory, the U.S. will expose these human rights abusers and record their shameful acts for history”. Azari Jahromi offered a response to the designation via Twitter.

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  • 21 November 2019

    Referring to protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, contended that “enemies were seeking to take advantage of Iranian nation’s protest about economic issues but they conceded a defeat by the nation’s show of vigilance”. In related remarks, a senior IRGC commander reiterated that “in recent days, all the evil-doers and villains of the world have tried to create insecurity and chaos in the country… These were not the last attempts to hit the Islamic Revolution as the malicious moves and evil deeds will continue to exist”.

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  • 21 November 2019

    Discussing “detected natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran”, IAEA Acting Director General Cornel Feruta noted that “we have continued our interactions with Iran since [Feruta’s 7 November report to the Board of Governors], but have not received any additional information and the matter remains unresolved”. He further urged “Iran to provide full and timely cooperation with the Agency in implementing its Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol”. Iran’s representative to the IAEA subsequently underlined that “when the Agency informed Iran that they had some questions on a specific location, Iran has shown cooperation and transparency, and granted full access to the Agency to visit the location in question and collect samples… we should avoid any immature conclusion”.

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  • 21 November 2019

    Referring to IAEA announcement of “detected natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran”, the U.S. representative to the IAEA maintained that “that there are possible undeclared nuclear materials present and activities ongoing in Iran still today is profoundly concerning… continued noncooperation by Iran would be unacceptable and would merit the Board’s appropriate escalation of this issue”. On Iran reducing its JCPOA commitments, she stressed that “Iran’s actions are transparent attempts at extortion that will only deepen its political and economic isolation”. The representative further noted that “the U.S. is willing to negotiate with Iran without preconditions”, adding that “to achieve relief from sanctions pressure,,, Iran must be willing to end its malign behaviour and take lasting steps that deny it any pathway to nuclear weapons”. Iran’s IAEA representative characterised the negotiation offer by the U.S. “a political gesture to shoulder off its responsibilities for the non-compliance with its international obligations” and contended that “if the U.S. is serious about entering into negotiations, it should, first, remove all re-imposed sanctions, so that the ground would be levelled”.

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  • 20 November 2019

    Referring to protests over the Iranian government’s decision to raise gas prices, President Rouhani claimed that “the people of Iran passed another historic test and proved that despite economic problems and discontent they may have with the management of the country, they will never let enemies take advantage of the situation”. He further posited that “the number of people who had taken to the streets was determined and it turned out that only a few hooligans were among them; but the hooligans were well organised and armed, acting on behalf of the regional reactionaries, the Zionists [ie, Israel] and Americans”.

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  • 20 November 2019

    Iran’s foreign ministry announced that it had summoned the Swiss ambassador to Iran, whose government represents U.S. interests in the country, “over the U.S. interventions in Iran’s internal affairs”.

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  • 19 November 2019

    Receiving the credentials of Yemeni Ansar Allah’s ambassador to Iran, President Rouhani commented that “today, aggressors and the Yemeni nation’s enemies have reached the conclusion that they cannot advance their goals by pressure and war, and this means that the Yemeni nation’s resistance has borne fruit”. “Iran”, he added, “believes in the righteousness of the people of Yemen and their revolution, and considers helping them in both fighting aggressors and negotiations as its religious duty”.

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  • 18 November 2019

    Amidst nationwide protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted that “the U.S. is monitoring the ongoing protests in Iran closely. We condemn strongly any acts of violence committed by this regime against the Iranian people and are deeply concerned by reports of several fatalities. We’ve been at that since the beginning of this administration”. “The Islamic Republic”, Pompeo added, “must cease violence against its own people and should immediately restore the ability of all Iranians to access a free and open Internet… The Iranian people will enjoy a better future when their government begins to respect basic human rights, abandons its revolutionary posture and its destabilising foreign policy in the region, and behaves simply like a normal nation”. Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, subsequently contended that “a regime [ie, the U.S.] that hinders the delivery of food and medicine to ordinary [Iranian] people — including the elderly and the patients — through economic terrorism [tactics] can never claim support for the Iranian people in such a disgraceful way”.

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  • 17 November 2019

    Amidst nationwide protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that although “some people are certainly worried or upset about this decision… acts of sabotage do not solve any problem. In fact, it adds insecurity to any possible problem”. Khamenei also asserted that “since these incidents took place, all malicious centers in the world, which work against us, have encouraged these actions”. The same day, the White House announced that “the U.S supports the Iranian people in their peaceful protests against the regime that is supposed to lead them”, while “condemn[ing] the lethal force and severe communications restrictions used against demonstrators”.  The statement further contended that “Tehran has fanatically pursued nuclear weapons and missile programs, and supported terrorism, turning a proud nation into another cautionary tale of what happens when a ruling class abandons its people and embarks on a crusade for personal power and riches”.

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  • 17 November 2019

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed “that the Heavy Water Production Plant (HWPP) [in Iran] was in operation and that Iran’s stock of heavy water was 131.5 metric tonnes”, exceeding JCPOA limits.

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  • 16 November 2019

    Iran’s defence minister stressed that “the conspiracy of the hegemonic system led by the U.S. against Islamic Iran has failed on various fronts, but the enemy will not miss any chance to hit the country… the only way to counter the U.S. sanctions is to increase and boost [Iran’s] power in all effective components, especially the defence power”.

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  • 16 November 2019

    Referring to nationwide protests in Iran following the government’s decision to raise gas prices, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took to Twitter to declare that “as I said to the people of Iran almost a year and a half ago: The U.S. is with you”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently responded saying that “such hypocritical remarks contain no sympathy… [Pompeo] is sympathising with the people who are under pressure of the U.S.’s economic terrorism. He had already explicitly said that the people of Iran must be kept hungry until they give in to ‘our demands’”.

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  • 15 November 2019

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “peaceful nuclear energy is needed by nations, but Western monopolists are seeking to keep this energy to themselves. Then, they wish to give it drop by drop to other nations, at the price of their dignity and independence”. “The West knows we don’t seek nuclear weapons because of our principles and religious beliefs”, he added. “Therefore, they oppose the Islamic Republic’s nuclear advancement in order to hinder Iran from gaining science, industry and nuclear capability”.

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  • 14 November 2019

    Iran’s army chief maintained that “we need an interregional security and not false coalitions. It is time to drive foreign forces out of the region”. “The security in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf region can only be achieved through cooperation of the Persian Gulf littoral states… developments in recent years have shown that foreign powers cannot be reliable for regional countries”, he added.

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  • 14 November 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami contended that “we will never stop increasing the defence capabilities and we will not retreat because it is among our redlines and therefore, the issue of defence capabilities is not negotiable, modifiable, stoppable and controllable”. He maintained that “the talent and capacity of the Iranian Armed Forces and the IRGC are so high that they will confront any enemy, no matter how big, and therefore, the nation should rest assured and live in tranquility because we are capable of defeating any enemy”. “Given the successful mounting of ballistic missiles on [IRGC] speedboats”, he added, “the enemy’s aircraft carriers will no longer be safe in any spot”. Salami additionally noted that “we currently possess precision-guided missiles” and vowed that negotiations over Iran’s missiles “will never happen”.

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  • 14 November 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “any doubts about America’s hostility must be wiped out. This does not mean that we want to wage a military war with the U.S., but rather we believe that we have to stand up and confront the enemy depending on the situation; sometimes with words, sometimes with war, and sometimes with resistance; but considering the enemy as [a] friend is a strategic mistake”.

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  • 13 November 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson emphasised that “the Islamic Republic has always highlighted the importance of dialogue and political talks as the only way to solve problems in the region and will use all its power to create atmosphere for talks among the regional countries”. He added that “Iran hopes that the regional countries would accept the Hormuz Peace Endeavour and start comprehensive regional talks to root out division and take practical steps in line with settling crises”.

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  • 12 November 2019

    President Rouhani assessed that “it was because of the pressure from the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] and the Saudi money, as they themselves said, that Trump was forced to withdraw from the [nuclear] deal… This indicates the importance of the JCPOA and that they saw it so dangerous for their own purposes”. Rouhani added that “Iran did not withdraw from the deal and waited a year and gave the other sides several opportunities, and today no one in the world can blame Iran for reducing its commitments”. “The path we have chosen”, he continued, “is resistance, steadfastness and reducing our JCPOA commitments alongside negotiating with the world… we have not abandoned the option of negotiation and we have not relied solely on it. We have agreed on the principles in the negotiation process now, but we have disagreements on how they should be implemented”.

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  • 12 November 2019

    A senior Iranian diplomat stated that “we are completely certain that no war will break out between the U.S. and Iran because we are fully prepared… to defend the country”. “The Americans know this issue, so according to my opinion they don’t dare to attack us and so we believe that no war will break out in the region”, he maintained.

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  • 11 November 2019

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) estimated that “in total, 5.5kg is the daily volume of uranium enrichment in Natanz and Fordow”. In related remarks, President Hasan Rouhani contended that “today, our nuclear power [is] higher than any other time… we have fifteen types of centrifuges”. “This means that we have made progress and moved ahead”, Rouhani added. “This is the path of moderation, which means that while protecting the agreement, we also uphold the rights of the nation and do not succumb to the enemies’ pressures”.

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  • 11 November 2019

    President Rouhani reiterated that “with the continuation of the JCPOA, Iran’s arms embargo will be lifted next year and we will achieve a major political, security and defence goal… we can easily buy or export our required weapons, which is one of the major effects of the nuclear deal”. He added that “we must think and find out where the interests of the country are. Is it in our best interest to be 100 per cent committed to the deal while the other sides stay idle vis-à-vis it? Definitely not. So we chose a path in between”. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reacted by asserting that “President Rouhani’s best pitch for Iran staying in the disastrous Iran deal is that it lets the Islamic kleptocrats that lead that country buy and sell drones, missiles, tanks, jets and more. He will get his wish, unless the UN Security Council extends the arms embargo before it expires 18 October 2020”.

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  • 11 November 2019

    Following Iran’s “fourth step” in reducing its JCPOA commitments, France, Germany, UK and EU issued a joint statement noting that they were “extremely concerned” and contending that “Iran’s action is inconsistent with the JCPOA’s clear provisions on Fordow and has potentially severe proliferation implications”. The statement called on Iran to “return to full implementation of its commitments under the JCPOA without delay”, and expressed “readiness to consider all mechanisms in the JCPOA, including the dispute resolution mechanism, to resolve the issues related to Iran’s implementation of its JCPOA commitments”. “We stand ready to continue our diplomatic efforts to create the conditions for, and to facilitate, the de-escalation of tensions in the Middle East”, the statement asserted, adding that “these efforts are however made increasingly difficult by Iran’s latest actions”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently addressed the Europeans by tweet, asking “’Fully upheld commitments under JCPOA’. You? Really? Just show one that you’ve upheld in the last eighteen months”. “Iran triggered – and exhausted – the dispute resolution mechanism while you were procrastinating. We’re now using [JCPOA] paragraph 36 remedies”, Zarif added.

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  • 10 November 2019

    Following Iran’s “fourth step” in reducing its JCPOA commitments, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson argued that “[the E3] have no right to activate the snapback mechanism, nor can they do it, because our measures are aimed at preserving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and are based on the articles of the agreement itself. We have the right to take these measures”. He further maintained that “we keep the door to diplomacy and dialogue open, but we have not pinned hope on anybody”. “If they [the Europeans] decide to activate the snapback mechanism”, he added, “it is only natural that a wide range of options will be made available to us, which we will choose from according to the situation”.

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  • 10 November 2019

    Responding to media reports regarding Robert Levinson, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “on the request [of his family], Iran has pursued the case on the basis of goodwill and some humanitarian considerations, but has also announced several times that it has no information about his situation”. He also stated that “Mr. Levinson does not have any legal or criminal case in any of [the] courts of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. President Trump subsequently asserted that “if Iran is able to turn over to the U.S. kidnapped former FBI Agent Robert A. Levinson… it would be a very positive step”. He added that “upon information and belief, Iran is, and has been, enriching uranium. That would be a very bad step!”

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  • 10 November 2019

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) determined that “with regard to the Persian Gulf littoral states, which have adopted a new approach to the use of nuclear technology, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready for scientific cooperation and transfer of experiences”. 

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  • 10 November 2019

    Iran began laying the concrete foundations of the second unit of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.

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  • 9 November 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, asserted that “in keeping with Iran’s foreign policy that posits our neighbours should always come first, regional cooperation remains a priority”. “We hope this cooperation can be welcomed by neighbours to our south, too”, he added.

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  • 9 November 2019

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) spokesperson claimed that “the organisation has the possibility to produce five, 20 and 60 per cent, and has this capacity… at the moment, the need is for five per cent [enrichment]”.

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  • 9 November 2019

    Referring to Iran’s “fourth step” in reducing its JCPOA commitments, a senior Iranian diplomat stressed that “we are still in compliance with the agreement and are only exercising our rights under paragraph 36… we are ready to return to full compliance with the agreement, provided our interests in the agreement are guaranteed”. He further indicated that “the [U.S.] policy of maximum pressure has only led to maximum resistance in Iran and we will continue to do so because if the maximum policy succeeds, we cannot live in the future anymore and we must always be under pressure”. He went on to declare that “snapback and the return of previous [UN Security Council] resolutions is a red line for Iran”.

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  • 9 November 2019

    Reacting to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s remarks arguing that Iran “has been violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)” and that it “continues to hide its secret nuclear program”, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran’s (AEOI) spokesperson contended that “Netanyahu’s biggest lie is that Iran is after nuclear weapons. Iran does not need nuclear weapons given the power balance in the region. Also, ideologically, we have Supreme Leader’s fatwa [against such weapons] and legally, no other country is under supervision and inspection of the [International Atomic Energy] Agency so much as Iran”. He added that “of course, Iran enjoys nuclear capability and technology and there is no doubt about that. But these allegations by the Zionist regime [ie, Israel] are aimed at concealing its own ugly face”.

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  • 8 November 2019

    The U.S. and Iranian diplomatic spokespersons traded charges via Twitter of “shameless hypocrisy” on human rights.

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  • 8 November 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official asserted that “a drone which was trying to hide itself from radars by flying at low altitude was traced and targeted. We cannot yet certainly identify the origin and main target of this drone as we have not yet retrieved parts of the drone”. The U.S. military maintained that “if a UAS [Unmanned Aerial System] had gone down in the CENTCOM AOR [U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility] it was not a Department of Defense asset. All U.S. equipment has been accounted for”.

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  • 8 November 2019

    Referring to Iran’s “fourth step” in reducing its JCPOA commitments, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “we had made it clear that if the measures of other parties [to the deal] do not yield results, we’d take the next steps to decrease our JCPOA commitments”. He further expressed that “we will hold talks with those parties interested in preserving the JCPOA… and we will leave the door open for negotiation and understanding”.

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  • 7 November 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, underlined that “if the U.S. and the European states continue the current approach with the hope of Iran’s retreat, they will certainly score no achievement but regret”. In related remarks, the IRGC’s commander asserted that “we… tell enemies of the country that we can turn threat into an opportunity and you [the enemy] will fail in every arena”.

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  • 7 November 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff reiterated that “the enemies have in recent days implemented plots in Lebanon and Iraq to misuse people’s righteous demands and empower proxy governments but senior clerics and the Lebanese and Iraqi people confronted their plots”. “No one is entitled to interfere in these countries”, he added. 

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  • 7 November 2019

    The IAEA Board of Governors convened a meeting to discuss “safeguards matters” in Iran. An IAEA spokesperson subsequently confirmed that “an Agency inspector was last week temporarily prevented from leaving Iran”. “Preventing an inspector from leaving a country, particularly when instructed to do so by the IAEA”, the statement added, “is not acceptable and should not occur”. Iran asserted that “security control machines sounded the alarm” when the inspector was at the Natanz site, “and denied her entry”; Tehran’s IAEA ambassador stated that “Iran has security concerns… and does not intend to violate immunity of IAEA’s inspectors”. The IAEA indicated that “based on the information available to us, the Agency does not agree with Iran’s characterisation of the situation involving the inspector”. In a statement, the U.S. asserted that “Iran’s detention of this inspector was without question an outrageous and unwarranted act of intimidation”. It also indicated that “the IAEA has detected evidence of potential undeclared nuclear material in Iran. Iran has no plausible explanation for the detected material and must explain where it came from and where it is now”. Secretary of State Pompeo in a statement the following day indicated that “the U.S. is deeply concerned with the issues the IAEA raised”, and “alarmed at Iran’s lack of cooperation”.

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  • 7 November 2019

    The U.S.-led International Maritime Security Construct inaugurated the Coalition Task Force (CTF) Sentinel headquarters in Bahrain. A senior U.S. naval official characterised the operation as “an important multinational maritime effort to increase surveillance of and security in key waterways in the Middle East to ensure freedom of navigation in light of recent events in the Arabian Gulf”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently contended that “history shows that the American coalitions have been nothing but misnomers, which have not only not created security so far, but have resulted in further insecurity and instability in different parts of the world… the U.S. move to hide its objectives and dreams behind the names of a few other countries signifies the weakness and lack of international legitimacy”. “As the country with the longest coastline by the Persian Gulf”, he added, “the Islamic Republic of Iran will vigorously keep protecting its economic and security interests, including the navigation security and safety in the body of water”.

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  • 5 November 2019

    Responding to U.S. sanctions designations against senior Iranian political and military officials, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “such measures only reveal the [U.S.] regime’s desperation and inability to use diplomatic or logical solutions”. He added that “it is the U.S. administration that must stop [backing] terrorism, especially its support for the state-sponsored terrorism of the Zionist regime [i.e., Israel] which loots other countries’ resources, as well as piracy, economic terrorism, and other abnormal and unusual behaviours, and instead choose a civilized, wise and lawful path”.

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  • 5 November 2019

    President Rouhani announced that as of 6 November, “injecting gas to the centrifuges in Fordow will begin, a move that may raise concerns… whenever they [i.e. the other parties to the nuclear deal] fulfil their obligations, this step can be reversed”. Iran’s atomic energy agency chief subsequently indicated that uranium enrichment rates at the site would rise to 5 per cent. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif commented that “our response to U.S. economic terrorism and blackmail is opposite of what President Trump was led to believe”. “Our fourth step to suspend a JCPOA provision is foreseen in Paragraph 36 as remedy to U.S. and E3 violations”, he added, stating that there was an “easy solution for the E3/EU: Abide by your obligations and we’ll reverse course”.

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  • 5 November 2019

    A senior Kuwaiti diplomat confirmed that his government had relayed Iranian messages on regional developments to Riyadh and Manama, though “until now no answers have emerged”.

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  • 5 November 2019

    Yemen’s internationally recognised government and the secessionist Southern Transitional Council signed the Riyadh Agreement. The U.S. hailed the accord, stating that “we are hopeful that with this agreement, the parties will work together to end the conflict and to achieve the peace and stability that Yemen’s people deserve”; Secretary of State Pompeo thanked Saudi Arabia for its role and in a meeting with a senior Saudi official also talked about “the need to continue countering the Iranian regime’s destabilising behaviour”. Referring to the Riyadh Agreement, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “signing such documents will by no means help settle the problems or Yemen, and it will contribute to stabilisation of occupation of southern Yemen by Saudi Arabia and its allies, directly or through their proxy forces”. He added that “the next step is holding Yemeni-Yemeni talks”.

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  • 4 November 2019

    Iran’s government spokesperson confirmed that “[President] Rouhani has sent letters to the Saudi king on peace in the region… the theme of the letters has been regional peace and stability”. He went on to indicate that “we believe that multiple bilateral ties could be shaped in the region, and the U.S. pressures should not cause a distance between the neighbours”.

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  • 4 November 2019

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that “today, we experimentally inaugurated a middle chain of 30 IR-6 centrifuges”, tallying that “presently, there are around 60 IR-6 centrifuges”. “We did not plan to operate the 30 chains within three or four years”, he added, “but we were asked by Iranian senior officials to take the challenge and put the chain online to show the power and capability of the Islamic Republic”.

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  • 3 November 2019

    Marking the 40th anniversary of the U.S. embassy takeover in Tehran, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stressed that “the U.S. has always been an enemy of the Iranian nation… the dispute between the Iranian nation and the U.S. government dates back to the 1953 coup d’état, and before that, when they imposed a corrupt puppet regime on the Iranian nation”. Khamenei went on to maintain that “since 1979… the U.S. has carried out all the hostile actions it knew against the Iranian people, including coups, ethnic provocations, arousing separatism, sanctions, sieges, etc”, adding that “our most important response to the plots of the U.S. was to block the political re-infiltration of the country by the U.S.”. He added that “avoiding negotiations is one of the ways to block American infiltration”. “This prohibition on negotiations is based on a firm logic”, said Khamenei, contending that “they would have claimed to have forced us to our knees, and would not have given away a single point… negotiating with the U.S. will not solve any problems”.

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  • 3 November 2019

    In a statement following protests at an Iranian diplomatic facility in Karbala, Iraq’s foreign ministry asserted that “the security of [diplomatic] missions and consulates is a red line that cannot be overstepped… such practices will not impact friendship and neighbourhood relations between the two neighbouring countries”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently indicated that “Iran has conveyed its concerns through political channels to the host government, emphasised the need for protecting the security of our country’s diplomatic and consular buildings in Iraq within the framework of international regulations and conventions and called for the necessary action and intensified measures to protect our country’s diplomatic missions in Iraq”.

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  • 2 November 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that President Rouhani had sent GCC leaders the Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) proposal presented at the UN General Assembly in September 2019. “In the letter, he called for collective cooperation among all of them in processing and implementing” the plan, the spokesperson added, while further stating that “this shows the Islamic Republic of Iran’s seriousness and that it cares about the regional countries when it comes to ensuring stability and security in the Persian Gulf region”.  

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  • 31 October 2019

    The State Department determined that “the construction sector of Iran is controlled directly or indirectly by the IRGC”, adding that “as a result of this determination, the sale, supply or transfer to or from Iran of raw and semi-finished metals, graphite, coal, and software for integrating industrial purposes will be sanctionable if those materials are to be used in connection with the Iranian construction sector.” It also found “four strategic materials as ones that are being used in connection with the nuclear, military or ballistic missile programs of Iran”, as a consequence of which “the sale, supply or transfer to or from Iran of those materials will be sanctionable (regardless of end-use or end-user)”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded by maintaining that “subjecting construction workers to economic terrorism only manifests maximum failure of ‘maximum pressure’. The U.S. can sanction every man, woman and child, but Iranians will never submit to bullying”. He went to call on Washington to “abandon failed policies and return to the JCPOA”.

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  • 31 October 2019

    A Iranian official revealed that “thanks to the negotiations by the Iranian foreign ministry with Saudi officials, [19] fishermen [detained by Saudi Arabia]… are on their way back home”.

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  • 30 October 2019

    Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reacted to protests in Iraq and Lebanon by calling on “those who care in Iraq and Lebanon [to] remedy the insecurity and turmoil created in their countries by the U.S., the Zionist regime [Israel], some western countries and the money of some reactionary countries… the people have justifiable demands, but they should know their demands can only fulfilled within the legal structure and framework”. Khamenei added that “the enemies engaged in the same plots against Iran; but fortunately, people acted in a timely manner, and the sedition was nullified”.

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  • 30 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “we will be in Syria as long as the Syrian government and people want”. He went on to say that “it seems that the U.S. is staying to protect the oil and at least President Trump is honest to say what the U.S. intends to do”.

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  • 29 October 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, stated that Iran is “not afraid of deals or meetings”, adding that “the survival of any agreement depends on each party gaining something from it”.

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  • 27 October 2019

    Following President Trump’s announcement of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that “we do not consider the killing of al-Baghdadi as an end to terrorism and ISIS. Although we defeated ISIS with the [help of] regional governments and nations, we warn that the ideology is still alive, and their remnants may be reorganised by the Americans and carry out destructive operations in the region”.

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  • 27 October 2019

    Reacting to protests in Iraq, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “Iran supports the demands of the Iraqi people”, adding that “we are sure that the Iraqi government, people and the marja [religious reference] can overcome the problems and step forward towards a development of Iraq through unity”.

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  • 26 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with a senior Huthi official in Tehran, and reportedly expressed “Iran’s support for establishing a truce in Yemen and holding intra-Yemeni dialogue”.

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  • 25 October 2019

    The U.S. Department of Treasury announced “a new humanitarian mechanism to ensure unprecedented transparency into humanitarian trade with Iran”. The statement indicated that “given the Iranian regime’s history of squandering its wealth on corruption and terrorism instead of supporting the Iranian people, we have developed a framework to guard against such theft and assist foreign governments and foreign financial institutions in establishing a payment mechanism to facilitate legitimate humanitarian exports to Iran. Through this mechanism, no revenue or payment of any kind will be transferred to Iran”. The statement went on to say that “participating governments and financial institutions must commit to conducting enhanced due diligence to mitigate the higher risks associated with transactions involving Iran”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently tweeted that “contrary to its deceptive claims, new U.S. regulations will aggravate economic terrorism on ordinary Iranians… The U.S. Treasury Department is targeting not merely food but also our imports of medicine”.

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  • 24 October 2019

    Iranian media reported that the U.S. refused to grant visas to members of Iranian economic delegation who were aiming to attend the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG) annual meetings.

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  • 24 October 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, claimed that “we have humiliated the enemy on land, on sea and in the air, and have knocked them down a peg and they have come to realize that they should not engage in a conflict with this nation”. “It [ie, the enemy] knows that it should put its weapon down and raise his hands as a sign of surrender to the [Iranian] nation”, he added.

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  • 24 October 2019

    The U.S. Treasury Department granted an additional two-year waiver to Serica Energy to operate in a the Rhum field in the North Sea which is 50% owned by Iran’s National Oil Company.

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  • 23 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “the American economic war, indeed its economic terrorism, targeting ordinary Iranian people and wishfully attempting to starve them into submission is not just a willful and publicly-announced crime against humanity, but a grave and immediate threat to international peace and security”.

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  • 22 October 2019

    Referring to Turkey’s military activities in north east Syria, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “Iran does not believe in a military operation. Tehran believes both countries should seek solution through dialogue,” while also acknowledging Turkey’s security concerns.

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  • 21 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif expressed his readiness to travel to Riyadh “if appropriate conditions are provided”. Confirming the continuation of talks with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan regarding Yemen, Minister Zarif stressed that “Tehran welcomes any initiative that aims to ease tensions in the region and will cooperate [with other parties] to end Yemen’s war”.

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  • 20 October 2019

    President Rouhani praised “the efforts of all Iraqi people, authorities and maraji for ensuring full security and hospitality” for Arbaeen pilgrims.

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  • 18 October 2019

    The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) decided “to call upon its members and urge all jurisdictions to introduce enhanced relevant reporting mechanisms or systematic reporting of financial transactions; and require increased external audit requirements for financial groups with respect to any of their branches and subsidiaries located in Iran”. It further indicated that “if before February 2020, Iran does not enact the Palermo and Terrorist Financing Conventions in line with the FATF Standards, then the FATF will fully lift the suspension of counter-measures”. Foreign Minister Zarif characterised the decision “completely politically motivated”, adding that “for the sake of our own national interest, we have taken all the necessary steps to fight against the financing of terrorism and money laundering”.

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  • 16 October 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani argued that “any measure which exacerbates insecurity and increases crisis in the region should be halted immediately… the regional crises, including the Syria and Yemen crises, have no military solution and they should be settled through diplomacy and Syrian-Syrian and Yemeni-Yemeni talks”.

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  • 16 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif asserted that “Europe proved it is not capable of implementing its [JCPOA] commitments…If balance is not restored to the implementation of commitments by the [JCPOA] parties, other necessary measures will be taken [by Iran] in next steps towards reducing commitments”.

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  • 15 October 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that the “U.S. has committed a crime against humanity and economy terrorism by imposing sanctions on the Iranian nation. Of course, this economic terrorism does not mean that the Iranian nation have surrendered”. He added that “we extend the hand of brotherhood and friendship to all our neighbours”.

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  • 15 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif praised Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan “for his efforts toward peace in the Persian Gulf”. He also called on “colleagues in the leaderships of other regional states to join Iran in forging a blueprint for peace, security, stability and prosperity” through the Hormuz Peace Initiative.

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  • 15 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “the imperative now is to end the incursion into Syria and address all concerns through Adana”.

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  • 14 October 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “Iran acted wisely by not withdrawing from the [nuclear] deal, because they wanted to use it as a pretext to take Iran’s case to the UN Security Council with the aim of imposing international sanctions on Iran, so that the U.S. would not be forced to carry the load itself”. He also indicated that if the parties to the JCPOA “return to their commitments… we can return to full compliance and if they continue the same path, we will take the next steps [in reducing commitments]”. Rouhani went on to say with respect to discussions between Iran and the U.S. that “the problem here is not meeting with the U.S. president or negotiations… the problem is whether our nation’s issues, problems, interests and wishes are met in a negotiation or is it just a show”. He added that “any time sanctions are lifted and the conditions for a genuine P5+1 negotiation are ripe, we are ready to attend that meeting, no matter who the U.S. president is”.

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  • 14 October 2019

    President Rouhani stated that “we have no problem with the resolution of regional problems with regional countries, including Saudi Arabia, through dialogue”, further noting that “relations between Tehran and the UAE have been better in recent months, and the trend is towards better relations”.

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  • 14 October 2019

    President Rouhani contended that “what happened in the Red Sea when our tanker was targeted [on 11 October] has caused problems that hopefully our investigations will soon reach a conclusion. What is certain is that a regime has done this with the help of some countries, how and when is not clear yet and we are finalising the investigations”.

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  • 14 October 2019

    Iran’s Intelligence Minister announced that two “terrorist teams” had been captured in south-western Iran, and that security services had additionally neutralised a pair of bombs purportedly intended to target pilgrims en route to Iraq.

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  • 14 October 2019

    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani argued that “the U.S. rulers’ bitter admission of realities… have forced many West Asian countries, even the group which had for years paved the ground or hosted the U.S. deployment in the region to admit this reality that the Middle East without the U.S. is a more secure place”.

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  • 13 October 2019

    Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, remarked that “Iran has proposed a four-article plan for finishing the war on Yemen since a long time ago. The end of this war can have positive effects on the region”. He also reiterated that “Iran has never been the initiator of any war, but if any country begins a war against Iran, it will undoubtedly regret it”.

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  • 13 October 2019

    In a meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, President Rouhani noted that “foreign interference will add to the insecurity. The first step to ease tensions in the region is to establish a cease-fire in Yemen and end attacks on the innocent Yemenis, and Iran supports any attempt in this regard”. He further argued that “to resolve regional issues, we require changing strategies towards political dialogue with goodwill, security-building and developing regional cooperation… relying on terrorists, the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel], and the U.S. has no fruit except for more tension and damages to Islamic countries and regional nations, and does not guarantee security for any country and the region”. Rouhani also stated that “sustainable security and peace in the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz can only be achieved through the participation of regional states”, adding that “Iran is always ready for dialogue and cooperation with all countries in the region”. Rouhani went on to posit that “the U.S.’ request for negotiation without preconditions is not an honest move with sanctions in place… we are ready to negotiation within the framework of the JCPOA if sanctions are lifted”.

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  • 13 October 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “With violent, aggressive and hostile behaviour, the Americans increased the dignity of the IRGC”. He further asserted that “the military equipment of the IRGC must be advanced and up to date; you should invent and manufacture them yourselves”. 

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  • 12 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reiterated that “Iran’s Leader has long made it abundantly clear that nuclear weapons are immoral and contravene Islamic principles. Their development, acquisition, stockpiling and use is thus forbidden”. He added that “we’re categorically opposed to nuclear arms as a religious/moral duty and strategic imperative”.

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  • 12 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “the Adana Agreement between Turkey and Syria – still valid – can be the better path to achieve security. Iran can help bring together the Syrian Kurds, the Syrian government and Turkey so that the Syrian Army together with Turkey can guard the border”.

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  • 12 October 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that Iran “is always ready, with or without a mediator, to hold talks with its neighbours, including Saudi Arabia, so that if there is any misunderstanding, it could be cleared”.

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  • 11 October 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson confirmed that anIranian tanker has sustained damages after being targeted twice, at half-hourly intervals, from a place near its shipping route in the east of the Red Sea” on 10 October. He also indicated that “over the past few months, other acts of sabotage have been launched against Iranian oil tankers in the Red Sea”. Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani asserted that “piracy and evil deeds in international waterways, which are carried out with the aim of making commercial ships’ sailing insecure, will not go unanswered”. A senior Saudi official on 13 October disavowed any involvement, stating that “we did not engage in such behaviour at all. This is not how we operate… the story is still not complete. So let’s wait and find out what happened before we jump to conclusions”.

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  • 10 October 2019

    Iran’s foreign ministry expressed “concern over Turkey’s military action in Syrian territories” and called for “an immediate end to the attacks and the pullout of Turkish forces from Syrian soil”. It further reiterated that “Iran regards the current situation in the region as the fallout from extra-regional interference, especially by the U.S.”, offering “to play a role between the two countries, as it is in touch with both sides at the moment, with a view to settle problems within the framework of regional potentialities”.

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  • 10 October 2019

    In an article for a Kuwaiti newspaper, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote that “the destiny of people and nations in the Persian Gulf region is closely intertwined… security in that region cannot be divided. Either all in the region enjoy security or all are deprived of it”. He went on elaborate on Iran’s Hormuz Peace Endeavour proposal as having “what it takes to realise lasting security in the region through intra-regional dialogue”, adding that “we have pinned our hopes on the implementation of this initiative and await positive reaction to the proposed plan by the regional countries”.

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  • 10 October 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami stated that “the more Americans pay to reach their goals, the less they gain their favourite results… they cannot gain their political interests while they pay huge amount of money for economic and military options”. Salami also argued that “the U.S. allies, Saudi Arabia and the Israel regime are now disappointed at it and fully aware that the U.S. cannot protect them in difficult days”.

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  • 9 October 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that the “establishment of security in the northern Syrian and southern Turkish borders is possible only with the presence of the Syrian army and we must provide all grounds for the Syrian military presence in these areas”. He further contended that “the Americans must leave the region, and the Kurds should cooperate with the Syrian army, which is actually their own country”. Rouhani added that “we are in a position that we need peace in the region and the Syrian refugees must return to their country faster”, and urged Turkey to “pay more attention so that we do not face any new problems in the region”.  

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  • 9 October 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “nuclear science, as it was not coupled with a culture of humanity, led to the development of nuclear bombs and to this day it poses a threat to the world… we decisively and bravely refrained from it even though we had the ability”. “Both making and stockpiling atomic bombs are wrongful”, Khamenei added, “because using them is forbidden based on religion”.

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  • 9 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “hostile and humiliating actions against civilians is called terrorism. When [the] U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, says Iranians should force their government to change its policy, if they want to have food, I think he doesn’t have good advisers and lawyers, because his remarks mean terrorism, which is a war crime and terrorism is a sort of international crime”. Zarif went on to state that “the pressures are continuously on the rise, although our capabilities are also rising to counter sanctions. Iran’s approach to counter the maximum pressure is maximum resistance which its most important principle is to rely on domestic capabilities”.

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  • 9 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “a small group has tried to misuse the protests in Iraq and they are not the representative in Iraqi people”. He added that the “Iraqi government has acknowledged that the people’s legitimate demands stemmed from the shortages and Iranian officials consider Iraqis as vigilant people who will not permit others [to] misuse their dissatisfaction”.

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  • 8 October 2019

    In a statement, Iran’s Foreign Ministry noted that Iran viewed “the U.S. decision to end its occupation of Syrian territories and withdraw its forces from the Arab country as a measure that must have been taken much earlier”. It further expressed “hope for the establishment of peace and stability in Syria and the region following the recent move by the U.S.” and iterated that “Iran is opposed to any possible military operation” by Turkey in Syria.

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  • 8 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “in a situation where the Saudis would like to negotiate with Iran, if they pursue regional issues at the negotiating table and not by killing people, they will certainly have the Islamic Republic along with them”.

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  • 7 October 2019

    An Iranian security official indicated that “we have good intelligence dominance on the borders… Developments in the border areas are monitored by the most up-to-date control equipment and with coordination between the Iranian and Iraqi border guards and no danger threatens the security of the pilgrims”.

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  • 7 October 2019

    Iran’s army chief declared that “we have maintained the security of the Persian Gulf for [the past] forty years and will continue to do so with full power after this, and will give a crushing response to any threat posed by the enemy at any level”. He went on to opine that “with help from other regional countries, this region could be the most secure region in the world”.

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  • 6 October 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, contended, referring to the U.S., that “a power’s lack of strategy is the beginning of its gradual death and this is what has happened in the U.S.” He added that “the enemy is retreating and leaving the battlefield while the Islamic Revolution is advancing and this is the sign of victory”.

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  • 6 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “if you see that the Europeans have made their positions closer to the U.S., it’s not because that they have seen us in a weak spot but that they have failed to withstand the U.S. and are echoing the U.S. claims and statements just to save a little of the face that has remained for them”.

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  • 6 October 2019

    Amid protests in Iraq, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that “Iran and Iraq are two nations whose bodies, hearts and souls are connected to each other through their faith in Allah… and their ties grow stronger on a daily basis. The enemies seek to divide [them] but they have failed. Their conspiracy will have no impact”.

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  • 6 October 2019

    The White House announced that “Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria. The U.S. Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and U.S. forces, having defeated the ISIS territorial ‘Caliphate,’ will no longer be in the immediate area”. On Twitter, President Trump asserted that “it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars, many of the them tribal, and bring our soldiers home”, going on to state that the U.S. would “crush ISIS again if they come anywhere near us”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif commented that the “U.S. is an irrelevant occupier in Syria –  [it is] futile to seek its permission or rely on it for security. Achieving peace and fighting terror in Syria will only succeed thru respect for its territorial integrity and its people”. He added that “Adana provides framework for Turkey and Syria – Iran ready to help”.

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  • 6 October 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “ties with neighbours are [a] super-priority of our foreign policy which we will pursue seriously along with facilitating economic affairs”. He further asserted that “the Islamic Republic of Iran’s position is peace with the involvement of all the Afghan parties, not with foreign military power or involvement of just one Afghan party”.

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  • 4 October 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami argued that “it is evident that the enemy no longer has the capability; once it wanted to act and force us to react, but today, the enemy is not even capable of reacting to our capabilities and this reality is seen today on the battlefields”. He further contended that “the achievements are at a level that we do not announce them to the media but we are progressing on a daily basis in all areas, including missiles, drones, radars, air defence, vessels, torpedoes, anti-armour missiles and guided cannons”.

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  • 4 October 2019

    Acting IAEA Director General Cornel Feruta reported that “some engagement [with Iran] is ongoing, and this engagement is currently taking place”. He added that “this is an ongoing process … I cannot prejudge how this is going to end. The engagement doesn’t mean that the issues are completely addressed, but it’s a step in the right direction”.

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  • 4 October 2019

    Microsoft announced that “we’ve recently seen significant cyber activity by a threat group we call Phosphorous, which we believe originates from Iran and is linked to the Iranian government”. It added that “the targeted accounts are associated with a U.S. presidential campaign, current and former U.S. government officials, journalists covering global politics and prominent Iranians living outside Iran”.

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  • 4 October 2019

    Facebook announced that “we removed 211 Facebook accounts, 107 pages, 43 groups and 87 Instagram accounts for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behaviour that originated in the UAE, Egypt and Nigeria”, adding that “the Page admins and account owners primarily posted videos, photos and web links related to local events and issues in a particular country, and some content on topics including …criticism of Qatar, Turkey, and Iran; the Iran nuclear deal”.

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  • 3 October 2019

    The IRGC announced that it had thwarted a “Hebrew-Arabic” plot to assassinate the commander of the Qods force, Qasem Soleimani.

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  • 3 October 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a travel advisory calling on Arbaeen pilgrims “to postpone their visit to Iraq until calm is restored to the country” amid protests in Baghdad and elsewhere.

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  • 3 October 2019

    In a statement, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) announced that it would “press ahead with its broad scientific and strategic activities in order to secure new potentialities in different hardware and software domains within the framework of national regulations and commitments under the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement until the desired objective is achieved”. It further reiterated that “if the other parties to the nuclear deal respect their obligations and implement them, the Islamic Republic of Iran, too, will return to the full implementation of the deal”.

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  • 2 October 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “the Americans failed in their maximum pressure policy. They assumed if they apply the policy of maximum pressure on Iran, Iran would accept to compromise with them. To this moment… they learned maximum pressure only afflicted themselves with problems”. On the nuclear deal, Khamenei asserted that “we will seriously continue to reduce our commitments; the [Iranian] Atomic Energy Organisation is responsible here, and should carefully and completely enact all the reduction of commitments that the Islamic Republic has declared, until we reach the desired results”. In related comments, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that “our [diplomatic] efforts will continue through various channels; at the same time, we are firm on our position that if Europe fails to live up to its commitments to the nuclear deal, we will carry on with our own measures”.

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  • 2 October 2019

    President Rouhani, recounting his discussions while attending the UN General Assembly, indicated that “France had prepared a plan that could be acceptable, because it was basically based on the demand that Iran must not seek nuclear weapons, which we had already said it wasn’t, and the U.S. must abandon all its sanctions”. He went on to assert that “we cooperated, but the party that obstructed it was the White House; Iran, Paris, Tokyo and the rest of the countries were not to blame”. Rouhani also affirmed that “whenever the Iranian nation’s rights and respect are observed, the path is clear”. 

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  • 2 October 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “we have always said that we seek understanding with our neighbours. We are not seeking tension. If the Saudi government arrives at the conclusion that it can’t achieve security by buying weapons and relinquishing its sovereignty to others in the process, it will be surely welcomed with open arms by Iran”.  

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  • 2 October 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that “any new war will lead to the total disappearance of this regime [Israel] from the world’s political geography”. He went on to say that “the evil regimes of the region also know that if they miscalculate the power of [Iran’s] establishment and revolution and [take] any unwise action, they will quickly be trapped on an uncontrollable and irreversible path of destruction”.

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  • 1 October 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff indicated that Iran was providing the Huthis “advisory and intellectual assistance and the IRGC is in charge of this”. He also asserted that “we will stand by the Yemeni people until they completely ward off the aggressions”. 

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  • 1 October 2019

    An Iranian judiciary official announced that “three Iranian men have been sentenced to ten years in prison each for working for the U.S. and UK intelligence services”, while another individual was “sentenced to death for wide-scale acts of espionage” on behalf of the U.S. in an initial ruling. 

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  • 1 October 2019

    Secretary of State Pompeo asserted that “despite Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s promise to the UK that the Adrian Darya 1 would not deliver oil to Syria, it is now transferring oil off the Syrian coast”. He went on to ask: “Will the world hold Iran accountable if this oil is delivered to Syria?”

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  • 30 September 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that Israel “must be wiped off from the world geography in the second step [of the Islamic Revolution], and this is not an aspiration or dream anymore, but an achievable goal”. Salami added that “we can strike the enemy with any magnitude, any intensity, any accuracy, and over any area”.

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  • 30 September 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced that “Iran welcomes the Yemeni National Salvation Government’s proposal and considers it to be in favour of the establishment of stability and security in the region”. He went on to say that “sadly, Saudi Arabia is still seeking to fan the flames and continues to bombard different parts of Yemen” and called on “the Saudi government to accept this offer”.

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  • 30 September 2019

    Following Huthi claims of capturing “thousands” of troops from the Saudi-led coalition in an operation in Najran, the coalition’s spokesperson asserted that “it is definitely fabricated. They are making up events and trying to influence the popular opinion in Yemen, the region and the world”.

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  • 30 September 2019

    Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi stated that “nobody possesses the weapons necessary to deal their adversary a fatal blow. Chaos and destruction will hit the region in its entirety”. He went on to say that “everybody is open to dialogue. Iran says [it is] willing to negotiate if sanctions are lifted; the U.S. [also] asks for dialogue … neither does Saudi Arabia close the door for dialogue”. He also indicated that “there are many countries, and Iraq is one of them, that can offer a solution or a place for a solution to be found”.

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  • 30 September 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff remarked that “a sustainable and strong form of deterrence has been created in the face of enemy’s plot to carry out any act of aggression against the Islamic Iran and enemies have understood that the Islamic Iran enjoys the readiness, determination and courage and will not hesitate to defend its ideals, land and people”. He further stated that “Iran, as a superior regional power, recognises its responsibility for maintaining regional security and stability and plays a basic role in this regard”. Iran “does not think about… waging war and sowing insecurity and seeks calm and tranquillity through regional cooperation”, he added.

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  • 30 September 2019

    An Iranian official indicated that the Saudis “have sent messages to Mr. Rouhani through a head of state… we must see signs of it [goodwill] without any ambiguity, and the first sign of it is to stop the aggression against Yemen and put an end to the massacre of Yemenis”. He added that “if they genuinely sought to change their behaviour, we would welcome that”. A senior Saudi official subsequently indicated that “the Kingdom did not and will not talk with the Iranians. Yemen is the affair of the Yemenis… and the reason behind the Yemeni crisis is the Iranian destabilising role of its stability and disruptive role in the political efforts”. He also contended that Iran “provides its followers with weapons and missiles targeting the sons of Yemen and the security of the Kingdom and the countries of the region as part of the approach of this expansionist regime seeking to impose its control on Arab countries through its militias”. He additionally advised Iran to “stop your support for terrorism, policies of chaos and destruction, interference in the internal affairs of Arab states, development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile program. Act like a normal state and not a rogue one supporting terrorism”. 

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  • 29 September 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif remarked that “if these days you see that the Europeans are getting a little closer to the U.S. and becoming its allies, it’s not because they saw us in a weak spot, but because they have failed to withstand the U.S.”. He continued that “for the past five months, Europe has been trying to give us credit in return for the sale of the Iranian crude oil to make the country stay in the JCPOA, but it has not been able to do even this little job because it is not even allowed by its master to spend its own money for its own security”.

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  • 28 September 2019

    A senior IRGC official declared that “the enemy’s conditions and our preparedness status have enabled us to conduct long-range offensive operations at strategic levels… we have also developed proper weapons in line with this strategic change”. He added that “our deterrence power covers all the strategic targets of the enemy and certainly war in the region will engage all enemy interests”.

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  • 27 September 2019

    In remarks on his return from the UN General Assembly, President Rouhani argued that the U.S. “propagandised about being ready for negotiation, and that it is Iran who is stubborn. They had sent messages to almost all European and non-European leaders that they wanted one-to-one negotiations between the two Presidents, but we had rejected it, saying that negotiations had to be done in the framework of P5+1, and they accepted”. He went on to say that E3 leaders “all insisted for the meeting to be held, saying that the U.S. would lift all sanctions…but the problem here is that under sanctions and maximum pressure, even if we want to negotiate with the Americans within the framework of P5+1, nobody can predict about the end and upshot of the negotiation”. The same day, President Trump stated that “Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on them in order to meet. I said, of course, no!”. In related comments, a senior U.S. official reiterated that “we don’t need mediation; we need the Iranians to accept direct talks with the U.S., and we are willing to do so. But that’s up to the Iranians”.

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  • 27 September 2019

    The State Department responded to an appeal for Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to be allowed to call on a hospitalised colleague while visiting New York by stating that “Iran has wrongfully detained several U.S. citizens for years, to the pain of their families and friends they cannot freely visit… the travel request will be granted if Iran releases a U.S. citizen”.

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  • 26 September 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “we should not at all place hope and trust on anyone except for the domestic forces, in particular, not on those that have raised the flag of hostility against the Islamic Republic and the Islamic establishment, firstly led by the U.S., and next by the European countries”. Khamenei went on to say, referring to the Europeans, that “communication, interaction and visits are fine; signing agreements with them is fine; but they cannot be trusted at all, as they have betrayed all their commitments”.

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  • 26 September 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “the Yemeni people have a right to self-defence and they have to defend themselves, and the whole world knows that the Yemeni forces and the Yemeni army have both long-range missiles and drones”. Rouhani went on to “urge the U.S., France, Britain and Germany, who are constantly giving arms to Saudi Arabia and the Emirates to kill the Yemeni people, to stop sending weapons and to pressurise Saudi Arabia and the UAE for peace”.

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  • 26 September 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “it is not possible that Europe stays in the JCPOA, but only Iran pays the price”. He further asserted that “we will continue to negotiate with the JCPOA parties, if they do not fulfil their obligations, the reduction of the commitments will continue”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    In a proclamation, President Trump announced “that it is in the interest of the U.S. to take action to restrict and suspend the entry into the U.S., as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of senior government officials of Iran, and their immediate family members”. Secretary of State Pompeo commented that “for years, Iranian officials and their family members have quietly taken advantage of America’s freedom and prosperity, including excellent educational, employment, entertainment and cultural opportunities in the U.S… no longer will elites reap the benefits of a free society while the Iranian people suffer under the regime’s corruption and mismanagement”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami argued that “our power is such that when a group like Ansar Allah carries out an operation, the enemy thinks it has been done by us”. He added that the Huthis were “a mutated branch of the revolution…They are an accumulated source of power that, if released, will change the whole battlefield and the enemy knows this reality”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    In an address to the UN General Assembly, President Rouhani reaffirmed that “we remain committed to our promises in the [nuclear] deal. However, our patience has a limit”. He also declared that Iran would “never negotiate with an enemy that seeks to force Iran to surrender with the weapon of poverty, pressure and sanction… stop the sanctions so as to open the war for the start of negotiations”. Rouhani also asserted that “the security doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Persian Gulf and providing freedom of movement in the Strait of Hormuz. Recent incidents have seriously endangered such security”. He went on to “invite all the countries directly affected by the developments in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz to the ‘Coalition for Hope’, meaning Hormuz Peace Endeavour”. “The security of the region shall be provided when American troops pull out”, Rouhani argued, further stating that “our region is on the edge of collapse, as a single blunder can fuel a big fire. We shall not tolerate the provocative intervention of foreigners… however, the alternative and proper solution for us is to strengthen consolidation among all the nations with common interests in the Persian Gulf and the Hormuz region”. Foreign Minister Zarif subsequently explained that the Hormuz Peace Endeavour involved “dialogue, confidence-building, freedom of navigation, energy security, non-aggression and non-intervention”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    Iran and the P4+1 convened in New York for a meeting of the JCPOA’s Joint Commission. In a statement they called for “the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA by all sides and confirmed their determination to continue all efforts to preserve the agreement”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “Iran is ready to pursue the immediate ratification of the Additional Protocol in the Iranian Parliament, as a permanent law, in exchange for the U.S. Congress’ approval of the JCPOA and permanent lift[ing] of all sanctions”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    President Rouhani posited that “we are not looking for war and killing others, but it is Israel that has repeatedly violated the sovereignty of its neighbours and, according to their own Prime Minister, they have carried out acts of aggression against Syria more than 200 times”. He added that “these acts are very dangerous and according to the UN Charter, the people of the region have the right to self-defence”.

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  • 25 September 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that “America says that it will put Iran under maximum pressure until we talk and negotiate… America must do away with that precondition, take away all of the sanctions and maximum pressure, and wish to conduct talks”. He added that “then, in a free and responsive atmosphere, only then, I think these…efforts will bear fruit between the two countries”. Rouhani went on to contend that “the ball today is in the field of the U.S. The fundamentals between the U.S. and Iran is that for trust to be restored”.

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  • 24 September 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff declared that “we have repeatedly warned the enemies that if they invade this country… the result of this invasion will be captivity and defeat”. “We say to the neighboring countries that we have no enmity with you”, he added. “Countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE are Muslim countries that have lost their path and should side with Iran so that the regional security will be preserved”.

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  • 24 September 2019

    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman argued that the 14 September attacks against Saudi energy facilities “didn’t hit the heart of the Saudi energy industry, but rather the heart of the global energy industry”, adding that the Iranians carried out the operation because of “stupidity. There is no strategic goal… the only strategic goal is to prove that they are stupid and that is what they did”. Bin Salman also stated that “if the world does not take a strong and firm action to deter Iran, we will see further escalations that will threaten world interests. Oil supplies will be disrupted and oil prices will jump to unimaginably high numbers that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes”. Bin Salman also posited that a “political and peaceful solution is much better than the military one”, while asserting that “it is the Iranians who don’t want to sit at the table” with President Trump. On Yemen, Bin Salman stated that “if Iran stops its support of the Huthi militia, the political solution will be much easier”.

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  • 23 September 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany, and the UK jointly “condemn[ed] in the strongest terms the attacks on oil facilities on Saudi territory on September 14th, 2019 in Abqaiq and Khurais”. They further declared that “it is clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other plausible explanation. We support ongoing investigations to establish further details”. The E3 also urged Iran “to reverse its decisions to reduce compliance with the deal and to adhere fully to its commitments under it”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded that the “E3’s paralysis in fulfilling their obligations without U.S. permission has been clear since May 2018”. He added that the “solution to this deficiency is mustering will to forge an independent path—not parroting absurd U.S. claims and requests inconsistent with the JCPOA”. Zarif went on to posit that there would be “no new deal before compliance with the current one”.In a statement, Iran’s foreign ministry contended that “attributing the responsibility to the third government for an attack carried out in the course of a full-scale war between the Saudi and Yemeni sides is per se a provocative and extremely destructive move”. U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo responded by saying that “the U.S. thanks our close friends, UK, France, and Germany, for their clear articulation of Iran’s sole responsibility for the act of war against Saudi Arabia and its impact on the region and the world… this will strengthen diplomacy and the cause of peace”.

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  • 23 September 2019

    An Iranian diplomat indicated that “the British-flagged tanker ‘Stena Impero’, pursuant to the completion of the judicial and legal process, is now free to leave”. In a statement the following day, the CEO of Stena Bulk said that “despite public statements by Iranian authorities… that judicial proceedings have concluded, and the Stena Impero is free to leave Iran, the vessel remains detained at anchor in Bandar Abbas”.

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  • 23 September 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif stated that “we are prepared, if President Trump is serious about permanent for permanent. Permanent — Iran was never a nuclear weapons state, but permanent denuclearisation as they like to hear it”. Zarif elaborated that this would be “in return for what [Trump] has said he’s prepared to do and that is to go to Congress and have this ratified, which would mean Congress lifting the sanctions”.

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  • 22 September 2019

    President Rouhani declared that “we extend the hand of friendship to all our neighbours at this critical juncture. To do so, we are ready to even forgive their past mistakes, because we are in conditions that the enemies of the region, especially the U.S., imperialism and Zionism are seeking to take advantage of division”. He added that “our logic is based on self-ensuring security for the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, and the presence of foreign forces in this region can cause problems”. Rouhani also indicated that “we are going to propose an initiative in the UN that is based on the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran can ensure the security of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman with the help of regional countries”.

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  • 22 September 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif described the U.S. decision to bolster its forces in Saudi Arabia as “posturing”, and added that he was “confident that Iran did not play a role” in the 14 September attacks against Saudi energy facilities. Zarif also noted in passing that “the Israelis are attacking parts of [the] Iraqi military”. He went on to state that “we’re ready to talk [with President Trump]… we need to talk about something that is permanent. That would last”. Zarif additionally warned that “I’m not confident that we can avoid a war… I’m confident that we will not start one but I’m confident that whoever starts one will not be the one who finishes it”.

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  • 21 September 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami asserted that “we’d never allow the war to be drawn to our territory. An invasion will not remain limited. We give chase, and would not quit efforts until destruction of the aggressor. We will not leave anywhere safe”.

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  • 20 September 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official declared that “if the Americans think of any conspiracy, we will respond from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean… any anti-Iranian move will overturn the region”. He went on to say that “our policy is to create lasting peace and security in the region and [seek] the withdrawal of foreign forces, and we hope that our trans-regional enemies would know that Iran does not intend to invade or expand its territory”.

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  • 20 September 2019

    The U.S. Treasury Department issued sanctions “against the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), the National Development Fund of Iran (NDF) and Etemad Tejarate Pars Co. under its counterterrorism authority”. Secretary Mnuchin indicated that the “action targets a crucial funding mechanism that the Iranian regime uses to support its terrorist network, including the Qods force, Hizbollah and other militants that spread terror and destabilise the region”. Mnuchin also contended that “this is the last remaining source of funds… we’ve now cut off all sources of funds to Iran”. Secretary of State Pompeo commented that “the evidence points to Iran – and only Iran” in being behind the 14 September attack on Saudi oil facility, adding that “attacking other nations and disrupting the global economy has a price… our pressure of maximum pressure will continue to raise costs on the Islamic Republic of Iran until it reverses its destabilising policies across the Middle East and around the world”. Iran’s central bank chief argued that “the U.S. administration’s imposition of sanctions on the CBI again shows how empty their hands are in finding leverage against Iran”, while Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded to the designation by saying it showed Washington’s “desperation and the failure of its ‘maximum pressure’ policy”.

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  • 20 September 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “since the Saudi regime has blamed Iran – baseless as that is – for the [14 September] attacks on its oil facilities, curious that they retaliated against Hodeida in Yemen today—breaking a UN ceasefire. It is clear that even the Saudis themselves don’t believe the fiction of Iranian involvement”.

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  • 19 September 2019

    As the U.S. and Saudi Arabia accused Iran of having a hand in the 14 September attacks against Saudi energy facilities, IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that “we have become so much powerful that enemies are forced to lie and blame Iran for any incident which happens”.

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  • 19 September 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned that a clash between Iran and the U.S. or Saudi Arabia would result in “all-out war”. Zarif added that “we don’t want war, we don’t want to engage in a military confrontation… but we won’t blink to defend our territory”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    President Trump announced that he had “instructed the Secretary of the Treasury to substantially increase sanctions on the country of Iran”. Foreign Minister Zarif contended that the phrasing was an “admission that the U.S. is deliberately targeting ordinary citizens: economic terrorism, illegal and inhuman. Stop war and terror”. Prime Minister Netanyahu reacted by stating that “Iran’s aggression has increased of late, including in the Gulf, and this is precisely the time to increase pressure and sanctions”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, stated that “Iran’s strategic policy is to reduce tensions, avoid any conflict and resolve regional crises through dialogue. However, the country is fully prepared to monitor any intention or attempt to attack the Islamic Republic or its interests and will surprise aggressors most severely through a crushing and comprehensive response to possible evil actions”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    President Rouhani suggested that “the Yemeni nation was not the source of the conflict but it was Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the Americans, some European countries and the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] that began the war and destroyed Yemen”. He also contended, referring to the 14 September attack against Saudi energy facilities, that “the Yemenis did not target a school, hospital or market, but they attacked an industrial centre to warn their enemies”. “Iran”, Rouhani added, “has never started to cut ties and disrupt relations, and if even those who have cut ties step forward, we would like to have good relations with all the nations of the region and with our neighbours”. In related remarks, Defence Minister Amir Hatami stated that “a clash has occurred between two countries. One side of the clash are the Yemenis, who have announced explicitly that they have done the job”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and discussed “the unprecedented attacks against Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure” on 14 September. Pompeo stated that “the U.S. stands with Saudi Arabia and supports its right to defend itself. The Iranian regime’s threatening behaviour will not be tolerated”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    The Saudi-led coalition’s spokesperson announced that the 14 September attack on Saudi oil facilities “was launched from the north and unquestionably sponsored by Iran. We are working to know the exact launch point”. He added that the attack “did not originate from Yemen despite Iran’s best efforts to make it appear so”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo remarked that the 14 September attack on Saudi energy facilities “didn’t come from the Huthis…This was an Iranian attack. It’s not the case that you can subcontract out the devastation of five per cent of the world’s global energy supply and think that you can absolve yourself of responsibilities”. Pompeo also indicated that “we are working to build out a coalition to develop a plan to deter” Iran. He went on to assert that “some suggest that the President’s strategy that we allowed isn’t working. I would argue just the converse of that. I would argue that what you are seeing here is a direct result of us reversing the enormous failure of the JCPOA”. Pompeo added that “55 weeks from now, the whole world can sell exactly these missile systems, conventional missile systems to the Iranian government unencumbered by any sanctions… they’d have more complex ones but for the sanctions we put in place”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif seized on Pompeo’s characterisation of the 14 September attack as an “act of war” to posit “’act of war’ or agitation for war? Remnants of the B-Team (and ambitious allies) try to deceive President Trump into war”. Zarif also suggested “seizing [the] opportunity to end disaster in Yemen – not widening it”.

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  • 18 September 2019

    Iran’s President Rouhani remarked that “it is strange that the enemies of the region have not yet understood the power of the regional nations’ resistance… instead of admitting that Lebanon’s Hizbollah has high capabilities and power both in scientific and military knowledge and bravery in the field, or that a part of brave young people of Iraq have liberated different cities across the country from the hands of terrorists, and instead of admitting to the growth and greatness of nations like Syria and Yemen, they are seeking to accuse others”.

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  • 17 September 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “the [U.S.] policy of maximum pressure on the Iranian nation is of little importance, and all the officials in the Islamic Republic unanimously believe that there will be no negotiations at any level with the U.S.” He added that “if the enemy succeeds in proving that maximum pressure is the only effective way of dealing with Iran, then Iran and our dear nation will never be left in peace”. Khamenei went on to state that “if the U.S. backs off and repents, and implements the nuclear deal from which they have withdrawn, then the U.S. can also take part in and talk during negotiations between Iran and the countries that are part of this deal. Otherwise, there will be absolutely no negotiation between the officials of the Islamic Republic and the U.S. at any level”.

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  • 17 September 2019

    Iranian diplomatic spokesperson announced that “recently, within the framework of the comprehensive consultations of the Islamic Republic of Iran with all parties in Afghanistan, a political delegation from the Taliban travelled to our country to exchange views with the relevant Iranian officials about the latest developments in Afghanistan”.

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  • 17 September 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif argued that the “U.S. is in denial if it thinks that Yemeni victims of 4.5 years of the worst war crimes wouldn’t do all to strike back. Perhaps it’s embarrassed that $100s of billions of its arms didn’t intercept Yemeni fire”. He added that “blaming Iran won’t change that. Ending the war is the only solution for all”. Zarif further stated that “the U.S. isn’t upset when its allies mercilessly bomb babies in Yemen for over four years—with its arms and its military assistance. But it is terribly upset when the victims react the only way they can—against the aggressor’s oil refineries”.

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  • 16 September 2019

    Commenting on the 14 September attack against Saudi energy facilities, President Rouhani stated that “this problem has its roots in the Yemeni invasion. We must ask those who invaded Yemen and are bombing it daily why they did it… they have destroyed Yemen and killed a large number of Yemenis, and the Yemeni people have to respond to this [sic] many acts of aggression and guns coming from the U.S. and Europe to Saudi Arabia and the UAE”.

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  • 16 September 2019

    President Rouhani told his Turkish counterpart that “guaranteeing the security of the Persian Gulf waterways, the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz has always been important for Iran as the largest littoral state”. Rouhani added that “the security of regional waterways has to be protected only by its littoral states, and that the presence of U.S. forces and them inviting other countries to be present in the region will only increase the existing problems and tensions”.

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  • 16 September 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “there is only a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and this can only be achieved through constructive interaction and participation by all Syrian people”. He further argued that “U.S. troops must leave the area as soon as possible and that the Syrian government’s control must expand in the east and north of the Euphrates, as in the rest of Syria”.

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  • 16 September 2019

    President Rouhani stated that Israel “has increased the number of its acts of aggression on the Syrian soil in recent months, and its officials have claimed responsibility for the aggressions and have extended their attacks to Iraq and Lebanon”. He further asserted that “these attacks are a clear example of provocative and illegal hostile acts that can cause widespread tension and conflict in the region”.

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  • 16 September 2019

    The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, remarked that “Iran has always made it clear that acquiring, producing, stockpiling, and eventually the used of weapons of mass destruction is neither legitimate under religious principles nor envisaged in Iran’s defence doctrine”. He further noted that “although the [nuclear] deal has been praised as an outstanding achievement of years of diplomatic efforts, respective states have failed to go beyond expressing regret for the violation of UN Security Council resolution 2231 by the U.S. administration”. Salehi also emphasised that “Iran’s partial cessation of its commitments is reversible in case of full and effective implementation of JCPOA by the remaining parties to the deal”.

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  • 15 September 2019

    A senior IRGC commander warned that “all American bases and their vessels in a distance of up to 2,000km [from Iran borders] are within the range of our missiles”. He went to say that “we have constantly prepared ourselves for a full-fledged war”.

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  • 14 September 2019

    The Saudi government confirmed that “several explosions occurred as a result of terrorist attacks in Saudi Aramco plants in Khurais and Abqaiq… according to preliminary estimates, these explosions led to the interruption of a quantity of crude oil supplies estimated at 5.7 million barrels, or about 50 per cent of the company’s production”. The Huthis took responsibility for the operation, which they claimed was carried out using “tens of drones”. President Trump subsequently spoke to Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and, according to a Saudi readout of the conversation, “reasserted his country’s readiness to cooperate with the Kingdom, by all means conducive to maintain its security and stability”. U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo stated that “Tehran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy. Amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply. There is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen”. He further called on “all nations to publicly and unequivocally condemn Iran’s attacks. The U.S. will work with our partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and Iran is held accountable for its aggression”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded saying that “having failed at ‘maximum pressure’, Secretary Pompeo is turning to ‘max deceit’”.

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  • 13 September 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany, the UK and the EU jointly expressed “deep concern over Iran’s announcements and actions in contradiction with its commitments under the JCPOA”. They further announced that they would “continue to support the JCPOA and strongly urge[d] Iran to reverse all activities that are inconsistent with its commitments under the JCPOA and to refrain from any further steps. They call[ed] on Iran to cooperate with the IAEA on all relevant matters, including safeguards issues”.

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  • 12 September 2019

    In China, Iran’s military chief of staff stated that “Iran is fully ready under the current circumstances to defend its security and interests in the Persian Gulf”. He further argued that “history shows that we have never initiated [an act of] aggression or a war and will not do so, but we will firmly defend our security and sovereignty in case of any aggression or intervention by foreigners”.

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  • 11 September 2019

    President Rouhani contended that the U.S. “must understand that sticking to warmongers and war-mongering policies is no good and they must abandon warmongers and war-mongering policies and maximum pressure”. He also argued that “using peaceful nuclear technology is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s policy, and our logic regarding the JCPOA is commitment vis-à-vis commitment”. “If they [i.e. the deal’s other signatories] live up to their commitments, we will do the same, and if they violate their agreements, we will follow the same path”, Rouhani added.

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  • 11 September 2019

    President Rouhani told his French counterpart that “from the point of view of the Iranian government, parliament and people, negotiating with the U.S. under sanctions is pointless”. He also noted that “if agreements with Europe are finalised, we are ready to return to our JCPOA obligations and Iran and a P5+1 meeting is only possible when sanctions are lifted”.

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  • 11 September 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, cautioned that “the dismissal and installation of the U.S. officials and their presence in different positions would not change Iran’s understanding of the nature of the U.S. measures and policies, as both Obama and Trump… pursued a similar policy of sanctions against the Iranian nation”. He added that “the unprecedented expansion of the Islamic Republic’s regional power and the downing of the U.S.’s modern drone in the Persian Gulf exactly occurred during the period that [former US National Security Adviser John] Bolton was constantly threatening Iran… this clearly shows that Iran’s strategic policies are not affected by the hostile approaches of figures like Bolton”.

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  • 11 September 2019

    The Arab Quartet Ministerial Committee for Follow-up of the Crisis with Iran and Response to its Interventions in Arab Internal Affairs, chaired by the UAE and including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the Secretary-General of the Arab League, “condemned Iran’s continued support for terrorist and subversive acts in the Arab countries, including the continued firing of Iranian-made ballistic missiles from Yemeni territory into populated cities in the Kingdom”. It also denounced remarks by Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s as “intended to provoke sedition and incite hatred; and which is an extension of the dangerous role of this terrorist party, which is considered as one of the arms of Iran aiming to destabilise the security and stability in the region”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded that “the rehash of groundless accusations against [Iran’s] eternal ownership of its three islands in the Persian Gulf and the blame game by some Arab countries whose regional policies have failed are… the reason behind their failure to understand the realities of the region and the world”. He went on to say that “it is regrettable that some, instead of relying on the power of Persian Gulf states, make divergent, unfounded and undocumented allegations about the security of the region and welcome foreigners with their desperation”.

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  • 10 September 2019

    President Trump signed an Executive Order on Modernising Sanctions to Combat Terrorism. Secretary of State Pompeo explained that it “enhances the U.S.’s ability to target and deprive terrorists and their enablers of financial, material, and logistical support worldwide”.  It also provides authorities “to directly target leaders of terrorist groups and their associated entities without having to tie terrorist leaders to specific acts”, he added. Pompeo indicated that “the State Department is moving aggressively to implement these new authorities”, including designations against Hizbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials. In parallel, the U.S. Treasury Department designated “15 leaders, individuals, and entities affiliated with terror groups”, including Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods force. Iran’s Foreign Minister responded that “as the world—minus three or two panicked cohorts—was breathing a sigh of relief over ouster of the B-Team’s henchman in the White House, Pompeo and Mnuchin declared further escalation of economic terrorism against Iran”. He went on to say that the “thirst for war – maximum pressure – should go with the warmonger-in-chief”.

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  • 9 September 2019

    One day after a visit to Tehran, IAEA Acting Director-General Cornel Feruta briefed the Board of Governors and said “it is important to advance our interactions and, therefore, I also stressed the need for Iran to respond promptly to Agency questions related to the completeness of Iran’s safeguards declarations”. He added that “the Agency will continue its efforts and will remain actively engaged. Time is of the essence”.

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  • 9 September 2019

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed what he claimed was “another secret nuclear site… exposed in the archives that we brought from Tehran”. “In this site”, Netanyahu contended, “Iran conducted experiments to develop nuclear weapons”, adding that “when Iran realised that we uncovered the site… they destroyed the site. They just wiped it out”. He went on to warn Iran that “Israel knows what you’re doing, Israel knows when you’re doing it and Israel knows where you’re doing it. We will continue to expose your lies”. “The only way to stop Iran’s march to the bomb, and its aggression in the region”, Netanyahu concluded, “is pressure, pressure and more pressure”.

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  • 9 September 2019

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed what he claimed was “another secret nuclear site… exposed in the archives that we brought from Tehran”. “In this site”, Netanyahu contended, “Iran conducted experiments to develop nuclear weapons”, adding that “when Iran realised that we uncovered the site… they destroyed the site. They just wiped it out”. He went on to warn Iran that “Israel knows what you’re doing, Israel knows when you’re doing it and Israel knows where you’re doing it. We will continue to expose your lies”. “The only way to stop Iran’s march to the bomb, and its aggression in the region”, Netanyahu concluded, “is pressure, pressure and more pressure”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to say that “the possessor of real nukes cries wolf – on an alleged ‘demolished’ site in Iran”.

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  • 8 September 2019

    IAEA Acting Director-General Cornel Feruta visited Iran for discussions with senior Iranian foreign ministry and nuclear officials. According to the IAEA, there was “an emphasis on the ongoing interactions between the IAEA and Iran related to the implementation of the Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol”, with Feruta emphasising the need for “full and timely cooperation by Iran”. Foreign Minister Zarif told him that Iran’s incremental breaches of JCPOA commitments were “in response to the European sides’ failure to fulfil theirs”.

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  • 8 September 2019

    One day after President Trump revealed that he had cancelled meetings with Taliban and Afghan government officials at Camp David, Iran’s Foreign Minister indicated he was “gravely concerned about Afghanistan” and insisted that “defeated foreigners must leave and fratricide must end” He added that “Iran [is] prepared to work with Afghan government and parties—as well as neighbours—to forge [a] lasting end to violence”.

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  • 8 September 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced that “the Adrian Darya oil tanker finally docked on the Mediterranean coast and unloaded its cargo despite acts of sabotage by the U.S.”. He further underscored that “we had already announced that we would sell our oil in any way and that acts of sabotage would not affect our plans”.

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  • 7 September 2019

    U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton stated that the “IAEA Acting Director-General [is] going to Iran just as IAEA informs its Board that Iran may be concealing nuclear material and/or activities. We join with other IAEA Board member states eager to get a full report as soon as possible”.

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  • 7 September 2019

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) spokesperson explained the details of Iran’s “third step” in reducing its JCPOA commitments.

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  • 6 September 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that “our enemies are aware of only a small part of the reality about our defence capability. However, they know the Islamic Republic of Iran’s military and security power is impenetrable and invincible”.

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  • 6 September 2019

    U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo stated that “Iran announced it will violate all limits on nuclear research and development. The fact that Iran retains massive uranium enrichment capacity reveals a core weakness of the Iran deal”. He added that “we are confident that the UK, France, and Germany – indeed, all civilised nations – will take decisive actions to stop Iran’s nuclear extortion”.  Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif responded via tweet, saying “do you even know what civilized means, Secretary Pompeo? Is it sending drones over weddings to kill innocents? Piracy on the high seas? Maybe it’s pouring lethal weapons into a region to enable inhuman wars? Or, is it a millennia-old nation that hasn’t attacked anyone for centuries?”

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  • 5 September 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is nothing more than a jail warden: ask for reprieve (waiver), get thrown in solitary for the audacity. Ask again and you might end up in the gallows”. Zarif added that “the only way to mitigate U.S. economic terrorism (sanctions) is to decide to finally free yourself from the hangman’s noose”.

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  • 4 September 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff rejected the notion that Iran was sending weapons to the Huthis, contending that “how could one send a 9-meter-long missile to a country that is under blockade and is unable to receive medicine? These are illusions held by some”.

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  • 4 September 2019

    The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned “a large shipping network that is directed by and financially supports the IRGC Qods force and its terrorist proxy Hizbollah”. Secretary of State Pompeo commented that “maximum pressure continues… the Iranian regime funds the murderous Assad and terrorist proxies like Hizballah through its illicit oil sales. We’ll continue to deny Iran the resources it needs to destabilise the Middle East”.

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  • 4 September 2019

    The Swedish government confirmed “the release of some of the crew members of Swedish-owned and UK-flagged Stena Impero”, which Iran detained in the Strait of Hormuz on 19 July.

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  • 4 September 2019

    President Rouhani announced that “we made the first phase of [JCPOA] commitment reductions, then we gave the P4+1 two months, we went on to the second phase and gave them two more months, but every two months we had negotiations with the P4+1, including the EU, and in particular three European countries, but because we didn’t achieve our desired result, the third step will be taken tomorrow”. “In the third step”, Rouhani continued, “the Atomic Energy Organisation is required to start whatever technical needs of the country are in the field of research and development immediately, and put aside all commitments in the field of research and development in all kinds of new centrifuges and everything we need for enrichment”. Describing the move as “a very big step for the Islamic Republic of Iran”, Rouhani went on to add that “if we could reach an agreement, we may return to our obligations under the terms of [the JCPOA]”.

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  • 4 September 2019

    Referring to reports that the U.S. was offering money for the diversion of tankers bearing Iranian oil, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif commented that “having failed at piracy, the U.S. resorts to outright blackmail—deliver us Iran’s oil and receive several million dollars or be sanctioned yourself”. The U.S. State Department’s spokesperson, Morgan Ortagus, responded that “having failed at piracy, Iran resorts to outright blackmail – deliver us $15 billion or we will further our nuclear developments”.

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  • 4 September 2019

    The U.S. announced “a reward for up to $15m for information leading to the disruption of the financial mechanisms of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its branches”. The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, noted that “it’s the first time that the U.S. has offered a reward for information that disrupts a government entity’s financial operations. We have taken this step because the IRGC operates more like a terrorist organisation than it does a government”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson on 5 September hit back saying that “the surge in hostile comments and desperate measures, the most ridiculous one of which was putting up [a] reward for treason and espionage, are measures out of desperation and disappointment for targeting the Iranian nation… such measures will get nowhere as usual”.

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  • 3 September 2019

    The U.S. blacklisted “the Iran Space Agency and two of its research institutes … for engaging in proliferation-sensitive activities”. In a statement, Secretary of State Pompeo noted that “this is the first time the U.S. is designating Iran’s civilian space agency for activities that advance its ballistic missile program”, adding that “the U.S. will not allow Iran to use its space launch program as cover to advance its ballistic missile programs”. The following day Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif stated “the Americans are addicted to sanctions… these U.S. sanctions have no effect and the world is also beginning to ridicule the U.S.”

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  • 3 September 2019

    President Rouhani told parliament that “if Europe fulfils an important part of its [JCPOA] commitments, we may reconsider our commitments’ reduction, or else, we will definitely take the third step”. He added that “we have said it many times, and say it again that we have no decision for bilateral negotiations with the U.S. If the U.S. lifts all sanctions, it can enter the [P]5+1 negotiations like before”.

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  • 31 August 2019

    A senior Iranian diplomat stated that “the U.S. side has shown some flexibility in the licensing of Iranian oil sales… this is a breach in the U.S. maximum pressure policy and a success for Iran’s policy of maximum resistance”.

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  • 31 August 2019

    President Rouhani spoke by phone with his French counterpart and asserted that “if Europe cannot put its commitments into operation, Iran will take the third step in reducing its JCPOA commitments, which of course will be reversible”. He additionally underscored “that the continuation of negotiations for settling problems is the right decision and we need to continue along this path until we reach a desired point”. Rouhani also told Macron that “the leaders of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] have made countless miscalculations towards other countries like Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria, and they are announcing their acts of aggression proudly instead of apologising”.

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  • 30 August 2019

    The IAEA reportedly found that “Iran has accumulated 241.6kg of enriched uranium and is enriching at … up to 4.5 per cent”. A senior Iranian official posited that “this report… confirms that the agency has continued to monitor and verify Iran’s nuclear commitments under the JCPOA since the first day of implementation of the JCPOA”.  

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  • 30 August 2019

    President Trump declared that “the United States of America was not involved in the catastrophic accident during final launch preparations for the Safir SLV Launch at Semnan Launch Site One in Iran”. He added that “I wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One”. The tweet was accompanied by imagery of the site. In related remarks, Trump stated that “I just wish Iran well. They had a big problem. And we had a photo. And I released it, which I have the absolute right to do”. Trump added that “they had a mishap. It’s unfortunate. And so, Iran… they were going to set off a big missile, and it didn’t work out too well. It had nothing to do with us”.  

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  • 30 August 2019

    The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned “Adrian Darya 1, an oil tanker transporting 2.1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil ultimately benefitting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force”, as well as its captain.  Secretary of State Pompeo advised that “any who would consider supporting the IRGC should heed this warning”, adding that “non-U.S. persons who knowingly provide significant goods, services, or support to the individuals and entities designated today may themselves face sanctions consequences”. Pompeo also indicated that “the U.S. will continue to increase pressure on the Iranian regime until it changes its behaviour”. National Security Advisor John Bolton commented that “sanctions are serious, and so is captaining a vessel engaged in illicit activity. Let this be a lesson to anyone tempted to support moving Iranian oil destined for Assad’s murderous regime”. On 31 August Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that the “U.S. engages in piracy and threats to prevent Iran from selling oil to traditional customers”. “Stop nagging Secretary Pompeo”, Zarif added. “We will sell oil to any and all buyers”.

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  • 29 August 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced that “the first batch of individuals working with the so-called Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) will soon be introduced to relevant institutions, including the Judiciary, to be added to the sanctions list”.  U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo responded that “continuing attempts by the regime in Iran to intimidate FDD, an American think tank—a THINK TANK—must be condemned by all freedom-loving people around the world”. He added that “the U.S. does not take these threats lightly, and will hold the regime and its ‘apparatuses’ to account”. National Security Advisor John Bolton on 30 August added that “Iran threatening a U.S. think-tank is beyond the pale… Iran will be held accountable for any action taken to harm FDD or that of any American”.

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  • 29 August 2019

    The Treasury Department announced sanctions against “financial facilitators responsible for moving tens of millions of dollars between Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force and Hamas’ operational arm”. In a press statement, Secretary of State Pompeo indicated that “today’s designation reflects our determination to counter Iran’s malign influence and the financial, material, or technological support, or financial or other services to or in support of Hamas”. The Treasury Department also sanctioned Jammal Trust Bank in Lebanon, along with its subsidiaries, asserting that it “knowingly facilitates banking activities for Hizbollah”. Secretary Pompeo said the bank’s “misconduct undermines the integrity of the Lebanese financial system”, adding that “today’s designation deflects our determination to counter Hizbollah’s terrorist and illicit activities in Lebanon”.  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu praised “the important decision to impose sanctions on a Lebanese bank that serves as an Iranian financing arm for the Hizbollah terrorist organisation. This is an important step designed to put pressure on Iran and its proxies, which are acting against the State of Israel”.

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  • 29 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif stated that “it won’t be possible for us to engage with the U.S. unless they stop imposing a war and engaging in economic terrorism against the Iranian people”. He added that “if they want to come back into the room there is a ticket that they need to purchase and that ticket is to observe the agreement [JCPOA]”.

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  • 28 August 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff argued that “if the U.S. came close to taking action against us after the shooting down of the Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle but changed its mind under the pretext that several people would be killed, it is because of our deterrence power”.

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  • 28 August 2019

    The IRGC announced that it had killed two members of a Kurdish militant group and detained another whom it blamed for the death of an IRGC member in north-western Iran.

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  • 28 August 2019

    At the cabinet meeting, President Rouhani remarked that “the fact that our country’s foreign minister has visited different parts of the world and is negotiating, visiting France twice in a week means that the government is making a tremendous effort in serving people and defending their interests”. He further argued that “we need to take advantage of our friendly countries’ potentials to reduce the problems”.

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  • 27 August 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “the key to positive developments in the two countries’ relations is in Washington’s hands …This lock will not be opened unless you take the first step, which is lifting the unjust sanctions against the Iranian nation”. He added that “if somebody wants to just take a picture with Hassan Rouhani, this is not possible unless they lift all unjust sanctions and respect the Iranian nation’s rights, which will be a gamechanger”.

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  • 26 August 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “if I think that meeting with someone can resolve my country’s problems, I will not hesitate, because protecting the national interests of my country is a principle for me”. He further reiterated that “while we will withstand these sanctions, we will retaliate and reduce our [JCPOA] commitments, but we will open the door for negotiation and diplomacy”.

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  • 26 August 2019

    U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton called for “all hands on deck in the campaign to stop Iran from funding terror, destabilising the globe, and breaking international sanctions. Tthe illicit oil heading to Turkey on the Adrian Darya 1 must not be allowed [to be] off-loaded in port or at sea”. An Iranian official announced that the ship’s cargo had been purchased by an undisclosed buyer, adding that “I don’t know its destination”.

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  • 26 August 2019

    One day after Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif met with French President Emmanuel Macron and other European officials on the sidelines of the G-7, President Trump remarked that “I think that Iran is a country of tremendous potential.  We’re not looking for leadership change… we’re looking for no nuclear weapons, no ballistic missiles, and a longer period of time. Very simple. We can have it done in a very short period of time”. He went on to say that “if the circumstances were correct or right, I would certainly agree to [meeting President Rouhani]. But in the meantime, they have to be good players”. President Trump added that the Iranians “may need some money to get them over a rough patch… but it’s secured bail. So we’re really talking about a letter of credit-type facility”. He further noted that these “would be from numerous countries”.

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  • 25 August 2019

    A senior Iranian military official argued that “in our view, [the] formation of any coalition in the region without the participation of regional countries would create tensions… therefore, anyone joining the [U.S.-led maritime] coalition is considered to have made a hostile act against the Islamic Republic”.

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  • 24 August 2019

    Discussing an Iranian missile test, the IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, remarked that “our country is always the arena for testing a variety of defence and strategic systems and these are non-stop movements towards the growth of our deterrence power… and yesterday was one of the successful days for this nation”.

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  • 24 August 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry sanctioned a U.S. think tank, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and its CEO for having been “involved, in a conscious and intentional manner, in designing, imposing and intensifying the impacts of economic terrorism against Iran, and… seriously and actively trying to harm the Iranian people’s security and vital interests”. The ministry’s statement went on to indicate that “this measure will be without prejudice to any further legal measures that the other administrative, judicial or security institutions and organisations may take in order to counter, prosecute or punish the abovementioned persons or their Iranian and non-Iranian collaborators and accomplices”. The U.S. State Department’s spokesperson, Morgan Ortagus, responded that “the outlaw regime in Iran issued a threat today against FDD, an American think tank, and its CEO. The U.S. takes the regime’s threats seriously”. She added that “we intend to hold Iran responsible for directly or indirectly compromising the safety of any American”.

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  • 23 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif stated that “the U.S. has exacerbated tension in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere. Freedom of navigation is a global responsibility and the U.S. is committing piracy, in Gibraltar, with the help of some of its friends elsewhere”. He went on to say that “we are engaged in a war. It’s an economic war that the U.S. has imposed on Iran… I believe the U.S. should be pressured by the rest of the international community to abandon its policy of pressure and intimidation. It won’t work”.

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  • 22 August 2019

    At the unveiling ceremony of a domestic long range missile defence system, President Rouhani remarked that “when the enemy does not understand logic, we need to stand against them with all our might”. He added that “we are ready to negotiate and eliminate misunderstandings”.

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  • 22 August 2019

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami declared that based on Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s instructions, “we have not designed any missiles with unconventional warheads… we are focusing on the effectiveness of the missiles in terms of their precision, increased maneuverability, and speed as well as their conventional explosive power to defeat enemy’s air defense systems”.

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  • 22 August 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, stated that “economic war is an inseparable part of our enemies’ policies…We should arrange our economy and businesses based on this scenario and we see this [as] the main field of battle”. He added that “in current circumstances, war and peace are tangled but we understand delicacies of this war”.

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  • 22 August 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, asserted that “no country or coalition, except countries of the Persian Gulf region, can provide the area with security”. He further argued that “past experiences show that whenever other powers sought to set foot in the region with the claim of ensuring security, they only led to the escalation of tensions and even wars”.

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  • 22 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif declared that “it’s clear that the U.S.’ intention… [of having a] naval presence in the Persian Gulf is to counter Iran”. “Don’t expect us to remain quiet when somebody comes to our waters and threatens us”, Zarif added.

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  • 21 August 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “we have chosen the right path in reducing our ]JCPOA] commitments, and we have reiterated that there is a limit to our patience”. He added that “world powers know that if Iran’s oil export is reduced to zero, international waterways will not have the same security they used to; therefore, unilateral pressure against Iran cannot be to their benefit and ensure their security in the region and the world”.

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  • 20 August 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, stated that “the sanctions campaign is not for negotiation, it’s for making us surrender”. He further asserted that “as long as this approach is taken by the U.S., Iran will never ever seek negotiations”. Shamkhani went on to warn that Tehran had “multiple instruments at hand, including the proxy war” should hostilities break out with the U.S.

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  • 20 August 2019

    Referring to a U.S.- Turkey agreement following talks “to coordinate the establishment of a safe zones in northern Syria”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “such kind of measures, like the other actions by the American officials, are destabilising and will create insecurity, apart from being instances of interference in Syria’s internal affairs”.

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  • 19 August 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff asserted that “incidents, including the shooting down of a U.S. intruding spy drone and the seizure of the violating British oil tanker, and finally, the release of our tanker in Gibraltar, reflect the fact that the Islamic Revolution powerfully continues its path to achieve its exalted causes”.

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  • 19 August 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “the U.S. request for the continued detention [of Iran’s Grace 1 oil tanker] is illegal”. He went on to say that “through its official channels, and especially the Swiss embassy, ​​Iran has warned U.S. officials not to make the mistake [of seizing it] because they would face bad consequences”.

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  • 18 August 2019

    During a visit to Kuwait, Foreign Minister Zarif argued that that “we are the ones who will definitely remain in this region and foreigners are meant to leave”. He also contended that “Iran’s proposal for [a] Regional Dialogue Forum and non-aggression pact trumps reliance on extraneous actors”.

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  • 18 August 2019

    Iranian President Rouhani remarked that “the presence of foreign forces in any regional countries creates problems and we are certain that the military presence of the U.S. in Afghanistan is not beneficial to the security in the country and its people”. He further asserted that “any peace without the opinions of the people and their representatives will be meaningless, and Iran supports the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and [the] Afghan people’s vote”.

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  • 18 August 2019

    Iran’s Defence Minister Amir Hatami told a visiting Iraqi minister that “fortifying Iraq’s defence power is one of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s main strategies”. He added that “we deem the security of Iraq as being in line with our own security, and care about Iraq’s security to the same extent that we make efforts for our own stability and security”.

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  • 18 August 2019

    An Iranian MP quoted the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, as saying that “we have built new and modern halls to assemble centrifuges and nearly 20 IR-6 centrifuges have been assembled in the hall”.

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  • 18 August 2019

    A senior IRGC commander warned “the Persian Gulf countries that if an incident was to occur for one of the atomic battleships in the Persian Gulf, they wouldn’t even have drinking water anymore”.

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  • 17 August 2019

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry hosted a meeting with Yemen’s Huthis, the UK, France, Germany, and Italy.  The UK ambassador in Iran, Rob Macaire, emphasised that it was “important to have dialogue both on [the] political track and humanitarian crisis”.

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  • 16 August 2019

    One day after Gibraltar announced that an Iranian tanker, Grace 1, was “released from detention”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “Iran has made no commitment that the ship would not go to Syria because from the early hours of the tanker’s detention, we announced that Syria was not its destination and we have upheld the same … and reiterated that it was nobody’s business even if it was Syria”. He added that “we support Syria in all areas, including oil and energy… this is legal and has nothing to do with any third country”.

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  • 15 August 2019

    Gibraltar announced than an Iranian tanker, Grace 1, detained on 4 July was “now released from detention”, while also noting that the U.S. had “requested that a new legal procedure for the detention of the vessel should be commenced”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “the U.S. attempted to abuse the legal system to steal our property on the high seas”, adding that “this piracy attempt is indicative of the Trump administration’s contempt for the law”.

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  • 14 August 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “all propaganda about a new coalition in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman are impractical and superficial. Without a doubt, if a part of these propagandas is put into action, they will not be beneficial for the security of the region”. He went on to say that “regional states can ensure the security of the region with unity, integrity and dialogue”. Referring to Israel’s involvement in a U.S.-led maritime security initiative, President Rouhani stated that “the Israelis had better ensure the security of where they are! They have brought about insecurity, massacre and terror wherever they were present”.

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  • 14 August 2019

    At a cabinet session, President Rouhani stated that “in the recent days, the Americans have recognised the importance of another part of the deal and understood that if the JCPOA continues until next year, all arms embargos will be lifted”. He reiterated that “we are negotiating with neighbouring countries and others in the world to strengthen our relations. But if we do not achieve our goals after the second 60 days, we will definitely begin the third step [in reducing JCPOA compliance]. We will also wait another 60 days for reaching a logical, balanced solution”.

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  • 14 August 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “the coalition of Saudi and Emirati invaders and their mercenaries, who have been unable to shatter the willpower of [Yemeni] people despite using various advanced weapons, massacre, and wreaking widespread destruction over the past five years and who have failed in the face of the fortitude and resistance of people across Yemen, are now seeking to partition Yemen with a suspicious plot”. He added that “the Islamic Republic of Iran always supports a ‘united Yemen’ and deems protecting its integrity a common responsibility of all Yemeni people”.

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  • 13 August 2019

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) spokesperson announced that the enriched uranium “stockpile is at least 60 to 70 kg more than 300kg [JCPOA limit], and this amount is growing rapidly”.

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  • 13 August 2019

    In a meeting with a visiting Huthi delegation, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that “Saudi Arabia and UAE and their supporters have committed major crimes in Yemen and certainly won’t get their favourite results”. He added that “they seek to divide Yemen [and] this plot should be strongly resisted and a unified, coherent Yemen with sovereign integrity should be endorsed”.

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  • 12 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif asserted that “the threats [in the region] are coming from the U.S. and its allies who are pouring weapons in the region, making it a tinderbox ready to blow up”. He added that “based on experience, the presence of U.S. and foreign naval fleet in the Persian Gulf has never produced security”. Zarif further suggested that “the best the Americans can do for protection of maritime navigation is to just leave people alone. Don’t interfere, this is a hostile act against Iran and I don’t believe any other impact other than insecurity”.

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  • 11 August 2019

    Iranian President Rouhani told the Emir of Qatar that “the maintenance and strengthening of regional security, especially in the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman, is very important for Iran”. He further stated that “Tehran believes that the ease of regional tensions is beneficial for everyone and we hope that the Americans realise that the path they have chosen is incorrect, which will not have any winner. They have to change their behaviour”.

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  • 11 August 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif told a visiting Huthi spokesperson that “the Islamic Republic of Iran has always supported Yemeni-Yemeni talks and the full implementation of the Stockholm Agreements”.

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  • 10 August 2019

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “the stratagem of the ‘Deal of the Century’ prepared by the oppressive U.S., and its treasonous cohorts, is a crime against the society of humankind, and not just the Palestinian nation”. He further called “everyone to active participation in overcoming this stratagem by the enemy”. Secretary of State Pompeo hit back at what he described as Khamenei’s “faux concern for the Palestinian people”, adding that “it’s sick that on the eve of Tisha B’av – a solemn day for the Jewish people – Khamenei calls for violence against the Jewish state”. “Khamenei doesn’t see ‘progress’ as prosperity for the Palestinian people”, Pompeo continued, “but Palestinian terrorists switching from rocks to rockets to kill more Jews. The Iranian people don’t want this; they deserve leadership behaviours that reflect their greatness”.

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  • 10 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif remarked that “American pressure on Iran is due to Iran’s power and might and not weakness”. He added that “the U.S. is worried about its defeat in the field of diplomacy”.

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  • 9 August 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson called Israel’s involvement in a U.S.-led maritime security initiative “a clear threat to Iran’s national security”, and asserted that “Iran reserves the right to counter this threat within the framework of the country’s defence policy”. “Responsibility for all the consequences of this dangerous act would lie with the American regime and the illegitimate Zionist regime”, he added.

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  • 9 August 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif stated that the “Persian Gulf is [a] vital lifeline and thus national security priority for Iran, which has long ensured maritime security”. He contended that “mindful of this reality, any extra-regional presence is by definition [a] source of insecurity – despite propaganda. Iran won’t hesitate to safeguard its security”.

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  • 8 August 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami remarked that “a power… has been shaped in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and elsewhere, and the enemy is mindful that any new war may pose a full-blown threat against the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] and put it in the path to an irreversible collapse”. Salami went on to content that “a number of U.S. allies in the region were encouraging the U.S. to wage a war [on Iran], but they realized that a war with Iran would threaten their political systems, so they remained silent”. He added that “I am confident that today, the Zionists and regional allies are not interested in a war, because they know that the geography of such war would be broad, and they know the result”.

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  • 8 August 2019

    Iran’s Defence Minister, Amir Hatami, asserted that “the military coalition that the U.S. wants to form under the pretext of providing shipping security will only further escalate insecurity in the region”. Hatami added that “security must be provided by the regional countries, who should enter constructive negotiations in this regard”, and argued that “the region should not become a place for the free presence of aliens”. He also indicated that Israeli involvement in U.S.-led maritime initiatives “would be extremely provocative and have disastrous consequences for the region”.

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  • 8 August 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned the hosting by Bahrain of what it described as “an anti-Iran summit on maritime security” and contended that “such meetings are a move to disrupt stability and security and pave the way for interference in the Persian Gulf region by trans-regional powers and the Zionist regime of Israel”. In response, Bahraini Foreign Ministry stated that “hosting such meetings and conferences come in line with the Kingdom’s continued efforts and policies that are based on active participation to provide security and peace through collective action and joint cooperation with allies and international partners”. It also “called upon Iran to stop such irresponsible statements, refrain from issuing empty threats or committing any acts that may cause tensions and to commit to de-escalation”.

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  • 7 August 2019

    In a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, Iran called the 31 July U.S. designation of its foreign minister a “gross violation of the fundamental norms and principles of international law”, and urged the Secretary-General “to play your active role in preserving the integrity of the United Nations in line with your responsibility to counter the current dangerous trend”.

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  • 7 August 2019

    The IRCC announced that two of its forces were killed during a skirmish in north-western Iran.

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  • 6 August 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that the U.S. “is plagued with contradiction; they speak of unconditional negotiation and then impose sanctions on the Supreme Leader and the Foreign Minister. No negotiations with the current U.S. government can be imagined without the permission of the Supreme Leader and the management of the Foreign Minister”. He added that “if the U.S. really wants to negotiate, it must lift all sanctions before any action is taken”. Rouhani went on to state that “peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars… security against security, strait against strait, peace against peace, and oil against oil; this is what we say”.

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  • 6 August 2019

    President Rouhani told his French counterpart that “we pay special attention to security and freedom of navigation in the region and Strait of Hormuz. Tens of ships navigate freely in the region, and Iranian forces monitor the process based on regulations”. He also reiterated that “by reducing its [nuclear] commitments, Iran has been seeking to secure its interests under the JCPOA and get other signatories to live up to their commitments for further stability and solidity of the important deal”.

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  • 5 August 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif remarked that “the repeated statements by Secretary of State Pompeo that Iran must change its policies in order for Iranians to eat is pure economic terrorism”. He added that “while President Trump may want a photo op, the U.S. isn’t interested in talks; rather, Iran’s submission. That will never happen”. Zarif, appearing to allude to 31 July U.S. sanctions against him, further noted that “an example of U.S. tactics [is] threatening to designate somebody in two weeks unless he accepts your invitation to chat in the Oval Office”. He added that is was “time for regional leaders to focus on regional solutions: dialogue and [a] non-aggression pact is a good start”.

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  • 4 August 2019

    Iran and Qatar held a joint coast guard meeting in Tehran.

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  • 1 August 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “we may reach positive results in negotiations in the coming weeks; but if we do not, we will take the third step [in breaching the JCPOA] firmer”. He added that “we will keep negotiating, but will manage the country based on failure of negotiations”. President Rouhani also noted that “if the JCPOA stands, [the] arms embargo will be lifted politically and legally next year”.

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  • 31 July 2019

    The Treasury Department announced sanctions against Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.  Secretary of State Pompeo stated that “Zarif is a key enabler of Ayatollah Khamenei’s policies throughout the region and around the world” and argued that “this action represents another step toward denying the Iranian regime the resources to enable terror and oppress the Iranian people”. National Security Advisor John Bolton asserted that the move “sends a signal that we consider Javad Zarif… an illegitimate spokesman for Iran”. President Rouhani called the designation “childish behaviour”, while Zarif reacted by saying that it “has no effect on me or my family, as I have no property or interests outside of Iran. Thank you for considering me such a huge threat to your agenda”.

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  • 31 July 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “instead of making empty and disingenuous offers, Secretary of State Pompeo can accept any of the many requests from Iranian reporters to interview U.S. officials. He has refused until now, as he knows he has to be accountable to rigorous questioning—the very same way I am by the U.S. media”.

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  • 31 July 2019

    Referring to the reports of a 31 July missile test, Defence Minister Amir Hatami stated that “the Armed Forces implement their plans, including missile tests, on a fully routine basis”.

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  • 31 July 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “INSTEX should not be turned into a tool for carrying out U.S. orders”, adding that “tensions, chaos and problems are rooted in the U.S. economic terrorism against Iran and the European countries’ failure to deliver on their promises, which is counted as complicity in economic terror”.

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  • 31 July 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “we have always expressed our interest in communication with neighboring states. But it’s only possible when they give up interference in domestic affairs of other countries”. He added that “if Saudi Arabia is ready for talks, we are ready as well. We have never closed the door of negotiation with our neighbors and won’t do so”.

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  • 30 July 2019

    President Rouhani told his French counterpart that “Iran has always been the main provider of freedom and security of navigation in the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman, and it will continue to play this role”. He added that “Iran has not begun any tension in the region and will not do so, but it will defend its interests against any tension creation powerfully”. With regards to Iran’s incremental breaches of the JCPOA, Rouhani stated that “the more time passes and Iran takes the next steps, the harder it will be for both sides to return to the beginning point”, while also noting that “Iran’s move to reduce its JCPOA commitments so far is able to return to its previous state very fast if Iran’s economic interests are met”.

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  • 30 July 2019

    A UAE delegation visited Tehran for discussions on maritime cooperation.

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  • 30 July 2019

    Unconfirmed media reports claimed that Israel had on 19 July and 28 July struck Iran-linked facilities in Iraq.

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  • 29 July 2019

    President Trump tweeted that “just remember, the Iranians never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!” Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif replied that “for millennia, Iranians have outlasted every aggressor. But, the U.S. has spent $7 trillion and rivers of blood in our region, in its biggest failure since Vietnam”. He further advised President Trump to “reject the B-Team’s fake history and its thirst for forever war. Diplomacy equals prudence; never weakness”.

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  • 29 July 2019

    A senior Iranian military official claimed that “we are able to discover various types of so-called stealth aircraft and drones of the enemy”, adding that “[we] powerfully discover and warn a variety of advanced American aircraft”.

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  • 24 July 2019

    At a cabinet meeting, President Rouhani reiterated that “the reduction of our country’s [nuclear] obligations is temporary and if they fully comply with their obligations, we are able to return to the previous situation, and if the other party takes the right and balanced action, and a ceasefire in the economic war is announced, there will be an opportunity to talk to each other and to come to a conclusion”. He added that “of course, there are countries as intermediaries, and there are correspondences and calls underway, and everyone should know that we will never miss the opportunity for negotiation”. Rouhani added: “We consider surrendering not right… but we are always ready for a fair, respectful negotiation, and we are ready now”.

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  • 24 July 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson condemned remarks by President Trump about Afghanistan and stated that “the Islamic Republic of Iran stands by the resilient nation, the government, and the educated people of the brotherly and neighbouring country of Afghanistan”.

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  • 22 July 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met with a delegation of senior Hamas officials in Tehran.

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  • 22 July 2019

    An Intelligence Ministry official announced the arrest of 17 individuals accused of spying for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He added that “the rulings for these spies have been issued and a number of them will be executed”. President Trump stated that “the report of Iran capturing CIA spies is totally false. Zero truth. Just more lies and propaganda (like their shot down drone) put out by a religious regime that is badly failing and has no idea what to do”. Trump added that “their economy is dead, and will get much worse. Iran is a total mess!”. Secretary of State Pompeo also commented that “the Iranian regime has a long history of lying… I would take with a significant grain of salt any Iranian assertion of Iranian actions taken”. 

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  • 22 July 2019

    Referring to the recent tensions with the UK, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “it’s important for everybody to realize, it’s important for Boris Johnson to understand, that Iran does not seek confrontation”. He added that “Iran wants to have normal relations based on mutual respect”. UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesperson stated that “we do not seek confrontation with Iran but it is unacceptable and highly escalatory to seize a ship going about legitimate business through internationally recognized shipping lanes”. Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt described Iran’s 19 July detention of the UK-flagged Stena Impero as “state piracy”, adding that “we will now seek to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to support safe passage of both crew and cargo in this vital region”.  

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  • 21 July 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson announced that “Iran appreciates efforts by the authorities of Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and Oman to secure the safe return of Iran’s Happiness 1 oil tanker”.

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  • 21 July 2019

    The IRGC announced that two of its forces were killed and two wounded in a clash with “elements of a terrorist group” in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 21 July 2019

    Referring to the recent tensions with the UK, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “having failed to lure President Trump into War of the Century, and fearing collapse of his B-Team, [National Security Advisor] John Bolton is turning his venom against the UK in hopes of dragging it into a quagmire”. He added that “only prudence and foresight can thwart such ploys”.

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  • 20 July 2019

    Following Iran’s seizure of a UK-flagged tanker on 19 July, UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt stated that “Iran may be choosing a dangerous path of illegal and destabilising behaviour after Gibraltar’s legal detention of oil bound for Syria”, adding that “our reaction will be considered but robust”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posited that “unlike the piracy in the Strait of Gibraltar, our action in the Persian Gulf is to uphold international maritime rules”. He went on to say that “it is Iran that guarantees the security of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. [The] UK must cease being an accessory to the economic terrorism of the U.S.”.

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  • 20 July 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, stated that “the remarks made by the U.S. National Security Adviser, in which he denied Iran’s right to enrich uranium, are a symbol of the non-commitment, unilateralism and ignorance of all international norms and lack any legal value or credibility”. He argued that “such remarks show that Iran’s measure to reduce its nuclear commitments is the only way to face a country that does not accept to meet any commitments”.

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  • 19 July 2019

    The IRGC announced that it had detained a UK-flagged oil tanker, Stena Impero, in the Strait of Hormuz. A second vessel, Mesdar, was also boarded but let off with a warning about “safety issues”. UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt called the seizure “completely unacceptable” and asserted that “if this situation is not resolved quickly there will be serious consequences”.

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  • 18 July 2019

    President Trump stated that a U.S. vessel “took defensive action against an Iranian drone, which had closed into a very, very near distance… ignoring multiple calls to stand down and was threatening the safety of the ship and the ship’s crew. The drone was immediately destroyed”. Trump described the incident as “the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters”, and added that “the U.S. reserves the right to defend our personnel, our facilities, and interests, and calls upon all nations to condemn Iran’s attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce”. Iran denied losing a drone.

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  • 18 July 2019

    Vice President Mike Pence remarked that “Iran’s leaders aren’t content to persecute only their own people.  They routinely export violence and terrorism throughout the region, including to their neighbors in Iraq.  To this day, Iranian-backed militias extort and terrorise the people of the Nineveh plain, which is still recovering from the days of ISIS’s brutal reign”. He went on to say that “the U.S. will not stand idly by while Iranian-backed militias spread terror.  And today I’m announcing that the U.S. has placed sanctions on two leaders of Iranian-backed militias for all they’ve done”.

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  • 16 July 2019

    In a letter sent to Iranian Permanent Mission to the UN, the U.S. restricted the movement of Iranian diplomats and their families living in New York. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif commented that “it is certainly not a friendly action. It puts the members of the mission and their families under basically inhuman conditions”.

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  • 16 July 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “now that we have started to reduce our [JCPOA] commitments, they [the Europeans] step forward. They are very insolent, and they have not abided by their eleven commitments. We have just started to reduce some of our commitments, and this process will surely continue”. Referring to the 4 July detention of an oil tanker off Gibraltar, he declared that “among all these nonsensical expectations, the vicious government of Britain commits piracy, and steals our ship. They commit crimes and make it appear legal. The Islamic Republic and devout agents of the system will respond to these vicious acts”.

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  • 16 July 2019

    At a cabinet meeting, President Trump stated that with regards to Iran “a lot of progress has been made. And if they’d like to talk, then we’ll see what happens.” He went on to reiterate that “they can’t have a nuclear weapon. We’re not looking, by the way, for regime change… and we want them to get out of Yemen”.  Secretary of State Pompeo asserted that “with respect to Iran, we’ve done three things. We’ve supported the Iranian people… we’ve continued to work with this coalition [of Gulf countries and Israel] that all understands that the largest threat to Middle East security is, in fact, the Islamic Republic of Iran… thirdly, we’ve imposed a series of sanctions on the Iranian regime”.  He added that “the Iranian regime is struggling to figure out what they’re going to do with their economy because we’ve been terribly effective…for the first time the Iranians have said that they’re prepared to negotiate about their missile program”. An Iranian spokesperson rejected Iran’s willingness to discuss its missile program, saying that “Iran’s missiles and its missiles are absolutely and under no condition negotiable with anyone or any country, period”.

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  • 15 July 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson argued that “it would be unrealistic and in violation of the goals, logic and contents of the JCPOA to expect Iran to return to the situation before May 8, 2019 unless it is proved that the European parties have a serious political will and the practical ability to create a balance in implementing the JCPOA commitments and helping Iran reap the benefits of the sanctions removal as enshrined in the JCPOA”.

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  • 15 July 2019

    The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, indicated that “for the time being, none of the parties to the [nuclear] agreement have signalled their intention to invoke” the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism. She added that “none of them is – for the moment, for the time being… considering the non-compliance [by Iran] a ‘significant’ non-compliance”.

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  • 15 July 2019

    The U.S. granted a restricted visa for Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s travel to New York for a UN meeting. Secretary of State Pompeo commented that “U.S. diplomats don’t roam around Tehran, so we don’t see any reason for Iranian diplomats to roam freely around New York City, either”. Pompeo went on to contend that Zarif “uses the freedoms of the U.S. to come here and spread malign propaganda… he’s the mouthpiece of that autocracy. And they suppress free speech”. He also expressed willingness to appear on Iranian media to convey “that we’re supportive of the Iranian people, that we understand that the revolutionary theocracy is not acting in a way that is in their best interest”.

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  • 15 July 2019

    During a visit to New York, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told a U.S. media outlet that “once those [U.S.] sanctions are lifted, then … the room for negotiation is wide open”. He reiterated that “it is the U.S. that left the bargaining table. And they’re always welcome to return”. Zarif also asserted that “I do not believe that President Trump wants war. But I believe that people are around him who wouldn’t mind”.

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  • 14 July 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “the Islamic Republic of Iran is in no negotiations with the U.S. officials at any level”.

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  • 14 July 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany, and the UK (E3) jointly indicated that “we are concerned by the risk that the JCPOA further unravels under the strain of sanctions imposed by the U.S. and following Iran’s decision to no longer implement several of the central provisions of the agreement”. They added “the time has come to act responsibly and seek a path to stop the escalation of tensions”, going on to state that “we will continue to explore the avenues of dialogue foreseen under the agreement to address Iran’s compliance, including through the Joint Commission of the JCPOA”.

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  • 13 July 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif told UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt that “the UK government must immediately make the necessary arrangements to end the illegal confiscation of the Iranian oil tanker” detained off the coast of Gibraltar on 4 July. He went on to say “Iran will keep exporting oil under any circumstances”. Hunt stated that “our concern has always been destination, not origin of the oil” adding that the tanker could be released “if we received sufficient guarantees that it would not be going to Syria”.

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  • 12 July 2019

    The IRGC announced that it struck positions of “anti-Revolution terrorist groups” in Iraqi Kurdistan following a series of clashes against its forces.

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  • 11 July 2019

    The IRGC claimed to have dismantled “a terrorist group” in an ambush in western Iran; there was one reported IRGC fatality.

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  • 11 July 2019

    In a statement, the British defence ministry asserted that “three Iranian vessels attempted to impede the passage of a commercial vessel, British Heritage, through the Strait of Hormuz”. The IRGC rejected the claim, stating that “there have been no encounters with foreign vessels, including the British ones”.

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  • 11 July 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson stated that “following the steps that the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken to balance its rights against its obligations [under the JCPOA], some measures and efforts have started by countries that are members of the JCPOA or outside of the deal” to save the deal.

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  • 10 July 2019

    At a cabinet meeting, President Rouhani referred to the 4 July detention of an oil tanker off Gibraltar and said that “I tell the British that they are the initiator of insecurity and you will understand its consequences later”. He further stated that “of course, it is possible that the British have done this at the order of the U.S. or the so-called the B-Team; but it’s still a wrong move”. Rouhani also remarked that “on the one hand, they [the U.S.] describe the JCPOA [as] a very bad deal and withdraw from it without any reason, and on the other hand, they all express concern about Iran curbing some of its commitments; but it is the U.S. that we need to worry about, because it has violated the entire deal”. Rouhani reiterated that “we did not violate the structure of the JCPOA; we gave you 14 months, and extended it for two other months”.

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  • 10 July 2019

    The IAEA reportedly confirmed that Iran was enriching uranium to 4.5 per cent, exceeding the 3.67 per cent level set by the JCPOA.

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  • 10 July 2019

    With the IAEA convening a special meeting called by the U.S. on Iran’s nuclear activity, Foreign Minister Zarif contended that there was “irony” to the session considering that “a) the U.S. abhors the JCPOA, axed and violates it, and punishes all who observe it; b) the U.S. has no standing to raise JCPOA issues; c) Iran fully complied with JCPOA per 15 IAEA reports; d) Iran’s actions are lawful under paragraph 36 of the accord”.

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  • 10 July 2019

    President Rouhani told a visiting senior French official that “Iran has kept the door of diplomacy and negotiation fully open, and we hope that the parties to the JCPOA take the best advantage of this opportunity until we reach the optimum point, which is the full implementation of the JCPOA”. He went on to say that “the main goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that the commitments stipulated under the JCPOA be fully implemented by its parties, and if they live up to their commitments, Iran will take new steps in completing its commitments”. Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, also met with the French official and stated that “today, the U.S. has held Europe’s independence hostage, and the EU states must stand against the U.S. unilateralism to defend their identity and independence”.

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  • 10 July 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “undoubtedly, a crushing response awaits those who intend to harm the security of the country and its borders”.

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  • 10 July 2019

    In a statement to the IAEA Board of Governors, the EU expressed its concerns over Iran’s breach of JCPOA limits on enriched uranium stockpiles and enrichment rates and “urge[d] Iran to reverse these steps and to return to full JCPOA compliance without delay”; the EU also reiterated that it “deeply regrets the U.S. withdrawal” from the deal. The statement also underscores that “compliance issues are to be addressed within [the JCPOA] framework, including by the Joint Commission”.

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  • 9 July 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany, the UK and the EU jointly expressed “deep concern that Iran is pursuing activities inconsistent with its commitments under the JCPOA”. They urged “full JCPOA compliance without delay”, adding that “these compliance issues must be addressed within the framework of the JCPOA, and a Joint Commission should be convened urgently​”.

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  • 9 July 2019

    Referring to the seizure of an oil tanker off Gibraltar, Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “this measure will not go unanswered, and if necessary, the response to such a shameful move will be put on the agenda, at an appropriate time and place”.

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  • 9 July 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “Bolton and Netanyahu killed the Paris agreement between the E3 and Iran in 2005 by insisting on zero enrichment. Result? Iran increased its enrichment 100 fold by 2012. Now they’ve lured President Donald Trump into killing JCPOA with the same delusion”. “The B-Team hasn’t learned”, Zarif added, “but the world should”.

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  • 9 July 2019

    The IRCC announced that three of its forces were killed and one wounded in an ambush in western Iran.

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  • 9 July 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “Bolton and Netanyahu killed the Paris agreement between the E3 and Iran in 2005 by insisting on zero enrichment. Result? Iran increased its enrichment 100 fold by 2012. Now they’ve lured President Donald Trump into killing JCPOA with the same delusion”. “The B-Team hasn’t learned”, Zarif added, “but the world should”. National Security Advisor John Bolton responded that “my thanks to Foreign Minister Zarif for the kind words. Someday, I’ll explain to him how to end a bad deal”.

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  • 9 July 2019

    Speaking against the backdrop of an F-35 during a visit to a military base, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that “recently, Iran has been threatening the destruction of Israel. It would do well to remember that these planes can reach anywhere in the Middle East, including Iran and certainly Syria”. Speaking a few days later, Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami warned that “enemies’ aggression against Iran’s territorial integrity, at any level, will receive a severe response”.

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  • 8 July 2019

    Referring to the detention of an oil tanker off Gibraltar, Defence Minister Amir Hatami declared that “the action runs counter to international regulations and is a kind of maritime piracy… definitely this maritime piracy will not be tolerated by us”. Foreign Minister Zarif also argued that “Iran is neither a member of the EU nor subject to any European oil embargo. Last I checked, EU was against extraterritoriality”. He went on to say that the “UK’s unlawful seizure of a tanker with Iranian oil on behalf of the B-Team is piracy, pure and simple. It sets a dangerous precedent and must end now”.

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  • 7 July 2019

    Iran announced that it would start enriching uranium above the 3.67 per cent level set by the JCPOA. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that “today, Iran is taking its second round of remedial steps under Paragraph 36 of the JCPOA. We reserve the right to continue to exercise legal remedies within JCPOA to protect our interests in the face of U.S. economic terrorism. All such steps are reversible only through E3 compliance”. An EU spokesperson responded to the news saying that “we are extremely concerned at Iran’s announcement… we strongly urge Iran to stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its commitments”.

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  • 6 July 2019

    President Rouhani told his French counterpart that “continuation of this economic war [by the U.S.] can lead to other threats in the region and the world”.

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  • 4 July 2019

    A tanker bearing Iranian crude was seized off Gibraltar, purportedly after the U.S. had called for its detention. A Gibraltarian official stated that “this action arose from information giving the Gibraltar government reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel, the Grace 1, was acting in breach of EU sanctions against Syria”. National Security Advisor John Bolton described the detention as “excellent news”, adding that the U.S. “and our allies will continue to prevent regimes in Tehran and Damascus from profiting off this illicit trade”. A senior Iranian official subsequently warned that “if Britain does not release the Iranian oil tanker, it is the authorities’ duty to seize a British oil tanker”; Tehran also insisted that the vessel was not bound for Syria.

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  • 4 July 2019

    A senior Iranian official stated that “the U.S. has already bitten the logic of dialogue and diplomacy and has harmed world security by adopting the strategy of unilateralism and withdrawing from the international treaties”. He added that “the U.S. has been biting the Iranian nation for 40 years, but the antidote of ‘active resistance’ continues to drive… Iran forward firmly and hopefully”.

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  • 3 July 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “the Americans started the fire in the region a year ago, but they are saying that playing with fire is dangerous… the only way to put out this fire is to return to commitments and United Nations’ resolutions, but if they do not want to return to these commitments, the Islamic Republic of Iran will start the next step exactly after 60 days”. He added that “Iran’s move to reduce its commitments is not aimed at undermining the JCPOA, but also an attempt to save it; because we believe that if we don’t do anything, the deal will be lost”. He also stated that “our enrichment level will be based on our needs… from July 7, Iran’s enrichment level will no longer be 3.67, and we will increase it to the level we need”.

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  • 3 July 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, assessed that “under the current circumstances… the enemies that are worried about the outbreak of a war, and these concerns are obvious in their physical and tactical behaviour”.

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  • 3 July 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “Hajj is a political act and this political act is identically a religious obligation. That they prohibit such political acts is itself a political move, but an anti-religious one. That they say you have no right to talk against the U.S. is a Satanic political act”. He further said that “the Saudi government bears major responsibilities. Among their responsibilities is providing security for the pilgrims but they should not create a security atmosphere”.

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  • 2 July 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued “Iran is committed to the full implementation of the JCPOA: as long as E3/EU implement THEIR economic commitments. So moving forward, Iran will comply with its commitments under the JCPOA in exactly the same manner as the EU/E3 have—and will—comply with theirs”.

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  • 2 July 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany, the UK and the EU jointly asserted that they were “extremely concerned at Iran’s announcement that it has exceeded the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action stockpile limit for low-enriched uranium”. They went on to “urge Iran to reverse this step and to refrain from further measures that undermine the nuclear deal”.

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  • 2 July 2019

    The IRGC claimed to have dismantled “teams of terrorists” during multiple clashes in north-western Iran.

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  • 1 July 2019

    Iran announced, and the IAEA confirmed, that it had exceeded a 300kg limit set on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by the JCPOA.

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  • 29 June 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson remarked that “Iran responds to diplomacy with diplomacy and to pressure with resistance… Thus far we have not seen anything other than illegal sanctions and economic war and terrorism from the U.S. government to respond”.

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  • 29 June 2019

    Iran’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, stated that “the current situation of INSTEX does not suffice. This mechanism without money is like a beautiful car without gasoline”. He went on to say that “we cannot wait more. We do not threaten anyone and we do not set [a] deadline. We have told them that we will reduce our commitments if they do not take any action. We will take new actions if they refuse to fulfill their commitments”.

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  • 28 June 2019

    Iran and the P4+1 assembled in Vienna for a meeting of the JCPOA’s Joint Commission. The participants reaffirmed that “JCPOA remains a key element of the global nuclear non-proliferation architecture, endorsed unanimously by UN Security Council Resolution 2231. Furthermore, in light of the recent tensions, its preservation continues to be essential for the regional stability and security”. The participants reiterated the importance of the lifting of sanctions and reconfirmed their commitments for “mitigating the negative impact of US withdrawal and re-imposed US sanctions”. France, Germany and the United Kingdom (E3) confirmed that the Instrument for Supporting Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) had been operationalized. In a joint statement, Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden reaffirmed their support for the JCPOA and the efforts by the E3 “to establish channels to facilitate legitimate trade and financial operations with Iran”.

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  • 27 June 2019

    Addressing President Trump in a tweet, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “misconceptions endanger peace”, going on posit that “sanctions aren’t [an] alternative to war, they ARE war; ‘obliteration’ equals genocide, which in turn equals to war crime; ‘short war’ with Iran is an illusion; whoever begins war will not be the one ending it; negotiations and threats are mutually exclusive”.  

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  • 26 June 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “with the implementation and intensification of sanctions against international regulations, the Americans showed in action that they are not after the settlement of issues at all”.

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  • 26 June 2019

    A senior IRGC official asserted that “the enemy knows that if it makes mischief in the Persian Gulf, it will not survive, and its failure will not be limited to only damage to the equipment”.

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  • 26 June 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that Iran “is being accused by the most vicious government of the world, i.e. the U.S…. The most abhorred figures of such a government accuse the Iranian nation and disparage them. The Iranian nation won’t give in to these insults and won’t retreat”. He also held that “the Iranian nation is being oppressed by these cruel sanctions, but it is not weakened, and commands authority”. Khamenei went on to assert that “negotiation is an effort to deceive [Iran] into doing what the U.S. desires… If you accept their request, you will suffer the worst things, and if you don’t accept it, you will face the huff and puff and their hassles over human rights excuses”.

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  • 26 June 2019

    Iran’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, stated that “today, the JCPOA has practically turned into an agreement that is being carried out by only one member [Iran]. A multilateral agreement cannot be implemented unilaterally. Iran cannot, should not and would not shoulder the burden of the JCPOA”.

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  • 25 June 2019

    Speaking one day after the U.S. imposed sanctions against Iranian political and military leaders, President Rouhani remarked that “today, there is a great confusion and frustration in the U.S. administration; they are frustrated because whatever they do does not lead them to any result… the White House is suffering mental disability and doesn’t know what to do”. Referring to the downing of the U.S. drone on 20 June, he stated that “our patience lasts until the beginning of our red line, and the borders of our country are our red line; when a drone crosses our borders, it has crossed our red line and we have the right to defend ourselves”. Rouhani went on to say that “imposing sanctions on the highest political, social, religious and spiritual leader of a country, who is not only the leader of Iran, but also the leader of Muslims and Shiites and the followers of the Islamic Revolution throughout the world is a ridiculous act”. Referring to the U.S., he further argued that “if they were seeking negotiations, they would not withdraw from a deal that was struck out of negotiation”. In related remarks, Iran’s diplomatic spokespersons said the sanctions “means the permanent closure of the path to diplomacy with the desperate US administration”.

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  • 25 June 2019

    In a statement, France, Germany and the UK (E3) jointly indicated that they were “gravely concerned by the increased tensions in the Gulf”, which “risk miscalculation and conflict”. They also reiterated “their commitment to the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and the preservation of the JCPOA”.

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  • 25 June 2019

    Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi remarked that “sadly, the balance between the Islamic Republic of Iran’s obligations and rights under the JCPOA has been now upset, and considering the European side’s unfulfilled pledges, there remains no reason for the implementation of Iran’s one-way commitments. However, Iran has kept the window of diplomacy open by gradually reducing its commitments”.

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  • 24 June 2019

    President Trump signed an executive order for the imposition of “hard-hitting sanctions” on Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his office, calling it “a strong and proportionate response to Iran’s increasingly provocative actions”. He urged “the regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions, change its destructive behaviour, respect the rights of its people and return in good faith to the negotiating table”. The Treasury Department also sanctioned eight senior IRGC commanders.

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  • 24 June 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “President Trump is 100 per cent right that the U.S. military has no business in the Persian Gulf. Removal of its forces is fully in line with interests of U.S. and the world. But it’s now clear that the B-Team is not concerned with U.S. interests—they despise diplomacy, and thirst for war”.

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  • 23 June 2019

    President Rouhani stated that the U.S. drone shot down by Iran on 20 June had “intruded Iran’s air space” and was intercepted only “after repeated warnings”. He added that “this region is very sensitive, and the security of the strait linking the Persian Gulf to Oman Sea is very important for many countries; therefore, we expect all international institutions to give a proper response to this intrusive act by the U.S.”.

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  • 23 June 2019

    A senior IRGC official stated that the “U.S. administration should refrain from adopting wrong policies in the region and instead, behave responsibly to save the lives of American forces”. He also warned that “if a conflict occurs in the region, its duration and extent cannot be managed by any country”.

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  • 23 June 2019

    The IRGC claimed to have intercepted “a team of terrorists” in north-western Iran.

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  • 21 June 2019

    In a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, Iran relayed its account of what transpired prior to it shooting down a U.S. drone and decried “another unlawful and yet a very dangerous and provocative act by the U.S. military forces against the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  The letter also underlined that “while the Islamic Republic of Iran does not seek war, it reserves its inherent right … to take all appropriate necessary measures against any hostile act violating its territory, and is determined to vigorously defend its land, sea and air”.

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  • 21 June 2019

    In a press conference where the IRGC displayed what it claimed was wreckage from the U.S. drone it had shot down the day before, an IRGC commander stated that “along with the American drone was an American P8 aircraft with 35 on board, and it was also violating our airspace and we could have downed it too, but we did not, because our aim was to warn the terrorist forces of the U.S.”.

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  • 21 June 2019

    The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) decided “to continue the suspension of counter-measures [against Iran], with the exception of the FAFT calling upon members and urging all jurisdictions to require increased supervisory examination for branches and subsidiaries of financial institutions based in Iran”. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin remarked that “the FATF responded to Iran’s willful failure to address its systemic money laundering and terrorist financing deficiencies by requiring increased supervisory examination for branches and subsidiaries of financial institutions based in Iran and calling for additional counter-measures to be re-imposed if Iran does not make further progress”. Secretary of State Pompeo also noted the decision, stating that “Iran regularly seeks to use deception and subterfuge to fund its illicit activities” and contending that “the IRGC’s illicit financing schemes are facilitated at the highest levels of Iran’s government. The international community has made clear that Iran must live up to its commitments to behave like a normal nation”. Pompeo went on to say that “Iran must ratify the Palermo and Terrorist Financing Conventions in line with the FATF standards or face additional measures”.

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  • 20 June 2019

    Iran shot down a U.S. drone which it claimed had breached Iranian airspace. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami declared that “borders are our red line, and any enemy violating these borders will not go back”. The U.S. military asserted that the aircraft had been “operating in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz”, and contended that “this was an unprovoked attack”. President Trump suggested that “they made a mistake, and I’m not just talking the country made a mistake. I think that someone under the command of that country made a big mistake…I find it hard to believe it was intentional”. He went on to state that “this is a very fly in the ointment, what happened shooting down the drone. And this country will not stand for it, that I can tell you”. 

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  • 19 June 2019

    At a cabinet meeting, President Rouhani argued that “the U.S.’ actions against the Iranian nation is not sanction, but economic terrorism and crime against humanity”. Referring to Iranian moves towards curbing JCPOA compliance, he indicated that “what we are doing is the least we could do. The other side has not only violated its commitments, but also reduced it, and the main spirit of the JCPOA, which is openings in economic and trade relations, is under question with the other side’s actions”

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  • 19 June 2019

    Iran’s Defence Minister, Amir Hatami, dismissed allegations about Iran’s involvement in the 13 June tanker incident in the Gulf of Oman; referring to a video released by CENTCOM, Hatami said “such videos don’t carry any authenticity”. In related remarks, President Rouhani asserted that Iranian military vessels “are present not only in the Oman Sea, but also in other parts and straits to contribute to the freedom of shipping and fighting terrorism”.  

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  • 19 June 2019

    IRGC Commander Hossein Salami asserted that “there is war, loss of power and surrender behind the logic of negotiations… we are close to victory, and our only solution is resistance in accordance with our national and revolutionary expediency”.

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  • 18 June 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “Iran has been loyal to its international commitments and agreements, and it was the other side that violated all agreements and regulations. Right now, everyone in the world considers the U.S. administration as a government that violates its commitments and promises”. He went on to say that “this war will end with the Iranian nation’s victory, because the other side is not a nation, but a group of inexperienced politicians; and we do not wage war against any nation”.

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  • 18 June 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, told a security forum in Russia that “the U.S. under Trump is the most warmongering country in the United States’ history”. He added that “it is necessary for the independent states of the world to stand against this wild monster through creating multilateral mechanisms”.

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  • 17 June 2019

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran announced that “from today the countdown has started and it means that by 27 June the production of enriched uranium will exceed 300kg… after surpassing 300kg, we will increase the speed of producing enriched uranium above 3.67 per cent”. President Rouhani, meeting with France’s ambassador, stressed that “the current situation is very critical and France and other parties to the JCPOA still have a very limited opportunity to play their historic role for saving the deal”. 

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  • 14 June 2019

    A day after explosions hit two tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson insisted that “Iran is responsible for ensuring the security of the Strait of Hormuz, and we showed this by rushing to save the sailors of the incident-hit vessels in the shortest time possible”. He added that “pinning the blame on Iran for the suspicious and regrettable incident for the oil tankers seems to be the easiest and most simplistic thing Mr Pompeo and other U.S. statesmen could do”.

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  • 14 June 2019

    In remarks to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, President Rouhani argued that “over the past two years, the U.S. government has used all its economic, financial and military capabilities to disrupt all international structures and regulations by adopting an aggressive approach, turning it into a serious threat to the stability of the region and the world”. He went on to call upon “remaining members of the [nuclear] agreement to fulfill their obligations as soon as possible to make sure that the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys the economic benefits of the JCPOA”.

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  • 13 June 2019

    In a joint statement following consultations in Tehran over the E3 special purpose vehicle, the British, French and German ambassadors asserted that “we understand the economic pressure the Iranian people are facing. We are committed to working with Iran to deliver INSTEX’s first transaction as quickly as possible”. 

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  • 13 June 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told the visiting Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, that “I do not consider [U.S. President Donald] Trump, as a person, deserving to exchange messages with. We will not negotiate with the U.S.” “The U.S.”, Khamenei went on to argue, “disregarded and breached [the JCPOA]. So, what common sense would once again allow negotiations with a state that has thrown away everything that was agreed upon?” He also asserted that “we oppose nuclear weapons… but rest assured that if we wanted to build nuclear weapons, the U.S. would not be able to do anything about it”. President Trump subsequently tweeted that “while I very much appreciate Prime Minister Abe going to Iran to meet with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, I personally feel that it is too soon to even think about making a deal. They are not ready, and neither are we!”

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  • 13 June 2019

    Two tankers in the Gulf of Oman were struck by explosions, resulting in damage to the vessels and the evacuation of their crews. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif weighed in to say that “suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what likely transpired this morning”, later adding that the “B-Team is sabotaging diplomacy… and covering up economic terrorism by the U.S. against Iran”. Secretary of State Pompeo, however, announced that “it is the assessment of the U.S. government that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks”, and CENTCOM maintained that hours after the initial explosions an IRGC vessel pulled an “unexploded limpet mine” off one of the tankers [VIDEO]. A military spokesperson emphasised that “the U.S. has no interest in engaging in a new conflict in the Middle East. However, we will defend our interests”.

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  • 12 June 2019

    At a cabinet meeting, President Rouhani argued that “U.S. pressure against our country has reached the highest point, and its capacity is practically ending… hereafter, the sanctions and pressure will be losing their capacity and deplete”. 

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  • 12 June 2019

    At a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Rouhani indicated that “Iran will not initiate any war in the region even with the U.S., but if a war begins with Iran, we will give a decisive response”. He also stated that “whenever this [U.S. economic] war ends, we will see a positive development in the region and the world”. In a bilateral session, Rouhani underscored that “if we are all interested in regional security and ease of tensions, we need to begin from where this instability was spurred, and that is economic sanctions against Iran. If these sanctions end, new types of relations will begin in the region… the key to the settlement of issues is at Washington’s hands”. 

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  • 11 June 2019

    Iran released Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese citizen and U.S. permanent resident arrested in 2015. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders stated that “we’re thankful for the release of the individual in Iran”, adding that “the big question is there’s several others and we want to see those people released as well”. 

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  • 10 June 2019

    Speaking alongside his German counterpart in Tehran, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stressed a shared objective of salvaging the 2015 nuclear deal and asserted that “the U.S. has announced economic war against Iran. This war is dangerous to the region, the world and international order. In our opinion, the U.S. has targeted the Iranian nation, those who were supposed to benefit most from the JCPOA’s achievements”. Zarif went on to state that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Netanyahu has said that they will destroy Iran. No one can take a measure against the Iranian nation”. In related remarks, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson urged “more tangible and bigger practical measures” from Europe. 

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  • 10 June 2019

    In remarks to the IAEA Board of Governors, Director General Yukiya Amano expressed concern “about increasing tensions over the Iranian nuclear issue”. Noting that the JCPOA provided “a significant gain for nuclear verification”, Amano shared his “hope that ways can be found to reduce the current tensions through dialogue”, adding that “it is essential that Iran fully implements its nuclear-related commitments”.  

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  • 10 June 2019

    At a meeting with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in Tehran, President Rouhani stated that “with its unjust sanctions, the U.S is moving in the path of economic terrorism”, adding that “the war that the U.S. has started against Iran for the past one year will never be beneficial for anybody and the Iranian nation have proved in this time span that they will withstand these pressures and bullying behaviours”. Rouhani went on to argue that the “JCPOA could be a basis for dialogue and diplomacy in the world, but because of the U.S.’ unilateral moves and the lack of commitments, it has turned into a factor of pessimism towards the principle of negotiations”. 

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  • 9 June 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “we do not need the U.S. nor do we seek contact with them”, adding that “the economic war that Mr Trump has referred to is economic terrorism in our viewpoint, therefore it should be stopped and [the U.S.] should not disturb our relations [with other countries]”.  

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  • 7 June 2019

    The Treasury Department announced sanctions “against Iran’s largest and most profitable petrochemical holding group, Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC)” as well as “39 subsidiary petrochemical companies and foreign-based sales agents”. In accompanying comments, Secretary Mnuchin indicated that “this action is a warning that we will continue to target holding groups and companies in the petrochemical sector and elsewhere that provide financial lifelines to the IRGC”. Secretary of State Pompeo also issued a statement in which he asserted that “the only path forward is for Iran to negotiate a comprehensive deal”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson called the move “economic terrorism” and contended that “only one week of patience was enough to prove the U.S. president’s claim about negotiations with Iran to be proven empty”.  

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  • 5 June 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “today, the enemies are forced to change their plans in the region and their tone towards Iran, but these remarks will not have any effect on our path and will power… if they take responsibility for what they have done and yield to law and regulations, compensating the damages they have inflicted, then were may be ways to solve the problems, otherwise, change of tune and words will not yield any results”. 

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  • 5 June 2019

    Following reports that Israel provided intelligence purportedly implicating Iran in the 12 May tanker attacks, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif maintained that “Mossad is fabricating intelligence… I’ve warned of ‘accidents’ and false flags – we know what happens when you believe their lies”. 

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  • 4 June 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif contended that “Western publics and legislatures demand an end to the humanitarian disaster that is the Saudi-Emirati war on Yemen. But their governments provide ever more weapons used to perpetuate war crimes”. “Time and again”, Zarif added, “our offers of a political way out have been rebuffed. This evil cycle must stop”. 

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  • 4 June 2019

    In remarks on the thirtieth anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s passing, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei counselled that “contrary to surrender, resistance makes the enemy retreat. When the enemy is bullying you, if you take one step back, the enemy will move forward without a doubt. The way to stop the enemy’s advance is to stand your ground”. He added that “resistance is obviously not without cost, but the cost of surrender to the enemy is far greater”. Khamenei went on to warn that “the enemy’s plots appear in many forms and kinds. At times, they threaten. At times, they entice… this is a sly political game”. 

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  • 2 June 2019

    At a press conference with his Swiss counterpart, Secretary Pompeo posited “there’s real challenges inside of Iran today. They’re not caused by our economic sanctions. They’re caused by 40 years of the Islamic regime not taking care of its people… they have used their resources in ways that fundamentally undermine the well-being of their own country”. Discussing Iran’s nuclear activities, he asserted that “we’re tracking closely the work product of the IAEA. We also have our own independent understanding of what’s taking place there”. “We are watching closely as they put centrifuges into work, and whether they’re actually beginning to spin those centrifuges and load those centrifuges”, Pompeo added. He also went on to declare that “we’re prepared to engage in a conversation with no preconditions. … But the American effort to fundamentally reverse the malign activity of this Islamic republic, this revolutionary force, is going to continue”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson hit back at Pompeo’s offer, describing it as “word-play and expression of hidden goals in the form of new words”, and saying that “Mr. Pompeo’s insistence on U.S. campaign of maximum pressure against Iran indicated the continuation of their wrong approach which needs to be corrected”.  

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  • 1 June 2019

    President Rouhani opined that “we have to rely on whatever strengthens hope, spirits and will power in people. If we stand up to the United States with hope, we will win the war”. “The enemy who was saying last year that its goal was to eliminate the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran today is explicitly saying that it has nothing to do with the system … [and] it is not going to enter a war”, Rouhani indicated. He went on to assert that “we follow logic and negotiation with whoever comes to the table with respect and within the framework of international regulations, not those who order negotiation”.

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  • 1 June 2019

    In an interview with a U.S. television station, Foreign Minister Zarif characterised the maximum pressure campaign against Iran as “economic terrorism”. He described the possibility of negotiation with President Trump as “not very likely” and maintained: “He is imposing pressure, this may work in a real estate market, it does not work in dealing with Iran”. Asked to comment on the alleged “cruise missiles being put on small Iranian boats” in the Persian Gulf, Zarif maintained that “we have the right to defend ourselves … these ships are located very close to our waters, we have the right to put whatever missiles we want to put on them”. He concluded his remarks by saying to Trump, “threats against Iran never work. Never threaten an Iranian, try respect. That may work”.

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  • 31 May 2019

    As Saudi Arabia hosted summits of the OIC, GCC and the Arab League, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “we deem the Saudi efforts to mobilise the views of neighbouring and Arab countries a continuation of the indecisive process that the U.S. and the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] are pursuing against the Islamic Republic of Iran”. He further stressed that “Saudi Arabia took political and instrumental advantage of the auspicious month of Ramadan and the holy city of Mecca to make accusations against the Islamic Iran from the mouth of some participants in the conference”.

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  • 30 May 2019

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, contended that “by nearly every measure the Iranian regime and its proxies are weaker today than when the president took office”. He also estimated that “our oil sanctions will deny the regime $50 billion in revenue that is 40 per cent of its annual budget”, stressing that “there will be no more oil waivers granted”. Commenting on a European special purpose vehicle for trade with Iran, Hook stated that “I am sceptical that Iran will ever be able to internally agree on setting up a transparent mirror image to match the European financial mechanism. That said if there is a day where there is any sort of… transaction being conducted by INSTEX we expect those to be purely for permitted transactions”.

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  • 29 May 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei held that “we will not negotiate with U.S. officials. Because there is no point negotiating and it is detrimental… their strategy is not negotiation. It is pressure. Khamenei argued that “there is [a] consensus among executive officials that negotiating with the U.S. is absolutely not advised”. He further clarified that “we have no problems negotiating with others or with Europeans”. Commending Iran’s partial suspension of its JCPOA commitments, Khamenei indicated that “the only way for us is to apply our tactics of pressure in face of the pressures that the U.S. applies. Contrary to their propaganda, these tactics are not military, though we might use military means if we find it necessary”. He went on to underscore that “we are not after nuclear weapons”, indicating that “some have suggested producing but not using nuclear weapons”, though he dismissed this as “wrong”.

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  • 29 May 2019

    The U.S.’ diplomatic spokesperson asserted that “our maximum pressure campaign on Iran is designed to deny the Iranian regime, the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, the means to conduct its destructive foreign policy. Our campaign is working”. She elaborated that “the campaign is starving Iran’s proxies of the funds they rely on to operate on behalf of the regime”, citing examples including Hizbollah, Hamas, the Syrian government and Shiite militias in Iraq. She went on to affirm that “we will continue to apply maximum pressure on the Iranian regime to deny it the means to conduct its destructive foreign policy and compel the regime to negotiate a comprehensive new deal that addresses the full scope of its malign behaviour”, while also indicating that “there is a path forward and we will talk tomorrow if they would like to see the bright future that we believe is there for the Iranian people”. The spokesperson further indicated that “we do not want a war with Iran. We want to de-escalate with Iran. In fact, what we seek is to end economic sanctions, to end the maximum pressure campaign”.

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  • 29 May 2019

    The U.S.’ chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, commenting on threats coming from Iran, explained that around late April 2019, “we saw something that looked more like a campaign, than individual threats”, adding that “the geographic span and the possibility these activities would be synchronized caused us to look at that threat differently than 40 years … of malign activity by the Iranians”. He further revealed that Washington had dispatched a message to Tehran cautioning that “there was not an opportunity for them to do things and then claim it was not attributable to Iran. We wanted to mitigate the risk of miscalculation”. Referring to the deployment of 1,500 troops and defensive capabilities to the Middle East, Dunford clarified that “this is not intended to be a provocation, this is not intended to reinforce our offensive capability in the region, this is designed to protect our people much like the previous force elements were sent in to enhance our deterrence”.

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  • 29 May 2019

    President Rouhani told his cabinet that “the enemies who are claiming to have animosity toward the system [i.e. Iranian government] are actually the enemies of the Iranian people, imposing sanctions on people’s everyday lives”. Rouhani further insisted that “the yardstick is not what they say, but rather what they do. Whenever they stop hostility towards the Iranian nation, lift their unjust sanctions, live up to their commitments and come back to the negotiation table that the[y] left, the door is open”.

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  • 29 May 2019

    Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Abbas Araqchi, asserted that “there has been no direct or indirect talks with the U.S.”. “However, the Islamic Republic of Iran”, he underscored, “is ready for dialogue and negotiations with all the Persian Gulf littoral states to de-escalate tensions and set up balanced and constructive relations based on reciprocal respect and mutual interests”.

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  • 28 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, assessed that “today, we are a great and invincible power because we have experienced and defeated all of the enemy’s scenarios”, going on to declare that “Iran’s reach is no more confined to within its borders; today, Iran is a robust power in the region”. “We are not worried by enemy intrigues and are in the last phase of the battle against it”, Salami maintained.

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  • 27 May 2019

    After President Trump stated that his main goal to pressure Iran was to block the county’s access to nuclear weapons, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, on Twitter, countered that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei “long ago said we’re not seeking nuclear weapons by issuing a fatwa [edict] banning them”. Zarif further indicated that “the B-Team’s [i.e National Security Advisor John Bolton and the leaderships of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE] economic terrorism is hurting the Iranian people and causing tension in the region. Actions, not words, will show whether or not that’s President Trump’s intent”.

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  • 26 May 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson contended that “there is no direct or indirect negotiations between Iran and the U.S.”.

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  • 26 May 2019

    In Baghdad, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif pledged that “we will defend against any war efforts against Iran, whether it be an economic war or a military one, and we will face these efforts with strength”. His Iraqi opposite number underscored that “we oppose the unilateral actions taken by the U.S. We stand with the Islamic Republic of Iran in its position”.

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  • 25 May 2019

    A senior IRGC commander opined that “the enemy’s concerns, pressures and making excuses over our missiles with their pinpoint accuracy, stem from their knowledge of the fact that Iran is in possession of an independent missile power”. 

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  • 25 May 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that “the U.S.’ move to increase its military presence in our region is highly dangerous and a threat against international peace and security, and it must be confronted”. Zarif’s comments came one day after Washington had announced plans to “deploy approximately 1500 additional troops and defensive capabilities to the CENTCOM area to increase our force protection posture”. 

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  • 25 May 2019

    President Hassan Rouhani predicted that “in a war with the U.S., the country will have to pay prices, but we will definitely win this war”. He also predicted that “when they realise that the effects of sanctions are minuscule, they will stop their hostile actions”. 

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  • 25 May 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif arrived in Baghdad for a two-day trip that included meetings with President Barham Salih, Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and other senior Iraqi leaders. Iraq’s parliamentary speaker indicated that “we are ready to solve the crisis between Washington and Tehran if we are asked for that”, though “no official request for such mediation” had been submitted. 

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  • 24 May 2019

    In an opinion piece for a U.S. newspaper, Iran’s UN envoy argued that “the U.S.’ approach toward Iran has no clarity or cohesiveness. Instead, the policy is driven by an obsessional antagonism”. “The U.S.’ proposal of dialogue with Iran faces three major hurdles”, the ambassador assessed: “talks cannot be productive if they are couple with intimidation, coercion and sanctions… the Trump administration does not speak with a united voice on the need for a dialogue with Iran… any future deal [reached with the U.S.] might face the same fate [as the JCPOA], with no guarantee to the contrary”. “The U.S. policy of maximum pressure against Iran has failed”, he went on to argue. “Pressure will not work”. 

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  • 23 May 2019

    In a statement, Iran’s highest-ranking military official, Major General Bagheri, warned that “our hands are on the trigger and we are firmly prepared to annihilate any aggressor and greedy eyes against the Islamic Iran”. He added that “the new conditions of countering the U.S. arrogant and pharaonic threat invite all the Iranians to enter the fields of jihad, full alert and mobilization of more power”.

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  • 23 May 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underlined that “the Islamic Republic of Iran is an independent and mighty state by reliance on its own people, and has defined its bright path on the basis of its national interests and security and would be never placed in the dilemma of war and negotiation, or any other dilemma”.

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  • 23 May 2019

    President Trump, asked if he’d “consider sending troops to the Middle East to counter Iran”, replied: “I would if we need them. I don’t think we’re going to need them. I really don’t… I would certainly send troops if we need them”. He went on to assert that “Iran has been a very dangerous player – a very bad player. They’re a nation of terror and we won’t put up with it”. Referring to the JCPOA, Trump remarked that “the minute I collapsed that deal and terminated it, Iran went in a very bad direction. They’re now suffering massive problems, financially. They have inflation that’s about the highest in the world… I know many Iranians; they’re great people. But the country is in very bad shape”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif hit back at the president’s comments the following day, saying they suggested “that he neither knows history, nor does he know the Iranian nation”. “Only Donald Trump deserves the label of terrorist”, Zarif suggested. 

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  • 22 May 2019

    Referring to the rocket fired near the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on 19 May and 12 May Fujairah incident, a senior Iranian defence official remarked that “if one day the evidence of recent events is revealed, then we will find that the Saudis, along with the United States, are the main cause”. “The Saudis”, he added, “are trying to undermine the security of the UAE for punishing the UAE and getting concessions and the United States is trying to exploit the mercenary countries in the region with the policy of Iranophobia”. He also insisted that “we are not seeking any war, and we will not start it, but we are fully ready to defend [ourselves]”.

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  • 22 May 2019

    A senior IRGC official stressed that “everything north of the Strait of Hormuz is under our control” and maintained that U.S. naval forces “cannot approach the waters that fall without our mare clausum”. In related remarks, a senior Iranian defence official reportedly emphasised Iran’s “integrated missile and radar systems” in delivering “a firm and crushing response” against threats to the country.

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  • 21 May 2019

    President Rouhani declared that “what the U.S. is doing today is not war and sanction, but crime against humanity because they are stopping our medicine and foodstuff purchases and preventing patients’ travel… today, the U.S. is not against a government, but 82 million Iranians”. In separate remarks, Rouhani insisted that while “pressures may make the situation tough for us… the Iranian nation will not yield to bullies”. 

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  • 21 May 2019

    Discussing the prospects for U.S.-Iran negotiations, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif insisted that “we are not willing to talk to people who have broken their promises”. He also asserted that “the U.S. is engaging in economic warfare against Iran. It has to stop… the U.S. does not have the legal position, does not have the moral position, does not have the political position, does not have the international position, to impose economic war on Iran”. “Iran is not interested in escalation”, Zarif added. “We have said very clearly that we will not be the party to begin escalation, but we will defend ourselves”. 

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  • 21 May 2019

    Iraqi President Adil Abdul Mahdi indicated that his country would “very soon send delegations to Tehran and Washington to push for calm” amidst heightened U.S.-Iran tension, insisting that “we will not allow Iraq to be a war zone or a launchpad for a war against any state”. A senior Iranian official subsequently indicated that “Iran and Iraq have close ties. We won’t tell them not to send delegations. But we will listen to what they have to say and respond accordingly”.

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  • 20 May 2019

    A senior Iranian military official assessed that Iran’s foes “have resorted to media warfare because of their fear of Iran’s military power… we have not invaded any country and will not do so but we will give a crushing response to [any] aggression by enemies”. 

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  • 20 May 2019

    The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) declared that Iran had begun “to increase its stockpile of nuclear fuel enriched to 3.67 per cent by four times at the Natanz nuclear plant”; a spokesperson asserted that “the Islamic Republic waited long enough and the step that it is taking is based on its rights”. 

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  • 20 May 2019

    Seizing on comments by President Trump regarding “a military industrial complex”, Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “allowing the B-Team [i.e National Security Advisor John Bolton and the leaderships of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE] to trash diplomacy and abet war crimes – by milking despotic butchers via massive arms sales – achieves nothing but empowering that same complex”. Zarif, referencing one of Trump’s campaign slogans, then posed the question, “time to drain the swamp?”

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  • 19 May 2019

    In a tweet, President Trump declared that “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad subsequently responded via the same medium, stating that Trump, “goaded by the B-Team [i.e John Bolton and the leaderships of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE]… hopes to achieve what Alexander, Genghis and other aggressors failed to”. “Economic terrorism and genocidal taunts”, he added, “won’t ‘end Iran’”. Zarif ended the tweet with the hashtag “#NeverThreatenAnIranian”, and the suggestion that Trump “try respect – it works!”

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  • 19 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, indicated that “we are not after war and yet we are not afraid of it either… our enemies lack the will to make a war and are afraid of fighting”. 

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  • 19 May 2019

    An Iranian diplomat cautioned that “the U.S. unilateral economic sanctions against Iran will leave negative impacts on the process of confrontation against the drug traffickers and will create problems in regional and international cooperation in this field”. 

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  • 18 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, assessed that “we are involved in full-fledged intelligence war with the U.S. and enemies of the revolution and the Islamic system. This atmosphere is a combination of psychological and cyber operation, military moves and dissemination of fear”. In related remarks, a senior Iranian defence official remarked that “all units of the army have full combat and psychological readiness and if the enemy dares to make a miscalculation or a strategic mistake, it will receive a response that would make it regret it”. 

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  • 18 May 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that “we will never yield to the enemies’ bullying behaviour. We favour negotiation and logic, but the other side’s claim to have been ready to negotiate is empty”.

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  • 18 May 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “we are certain that no war will break out because neither we want a war, nor has anyone the idea or illusion that it can confront Iran in the region… however, it is necessary for the people of the U.S. to realise the dangerous moves inside the country”.

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  • 18 May 2019

    Bahrain’s government asked “all citizens present in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq to leave immediately for their safety and security”.  

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  • 17 May 2019

    Asked whether the U.S. and Iran were going to war, President Trump replied: “I hope not”. The following day,  Trump lamented that “the fake news media is hurting our country with its fraudulent and highly inaccurate coverage of Iran. It is scattershot, poorly sourced (made up), and dangerous. At least Iran doesn’t know what to think, which at this point may very well be a good thing”. He reiterated the point in a follow-up tweet shortly thereafter, contending that “with all of the fake and made up news out there, Iran can have no idea what is actually going on!” Foreign Minister Zarif retorted that “with the B-Team doing one thing and President Trump saying another thing, it is apparently the U.S. that ‘doesn’t know what to think’”. “We in Iran have actually known what to think for millennia – and about the U.S., since 1953”, Zarif added. “At this point, that is certainly ‘a good thing!’” 

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  • 16 May 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad asserted that “there is no possibility of negotiations” with the U.S., adding that Washington “is not in a position to impose preconditions on Iran”. He also predicted that “the B-team [i.e John Bolton and leaders in Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE] will commit a [political] suicide if they continue their warmongering”. 

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  • 16 May 2019

    Tehran’s UN envoy stated that “we are not planning for a war. War is not an option for Iran. But at the same time, we have to be prepared for any action against our forces, against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Iran. Therefore we are vigilant. We are doing everything possible to lower the tension in the region”. “Unfortunately”, he added, “there are certain people, both in Washington as well as in our region, who are interested to escalate the tension, who are interested to agitate the situation, to provoke. And I believe that it is in everybody’s interest to prevent such an eventuality”. The ambassador went on to argue that there were “fake allegations, which are being directed to Iran, against Iran, to prepare something like a conflict something like a war”.

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  • 15 May 2019

    IRGC chief Hossein Salami asserted that “this is the most decisive moment for the Islamic revolution, because the enemy has come to the battlefield with all of its capacities at its disposal”. Salami added that “our enemies have reached the end of the line” while also assessing the situation to be “on the verge of full-scale confrontation”. In related remarks, Defence Minister Amir Hatami declared that “Iran is at the highest point in its defence-military preparedness to counter any threats and excessive demands”. 

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  • 15 May 2019

    Iranian media cited “an informed source in the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran” revealing that “the implementation of the plans to cease performing some of the country’s commitments under JCPOA, which had been mentioned in a statement by the Supreme National Security Council, has begun”. Iranian media cited “an informed source in the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran” revealing that “the implementation of the plans to cease performing some of the country’s commitments under JCPOA, which had been mentioned in a statement by the Supreme National Security Council, has begun”. 

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  • 15 May 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that “today, the enemies are working hard, sending their fleet in the morning, and giving [a] phone number in the evening. Of course, we have many phone numbers of them; any date at which they have carried out a crime against the Iranian nation is their real phone number”. Rouhani went on to posit that “the argument between us is because of tyranny and aggression towards the people and the Iranian nation. Repent and get back on the right track, the door is open, may the people of Iran forgive your historical tyranny and crimes”. 

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  • 15 May 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “escalation by the U.S. is unacceptable and uncalled for”, while describing Iranian behaviour as one of “maximum restraint”. 

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  • 14 May 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei held that “some people in the country claim there is no harm in negotiating. Negotiating is poisonous as long as the U.S. continues with the same course of action; besides, negotiating with the current government of the U.S. is all the more poisonous… those in the U.S. government are not even upright and they do not abide by anything”. He also assessed that “there is not a military confrontation because no war is to happen. We don’t seek a war nor do they… this confrontation is a confrontation of willpower, and our willpower is stronger”. 

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  • 13 May 2019

    Amidst Huthi redeployments from Hodeidah and two other ports, the Iranian government suggested that the move showed the Huthis’ “determination and commitment to dialogue and honouring its commitments on the one hand, and reveals the Saudi coalition’s obstructionism and lack of commitment to the [Stockholm] deal on the other hand”. 

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  • 12 May 2019

    After President Trump’s suggestion that the Iranians “should call”, which was reportedly followed up by sending a number via intermediaries, a senior Iranian diplomat responded that “there is no need for a mediator or phone number for Trump to get rid of the hard and critical conditions that he has created for himself and the U.S… if needed, they have our phone number”. He added that “the White House lacks an integrated and rational policy on Iran, the entire region and perhaps at the international level; the affairs will be corrected by correcting Washington’s fully wrong policies and behaviours”. Foreign Minister Javad also addressed the offer, tweeting a 2017 article written by National Security Advisor John Bolton and, addressing the president, stated “before you hired him, this was the plan that John Bolton and his B-Team cohorts had for Iran. A detailed blueprint for fake intelligence, forever war and even empty offers for talks”. “Only phone numbers were not included”, Zarif added. 

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  • 12 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami briefed Iran’s parliament; a lawmaker conveyed that Salami had contended that increased U.S. military deployments were “nothing but psychological warfare and the U.S. wants to intimidate people and some officials of war”. 

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  • 12 May 2019

    A senior Iranian naval official contended that “the presence of the Americans in the Persian Gulf region has reached its end and they must leave the region… their presence is just for show, futile and deceitful”. In related remarks, a senior IRGC official claimed that “an aircraft carrier… was a serious threat for us in the past, but is now a target and threats have turned into opportunity”. He also warned that “if Americans make a [mistaken] move, we will hit them on the head”. 

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  • 12 May 2019

    The UAE indicated that “four commercial ships were subjected to sabotage operations… near UAE territorial waters in the Gulf of Oman”. The Saudi government announced the following day that “two Saudi oil tankers were subjected to a sabotage attack in the exclusive economic zone of the United Arab Emirates, off the coast of the Emirate of Fujairah, while on their way to the Arabian Gulf… it caused significant damage to the structures of the two vessels”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson called the developments “concerning and regrettable”. 

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  • 11 May 2019

    President Rouhani declared that “the pressures by enemies is a war unprecedented in the history of the Islamic revolution”. He also insisted that “surrendering is not compatible with our culture and religion, and people do not accept it, so we must not surrender and we must find solutions”. 

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  • 10 May 2019

    A senior IRGC official insisted that “negotiations with Americans will not take place, and Americans will not dare to take military action against us”. 

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  • 9 May 2019

    A day after Iran announced it was curbing its compliance with the JCPOA, the E3 and EU issued a joint statement expressing “great concern” at the move. “We strongly urge Iran to continue to implement its commitments under the JCPOA in full as it has done until now and to refrain from escalatory steps”, the Europeans asserted, adding that “we reject any ultimatums”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif riposted that the statement “is why the JCPOA is where it is: the U.S. has bullied Europe – and the rest of the world – for a year and the EU can only express ‘regret’”. “Instead of demanding that Iran unilaterally abide by a multilateral accord”, Zarif argued, the “EU should uphold its obligations – including the normalisation of economic ties”. 

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  • 9 May 2019

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  • 8 May 2019

    President Trump issued an Executive Order for the imposition of U.S. “sanctions with respect to Iran’s iron, steel, aluminum and copper sectors, the regime’s largest non-petroleum-related sources of export revenue”. “Tehran can expect further actions unless it fundamentally alters its conduct”, warned an accompanying statement, while adding Trump’s hope “to someday meeting with the leaders of Iran in order to work out an agreement and, very importantly, taking steps to give Iran the future it deserves”. Iran responded to the sanctions the following day, saying they “counter the basic principles and regulations of international relations” and arguing that “the responsibility for repairing the damages [potentially caused by the sanctions] lies on the U.S.” 

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  • 8 May 2019

    Discussing Iran’s decision to curb its compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, a senior Iranian diplomat explained that “we have scaled down our commitments… we have leaving the deal on the agenda, but we will do that gradually. The other side knows our demands and what they should do”. He went on to caution that “if they seek to reactivate the UN Security Council resolution, they are informed of what we will do. Those resolutions are our red lines”. 

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  • 8 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, contended that “our enemies are exhausted, depressed, disappointed and defeated more than ever, yet they have not given up threatening and have turned every passage from economy and psychological operations to border insecurity into a battlefield to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran”. Salami added that “we are at the highest levels of confrontation against the world arrogance [i.e the U.S.], and enemies have no more power and capacity to use”. 

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  • 8 May 2019

    The Supreme National Security Council issued a statement announcing that “Iran has no option other than ‘reducing commitments’” to the 2015 nuclear agreement, and setting a 60-day deadline for the P4+1 to “fulfill their obligations, especially in banking and oil fields”. “If they fail to meet Iran’s demands in the given time”, the statement continued, “then the Islamic Republic of Iran will suspend compliance with the uranium enrichment limits and measures to modernise the Arak Heavy Water Reactor”. In related remarks, President Rouhani told the cabinet that the “JCPOA will be either win-win or lose-lose. We won’t let the U.S. turn it into a win-lose situation”. “JCPOA is still standing, but today we showed the other side of the coin to the world”, Rouhani added. “We are announcing the reduction of our commitments, not withdrawal from it”. 

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  • 7 May 2019

    Responding to the U.S. decision to deploy military assets as a “clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime”, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that the “B-Team [i.e U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton and the leaderships of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE] is at it again… if the U.S. and its clients don’t feel safe, it’s because they’re despised by the people of the region”. “Blaming Iran”, Zarif added, “won’t reverse that”. 

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  • 7 May 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official argued that the U.S. was “unwilling and unable to carry out military action against us… and their unwillingness stems from their inability to drag the region into tension or wage military actions against Iran”.

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  • 6 May 2019

    A Supreme National Security Council official suggested that National Security Advisor John Bolton’s 5 May announcement of increased U.S. naval and air forces was “mostly aimed at attracting attention” and “psychological warfare”. He also predicted that it was “unlikely that commanders and forces of the U.S. military would be willing to test the proven capabilities of the Iranian armed forces”. 

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  • 6 May 2019

    President Hassan Rouhani told his Iraqi counterpart, Barham Salih, that “all regional countries need to understand the current critical conditions and cooperate with each other to stop U.S. bullying aimed at creating instability in the region”. Salih, according to Rouhani’s office, asserted that “we have voiced our stances about regional issues clearly. Iraq is against any tension in the region and we will never accept the smallest harm to the people of our Muslim and brotherly neighbour, Iran”. 

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  • 5 May 2019

    A senior Iranian energy official indicated that “we sell oil at a recently-discovered grey market using all of our capacities. This is not smuggling. This is countering sanctions which we do not see as just or legitimate”. In related comments the previous day, President Rouhani had insisted that “we will sell our oil despite U.S. sanctions”.  

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  • 5 May 2019

    In remarks alongside Iran’s intelligence chief, the commander of the IRGC indicated that “today we are engaged in a serious, global round-the-clock intelligence war with enemies… if the enemy faces our strong will, it will back down”. 

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  • 4 May 2019

    The IRGC’s commander, Hossein Salami, contended that “our enemies are fatigued today. They look sturdy but have decayed from within. They will crumble sooner rather than later, although they are trying to deny that fact”. 

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  • 4 May 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that “the goal of the U.S. is to put pressure on other countries and companies to make them cut business relations with Iran and undermine our independence. The U.S. is seeking to curb our foreign currency resources; we need to reduce our reliance on foreign currency and increase our income through boosting production and exports”. “Today”, Rouhani went on to say, “America is seeking to fan the flames of domestic divisions. We have no way except for resistance, unity and hope in the future against the U.S… we will be victorious in the war of hope”. 

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  • 3 May 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that “we have been very clear that we have no interest in escalation [of tensions with the U.S.]” He went on to assert that “the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz are our lifeline… we want them safe, secure and free for navigation of all countries, including Iran”. “Iran won’t permit the U.S. to threaten the Persian Gulf”, Zarif added. 

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  • 3 May 2019

    The U.S. announced that it was “permitting the temporary continuation of certain ongoing non-proliferation projects that constrain Iran’s nuclear activities” with 90-day waivers, while ending exemptions relating to heavy water and the transfer of enriched uranium. In a 4 May statement, the E3 and EU “note[d] with concern the decision by the U.S. not to fully renew waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects in the framework of the JCPOA”, while also expressing “regret and concern” with respect to the earlier U.S. decision to end sanctions waivers on Iranian oil sales. Also on 4 May, Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, maintained that U.S. “measures will not bear fruit and all will end in favour of Iran”.  

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  • 2 May 2019

    Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi reportedly remarked that Iranian security forces were “detecting and disbanding various terrorist teams along the country’s major border areas on a weekly basis”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    A senior IRGC official stated that “we expect the neighbouring countries to refrain from acting in accordance with the U.S.’ and Israelis’ interests, which are only meant to wage war and create tension in the region”. He went on to remark that “we do not welcome any war in the region, because it is definitely for the benefit of the U.S. and the Zionist regime [i.e Israel], but we are always ready to stand against any aggressor, and we will defeat them with the help of God”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    In a speech to the Asian Cooperation Dialogue, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posited that “our continent in general, and West Asia and the Persian Gulf region in particular, are undergoing crises caused primarily by the lack of inclusive regional dialogue coupled with short-sighted adventures and the aggressive unilateralism of the current U.S. administration”. Calling for “an acceptance that inclusive multilateral dialogue is the only way out of the current multidimensional crises facing us all”, Zarif added that “we also need to collectively address the alarming unilateralism of the current U.S. administration”. “Unless we align our capabilities to secure multilateralism”, he warned, “a rising and aggressive unilateralist wave can cover the entire world, quickly replacing the rule of law with the rule of the jungle”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official told a military audience that “all forces should constantly practice the game of war and prepare themselves as they do at ‘nights of attack’”. He also assessed that the country was encountering “serious threats”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    President Rouhani remarked that the U.S.’ “power is not as much as their long tongues… we know the region and power of the great Iranian nation more than them. Our nation’s devotion and power is more than what Americans think”. He added that “we have to make the enemies regret and return them to the point of rationality, from which they have deviated”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “today, the enemy is attacking us in every front. In the economic, politics and intelligence fronts as well as in cyberspace”. President Trump, he added, “actually helps to expose the real face of the U.S. Those before him followed the same policy, however, they wore velvet gloves over their iron hands. The current president of the U.S. has taken off these gloves and everyone can see the iron fist hidden beneath”. Khamenei further assessed that Iran’s enemies “have not made a military confrontation arrangement yet. However, our armed forces are of course vigilant”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    With U.S. Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook in New York, Iran’s UN mission issued a press release arguing that Washington “is brazenly threatening other UN Member States, either to violate that resolution [2231] or to face punishment. This is truly a destructive and hypocritical policy”. 

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  • 1 May 2019

    President Rouhani contended that “people should know that Iran has never been the first party to violate its commitments under the [nuclear] deal… the negotiating parties are violating the nuclear deal with Iran, and the U.S. is at the top. But the other parties to the JCPOA did not fully live up to their commitments either”. Iran’s enemies, Rouhani continued, “claim that Iran must work within the framework of what they say in regional matters and those related to defence and advanced technologies, including nuclear matters. If we want to have interaction with our friends in the region and be able to satisfy our own needs in defence areas, do we need to ask for their permission? We will not ask anybody’s permission for boosting our defence power”. 

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  • 30 April 2019

    In a statement, the U.S.’ diplomatic spokesperson “strongly condemn[ed] the Iranian regime’s growing crackdown on women advocating for their human rights”. She went on to “call on the Iranian authorities to end their harassment and imprisonment of women who are simply expressing their conscience and demanding basic rights”, adding that “the world shouldn’t tolerate this abuse of Iranian women”. The following day, her Iranian opposite number responded that “the U.S. regime does not believe in human rights and has no moral credibility or legitimacy to interfere in such issues either”. He further argued that “U.S. economic terrorism against a nation through blind sanctions is the greatest and broadest violation of the human’s economic and social rights”. 

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  • 30 April 2019

    A senior Iranian diplomat warned that “the two forces [i.e. those of Iran and the U.S.], which have been reciprocally designated as terrorist groups, may engage in clashes in the Persian Gulf or any other region… there is no doubt that the U.S. will be held accountable for such a situation”. 

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  • 30 April 2019

    Details emerged regarding the leadership and stakeholders in the Special Trade and Finance Instrument (STFI), Iran’s counterpart to the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) set up by France, Germany and the UK in January 2019. STFI was registered on 22 April.

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  • 30 April 2019

    President Rouhani contended that “the goal that the U.S. is seeking by stopping oil exports is to reduce our foreign currency incomes. To prevent this, we need to increase our non-oil exports”. He added that “all authorities are unanimous that America’s decision to stop Iran’s oil exports is incorrect, and we will not let that happen”. Rouhani also suggested that “there are still other ways [for Iranian oil exports] that the U.S. is not aware of”. 

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  • 30 April 2019

    President Rouhani signed the “Act of Counteraction to IRGC’s Designation as Terrorist Group by the U.S.”, which was passed by the Iranian parliament and designated U.S. Central Command as a terrorist organisation. 

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  • 30 April 2019

    Citing a magazine profile of the U.S. National Security Advisor, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “today the world’s catching on to John Bolton’s chronic warmongering. But Iranians didn’t need to read a 10,000 word New Yorker profile to be convinced: We’ve seen him shill for a cult terror group, and – along with his B-Team accomplices – target Iranians with economic terrorism”. 

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  • 29 April 2019

    The head of the IRGC’s Qods Force, Qasem Soleimani, asserted that “the enemy wants to draw us to the negotiating table by imposing economic pressure. This kind of negotiation is just as good as giving in, but our people are vigilant and smart and believe that negotiating with the enemy in the current situation is a clear act of surrendering”. “We certainly will not bow to this ignominy”, Soleimani added. 

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  • 28 April 2019

    In an interview with Fox News, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif suggested that some members of the U.S. administration, along with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, “have all shown an interest in and dragging the U.S. into a conflict. I do not believe President Trump wants to do that”. He also posited that “engagement is not producing results in Iran. President Trump has made sure that the people of Iran would not believe in engagement… that’s a very bad message not only that you are sending to the people of Iran, but you’re sending to the rest of the world”. Zarif also gave a separate interview to CBS.

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  • 26 April 2019

    Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh assessed that “U.S. oil sanctions are not a bluff, but very harsh hostilities against the nation of Iran”. He also argued that Saudi Arabia and the UAE were “exaggerating on their oil capacities”. 

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  • 25 April 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson criticised Saudi Arabia and Bahrain’s endorsement of expanded U.S. sanctions against Iran, suggesting that their positions showed “blind obedience to the U.S.” He added that “Iran will not allow any market to replace it in the oil market, and holds the U.S. and the aforesaid countries… accountable for all consequences”. 

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  • 25 April 2019

    UN forces investigating what the IDF described as “Hizbollah attack tunnels” updated their findings to note that they had “independently confirmed the existence of five tunnels close to the Blue Line in northern Israel. Of these, three tunnels have been found to be crossing the Blue Line”. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    Iran’s senior leadership responded to the 22 April U.S. decision to end sanctions waivers on Iranian oil sales. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “their efforts won’t get them anywhere. We will export our oil as much as we need and we intend to”, adding that “they should know that this hostile measure will not be left without a reaction… the Iranian nation is not a nation that would sit idle in the face of hostilities”. Meanwhile, President Rouhani remarked that “we always favour negotiation and diplomacy, as we are ready for war and defence, if they lift all pressures and apologise for their illegal acts… accepting the demands of a bully who lies about being after negotiation will never lead anywhere, and we will never negotiate with a bully”. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    Assuming his position as head of the IRGC, Hossein Salami remarked that “we must expand out influence sphere from the region to the world to leave no secure region for the enemy across the globe”. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    An Iranian intelligence official stationed in the country’s north west claimed that over the previous year “a number of Takfiri [i.e Sunni fundamentalist] terrorists who were being moved by human gangs were arrested”, as were “60 people who had contacts” with the Mojahedin Khalq. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    Two days after the U.S. decided to end sanctions waivers on Iranian oil, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif predicted that “Iran will continue to sell its oil. We will continue to find buyers for our oil and we will continue to use the Strait of Hormuz as a safe transit passage for the sale of our oil… if the U.S. takes the crazy measure of trying to prevent us from doing that, then it should be prepared for the consequences”. He further assessed that senior Israeli and U.S. officials sought “regime change at the very least” and could be “plotting an accident anywhere in the region”. Zarif also indicated that “I’m ready… and I have authority” to negotiate a prisoner swap with the U.S. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami asserted that the “welfare of [the Iranian] nation is a part of our vital interests, and I consider myself allowed to use all legitimate tools, including defensive instruments, to meet these interests and confront America’s economic terrorism”. 

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  • 24 April 2019

    In an interview with Reuters, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif shared his sense that President Trump was not seeking conflict with Iran, “but that doesn’t exclude him being basically lured into one”. He also suggested that “those who have designed the policies that are being pursued do not simply want a negotiated solution… Iran is not seeking confrontation, but will not escape defending itself”. Commenting on the U.S. designation of the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), Zarif remarked that “we will exercise prudence but it doesn’t mean that if the U.S. changed the rules of the game, or changed the rules of engagement, it would be able to get away with that”. He also insisted that “there are always ways of going around the sanctions. We have a PhD in that area”. 

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  • 23 April 2019

    Following the U.S. decision to end oil waivers, Iran’s oil minister maintained that “Iran’s oil industry is spearheading the fight against U.S. economic aggression, and the plan to drive Iran’s oil exports to zero is the dream that will never come true”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif also weighed in on the move, asserting that “escalating economic terrorism against Iranians exposes the panic and desperation of the U.S. regime – and the chronic failures of its client co-conspirators”. 

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  • 23 April 2019

    Iran’s parliament approved a more than a dozen measures in response to the U.S. designation of the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). 

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  • 23 April 2019

    After the Saudi government executed 37 individuals who had “adopted terrorist and extremist thinking”, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted that there had been “not a whisper from the Trump administration… membership in the B-Team – Bolton, Bin Salman, Bin Zayed and ‘Bibi’ – gives immunity for any crime”.

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  • 22 April 2019

    In initial reaction to the U.S. decision to end oil waivers, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “due to the illegality of the specified sanctions… Iran has not attached any value or credit to the exemptions on sanctions and will not do so”. 

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  • 21 April 2019

    Hossein Salami was appointed commander of the IRGC, replacing Mohammad Ali Jafari.

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  • 19 April 2019

    Reviewing security achievements over the past year, Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi claimed that a U.S. “espionage network was identified with 290 spies in different countries, including Iran”. He also tallied the busting of “114 Takfiri terrorist teams”, a term typically used to describe Sunni groups such as ISIS, and further action against hundreds of opposition and criminal groups. 

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  • 18 April 2019

    In a speech marking Army Day, President Rouhani argued that “the U.S. is mad at any power that is not under their control. Because of the 40 years of resistance, the U.S. is mad at the Iranian nation and the armed forces and the IRGC, as it is mad at Hizbollah in Lebanon, the Popular Mobilisation Forces in Iraq, and popular forces in Yemen”. Rouhani also assured Iran’s neighbours that its military is “not against you and national interests, but they are to stand against the aggressors”. 

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  • 17 April 2019

    President Rouhani told his cabinet that “the heads of the U.S. regime showed their true nature” in responding to recent large-scale floods in Iran. “If they were wise, they would have announced that they would suspend sanctions because of the floods. Then the people may have believed that they were not against the people of Iran… but they did not let other people around the world to send their aid to Iran”. 

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  • 16 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif traveled to Damascus for meetings with President Assad and other senior Syrian officials.

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  • 16 April 2019

    President Trump vetoed S.J.Res 7, directing him “to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting Yemen”. In a message to the Senate, Trump noted that “Huthis, supported by Iran, have used missiles, armed drones and explosive boats to attack civilian and military targets in… coalition countries, including areas frequented by American citizens, such as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In addition, the conflict in Yemen represents a ‘cheap’ and inexpensive way for Iran to cause trouble for the U.S. and for our ally, Saudi Arabia”. He further indicated “the joint resolution would also harm the foreign policy of the U.S.”, including by “embolden[ing] Iran’s malign activities in Yemen”. “Even the U.S. Congress wants to put an end to CENTCOM’s destabilising activities in Yemen”, suggested Foreign Minister Javad Zarif shortly thereafter. “But petrofinanced Netanyahu-firsters and their enabler in the White House will continue… to push for forever wars”. 

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  • 15 April 2019

    A senior IRGC official indicated that “today, in the area of [Iran’s] regional achievements, there are tens of thousands of Lebanese Hizbollah forces around the borders of the Zionist regime [i.e Israel], and this is something the Americans cannot stomach”. 

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  • 15 April 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “what the enemies do against Iran today are their last resorts of enmity. The sterner they become against us, the stronger our willpower will become; the more they intensify their measures against us, the more powerful we will become”.

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  • 14 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, discussing the U.S. move to blacklist the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, indicated that Iran would “send messages to foreign ministers of all countries to tell them it is necessary for them to express their stances, and to warn them that this unprecedented and dangerous U.S. measure has had and will have consequences”. 

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  • 12 April 2019

    A senior Iranian military official warned that “the enemy’s [i.e the U.S.] decision to designate the IRGC as a terrorist group was madness, and the Americans should know that it was a self-destructive act since they have put the security of their own forces, in particular U.S. Central Command, in danger across the world”. 

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  • 10 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “ISIS would’ve held two Arab capitals and fielded a terrorist army on Europe’s doorstep had the IRGC not fought alongside the brave peoples of Iraq and Syria”. 

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  • 10 April 2019

    President Rouhani, discussing the U.S. move to designate the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), remarked that “the prime minister of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu] has explicitly announced that the U.S.’ move was on their request, and in other words, all U.S. crimes and illegal acts have been because of someone’s victory in the occupied territories’ elections”. He went on to assert that “today, the people of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nations in the region have not forgotten Iran and the IRGC’s services, and this move will not change anything… over the past 40 years, the U.S. has shown full-fledged animosity against Iran, and today it has been more blatant in this path”. “If they want to step beyond the propaganda”, Rouhani continued, “they will encounter problems and disasters, and I do not think they will do anything else, no matter how inexperienced they are”. 

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  • 10 April 2019

    In a letter to the UN Secretary-General regarding the U.S. decision to designate the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wrote that “Iran strongly condemns this baseless and provocative move; and deems this a hostile act against the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as a grave threat to the regional and international peace and security”. He added that “this provocative move will increase tensions to an uncontrollable and confrontational level and increases the danger of accidents and incidents in a region already facing numerous challenges. It is self-evident that the U.S. regime – along with those who have publicly acknowledged agitating this designation, as well as the two or three client regimes that have supported this – shall bear full responsibility for all consequences of this adventurism”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “the IRGC leads the fight in operational fields, confronting the enemies at our borders; and even thousands of kilometres away from the frontiers… as well as in political confrontations with enemies”. He added that “U.S. officials wishfully plot against the IRGC… such ferocities won’t get them anywhere. Their vice and deceit will return [to] boomerang on them, leading the enemies of the Islamic Republic such as Trump and those around him at the U.S. ruling apparatus to go down the drain”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    Iran marked National Nuclear Technology Day, with President Rouhani ordering “the installation of a cascade of 20 centrifuges of IR-6 design at the Natanz nuclear site”. Rouhani also cautioned the U.S. that “you were afraid of IR-1 centrifuges, today we unveiled IR-6, and if you continue to walk down this road, you will see IR-8 in the near future”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    President Rouhani, speaking one day after the U.S. decision to designate the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, maintained that “you thought that if you speak against the IRGC, divisions would arise or you could reduce its popularity, but from today, the IRGC’s popularity with Iranians and the region will rise, and Iran is more integrated than ever against you”. Rouhani also asserted that “if you want to limit Iran’s military power, you know that we have developed missiles since last year that you wouldn’t even imagine”, going on to suggest that “our patience has a threshold that if reached, the Iranian government and state may take steps”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “we consider the U.S. troops in West Asia as terrorists and if they do a damn thing, we will confront them vigorously”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    The IRGC’s commander described the U.S. decision to designate the force as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) as “very laughable”, adding that “in the next year, the IRGC will be more powerful than before in its defensive and offensive systems”. In a statement the following day, the IRGC asserted that it would “not hesitate to guard and defend the Revolution and its lofty ideals and… if required, it will give unforgettable lessons to the enemies”. 

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  • 9 April 2019

    Saudi state media reported that “an official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s welcome to the U.S.’ classification of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organisation”; Bahrain similarly hailed the designation. In response, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson opined that the two countries were “not in a position to express their stances against the Islamic Republic of Iran by playing a deceitful role” adding that “they will fail to hide behind such worthless stances and deflect the world’s attention away from their responsibility in promoting terrorism across the region and the world”. 

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  • 8 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who had earlier argued that those favouring the IRGC’s designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization sought “to drag the U.S. into a quagmire on [Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s] behalf”, characterised the formal announcement by the U.S. as “a(nother) misguided election-eve gift to Netanyahu. A(nother) dangerous U.S. misadventure in the region”. Iran’s Supreme National Security Council reciprocated the U.S. move by blacklisting U.S. Central Command, and in a statement Iran’s general staff indicated that “we will spare no efforts in support of the IRGC anti-terror actions in the fight against [the] CENTCOM terrorist group”. 

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  • 7 April 2019

    Iran criticised the Foreign Ministers Communique issued on 6 April by the Group of Seven (G-7) as “unconstructive, totally one-sided and unilateral those paragraphs… which contain bogus accusations emanating from incorrect interpretations of [Iran’s] peaceful nuclear program, regional role and its missile program”. 

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  • 6 April 2019

    Iraq’s prime minister traveled to Tehran, where he met with President Rouhani as well as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei; he was accompanied by senior military officials who held discussions with their Iranian opposite numbers. Khamenei told Abdul-Mahdi that “the Iraqi government should take actions so that U.S. troops will leave Iraq as soon as possible”.

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  • 4 April 2019

    In a statement, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “Secretary Pompeo and other U.S. officials… are well-advised to address the calamities of disaster-struck Americans who have been suffering from natural disasters for months, instead of trying to take abnormal and politically-driven advantage of the suffering of human beings afflicted by natural disasters”. He went on to predict that Iran would “not only prevail over the impact of the recent natural disaster… but also overcome the illegal sanctions and vanquish the economic terrorism of the U.S., all while registering the malign U.S. behaviour in their collective historical memory”. 

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  • 4 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that the Europeans “might not be prepared, and surely lack enough power to resist the U.S. sanctions. They made some efforts, but… their efforts were not sufficient”. “We continued to work with the Europeans in the diplomatic dimension, and we will continue to do so; however we never placed our hope on Europe”, Zarif added. “In particular after the U.S. left the JCPOA, we have focused our attention on the countries that are close to us and have sided with us; if I want to avoid the term ‘friend’, I’d say they have been cooperative with us”. 

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  • 3 April 2019

    Commenting on the floods in Iran, whose scope he described as “unprecedented in the history of Iran”, President Rouhani asserted that “those who did not let Iranian residing outside the country send aid to their own people should be ashamed”. He also stressed that “neither the holy Quds [i.e Jerusalem] will be a base for occupiers, nor will the Golan Heights be separated from dear Syria”. 

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  • 3 April 2019

    In a speech, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “we reiterate the word of Islam; as a result, animosity is roused. The U.S. wants you to stop following Islam. Others who follow the U.S. – like the Saudi regime – also seek the same goal”. “If you, the Iranian nation, persist in your efforts”, Khamenei added, “you will certainly defeat the enemy, the U.S.”

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  • 3 April 2019

    Citing a news report on Iranian claims that U.S. sanctions were hampering flood recovery, and a second report indicating E3 concern over Iran’s ballistic missile program, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif lamented that “a year after the U.S.’ unlawful abrogation of the JCPOA, Europe can’t muster political will to defy the U.S.’ economic terrorism. Not even by setting up a single banking channel for humanitarian aid”. The Europeans, Zarif added, “are instead busy appeasing President Trump by pressuring the UN over our defensive capabilities”. 

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  • 2 April 2019

    In a briefing to the UN Security Council, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano reiterated that “in my regular reports… I have stated that Iran is implementing [its JCPOA] commitments. It is essential that Iran continues to fully implement its commitments. Our inspectors have had access to all the sites and locations in Iran which they need to visit”. He went on to underscore that “the implementation in Iran of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, Additional Protocol and additional transparency measures under the JCPOA amounts to the most robust verification system in existence anywhere in the world”. 

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  • 1 April 2019

    Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh cautioned that the “oil market is in a fragile situation considering the supply and demand balance, so the oil producers should be wary of any trouble in the oil market, especially due to U.S. measures against big oil producers”. 

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  • 1 April 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that President Trump’s “‘maximum pressure’… is impeding aid efforts by the Iranian Red Crescent to all communities devastated by unprecedented floods”. “This isn’t just economic warfare”, Zarif added. “It’s economic terrorism”. The following day, Secretary Pompeo issued a statement offering “condolences to the victims of the recent floods in Iran”, going on to argue that “these floods once again show the level of Iranian regime mismanagement in urban planning and emergency preparedness. The regime blames outside entities when, in fact, it is their mismanagement that has led to this disaster”. The statement went on to indicate that “the U.S. stands ready to assist and contribute to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which would then direct the money through the Iranian Red Crescent for relief”. Zarif responded, again via Twitter, to maintain that the “Iranian Red Crescent can’t receive any funds due to illegal U.S. sanctions. [The] U.S. should own up to its economic terrorism”. 

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  • 31 March 2019

    Upon the conclusion of an Arab League summit, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “the Islamic Republic considers the atmosphere of the recent summit as positive compared with its previous meetings”, and described the positions taken on the U.S. recognition of the Golan Heights as “positive and promising”. However, he also stressed that “we strongly reject and condemn wrong and baseless claims on our country’s interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries as well as claims on Iran’s three islands”. 

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  • 30 March 2019

    On Twitter, President Trump cited a New York Times opinion piece arguing that “the Trump administration has succeeded in dramatically raising the costs to Iran for its sinister behaviour, at no cost to the U.S. or our allies. That’s the definition of a foreign policy achievement”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif replied with a tweet of his own, arguing that President Trump “is grasping at every straw to portray his failed Iran policy as a success. [The] only thing proven is that he rejoices over the misery that he thinks he has imposed on ordinary Iranians”. “Like his predecessors”, Zarif predicted, “he will learn that Iranians never submit to pressure”. On 1 April, National Security Advisor John Bolton also referred to the article, commenting that “for too long the Iranian regime fomented conflict and instability to expand its influence and threaten its neighbours with little cost for its action. No more. We will continue to apply maximum pressure until Tehran abandons its unacceptable behaviour”. 

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  • 29 March 2019

    President Rouhani described a Luxembourg court’s decision on a case involving Iranian assets as “a great victory for the Iranian nation”. Maintaining that “the U.S. is violating international rules and regulations every day”, Rouhani went on to assert that “a racist, lawbreaking and war-mongering group has obtained position in the White House”. 

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  • 28 March 2019

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif described the U.S. decision to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights as a “lawless announcement”, and advised “our Arab and Muslim brethren” that the “U.S. and Israel will offer you handshakes, but no matter how much you kowtow, they will still steal your lands”. 

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  • 28 March 2019

    Meeting with relatives of Afghan Fatemiyoun unit members killed in Syria, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “I have been informed that the Afghans are more unfaltering and resolved in battlefields [against terrorists] compared to others… today, the U.S. has been defeated in the West Asia region, in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq and the reason behind this defeat is your children”. 

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  • 27 March 2019

    The U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, underscored that “the policy of the U.S. is that we are not looking to grant any new oil waivers… the forecasters say that there will be more supply than demand [in 2019]. That gives us better market conditions to accelerate our path to zero imports”. Hook also countered the suggestion that U.S. sanctions impacted Iran’s population, arguing that “the Iranian people know where to place their blame on their economic troubles, and it’s President [Hassan] Rouhani”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson hit back at Hook’s comments, maintaining that “the U.S. can no longer achieve its inhumane and sinister goals”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    Following President Trump’s decision to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, President Rouhani opined that “nobody would ever imagine that someday somebody would take office in America and grant a land to a usurper, against international rules and regulations”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “[President] Trump and company try to take credit for the ‘defeat of ISIS’ – which was created and nourished by their invasion of Iraq and their fomenting of unrest in Syria”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif posited that “Saudi Arabia and its allies rejected Iran’s peace plan for Yemen in April 2015 – claiming that victory was at hand within three weeks. On the eve of the war’s shameful fifth year, a reminder that it’s not too late to stop the nightmare that this war has become”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    An Iranian bank sanctioned by the Treasury Department responded to the designation saying that “the excuses mentioned, including Ansar Bank’s connection with overseas networks in Turkey and the UAE, and the names of certain unrelated natural and legal persons cited are sheer delusions and lies, and all such claims are hence rejected”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    In a call with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, President Rouhani emphasised that “Iran is fully ready to implement all agreements made” in his visit to Iraq earlier in the month, adding that “cooperation and negotiation between the officials of the two countries, especially in the southern areas should be promoted”. Rouhani also criticised the U.S. move to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, stating that “the worrying talk about violating the rights of the Palestinian and Syrian people, especially on the Golan Heights, are extremely dangerous for the security of the region”. 

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  • 26 March 2019

    The Treasury Department announced that had taken “action against 25 individuals and entities, including a network of Iran, UAE and Turkey-based front companies, that have transferred over a billion dollars and euros to the IRGC and Iran’s Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics”. 

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  • 25 March 2019

    Following Secretary Pompeo’s visit to Beirut, in the course of which he had warned Lebanon against “allow[ing] the dark ambitions of Iran and Hizbollah to dictate your future”, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson riposted that “the provocative, meddlesome and undiplomatic remarks made by the U.S. Secretary of State… once again revealed Washington’s patronising attitude and behaviour towards other free and independent countries”. He went on to argue that “now that is has failed to realise its ominous goals in the sensitive region of the Middle East, the U.S. is resorting to the worn-out, hackneyed and outdated trick of intimidating and threatening others in a bit to impose its hegemonic policies and behaviour”. “Iran stresses at it will tap into all its capacities in order to promote internal solidarity and unity in Lebanon”, the spokesperson added, “and to reinforce bilateral ties with the country in issues that are in the interest of the Iranian and Lebanese people”. 

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  • 25 March 2019

    The U.S. added “dozens of new vessels involved in illicit oil shipments” from Iran to Syria in an update to a November 2018 advisory. A senior Treasury Department official noted that “the U.S. has made it clear to the maritime shipping community that we will not tolerate the use of petroleum as a mechanism to finance rogue regimes in Iran and Syria”, adding that “as Iran and Syria attempt to adapt their illicit tactics and shift to new vessels, we will continue to provide these updates to the shipping community”. 

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  • 22 March 2019

    Following President Trump’s announcement that “it is time for the U.S. to fully recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights”, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that “the continued disregard by the Trump administration for the rights of Muslims and Arabs has reached the abhorrent level of giving what is not their, be [it] al-Quds al-Sharif [i.e Jerusalem] or the occupied Golan to the aggressive Zionist entity”. An Iranian diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “Iran will closely monitor all future developments and will adopt appropriate policies in cooperation and consultation with the Syrian government and other countries”. Meanwhile, the Syrian government insisted that “the Golan is Syria, and it will return to the motherland sooner or later, no matter how long it takes”. 

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  • 22 March 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif declared that the “U.S. is the single biggest source of instability in the Middle East. It may be deluded enough to believe that persistently violating international law, bullying sovereign nations and milking its clients projects strength. It does not. Its recklessness just displays the panic of an empire in decline”. 

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  • 21 March 2019

    In a new year statement, President Rouhani remarked that “I would like to tell the great Iranian nation that problems have started by the enemies and those who have recently come to power in Washington, but the end is at our hands. The enemy thought that the entire world and its allies would stand by it in these sanctions, but we saw that all countries, except a few countries, stood by the Iranian nation”. 

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  • 21 March 2019

    In a new year message, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that U.S. analysis of Iran and the region “could be both idiocy and malice”. He also argued that the “the enemy is engaged in an economic war against us”, but “we will defeat them”. “The enemies in the region know that we can counter any enemy in the region by our precision-guided missiles”, Khamenei declared, while also describing the European special purpose vehicle for trade with Iran as “a sad joke”.  

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  • 21 March 2019

    Supreme Leader Khamenei remarked that “I do not know any state in this region, or maybe anywhere in the world, worse than the Saudi regime. It is a despotic, dictatorial, corrupt, tyrannical and dependent regime”. He also stated that “I would not worry” about Saudi missile production, “because I know in the near future they will be in the hands of Islamic warriors”. 

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  • 20 March 2019

    In a new year message, Foreign Minister Zarif suggested that “despite the medieval tactics employed by the U.S. to destroy their livelihoods, [Iranians] are unwavering in their sense of hope”. “We will continue to engage with our partners to, brick by brick, dismantle the inhumane wall that the U.S. administration has laboured to erect around us”, he asserted, adding that Iran “welcome[s] constructive engagement, including with the expanding array of nations who are equally sick and tired of the bullying of the U.S.” “I will remind those who wish us harm”, Zarif added, “that Iranians… will celebrate countless more [new years] before submitting to outside diktats, let alone those issued by an increasingly isolated power”.    

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  • 19 March 2019

    Iran registered the Special Trade and Finance Institute (STFI) as a counterpart to the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) set up by Europe in January.

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  • 19 March 2019

    An Iranian spokesperson rubbished suggestions that Tehran had hacked an Israeli election candidate’s mobile phone, arguing that Israel and the U.S. were “seeking to maximise pressure on Iran because of their hostility, malice and [their goal] to promote Iranophobia”. 

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  • 19 March 2019

    Following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s 6 March remarks indicating the Israeli “navy will have a more important role in efforts to block” alleged Iranian sanctions-busting by sea, Iran’s UN mission wrote to the Security Council warning that Tehran “will not hesitate to use its inherent right to self-defence in case of any hostile measure by the Israeli regime”. 

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  • 18 March 2019

    President Rouhani stated that the U.S. “abandoned their commitments under the nuclear deal without any reason, and began imposing the most severe sanctions on us, assuming that by intensifying pressure, they can return to Iran… their aim is to come back to Tehran and take over our people, but this aim will be impossible for them to achieve”. 

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  • 18 March 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff met with his opposite numbers from Syria and Iraq, pledging that “measures taken by the three countries will continue until terrorists are fully defeated”. He also met with the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, in Damascus. 

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  • 17 March 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official claimed that “today, we can say that the Army’s ground forces have turned into a rapid action, mobile and offensive force”. 

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  • 17 March 2019

    President Rouhani maintained that “sanctions are more of a psychological war than economic war and they [i.e the U.S.] are putting pressure on the banking system of the world when we want to import goods that we need… I tell the Americans that they will never achieve their goals, and it is not possible to force the Iranian nation into surrender by putting pressures on them”. 

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  • 17 March 2019

    An border guard was killed in western Iran following a skirmish purportedly involving “gunmen [who] had planned to enter the country and conduct acts of sabotage”. 

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  • 17 March 2019

    President Rouhani suggested that “the judiciary should sue U.S. authorities and the architects of sanctions for crimes against humanity”. He went on to remark that “the U.S., Zionism [i.e Israel] and reactionaries in the region have joined hands against Iran, creating problems for Iran… we will stand strong in these conditions until the U.S. understands that they have taken the wrong path, and they have to know that they have to respect the great Iranian nation”. 

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  • 16 March 2019

    Iran’s oil minister asserted that “we are taking [the necessary] measures to export Iran’s oil”, while cautioning that should the U.S. “make conditions difficult for the exports, conditions will also become more difficult for the world”. 

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  • 15 March 2019

    A senior U.S. official indicated that “we are just about finished with the campaign along the Euphrates to defeat the last territorial holdings of the [ISIS] ‘caliphate’. They’re down to a few hundred fighters and less than a square km of land”. He also noted that U.S. assessments indicate “that there’s between 15,000 and 20,000 ISIS armed adherents active, although many are in sleeper cells, in Syria and in Iraq”. 

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  • 14 March 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei assessed that “today, the U.S. and the Zionists [i.e Israel] have mobilised all their capabilities and facilities against the Iranian nation”. He added that the U.S. had “launched a pervasive assault against Iran, but if we commit to maximum mobilisation of all our facilities and capabilities… we will make the U.S. suffer its heaviest defeat throughout its history”. 

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  • 14 March 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson took issue with Secretary Pompeo’s 12 March assertion that “Iran is using its energy to create a vassal state” in Iraq”. “Contrary to the U.S.’ usual interfering policies, neither of the countries [Iran and Iraq] seeks to impose its will and demands on the other”, he riposted. “The leaders of the two countries have decided to stand together in tough conditions. If such a decision and choice irritates U.S. officials, they should not allow themselves to use undiplomatic terms… just because of their absurd anger caused by their selfish wrath”.

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  • 13 March 2019

    One week after Prime Minister Netanyahu indicated that “Iran is trying to bypass the sanctions on it through covert smuggling of petroleum via the sea” and warned that Israel’s “navy will have a more important role in efforts to block these Iranian actions”, Iran’s Defence Minister, Amir Hatami, stated that “if they [i.e Israel] have this intention, the issue will be considered as a measure of international insecurity and banditry”. Hatami went on to say that “Iran enjoys the required capability to respond to this issue and if it happens, it will give a crushing response”. 

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  • 13 March 2019

    SNSC Secretary Ali Shamkhani remarked that “in the past two years, anti-revolutionary groups, which are backed by certain regional and trans-regional countries, have made many attempts to destabilise Iran’s north west borders, which were all foiled…any attempt by any groups or countries to destabilise Iran’s borders will face severely aggressive and preemptive measures”. Shamkhani also suggested that “some [regional countries] have put it on their agenda to carry out suspicious nuclear projects by squandering their petrodollars”, warning that the “start of new threats like this will no doubt make us devise our strategy based on the new nature and geography of threats”. 

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  • 13 March 2019

    In remarks on the conclusion of a three-day visit to Iraq, President Rouhani stressed that “no power and third country can divide the great Iranian and Iraqi nations and governments”. He added that “regarding regional security issues, we reached good agreements and the two countries have close views about it”. 

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  • 12 March 2019

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami opined that “what they are telling us today is that you should not have missiles and defence power while they allow other countries to make our region filled with weapons and bombs”. “We will certainly increase our defens[ive] power so that war does not take place”, Hatami added. 

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  • 12 March 2019

    On the second day of his visit to Iraq, President Rouhani asserted that “the Popular Mobilisation Forces have had, and will have, a very important role in consolidating stability, culture and solidarity in Iraq”. At a separate engagement, he remarked that “sowing discord among the countries and people of the region, creating rifts among the ethnic and religious groups, justifying their illegitimate presence in the region, destroying Iraq and Syria and other countries in the region and finally, introducing themselves as the saviour and portraying a violent face for Islam were among the goals of the hegemonic power”. “Today, everyone knows that these western powers did not have any role in the elimination of terrorists from the region”, he added, further claiming that “terrorism has not finished yet, and it is possible that they make different problems for the peoples of the region, because the Americans are transferring them to Afghanistan, Central Asia and the Caucasus”.  

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  • 11 March 2019

    Speaking in Baghdad, President Rouhani argued that “at the time when the U.S. is seeking to pressurise the Iranian nation with its unjust sanctions, we need to develop and deepen our relations to stand against them”. 

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  • 11 March 2019

    Commenting on President Rouhani’s visit to Iraq, the U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, opined that “you have to question the motive. I think what Iran would ultimately like to see happen is Iraq turn into a province of Iran so that they can create a military highway across the northern Middle East that the IRGC can use to ferry missiles and weapons”. Hook went on to say that “the Iranian regime wants to replace a national identity. They want to dissolve it and replace it with a Shiite identity. This has been the core of their foreign policy to create sectarian divisions. They want to do that in Iraq as well”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson subsequently argued that “the outrage of the U.S. official comes as no surprise because it seems the U.S. has not yet achieved a desirable status among the regional states despite spending billions of dollars in the Middle East”.  

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  • 11 March 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official argued that “Americans, with a claim that Iran belongs to them, are seeking to return to our country, ignorant of the fact the Iranian nation will never allow them such insolence”. “Not only will they fail to return to Iran”, he predicted, “but the power of the Islamic revolution will drive them out of the West Asia region”. 

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  • 11 March 2019

    President Rouhani arrived in Baghdad for a three-day visit to Iraq. After a meeting with President Barham Salih, Rouhani indicated that “we want to be closer and united with Iraq, not against another country, but rather we want to have other countries in the region alongside us”. 

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  • 9 March 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official compared the challenges of U.S. sanctions to the 1980-88 conflict with Iraq, arguing that “the recent economic war, which is accompanied by political and psychological operations, is one of the most complicated and difficult wars and is even harder than the Sacred Defence”.

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  • 9 March 2019

    On prospects for Iran-U.S. negotiations, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “if you do not respect even your own words, one cannot expect you to respect a deal. Therefore, I don’t believe a dialogue [with the Trump administration] would be very useful”. 

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  • 7 March 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “despite the unilateral sanctions of the U.S. against the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is the first time after the revolution that their sanctions have only a few proponents in the world, and the overwhelming majority of countries are against them”. He added that “eight times in my visit to New York in 2017, and five world leaders in 2018, delivered Trump’s message for a meeting, but I announced that the time and conditions weren’t ripe for a meeting. I said it there that first the U.S. should return back to the nuclear deal and compensate its withdrawal… we favour negotiation and have its power”. 

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  • 6 March 2019

    Iraq’s parliamentary speaker visited Tehran, where he met with his Iranian opposite number as well as Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Shamkhani argued that the “deployment of U.S. forces in the region is a long-term threat to the governments which are democratic, rely on their internal power and oppose dependence on [foreign] powers”, while the Iraqi speaker underscored that “we will not allow any country to use Iraq’s territory to carry out hostile action against another country”.  

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  • 6 March 2019

    Iran and the P4+1 convened in Vienna for a meeting of the JCPOA’s Joint Commission. 

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  • 6 March 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif disseminated via his Twitter page a letter from Iranian medical experts to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urging “the international community to condemn U.S. embargoes on Iran and to act strongly against sanctions targeting medical needs and humanitarian aids as well as sanctions targeting research and scientific advancement”. 

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  • 6 March 2019

    President Rouhani stated that “during economic war, the country needs a single commander; I suggested to the Supreme Leader to be the commander, but he said it is the president who has to be the commander of this war”. He also suggested that “today, we are again in a battle with the Iranian nation’s staunch enemy… it is all about one thing: America says we should go back to 40 years ago and we say we will not go backward, we will continue on the path of progress, independence, freedom and democracy”. 

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  • 6 March 2019

    President Rouhani told Iraq’s visiting parliamentary speaker that “security and stability in Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran are interrelated”, adding that “we are ready to develop our cooperation and relations in economic and infrastructural field”. The speaker reiterated that “we are against any kind of sanctions and siege against the Islamic Republic of Iran”. 

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  • 4 March 2019

    IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano confirmed that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently opined that “contrasting the constant lies that [Prime Minister] Netanyahu, [President] Trump and their associates tell about Iran, the IAEA once again – and for the umpteenth time – affirms our standing by our word and adhering to the nuclear accord that the U.S. has illegally violated”. “Our patience, however, is running thin”, Zarif warned. 

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  • 4 March 2019

    The Supreme Leader’s office published 15 July 2018 remarks by Ali Khamenei to Iran’s cabinet warning them to “not tie down the economy of the country to European packages”. Khamenei had also remarked that “I do not believe in isolation, breaking off relations and the like, except for a few cases like that of the U.S.”

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  • 4 March 2019

    A senior Iranian defence official posited that “the entirety of Trump’s strategy in the region and the world is to the American government’s economic benefits, and against the security and political independence of nations”. He went on to suggest that “U.S. power is declining, and the American know they are weakened and are no longer the world’s superpower; they would have overthrown the Assad government if they were still able to”. 

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  • 3 March 2019

    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani argued that “regarding the range, destruction power, accuracy and quick preparation which are the four main topics of our missile development, we do not consult and obtain permission from anybody… our defence needs determine what we do”. Shamkhani also indicated that “our prediction about U.S. allies in the region is that if their policy to take refuge in the enemies of Islam continues, they will face the uprisings of their humiliated citizens”. 

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  • 1 March 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “President Trump should’ve now realised that pageantries, photo-ops and flip-flops don’t make for serious diplomacy. It took ten years of posturing plus two years… of negotiations to hammer out every word of the 150-page JCPOA. You’ll never get a better deal”. 

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  • 28 February 2019

    Qods force commander Soleimani argued that “from the very beginning the enemy saw the JCPOA as a three-pronged objective, not just one, and the other two were more important than the first”. “Obama wanted to reach the other two goals slowly”, Soleimani suggested, “but Trump wants to traverse this road quickly and this road will lead to JCPOA 3”. 

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  • 27 February 2019

    President Rouhani rejected Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s 25 February resignation. Citing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s description of Zarif as “honest, brave, courageous and pious”, Rouhani wrote that “since I believe you are at the forefront of resisting the intense pressures of the U.S., I consider accepting your resignation against our country’s interests, and I reject it”. He also noted that “the happiness of the sworn enemies of this people, such as the Zionist regime [i.e Israel], over your resignation is the best evidence of the success of Mohammad Javad Zarif, and the biggest reason for the continuation of your work”.

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  • 27 February 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei opined that “the U.S. is completely unreliable and always tries to cause sedition, corruption, conflict and war”, adding that “we deem ourselves obliged to behave well toward our neighbouring countries; even though U.S. officials, such as John Bolton, have no understanding of such matters or of human relations”. 

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  • 27 February 2019

    Qods force commander Soleimani described Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s 25 February trip to Tehran as a “celebration of victory”, adding that “you saw how Assad hugged the [Supreme] Leader with love, like a son who has been departed from his father. This is not a minor thing”. Soleimani also assessed that “the most secure borders of our country is the common border with Iraq, and our friends are ruling the country”. 

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  • 26 February 2019

    President Rouhani maintained that “we have achieved good victories in the political and international stages, and we have done great things in the region, parts of which were on the shoulders of the IRGC, the foreign ministry and the economic sectors”. He added that the 25 February visit of President Bashar al-Assad “indicates that if we stand by each other, we will be successful”. 

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  • 25 February 2019

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad traveled to Tehran for meetings with senior Iranian officials. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “Syria… managed to stand strong against a big coalition of the U.S., Europe and their allies in the region and victoriously come out of it”. He also warned that “the question of a buffer zone in Syria that the Americans are trying to create is one of their dangerous plots that must be firmly rejected and opposed”. “Iran and Syria”, Khamenei added, “are strategic allies and the identity and power of Resistance depends on their continuous and strategic alliance, because of which the enemies will not be able to put their plans into action”. President Rouhani pledged that “Iran will stand by the Syria government and people like before”. 

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  • 25 February 2019

    Referring to reports of U.S. sabotage against Iran’s missile program and subsequent Iranian claims of penetrating U.S. drone operations, a senior IRGC official claimed that to have known of U.S. sabotage efforts “for several years.. they were trying to sabotage some of the equipment so that the missiles would explode in the air. But so far, they have failed to do a damn thing because we anticipated [their moves] and boosted [the missiles]. He added that “the Americans showed insolence [to us] and said they have sent faulty parts to our missile industries. We did it [the hacking of U.S. drones] to tell them that ‘not only you failed to reach your goals, but we have infiltrated your systems’, and that was the answer to the Americans’ insolence”. 

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  • 25 February 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif announced his resignation. Secretary Pompeo subsequently tweeted that “we’ll see if it sticks. Either way, he and Hassan Rouhani are just front men for a corrupt religious mafia. We know Ali Khamenei makes all final decisions. Our policy is unchanged – the regime must behave like a normal country and respect its people”. 

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  • 23 February 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, indicated that “Iran has designed and put into practice initiatives that would neutralise the illegal U.S. sanctions against Iran’s export of oil”, while warning that “cutting off [regional] oil exports does not necessarily amount to blocking the Strait of Hormuz. In fact, there are multiple methods to make that happen”. 

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  • 23 February 2019

    A senior IRGC commander declared that “the whole world should know that when we talk about martyrdom, it does not mean that we stand still so that the enemy attacks us and kills us. If the enemy opts for a war, we will become fully offensive”. 

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  • 23 February 2019

    Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, maintained that “we will stay in Syria and fight against terrorism as long as the legitimate Syrian government would make such requests”. Addressing Israel’s airstrikes, Shamkhani posited that “Israel is clearly taking steps to serve the interests of terrorists and to counter the Syrian government and army”. “We severely responded to the [Israeli] attack on T4 and dealt a heavy blow to them”, Shamkhani remarked. “We have made arrangements to protect our red line in the area of human casualties caused by any act of aggression and invasion”. He also predicted that “we will soon witness a major upheaval in upgrading the deterrent power of resistance in Syria. I believe that the Zionist regime’s officials, particularly their military and intelligence officials, are well aware of this issue. The method for tackling their Zionist regime’s attacks on Syria and the axis of resistance in 2019 will be significantly different from the combat methods in the past”. “We have accomplished more than 90 per cent of our objectives [in Syria]”, Shamkhani maintained. “Thus, the Israeli punitive strikes have had no strategic impact and the resistance has pressed ahead with its activities”.  

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  • 22 February 2019

    The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) decided “to continue the suspension of counter-measures” against Iran, while identifying seven areas of outstanding concern in Iran’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) deficiencies. 

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  • 22 February 2019

    The IAEA’s latest quarterly report on the JCPOA indicated continued Iranian compliance with the deal’s nuclear restrictions. 

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  • 22 February 2019

    Referring to a 13 February attack that killed more than two dozen members of the IRGC, a senior official pledged that “no acts of terrorism will go unanswered… our responses are resolute and those who receive these responses will become familiar with their severity”. 

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  • 21 February 2019

    An IRGC official claimed that “seven or eight [U.S.] drones that had constant flights over Syria and Iraq were brought under our control, and their intelligence was monitored by us”. 

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  • 21 February 2019

    In comments prompted by the deadly 13 February attack against IRGC forces in south-eastern Iran, Qods Force commander Qasem Soleimani claimed that “Saudi cash has influence Pakistan”, and warned Pakistan “not to allow their borders to become a source of insecurity for neighbouring countries”. He added that “Iran will take revenge of its martyrs from those mercenaries who have committed this crime no matter where they are in the world. We will punish this wicked group in any part of the world and we will not allow the blood of our youth to be shed in the country and cleaned [and forgotten] easily”. 

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  • 21 February 2019

    Iran’s intelligence ministry claimed to have detained two ISIS-related groups who intended “to plant bombs, kill people and assassinate certain Iranian Sunni clergy in Kurdistan province”.  

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  • 20 February 2019

    President Rouhani assessed that “today, there is a showdown between Iran and the U.S., meaning that today they are using all they can against the Iranian nation”. “The actions of the U.S. in pressuring banks and companies for not cooperating with Iran”, Rouhani went on to say, “is an absolute terrorist act”. 

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  • 19 February 2019

    A senior IRGC official declared that “today, Saudi Arabia is the heart of evil in the region and the world”, adding that “IRGC ground force combatants are standing against the ominous triangle of the U.S., the Zionist regime [i.e Israel] and regional Arab reactionary governments”. Referring Saudi Arabia’s leaders, he added that “Al Saud must know that it won’t last long, and the enemy must know that we will not let it go”. 

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  • 19 February 2019

    A senior IRGC official claimed that “when it comes to Iran’s missile power, the enemies beg for negotiation with us because we have become powerful in this sector”. He went on to rubbish suggestions of U.S. sabotage, asserting that “it is a very big lie because if they make such a claim, they should tell us why they want to negotiate on this issue”. 

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  • 19 February 2019

    A senior Iranian official predicted that “there will be no trace of Al-Saud in Saudi Arabia by 2030”. 

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  • 18 February 2019

    Supreme Ali Khamenei argued that “the wisdom-lacking or first-class fools representing the heads of the U.S. regime get enraged and are frantically doing anything they can: the hold the Warsaw summit to call their intimidated, weak allies to make decisions against the Islamic Republic, but they fail. This is also a sign of the enemy’s weakness. When the enemy is weak, it starts to huff and puff. The huff and puff should not scare the officials”. “Heads of many Persian Gulf states that sat with the Zionist regime [i.e Israel] and the U.S. in the Warsaw summit to form an alliance against Islam, Muslims and the Islamic Republic have become disgraced”, Khamenei added. 

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  • 18 February 2019

    A senior Saudi official denied Iranian accusations of Saudi involvement in a deadly 13 February attack against an IRGC bus in south-eastern Iran, instead arguing that “Iran has been harbouring virtually the board of directors of al-Qaeda” and “facilitating the transport of terrorists across its territory”. “The last country in the world to accuse others of supporting terrorism is Iran”, he added. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson responded by dubbing Saudi Arabia “the real godfather of Takfiri terrorism” and “cradle of fundamentalist ideology”. 

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  • 17 February 2019

    In remarks to the Munich Security Conference, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that Iran has “long been the target of an unhealthy fixation – an obsession” for the U.S., adding that “in the past two years, the U.S. has taken its animus towards Iran to a new extreme”. “More and more nations”, he suggested, “are becoming explicit about the fact that the U.S. is now the single biggest source of destabilisation in our neighbourhood”. Zarif went on to say that “while we have shown our desire for engagement, we won’t depend on others for our security, stability, prosperity and progress… that is why 40 years of so-called ‘maximum pressure’… has failed to ‘being Iran to its knees’, nor has it affected our people’s decision-making calculus”. 

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  • 16 February 2019

    Following the 13 February attack against an IRGC bus in south-eastern Iran, the IRGC’s commander claimed that Pakistan had “sheltered” those responsible and “should be held accountable for the crime that has been committed”. He went on to warn that “the patience that the [Iranian] establishment used to exercise in the face of such conspiracies and reactionary government of the region, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which are acting at the behest of the U.S. and the Zionist regime [i.e Israel], will be different”. 

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  • 15 February 2019

    In a statement regarding the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson mused about the prospects for its “success while main regional players like Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine are absent and significant countries such as China, Russia and many other leading European and non-European states are either not in attendance or represented in a very low level”. “The U.S.”, he added, “promotes insecurity, instability, poverty, war and extremism in the region through its unilateral pullout from the Iran nuclear deal and by violating all international laws and pursuing hypocritical policies and sponsoring terrorism”. 

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  • 15 February 2019

    Citing the 2003 Iraq war, Foreign Minister Zarif posited that “people in President Trump’s administration are trying to create the same eventuality and I believe they will fail”. “People”, Zarif predicted, “will find out that it’s suicidal to engage in a war with Iran”. Asked about the prospects of negotiations with the U.S., Zarif responded saying “why should we renegotiate a deal which we spent… thirteen years negotiating? And we negotiated with the U.S. Why should we trust President Trump, that he would abide by his own signature? 

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  • 14 February 2019

    In a message regarding the 13 February attack which killed more than two dozen members of the IRGC, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei asserted that “it is evidently certain that the perpetrators of this crime are connected to the intelligence services of some of the countries inside as well as outside the region, and the country’s governmental bodies in charge must steadfastly focus on and investigate the matter”. President Rouhani also issued a statement, indicating that “this crime is another shame in the dark history of the main sponsors of terrorism at the White House, Tel Aviv and their regional agents… all perpetrators and those who ordered this vicious, flagrant act will be punished soon with the hard work of the powerful security forces of the country”. 

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  • 14 February 2019

    President Rouhani met with his Turkish and Russian counterparts for discussions on Syria. In a press conference, he suggested that “if the U.S. retreats its forces from Syria, based on our intelligence we know that they will continue to meddle in Syria”. Rouhani also posited that “illegal interference in Syria by the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] is a source of concern for the people of this country and other nations in the region. [The] Israelis bomb anywhere in the region and fly on Lebanese and Syrian soil whenever they wish, and unfortunately, the UN and global authorities are silent about these continued acts of aggression in Syria”. 

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  • 13 February 2019

    In a lengthy statement on the “Second Phase of Revolution“, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei suggested that “today, the Iranian nation, in addition to the criminal regime of the U.S., regards a number of European governments as deceiving and unreliable. The Islamic Republic of Iran must prudently observe its boundaries with them; it should not retreat from its revolutionary and national values; it should not be scared by their void threats; and at all times, it should consider the dignity of the country and try to wisely, prudently and of course with a revolutionary standpoint settle the solvable problems it has in relations with them”. “In the case of the U.S.”, he added, “no problem with them is seen to be resolved, and any negotiation with the U.S. will have no outcome but material and spiritual harms”. 

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  • 13 February 2019

    Jaish al-Adl claimed to have carried an attack against an IRGC vehicle in south-eastern Iran; early casualty reported indicated more than two dozen deaths and several additional wounded. On Twitter, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asked “is it no coincidence that Iran is hit by terror on the very day that the Warsaw Circus [i.e. the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East] begins?” 

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  • 13 February 2019

    President Rouhani told his cabinet that “in the past one year, the enemies have been continuously trying to make people worried, anxious and discouraged. Of course, they have put pressures on our people and this is normal”. Iran, he went on to say, “will never yield to the enemies. If our nation yields to the U.S., this means that we have to yield to them till the end, giving up our dignity, independence and honor”. “We are always open to dialogue and logic”, Rouhani added, “if those who want to talk respect our country’s dignity, law and international regulations”. 

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  • 13 February 2019

    In Warsaw for the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East, Prime Minister Netanyahu remarked that “what is important about this meeting – and it is not in secret, because there are many of those – is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries, that are sitting down together with Israel in order to advance the common interest of combating Iran”. Initial translations of those comments referred to “war with Iran”, rather than “combating Iran”, which Foreign Minister Zarif quickly seized on as reflecting “Netanyahu’s illusions”. 

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  • 12 February 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson opined that U.S. National Security Advisor “John Bolton is suffering from a chronic hallucinatory psychosis when it comes to Iran and Iranians”. 

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  • 11 February 2019

    Attending celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the 1979 revolution, Defence Minister Amir Hatami posited that “today, the U.S., the Israeli regime and all their mercenaries can receive the response for all their conspiracies seeing the Iranian nation’s epic turnout and would witness their defeat in Iran and in the region”. 

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  • 11 February 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to social media to “bow in admiration to Iran’s resilient people who – despite hardships and grievances – today poured into [the] streets by the missions to mark [the] fortieth anniversary of their Islamic Revolution, which some in the U.S. wished would never come”. The “U.S. should take note”, Zarif counseled. “REAL Iranians never succumb to diktats”. 

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  • 11 February 2019

    In a speech on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the 1979 revolution, President Rouhani declared that “we have not – and will not – ask for permission from anybody for improving our defensive power”. Rouhani also released a statement to those attending commemorative rallies in which he asserted that “months ago, our enemies broke their vow and relied on unjust sanctions against the people, and used all their power… you, with your passionate attendance and intelligence, displayed the dynamics of the revolution to them. You once again ignored the threats and the crisis-making of the imperialism and their regional agents…confirming the national solidarity and authority of the holy Islamic Republic more than before”. 

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  • 11 February 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif flipped the “40 years of failure” campaign used by U.S. officials to describe the Islamic Republic’s post-revolutionary policies to instead criticise Washington’s “failed” approach toward Iran. 

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  • 10 February 2019

    Iran’s intelligence minister announced the arrest of seven suspected ISIS members. 

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  • 10 February 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff maintained that “our defence capabilities, including missile power, is by no means negotiable and cannot be discussed with anyone”. 

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  • 10 February 2019

    A senior IRGC official warned that “if the Europeans and others want to pursue the missile disarmament of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on a conspiracy, we will have no option but to resort to a strategic leap”. 

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  • 8 February 2019

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, recalling his warnings during the nuclear talks about trusting the U.S., asserted that “those officials who negotiated [with the U.S.] at that time are now saying that the U.S. is unreliable”. He added that “‘down with the USA’ means down with Trump, John Bolton and Pompeo… we have no fight to pick with the American people”. “As long as the U.S. shows viciousness and savagery”, Khamenei asserted, “the Iranian nation will never cease shouting these words of ‘Down with the USA’”. 

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  • 7 February 2019

    A senior Iranian military official indicated that “Iran has more than 40 types of mid- and long-range missiles”. 

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  • 7 February 2019

    Senior IRGC officials revealed a new surface-to-surface ballistic missile and missile manufacturing facility. The IRGC’s commander declared that “unveiling this missile production city deep underground is an answer to the idle talk made by the Westerners, who assume they can restrict us and dissuade us from [pursuing] our long-term goals by means of threats and sanctions”. 

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  • 6 February 2019

    President Rouhani asserted that “we are witnessing new conspiracies of the U.S. and the Zionists against the people of Iran in these days. In the past one year, the enemies of the Islamic revolution, that is the U.S. and the Zionists, have tried their best to cause apprehension in people and disappoint them about the future. Despite all hostilities, the Iranian nation will prove it to the world with their presence and chants that they are completely hopeful of the future of their country and they have no despair”. Rouhani added that “the entire world knows that the issues that we are facing in the region… are because of the undue presence and interference of the U.S. in the region”. 

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  • 6 February 2019

    President Rouhani told foreign diplomats that “the U.S. was seeking to put pressure on and kill hope in the people of Iran, but our people are more united than ever… America has always failed in plots such as disintegration, coup, war and sanctions against the Islamic Republic”. He added that “the U.S. made problems for itself, Iran, the region and the world by withdrawing from the JCPOA”. 

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  • 6 February 2019

    A senior IRGC official insisted that Iran’s “missile power is not negotiable. This deterrence power has been created for the country and we do not hold talks about it with anyone at all”. 

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  • 5 February 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff posited that “the U.S. and its regional stooges like Saudi Arabia and the UAE spend hundreds of billions of dollars annually on the fight against Islam and the Islamic Revolution. This is while the total expenditure of our armed forces amounts to seven to eight billion dollars, and with this low cost, we have stood against the enemies, [spending] hundreds of billions of dollars”. 

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  • 5 February 2019

    Iranian SNSC Secretary Ali Shamkhani warned that Israel’s “continued aggression against Syria, its actions against the army and the resistance forces and violation of the country’s territorial integrity is unacceptable… in case of continued acts, the measures foreseen for deterrence and for a crushing and proportional response will be activated to give a lesson to the liar and criminal Israeli rulers”. 

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  • 5 February 2019

    In his State of the Union speech, President Trump declared that “my administration has acted decisively to confront the world’s leading state sponsor of terror: the radical regime in Iran. To ensure this corrupt dictatorship never acquires nuclear weapons, I withdrew the U.S. from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. And last fall, we put in place the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country”. “We will not avert our eyes”, he added, “from a regime that chants death to America and threatens genocide against the Jewish people”. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded via Twitter, maintaining that “Iranians – including our Jewish compatriots – are commemorating 40 years of progress despite U.S. pressure, just as President Trump again makes accusations against us… U.S. hostility has led it to support dictators, butchers and extremists, who’ve only brought ruin to our region”. 

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  • 5 February 2019

    Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi warned that “if European countries delay their cooperation and interaction with Iran, we have many options on the table, though we are not eager to use them”. He also indicated that “after [the end of] the nuclear deal, Iran can produce any number of centrifuges as it wishes”, adding that “we accepted some restrictions to adhere to our commitments on the JCPOA but these restrictions have not had a significant effect on the speed of Iran nuclear industry development. If it is decided to return to pre-JCPOA era, we will remove uranium enrichment restrictions based on our needs”. 

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  • 5 February 2019

    Imagery analysis indicated that Iran may have carried out an unsuccessful space launch. 

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  • 3 February 2019

    Three Iranian scientists were killed following what Iran’s telecommunications minister described as “a fire in one of the buildings of the Space Research Centre”. 

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  • 3 February 2019

    A senior Iranian military official maintained that “Iran’s defence equipment, capabilities and powers are developed for deterrence; [however], if any ignorant country seeks aggression against this land, it will be given such a strong response that it will regret what it has done”.

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  • 3 February 2019

    One Iranian pilgrim was killed and eight injured in a suspected ISIS attack in Balad, Iraq. 

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  • 2 February 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “today, the world is facing a White House, the officials in which do not even believe in their own top intelligence and security figure[s]”. Referring to U.S. sanctions, Rouhani added that “the whole world and international organisations condemn this move and without a doubt, we will pass through these issues”. 

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  • 2 February 2019

    One IRGC member was killed and five injured in an attack, purportedly claimed by Jaish al-Adl, in south-eastern Iran. 

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  • 2 February 2019

    A senior IRGC official warned that “if the Europeans and others want to pursue the missile disarmament of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on a plot, we will have no option but to resort to a strategic leap”. 

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  • 1 February 2019

    Following President Trump’s statement confirming that the “the U.S. will suspend its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and begin the process of withdrawing from the INF Treaty”, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that “it’s not just the JCPOA or Iran: [it] seems this clique is allergic to anything with [a] U.S. signature on it. Message: any deal with U.S. government is not worth the ink; even treaties ratified by Congress”. 

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  • 31 January 2019

    A senior IRGC official warned Israel “that if a new war breaks out, it will result in their termination… any perception of the beginning of an operation they [i.e. Israel] may have, will have a different ending, and a limited invasion will not result in limited war”. 

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  • 31 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif hailed the creation of the Instrument for Supporting Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) by the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear agreement. “Iran welcomes INSTEX – a long overdue first step – in E3 implementation of May 2018 commitments to save [the] JCPOA by ensuring dividends for Iranians after [the] U.S.’ illegal re-imposition of sanctions”, he tweeted, adding that “we remain ready for constructive engagement with Europe on equal footing and with mutual respect”.  

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  • 30 January 2019

    The IAEA’s director general, Yukiya Amano, confirmed that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA”, adding that “it is essential that Iran continues to fully implement those commitments”. 

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  • 30 January 2019

    President Rouhani argued that “most of our problems are because of the pressure from the side of the U.S. and its followers”, adding that “the biggest economic pressure in the past 40 years on the Iranian nation has been plotted”.  

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  • 30 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter to express his view on the divergent assessments of President Trump and the U.S. intelligence community regarding Iran. 

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  • 29 January 2019

    The Supreme National Security Council’s secretary, Ali Shamkhani, declared that “Iran has no scientific and operational limitations to increase the range of military missiles, and has no intention to boost the range of missiles only because of its defence doctrine, while it continuously tries to enhance the accuracy of missiles”. 

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  • 29 January 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff opined that “the enemy is aware that if it intends to launch an invasion and aggression, it will get a crushing response”. 

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  • 29 January 2019

    Three Iranian police officers were injured in a bombing, claimed by Jaish al-Adl, in south-eastern Iran.

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  • 28 January 2019

    A senior IRGC official warned that “our strategy is to wipe Israel off the world’s political geography, and Israel seems to be approaching this reality by its evil actions”. “If Israel does anything that leads to a new war”, he added, “certainly it will be the kind of war that will result in their elimination, and the occupied territories will be retaken”.  

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  • 28 January 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reiterated that “Iran’s missile program is defensive and a domestic issue that is deterrent in nature… our policy on missiles is clear and the issue as part of our country’s defence sector cannot be negotiated”. 

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  • 27 January 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff asserted that “our defence strategy is to protect the independence, territorial integrity and national interests of our country”. “While it is true that we have no interest in other country’s interests and territory”, he added, “we may to switch to an offensive approach to protect our own interests… if there is any intention of attack against our interests, and we see evidence of it, we will not remain passive and allow the country’s security and peace to be endangered”. 

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  • 26 January 2019

    Two police officers were killed in south-west Iran in an attack purportedly claimed by a separatist group. 

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  • 23 January 2019

    President Rouhani maintained that “the unlawful U.S. sanctions have not been able to get them to what they want, and they themselves admit it… although the sanctions make problems and hardships for our people, they can never get what they want”. He also stated that “regarding oil, we are following different ways and paths for its sale and we are proudly circumventing these sanctions”. 

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  • 22 January 2019

    A senior Iranian official maintained that “negotiating with the U.S. is useless… we are no longer allowed to devote the Iranian nation’s time to fruitless processes”. 

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  • 22 January 2019

    Iran’s nuclear chief posited that following the JCPOA “we have not lost anything as history can testify. We carry out our exploration and extraction, we have our own enrichment, we provide services to other industries, we make new centrifuges and do all we need to do, but this time in a correct way”. 

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  • 21 January 2019

    A senior Iranian military official maintained that “our current and future generations [in the Iranian air force] are impatient and fully ready to confront the Zionist regime and eliminate it from the earth”, going on to say that “our future generations are learning required know-how for the promised day to destroy Israel”. 

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  • 21 January 2019

    Secretary of State Pompeo and National Security Advisor Bolton applauded Germany’s decision to stop flights by Mahan Air, an Iranian carrier. “We encourage all our allies to follow suit”, said Pompeo. Iran suggested that the ban as “unreasonable and probably… taken based on false information provided by other parties who are unhappy with the trend of relations between the two countries”. 

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  • 20 January 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff posited that “the Americans have plots against our country, and they mainly target the cultural and social sectors… although in some non-cultural areas they are trying to undermine our Islamic establishment as well”. 

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  • 18 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif drew attention to two articles, written ten years apart, indicating National Security Advisor John Bolton’s advocacy of military strikes against Iran. “Same bull. Same bully. Same Delusion”, Zarif editorialised

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  • 17 January 2019

    Referring to Israel, a senior Iranian official claimed that “we have inflicted defeats on that regime in various arenas by taking intelligence measures, and this issue.. will continue in the future”. 

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  • 16 January 2019

    The IRGC’s commander warned Israel to “fear the day when Iranian precision missiles hit you and take revenge of all the blood of oppressed Muslims which you have shed”. “Iran will keep in Syria all the military and revolutionary advisors, and equipment and weapons which aim to train and empower Islamic resistance forces and support oppressed people of the country”, he pledged, adding that “we do not take into account your ridiculous threats. You know that if we have chosen to wait against your hostile measures, some considerations lie behind it”. In related comments, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson advised Prime Minister Netanyahu to “know your limits”. 

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  • 16 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Zarif opined that “Iranians forced the U.S. client [i.e. the Shah] to leave 40 years ago today. Three years ago today, JCPOA entered into force, ending years of securitisation of Iran. In spite of U.S. machinations versus Iran for the past 40 years – and its withdrawal from JCPOA – Iranians have shattered the myth of U.S. omnipotence”. 

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  • 16 January 2019

    Following reports regarding the arrest in the U.S. of an anchor for Iran’s Press TV, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated that “the move by the U.S. to arrest her is an unacceptable political move and a violation of freedom of speech… on that basis, the Americans should immediately end this political game”. 

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  • 16 January 2019

    President Rouhani argued that the U.S. is “concerned about the Iranian nation’s capabilities and that is why they are seeking to put maximum pressure, but these pressures they will be fruitless… the government will not stand back a moment and it will use all its powers to solve the problems”. 

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  • 15 January 2019

    Iran’s nuclear chief indicated that “we do not need 20 per cent enrichment for now, because we have enough resources of 20 per cent enriched uranium for some… years. And if we produce some, we should store them”. Referring to enriched uranium, he added that “if we wish we can remove this 300kg limit… if we withdraw from the JCPOA, we can exceed this volume and use it for production of the required fuel for the Arak reactor”. 

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  • 15 January 2019

    President Rouhani declared that “this economic war has been imposed on us but we will stand… Trump is seeking to separate people from the system so that we abandon our independence and be isolated, but he didn’t succeed and will not be successful in the future”. “What the U.S. is seeking through bringing up the topic of negotiation is abandoning nuclear technology”, he continued, adding that “the other goal of the U.S. is to decrease the role of Iran in the region”. Referring to Secretary of State Pompeo’s regional trip, Rouhani remarked that “the U.S. wants Iran to step aside in the region so that it can dominate the region; this is impossible to do. The U.S. Secretary of State will continue to fail, even if he tours the region for ten weeks”. 

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  • 15 January 2019

    Iran carried out a space launch, but the Payam satellite did not successfully enter orbit.  

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  • 14 January 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson insisted that “the structure of our satellites and the launch pads used for them are different from those used for launching military missiles. This [satellite] activity is civilian, and we need this technology for weather forecasts”. 

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  • 14 January 2019

    In a speech, President Rouhani held that “we are not afraid of the enemies’ conspiracies. Neither the U.S., nor the Zionists and their disciples are able to bring our great nation and brave leader to their knees”. Referring to U.S. sanctions, Rouhani acknowledged that “this is hard, but we will prevail over them”. 

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  • 13 January 2019

    Iran’s nuclear chief stated that “preliminary steps have been taken to design modern 20 per cent fuel and we are on the threshold [of producing it]. This [new] product is different from the previous 20 per cent fuel and we can supply fuel to any reactor similar to the Tehran [Research] Reactor”. 

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  • 13 January 2019

    Iran’s military chief of staff argued that Iran’s enemies “have mobilised all their equipment and facilities to not allow the country’s current stability and peace to continue… undoubtedly, if the enemy reaches to the conclusion that the benefits of a war with Iran are more than its costs, it will not hesitate to attack the country immediately”. He went on to assess that “the more military threats against us fade away, the more security, cultural, soft and psychological threats increase against us”. 

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  • 11 January 2019

    Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson opined that “the U.S., and in particular its current extremist regime… is following a path which cannot be expected to bear any benefit for the U.S.”  

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  • 11 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif responded scathingly to the announcement of a February ministerial on the Middle East in Warsaw, labeling it a “desperate anti-Iran circus”. 

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  • 11 January 2019

    A diplomatic spokesperson insisted that “Iran’s missile program has not been established for non-conventional purposes, nor is the country’s natural right to strengthen its scientific and defensive capabilities as developed in the form of a missile program in violation of [UNSC] Resolution 2231”. 

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  • 10 January 2019

    Tweeting shortly after a major speech by Secretary Pompeo in Cairo that placed significant emphasis on Iran, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif argued that “whenever/wherever the U.S. interferes, chaos, repression and resentment follow. The day Iran mimics U.S. clients and Pompeo’s ‘human rights models’…  to become a ‘normal’ country is the day hell freezes over”. 

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  • 9 January 2019

    During a speech in which he referred to “some U.S. politicians” as “first-rate idiots”, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei opined that the “threats, promises and signatures [of U.S. officials] are not reliable; you should mistrust them”. 

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  • 9 January 2019

    Iran confirmed that “an American citizen, named Michael White, was arrested recently in Mashhad”. 

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  • 8 January 2019

    In a tweet, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that “while ordinarily it might be flattering, Secretary of State Pompeo and National Security Advisor Bolton’s pure obsession with Iran is more and more like the behaviour of persistently failing psychotic stalkers”. “In effect”, Zarif continued, “the U.S. is substituting a real foreign policy with Iran-obsession and -phobia”. 

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  • 8 January 2019

    A senior IRGC official posited that “the U.S. strategy is to bring other powers together in line with the aim of maximising its own gains with the minimum costs, but the Islamic Revolution has forced them to rethink their strategy of controlling other powers from far away through politics and brought them into the battlefield”. This, he claimed, “indicates the main reason behind the failure of the U.S.” 

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  • 8 January 2019

    A senior Iranian official claimed that “over 100 terrorist plots which were due to be implemented in Iran have been discovered, foiled and prevented in the past two years”. 

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  • 7 January 2019

    A senior Iranian official predicted that “in 2019, America’s compulsory withdrawal from our region will begin and in the future, they will be forced to start their pullout from the Persian Gulf”. 

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  • 7 January 2019

    Following remarks by President Trump indicating that the Iranians “want to talk”, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson opined that “Trump simply makes impossible, unrealistic and unattainable wishes, which do not match reality in any way”. He added that the “Iranian nation will never yield to the cruel pressures of the U.S.; they will never bend to those who are talking with the language of sanctions and build walls instead of bridges”. 

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  • 5 January 2019

    A senior IRGC official declared that “the U.S. is on the brink of collapse of power”, adding that “not only have we managed to keep the enemy away from the heart of our country, but we have also caused it to get entangled in various fronts where its power has been sapped”. 

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  • 3 January 2019

    In a statement entitled “Warning to the Iranian Regime on Space Launches that Defy UNSCR 2231”, Secretary Pompeo, citing Iranian plans to launch Space Launch Vehicles, indicated that “the U.S. will not stand by and watch the Iranian regime’s destructive policies place international stability and security at risk”. “We advise the regime to reconsider these provocative launches and cease all activities related to ballistic missiles”, Pompeo said, “in order to avoid deeper economic and diplomatic isolation”. In response, Foreign Minister Zarif insisted that “Iran’s launch of space vehicles – and missile tests – are NOT in violation of [UN Security Council] Resolution 2231”, adding that “the U.S. is in material breach of the same, and as such it is in no position to lecture anyone on it”. 

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  • 2 January 2019

    President Rouhani maintained that the U.S. “won’t ever achieve their goal of preventing Iran from exporting its oil and its derivatives… our oil sales have been continuing just as it was expected, but there are some minor issues that are solvable and will be solved soon”. He went on to say that Iran’s defence minister had “presented a good report on achievements regarding mid-range, long-range, air-to-air, surface-to-sea and sea-to-sea missiles as well as drones”, adding that “we’ll never hesitate to boost our defensive power”. Rouhani also commented on President Trump’s visit to Iraq in late December, saying that the brief trip “means that you have not been successful”. 

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  • 1 January 2019

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif quipped that “after JCPOA, NAFTA, TPP, Climate Convention and… the Trump regime – along with the Israeli regime – today officially withdrew from UNESCO. Is anything left for the Trump Administration and its client regime to withdraw from? Perhaps from planet Earth altogether?”

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  • 31 December 2018

    Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “Iran’s southern neighbours should know that besides its peace-loving doctrine, the Islamic Republic has a powerful and decisive military presence and, if needed, it will defend its territorial integrity and hold the inviting states as responsible for the aftermaths”. He added that those countries “should not tie their hopes to America”. 

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  • 30 December 2018

    A senior Iranian IRGC official maintained that “Iran is getting stronger day by day and is now stronger than ever while the enemies are helpless and their power is in decline… today, the military option against Iran is not on the agenda anymore because Iran can block the path to any aggressors on land and in the sea and air”. 

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  • 30 December 2018

    Iran’s military chief of staff posited that “the U.S. pullout from Syria is a humiliating withdrawal”, adding that “wherever Americans have been present, they caused insecurity… the [U.S.] exit from Syria and other parts of the region will lead to enhanced security and calm in the region”. 

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  • 30 December 2018

    A Taliban delegation visited Tehran and held talks with a senior Iranian diplomat. The Foreign Ministry subsequently asserted that “Iran will try to facilitate intra-Afghan talks and help the Afghan government so that Afghan groups and Kabul can settle their problems at the negotiating table”. 

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  • 29 December 2018

    A senior IRGC official argued that the U.S. “spent a lot of money and eventually left Syria. The Americans signed the JCPOA and then pulled out of it. The Americans waged economic wars with powers with whom they have heavy interactions. All of these indicate their failure in the realm of politics”. 

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  • 27 December 2018

    A senior Iranian defence official opined that “the U.S. must leave West Asia. This region belongs to us”. 

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  • 27 December 2018

    The IRGC’s commander asserted that “no superpower even dreams about invasion [of Iran]… they are extremely afraid of clashing with Iran, and they are aware of its consequences and the bravery of our fighters and martyrs”. “U.S. power is declining”, he added, “and today they admit their weakness against Iran”. 

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  • 25 December 2018

    Presenting his government’s budget to Iran’s parliament, President Rouhani asserted that “the main goal of the U.S. by these conspiracies and sanctions and pressures… is to bring the powerful Islamic Republic of Iran to its knees”. “The Americans will fail in reaching their goals”, Rouhani predicted, while admitting that “pressures and sanctions will affect our country’s development and people’s lives”. 

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  • 24 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that “the U.S. has not fought against ISIS at all, and its presence in Syria is not in line with the interests of the Syria nation or agreed by the [country’s] government”. He went on to state that, following President Trump’s decision to pull U.S. forces out of the country, “we do not have sufficient information on the U.S. plans in Syria to adopt a clear-cut stance”. 

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  • 24 December 2018

    An Iranian Hajj official reported that Saudi Arabia had moved ahead with compensation payments for Iranian fatalities during the 2015 pilgrimage. 

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  • 24 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that “the Europeans are slow in implementing their undertakings under the nuclear deal. We will not wait for them [long] unless they take practical steps”. Zarif added that “we have several options after the U.S. retreat from the nuclear deal and we will take them once our national interests make it necessary”.  

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  • 22 December 2018

    The IRGC’s commander asserted that “it is the Islamic Republic which ensures the security of the region, Strait of Hormuz, the Persian Gulf and friendly countries”. He went on to indicate that “from now on, we should be prepared for offence and pursuing enemies”. In related remarks, another senior IRGC official indicated that “our core principles and doctrine are defensive but at the operational and tactical levels, it is offensive… when the enemy has an ill-intention against our country we should attack it because our deterrent factor would be the same offense”.  

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  • 22 December 2018

    Reacting to President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria, Iran’s Foreign Ministry opined that “in principle, the deployment and presence of U.S. forces in the region from the outset was a wrong, irrational and provocative move that created tensions”. A senior Iranian military official also weighed in saying that “the Americans have come to the conclusion that they can exercise power neither in Iraq and Syria nor in the entire region”. 

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  • 20 December 2018

    A senior Iranian intelligence official dismissed claims by Prime Minister Netanyahu suggesting that Israel carried out occasional operations inside Iran, stating that “Netanyahu has the right to invent such stories, because he is under the heaviest internal and foreign pressures in the wake of revelations about an Israeli minister spying for… Iran, and about the Iranian intelligence organisations’ widespread infiltration into the Zionist regime’s intelligence services”. 

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  • 20 December 2018

    A senior IRGC official asserted that “the harsher the sanctions get, the more defensive capabilities Iran will achieve”, and underscored the importance of missile tests. 

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  • 19 December 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that “most of our neighbours, including Turkey, have explicitly stated that the times of dictating policies by the U.S. to others is over”.

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  • 19 December 2018

    National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary Pompeo both welcomed Albania’s expulsion of two Iranian diplomats, including the ambassador, on national security grounds. Bolton stated that the decision “signal[ed] to Iran’s leaders that their support for terrorism will not be tolerated”, while Pompeo asserted that “the world must stand together to sanction Iran’s regime until it changes its destructive behaviour”. Tehran argued that the Albanian action was “implemented under pressure from the U.S. government and the Zionist regime’s [i.e. Israel’s] security service and in collaboration with some anti-Iran terrorist groups”, adding that it was “made on the basis of fabricated and wrong information”. 

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  • 18 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif lambasted 17 December comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Israel’s development of “offensive missiles”, also appearing to refer to Netanyahu’s 29 August remarks at the Negev Nuclear Research Centre. “First, Netanyahu stands next to [a] nuclear BOMB factory and threatens Iran with annihilation. Now, he openly boasts about his “OFFENSIVE” missiles that can reach anywhere”, Zarif tweeted. “And he still whines about Iran’s deterrent and DEFENSIVE missiles, and the West parrots his ‘concerns’”.   

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  • 18 December 2018

    Iran’s intelligence minister claimed that “the spy forces of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] have fully embarked on taking actions and organise terrorist teams in coordination with the criminal U.S. and anti-revolutionary movements”. 

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  • 16 December 2018

    Defence Minister Amir Hatami assessed that “the enemies are disappointed with threatening [Iran] and exert pressure against us about missiles out of frustration. We know well that we cannot ignore boosting defence capability even for a second”. 

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  • 15 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reiterated that “Iran’s missiles are for defence and we need them for deterrence. We use resources for military expenses far less than any country in the region and that’s why we have announced from the very beginning that our missiles are non-negotiable”. In separate remarks, Zarif suggested that “if there is an art we have perfected in Iran – and we can teach it to others for a price – it is the art of evading sanctions”. He also stated that “negotiating with Donald Trump’s administration is futile”.

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  • 14 December 2018

    An Iranian defence official reportedly “announced that the range of Sayyad-3 air defence missiles will be enhanced”. 

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  • 13 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif asserted that the “U.S. and [its] allies should cease their hypocritical absurdities about Iran’s missiles and regional ‘behaviour’. [The] facts speak for themselves. It’s they who sell hundreds of billions in arms to butcher Yemenis and it’s they and their clients – NOT Iran – who are responsible for miseries from Saddam to ISIS”. 

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  • 13 December 2018

    Responding to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s comments about Israel’s willingness to “do what is necessary to protect Israel against the Iranian regime”, Iran’s Foreign Ministry opined that “the uttering of such outrageous and shameful words out of ignorance or delusion by the prime minister of an aggressive regime, knowingly or unknowingly, amounts to threatening a big and historical country with military action”. 

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  • 12 December 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that the Trump administration has “clearly revealed the ugly face of the U.S.” He added that “the U.S.’s plot is to create problems, conflict and internal war inside our country by means of sanctions and security-disturbing measures. They have done their utmost”. Khamenei went on to advise that “the Iranian nation should maintain their awareness. When the U.S. says in 2018 they will do this or that, it could be a deceitful plot. They might want to stir controversy in 2018 while their actual plots are for 2019. You should be completely ready and alerted”. 

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  • 12 December 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, stated that “our nuclear activities are advancing very well. Although we have accepted restrictions but they do not prevent us from pursuing peaceful nuclear activities. Enrichment is underway and whenever we decide, we will abandon the 300kg limit and will enrich uranium at any level and any volume we wish”. He added that “whenever the Establishment decides, we will resume 20 per cent enrichment”. 

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  • 12 December 2018

    Iran’s deputy UN envoy told the Security Council that Secretary Pompeo’s speech to the body “was another series of lies, fabrications, disinformation and deceptive statements by the U.S.”, and added that “for the first time in the UN’s history, a permanent member of this Council is blatantly punishing UN members not for violating, rather, for complying with a Security Council resolution”. He went on to urge the Council to “strongly condemn the U.S. for re-imposing its illegal sanctions against Iranians”. Foreign Minister Javad also weighed in on Secretary Pompeo’s speech, referring to it as the “latest mockery” of the Security Council.

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  • 11 December 2018

    President Rouhani maintained that following the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions “the American expected to witness a turmoil in the economy of the country, but the great people and all business executives acted in a way that, fortunately, everything turned upside down”. He went on to claim that “our oil experts are way better after” the sanctions came into effect. 

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  • 11 December 2018

    Days after Secretary Pompeo revealed an Iranian ballistic missile test, a senior IRGC official remarked that “we test our missiles and the recent test was important too”. He went on assert that Pompeo’s “reactions show that it has been a very important issue to them that has caused them to make hues and cries”, and estimated “that Iran tests over 40 to 50 missiles every year”. In related comments, Foreign Minister Zarif insisted that “missiles have never been an issue for holding negotiations over and in the [UN Security Council] Resolution 2231 there are no bans on the Islamic Republic of Iran being confirmed and approved”. 

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  • 11 December 2018

    The UN Secretary General released his biannual report on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231, dated 6 December. 

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  • 11 December 2018

    An IRGC official indicated that “we have not observed any move by America at our sea or land borders. People are familiar with the Americans’ statements which are mostly for psychological warfare”. He went on to assert that “we have all the necessary possibilities to give a strong and crushing response to any aggressive force against Iran”. 

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  • 10 December 2018

    A senior IRGC official declared that “we have the ability to build missiles with a broader range… we do not have limitations from a technical perspective or by conventions with regard to missile range”. 

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  • 8 December 2018

    President Rouhani remarked that “the cruel, illegal economic sanctions of the U.S. against the noble people of Iran has targeted our people as a clear example of terrorism”. He went on to note Iran’s investments against drug trafficking and ISIS, positing that “we do not expect westerners to pay their share for the security and stability that we have provided them, but they must know that boycotting Iran undermines our ability to fight drugs and terrorism”. Should these capabilities be compromised, Rouhani warned, “you will not be able to survive the debris of drugs, refugees, bombs and assassinations”. 

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  • 7 December 2018

    Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh remarked that “as long as the U.S. unilateral sanctions on our country do not end, we will not join any agreements to cut crude production even by a single barrel”. Iran was reportedly spared from a 1.2 million barrel per day cut agreed to by OPEC and non-OPEC producers. President Rouhani subsequently asserted that “despite the Americans’ efforts to interfere in OPEC affairs… their plots were foiled, marking another failure for them”. 

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  • 6 December 2018

    Responding to a suicide attack in Chabahar claimed by Ansar al-Furqan, a Baluch jihadist group, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif declared that “foreign-backed terrorists kill and wound innocents in Chabahar. As we’ve made clear in the past, such crimes won’t go unpunished… mark my words: Iran WILL bring terrorists and their masters to justice”. 

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  • 6 December 2018

    In comments regarding the Chabahar attack, Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli asserted that “the shameful defeat of the U.S., the Zionist regime [Israel] and the terrorist governments in the region that support them… has led to their moves to target our beloved compatriots with their deceived stooges”. 

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  • 5 December 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that “our defence capabilities are non-negotiable. We need to be strong”. On negotiations with the U.S., Rouhani argued that “we can choose another way and respond positively to the Americans, but in that case, there will be no dignity, independence, democracy”. He went on to opine that  “negotiation in the wrong time is like picking fruits when they are green. Therefore, we have to wait for the right time”. 

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  • 4 December 2018

    A senior Iranian military official indicated that “we are after increasing the range of our air-to-air missiles… [we] consider no limitations in this regard for ourselves because the Air Force should heighten the country’s deterrence power along with other [armed] forces”. 

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  • 4 December 2018

    President Rouhani remarked that “if we are to stand up to the U.S., injuring and being injured cannot be avoided. We have to prepare ourselves and endure the hardships”. He went on to argue that “if you think America is victorious, you should know that today, Iran is victorious and Trump has failed”. “Last year, the U.S. asked for negotiations with Iran eight times directly and this year, three times indirectly”, Rouhani claimed, adding that “we did not accept their invitation to protect people’s dignify”. 

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  • 4 December 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif opined that “the European sides want to enjoy the benefits of the JCPOA without paying any price for it, which is impossible. Overall, it seems that the EU understands this fact, and we hope to hear from good news in the coming days [regarding mechanisms to facilitate Iran-Europe trade]. 

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  • 4 December 2018

    President Rouhani declared that “we will sell our oil and they [i.e. the U.S.] can’t stop us from doing this. If the U.S. wants to stop our oil sales, no oil will be exported from the Persian Gulf”. 

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  • 4 December 2018

    As the UN Security Council met to discuss Iran’s ballistic missile testing, Iran’s UN mission issued a statement arguing that “while all ballistic missile-related activities of Iran are in full conformity with the relevant provisions of resolution 2231, it is the U.S. that is in absolute violation of the very same resolution”. The statement went on to urge Washington to “stop abusing the Security Council to further its mischievous policies against Iran”. 

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  • 3 December 2018

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson asserted that “any country that is interested in improving ties with Iran will face Iran’s positive response”, but went on to add that “we do not see such readiness in the Saudi Arabian government and we think that they are still living with illusions in the past and are dealing with problems they themselves have caused”. 

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  • 3 December 2018

    Ahead of UN-brokered negotiations on Yemen, Iran’s Foreign Ministry stated that it “welcomes the initiative, offers its support for the dialogue, and calls on all Yemeni sides to participate constructively and responsibly”. The statement included a call for “pressure on those parties arming the aggressors”. 

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  • 2 December 2018

    After Secretary Pompeo accused Iran of violating UN restrictions by test-firing a ballistic missile, Foreign Minister Zarif opined that “‘surrealism’ is now the U.S.’ modus operandi in its foreign affairs”, going on to claim that Washington was in fact the one in breach of the resolution. In related remarks, a senior Iranian military official declared that “Iran’s missile defence and defence capabilities are of a deterrent nature, and this will continue, which means we will continue to test and develop missiles… we warn that if the Americans and their allies in the region make any strategic mistakes, the Islamic Republic would give such a strong slap that they will regret it forever”. 

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  • 30 November 2018

    A senior Iranian diplomat remarked that while Europeans had demonstrated “political will” to support the JCPOA, they “have so far failed to introduce operations solutions required for securing Iran’s benefits under the deal, and we are not going to wait forever. We’ll take appropriate decisions in due time”. “We believe we should give them more time so that Europeans would be able to operationalise these solutions”, he added.

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  • 30 November 2018

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “after untold human suffering and war crimes by the Saudi coalition and its U.S. accomplices, and efforts to whitewash their crimes with absurd allegations against Iran”, Tehran’s peace plan for Yemen, outlined in 2015, “remains the only viable option”. 

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  • 30 November 2018

    In a letter to the UN, a senior Iranian diplomat claimed that “there is enough evidence about the subversive plans of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against Iranian security and economy”, and called for action against the “destablising behaviours of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia… especially its plans to assassinate Iranian officials”. 

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  • 28 November 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei advised Iranian naval officials to “enhance your abilities and preparations as much as you can so that the enemies of Iran do not even dare to threaten this great nation”. “The Islamic Republic does not intend to start a war with anyone”, Khamenei noted, “however, you need to strengthen your abilities so much so that not only the enemy will fear attacking Iran, but… the shadow of intimidation and threats will also go away”. 

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  • 28 November 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, posited that “the consequences” of the JCPOA’s collapse “will be unpredictable for everybody, even for ourselves, for the international community, for the region. Only God knows what is going to happen”. Salehi also indicated that Iran could step up its uranium enrichment “very easily, but we don’t want to do that now. The capacity is there”. 

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  • 27 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official claimed that Iran had “foiled 77 terrorist operations” along Iran’s borders since March, adding that “the efforts and financial support by Saudis, Emiratis and Israelis to compromise Iran’s security have not come to fruition”. 

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  • 26 November 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, attended a nuclear cooperation seminar with the EU and urged “the continuation, and preferably, expansion and deepening of constructive and fruitful engagement with the EU in the field of ‘international nuclear cooperation’”. However, he also noted that “if words are not turned into deeds” to support the JCPOA, “it is very ominous, the situation would be unpredictable”. 

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  • 26 November 2018

    A senior Iranian diplomat indicated that “the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions has lowered Iran’s benefits [from the nuclear deal] to zero… if Iran does not enjoy the JCPOA benefits, the deal will not survive”. 

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  • 25 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif recalled Saudi financial support for Iraq against Iran during the Iran-Iraq war, indicating that assistance which purportedly facilitated Iraqi airstrikes was “one reason we feel for Yemeni civilians targeted by the latest Saudi coalition”. 

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  • 25 November 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei opined that “the arrogance [i.e. the U.S.] will be slapped in the face, once again, by the Islamic awakening in our region” “Today”, Khamenei added, “some of the countries of our region follow the U.S. rather than the rule of Allah. The U.S. – acting as the arrogant power it is… humiliates them”. He went on to argue that “the U.S. is clearly much weaker in our region, compared to ten years ago. The Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] is evidently weaker… their threats and animosity have been defeated so far, and will be defeated in the future; the sanctions will also be defeated thanks to the resistance”. 

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  • 24 November 2018

    President Rouhani opined that “what the U.S. wants in the region today is slavery… submission to America and the West means betraying Islamic ideals and Muslim generations, and laying the red carpet for historic criminals”. 

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  • 23 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that “Europe and others should make investments and pay costs for their efforts and global security. You can’t swim without getting wet”. “Diplomacy is not a game”, Zarif added, “and we’re always ready for serious action”.

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  • 22 November 2018

    IAEA chief Yukiya Amano confirmed that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”. The IAEA also de-restricted its latest quarterly report on Iran, dated 12 November. 

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  • 22 November 2018

    The U.S. representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Kenneth Ward, stated that “the U.S. has had longstanding concerns that Iran maintains a chemical weapons program that it failed to declare to the OPCW. The U.S. is also concerned that Iran is pursuing Central Nervous System-Acting Chemicals for offensive purposes”. He went on to cite three purported instances of declaration failures by Iran. Tehran dismissed the U.S. position as “groundless accusations… which we strongly reject”, and Foreign Minister Zarif opined that the “U.S. wants to resort to international conventions to make allegations against Iran when it’s made a policy of violating them itself”. “WMD allegations”, Zarif continued, “… is not just obscene, it’s dangerous”. 

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  • 21 November 2018

    Addressing President Trump, Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “repeatedly calling Iran a ‘terrorist nation’ reveals hostility toward an entire people and exposes the real reason for targeting them with your illegal sanctions”. The “U.S. hawks’ dream of ‘uprooting the Iranian nation’”, Zarif continued, “will never be realised”. 

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  • 21 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official indicated that “the U.S. bases around us are within our reach and are easy meat for us”, citing military facilities in Qatar, Afghanistan and the UAE. “U.S. aircraft carriers”, he added, “are like shooting targets for us”. 

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  • 21 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official proclaimed that Iran had “eliminated the enemies’ possibility to threaten us with military official, and if they make a mistake in their assessment, we will make them correct it”. 

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  • 20 November 2018

    In a statement “on standing with Saudi Arabia”, President Trump asserted that “Iran… is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilise Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hizbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria… and much more”. He went on to describe Saudi Arabia as “a great ally in our very important fight against Iran”, and noted that “they have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels”. Foreign Minister Javad Zarif subsequently took to Twitter to opine that “Mr. Trump bizarrely devotes the FIRST paragraph of his shameful statement on Saudi atrocities to accuse IRAN of every malfeasance he can think of”. 

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  • 20 November 2018

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry denounced fresh U.S. sanctions as “futile, illogical and ineffective”. 

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  • 19 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif suggested that sanctions “do not take people back to the negotiating table. In fact, they strengthen the resolve to resist. We will certainly survive. We will not only survive – we will thrive”. Zarif went on to acknowledge that “ordinary people are going to suffer, the economy is going to suffer”, while asserting that “Iran will always sell oil”. 

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  • 19 November 2018

    President Rouhani indicated that “we won’t let pressures by the U.S. and its mercenaries create major problems for the Iranian nation and we will never surrender under any pressure”. Addressing the U.S., Rouhani argued that “you are trying to stop our oil exports but you won’t be able to do so. If you are thinking about severing our relations with our neighbouring countries, you won’t be able to do so and if you are thinking about putting pressures on people, you won’t succeed in this incorrect path”. 

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  • 15 November 2018

    A senior Iranian military official suggested that “the defeat of the Zionist regime and the defeat of the ISIS terrorist group and the strengthening of the resistance in Yemen are indicative of our geopolitical progress and the failure and defeat of Iran’s enemies… west Asia has turned into a large exhibition of U.S. defeats”. 

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  • 15 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official claimed that “the U.S., Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel] are advancing three hostile projects focused on the economy, psychological operations and stirring insecurity” in Iran. He also alleged that “terrorist groups” backed by these four countries “have conducted nearly 80 operations to foment insecurity in Iran”, mostly ending in failure.  

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  • 15 November 2018

    IRGC chief Mohammad Jafari opined that “Iran’s numerous successes in the region… have thrown [Saudi Arabia] into intense confusion”. Jafari added that Iran’s response to Saudi “prattle” included elements that “cannot be revealed to the public and the media”, describing them as “covert and hidden, but… painful for them”. 

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  • 14 November 2018

    President Rouhani admitted that “people may have complaints; it is okay to voice their criticism with a loud voice…. but standing against a bully in the world and showing that they will not be affected by their negative publicity is a great victory”. He went on to assert with regards to the U.S. that “if they are right in saying that they want security for the region, this is not the way. If they are honest in saying that they respect the Iranian nation and history, this is not the way. They have chosen a wrong path”. 

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  • 13 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserted that U.S. “sanctions have an economic impact but they will not affect our policies”. “There have been ramifications for the economy”, Zarif acknowledged, “which means the Iranian people are the target [of the sanctions] because the U.S. hopes the embargo would prompt the Iranians to put pressure on the government to change its policies, or even threaten the entire system”.  

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  • 13 November 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry took exception to comments by National Security Advisor John Bolton, who had pledged to “squeeze [Iran] until the pips squeak”. Bolton, said a diplomatic spokesperson, “is suffering from sadism of harassing Iran”. 

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  • 12 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif and Secretary Pompeo engaged in a Twitter tit-for-tat regarding the humanitarian consequences of U.S. sanctions against Iran. After Zarif accused Pompeo of “openly threatening to starve Iranians”, Pompeo argued that “the U.S. does not, and never did, sanction food and medicine”. Zarif responded by saying that his U.S. counterpart “should either own what he says, or disown what [the] U.S. does. Can’t have it both ways”. 

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  • 10 November 2018

    President Rouhani remarked that “with their illegitimate sanctions… [the] Americans want to negatively affect the life and living of people. Therefore, saying that the U.S. is not after putting pressure on the Iranian people is completely incorrect”. “In the coming months”, Rouhani added, “[the] Americans will understand well that the path they have chosen is wrong”. 

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  • 9 November 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that the “so-called ‘War on Terror’” by the U.S. had caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, “caused destruction in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen”, and “spawned ISIS and multiple Al-Qaeda affiliates”. 

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  • 9 November 2018

    IAEA chief Yukiya Amano indicated that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA”. 

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  • 8 November 2018

    After Secretary Pompeo underscored humanitarian exemptions to U.S. sanctions on Iran, Foreign Minister Zarif hit back in a tweet arguing that the U.S. “blames Iran for unlawful U.S. sanctions preventing Iranians’ access to financial services for food and medicine. Naturally, we will provide them for our people in spite of U.S. efforts. But U.S. is accountable for crimes against humanity re Iran and Yemen”. 

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  • 7 November 2018

    Iran’s oil minister, Bijan Zanganeh, argued that “despite the initial rodomontade of Mr Trump and a number of regional oil producers, the U.S. government ultimately confessed to the severe shortage of oil and the impossibility of eliminating Iran from the market”. “Unfortunately”, he asserted, “painful months are predicted for oil consumers in the months ahead”. 

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  • 7 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official declared that “the enemy is trying to strike a blow against Iran through a soft war and an economic war but they will face a heavy defeat”. 

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  • 6 November 2018

    In a video message regarding “illegal, draconian” U.S. sanctions, Foreign Minister Zarif posited that “today, we and our partners across the globe will ensure that our people are least affected by this indiscriminate assault in the economic warfare that directly targets the Iranian people”. “President Trump’s predecessors also began crafting their Iran policy with similar bravado”, Zarif asserted, “but came around to accepting and respecting the reality of Iran as they became more experienced in office”.  

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  • 5 November 2018

    Iranian officials claimed to have thwarted a purported Israeli cyberattack. 

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  • 5 November 2018

    In a letter to the UN Secretary-General, Iran’s UN envoy called for “a collective response by the international community” against “the irresponsible conduct of the U.S.” 

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  • 5 November 2018

    As major U.S. sanctions against Iran went into effect, President Rouhani declared that “with people’s help and unity, we have to make Americans understand that they cannot talk to the great Iranian nation with the language of pressure and sanctions. They have to be punished”. “We have no problem with talking”, he added, “provided that the other party values its commitments and promises”. Rouhani also pledged that “we will break these sanctions with honour”, and predicted that “the U.S. will definitely fail in the way that it has chosen against the Iranian nation”. 

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  • 5 November 2018

    Iran’s intelligence minister indicated that “over the past months, the Iranian intelligence forces have smashed 30 terrorist cells”. 

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  • 4 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official estimated that “over the past year, anti-Iran grouplets have made more than 50 attempts to abduct Iranian guards in various part of the border”. He also suggested that Saudi Arabia may have had a role in the mid-October abduction of fourteen Iranian security personnel. 

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  • 3 November 2018

    A senior IRGC official opined that “the U.S. economy is not capable of handling a new war. A combat with the Islamic Republic will push the war to outside the region, because the U.S. military structure is worn out and they have been almost driven out of the Persian Gulf”. He went on to caution that “U.S. aircraft carriers are within the range of the ballistic missiles with pin-point accuracy that are capable of hitting mobile targets”. 

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  • 3 November 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei argued that “through sanctions, the U.S. sought to curb Iran’s economy; however, as a result of the sanctions, a movement towards self-sufficiency expanded in Iran”. He went on to say that “the U.S. is declining…. those who incline to compromise are making impractical plans. This decline is not related to today or yesterday; rather it is a long-standing situation. The U.S. is doomed to degradation and perishment”.  

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  • 3 November 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry released a statement regarding the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions, maintaining that “although the move will, objectively and practically, have few negative consequences for Iran’s economy compared with the past six months, it is regarded as a major political and moral scandal for the ruling U.S. regime”. 

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  • 3 November 2018

    Marking the anniversary of the 1979 U.S. embassy seizure, the IRGC called for commemorations constituting “the Iranian nation’s slap in the face of the [U.S.’] deceitful president and officials”. 

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  • 2 November 2018

    A senior Iranian defence official alleged that the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia “finance terrorists and provide them with weapons”, and maintained that “Syraization of the country is one of the main strategies taken by enemies against [Iran]”. 

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  • 2 November 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry assessed that “the possibility of America being able to achieve its economic goals through… sanctions is very remote and there is certainly no possibility that it will attain its political goals through such sanctions”. “The new U.S. sanctions will mostly have psychological effects”, the ministry’s spokesperson added. 

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  • 2 November 2018

    In a joint statement, European leaders announced that they “deeply regret the further re-imposition of sanctions by the U.S.” against Iran, while also noting ongoing efforts that “will enable continued sanctions lifting to reach Iran and allow for European exporters and importers to pursue legitimate trade”. 

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  • 1 November 2018

    President Rouhani argued that “it is essential that the European parties, as well as China and Russia… present and implement their final proposed package of measures to compensate for and mitigate the effects of America’s newest unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions before they are imposed”. 

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  • 31 October 2018

    President Rouhani acknowledged that “in the recent months [the] situation has been tough for our people, but the government is making its best to reduce problems and we won’t let this trend continue”. Predicting that “the new U.S. plot against Iran will definitely fail”, Rouhani went on to remark that “we tell tell our business partners that this U.S. pressure is transitory and our relations with you are permanent. Americans will shout a few days, but they will go”. 

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  • 31 October 2018

    A senior Iranian official assessed that “our negotiations with Europe are on the right path and issues that occurred over the past few months [i.e. currency instability] have been mostly psychological”. He added that “the U.S. is trying to exert pressure on the Iranian people and government, however… everyone is busy planning to counter that”. 

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  • 31 October 2018

    Following revelations of an alleged Iranian assassination attempt in Denmark, Foreign Minister Zarif maintained that “Mossad’s perverse and stubborn planting of false flags… only strengthens our resolve to engage constructively with the world”.

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  • 30 October 2018

    Responding to a tweet by Secretary Pompeo regarding Iran’s economic situation, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson remarked that “using economic terrorism and tyrannical and illegal sanctions, the U.S. officials intend to cover up their crimes against the Iranian people so as to find a pretext and prepare the ground for launching a psychological war on the Iranian people”. 

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  • 29 October 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif condemned a 27 October attack against a synagogue in Pittsburgh that killed eleven. 

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  • 29 October 2018

    A senior Iranian defence official opined that “cryptocurrencies are untraceable in the financial and monetary system of each country, but internationally they can provide us with great opportunities”, adding that “cryptocurrencies can help bypass certain sanctions through untraceable banking operations”. 

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  • 29 October 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif predicted that “the possibility that the U.S. will be able to achieve its economic goals [against Iran] through these sanctions is very remote and there is certainly no possibility that it will attain its political goal through such sanctions”.  

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  • 28 October 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif argued that “the U.S.’s choices in the Middle East are wrong, and these wrong choices lead to the disaster in our region”. He added that “the blanket support that the U.S. provides to Saudi Arabia and to Israel has enabled them to carry out atrocities that would not have happened, had there not existed this blanket support”.  

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  • 27 October 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that “politically, we have won an unprecedented victory over U.S. conspiracies… the public opinion of the world consider the U.S. a country that does not live up to its commitments and does not keep its promises and international regulations”. He went on to claim that “with its harsh sanctions against people’s lives, the U.S. is undoubtedly the greatest enemy of the Iranian nation”. 

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  • 25 October 2018

    Two Basij members were killed by an unspecified “terrorist group” in western Iran. 

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  • 24 October 2018

    In his first major comments on the killing of a prominent Saudi journalist and government critic, Jamal Khashoggi, in Istanbul, President Rouhani asserted that “I don’t think without getting support from the U.S. a country [i.e., Saudi Arabia] would dare to commit such a crime”.  

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  • 24 October 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif decried 23 October U.S. sanctions against “Taliban actors and their Iranian sponsors”, positing that the designations “omit[] that the U.S. is negotiating with the very same Taliban now and its clients have long backed it”. 

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  • 23 October 2018

    Iran’s intelligence minister revealed the arrest of fifteen members of “three terrorist teams” allegedly plotting attacks against Iranian pilgrims travelling to Iraq. 

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  • 23 October 2018

    President Rouhani remarked that the Trump administration “is unprecedented in its animosity towards Iran and Iranians, but despite all their efforts, they will fail to reach their goals”. 

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  • 23 October 2018

    Iran’s oil minister predicted that “as long as the U.S. seeks to impose sanctions on the oil [exports] of Iran… the market turmoil will continue”. 

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  • 23 October 2018

    Saudi Arabia and Bahrain announced sanctions designations against the IRGC, Qods force commander Qasem Soleimani and other Qods force officials. A senior IRGC official denounced the move.  

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  • 20 October 2018

    In a joint statement, U.S. intelligence and security agencies voiced concern over “ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and influence public sentiment and government policies”. Iran’s foreign ministry described the charge as “fundamentally groundless”. 

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  • 19 October 2018

    The FATF announced that it would “continue the suspension of counter-measures” against Iran, while noting “its disappointment that the majority of [Iran’s] Action Plan remains outstanding”. 

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  • 18 October 2018

    EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini indicated that the EU is “working on the concrete establishment” of the special purpose vehicle announced in September.

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  • 17 October 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry, Javad Zarif, decried a battery of U.S. sanction designations against Basij-related entities, arguing that the “U.S. addiction to sanctions is out of control”. 

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  • 16 October 2018

    Fourteen members of Iran’s security forces were abducted in south east Iran, and reportedly taken across the border into Pakistan. Jaish al-Adl claimed responsibility. 

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  • 16 October 2018

    A senior IRGC official opined that “the U.S. threats in recent years have yielded no results but making Iran more powerful… we can destroy [the] enemy’s interests anywhere and give response at any level”. 

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  • 16 October 2018

    The IRGC announced that the alleged ISIS mastermind of the 22 September Ahvaz attack had been killed in Iraq. 

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  • 15 October 2018

    President Rouhani assessed that “the U.S. will not be able to continue its anti-Iranian policies in the long run”. He also posited that “we are not in a critical situation, but the situation is not normal”. 

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  • 14 October 2018

    President Rouhani described the Trump administration as “the most vengeful government towards Iran, Iranians and the Islamic Republic” since the 1979 revolution. “They have started their work against the Iranian nation with a psychological war”, Rouhani stated, “and economic war is their mid-term goal. Waging war against the efficiency of the system is their third goal and delegitimisation of the system is their ultimate goal”. He went on to add that Iran “will withdraw from the [nuclear[ deal whenever we want to… [the] JCPOA staying in place or not is not important; what is important is our national interests and national security”. 

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  • 14 October 2018

    Iran’s intelligence minister claimed that “the security forces have dismantled 300 terrorist groups inside the country, killing hundreds of their members”. 

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  • 14 October 2018

    A senior IRGC official suggested that “Iran has reached a stage in which it has forced the enemy to retreat from the strategic region”, adding that “the enemy’s regional influence is gone, while the influence and power of Iran have increased steadily in the region”. 

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  • 13 October 2018

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced that two members of a “separatist terrorist team” had been killed in western Iran. 

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  • 12 October 2018

    The IRGC’s commander underscored that “Iran will never avoid giving response [to threats] beyond its borders if its security is put in danger”. 

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  • 11 October 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei indicated that Iran’s economic troubles were due to two factors: U.S. sanctions and what he termed “internal and structural challenges”. He went on to call for “prudent solutions that would result in … the enemy’s losing hope in sanctions’ effectiveness”. 

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  • 10 October 2018

    Iran’s military chief of staff remarked that “the neighbouring countries such as Iraq, including the Kurdistan region and the central government, are bound by international law and neighbourliness duties to take action against the anti-revolutionary [i.e., anti-Iran] groups”. “The bases of anti-revolution [groups] and ill-wishers of the Iranian nation must not exist near our borders or in the neighbouring country [Iraq]”, he added.

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  • 9 October 2018

    The commander of Iran’s paramilitary Basij force posited that the “evil al-Saud and the fake regime occupying al-Quds [i.e., Israel] are aiding and abetting the war on the Islamic revolution of Iran via heavy spending and intelligence measures”. 

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  • 9 October 2018

    Iran’s military chief of staff warned that “if a terrorist group sets up strongholds near Iran’s borders, we will not remain silent”. 

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  • 8 October 2018

    Iran’s oil minister, Bijan Zanganeh, maintained that “Iran’s oil cannot be replaced by Saudi Arabia nor any other country…. the market faces a supply shortage and it is worried”. 

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  • 8 October 2018

    One Iranian soldier was killed during clashes with “a team of armed gunmen” purportedly infiltrating Iran’s western border “to carry out acts of sabotage”. 

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  • 4 October 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “our national economy can beat sanctions. The failure of sanctions would mean… defeat for America, and the U.S. should once again be slapped in the face by the Iranian nation, God willing, with this defeat”. 

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  • 4 October 2018

    A senior IRGC official suggested that Prime Minister “Netanyahu should know that there is no way for him except fleeing the region and so he needs to learn how to swim in the Mediterranean Sea”. 

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  • 3 October 2018

    President Rouhani praised the International Court of Justice’s ruling in Iran’s lawsuit against the U.S., calling it “a huge and significant legal and political success… although the U.S. government is likely to refuse to enforce it”. Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, likewise assessed the decision as “another failure for [the] sanctions-addicted U.S. government and victory for [the] rule of law”. He went on to call for international efforts “to collectively counter malign U.S. unilateralism”, and branded the U.S. as an “outlaw regime” after Washington terminated the 1955 Treaty of Amity.  

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  • 3 October 2018

    President Rouhani indicated that the Special Purpose Vehicle being set up by Europe “is an important step“, adding that the “JCPOA’s survival depends on normal economic relations with Iran”. 

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  • 2 October 2018

    A senior Iranian defence official estimated that approximately forty ISIS members had been killed in Iran’s 1 October airstrikes near al-Bukamal, also noting that “all targets have been destroyed and the [U.S.-led] coalition forces have not been hurt”. Referring to the U.S. and its regional allies, he added that “we warn these countries that our tolerance is limited”. 

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  • 2 October 2018

    The IAEA Director General, Yukiya Amano, asserted that “the Agency uses all safeguards relevant information available to it but it does not take any information at face value… all information obtained, including from third parties, is subject to rigorous review and assessed together with other available information to arrive at an independent assessment based on the Agency’s own expertise”. 

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  • 1 October 2018

    The IRGC launched six ballistic missiles, supplemented by armed drones, near al-Bukamal. The strikes were purportedly in response to the 22 September Ahvaz attack, with Iran claiming that “some of the leaders and agents of the recent terrorist crimes have been killed or injured, and their infrastructures and ammunition stockpiles have been destroyed”. Iranian officials also rejected reports that one missile had fallen inside Iranian territory. The U.S.-led coalition affirmed that “Iranian forces did conduct a no notice strike in the MERV”. 

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  • 1 October 2018

    Iran’s military chief of staff claimed that “there have considerable casualties on ISIS and some of the commanders of the terrorist group have been killed” as a result of Iran’s overnight missile and drone strikes in al-Bukamal. He added that “there will be other stages of revenge as well”. 

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  • 30 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, indicated “good progress” in discussions between Iran and Europe over a JCPOA package, adding that “they are promising us that before the second batch of sanctions go into force [in November], they will have something available to address the problems”. On relations with the U.S., Zarif opined that “I think we are the ones who should be complaining. President Trump… has insulted the Iranians. He called the entire Iranian people a terrorist nation. He called us an outlaw nation. You don’t take that lightly”. 

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  • 29 September 2018

    The IRGC’s commander described the 22 September Ahvaz attack as “another humiliating act of the global arrogance”, and warned “the enemies” that his forces “will never let the blood of these holy martyrs be wasted and [are] determined by divine bounty to descend on them as a devastating thunderbolt”. 

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  • 28 September 2018

    A senior IRGC official described Saudi Arabia and the UAE as “the main perpetrators behind the sinister actions in our country”, and warned them that “if you cross our red line, we will definitely cross yours”. 

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  • 28 September 2018

    The IRGC announced that it had killed or injured six members of a “terrorist team affiliated to the global arrogance” during clashes in the south east. 

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  • 28 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, argued that U.S. policy in the Middle East “which is so focussed on their obsession with Iran, has backfired in Lebanon, backfired in Syria, backfired in Iraq. It will backfired elsewhere”. 

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  • 27 September 2018

    On his return to Tehran from the UN, President Rouhani assessed that “the most important thing that I think was clear in this year’s General Assembly was Iran’s righteousness and America’s bullying”. He also suggested that “all countries stated that they would not pay attention to U.S. sanctions”.

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  • 27 September 2018

    Iran’s SNSC secretary, Ali Shamkhani, remarked that Israel “is seeking to consolidate the crisis in Syria and has taken actions in direct support of terrorist groups by targeting the Syrian army and counter-terrorism forces, but if it continues [its attacks] it will face regrettable reactions”. 

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  • 27 September 2018

    Responding to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s presentation at the UN General Assembly, Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, declared that “no arts and crafts show will ever obfuscate that Israel is the only regime in our region with a secret and undeclared nuclear weapons program – including an actual atomic arsenal”. It is “time for Israel to fess up and open its illegal nuclear weapons program to international inspectors”, Zarif argued. Referring to Netanyahu’s claims regarding a purported atomic warehouse, a senior Iranian diplomat opined that “some people have pulled a prank on Netanyahu”. The foreign ministry’s spokesperson likewise rejected the Israeli claims. 

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  • 26 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, asserted that Iran “will continue to work to offset unlawful U.S. sanctions and irrevocably eliminate [the] destabilising phenomenon of U.S. extraterritorial laws”. 

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  • 26 September 2018

    President Rouhani declared that “we do not wish to go to war with American forces in the region”, and indicated that “as long as the [nuclear] deal serves our interests we will remain in the pact”. 

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  • 25 September 2018

    In remarks to the UN General Assembly, President Rouhani argued that “no state and nation can be brought to the negotiating table by force”, and urged Washington to “come back to the negotiating table you left”. “Our proposal is clear”, he added: “commitment for commitment; violation for violation; threat for threat; and step for step, instead of talk for talk”.

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  • 24 September 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed that “the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Ahvaz are funded by the Saudi and UAE regimes”, and pledged that Iran “will rigorously punish the masterminds behind the attack”.

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  • 24 September 2018

    Iran’s intelligence ministry reported that five people had been involved in the 22 September Ahvaz attack, linked to “takfiri separatist groups under the aegis of reactionary Arab countries”. It also indicated 22 arrests related to the incident.

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  • 24 September 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that “there is no such program for a meeting” with President Trump during the UN General Assembly, elaborating that “if someone is keen on having a meeting and holding dialogue and creating progress in relationships, that person would not use the tool of sanctions and threats [and bring] to bear all of its power against another government”. Rouhani also posited that “the goal that Americans are seeking to deprive Iran of selling its oil is not only not feasible, but will be very dangerous”.

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  • 24 September 2018

    In a tweet, President Rouhani wrote that “a U.S. official has recently said terrible things about [the 22 September] Ahvaz attack and held [the] Iranian government responsible for that attack! What would Americans think if we were to say such a thing about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?”

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  • 24 September 2018

    Iran and the P4+1 held a JCPOA ministerial meeting in New York. The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, drew particular attention to the decision to set up a “Special Purpose Vehicle“, whereby “EU Member States will set up a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran”.

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  • 24 September 2018

    The United Nations Security Council issued a statement regarding the 22 September attack in Ahvaz in which it “condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack”.

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  • 23 September 2018

    In a statement on the 22 September attack in Ahvaz, the IRGC promised “a deadly and unforgettable revenge” against the perpetrators. 

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  • 23 September 2018

    In remarks en route to the United Nations General Assembly, President Rouhani asserted that the “Americans will not achieve their goals in Iran and the government is ready to counter any action of the U.S. and the American will regret it”. With respect to the 22 September attack in Ahvaz, Rouhani claimed that “we know its perpetrators and instructors and, without a doubt, Iran will not leave this bloodshed unanswered”. 

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  • 23 September 2018

    ISIS published a video purportedly showing the Ahvaz attack perpetrators en route to the 22 September incident. 

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  • 23 September 2018

    Iran’s cabinet issued a statement on the 22 September attack in Ahvaz “calling on all governments, especially neighbours, to carry our clear, decisive measures in countering terrorist groups that had a role in this bloodshed or supported them”. 

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  • 22 September 2018

    In remarks on the anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war, President Rouhani posited that “today, the previous war is repeated… but today it is no longer a proxy war, and the U.S. is directly before the Iranian nation”. He went on to say that “we won’t let the Americans to bring our nation to its knees. Without a doubt, they will create some problems for our people but we are able to overcome this… Iran will not only not abandon its defensive weapons and missiles, but also increase its defensive power every day”. 

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  • 22 September 2018

    Two dozens Iranians were killed and scores injured in an attack in south-western Iran claimed by an Arab separatist group as well as ISIS. Responding to the incident, which took place during a military parade in Ahvaz, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that the incident “exposed the atrocity and viciousness of the enemies of the Iranian nation”, and described it as “a continuation of the conspiracies by the U.S.-backed regimes in the region”. President Rouhani asserted that Iran’s response “to the smallest threat will be harsh, but those who sponsor the terrorists must be held accountable”. Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, declared that “terrorists recruited, trained, armed and paid by a foreign regime have attacked Ahvaz”, and warned that “Iran holds regional terror sponsors and their U.S. masters accountable… Iran will respond swiftly and decisively in defence of Iranian lives”.    

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  • 21 September 2018

    In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, President Rouhani wrote that “current U.S. foreign policy toward Iran is out of step with the realities on the ground… fed by disinformation and fake analysis from terrorist groups and Israel, the U.S. administration is under the illusion that resorting to sanctions will lead to concessions from Iran. Iranians, though, are known to close ranks and put up stiff resistance in the face of external pressure”. Warning that Iran “will pursue a different course of action” if its interests are not secured through the JCPOA, Rouhani also assessed that “Trump’s offer of direct talks with Iran is not honest or genuine”. 

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  • 21 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry asserted that “Iran has never requested a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump”, and dismissed suggestions to the contrary as “a red herring to reverse reality”.

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  • 21 September 2018

    Foreign Minister Zarif opined that “it is true that there is a real threat to our region and to international peace and security: that threat is the Trump Administration’s sense of entitlement to destabilise the world along with rogue accomplices in our region”. “The U.S.”, he added, “must start acting like a normal state”.

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  • 20 September 2018

    Iran urged the United Nations “to take a strong stance against the unchecked measures and the nuclear threat imposed by Israel and force the regime into complying with international rules and the UN charter”.

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  • 20 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, contended that the “U.S. calls the JCPOA a ‘personal agreement between two government’, claiming it ‘seeks a treaty’. Wrong. It’s an international accord enshrined in a UN Security Council resolution. Plus, the U.S. has violated its treaty obligations too and faces two suits at the ICJ. Apparently, U.S. only mocks calls for peace”.

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  • 18 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, posited that “our people should be aware that the wild cries of the U.S. in these days… are not because the U.S. is strong but because they are weak. Because nobody is heeding American threats and other countries are withstanding the U.S. call for severing ties with Iran”. 

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  • 17 September 2018

    The IAEA’s director general, Yukiya Amano, confirmed that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA”, adding that “it is essential that Iran continues to fully implement those commitments”. 

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  • 17 September 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, described the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA as an “ominous move” that “is doomed to have serious repercussions for the international and regional peace and security”. Salehi went on to say that “what has transpired thus far on the JCPOA, by the EU and others, while encouraging, certainly needs to be further complemented through more solid and practical steps”. 

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  • 17 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson posited that “”we do not even think about negotiating with the U.S., let alone talking about the preconditions”. He also indicated that discussions with Europe “are relatively in the right path”. 

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  • 16 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, lamented Twitter’s suspension of Iranian accounts and urged the platform’s CEO to instead investigate “actual bots… used to prop up ‘regime change’ propaganda spewed out of DC”. 

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  • 15 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, emphasised that “the Europeans and other [JCPOA] signatories must act to offset the consequences of the U.S. sanctions”, adding that “Europe said the nuclear agreement was in its security interest. Then Europe must be ready to pay for its security… nothing is for free”. He went on to say that Iran could “reduce implementation [of the JCPOA], without cancelling it” if European measures fell short of Iranian expectations, and indicated that “only when Europe ensures that [the agreement] is implemented can Iran see if the attempt should be made to talk about other issues”. 

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  • 14 September 2018

    A senior Iranian military official argued that the U.S. “will be on the losing side if it ever starts a war with Iran and [this will] help further increase Iran’s influence… the U.S. military is incapable of engaging us in a battle and the American economy wouldn’t be able to support the war either”. 

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  • 14 September 2018

    Responding to French condemnation of IRGC missile strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson asserted that “Iran has time and again made it clear… that it will keep clamping down on all shapes or terrorism and violence on its borders and that it will continue implementing this substantive policy”. 

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  • 13 September 2018

    The IRGC’s commander asserted that “having a mass of missiles with 2000km range and pinpoint accuracy has given us an unprecedented capability”. He also suggested that “the IRGC’s recent revenge against terrorists [in Iraqi Kurdistan] had a very meaningful message for the enemies, particularly for the superpowers who assume that they can impose their dirty objectives and bullying on us”. 

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  • 12 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry described the White House’s 11 September warning that the U.S would “hold the regime in Tehran accountable” for attacks against U.S. personnel or facilities in Iraq as “astonishing, provocative and irresponsible”. 

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  • 12 September 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that Iran is in “a clear war against the aggressors of history. Today, a group are lining up against the Iranian nation and don’t have any political and intellectual supporters except a few countries”. “People will have problems in this war, because it’s not possible for a war to not have any casualties”, Rouhani acknowledged, “but this is a war that we will certainly win”. 

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  • 12 September 2018

    Iran and the EU/E4 met in Brussels for talks about Yemen, the third in a series of discussions on regional issues. 

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  • 12 September 2018

    The IAEA derestricted its most recent quarterly report on Iran’s JCPOA compliance, dated 30 August. 

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  • 11 September 2018

    On the anniversary of the 11 September 2001 attacks, Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, lamented that “Iran – the first Muslim nation to condemn the tragedy, mourn victims and take real action against Al-Qaeda and its offshoots including ISIS and al-Nusra, – has been fined $11 billion and its citizens banned from the U.S. All while the White House auctions off foreign policy to terror sponsors whose citizens perpetrated 9/11”.  

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  • 11 September 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, indicated that a centrifuge facility at Natanz “is just a preparation… in case Iran decides to start producing in mass production such [more advanced] centrifuges, [we] would be ready for that”. Salehi also remarked that “if we have to go back and withdraw from the nuclear deal, we certainly do not go back to where we were before”, and warned of “harsh” consequences if Iran’s nuclear scientists are once again subjected to an assassination campaign. 

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  • 10 September 2018

    The IAEA’s director general, Yukiya Amano, confirmed that “Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”, adding that “it is essential that Iran continues to fully implement those commitments”. 

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  • 10 September 2018

    The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, vowed that Iran “will never bow to tyranny, injustice and humiliation, and will inflict humiliation on its enemies and ill-wishers”. Shamkhani added that “we will give a ten-fold response to any hostile measure against the country in any field”. 

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  • 9 September 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei urged the Iranian military to “add to your power as much as you can, because your sovereignty frightens the enemy and makes it retreat”. 

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  • 9 September 2018

    A senior Iranian military official asserted that Iran “will never hold negotiations on our missile system under any circumstances”. 

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  • 8 September 2018

    President Rouhani remarked that “today is the day of national test for us, and the war we are in is [an] economic and propaganda war”. He went on to claim that “White House rulers hatch plots against the Iranian nation’s lives, and on the other hand they are always sending intermediaries for negotiation”, elaborating that “not a fortnight goes by without a new message coming for us, saying ‘we want negotiations here and there and that we want to resolve the issues’”. “Which one should we believe?” Rouhani asked: “your soft message, or your brutal acts?” 

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  • 8 September 2018

    The IRGC reported “heavy clashes with members of a terrorist group” in western Iran, claiming to have killed six PJAK members while confiscating weapons and cash. 

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  • 8 September 2018

    Via Twitter, Secretary Pompeo took exception to a statement by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and argued that while the U.S. has given billions in financial aid to the Palestinians, “Iran’s morally corrupt regime provided hundreds of millions in aid to terrorists who endanger the Palestinians’ lives and livelihoods”. “If only the Ayatollah’s regime didn’t ban social media in Iran”, Pompeo asserted, “maybe the Iranian people would know the truth about who really cares about Palestinians, and why the regime wastes the people’s money on terrorists while they struggle”. Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, fired back saying that the “Trump regime flip-flops are truly comical. One week its talking point is that we are ‘squandering’ our resources abroad, the next week it’s that that we’ve not financially supported the Palestinians enough”.

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  • 8 September 2018

    Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, revealed “the inauguration of an advanced centrifuge hall that has come on steam”. Asked about the prospect of an Iranian withdrawal from the JCPOA, Salehi remarked that “this is a major decision which must be taken by the country’s senior officials”, adding that “Iran’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal will work to the detriment of all sides”.  

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  • 7 September 2018

    As the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey met in Tehran for a summit on Syria, Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, tweeted that “as Donald Trump destroys U.S. credibility and humiliates his ‘allies’ with ‘little games‘, we’re delighted to engage with responsible powers… to further move towards [a] political solution in Syria. Agreed to work to end terrorism and avoid human suffering in Idlib“. 

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  • 7 September 2018

    In remarks at the trilateral summit on Syria, President Rouhani urged that “the presence and illegal interference of the U.S. in Syria, which has led to the continuation of insecurity in that country, must be ended immediately”. 

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  • 7 September 2018

    Iran’s intelligence ministry announced that it had arrested twelve members of an alleged “terrorist cell” on 16 August, and on 25 August killed two, arrested one and seized weapons and cash in a separate operation. Both incidents occurred in western Iran. 

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  • 6 September 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that “today, the Islamic Establishment is faced with an all-out economic war, which is being controlled from a war room carefully and vigorously; but besides this war, a major media and propaganda war is also underway which is generally neglected”. He went on to urge that “the general atmosphere of the country should not turn into a condition where the positive measures and promotions turn unbelievable, while the false words of the enemy become believable; because this situation would be very dangerous”. 

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  • 5 September 2018

    A senior Iranian nuclear official indicated that Iran is “in a much more advanced position than the time of the JCPOA signing. When we leave the JCPOA, we will not return to the level of the past nuclear activities at all, but we will have much more advanced activities”.

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  • 5 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, took to Twitter to opine that “there’s only one UN Security Council Resolution on Iran. @RealDonaldTrump [i.e., President Trump] is violating it and bullying others to do the same. Now he plans to abuse presidency of the Security Council to divert a session – item devoted to Palestine for 70 years – to blame Iran for horrors the U.S. and its clients have unleashed across the Middle East”. He signed the tweet off with “#chutzpah”. 

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  • 5 September 2018

    Iran’s Basij chief ruled out a direct U.S.-Iran military confrontation, assessing that “the U.S. not after war… and if it speaks of war, it bluffs”. He went on to declare that “there is no need for Europe to give consultations to us on the country’s defence issues because our path is fully clear and they had better retreat their words and stance”.  

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  • 5 September 2018

    The IRGC’s commander remarked that “Iran’s message to the Persian Gulf littoral states is peace and friendship, and the establishment of joint cooperation to ensure security in the Persian Gulf waterway without the presence of foreign forces”. He added that “Iran’s military power in the region is only meant for defence and deterrence”. 

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  • 5 September 2018

    Iranian security forces reportedly clashed with Jaish al-Adl in south east Iran. 

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  • 4 September 2018

    A senior Iranian diplomat opined that “we will not witness more intensified sanctions than what has been imposed so far by the Americans” in November, adding that “our talks with Europe are tight and intense, but we believe we should separate their political positions from the practical steps that they want to offer”. 

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  • 4 September 2018

    President Rouhani asserted that “today is the day of psychological and economic war against the Iranian nation”, and identified the energy sectors as being “at the forefront of this war”. 

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  • 2 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign ministry indicated that discussions with Europe over a JCPOA support package “are underway and we have received numerous proposals but these proposals are not sufficient and we have not yet received the needed guarantees and reassurances”. 

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  • 2 September 2018

    Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remarked that “there is no chance of a militarised war; however, the armed forces must accelerate their human and technical capabilities day by day…” 

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  • 1 September 2018

    Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, reiterated “that in addition to declaring their political commitment, it is time for the Europeans to act”. He added that “these measures may also be costly, but if different countries want to reap benefits from the JCPOA and if they believe that the JCPOA is an international achievement, they must be ready to safeguard these achievements”. 

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