
The Takeaways from Three Supreme Court Rulings – The FP

There are three primary components of the Federal Government, the Legislative, Executive & Judiciary. If either of the three is destroyed so goes democracy. The Majority leader of the Senate stood before the Supreme court & screamed invectives. From Pelosi, Blumenthal & Durbin among others, including a demented, incompetent President, we hear inane statements. Opposing opinions from Sotomayor & Jackson tells me that at the very least they’re disingenuous. The recent ruling on Presidential immunity does NOT provide carte blanche protection for all presidential acts, only those deemed official acts. Rape, murder, treason, bank robbing & other criminal acts are not protected. Our Founding Fathers could have been arrested & tried for owning slaves. Then there’s Jackson for murdering Native Americans, Buchanan for failing to prevent the Civil War, Lincoln for suspending Habeas Corpus, Grant for corruption, McKinley for the imperialist Spanish American war, Wilson for racism & involving America in WW l, Harding for corruption, Hoover for not preventing the Great Depression, FDR for incarcerating thousands of Americans of Japanese descent without due process, Truman for America’s military involvement in Korea without Congressional Authorization, JFK & the Bay of Pigs debacle, LBJ & the Tonkin Resolution, Nixon for Watergate, Reagan for the Iran-Contra scandal, Clinton for the sexual abuse of an intern, “W” for the Iraq invasion, Obuma for being Obuma & it’s never ending. As it is our best & brightest don’t/won’t run for office. Why would they? Love or hate him Trump has been victimized, tormented by a weaponized judiciary at the behest of Biden & his minions. Where are our Constitutional scholars? They’re probably hoping to become President of Columbia or Harvard!